From techtonik at  Thu Apr  1 11:05:44 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 12:05:44 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] trunk doctests fail to execute with 2.7 alpha
Message-ID: <>

I can not compile Python itself, so I use Alpha version to run tests
in trunk. Recent update broke successfully running tests. Any hints
why this happened and how to fix them back?

> C:\~env\Python27\python.exe test\

doctest (doctest) ... 66 tests with zero failures
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test\", line 2492, in <module>
  File "test\", line 2474, in test_main
    with test_support.check_warnings(*deprecations):
  File "C:\~env\Python27\lib\", line 84, in helper
    return GeneratorContextManager(func(*args, **kwds))
TypeError: check_warnings() takes no arguments (1 given)

anatoly t.

From screwdriver at  Thu Apr  1 11:49:43 2010
From: screwdriver at (Alexander Sabourenkov)
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 13:49:43 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Replacing threads with swapcontext()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Off the top of my head, recursion limit checks will definitely go
> haywire, and I would expect threading.local() and exception handling to
> explode at some point (although the latter depends on what you mean by
> "switching C stacks" - if you really are just fiddling the stack pointer
> without affecting the thread local heap storage mechanisms, the latter
> two should be fine. Still doesn't sound like a good idea though).

In my implementation, each context looks like a thread to Python, with 
its own PyThreadState, thread-local storage and locks are taken care of,
so I'm reasonably sure there's nothing scary lurking unseen.

I'm trying to confirm my understanding as to how unreliable the greenlet 
is. The greenlet module basically just switches C stacks and does not 
touch anything else. There evidently are problems with this when there's 
an exception raised, as it's stored in PyThreadState::curexc_*/exc_*.

PyThreadState's profiling/tracing -related members, the tick_counter, 
and per-thread state dict don't appear as a problem at the first glance.

recursion_depth will be messed up unpredictably, as you kindly pointed out.

This leaves PyThreadState::frame a PyFrameObject to be examined.

Do they form a python-side stack of a thread in question?



From gregg.lind at  Thu Apr  1 05:38:39 2010
From: gregg.lind at (Gregg Lind)
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 22:38:39 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Modifying Grammar/grammar and other foul acts
In-Reply-To: <hnd468$80u$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you for the advice everyone.  This seed has finally born (rotten)
fruit at:

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 4:13 AM, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at> wrote:

> Am 09.03.2010 14:42, schrieb Jeremy Hylton:
> > On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Gregg Lind <gregg.lind at>
> wrote:
> >> Python-devs,
> >>
> >> I'm writing to you for some help in understanding the Python grammar.
>  As an
> >> excuse to deep dive into Python's tokenizer / grammar, I decided (as a
> >> hideous, hideous joke) to want to allow braces where colons are allowed
> (as
> >> flow control).
> >>
> >> Starting from PEP 306 (and branch r311), I hacked on Grammar/Grammer
> >>
> >> As a first example:
> >>
> >> funcdef: ('def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite |
> >>           'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] '{' suite '}' )
> >>
> >> I reran Parser/pgen and the dfa changes, but python (3.1) when
> recompiled,
> >> throws errors on things like:
> >>
> >> def a() { None }
> >>
> >> Strangely enough:
> >>
> >> lambdef: ( 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test  |
> >>                'lambda' [varargslist] '{' test '}' )
> >>
> >> works fine!  I this simplely some difference between "test" and "suite".
> >>
> >> I have tried tackling this with gdb, looking at err_input clearly isn't
> >> enough.
> >>
> >>     (gdb) break err_input
> >>     (gdb) break PyParser_ASTFromString
> >>     import sys
> >>     b = compile("def a() {pass}","sys.stdout","single")
> >>     # yet a simple grammar fix is enough for this!
> >>     c = compile("lambda x {None}","sys.stdout","single")
> >>
> >> I'm in over my head!
> >
> > You don't say what errors occur when you try to compile strings in
> > your new language.  You may have changed the Grammar, which allows you
> > to tokenize the input.  That isn't enough to get the input to compile.
> >  You also need to change the compiler to understand the new tokens.
> In particular, many AST creation functions check for specific counts of
> children on many nodes.   I haven't checked, but in the case of the
> "funcdef" rule, it may check for either 7 or 5 children to determine
> whether the optional return annotation ['->' test] is present.
> Georg
> --
> Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
> Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
> indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent
> thou
> two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From fuzzyman at  Thu Apr  1 13:18:08 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 12:18:08 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] trunk doctests fail to execute with 2.7 alpha
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 01/04/2010 10:05, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> I can not compile Python itself,

Building Python on Windows can be done with free tools, so it should be 
possible for you to build Python.

See the instructions here:

> so I use Alpha version to run tests
> in trunk. Recent update broke successfully running tests. Any hints
> why this happened and how to fix them back?
>> C:\~env\Python27\python.exe test\
> doctest (doctest) ... 66 tests with zero failures
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "test\", line 2492, in<module>
>      test_main()
>    File "test\", line 2474, in test_main
>      with test_support.check_warnings(*deprecations):
>    File "C:\~env\Python27\lib\", line 84, in helper
>      return GeneratorContextManager(func(*args, **kwds))
> TypeError: check_warnings() takes no arguments (1 given)

When I run this test with a freshly built Python I get the following:

 > python_d.exe ..\Lib\test\
doctest (doctest) ... 66 tests with zero failures
doctest (test.test_doctest) ... 428 tests with zero failures
[42795 refs]

All the best,

Michael Foord


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From techtonik at  Thu Apr  1 14:15:19 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 15:15:19 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] trunk doctests fail to execute with 2.7 alpha
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks. I've copied test/ form Lib into 2.7 alpha
directory and it seems to work.
Although it doesn't seem good to me to mix test support library with
tests themselves.
anatoly t.

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
> On 01/04/2010 10:05, anatoly techtonik wrote:
>> I can not compile Python itself,
> Building Python on Windows can be done with free tools, so it should be
> possible for you to build Python.
> See the instructions here:
>> so I use Alpha version to run tests
>> in trunk. Recent update broke successfully running tests. Any hints
>> why this happened and how to fix them back?
>>> C:\~env\Python27\python.exe test\
>> doctest (doctest) ... 66 tests with zero failures
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> ? File "test\", line 2492, in<module>
>> ? ? test_main()
>> ? File "test\", line 2474, in test_main
>> ? ? with test_support.check_warnings(*deprecations):
>> ? File "C:\~env\Python27\lib\", line 84, in helper
>> ? ? return GeneratorContextManager(func(*args, **kwds))
>> TypeError: check_warnings() takes no arguments (1 given)
> When I run this test with a freshly built Python I get the following:
> :\compile\python-trunk\PCbuild
>> python_d.exe ..\Lib\test\
> doctest (doctest) ... 66 tests with zero failures
> doctest (test.test_doctest) ... 428 tests with zero failures
> [42795 refs]
> All the best,
> Michael Foord
> --
> READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of
> your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from
> any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service,
> shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure,
> non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have
> entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and
> assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and
> privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me
> from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From fuzzyman at  Thu Apr  1 14:59:27 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 13:59:27 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] trunk doctests fail to execute with 2.7 alpha
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

On 01/04/2010 13:15, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> Thanks. I've copied test/ form Lib into 2.7 alpha
> directory and it seems to work.
> Although it doesn't seem good to me to mix test support library with
> tests themselves.
What do you mean by "it doesn't seem good to me to mix test support 
library with tests themselves"? Do you mean to have it in the same 
directory - where would you put it? It isn't *meant* to be a public 
library, it exists only to support the test framework. In Python 3 it 
has been renamed, but lives in the same location.



READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From techtonik at  Thu Apr  1 16:33:42 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 17:33:42 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] trunk doctests fail to execute with 2.7 alpha
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
>> Thanks. I've copied test/ form Lib into 2.7 alpha
>> directory and it seems to work.
>> Although it doesn't seem good to me to mix test support library with
>> tests themselves.
> What do you mean by "it doesn't seem good to me to mix test support library
> with tests themselves"? Do you mean to have it in the same directory - where
> would you put it? It isn't *meant* to be a public library, it exists only to
> support the test framework. In Python 3 it has been renamed, but
> lives in the same location.

I mean that usually testing tools/libraries are separated from tests
itself, as well as data. is not only located in the
same directory - it is even named in the same way. The test directory
looks like a mess with all these aux data files. But it is hard to
estimate if it would be worthy to separate testing framework from
tests and test data. It may happen that writing and debugging tests
become harder, because Python is not locked into some specific usage

anatoly t.

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr  1 17:53:07 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 01:53:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] trunk doctests fail to execute with 2.7 alpha
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

anatoly techtonik wrote:
> I mean that usually testing tools/libraries are separated from tests
> itself, as well as data. is not only located in the
> same directory - it is even named in the same way. The test directory
> looks like a mess with all these aux data files. But it is hard to
> estimate if it would be worthy to separate testing framework from
> tests and test data. It may happen that writing and debugging tests
> become harder, because Python is not locked into some specific usage
> domain.

Tests start with test_*, the support files don't. The only odd one out
was test_support, and that has been fixed for 3.x.

The generalised test frameworks (unittest, doctest) do live in the
standard library. It's only the stuff specific to *our* unit tests that
lives in the test directory (and certainly, things from that directory
will sometimes get generalised and moved to the standard library -
that's how warning.catch_warnings was created).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr  1 17:57:43 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 01:57:43 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Modifying Grammar/grammar and other foul acts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<hnd468$80u$>
Message-ID: <>

Gregg Lind wrote:
> Thank you for the advice everyone.  This seed has finally born (rotten)
> fruit at:

Nicely done :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From techtonik at  Thu Apr  1 18:40:19 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 19:40:19 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] skip all TestCase methods if resource is not available
Message-ID: <>

Currently it is possible to mark individual test methods with:

However, sometimes it is necessary to skip the whole TestCase if
'network' resource is not available counting the number of skipped
tests at the same time. Are there any standard means to do this?
anatoly t.

From florent.xicluna at  Thu Apr  1 19:02:38 2010
From: florent.xicluna at (Florent Xicluna)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 19:02:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] skip all TestCase methods if resource is not
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/1 anatoly techtonik:
> Currently it is possible to mark individual test methods with:
>            test_support.requires('network')
> However, sometimes it is necessary to skip the whole TestCase if
> 'network' resource is not available counting the number of skipped
> tests at the same time. Are there any standard means to do this?

Put it in unittest.TestCase.setUp() method. It should be enough.


From techtonik at  Thu Apr  1 20:16:02 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 21:16:02 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] skip all TestCase methods if resource is not
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Florent Xicluna
<florent.xicluna at> wrote:
> 2010/4/1 anatoly techtonik:
>> Currently it is possible to mark individual test methods with:
>> ? ? ? ? ? ?test_support.requires('network')
>> However, sometimes it is necessary to skip the whole TestCase if
>> 'network' resource is not available counting the number of skipped
>> tests at the same time. Are there any standard means to do this?
> Put it in unittest.TestCase.setUp() method. It should be enough.

It fails with error instead if skip, as it should according to

"...any exception raised by this method will be considered an error
rather than a test failure..."
anatoly t.

From florent.xicluna at  Thu Apr  1 21:03:09 2010
From: florent.xicluna at (Florent Xicluna)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 21:03:09 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] skip all TestCase methods if resource is not
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/1 anatoly techtonik:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Florent Xicluna wrote:
>> Put it in unittest.TestCase.setUp() method. It should be enough.
> It fails with error instead if skip, as it should according to
> "...any exception raised by this method will be considered an error
> rather than a test failure..."
> --
> anatoly t.

There's a special case for the "SkipTest" exception in 2.7 (even if it
is not documented).

            except SkipTest as e:
                self._addSkip(result, str(e))
            except Exception:
                result.addError(self, sys.exc_info())

But for 2.6, you're right:

                result.addError(self, self._exc_info())


From barry at  Thu Apr  1 22:12:42 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 16:12:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 working implementation
Message-ID: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy>

I now have a working implementation of PEP 3147 which passes all the existing,
and new, tests.  I'm sure there's still work to do, but I think the branch
is in good enough shape to start getting some feedback from python-dev.

You can grab the changes in several ways.  If you have Bazaar, you can check
out the branch by doing:

% bzr branch lp:~barry/python/pep3147

You can also view a live diff online:

or just download the diff, which should apply cleanly against the py3k
Subversion branch (or pretty close):

Modulo some lag time, the diffs should track changes I make to the branch.

You can provide feedback to me directly, as a follow up to this message, or in
Launchpad.  I've also updated the PEP to point to these locations for the
reference implementation.


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From solipsis at  Thu Apr  1 23:27:36 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 21:27:36 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 working implementation
References: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw <barry <at>> writes:
> You can also view a live diff online:

If you want a review, perhaps you should post it to Rietveld.



From ziade.tarek at  Thu Apr  1 23:51:23 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 23:51:23 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
Message-ID: <>


On behalf of the distutils-SIG, I'd like to propose PEP 376 for
inclusion. This PEP is about defining a standard for installed Python

It was created  :

- to allow interoperability among all package managers.
- to provide a set of APIs in the stdlib to know what's installed (in pkgutil)
- to provide a basic *uninstaller* feature in the distutils2 project.

It is very similar to the retired PEP 262, but closer to the standard
the Setuptools project have created, which is quite used in the

Calendar-wise, I'd love to see it accepted for 2.7 but it might be too
late to finish discussing it (2.7b1 is due in a few days).  So I guess
the next target will be Python 3.2.

One topic has been ignored on purpose in this PEP  : how to describe
in a detailed way the resources file a project contains, and how they
should be installed on a FHS-compliant system (like, a configuration
file should go in /etc and such things)

We are currently focusing our discussion efforts on the resource files
(see the summary work so far here : and we
will produce another PEP for that, that will not interfer with PEP


Tarek Ziad? |

From barry at  Thu Apr  1 23:53:38 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 17:53:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 working implementation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100401175338.1c3fba67@heresy>

On Apr 01, 2010, at 09:27 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

>If you want a review, perhaps you should post it to Rietveld.

Good idea.

I've never used Rietveld before so let me know if I need to do anything to
invite you or otherwise make the review possible.  I will update the PEP.

-------------- next part --------------
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From andrew.svetlov at  Fri Apr  2 01:20:33 2010
From: andrew.svetlov at (Andrew Svetlov)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 02:20:33 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] copying of itertools iterators
Message-ID: <>

using of copy.copy for simple iterators is forbidden

>>> import copy
>>> copy.copy(iter([1, 2, 3]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 96, in copy
    return _reconstruct(x, rv, 0)
  File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 284, in _reconstruct
    y = callable(*args)
  File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 88, in __newobj__
    return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
TypeError: object.__new__(list_iterator) is not safe, use

That behavior is safe and clean.
But it's possible to copy iterator objects returned by itertools functions:

>>> i = itertools.chain([1, 2], [3, 4, 5])
>>> i.__next__()
>>> j = copy.copy(i)
>>> j.__next__()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> i.__next__()

Looks like itertools object should be protected from usage like that.
Folks, what are you think about?

From pje at  Fri Apr  2 01:36:53 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 19:36:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: < .com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:51 PM 4/1/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>On behalf of the distutils-SIG, I'd like to propose PEP 376 for
>inclusion. This PEP is about defining a standard for installed Python

Very nice; I have only a few questions/suggestions, and some minor corrections.

First, I notice the RECORD paths are listed as being relative to 
sys.prefix; I was under the impression that these paths were supposed 
to be relative to the base installation location of the library (i.e. 
site-packages in the default case).

