[Python-Dev] Ext4 data loss

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 23:02:19 CET 2009

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>>> The sync is necessary to ensure that the data is written to the disk
>>>> before the old file overwrites the new filename.
>>> You still wouldn't use the tempfile module in that case. Instead, you
>>> would create a regular file, with the name base on the name of the
>>> important file.
>> Uhm... why?
> Because it's much easier not to use the tempfile module, than to use it,
> and because the main purpose of the tempfile module is irrelevant to
> the specific application; the main purpose being the ability to
> auto-delete the file when it gets closed.
auto-delete is one of the nice features of tempfile.  Another feature
which is entirely appropriate to this usage, though, though, is creation
of a non-conflicting filename.


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