[Python-Dev] Too many Python accounts (was Re: PyPI comments and ratings, *really*?)

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Nov 15 21:27:28 CET 2009

    Martin> Then I recommend that you get a google account for your email
    Martin> address, and register to PyPI using OpenID.

I've never found OpenID at all intuitive to use.  Are there instructions on
pypi.python.org which detail the steps necessary to use OpenID to login?  I
saw the "Claim OpenID" link on my PyPI profile page.  So now I have an
OpenID URL.  What am I supposed to do with that?  If I visit that URL it
downloads a small bit of XML.

I've tried using my Yahoo! and Luanchpad OpenIDs for other sites in the
past.  I've never successfully logged into any website with them, at least
not as far as I can recall.  I realize that maybe this is something that
just doesn't click with me (maybe I'm an OpenID Luddite), but it seems to me
that OpenID needs to be a bit easier (or obvious?) to use if it's to become
some sort of de facto standard login mechanism.


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