That is, that while paths not under sys.prefix were to be absolute, 
the paths under sys.prefix were relative to the install 
location.  (Since one of the original motivating use cases for 
relative paths in RECORD was to support relocatable installations, 
and sharing installations across platforms, when the code is platform 
independent code.)  Also, the spec doesn't address installation to 
paths that aren't under sys.prefix, or what happens if you use 
" install --prefix".

I'm wondering if perhaps this should be restated as something like:

* Paths under the base installation location are relative to the base
* Paths not under the base installation location, but under the 
installation prefix, are also stored relative to the base, IF the 
base location is a subpath of the installation prefix
* All other paths are absolute.

Where "base location" is the effective --install-lib directory, and 
prefix is the effective --prefix.  (Which default of course to 
site-package and sys.prefix respectively, but the spec shouldn't be 
in terms of those defaults.)

Second, the RECORD spec is not clear on what happens to the hash 
field on .pyc/.pyo files.  Is it supposed to be an empty string, a 
hash of an empty file, a hash value that's ignored, or...?

Third, what is a "local absolute path"?  This term appears several 
places but is not defined.  It sounds like maybe you mean a path 
using the local platform separator, as opposed to a '/'-separated 
relative path.  If that's the case, this should probably be spelled 
out somewhere early on and then referenced in context.

Fourth, the PEP says the implementation will support zipfiles, but 
the draft implementation doesn't appear to support zipimport 
subdirectories.  (Zipimport paths can be /path/to/, 
and this base is then used for importing, just as if the zipfile were 
a normal parent directory.)  If this is an intentional omission, it 
should probably be mentioned in the PEP.

Okay, on to the minor corrections.  The following uses of "package" 
should be replaced by "project" or "distribution":

"If a package that was already installed on the system as a dependency"
"in other words, whether the package was installed by user request"
"$ python -m distutils.uninstall packagename"
Anyway, that's my first pass through; I think the RECORD section may 
need further fleshing out (e.g., specifying a particular csv-module 
dialect) in order to ensure that the spec is sufficiently rigorous 
for multiple tools to consume/produce compatible files.

From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Apr  2 01:50:08 2010
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 16:50:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] copying of itertools iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 1, 2010, at 4:20 PM, Andrew Svetlov wrote:

> using of copy.copy for simple iterators is forbidden
>>>> import copy
>>>> copy.copy(iter([1, 2, 3]))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>  File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 96, in copy
>    return _reconstruct(x, rv, 0)
>  File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 284, in _reconstruct
>    y = callable(*args)
>  File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 88, in __newobj__
>    return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
> TypeError: object.__new__(list_iterator) is not safe, use
> list_iterator.__new__()
> That behavior is safe and clean.
> But it's possible to copy iterator objects returned by itertools functions:
>>>> i = itertools.chain([1, 2], [3, 4, 5])
>>>> i.__next__()
> 1
>>>> j = copy.copy(i)
>>>> j.__next__()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> StopIteration
>>>> i.__next__()
> 2
> Looks like itertools object should be protected from usage like that.
> Folks, what are you think about?

I find it hard to get excited about this.
It doesn't seem to have been a problem in the real world
(no complaints, bug reports, or feature requests).

The tee() itertool is the official way to split-out an iterator
stream -- it is also copyable with copy.copy().

The itertools.count() function is also copyable.
Running copy.copy() on other itertools  is currently undefined
(though I may add copy support to itertools.repeat() and
the combinatoric functions).

Also, I seems to me the copy.copy() is itself not very bright
about what it tries to copy and in giving clear messages
about whether or not it successfully made a copy.


From tjreedy at  Fri Apr  2 01:52:43 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 19:52:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] copying of itertools iterators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hp3bkc$9i3$>

On 4/1/2010 7:20 PM, Andrew Svetlov wrote:
> using of copy.copy for simple iterators is forbidden
>>>> import copy
>>>> copy.copy(iter([1, 2, 3]))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in<module>
>    File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 96, in copy
>      return _reconstruct(x, rv, 0)
>    File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 284, in _reconstruct
>      y = callable(*args)
>    File "/home/andrew/projects/py3k/Lib/", line 88, in __newobj__
>      return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
> TypeError: object.__new__(list_iterator) is not safe, use
> list_iterator.__new__()

The same happens for the iterators of other builtin classes: tuples, 
sets, and dicts (that I tried). In the other hand,
 >>> copy.copy(iter(range(1,3,1))) # 3.1
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: rangeiter() requires 3 int arguments
and similar for filter and map.

I do not know whether the former group is detected by rule or explicit 
hard-coded list, but I suspect the latter.

> That behavior is safe and clean.
> But it's possible to copy iterator objects returned by itertools functions:
>>>> i = itertools.chain([1, 2], [3, 4, 5])
>>>> i.__next__()
> 1
>>>> j = copy.copy(i)

This works because itertools.chain() is legal

>>>> j.__next__()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in<module>
> StopIteration

Because itertools.chain() is empty.

>>>> i.__next__()
> 2
> Looks like itertools object should be protected from usage like that.

I suspect only those for which works rather than raising 
an exception.

> Folks, what are you think about?

Why privilige the itertools module? A possible rule would be to not copy 
anything with both .__iter__ and .__next__.

Terry Jan Reedy

From glyph at  Fri Apr  2 01:56:43 2010
From: glyph at (Glyph Lefkowitz)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 19:56:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

First: thank you distutils-sig, and especially Tarek, for spearheading this effort!

I'm particularly excited about the "Distribution" object that this PEP specifies.  I've been waiting for a long time to be able to load an object describing a distribution, rather than running and hoping that it mutated the right state!

On Apr 1, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:

> - to provide a basic *uninstaller* feature in the distutils2 project.

Second: It seems to me that a major missing feature in the PEP is the ability to run some code during installation and uninstallation, especially since it is so easy to run ad-hoc code in with no way of un-doing what it did.

Twisted's plugin system needs this in order to update a plugin index so that plugins can be quickly scanned without being loaded.  However, since this is arguably a design flaw in Twisted that should be fixed, I should point out there are other systems that have similar requirements, which are considerably less mutable: COM registration, other registry keys, adding / removing crontab entries, windows services, start menu items, XDG desktop / menu entries, login items, edits to the user's shell configuration, etc.  The list goes on and on.

I appreciate the "installer marker" feature, since that will at least allow easy_install or pip or something like them to implement this feature with minimal risk of being broken by built-in package management tools, but it seems like such a simple addition that it would be a shame to leave it out.  If we could get rid of entirely so that it wasn't so easy to run ad-hoc stuff during install, I would be happy to leave it to them :).

I realize that there are a lot of potential complexities that might creep into the process of determining the execution environment for the code in question, but I personally think it would be good enough to say "You'd better be darn sure to encode all of the run-time state that you need into your own script, or it might break."

Third: The PEP is silent on what happens to files whose hash _has_ changed from its install-time value.  I guess the implied plan would be to leave them in place.  However, this may have nasty side-effects; for example, if the files are test files, then they might be loaded during test discovery, and report exceptions since the code that they're testing has been removed.  My suggestion would be to have a specific "quarantine" area where the distutils uninstaller can put modified files that would have been removed as part of a specific distribution, so they aren't still present on PYTHONPATH.  I can also think of reasons why you might not want to do this, but either way, the consequence of changing an installed file should be made explicitly clear in the PEP: if they are to be left in place, it should emphasize that point.

Finally, one minor bit of bikeshedding, of which I promise to say nothing more if there is not unanimous agreement: I dislike the use of "get_" in function names, since it adds more characters without really adding more information.  get_file_users is particularly bad, since it makes me think that it's going to return a list of processes with a file open, or a list of UIDs or something like that.  I suggest these names instead:

    get_distributions() -> active_distributions()
    get_distribution(name) -> active_distribution_named(name)
    get_file_users(path) -> distributions_using_path(path)

where "active" means "on the current sys.path and thereby accessible by 'import'".  This naming would also make the behavior of get_file_users a bit clearer; if the intention is to return only active, loadable distributions (you don't want to be able to use get_file_users to inspect other Python installations or virtualenvs) it could be called active_distributions_using_path.

Thanks again to the PEP's author and many contributors,


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URL: <>

From dickinsm at  Fri Apr  2 11:38:02 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 10:38:02 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Raymond Hettinger
> <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>> One other thought.
>> The Decimal constructor should now accept floats as a possible input type.
>> Formerly, we separated that out to Decimal.from_float() because
>> decimals weren't interoperable with floats.
> Not sure this follows; Fraction(1.1) raises an exception, you have to
> use Fraction.from_float().

Is there any good reason for this, other than a parallel with Decimal?
 It seems to me that Raymond's arguments for allowing direct
construction of a Decimal from a float apply equally well to the
Fraction type.

If we're going to allow Decimal(1.1), I'd like to allow Fraction(1.1)
to succeed as well (giving the equivalent of

The main argument against allowing this (for both Fraction and
Decimal) seems to be that the result of Decimal(1.1) or Fraction(1.1)
could be confusing.  But it's an immediate, explicit confusion, which
can be quickly resolved by pointing the confusee to the section on
floating-point in the appendix, so I don't find this objection
particularly compelling.


From techtonik at  Fri Apr  2 15:05:28 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 16:05:28 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] 5 : 1
Message-ID: <>

I reviewed 5 issues and want to see
committed to Python 2.7 issue on Windows platform

 i race condition between os.unlink(), TortoiseSVN and
 - reporter changed OS and can't confirm bug anymore,
   need somebody with Windows and TortoiseSVN installed
cross platform failure and silly test in doctest

 i non-crossplatform check for absolute path when 'module_relative' is True
 - added patch
 - need testcases
Tests needing network flag?

 i skip tests that require network if network is not available
 - added patch
 - it is recommended to split issue to count skipped tests exactly and to
   probe which tests marked as 'require network' are actually don't
_winreg.EnumValue fails when the registry data includes multibyte
unicode characters

 i WindowsError: [Error 234] More data is available when working with _winreg
 - original issue assumed that it is caused by multibyte string, however this
   can not be confirmed anymore
 - exception can be thrown when operating over long keys, this should be
   tested with WinAPI over ctypes, I propose to open new bug for long keys
 - another bug could be opened - it seems impossible to get values of Unicode
   keys with _winreg
python uninstaller leave registry entries

 - confirmed for 2.6.5
 - need windows installer expert to create patch for cleaning empty
registry keys

anatoly t.

From stefan at  Fri Apr  2 16:54:08 2010
From: stefan at (Stefan Krah)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 16:54:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] [buildbots] 'stop build' button causing subsequent
	builds to fail?
Message-ID: <>


I looks like the 'stop build' button can a) cause subsequent builds to fail
and b) cause pending builds to be deleted from the queue.

a) Linux EABI 3.x/builds/18
   was apparently interrupted by a 'stop build' for a previous build.

b) I stopped solaris10 gcc 3.x/builds/558
   and a pending build vanished (I'm certain that I used 'stop build' and not 'cancel all').

Is this a known issue?

Stefan Krah

From dickinsm at  Fri Apr  2 17:14:14 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 16:14:14 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] [buildbots] 'stop build' button causing subsequent
	builds to fail?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Stefan Krah <stefan at> wrote:
> I looks like the 'stop build' button can a) cause subsequent builds to fail
> and b) cause pending builds to be deleted from the queue.
> a) Linux EABI 3.x/builds/18
> ? was apparently interrupted by a 'stop build' for a previous build.

Actually, I think that was me being impatient.  I was trying to get
some information about the float.fromhex test failure on ARM
( and didn't want to wait days.  :)

> b) I stopped solaris10 gcc 3.x/builds/558
> ? and a pending build vanished (I'm certain that I used 'stop build' and not 'cancel all').

Don't know about this one.


From status at  Fri Apr  2 18:07:38 2010
From: status at (Python tracker)
Date: Fri,  2 Apr 2010 18:07:38 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues
Message-ID: <>

ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2010-03-26 - 2010-04-02)
Python tracker at

To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue 
number.  Do NOT respond to this message.

 2629 open (+37) / 17481 closed (+13) / 20110 total (+50)

Open issues with patches:  1063

Average duration of open issues: 727 days.
Median duration of open issues: 486 days.

Open Issues Breakdown
       open  2590 (+37)
languishing     5 ( +0)
    pending    33 ( +0)

Issues Created Or Reopened (51)

multiprocessing.Queue() blocks program                         2010-03-26    reopened eua                               
                                                                        contains invalid syntax for 2.6            2010-03-27    created  gagenellina                       

Support surrogates in import ; install Python in a non-ASCII d 2010-03-27    created  haypo                             

curses writing to window's bottom right position raises: `_cur 2010-03-27    created  theosp                            

Remove obsolete in PEPs repo                         2010-03-27
CLOSED    created  merwok                            

email examples don't actually work (SMTP.connect is not called 2010-03-27    created  jaraco                            

test_signal in test_subprocess displays traceback              2010-03-27
CLOSED    created  pitrou                            

Can't Import Tkinter                                           2010-03-28    created  SevenThunders                     

Add test cases for bool                                        2010-03-28
CLOSED    created  gnofi                             

expat.ParserCreate - SystemError bad argument to internal func 2010-03-28    created  flox                              

Implement pkgutil APIs as described in PEP 376                 2010-03-28    created  tarek                             

WeakRefSet                                                     2010-03-28
CLOSED    created  michael.foord                     

add a metadata section in setup.cfg                            2010-03-28    created  tarek                             

add a resource+files section in setup.cfg                      2010-03-28    created  tarek                             

write a configure command                                      2010-03-28    created  tarek                             

step-by-step tutorial                                          2010-03-28    created  tarek                             

TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation            2010-03-28    created  dangyogi                          

Decimal constructor to accept float                            2010-03-28    created  rhettinger                        
       patch, easy                                                             

Multiple Python Interpreter Memory Leak                        2010-03-29    created  ewillie007                        

left shift operator doesn't accepts long as second argument    2010-03-29    created  owirj                             

When I use and f.readline() follow up by 2010-03-29    created  harobed                           

License link for Python 2.6.5 release is broken                2010-03-29
CLOSED    created  silverjam                         

bad wording in error message attempting to start a Thread twic 2010-03-30    created  gagenellina                       

regrtest stops prematurately on FreeBSD buildbot, with "succes 2010-03-30    created  flox                              
       patch, buildbot                                                         

hasattr doensn't show private (double underscore) attributes e 2010-03-30    created  ncw                               

test_float fails on ARM Linux EABI with soft floating point    2010-03-30    created  flox                              

tarfile library should support xz compression                  2010-03-30
CLOSED    created  thedjatclubrock                   

Tutorial section on dictionary keys recommends sort instead of 2010-03-30    created  kent                              

Make old-style classes weak referenceable                      2010-03-30
CLOSED    created  pitrou                            

Missing return values for PyUnicode C/API functions            2010-03-30    created  arnau                             

Should socket.PF_PACKET be removed, in favor of socket.AF_PACK 2010-03-31    created  denilsonsa                        

str.decode('utf8',	'replace') -- conformance with Unicode 5.2. 2010-03-31    created  sjmachin                          

Odd exception messages when using cStringIO.StringIO instances 2010-03-31
CLOSED    created  workshed                          

move test_support into the unittest package                    2010-03-31    created  tarek                             

test_run failing                                               2010-03-31    created  zubin71                           

callback function on win64 results in bad behavior. mem corrup 2010-03-31    created  ocrush                            

useless PyEval_CallObject function                             2010-03-31
CLOSED    created  fijal                             

