[Python-Dev] PEP 389: argparse - new command line parsing module
Brett Cannon
brett at python.org
Tue Sep 29 08:34:24 CEST 2009
On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 20:44, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
>> Let's take ``getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "a:b", ["alpha=", "beta"])``
>> as an example and simply assume that 'alpha' takes a string as an
>> argument and that it's required and that 'beta' is a boolean flag. To
>> pull everything out you could do::
>> options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "a:b", ["alpha=", "beta"])
>> options_dict = dict(options)
>> alpha = options_dict.get('-a', options_dict.get('--alpha', ''))
>> beta = '-b' in options_dict or '--beta' in options_dict
>> main(alpha, beta, args)
>> Obviously if one of the getopt supporters has a better way of doing
>> this then please speak up.
> As Yuvgoog Greenle says, the canonical getopt way is to write
> alpha = None
> beta = False
> options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"a:b",['alpha=','beta']):
> for opt, val in options:
> if arg in ('-a','--alpha'):
> alpha = val
> elif arg in ('-b','--beta'):
> beta = True
> main(alpha, beta, args)
> Even though this is many more lines, I prefer it over
> optparse/argparse: this code has only a single function call,
> whereas the argparse version has three function calls to remember.
> The actual processing uses standard Python data structures which
> I don't need to look up in the documentation.
>> Now, Steven, can you show how best to do this in argparse?
> This demonstrates my point: you were able to use getopt right away
> (even though not in the traditional way), whereas you need to ask
> for help on using argparse properly.
Actually, I had to read the docs for getopt. And I chose to not even
try argparse when the creator of the module is cc'ed on the email and
can obviously do a better example using his own code then I could.
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