[Python-Dev] 2.7 Release? 2.7 == last of the 2.x line?

James Y Knight foom at fuhm.net
Tue Nov 3 18:04:00 CET 2009

On Nov 3, 2009, at 8:55 AM, ssteinerX at gmail.com wrote:
> And, as you point out, if 3.x doesn't start getting the crap beat  
> out of it in the real world sooner rather than later, we may find  
> ourselves, collectively with a stale 2.x, an under battle-tested  
> 3.x, and nowhere to go.

If that happens, it's not true that there's *nowhere* to go. A  
solution would be to discard 3.x as a failed experiment, take  
everything that is useful from it and port it to 2.x, and simply  
continue development from the last 2.x release. And from there,  
features can be deprecated and then removed a few releases later, as  
is the usual policy.

Been there, done that, on a couple other projects. It's unfortunate  
when you have to throw out work you've done because it failed to gain  
traction over the thing you tried to replace, but sometimes that's life.


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