[Python-Dev] "setuptools has divided the Python community"

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 16:11:47 CET 2009

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:31 AM, P.J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> At 08:32 AM 3/25/2009 -0500, Olemis Lang wrote:
>> Sometimes it also happens that, once one such build/packaging systems
>> is adopted, it is difficult to switch to using another one, since apps
>> (... and plugins systems ...) are frequently hard-coupled to the pkg
>> sys «exotic features» and support (... what comes to my mind right now
>> is Trac plugins which are a little bit dependant on setuptools entry
>> points and so on ...).
> Please note that entry points are not coupled to easy_install.

Yes u'r right and I know ... perhaps there are better examples to
illustrate what I was saying ... which is that ... distutils
architecture is great since I can code «my own» extension (e.g.
setuptools ;) with «my» potentially non-standard | conflicting
features ... (e.g.  entry points ... AFAIK they'r only de-facto
standards, not in approved final PEPs ;)

Note: ... I'm not saying that I've contributed to setuptools (the «my»
thing ...), it's just a way of talking ... hope you dont mind ... ;)

>  They have a
> documented file format and API that's *distributed* with setuptools, but is
> not dependent on it and does not require .egg files, either.

... but Trac plugins *do require* egg files ... (AFAIK after reading
Trac docs and implementation of plugin upload from /admin/plugins, egg
cache for plugins ... and so on ...) and this is what I was talking
about ... apps (e.g. Trac) depending *today* on setuptools (e.g. egg
files ...) ... not easy_install since, in fact I could install plugins
with apt (... or similar ;) too ... although I always build egg files,
but this is my own decision BTW since I prefer to inherit configs &
plugins for all envs ... but this is a little bit OT here since its
specific to Trac ... ;)

>  There's
> nothing stopping an independent implementation in the stdlib, ala PEP 376's
> metadata API, which is designed to be backward compatible with setuptools.

Of course there is nothing «stopping an independent implementation in
the stdlib [...] designed to be backward compatible with setuptools.»,
but it is still not there ... AFAIK ... and that's what I was talking
about ... considering my example ...

I'd like it in there ... 2 ;)

Like I said I like the idea behind easy_install, but not the «holes» I
mentioned ... but I wanna see filled out ... maybe its just a matter
of time ... :)

>  It could be extended to support entry points as well.

... and then Trac plugins (falling-back to my example ;) will rely on
std features ... in a near future ... ok ...



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