ElementTree won't parse comments                               2010-04-01    created  poke                              

os.utime doesn't allow a atime (Last Access) which is 27 years 2010-04-01    created  ramson                            

python-gdb PyListTests fail                                    2010-04-01    created  loewis                            

urllib2 passes fragment identifier to server                   2010-04-01    created  naoki                             

test_gdb_sample fails                                          2010-04-01
CLOSED    created  pitrou                            

Windows uninstaller requests admin access for unindentified pr 2010-04-01
CLOSED    created  techtonik                         

series of lamdas in loop sets the paramater on all calls to th 2010-04-01
CLOSED    created  alan.hoover                       

urlparse incorrect parse                                       2010-04-01
CLOSED    created  OMFGROFLMAO                       

IDLE not smart indenting correctly in nested statements        2010-04-01    created  Tofystedeth                       

distutils: path '[...]' cannot end with '/'                    2010-04-02    created  srid                              
                                                                        triggers compile errors on FreeBSD and Solaris   2010-04-02    created  flox                              
       patch, buildbot                                                         

zipfile module documentation misprint                          2010-04-02    created  matpuk                            

multiprocessing.Process.__init__ pickles all arguments         2010-04-02    created  cool-RR                           

I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PYTHON                                   2010-04-02    created  krishnalolla                      

Issues Now Closed (42)

tarfile insecure pathname extraction                            947 days    doko                              

Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()        813 days    r.david.murray                    

os.fstat and other os.f* methods should use PyObject_AsFileDes  697 days    georg.brandl                      
       patch, easy                                                             

inspect.getcallargs()                                           650 days    benjamin.peterson                 

py3k shouldn't use -fno-strict-aliasing anymore                 629 days    benjamin.peterson                 

ElementPath.Path.findall problem with unicode input             620 days    flox                              

distutils: -3 warnings (apply)                                  480 days    flox                              

Issue with RotatingFileHandler logging handler on Windows       292 days    vinay.sajip                       

subprocess.Popen.communicate does not encode unicode strings    408 days    flox                              

future unicode literals and r'\u'                               389 days    flox                              

Windows install error when choosing to compile .py files        221 days    gagenellina                       

Tkinter sets an unicode environment variable on win32           195 days    flox                              
       patch, needs review, buildbot                                           

What is a Unicode line break character?                          83 days    flox                              

Revise generator-related Glossary entries                        37 days    georg.brandl                      

Add gdb7 hooks to make it easier to debug Python                 32 days    doko                              

Fail-fast behavior for unittest                                  22 days    michael.foord                     

urllib.unquote doesn't decode mixed-case percent escapes         15 days    orsenthil                         

test_pep277 fails on OS X                                         5 days    flox                              

OptionParser keyword arg 'epilog' not mentioned in the docs       6 days    orsenthil                         

Python 3 ignored PYTHONUNBUFFERED and -u                         10 days    georg.brandl                      

enabling SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY on SSL sockets                       2 days    pitrou                            

Wrong link in xml.etree documentation                             7 days    brian.curtin                      

extend py_compile to compile files from stdin                     6 days    barry                             

Spelling and text in howto/webservers                             1 days    ezio.melotti                      

Support FreeBSD's SO_SETFIB in socketmodule.c                     8 days    larry                             

./configure: ImportError: No module named asdl (when run from     4 days    r.david.murray                    

Remove obsolete in PEPs repo                            0 days    pitrou                            

test_signal in test_subprocess displays traceback                 0 days    flox                              

Add test cases for bool                                           3 days    pitrou                            

WeakRefSet                                                        0 days    michael.foord                     

License link for Python 2.6.5 release is broken                   4 days    georg.brandl                      

tarfile library should support xz compression                     0 days    brian.curtin                      

Make old-style classes weak referenceable                         1 days    pitrou                            

Odd exception messages when using cStringIO.StringIO instances    0 days    eric.smith                        

useless PyEval_CallObject function                                1 days    pitrou                            

test_gdb_sample fails                                             0 days    pitrou                            

Windows uninstaller requests admin access for unindentified pr    0 days    loewis                            

series of lamdas in loop sets the paramater on all calls to th    0 days    benjamin.peterson                 

urlparse incorrect parse                                          0 days    georg.brandl                      

Generate from Unicode database instead of manualy coding.      1400 days flox                              

str.split creates new string even if pattern not found         1207 days flox                              

object.__init__ shouldn't allow args/kwds                      1110 days tjreedy                           

Top Issues Most Discussed (10)

 23 test_zlib fails with zlib 1.2.4                                   12 days

 20 str.decode('utf8',	'replace') -- conformance with Unicode 5.2.0    3 days

 17 move test_support into the unittest package                        2 days

 15 Fix typos and phrasing in the Web servers howto                   10 days

 13 ssl.SSLSocket.write may fail on non-blocking sockets               7 days

 11 ABC caches should use weak refs                                  732 days

 11 os.kill on windows                                              1753 days

  8 TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation                5 days

  8 python uninstaller leave registry entries                        575 days

  6 urlparse incorrect parse                                           0 days

From guido at  Fri Apr  2 19:10:43 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 10:10:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 2:38 AM, Mark Dickinson <dickinsm at> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Raymond Hettinger
>> <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>> One other thought.
>>> The Decimal constructor should now accept floats as a possible input type.
>>> Formerly, we separated that out to Decimal.from_float() because
>>> decimals weren't interoperable with floats.
>> Not sure this follows; Fraction(1.1) raises an exception, you have to
>> use Fraction.from_float().
> Is there any good reason for this, other than a parallel with Decimal?
> ?It seems to me that Raymond's arguments for allowing direct
> construction of a Decimal from a float apply equally well to the
> Fraction type.
> If we're going to allow Decimal(1.1), I'd like to allow Fraction(1.1)
> to succeed as well (giving the equivalent of
> Fraction.from_float(1.1)).
> The main argument against allowing this (for both Fraction and
> Decimal) seems to be that the result of Decimal(1.1) or Fraction(1.1)
> could be confusing. ?But it's an immediate, explicit confusion, which
> can be quickly resolved by pointing the confusee to the section on
> floating-point in the appendix, so I don't find this objection
> particularly compelling.

Agreed. If people don't learn about from_float() they might do weird
stuff like Decimal(0) + 1.1. Making Fraction and Decimal do the same
thing should be easy enough.

--Guido van Rossum (

From rdmurray at  Fri Apr  2 19:59:04 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 13:59:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] 5 : 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 16:05:28 +0300, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at> wrote:
> I reviewed 5 issues and want to see
> committed to Python 2.7

It may be a little too close to the feature freeze to get this reviewed
and in to 2.7.  I'll take a look at it tonight (I'm in GMT -4) if I can
(and I think I can).

R. David Murray                            

From solipsis at  Fri Apr  2 20:06:28 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 18:06:28 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] 5 : 1
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>> writes:
> On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 16:05:28 +0300, anatoly techtonik <techtonik <at>> wrote:
> > I reviewed 5 issues and want to see
> > committed to Python 2.7
> It may be a little too close to the feature freeze to get this reviewed
> and in to 2.7.

This looks like a bug fix, not a new feature.



From stefan at  Fri Apr  2 20:38:25 2010
From: stefan at (Stefan Krah)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 20:38:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] [buildbots] 'stop build' button causing	subsequent
	builds to fail?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Dickinson <dickinsm at> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Stefan Krah <stefan at> wrote:
> >
> > I looks like the 'stop build' button can a) cause subsequent builds to fail
> > and b) cause pending builds to be deleted from the queue.
> >
> >
> > a) Linux EABI 3.x/builds/18
> > ? was apparently interrupted by a 'stop build' for a previous build.
> Actually, I think that was me being impatient.  I was trying to get
> some information about the float.fromhex test failure on ARM
> ( and didn't want to wait days.  :)
> > b) I stopped solaris10 gcc 3.x/builds/558
> > ? and a pending build vanished (I'm certain that I used 'stop build' and not 'cancel all').
> Don't know about this one.

I was misled by the fact that the
pages often show 'no current builds' even when there is a build going on.

The pages appear to give
accurate information.

Stefan Krah

From rdmurray at  Fri Apr  2 20:50:42 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 14:50:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] 5 : 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 18:06:28 -0000, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>> writes:
> > 
> > On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 16:05:28 +0300, anatoly techtonik <techtonik <at>
>> wrote:
> > > I reviewed 5 issues and want to see
> > > committed to Python 2.7
> > 
> > It may be a little too close to the feature freeze to get this reviewed
> > and in to 2.7.
> This looks like a bug fix, not a new feature.

Well, yes, but it is also a behavior change.  Is that OK for a Beta?


From solipsis at  Fri Apr  2 20:58:07 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 18:58:07 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] 5 : 1
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>> writes:
> On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 18:06:28 -0000, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>> writes:
> > > 
> > > On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 16:05:28 +0300, anatoly techtonik <techtonik <at>
> >> wrote:
> > > > I reviewed 5 issues and want to see
> > > > committed to Python 2.7
> > > 
> > > It may be a little too close to the feature freeze to get this reviewed
> > > and in to 2.7.
> > 
> > This looks like a bug fix, not a new feature.
> Well, yes, but it is also a behavior change.  Is that OK for a Beta?

As soon as we consider the old behaviour a bug, I'd say yes.
Besides, this is the first beta, things get stricter afterwards.



From pythonsteve at  Sat Apr  3 13:16:47 2010
From: pythonsteve at (Steve Bonner)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 07:16:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
Message-ID: <>

What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that would
be similar to globals() and locals()?  Like those functions, it would
return a dictionary of variable names and their values. Since we now
have the nonlocal statement, it would be consistent to keep the
three scopes local/nonlocal/global with parallel capabilities. And it
might sometimes be useful for code inside a nested function to see
what variables are available at the enclosing level.

Steve Bonner
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From ncoghlan at  Sat Apr  3 15:31:59 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 23:31:59 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Bonner wrote:
> What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that would
> be similar to globals() and locals()?  Like those functions, it would
> return a dictionary of variable names and their values. Since we now
> have the nonlocal statement, it would be consistent to keep the
> three scopes local/nonlocal/global with parallel capabilities. And it
> might sometimes be useful for code inside a nested function to see
> what variables are available at the enclosing level.

That isn't as easy as it may sound. locals() and globals() are each
single namespaces, while the nonlocals may actually span multiple

Python actually deals with this at compilation time and when the
function object is created - the interpreter knows the names of all the
nonlocal cells that need to be connected, and creates the appropriate
links to the cells in the outer scopes.

That situation doesn't translate well to dict-style access - while the
whole local namespace is readily accessible to the interpreter, as is a
pointer to the module namespace (for globals()), no such convenient data
source exists for the full set of possible nonlocal references from an
arbitrary function.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From benjamin at  Sat Apr  3 18:42:40 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 10:42:40 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] delaying 2.7 beta 1
Message-ID: <>

I am delaying the release of 2.7 beta 1 pending the fixing of and the greening of the buildbots.


From benjamin at  Sat Apr  3 22:45:57 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 14:45:57 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] delaying 2.7 beta 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/3 Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at>:
> I am delaying the release of 2.7 beta 1 pending the fixing of
> and the greening of the buildbots.

After consultation with Antoine I've lowered #8108's priority. I will
see if the buildbots shape up...


From ziade.tarek at  Sun Apr  4 00:48:56 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 00:48:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/2 P.J. Eby <pje at>:
> First, I notice the RECORD paths are listed as being relative to sys.prefix;
> I was under the impression that these paths were supposed to be relative to
> the base installation location of the library (i.e. site-packages in the
> default case).
> That is, that while paths not under sys.prefix were to be absolute, the
> paths under sys.prefix were relative to the install location. ?(Since one of
> the original motivating use cases for relative paths in RECORD was to
> support relocatable installations, and sharing installations across
> platforms, when the code is platform independent code.) ?Also, the spec
> doesn't address installation to paths that aren't under sys.prefix, or what
> happens if you use " install --prefix".
> I'm wondering if perhaps this should be restated as something like:
> * Paths under the base installation location are relative to the base
> * Paths not under the base installation location, but under the installation
> prefix, are also stored relative to the base, IF the base location is a
> subpath of the installation prefix
> * All other paths are absolute.
> Where "base location" is the effective --install-lib directory, and prefix
> is the effective --prefix. ?(Which default of course to site-package and
> sys.prefix respectively, but the spec shouldn't be in terms of those
> defaults.)

Sounds like a better solution.

> Second, the RECORD spec is not clear on what happens to the hash field on
> .pyc/.pyo files. ?Is it supposed to be an empty string, a hash of an empty
> file, a hash value that's ignored, or...?

The example misses pyc/pyo files. Those would have no hash, and I also
think the size
should be omited as well.

I'll update the example.

> Third, what is a "local absolute path"? ?This term appears several places
> but is not defined. ?It sounds like maybe you mean a path using the local
> platform separator, as opposed to a '/'-separated relative path. ?If that's
> the case, this should probably be spelled out somewhere early on and then
> referenced in context.

Yes, this is it. It was defined somewhere but removed at some point by
mistake IIRC.
I'll add that

> Fourth, the PEP says the implementation will support zipfiles, but the draft
> implementation doesn't appear to support zipimport subdirectories.
> ?(Zipimport paths can be /path/to/, and this base is then
> used for importing, just as if the zipfile were a normal parent directory.)
> ?If this is an intentional omission, it should probably be mentioned in the
> PEP.

The implementation so far will load zip files founded in the paths,
see ZippedDistributionDir/ZippedDistribution.

I am wondering though, if we shouldn't omit this zip story for PEP 376
altogether, and work later on
something more generic wrt import protocols where modules/packages
could be stored anywhere.

IOW, PEP 376 could focus exclusively on a pure filesystem site-packages.

> Okay, on to the minor corrections. ?The following uses of "package" should
> be replaced by "project" or "distribution":
> "If a package that was already installed on the system as a dependency"
> "in other words, whether the package was installed by user request"
> "$ python -m distutils.uninstall packagename"

yes, will edit this.

> Anyway, that's my first pass through; I think the RECORD section may need
> further fleshing out (e.g., specifying a particular csv-module dialect) in
> order to ensure that the spec is sufficiently rigorous for multiple tools to
> consume/produce compatible files.

Yes, and we should list those tools somewhere in the PEP I guess


Tarek Ziad? |

From ziade.tarek at  Sun Apr  4 01:05:34 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 01:05:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 1:56 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph at> wrote:
> First: thank you distutils-sig, and especially Tarek, for spearheading this
> effort!

Thanks :)

> I'm particularly excited about the "Distribution" object that this PEP
> specifies. ?I've been waiting for a long time to be able to load an object
> describing a distribution, rather than running and hoping that it
> mutated the right state!

Notice that this Distribution class will work with installed
distributions, where the info where built by running As
opposed to distritbutions that are not yet installed where these infos
are still hidden in

Although we are currently working in distutils2 to get rid of
and have a pure static metadata file.

> On Apr 1, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
> - to provide a basic *uninstaller* feature in the distutils2 project.
> Second: It seems to me that a major missing feature in the PEP is the
> ability to run some code during installation and uninstallation, especially
> since it is so easy to run ad-hoc code in with no way of un-doing
> what it did.

That was a feature request for distutils: install/removal hooks like
what RPM or the msi installer
offers.   I think this could be done in distutils2 no matter what
happens to the PEP. I am adding this in the bug tracker.

