[Python-Dev] PEP 383 update: utf8b is now the error handler

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Thu May 7 08:16:11 CEST 2009

>> So are you proposing that I should rename the PEP 383 handler
>> to "utf_8b_encoder_invalid_codepoints"?
> No, he's saying that your algorithm for choosing the PEP 383 handler
> should have come up with that name, rather than utf8b.  But since PEP
> 383 applies to other codecs besides UTF-8, it should have a different
> name.  And one that is less cumbersome than
> "utf_8b_encoder_invalid_codepoints"

I'm still at a loss what name to give it, though. I understand that
I have to rename both error handlers, but I'm uncertain what I should
rename them to. So proposals that rename only one of them aren't
that helpful. It would be helpful if people would indicate support
for Antoine's proposal.


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