[Python-Dev] PEP 3003 - Python Language Moratorium

Hagen Fürstenau hfuerstenau at gmx.net
Fri Nov 6 08:25:29 CET 2009

>> A switch to enable deprecation warnings  would give developers a
>> chance to see them when migrating to a new version of python.  And it
>> would prevent users from having to deal with them.
> PendingDeprecationWarning is silent by default and requires a switch to
> be enabled.

So what we need is perhaps not a stdlib moratorium, but rather strict
adherence to a sequence of PendingDeprecationWarning ->
DeprecationWarning -> Removal? (The first one seems to have been
underused so far.)

That way nothing could get removed without having had at least two
warnings in subsequent minor versions, one silent and one loud. People
who want to avoid loud warnings can check for silent ones before
upgrading, and everyone is guaranteed to have seen a warning before
final removal.

- Hagen

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