[Python-Dev] Mercurial migration: help needed

Neil Hodgson nyamatongwe at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 01:01:49 CEST 2009

Paul Moore:

> 1. Given that the "problematic" tools (notepad and Visual Studio) are
> Windows tools, we seem to be back to the idea that this extension is
> only needed by Windows developers. As I understood the consensus to be
> that the extension should be for all users, I suspect I've missed
> something.

   Some of the problems come from users on Unix checking in files with
CRLF line ends that they have received using some other mechanism such
as sharing a disk between Windows and Linux. I was going to point to a
bad revision in a bzr housed project I work on but launchpad isn't
working currently. What happened was that an OS X user committed a set
of changes but with all the files having a different line ending to
the repository. The result is that it is no longer easy to track
changes before that revision. It also makes a check out larger.

   It would help in such cases for the commit command on Unix to
either automatically change any CRLF line ends to LF for text files
(but not files with an explicitly specified line end) or to display a


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