> Third: The PEP is silent on what happens to files whose hash _has_ changed
> from its install-time value. ?I guess the implied plan would be to leave
> them in place. ?However, this may have nasty side-effects; for example, if
> the files are test files, then they might be loaded during test discovery,
> and report exceptions since the code that they're testing has been removed.
> ?My suggestion would be to have a specific "quarantine" area where the
> distutils uninstaller can put modified files that would have been removed as
> part of a specific distribution, so they aren't still present on PYTHONPATH.
> ?I can also think of reasons why you might not want to do this, but either
> way, the consequence of changing an installed file should be made explicitly
> clear in the PEP: if they are to be left in place, it should emphasize that
> point.

The strategy about what should be done with modified files upon
uninstallation is up to the implementation I guess. But the PEP should
mention what Distutils2 basic uninstall function should do. The
quarantine strategy sounds like a great idea. I propose to add this in
the PEP in the implementation details section, and say in the specs
that it's up to the implementation to decide.

> Finally, one minor bit of bikeshedding, of which I promise to say nothing
> more if there is not unanimous agreement: I dislike the use of "get_" in
> function names, since it adds more characters without really adding more
> information. ?get_file_users is particularly bad, since it makes me think
> that it's going to return a list of processes with a file open, or a list of
> UIDs or something like that. ?I suggest these names instead:
> ?? ?get_distributions() -> active_distributions()
> ?? ?get_distribution(name) -> active_distribution_named(name)
> ?? ?get_file_users(path) -> distributions_using_path(path)
> where "active" means "on the current sys.path and thereby accessible by
> 'import'".

"active" sounds superfluous too I think, since all distributions that
are found *are* active.
So it could be "distributions()". But I am not comfortable with this
single word because
it sounds to me like a sequence object rather than a function. But
that might be just me..

> This naming would also make the behavior of get_file_users a bit
> clearer; if the intention is to return only active, loadable distributions
> (you don't want to be able to use get_file_users to inspect other Python
> installations or virtualenvs) it could be called
> active_distributions_using_path.

+1 on distributions_using_path()

> Thanks again to the PEP's author and many contributors,

Thanks for the feedback !

Tarek Ziad? |

From python at  Sun Apr  4 02:40:29 2010
From: python at (MRAB)
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 01:40:29 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Odd lines in unicodedata_db.h
Message-ID: <>

I've just downloaded the daily snapshot at

In the header file /python/Modules/unicodedata_db.h, there are the
following lines in the change_records_3_2_0 struct:

	{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.0 },
	{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 2.0 },
	{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 3.0 },
	{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 4.0 },
	{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+16 },
	{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+20 },

Looks like a bug to me.

From amauryfa at  Sun Apr  4 11:21:49 2010
From: amauryfa at (Amaury Forgeot d'Arc)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 11:21:49 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Odd lines in unicodedata_db.h
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/4 MRAB <python at>:
> I've just downloaded the daily snapshot at
> In the header file /python/Modules/unicodedata_db.h, there are the
> following lines in the change_records_3_2_0 struct:
> ? ? ? ?{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.0 },
> ? ? ? ?{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 2.0 },
> ? ? ? ?{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 3.0 },
> ? ? ? ?{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 4.0 },
> ? ? ? ?...
> ? ? ? ?{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+16 },
> ? ? ? ?{ 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+20 },
> Looks like a bug to me.

I don't think so. Unicode 3.2 did contain two entries with large numeric values.
The file Unihan-3.2.0.txt contains these two lines:

U+4EAC	kPrimaryNumeric	10,000,000,000,000,000 ten quadrillion (American)
U+5793	kPrimaryNumeric	100,000,000,000,000,000,000 hundred quintillion

For some reason newer versions of the unicode standard removed these values.

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

From stephen at  Sun Apr  4 12:59:14 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 19:59:14 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Odd lines in unicodedata_db.h
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc writes:

 > I don't think so. Unicode 3.2 did contain two entries with large
 > numeric values.  The file Unihan-3.2.0.txt contains these two
 > lines:
 > U+4EAC	kPrimaryNumeric	10,000,000,000,000,000 ten quadrillion (American)
 > U+5793	kPrimaryNumeric	100,000,000,000,000,000,000 hundred quintillion
 > (American)

They are related to the Chinese numbering system.  I recall U+4EAC
having that value from my textbooks (it's the "kyo" in Tokyo, and the
"jing" in "Beijing", so quite memorable), and U+5793 looks familiar
(it's not otherwise used in Japanese AFAIK, so I'm not sure, but it
seems quite plausible that there would be a character for 10000^5).

 > For some reason newer versions of the unicode standard removed
 > these values.

The characters are still there.  The numeric values were probably
removed because in practice they're not actually used (at least,
almost never in Japanese).  It seems a little sad to save 150 bytes or
so in a table and lose the historical meanings.

From solipsis at  Sun Apr  4 13:41:29 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 11:41:29 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] delaying 2.7 beta 1
References: <>
Message-ID: <hp9tt9$bq6$>

Le Sat, 03 Apr 2010 14:45:57 -0600, Benjamin Peterson a ?crit?:

> 2010/4/3 Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at>:
>> I am delaying the release of 2.7 beta 1 pending the fixing of
>> and the greening of the buildbots.
> After consultation with Antoine I've lowered #8108's priority. I will
> see if the buildbots shape up...

Of course, the chances we have a release are higher if people don't try 
to sneak in new features two hours before the tagging and the ensueing 
feature freeze.



From python at  Sun Apr  4 19:43:03 2010
From: python at (MRAB)
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 18:43:03 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Odd lines in unicodedata_db.h
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc wrote:
> 2010/4/4 MRAB <python at>:
>> I've just downloaded the daily snapshot at
>> In the header file /python/Modules/unicodedata_db.h, there are the
>> following lines in the change_records_3_2_0 struct:
>>        { 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.0 },
>>        { 255, 255, 255, 255, 2.0 },
>>        { 255, 255, 255, 255, 3.0 },
>>        { 255, 255, 255, 255, 4.0 },
>>        ...
>>        { 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+16 },
>>        { 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+20 },
>> Looks like a bug to me.
> I don't think so. Unicode 3.2 did contain two entries with large numeric values.
> The file Unihan-3.2.0.txt contains these two lines:
> U+4EAC	kPrimaryNumeric	10,000,000,000,000,000 ten quadrillion (American)
> U+5793	kPrimaryNumeric	100,000,000,000,000,000,000 hundred quintillion
> (American)
> For some reason newer versions of the unicode standard removed these values.
It causes a type warning:

warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'const int', 
possible loss of data

From dreamingforward at  Mon Apr  5 01:03:17 2010
From: dreamingforward at (average)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 16:03:17 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 6:31 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Steve Bonner wrote:
>> What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that would
>> be similar to globals() and locals()? ?Like those functions, it would
>> return a dictionary of variable names and their values. Since we now
>> have the nonlocal statement, it would be consistent to keep the
>> three scopes local/nonlocal/global with parallel capabilities. And it
>> might sometimes be useful for code inside a nested function to see
>> what variables are available at the enclosing level.
> That isn't as easy as it may sound. locals() and globals() are each
> single namespaces, while the nonlocals may actually span multiple
> namespaces.

This is probably is way off, but why not use sets. ?It seems that
these special "functions" (which actually don't do any
transformations) should be properties or attributes, and in any case
would be better served by returning (holding) sets, then one could do
standard set operations on them (including the set difference
operations upon the set named "locals").

These old functions predate the introductions of attributes/properties
and sets, and like anything that is sure to be a group containing no
duplicates, it should really return a set to remove the ambiguity to
the programmer (unlike returning a list as is presently). ?That
includes dir() too and probably others.

python3k-to-you-toly yours,


From guido at  Mon Apr  5 01:03:20 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 16:03:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Odd lines in unicodedata_db.h
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:43 AM, MRAB <python at> wrote:
> Amaury Forgeot d'Arc wrote:
>> 2010/4/4 MRAB <python at>:
>>> I've just downloaded the daily snapshot at
>>> In the header file /python/Modules/unicodedata_db.h, there are the
>>> following lines in the change_records_3_2_0 struct:
>>> ? ? ? { 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.0 },
>>> ? ? ? { 255, 255, 255, 255, 2.0 },
>>> ? ? ? { 255, 255, 255, 255, 3.0 },
>>> ? ? ? { 255, 255, 255, 255, 4.0 },
>>> ? ? ? ...
>>> ? ? ? { 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+16 },
>>> ? ? ? { 255, 255, 255, 255, 1e+20 },
>>> Looks like a bug to me.
>> I don't think so. Unicode 3.2 did contain two entries with large numeric
>> values.
>> The file Unihan-3.2.0.txt contains these two lines:
>> U+4EAC ?kPrimaryNumeric 10,000,000,000,000,000 ten quadrillion (American)
>> U+5793 ?kPrimaryNumeric 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 hundred quintillion
>> (American)
>> For some reason newer versions of the unicode standard removed these
>> values.
> It causes a type warning:
> warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'const int',
> possible loss of data

The numeric_changed field isn't used anywhere in the code AFAIK, so I
don't see why we need to preserve them.

--Guido van Rossum (

From steve at  Mon Apr  5 01:44:57 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 10:44:57 +1100
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 5 Apr 2010 09:03:17 am average wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 6:31 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> 
> > Steve Bonner wrote:
> >> What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that
> >> would be similar to globals() and locals()? ?Like those functions,
> >> it would return a dictionary of variable names and their values.
> >> Since we now have the nonlocal statement, it would be consistent
> >> to keep the three scopes local/nonlocal/global with parallel
> >> capabilities. And it might sometimes be useful for code inside a
> >> nested function to see what variables are available at the
> >> enclosing level.
> >
> > That isn't as easy as it may sound. locals() and globals() are each
> > single namespaces, while the nonlocals may actually span multiple
> > namespaces.
> This is probably is way off, but why not use sets. ?It seems that
> these special "functions" (which actually don't do any
> transformations) should be properties or attributes, and in any case
> would be better served by returning (holding) sets, then one could do
> standard set operations on them (including the set difference
> operations upon the set named "locals").

globals() and locals() return dicts mapping names to objects. Returning 
sets would break code that expects a dict, as well as reducing 
functionality: they could return the object names, but not the objects 
themselves. That makes it unobvious how to get to the objects, given 
the name. (Using eval perhaps?)

I'm not sure why you think that the globals() and locals() functions 
aren't functions. They transform the empty argument into dicts. You say 
they should be properties and attributes, but properties of what?

> These old functions predate the introductions of
> attributes/properties and sets, and like anything that is sure to be
> a group containing no duplicates, it should really return a set to
> remove the ambiguity to the programmer (unlike returning a list as is
> presently). ?That includes dir() too and probably others.

You are confused -- globals() and locals() don't return lists.

Bringing this back to the original question, I very rarely use globals() 
and even more rarely use locals(), so I don't have much need for a 
nonlocals() function. I suspect it's a solution in search of a problem, 
but the same holds for locals() (in my option) and so I wouldn't object 
if somebody else volunteered to do the work :)


Steven D'Aprano

From cmjohnson.mailinglist at  Mon Apr  5 05:21:44 2010
From: cmjohnson.mailinglist at (Carl M. Johnson)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 17:21:44 -1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Apr 2010 09:03:17 am average wrote:
>> presently). ?That includes dir() too and probably others.
> You are confused -- globals() and locals() don't return lists.

Yeah, this thread is mostly a mess (what would nonlocals() return
anyway?), but there is one serious suggestion in there. Maybe dir()
should return a set.

Points in its favor:

* The results of dir() are non-repeating
* The order of items returned by dir() is not especially important
* It would make "method" in dir(obj) marginally faster

Points against:

* It would break code that tried dir(obj)[0] (but why would anyone do that?)
* Even though the order isn?t important for code, it?s convenient at
the interactive prompt to see the methods of an item in alphabetical
order for quick scanning.



My two bits.

-- Carl Johnson

From cmjohnson.mailinglist at  Mon Apr  5 05:34:18 2010
From: cmjohnson.mailinglist at (Carl M. Johnson)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 17:34:18 -1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Odd lines in unicodedata_db.h
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:

> They are related to the Chinese numbering system. ?I recall U+4EAC
> having that value from my textbooks (it's the "kyo" in Tokyo, and the
> "jing" in "Beijing", so quite memorable), and U+5793 looks familiar
> (it's not otherwise used in Japanese AFAIK, so I'm not sure, but it
> seems quite plausible that there would be a character for 10000^5).

For reference, the Japanese dictionary built into OS X defines U+5793 as:


Numerical unit. 10,000 ?kei?s (kei = U+4EAC). 10 to the 20th power.
Formerly also used for 10 ?kei?s.


-- Carl Johnson

From greg.ewing at  Mon Apr  5 10:32:41 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 20:32:41 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Carl M. Johnson wrote:

> * It would make "method" in dir(obj) marginally faster

Wouldn't hasattr(obj, "method") be a better way
to do that?

> * Even though the order isn?t important for code, it?s convenient at
> the interactive prompt to see the methods of an item in alphabetical
> order for quick scanning.

Since I suspect this is most people's main use for
dir(), I think it's a good enough reason for leaving
things as they are.


From solipsis at  Mon Apr  5 14:17:27 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 12:17:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Bonner <pythonsteve <at>> writes:
> What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that would
> be similar to globals() and locals()? ?Like those functions, it would
> return a dictionary of variable names and their values. Since we now
> have the nonlocal statement, it would be consistent to keep the
> three scopes local/nonlocal/global with parallel capabilities.

These scopes don't have parallel capabilities:

>>> def f():
...   x = 5
...   locals()['x'] = 6
...   return x
>>> f()

> And it
> might sometimes be useful for code inside a nested function to see
> what variables are available at the enclosing level.

"It might sometimes be useful" translates in my head to "I've never seen an
actual use case for this".

-1 on an useless complication of the interpreter.

From ncoghlan at  Mon Apr  5 15:03:39 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 23:03:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
>> * Even though the order isn?t important for code, it?s convenient at
>> the interactive prompt to see the methods of an item in alphabetical
>> order for quick scanning.
> Since I suspect this is most people's main use for
> dir(), I think it's a good enough reason for leaving
> things as they are.

Yes, I was going to point out that I would personally be *very* annoyed
if someone removed the automatic sorting from the output of dir() :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From willian at  Mon Apr  5 16:54:51 2010
From: willian at (willian at
Date: Mon,  5 Apr 2010 14:54:51 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
Message-ID: <>

for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
everyone's opinion respond.

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr  5 17:11:40 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 16:11:40 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/04/2010 15:54, willian at wrote:
> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
> everyone's opinion respond.

Python itself is a highly dynamic language and not amenable to direct 
compilation. Instead modern just-in-time compiler technology is seen as 
the way to improve Python performance. Projects that are doing this are 
PyPy and Unladen Swallow. A static subset of Python can be statically 
compiled, projects that do that include RPython (part of PyPy) and 
ShedSkin. These are not really Python though, just Python like languages 
that happen to be valid subsets of Python.

All the best,


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From phd at  Mon Apr  5 17:13:05 2010
From: phd at (Oleg Broytman)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:13:05 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


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developing Python (fixing bugs and adding new features to Python itself); if
you're having problems using Python, please find another forum. Probably
python-list (comp.lang.python) news group/mailing list is the best place.
See for other lists/news groups/fora.

On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 02:54:51PM +0000, willian at wrote:
Thank you for understanding.
> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
> everyone's opinion respond.

     Oleg Broytman              phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

From rnk at  Mon Apr  5 17:25:36 2010
From: rnk at (Reid Kleckner)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 11:25:36 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Michael Foord
<fuzzyman at> wrote:
> Python itself is a highly dynamic language and not amenable to direct
> compilation. Instead modern just-in-time compiler technology is seen as the
> way to improve Python performance. Projects that are doing this are PyPy and
> Unladen Swallow. A static subset of Python can be statically compiled,
> projects that do that include RPython (part of PyPy) and ShedSkin. These are
> not really Python though, just Python like languages that happen to be valid
> subsets of Python.

