[Python-Dev] Issues with process and discussions (Re: Issues with Py3.1's new ipaddr)

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Jun 4 02:23:19 CEST 2009

Michael Foord wrote:

> if you are added as nosy on a tracker item (which happens 
> when you make a comment or you can do yourself) then you get emailed 
> about new comments.

That's good, but...

> only going to the tracker to add responses.

is not so good. If the goal is to ensure that all previous
discussion on a given issue is reliably recorded, then
email replies ought to be archived under the relevant
ticket automatically.

For me at least, having to go somewhere special to
post a reply would be too error-prone. I get a large
number of Python-related messages in my inbox from
a number of sources, and I don't usually pay much
attention to exactly where they're coming from. I just
hit reply-all and trust that it will go somewhere


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