[Python-Dev] tracker status options

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Wed Mar 25 03:11:42 CET 2009

Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm continuing to (slowly) work through issues. I have been looking 
> particularly at a lot of the open issues regarding strftime.
> It would be great to put in some of those extra status options that were 
> discussed recently...
>    "Open/New"
>    "Needs help / Chatting"
>    "Under development"
>    "Pending feedback"
>    "Closed"
> For everyone's reference, after some debate, the above list of status 
> options was where the conversation finished. So the two options "Needs 
> help / chatting" and "Under development" would need to be added. Issues 
> that are "Under development" should revert to "Needs help / chatting" 
> after a month of inactivity.
> Would it be possible to get these put in? Maybe I'm one of a small 
> number of people who are nibbling at the bottom end of the bugs, but I 
> find it somewhat frustrating not to be able to classify the issues that 
> I find into "needs help / chatting" vs "under development" to help make 
> more sense of the search results.
> Cheers,
> -T

Maybe a flow chart can help unambiguize things a bit.  What follows is 
maybe one starting place.  I tried to separate steps that might be done by 
users from developers so that there is a clear order to the process.  This 
seems to follow the general way that python issues are resolved from what 
I've observed.

While this chart separates the descriptive/brain storming and patch making 
parts of an issue, in actuality, a patch (tests, fix, and docs) can be 
developed partially or fully in the discussion faze for the purpose of 
helping the discussion, then later reused and fine tuned in the patch 
making faze.

Hope this is helpful and doesn't get too mangled in sending.

     (new issue)

     [discuss issue] <-------------------------+
         |                                     |
         v                                     |
     {request issue review}                    |
         |                                     |
         v                                     |
     <invalid issue ?> (yes)--> [close issue]  |
        (no)                        |          |
         |                          v          |
         |                       (closed)      |
         v                                     |
     <valid issue ?> (no)----------------------+

     [develop patch]  <------+
         |                   |
         v                   |
     {request patch review}  |
         |                   |
         v                   |
     <patch ready ?> (no) ---+

     [apply patch]

     [close issue]


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