I agree.  However, if you're doing it as a fun final project and don't
care about performance and don't mind generating slow code, then go
for it.  You'd also want to cut a bunch of corners like exec and eval.


From craigcitro at  Mon Apr  5 17:31:54 2010
From: craigcitro at (Craig Citro)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 08:31:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
>> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
>> everyone's opinion respond.

I don't think everyone thinks this is a bad idea -- for instance,
those of us working on Cython [1], which is itself a descendant of
Pyrex [2]. :)

> Python itself is a highly dynamic language and not amenable to direct
> compilation. Instead modern just-in-time compiler technology is seen as the
> way to improve Python performance. Projects that are doing this are PyPy and
> Unladen Swallow. A static subset of Python can be statically compiled,
> projects that do that include RPython (part of PyPy) and ShedSkin. These are
> not really Python though, just Python like languages that happen to be valid
> subsets of Python.

It's true that JIT compilation really opens up a whole world of
possibilities that Cython currently can't touch. On the other hand,
for some kinds of Python code -- especially, for example, things
related to scientific computing or mathematics -- Cython's a quick
road to massive speedups, because a little bit of static typing can go
a *long* way. It's true that Cython doesn't yet support the full
Python syntax, but this is considered a bug -- we're working hard on
being able to compile all of Python soon.




From fijall at  Mon Apr  5 17:49:18 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 09:49:18 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Craig Citro <craigcitro at> wrote:
>>> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
>>> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
>>> everyone's opinion respond.
> I don't think everyone thinks this is a bad idea -- for instance,
> those of us working on Cython [1], which is itself a descendant of
> Pyrex [2]. :)

I hate to remind you but Cython is *not* python. It does not even plan
to support all of the parts which are considered python semantics
(like tracebacks and frames).


From craigcitro at  Mon Apr  5 19:32:11 2010
From: craigcitro at (Craig Citro)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 10:32:11 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I hate to remind you but Cython is *not* python. It does not even plan
> to support all of the parts which are considered python semantics
> (like tracebacks and frames).

It's true -- we basically compile to C + the Python/C API, depending
on CPython being around for runtime support, and I don't see that
changing anytime soon. (I don't think I tried to claim that we were a
full Python implementation in my original email ...) I'm curious about
the bit you mention, though -- is constructing a call frame for every
Python call really part of the semantics, and not just a CPython
implementation detail? (I've never played with Jython or IronPython to
know if they do this.) We actually *do* construct all the call frames
when doing profiling, so we could turn this on if we needed to for a
"strict" mode, but usually the additional runtime speedup is more

Independent of this, the OP was asking about working on something as
part of a school-related project. I think that if you're looking to
see how a Python to C compiler works, you could get quite a bit from
checking out Cython and/or Pyrex, even if your real goal was to create
a Python implementation independent of CPython.


From guido at  Mon Apr  5 20:03:30 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 11:03:30 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at> wrote:
>> I hate to remind you but Cython is *not* python. It does not even plan
>> to support all of the parts which are considered python semantics
>> (like tracebacks and frames).

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Craig Citro <craigcitro at> wrote:
> It's true -- we basically compile to C + the Python/C API, depending
> on CPython being around for runtime support, and I don't see that
> changing anytime soon. (I don't think I tried to claim that we were a
> full Python implementation in my original email ...)

There has been some contentious debate about this in the past, where a
Cython developer(s?) insisted Cython be listed among the "Python
implementations" somewhere, on a par with IronPython, Jython and PyPy.
This does not seem the right place to list Cython to me. (Much though
I admire Cython's accomplishments!)

Insofar as the OP asked about "a compiler for Python" and you pointed
to Cython as an example, your post could easily be misunderstood as an
attempt to reopen that debate.

> I'm curious about
> the bit you mention, though -- is constructing a call frame for every
> Python call really part of the semantics, and not just a CPython
> implementation detail? (I've never played with Jython or IronPython to
> know if they do this.) We actually *do* construct all the call frames
> when doing profiling, so we could turn this on if we needed to for a
> "strict" mode, but usually the additional runtime speedup is more
> desirable.

Beign able to access call frames via tracebacks is certainly part of
the standard semantics, and a proper Python implementation should go
through great lengths to get this interface right (as IronPython,
Jython and PyPy indeed do).

> Independent of this, the OP was asking about working on something as
> part of a school-related project. I think that if you're looking to
> see how a Python to C compiler works, you could get quite a bit from
> checking out Cython and/or Pyrex, even if your real goal was to create
> a Python implementation independent of CPython.

--Guido van Rossum (

From dreamingforward at  Mon Apr  5 21:23:39 2010
From: dreamingforward at (average)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:23:39 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> globals() and locals() return dicts mapping names to objects.

Damn, I totally pulled a *?!* on that one.  I should have pulled out
my Python reference.  I was thinking of dir() and thought that these
functions were similar.  Apologies for that.  However, I still do
believe that as a general practice (not necessarily a Python one),
return types should be the most specific type which will hold the

> I'm not sure why you think that the globals() and locals() ....
> You say
> they should be properties and attributes, but properties of what?

They would be properties of the implicit "main" [function] object.

Sorry again for not checking before opening my "mouth".


From craigcitro at  Mon Apr  5 21:47:26 2010
From: craigcitro at (Craig Citro)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 12:47:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> There has been some contentious debate about this in the past, where a
> Cython developer(s?) insisted Cython be listed among the "Python
> implementations" somewhere, on a par with IronPython, Jython and PyPy.
> This does not seem the right place to list Cython to me. (Much though
> I admire Cython's accomplishments!)
> Insofar as the OP asked about "a compiler for Python" and you pointed
> to Cython as an example, your post could easily be misunderstood as an
> attempt to reopen that debate.

Ahh. Well, I can't speak for the rest of the Cython folks, but let me
say: I agree, Cython can't stand on its own without CPython, and there
are a ton of other things I'm personally interested in doing long
before we try to change that. Sorry if I was accidentally fanning any
dying embers. :)

> Beign able to access call frames via tracebacks is certainly part of
> the standard semantics, and a proper Python implementation should go
> through great lengths to get this interface right (as IronPython,
> Jython and PyPy indeed do).

Is the requirement just the construction of full tracebacks in the
event of an exception? Because Cython does that right now. In the
event of an exception, the Python call frames are constructed as the C
call stack is unwound. I thought Maciej was suggesting that having
full Python frames for any Python call was part of the semantics,
which is what we only do in the case of a profiling run. I'm really
not trying to belabor the point -- but if there's something Cython
should be doing and isn't, it's always good to hear about it. (Feel
free to point me to an appropriate section of the docs ...)


From tjreedy at  Mon Apr  5 22:10:02 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 16:10:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hpdg2o$b6g$>

On 4/5/2010 10:54 AM, willian at wrote:
> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
> everyone's opinion respond.

If you want to do something useful, pick an existing project (several 
have already been named) that intrigues you and work on filling in one 
of the holes. I can imagine that this might be as educational as, for 
instance, compiling a toy subset of Python.


From fijall at  Mon Apr  5 22:11:33 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:11:33 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Craig Citro <craigcitro at> wrote:
>> There has been some contentious debate about this in the past, where a
>> Cython developer(s?) insisted Cython be listed among the "Python
>> implementations" somewhere, on a par with IronPython, Jython and PyPy.
>> This does not seem the right place to list Cython to me. (Much though
>> I admire Cython's accomplishments!)
>> Insofar as the OP asked about "a compiler for Python" and you pointed
>> to Cython as an example, your post could easily be misunderstood as an
>> attempt to reopen that debate.
> Ahh. Well, I can't speak for the rest of the Cython folks, but let me
> say: I agree, Cython can't stand on its own without CPython, and there
> are a ton of other things I'm personally interested in doing long
> before we try to change that. Sorry if I was accidentally fanning any
> dying embers. :)
>> Beign able to access call frames via tracebacks is certainly part of
>> the standard semantics, and a proper Python implementation should go
>> through great lengths to get this interface right (as IronPython,
>> Jython and PyPy indeed do).
> Is the requirement just the construction of full tracebacks in the
> event of an exception? Because Cython does that right now. In the
> event of an exception, the Python call frames are constructed as the C
> call stack is unwound. I thought Maciej was suggesting that having
> full Python frames for any Python call was part of the semantics,
> which is what we only do in the case of a profiling run. I'm really
> not trying to belabor the point -- but if there's something Cython
> should be doing and isn't, it's always good to hear about it. (Feel
> free to point me to an appropriate section of the docs ...)

However those frames are not completely like Python frames - they
don't let you look into locals for example. It's a cool feature though
that it exists at all, I did not know that.


From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr  5 22:21:15 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 21:21:15 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <hpdg2o$b6g$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/04/2010 21:10, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 4/5/2010 10:54 AM, willian at wrote:
>> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
>> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
>> everyone's opinion respond.
> If you want to do something useful, pick an existing project (several 
> have already been named) that intrigues you and work on filling in one 
> of the holes. I can imagine that this might be as educational as, for 
> instance, compiling a toy subset of Python.

The type inferencing algorithm of ShedSkin might be particularly 
interesting to study and improve. They also need a Windows maintainer...


> tjr
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From fijall at  Mon Apr  5 22:28:21 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:28:21 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hpdg2o$b6g$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
> On 05/04/2010 21:10, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> On 4/5/2010 10:54 AM, willian at wrote:
>>> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
>>> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
>>> everyone's opinion respond.
>> If you want to do something useful, pick an existing project (several have
>> already been named) that intrigues you and work on filling in one of the
>> holes. I can imagine that this might be as educational as, for instance,
>> compiling a toy subset of Python.
> The type inferencing algorithm of ShedSkin might be particularly interesting
> to study and improve. They also need a Windows maintainer...
> Michael

Not sure if you went to college Michael, but "Windows maintainer" is
not something you can bribe your professors with ;-)


From martin at  Mon Apr  5 23:03:59 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 23:03:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Is the requirement just the construction of full tracebacks in the
> event of an exception? Because Cython does that right now. In the
> event of an exception, the Python call frames are constructed as the C
> call stack is unwound. I thought Maciej was suggesting that having
> full Python frames for any Python call was part of the semantics,
> which is what we only do in the case of a profiling run. I'm really
> not trying to belabor the point -- but if there's something Cython
> should be doing and isn't, it's always good to hear about it. (Feel
> free to point me to an appropriate section of the docs ...)

I guess being able to do inspect.currentframe() is a "SHOULD"
requirement for Python implementations. It's clear that it will be
difficult to provide, so portable applications SHOULD NOT rely on it
working correctly.


From fijall at  Mon Apr  5 23:07:49 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 15:07:49 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 3:03 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
>> Is the requirement just the construction of full tracebacks in the
>> event of an exception? Because Cython does that right now. In the
>> event of an exception, the Python call frames are constructed as the C
>> call stack is unwound. I thought Maciej was suggesting that having
>> full Python frames for any Python call was part of the semantics,
>> which is what we only do in the case of a profiling run. I'm really
>> not trying to belabor the point -- but if there's something Cython
>> should be doing and isn't, it's always good to hear about it. (Feel
>> free to point me to an appropriate section of the docs ...)
> I guess being able to do inspect.currentframe() is a "SHOULD"
> requirement for Python implementations. It's clear that it will be
> difficult to provide, so portable applications SHOULD NOT rely on it
> working correctly.
> Regards,
> Martin

According to docs sys._getframe() is a impl-specific thing, however
sys.exc_info() presenting correct interface of it's 3rd result (a
traceback) is not. That's at least how I read those docs.


From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr  6 01:37:11 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 11:37:11 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Steve Bonner <pythonsteve <at>> writes:
>>What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that would
>>be similar to globals() and locals()?
> These scopes don't have parallel capabilities:

Maybe it would be better to deprecate globals() and locals()
and replace them with another function called something like
scope(). It would return a mapping object that looks up
names in the current scope. It could also improve on locals()
by being writable.


From fuzzyman at  Tue Apr  6 01:29:06 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 00:29:06 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 06/04/2010 00:37, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> Steve Bonner <pythonsteve <at>> writes:
>>> What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that would
>>> be similar to globals() and locals()?
>> These scopes don't have parallel capabilities:
> Maybe it would be better to deprecate globals() and locals()
> and replace them with another function called something like
> scope(). It would return a mapping object that looks up
> names in the current scope. It could also improve on locals()
> by being writable.
Well, not a bad idea but it belongs on python-ideas and would be covered 
by the language moratorium. :-)



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From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr  6 01:44:51 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 11:44:51 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

willian at wrote:
> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
> everyone's opinion respond.

I don't want to discourage you if you really want to try,
but you need to be aware that you'd be taking on a very
challenging project -- at least if you intend the compiled
code to be substantially faster than interpretation.

You should also check out what others have been doing in
this area: PyPy, Cython, Unladen Swallow.


From solipsis at  Tue Apr  6 01:35:24 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 23:35:24 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing <at>> writes:
> Maybe it would be better to deprecate globals() and locals()
> and replace them with another function called something like
> scope().

It is useful to distinguish between globals (i.e., module-level variables) and
locals, so replacing them with scope() would not be better IMO.

> It would return a mapping object that looks up
> names in the current scope. It could also improve on locals()
> by being writable.

If you can prove that making locals() (or its replacement) writable doesn't
complicate the interpreter core too much, then why not. Otherwise -1 :-)



From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr  6 02:03:27 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 12:03:27 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Craig Citro wrote:
> In the
> event of an exception, the Python call frames are constructed as the C
> call stack is unwound.

Although in Pyrex the frames have just enough info in them to
find out the file name and line number -- the rest (f_stack,
f_locals, etc.) are filled with dummy values.


From rnk at  Tue Apr  6 04:06:10 2010
From: rnk at (Reid Kleckner)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 22:06:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> If you can prove that making locals() (or its replacement) writable doesn't
> complicate the interpreter core too much, then why not. Otherwise -1 :-)

I think writable locals would significantly complicate the job of
people trying to optimize Python.  The current situation is that so
long as a code object is compiled with certain flags and avoids using
exec, then it is impossible to indirectly modify locals in a call
frame without resorting to compiled code that mucks with the frame
directly.  It was very easy for us to check for these conditions, and
if they were met, emit faster code.

Collin implemented/optimized local variable access for unladen, so he
would know more than I.

If I remember correctly, the exec statement is going away in py3k, and
calling exec() with one argument can modify the local scope.
Therefore we'll probably have to do something more sophisticated
anyway.  :(

This would impact PyPy, Jython, and the other implementations, so I
would think twice about it.


From fijall at  Tue Apr  6 06:01:29 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 22:01:29 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> willian at wrote:
>> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
>> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
>> everyone's opinion respond.
> I don't want to discourage you if you really want to try,
> but you need to be aware that you'd be taking on a very
> challenging project -- at least if you intend the compiled
> code to be substantially faster than interpretation.
> You should also check out what others have been doing in
> this area: PyPy, Cython, Unladen Swallow.

Except none of the things mentioned above is actually a "Python
compiler". There are however good reasons why not and maybe that's
worth checking.


