[Python-Dev] Too many Python accounts (was Re: PyPI comments and ratings, *really*?)

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Nov 15 22:34:40 CET 2009

    Martin> That's indeed what PyPI attempts to do. At the "claim openid"
    Martin> place, follow the Launchpad link. It should guide you through
    Martin> the procedure.

Well, since I use Google a lot more I'd prefer to use that.  If I click the
Google OpenID link I now get

    OpenID is already claimed

    Martin> Then, when you want to login, again follow the Launchpad link on
    Martin> the front page.

That seems to work, but I'm not sure how.  Doesn't seem to use cookies.  The
Google OpenID link leads to


which contains nothing about me.  I saw a pypi.python.org cookie which
expires "On Quit", so I restarted Camino and verified there were no
pypi.python.org cookies, then clicked the Google OpenID link.  It still
works.  I must be missing something obvious...


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