[Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.
Peter Moody
peter at hda3.com
Sun Sep 27 22:36:37 CEST 2009
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
> Peter Moody <peter <at> hda3.com> writes:
>> On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 12:40 PM, James Y Knight <foom <at> fuhm.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > On Sep 27, 2009, at 3:18 PM, Peter Moody wrote:
>> >
>> >> administrators) would use it, but it's doable. what you're claiming is
>> >> that my use case is invalid.
>> >>
>> >> that's what I claim is broken.
>> >
>> > He's claiming your solution to address your use case is confusing, not that
>> > the use case is invalid.
>> this isn't actually true.
>> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> [...]
> That's Steven, your original sentence was about me.
my original sentence was about everyone who was arguing that the
current implementation was designed for an invalid use-case. it was in
reply to your email, but it was to everyone (you, Nick, rdm, Steven,
>> > 1) if strict=False, mask off the bits described by the netmask when creating
>> > an IPNetwork, such that the host bits are always 0.
>> I haven't heard anyone suggest auto-masking bits, but otherwise that
>> would be strict=True.
> I would expect strict=True to raise an error if the lower bits are non-zero, not
> to silently erase them. strict=False would be the option that silently erases
> lower bits.
> (that's why it's named `strict`, after all :-))
>> > 2) add a single new function:
>> >
>> > def parse_net_and_addr(s):
>> > return (IPNetwork(s), IPAddress(s.split('/')[0]))
>> I've only heard talk of new classes and new methods, not new
>> constructor functions.
> Well, "method" in that context meant "class method" since the results aren't
> dependent on a particular instance. Of course, both a class method or a
> module-level function would be fine.
so this is not the response I got when I asked what was required
before. Would adding this constructor function satisfy your concerns
(given sensible strict settings in the constructor, etc)?
> Regards
> Antoine.
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