From cesare.di.mauro at  Tue Apr  6 08:25:08 2010
From: cesare.di.mauro at (Cesare Di Mauro)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 09:25:08 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/6 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at>

> Greg Ewing <greg.ewing <at>> writes:
> >
> > Maybe it would be better to deprecate globals() and locals()
> > and replace them with another function called something like
> > scope().
> It is useful to distinguish between globals (i.e., module-level variables)
> and
> locals, so replacing them with scope() would not be better IMO.
> > It would return a mapping object that looks up
> > names in the current scope. It could also improve on locals()
> > by being writable.
> If you can prove that making locals() (or its replacement) writable doesn't
> complicate the interpreter core too much, then why not. Otherwise -1 :-)
> Regards
> Antoine.

It will certainly. There's MUCH that can be optimized to let CPython squeeze
more performance from static analysis (even a gross one) on locals.


def f():
    a = 1
    b = 2
    return a + b

can be reduced to something similar to:

def f():
    a = 1
    b = 2
    return 3

and, more aggressively, like:

def f():
    return 3

They are just "dummy" examples, but can make it clear how far optimizations
can go with static analysis on locals. Python is a language that make it
possible to use such analysis at compile time, and I think it is a very good

Obviously the last example brings questions regards the language semantic:
is it right to suppress "unused" or "not useful" local variables? A
"conservative" answer will be clearly NO. But I hope that a future language
specification will fix some aspects, putting clear what you can expect from
the language itself, and what is closet to the implementation.

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From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr  6 11:13:08 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:13:08 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Reid Kleckner wrote:

> If I remember correctly, the exec statement is going away in py3k, and
> calling exec() with one argument can modify the local scope.

I've been kind of wondering what the deal is with exec in py3.
I always thought the reason for making exec a statement was so
that locals optimisation could be turned off in its presence,
so I'm not sure how py3 is getting away with making it a

Anyhow, it seems to me that as long as locals() or whatever
might replace it is able to find the existing value of a local,
it should also be able to change that value, wherever it
happens to be stored.

I suppose that might fail if an optimiser decides to keep
multiple copies of a local for some reason, though.

But even if it has to be read-only, I still think a view object
would be a more py3ish way of handling locals() and the like.
You might only want access to a few locals, in which case
building a dict containing all of them would be wasteful.



From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr  6 11:22:31 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:22:31 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:

> Except none of the things mentioned above is actually a "Python
> compiler".

No, but they grapple with many of the same issues that a Python
compiler would face, and it would be informative to see how
they tackle those issues. If you want to advance the state of
the art, you first need to find out what the state of the art


From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr  6 11:28:25 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:28:25 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Cesare Di Mauro wrote:

> It will certainly. There's MUCH that can be optimized to let CPython 
> squeeze more performance from static analysis (even a gross one) on locals.

But can the existing locals() function be implemented in
the face of such optimisations?

If it can, then a "locals view" object shouldn't be too much

If it can't, then you have already given up full CPython


From techtonik at  Tue Apr  6 11:40:35 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 12:40:35 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
Message-ID: <>

Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
anatoly t.

From cournape at  Tue Apr  6 11:41:56 2010
From: cournape at (David Cournapeau)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 18:41:56 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] python compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 11:54 PM,  <willian at> wrote:
> for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've
> read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear
> everyone's opinion respond.

Depending on your taste, you may want to tackle something like a
static analyser for python. This is not a compiler proper, but it
could potentially be more useful than yet another compiler compiling
50 % of python, and you would get some results more quickly (no need
to generate code, etc...). See e.g.
for an actual implementation on a similar idea (but for jython),



From orsenthil at  Tue Apr  6 11:50:51 2010
From: orsenthil at (Senthil Kumaran)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 15:20:51 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100406095051.GA5946@remy>

On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 12:40:35PM +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?



From cesare.di.mauro at  Tue Apr  6 12:03:54 2010
From: cesare.di.mauro at (Cesare Di Mauro)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 13:03:54 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/6 Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at>

> Cesare Di Mauro wrote:
>  It will certainly. There's MUCH that can be optimized to let CPython
>> squeeze more performance from static analysis (even a gross one) on locals.
> But can the existing locals() function be implemented in
> the face of such optimisations?
> If it can, then a "locals view" object shouldn't be too much
> harder.
> If it can't, then you have already given up full CPython
> compatibility.
> --
> Greg

A read-only locals view can be a good comprise, because at least the first
example I showed can be approached well.

For the second example, there's no full compatibility with the current
CPython implementation.

But implementations can change over the time: we can clearly define that on
future CPython versions no assumptions must be made about locals "usage",
and in general about instructions generation.
The most important thing is that the function f() does what is called to do:
return the numeric constant 3.

This gives us the opportunity to schedule more efficient optimizations,
without losing generality about the language (only some weird tricks will
not be supported).

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From jcea at  Tue Apr  6 12:21:35 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 12:21:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] "-Wd" switch
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Recently we added "-Wd" flags to buildbots. I was wondering about the
effect of it. documentation doesn't help.

I could study the code, but I guess other people can have the very same
question and I think the answer should be in the archives, somewhere.


- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From larry at  Tue Apr  6 13:19:55 2010
From: larry at (Larry Hastings)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 04:19:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "-Wd" switch
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jesus Cea wrote:
> Recently we added "-Wd" flags to buildbots. I was wondering about the
> effect of it. documentation doesn't help.
> I could study the code, but I guess other people can have the very same
> question and I think the answer should be in the archives, somewhere.

I studied the code ;)

-Wd enables all warnings.  It adds 'd' to sys.warnoptions, which in turn 
adds a new first entry to _warnings.filters which matches all warnings 
and enables the "default" behavior, which is to show it once per 
execution of the Python interpreter.

For example, if you run "python -Wd" on the current trunk (2.7) and 
execute the statement "import bsddb" you get a PendingDeprecationWarning 
exception.  Without -Wd that warning would be suppressed.

Hope I didn't miss any important subtleties,


From willian at  Tue Apr  6 13:44:15 2010
From: willian at (willian at
Date: Tue,  6 Apr 2010 11:44:15 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
Message-ID: <>

First, thank you for all opnion. Each one was considered.
I think the better question would be:
I have to develop a project that involves compilers, and being a fan of
Python, I thought about making a compiler for it (most basic idea involving
Pythin and compilers). But I saw that I can use what I learned from
compilers not only to create a compiler. What is the area of developing the
Python interpreter that I could build my project, and please give me
interesting ideas for the project.

From techtonik at  Tue Apr  6 13:50:28 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 14:50:28 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
In-Reply-To: <20100406095051.GA5946@remy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Senthil Kumaran <orsenthil at> wrote:
>> Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
> Here:

Thank you. What is the status of getting these stats on
anatoly t.

From thobes at  Tue Apr  6 13:50:48 2010
From: thobes at (Tobias Ivarsson)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 13:50:48 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at>wrote:

> Reid Kleckner wrote:
>  If I remember correctly, the exec statement is going away in py3k, and
>> calling exec() with one argument can modify the local scope.
> I've been kind of wondering what the deal is with exec in py3.
> I always thought the reason for making exec a statement was so
> that locals optimisation could be turned off in its presence,
> so I'm not sure how py3 is getting away with making it a
> function.

It looks like py3 does not allow exec to modify the locals:

$ python3
Python 3.1.1 (r311:74543, Aug 24 2009, 18:44:04)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def x(a):
...     exec(a)
...     return a
>>> x("a = 5")
'a = 5'
>>> # the above statement would have returned 5 if the locals had been

> Anyhow, it seems to me that as long as locals() or whatever
> might replace it is able to find the existing value of a local,
> it should also be able to change that value, wherever it
> happens to be stored.
> I suppose that might fail if an optimiser decides to keep
> multiple copies of a local for some reason, though.
> But even if it has to be read-only, I still think a view object
> would be a more py3ish way of handling locals() and the like.
> You might only want access to a few locals, in which case
> building a dict containing all of them would be wasteful.
> --
> Greg
> --
> Greg
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:
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From fuzzyman at  Tue Apr  6 14:02:47 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 13:02:47 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 06/04/2010 12:44, willian at wrote:
> First, thank you for all opnion. Each one was considered.
> I think the better question would be:
> I have to develop a project that involves compilers, and being a fan of
> Python, I thought about making a compiler for it (most basic idea involving
> Pythin and compilers). But I saw that I can use what I learned from
> compilers not only to create a compiler. What is the area of developing the
> Python interpreter that I could build my project, and please give me
> interesting ideas for the project.

Well, you are now thoroughly off topic for the python-dev mailing list - 
so I suggest you ask your question on comp.lang.python or some other 
Python list.

*However*, a project that would be interesting - and that I have wanted 
to do in order to program microcontrollers with *very* small memory 
address spaces [1] - would be to compile a static subset of Python down 
to C. You would need to do type inferencing and support only a basic 
minimum of the built-in types (and in fact I would start with perhaps 
functions only), but it could be fun. It would not be Python however, 
merely Python inspired.

Alternatively a general type-inferencing algorithm for Python, such as 
the one used by ShedSkin, could be interesting.

All the best,


[1] Smaller devices than those targetted by
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From solipsis at  Tue Apr  6 15:45:44 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 13:45:44 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Senthil Kumaran <orsenthil <at>> writes:
> On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 12:40:35PM +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> > Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
> Here:

The fact that the log shows some test failures isn't very comforting.



From g.brandl at  Tue Apr  6 18:31:58 2010
From: g.brandl at (Georg Brandl)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 18:31:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20100406095051.GA5946@remy>
Message-ID: <hpfnlu$b1n$>

Am 06.04.2010 13:50, schrieb anatoly techtonik:
> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Senthil Kumaran <orsenthil at> wrote:
>>> Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
>> Here:
> Thank you. What is the status of getting these stats on

Wouldn't "status" imply that there is a plan to do so?


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

From brett at  Tue Apr  6 20:28:12 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 11:28:12 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] "-Wd" switch
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 04:19, Larry Hastings <larry at> wrote:

> Jesus Cea wrote:
>> Recently we added "-Wd" flags to buildbots. I was wondering about the
>> effect of it. documentation doesn't help.
>> I could study the code, but I guess other people can have the very same
>> question and I think the answer should be in the archives, somewhere.
> I studied the code ;)
> -Wd enables all warnings.  It adds 'd' to sys.warnoptions, which in turn
> adds a new first entry to _warnings.filters which matches all warnings and
> enables the "default" behavior, which is to show it once per execution of
> the Python interpreter.
> For example, if you run "python -Wd" on the current trunk (2.7) and execute
> the statement "import bsddb" you get a PendingDeprecationWarning exception.
>  Without -Wd that warning would be suppressed.
> Hope I didn't miss any important subtleties,
Nope, you got it right. A little bit of documentation is in 2.7:

> //larry//
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From solipsis at  Tue Apr  6 20:41:04 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 18:41:04 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] &quot;-Wd&quot; switch
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Brett Cannon <brett <at>> writes:
> Nope, you got it right. A little bit of documentation is in
> 2.7:?

It is a bit disturbing, though, that "-Wdefault" isn't the default setting.
How could that oddity be solved?



From techtonik at  Tue Apr  6 21:36:14 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 22:36:14 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
In-Reply-To: <hpfnlu$b1n$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at> wrote:
>>>> Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
>>> Here:
>> Thank you. What is the status of getting these stats on
> Wouldn't "status" imply that there is a plan to do so?

It is not that hard to create that plan given that there is a fair
amount of developers who care about code coverage.
anatoly t.

From ctb at  Tue Apr  6 21:42:12 2010
From: ctb at (C. Titus Brown)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 12:42:12 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 10:36:14PM +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at> wrote:
> >
> >>>> Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
> >>>
> >>> Here:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Thank you. What is the status of getting these stats on
> >
> > Wouldn't "status" imply that there is a plan to do so?
> It is not that hard to create that plan given that there is a fair
> amount of developers who care about code coverage.


nonetheless, I don't know of any plan :).

I keep on shaving yaks when trying to get test coverage posted somewhere;
it's actually not a trivial problem to set it up automatically and
reliably, in my experience.  If you are interested in volunteering to
help, I'm sure it would be appreciated -- I suspect the right place to
start would be get test coverage running reproducibly and reliably on
your own machines and posted somewhere; then you could ask for permissions
to post it somewhere on *  (I don't see why we care where it's
posted, but that's what you asked about.)

I keep on running into technical barriers in getting cross-platform code
coverage analysis working, which would be quite valuable; it's easy to
get it working once, but to keep it working is a maintenance task that
involves regular effort, again, in my experience.

C. Titus Brown, ctb at

From brett at  Tue Apr  6 23:13:07 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 14:13:07 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 12:42, C. Titus Brown <ctb at> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 10:36:14PM +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at> wrote:
> > >
> > >>>> Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
> > >>>
> > >>> Here:
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >> Thank you. What is the status of getting these stats on
> > >
> > > Wouldn't "status" imply that there is a plan to do so?
> >
> > It is not that hard to create that plan given that there is a fair
> > amount of developers who care about code coverage.
> Anatoly,
> nonetheless, I don't know of any plan :).
> I keep on shaving yaks when trying to get test coverage posted somewhere;
> it's actually not a trivial problem to set it up automatically and
> reliably, in my experience.  If you are interested in volunteering to
> help, I'm sure it would be appreciated -- I suspect the right place to
> start would be get test coverage running reproducibly and reliably on
> your own machines and posted somewhere; then you could ask for permissions
> to post it somewhere on *  (I don't see why we care where it's
> posted, but that's what you asked about.)
> I keep on running into technical barriers in getting cross-platform code
> coverage analysis working, which would be quite valuable; it's easy to
> get it working once, but to keep it working is a maintenance task that
> involves regular effort, again, in my experience.

And just in general, it requires someone stepping forward to do it. While
there might be several developers who find test coverage important (me
included), it's a matter of taking the time to set up something that will
work. For me personally that is more time than I have for my volunteer work
for Python as I have other things that I put at a higher priority.

It's an overused, worn out statement, but it's open source so stuff only
gets done when someone REALLY has the desire and time to do something. I'm
grateful that Walter has done what he has. If someone steps forward to write
up instructions on how to run figleaf or over the test suite
then that would be appreciated. But just because something isn't technically
hard, doesn't mean it isn't hard from the perspective of time and

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From brett at  Tue Apr  6 23:17:28 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 14:17:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] &quot;-Wd&quot; switch
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:41, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:

> Brett Cannon <brett <at>> writes:
> >
> >
> > Nope, you got it right. A little bit of documentation is in
> > 2.7:
> It is a bit disturbing, though, that "-Wdefault" isn't the default setting.
> How could that oddity be solved?

Well, it needs to be understood that `-Wdefault` is shorthand for `-W
default:.*:Warning:.*` plus whatever the wildcard is for line number. So the
"default" doesn't mean "default for when the interpreter starts up" but "the
default action for any warning". It's a shorthand that unfortunately reads
on an odd fashion when you do not realize what the expanded value means.
Best you can do is in the docs explain what it's shorthand for.
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From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr  6 23:51:16 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 09:51:16 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord wrote:

> *However*, a project that would be interesting - and that I have wanted 
> to do in order to program microcontrollers with *very* small memory 
> address spaces [1] - would be to compile a static subset of Python down 
> to C.

That would be an excellent project -- if the result were
successful, I'd be interested in using it!


From walter at  Tue Apr  6 23:45:34 2010
From: walter at (Walter Doerwald)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 23:45:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Code coverage metrics
In-Reply-To: <20100406095051.GA5946@remy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 06.04.2010 11:50, Senthil Kumaran wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 12:40:35PM +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:
>> Where can I find public reports with Python tests code coverage?
> Here:

And the script that generates that output is available from the cheeseshop:


From martin at  Wed Apr  7 00:31:06 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 00:31:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

willian at wrote:
> First, thank you for all opnion. Each one was considered.
> I think the better question would be:
> I have to develop a project that involves compilers, and being a fan of
> Python, I thought about making a compiler for it (most basic idea involving
> Pythin and compilers). But I saw that I can use what I learned from
> compilers not only to create a compiler. What is the area of developing the
> Python interpreter that I could build my project, and please give me
> interesting ideas for the project.

I don't think the question is necessarily off-topic.

I can propose two projects, related to Python core:

- 2to3 pattern compiler: 2to3 currently uses an interpreter for pattern
  matching. It does "compile" the patterns into some intermediate form,
  however, that is actually interpreted with an interpreter written in
  Python (actually, it is self-interpreted). It might be interesting to
  compile the pattern into actual Python code, with the hope of it
  executing faster than it does now (and yes, I proposed a similar, but
  different GSoC topic also; the two approaches are orthogonal, though).

- IDLE code completion. Currently, IDLE has some form of code
  completion, which is fairly limited. It might be useful to produce a
  better code completion library, one that works more statically and
  less based on introspection. In particular, optimistic type inference
  might help (optimistic in the sense "if foo has a method .isalpha, it
  probably is a string). In code completion, exact type inference isn't
  necessary; giving a superset (i.e. a union type) might still be

In addition, to-python compilers may also be interesting in various HTML
templating languages, e.g. Django templating, Zope page templates, and
the like (although some of them already have compilers of some form on
their own).


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr  7 00:34:50 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 23:34:50 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 06/04/2010 23:31, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
> willian at wrote:
>> First, thank you for all opnion. Each one was considered.
>> I think the better question would be:
>> I have to develop a project that involves compilers, and being a fan of
>> Python, I thought about making a compiler for it (most basic idea involving
>> Pythin and compilers). But I saw that I can use what I learned from
>> compilers not only to create a compiler. What is the area of developing the
>> Python interpreter that I could build my project, and please give me
>> interesting ideas for the project.
> I don't think the question is necessarily off-topic.
> I can propose two projects, related to Python core:
> - 2to3 pattern compiler: 2to3 currently uses an interpreter for pattern
>    matching. It does "compile" the patterns into some intermediate form,
>    however, that is actually interpreted with an interpreter written in
>    Python (actually, it is self-interpreted). It might be interesting to
>    compile the pattern into actual Python code, with the hope of it
>    executing faster than it does now (and yes, I proposed a similar, but
>    different GSoC topic also; the two approaches are orthogonal, though).
> - IDLE code completion. Currently, IDLE has some form of code
>    completion, which is fairly limited. It might be useful to produce a
>    better code completion library, one that works more statically and
>    less based on introspection. In particular, optimistic type inference
>    might help (optimistic in the sense "if foo has a method .isalpha, it
>    probably is a string). In code completion, exact type inference isn't
>    necessary; giving a superset (i.e. a union type) might still be
>    helpful.

This would be very useful to many Python IDE projects. Getting it right 
is one thing, getting it fast enough to be useful is another (i.e. it is 
a difficult problem) - but yes, could be both interesting and useful.


> In addition, to-python compilers may also be interesting in various HTML
> templating languages, e.g. Django templating, Zope page templates, and
> the like (although some of them already have compilers of some form on
> their own).
> HTH,
> Martin
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> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr  7 00:45:57 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 23:45:57 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 06/04/2010 23:34, Michael Foord wrote:
> On 06/04/2010 23:31, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
>> willian at wrote:
>>> First, thank you for all opnion. Each one was considered.
>>> I think the better question would be:
>>> I have to develop a project that involves compilers, and being a fan of
>>> Python, I thought about making a compiler for it (most basic idea 
>>> involving
>>> Pythin and compilers). But I saw that I can use what I learned from
>>> compilers not only to create a compiler. What is the area of 
>>> developing the
>>> Python interpreter that I could build my project, and please give me
>>> interesting ideas for the project.
>> I don't think the question is necessarily off-topic.
>> I can propose two projects, related to Python core:
>> - 2to3 pattern compiler: 2to3 currently uses an interpreter for pattern
>>    matching. It does "compile" the patterns into some intermediate form,
>>    however, that is actually interpreted with an interpreter written in
>>    Python (actually, it is self-interpreted). It might be interesting to
>>    compile the pattern into actual Python code, with the hope of it
>>    executing faster than it does now (and yes, I proposed a similar, but
>>    different GSoC topic also; the two approaches are orthogonal, 
>> though).
>> - IDLE code completion. Currently, IDLE has some form of code
>>    completion, which is fairly limited. It might be useful to produce a
>>    better code completion library, one that works more statically and
>>    less based on introspection. In particular, optimistic type inference
>>    might help (optimistic in the sense "if foo has a method .isalpha, it
>>    probably is a string). In code completion, exact type inference isn't
>>    necessary; giving a superset (i.e. a union type) might still be
>>    helpful.
> This would be very useful to many Python IDE projects. Getting it 
> right is one thing, getting it fast enough to be useful is another 
> (i.e. it is a difficult problem) - but yes, could be both interesting 
> and useful.

A good basis for a project like would be PySmell (by Orestis Markou), 
which intended to provide this but was never completed:

It would make a great gsoc project as well.


> Michael
>> In addition, to-python compilers may also be interesting in various HTML
>> templating languages, e.g. Django templating, Zope page templates, and
>> the like (although some of them already have compilers of some form on
>> their own).
>> HTH,
>> Martin
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-Dev mailing list
>> Python-Dev at
>> Unsubscribe: 


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From benjamin at  Wed Apr  7 01:09:06 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 18:09:06 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
Message-ID: <>

I propose that we freeze the trunk except for fixes for the buildbots. Thoughts?


From rdmurray at  Wed Apr  7 01:15:24 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 19:15:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] iso-2022 and issue 7472: question for the experts
Message-ID: <>

A long time ago (in a galaxy far, wrong show)

Er, as I was saying, a long time ago Barry applied a patch to
email that went more or less like this:

ndex: email/
--- email/   (revision 35918)
+++ email/   (revision 35919)
@@ -84,7 +83,13 @@
     except UnicodeError:
-        msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit'
+        # iso-2022-* is non-ASCII but still 7-bit
+        charset = msg.get_charset()
+        output_cset = charset and charset.output_charset
+        if output_cset and output_cset.lower().startswith('iso-2202-'):
+            msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '7bit'
+        else:
+            msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit'
         msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '7bit'

Nobody noticed the typo (2202 instead of 2022) until Yukihiro reported
it in the issue.  No one has complained about the code not working.
There are no unit tests that cover the code (all tests pass with or
without the patch, and alternatively with or without correcting the typo).

Reading the standards, it looks to me like either the ISO-2022 input will
be 7-bit, and the except will not trigger, or it will be invalid, because
8bit, and so should be set to 8bit just like all the other cases where
there's invalid 8bit data.  So I think this patch should just be reverted.

Can someone (Steve Turnbull?) confirm or refute my analysis? 

R. David Murray                            

From martin at  Wed Apr  7 01:51:36 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 01:51:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> I propose that we freeze the trunk except for fixes for the buildbots. Thoughts?

Freezing sounds fine with me.


From steve at  Wed Apr  7 02:02:50 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 11:02:50 +1100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 6 Apr 2010 04:25:08 pm Cesare Di Mauro wrote:

> It will certainly. There's MUCH that can be optimized to let CPython
> squeeze more performance from static analysis (even a gross one) on
> locals.
> They are just "dummy" examples, but can make it clear how far
> optimizations can go with static analysis on locals. Python is a
> language that make it possible to use such analysis at compile time,
> and I think it is a very good thing.

I'm not opposed to the idea of optimisations in general (far from it!) 
but in case anyone is thinking about doing any work in this area, 
please be careful about floating point optimisations. E.g. given a float 
x, you can't assume that x*0 == 0. Nor can you assume that 0-x is the 
same as -x. (The second is *almost* always correct, except for one 
float value.)

See, for example, the various writings by Professor Kahan:

Most of the issues discussed apply to languages that deal with floats at 
a lower level than Python does, but still, simple minded optimizations 
will break corner cases no matter what language you use.

Steven D'Aprano

From martin at  Wed Apr  7 02:18:13 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 02:18:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] iso-2022 and issue 7472: question for the experts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Can someone (Steve Turnbull?) confirm or refute my analysis? 

Refute, see

> ISO-2022 input will
> be 7-bit, and the except will not trigger

This conclusion is false:

1. it is 7-bit

py> unichr(913).encode("iso-2022-jp")

2. the except *will* trigger, anyway.

py> unichr(913).encode("ascii")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u0391' in
position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

This issue doesn't get noticed, because it doesn't hurt today's email
readers and MTAs to process 8-bit MIME, even if 7-bit had been


P.S. Notice that Tokio's original patch had the spelling right.

From benjamin at  Wed Apr  7 03:09:52 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 20:09:52 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Let's do it. Please no commits to the trunk which are not aimed at
fixing the current buildbot failures. Thank you!

2010/4/6 "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at>:
> Benjamin Peterson wrote:
>> I propose that we freeze the trunk except for fixes for the buildbots. Thoughts?
> Freezing sounds fine with me.
> Martin


From ncoghlan at  Wed Apr  7 03:33:12 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 11:33:12 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Michael Foord wrote:
>> *However*, a project that would be interesting - and that I have
>> wanted to do in order to program microcontrollers with *very* small
>> memory address spaces [1] - would be to compile a static subset of
>> Python down to C.
> That would be an excellent project -- if the result were
> successful, I'd be interested in using it!

I thought RPython already supported this? (admittedly, my knowledge of
of the inner workings of PyPy is fairly sketchy, but I thought static
compilation of RPython to a variety of backend targets was one of the
key building blocks)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From barry at  Wed Apr  7 03:40:31 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 21:40:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 working implementation
In-Reply-To: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy>
References: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100406214031.5f5143ec@heresy>

On Apr 01, 2010, at 04:12 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

>I now have a working implementation of PEP 3147 which passes all the existing,
>and new, tests.  I'm sure there's still work to do, but I think the branch
>is in good enough shape to start getting some feedback from python-dev.

Thanks to Antoine for doing a review of the diff on Rietveld.  I've uploaded a
second patch set that addresses these and other issues.

I think there are still a few corners of PEP 3147 not yet implemented, and I
need to update some documentation, but I think it's getting close enough for
consideration soon.  The Rietveld issue is here:

-------------- next part --------------
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From rdmurray at  Wed Apr  7 03:56:21 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:56:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] iso-2022 and issue 7472: question for the experts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 02:18:13 +0200, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= <martin at> wrote:
> > Can someone (Steve Turnbull?) confirm or refute my analysis? 
> Refute, see
> > ISO-2022 input will
> > be 7-bit, and the except will not trigger
> This conclusion is false:
> 1. it is 7-bit
> py> unichr(913).encode("iso-2022-jp")
> '\x1b$B&!\x1b(B'
> 2. the except *will* trigger, anyway.
> py> unichr(913).encode("ascii")
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u0391' in
> position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

My understanding, however, is that what comes out of get_payload is
always a string, not unicode.  That is, it would have to be already
encoded, and the encode('ascii') trick is just to see if there are
any 8 bit bytes.

Tracing the code a little farther, though, I now understand that
the *input* encoding that the payload is in (which will on output be
encoded as iso-2022-xx) can be an eight bit encoding.

So, now I understand the patch, and will fix the spelling mistake.

R. David Murray                            

From benjamin at  Wed Apr  7 04:57:59 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 21:57:59 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 working implementation
In-Reply-To: <20100406214031.5f5143ec@heresy>
References: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy> <20100406214031.5f5143ec@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/6 Barry Warsaw <barry at>:
> On Apr 01, 2010, at 04:12 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>I now have a working implementation of PEP 3147 which passes all the existing,
>>and new, tests. ?I'm sure there's still work to do, but I think the branch
>>is in good enough shape to start getting some feedback from python-dev.
> Thanks to Antoine for doing a review of the diff on Rietveld. ?I've uploaded a
> second patch set that addresses these and other issues.
> I think there are still a few corners of PEP 3147 not yet implemented, and I
> need to update some documentation, but I think it's getting close enough for
> consideration soon. ?The Rietveld issue is here:

I've now added a review, too.


From techtonik at  Wed Apr  7 12:30:20 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 13:30:20 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:

And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/

anatoly t.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:09 AM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at> wrote:
> Let's do it. Please no commits to the trunk which are not aimed at
> fixing the current buildbot failures. Thank you!
> 2010/4/6 "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at>:
>> Benjamin Peterson wrote:
>>> I propose that we freeze the trunk except for fixes for the buildbots. Thoughts?
>> Freezing sounds fine with me.
>> Martin
> --
> Regards,
> Benjamin
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

From martin at  Wed Apr  7 13:10:11 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:10:11 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

anatoly techtonik wrote:
> There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:
> And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/

None of these are buildbot failures, so they can't go into 2.7b1,
by the decision of the release manager. Please accept that.


From techtonik at  Wed Apr  7 13:49:14 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:49:14 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:10 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
>> There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:
>> And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/
> None of these are buildbot failures, so they can't go into 2.7b1,
> by the decision of the release manager. Please accept that.

And where will they go?

anatoly t.

From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr  7 13:54:51 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 12:54:51 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/04/2010 11:30, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:
> And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/
The zipfile issue looks like it could be fixed for beta 2. Not so sure 
about the difflib one.



READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From martin at  Wed Apr  7 13:58:35 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:58:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

anatoly techtonik wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:10 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
>>> There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:
>>> And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/
>> None of these are buildbot failures, so they can't go into 2.7b1,
>> by the decision of the release manager. Please accept that.
> And where will they go?

For the former, a patch is still needed. For the latter, David will decide.


From asmodai at  Wed Apr  7 14:39:28 2010
From: asmodai at (Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:39:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
Message-ID: <>

Before I file a bug report, is anyone else seeing this (in my case on
FreeBSD 8):

Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:360: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'
Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:387: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'
Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:423: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)> / asmodai
????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? | | GPG: 2EAC625B
Tattva, achintya bheda abheda tattva...

From dickinsm at  Wed Apr  7 15:04:11 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:04:11 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
<asmodai at> wrote:
> Before I file a bug report, is anyone else seeing this (in my case on
> FreeBSD 8):
> Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:360: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'
> Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:387: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'
> Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:423: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'

It's on the buildbots, too.  See:


From martin at  Wed Apr  7 15:29:14 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 15:29:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Dickinson wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
> <asmodai at> wrote:
>> Before I file a bug report, is anyone else seeing this (in my case on
>> FreeBSD 8):
>> Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:360: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'
>> Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:387: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'
>> Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:423: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'
> It's on the buildbots, too.  See:

Instead of submitting a bug report, it would be better to submit a
patch, though. Can you try having the build process use freebsd.S
instead of sysv.S?


From asmodai at  Wed Apr  7 15:30:26 2010
From: asmodai at (Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 15:30:26 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

-On [20100407 15:29], "Martin v. L?wis" (martin at wrote:
>Instead of submitting a bug report, it would be better to submit a
>patch, though. Can you try having the build process use freebsd.S
>instead of sysv.S?

Mark and me are looking at it right now.

I can compile ctypes using --with-system-ffi at least.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)> / asmodai
????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? | | GPG: 2EAC625B
Grabbing at angels when I fall, for all my demons to applaud, I am free...

From ziade.tarek at  Wed Apr  7 16:01:35 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 16:01:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/2 P.J. Eby <pje at>:
> * Paths under the base installation location are relative to the base
> * Paths not under the base installation location, but under the installation
> prefix, are also stored relative to the base, IF the base location is a
> subpath of the installation prefix
> * All other paths are absolute.
> Where "base location" is the effective --install-lib directory, and prefix
> is the effective --prefix. ?(Which default of course to site-package and
> sys.prefix respectively, but the spec shouldn't be in terms of those
> defaults.)

Just to make sure we agree on this:

we use relative path if the file is in site-packages, or somewhere
under sys.prefix. For the latter this is only if site-packages is
under sys.prefix.

Examples under debian:

    docutils/          ->     located in
    ../../../bin/       ->  located in /usr/local/bin
    /etc/whatever                  ->     located in /etc

So, everything under /usr/local (sys.prefix) is relative to
Other paths are absolute.

In case the site-packages directory was not under sys.prefix, we would
use an absolute path for files under sys.prefix but not in
site-packages. (like

Tarek Ziad? |

From exarkun at  Wed Apr  7 16:11:41 2010
From: exarkun at (exarkun at
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 14:11:41 -0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100407141141.2779.488946084.divmod.xquotient.148@localhost.localdomain>

On 01:29 pm, martin at wrote:
>Mark Dickinson wrote:
>>On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
>><asmodai at> wrote:
>>>Before I file a bug report, is anyone else seeing this (in my case on
>>>FreeBSD 8):
>>>Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:360: Error: junk at end of 
>>>line, first unrecognized character is `@'
>>>Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:387: Error: junk at end of 
>>>line, first unrecognized character is `@'
>>>Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.S:423: Error: junk at end of 
>>>line, first unrecognized character is `@'
>>It's on the buildbots, too.  See:
>Instead of submitting a bug report, it would be better to submit a

In *addition* to submitted a bug report, surely. :)
>patch, though. Can you try having the build process use freebsd.S
>instead of sysv.S?
>Python-Dev mailing list
>Python-Dev at

From martin at  Wed Apr  7 16:17:11 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 16:17:11 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
In-Reply-To: <20100407141141.2779.488946084.divmod.xquotient.148@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

>> Instead of submitting a bug report, it would be better to submit a
> In *addition* to submitted a bug report, surely. :)

I'm not so sure. It's a ctypes/libffi bug, so most likely, nobody will
be able to fix it when reported. For platform-specific libffi bugs, the
patch most likely will come from the submitter, as nobody else might
have access to the platform, and the knowledge about the platform details.


From asmodai at  Wed Apr  7 16:33:20 2010
From: asmodai at (Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 16:33:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

-On [20100407 16:17], "Martin v. L?wis" (martin at wrote:
>I'm not so sure. It's a ctypes/libffi bug, so most likely, nobody will
>be able to fix it when reported. For platform-specific libffi bugs, the
>patch most likely will come from the submitter, as nobody else might
>have access to the platform, and the knowledge about the platform details.

No it is not actually.

Mark and me found the culprit in the Python tree. Commit incoming.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)> / asmodai
????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? | | GPG: 2EAC625B
I dream of Love as Time runs through my hand...

From pje at  Wed Apr  7 16:35:24 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 10:35:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: < .com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 04:01 PM 4/7/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>2010/4/2 P.J. Eby <pje at>:
> >
> > * Paths under the base installation location are relative to the base
> > * Paths not under the base installation location, but under the 
> installation
> > prefix, are also stored relative to the base, IF the base location is a
> > subpath of the installation prefix
> > * All other paths are absolute.
> >
> > Where "base location" is the effective --install-lib directory, and prefix
> > is the effective --prefix.  (Which default of course to site-package and
> > sys.prefix respectively, but the spec shouldn't be in terms of those
> > defaults.)
>Just to make sure we agree on this:
>we use relative path if the file is in site-packages, or somewhere
>under sys.prefix. For the latter this is only if site-packages is
>under sys.prefix.

Um, sys.prefix, or the prefix set by " install --prefix" 
(which of course defaults to sys.prefix)?

From ziade.tarek at  Wed Apr  7 16:40:35 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 16:40:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:35 PM, P.J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> At 04:01 PM 4/7/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>> 2010/4/2 P.J. Eby <pje at>:
>> [...]
>> >
>> > * Paths under the base installation location are relative to the base
>> > * Paths not under the base installation location, but under the
>> > installation
>> > prefix, are also stored relative to the base, IF the base location is a
>> > subpath of the installation prefix
>> > * All other paths are absolute.
>> >
>> > Where "base location" is the effective --install-lib directory, and
>> > prefix
>> > is the effective --prefix. ?(Which default of course to site-package and
>> > sys.prefix respectively, but the spec shouldn't be in terms of those
>> > defaults.)
>> Just to make sure we agree on this:
>> we use relative path if the file is in site-packages, or somewhere
>> under sys.prefix. For the latter this is only if site-packages is
>> under sys.prefix.
> Um, sys.prefix, or the prefix set by " install --prefix" (which of
> course defaults to sys.prefix)?

Yes, I used default values to make the text clearer.

so for the PEP :

- sys.prefix -> the installation prefix provided by --prefix at
installation time
- site-packages -> the installation libdir, provided by --install-lib
at installation time

Tarek Ziad? |

From solipsis at  Wed Apr  7 16:48:12 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:48:12 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis <martin <at>> writes:
> >> Instead of submitting a bug report, it would be better to submit a
> > 
> > In *addition* to submitted a bug report, surely. :)
> I'm not so sure. It's a ctypes/libffi bug, so most likely, nobody will
> be able to fix it when reported.

It's probably still good to record the existence of these bugs, even if we don't
know how to fix them. That way, other people which get the bug can contribute to
the issue, and perhaps work together towards resolving it.

(also, as I understand it, the latest ctypes issues seem to have popped up after
an update of the bundled libffi, so perhaps that update wasn't totally right,
didn't choose the right libffi version, or missed some files?)



From michael at  Wed Apr  7 16:54:52 2010
From: michael at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 15:54:52 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Episode 11 of A Little Bit of Python
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

Not *strictly* on topic, but probably of interest nonetheless (so my 

Episode 11 of "A Little Bit of Python" is now available. An interview 
with core-CPython developer Antoine Pitrou.

Many thanks to Antoine for the interview.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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From martin at  Wed Apr  7 17:29:45 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 17:29:45 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] ffi junk messages
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<20100407141141.2779.488946084.divmod.xquotient.148@localhost.localdomain>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> (also, as I understand it, the latest ctypes issues seem to have popped up after
> an update of the bundled libffi, so perhaps that update wasn't totally right,
> didn't choose the right libffi version, or missed some files?)

In the case of the SPARC issue: the bug is still exists in the libffi hg


From ianb at  Wed Apr  7 18:33:04 2010
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 11:33:04 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Tarek Ziad? <ziade.tarek at> wrote:

> so for the PEP :
> - sys.prefix -> the installation prefix provided by --prefix at
> installation time
> - site-packages -> the installation libdir, provided by --install-lib
> at installation time

How do you actually calculate site-packages?  Would you store the directory
name somewhere?  Would you import the module and look at
os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(module.__file__))?  Or just scan to see
where the module would be?

If you store the directory name somewhere then you have another absolute
path.  This is why, for simplicity, I thought it should be relative to the
directory where the record file is (lots of extraneous ../, but the most
obvious meaning of a relative filename).

Ian Bicking  |
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From pje at  Wed Apr  7 19:40:35 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:40:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: < .com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:48 AM 4/4/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>The implementation so far will load zip files founded in the paths,
>see ZippedDistributionDir/ZippedDistribution.

I was saying that it doesn't support sys.path entries of the form:


Python works correctly for importing with this, but the ZipFinder 
class in the implementation throws away 'subdir1' and only scans the 
root of the zipfile, silently generating incorrect results in such a case.

To fix the problem, you would need to make use of the .archive and 
.prefix attributes of defined by the underlying zipimporter 
class.  After you call the super().__init__ method, .archive points 
to the actual zipfile path, and .prefix contains the portion of the 
path that's inside the zipfile.  You can then just adjust your path 
usage in ZipFinder and ZippedDistribution accordingly.

Also, as far as I can tell from the source, ZipFinder instances are 
never actually created, except through explicit usage in some of the 
tests.  i.e., it doesn't work out of the box right now.  However, 
this could be fixed with the addition of the code snippets below...

>I am wondering though, if we shouldn't omit this zip story for PEP 376
>altogether, and work later on
>something more generic wrt import protocols where modules/packages
>could be stored anywhere.

Essentially, you could do something like:

     @simplegeneric  # <-already in stdlib pkgutil since 2.5
     def dist_finder_for(importer):
         if hasattr(importer, 'list_distributions'):
             return importer
         return None

     dist_finder_for.register(ImpImporter, FSFinder)
     dist_finder_for.register(zipimporter, ZipFinder)

And then your all_finders() function would be reduced to:

     def all_finders():
         for importer in iter_importers():  # <-already in stdlib pkgutil
             finder = dist_finder_for(importer)
             if finder is not None:
                  yield finder

As you can see, it's pretty easy to integrate with your existing 
code.  simplegeneric and iter_importers (as well as a 
get_importer(pathentry) function, ImpImporter, etc.) have been in 
pkgutil since 2.5, but you can always backport them if you're making 
a standalone version for 2.4.

From pje at  Wed Apr  7 19:45:20 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:45:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: < .com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 04:40 PM 4/7/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:35 PM, P.J. Eby <pje at> wrote:
> > At 04:01 PM 4/7/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
> >>
> >> 2010/4/2 P.J. Eby <pje at>:
> >> [...]
> >> >
> >> > * Paths under the base installation location are relative to the base
> >> > * Paths not under the base installation location, but under the
> >> > installation
> >> > prefix, are also stored relative to the base, IF the base location is a
> >> > subpath of the installation prefix
> >> > * All other paths are absolute.
> >> >
> >> > Where "base location" is the effective --install-lib directory, and
> >> > prefix
> >> > is the effective --prefix.  (Which default of course to site-package and
> >> > sys.prefix respectively, but the spec shouldn't be in terms of those
> >> > defaults.)
> >>
> >> Just to make sure we agree on this:
> >>
> >> we use relative path if the file is in site-packages, or somewhere
> >> under sys.prefix. For the latter this is only if site-packages is
> >> under sys.prefix.
> >
> > Um, sys.prefix, or the prefix set by " install --prefix" (which of
> > course defaults to sys.prefix)?
>Yes, I used default values to make the text clearer.
>so for the PEP :
>- sys.prefix -> the installation prefix provided by --prefix at
>installation time
>- site-packages -> the installation libdir, provided by --install-lib
>at installation time

Yes.  Looking more closely at your example, though:

>Examples under debian:
>     docutils/          ->     located in
>     ../../../bin/       ->  located in /usr/local/bin
>     /etc/whatever                  ->     located in /etc

I'm wondering if there's really any benefit to having 
../../../bin/ vs. /usr/local/bin/  Was there a 
use case for that, or should we just go with relative paths ONLY for 
children of the libdir?

(I only suggested this setup in order to preserve as much of the 
prefix-relativity proposal as possible, but I wasn't the one who 
proposed prefix-relativity so I don't recall what the use case is, 
and I don't even remember who proposed it.  I only ever had a usecase 
for libdir-relativity personally.)

From pje at  Wed Apr  7 19:48:38 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:48:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:33 AM 4/7/2010 -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Tarek Ziad?? 
><<mailto:ziade.tarek at>ziade.tarek at> wrote:
>so for the PEP :
>- sys.prefix -> the installation prefix provided by --prefix at
>installation time
>- site-packages -> the installation libdir, provided by --install-lib
>at installation time
>How do you actually calculate site-packages? ? Would you store the 
>directory name somewhere? ? Would you import the module and look at 
>os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(module.__file__))? ? Or just scan to 
>see where the module would be?
>If you store the directory name somewhere then you have another 
>absolute path. ? This is why, for simplicity, I thought it should be 
>relative to the directory where the record file is (lots of 
>extraneous ../, but the most obvious meaning of a relative filename).

The paths are relative to the sys.path entry for which the metadata 
applies - that's how you get to finding the .dist-info in the first 
place, so that's what you os.path.join to the paths in the record.

There's no "storing" of the directory name needed. 

From ianb at  Wed Apr  7 19:51:09 2010
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 12:51:09 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:45 PM, P.J. Eby <pje at> wrote:

>  Examples under debian:
>>    docutils/          ->     located in
>> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
>>    ../../../bin/       ->  located in /usr/local/bin
>>    /etc/whatever                  ->     located in /etc
> I'm wondering if there's really any benefit to having
> ../../../bin/ vs. /usr/local/bin/  Was there a use
> case for that, or should we just go with relative paths ONLY for children of
> the libdir?
> (I only suggested this setup in order to preserve as much of the
> prefix-relativity proposal as possible, but I wasn't the one who proposed
> prefix-relativity so I don't recall what the use case is, and I don't even
> remember who proposed it.  I only ever had a usecase for libdir-relativity
> personally.)

Yes, in a virtualenv environment there will be ../../../bin/ that
will still be under the (virtual) sys.prefix, and the whole bundle can be
usefully moved around.

Ian Bicking  |
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From pje at  Wed Apr  7 19:56:46 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:56:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
In-Reply-To: < .com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:51 PM 4/7/2010 -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:45 PM, P.J. Eby 
><<mailto:pje at>pje at> wrote:
>Examples under debian:
>?  ? docutils/ ?  ?  ?  ?  ? -> ?  ?  located in
>?  ? ../../../bin/ ?  ?  ?  -> ? located in /usr/local/bin
>?  ? /etc/whatever ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? -> ?  ?  located in /etc
>I'm wondering if there's really any benefit to having 
>../../../bin/ vs. /usr/local/bin/ ? Was there 
>a use case for that, or should we just go with relative paths ONLY 
>for children of the libdir?
>(I only suggested this setup in order to preserve as much of the 
>prefix-relativity proposal as possible, but I wasn't the one who 
>proposed prefix-relativity so I don't recall what the use case is, 
>and I don't even remember who proposed it. ? I only ever had a 
>usecase for libdir-relativity personally.)
>Yes, in a virtualenv environment there will be 
>../../../bin/ that will still be under the (virtual) 
>sys.prefix, and the whole bundle can be usefully moved around.

Ah, ok.  Good!  +1, then.

From rdmurray at  Wed Apr  7 20:52:00 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 14:52:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] [python-committers]  stabilizing for a release
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 12:54:51 +0100, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
>On 07/04/2010 11:30, anatoly techtonik wrote:
>> There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:
>> And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/
>The zipfile issue looks like it could be fixed for beta 2. Not so sure
>about the difflib one.

As Antoine pointed out, 7585 is actually a bug fix (making difflib follow
the unified diff 'standard', as it was originally specified to do).
So unless Benjamin objects I plan to commit it after the freeze.


From turnbull at  Wed Apr  7 21:22:02 2010
From: turnbull at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 04:22:02 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev]  iso-2022 and issue 7472: question for the experts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray writes:
 > A long time ago (in a galaxy far, wrong show)
 > Er, as I was saying, a long time ago Barry applied a patch to
 > email that went more or less like this:
 > ndex: email/
 > ===================================================================
 > --- email/   (revision 35918)
 > +++ email/   (revision 35919)
 > @@ -84,7 +83,13 @@
 >      try:
 >          orig.encode('ascii')
 >      except UnicodeError:
 > -        msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit'
 > +        # iso-2022-* is non-ASCII but still 7-bit

This comment may be inaccurate.  The ISO 2022 family includes what are
normally "8bit" encodings such as the EUC family and ISO 8859.  I
don't know whether there are any IANA-registered 8bit charsets with
names that start with 'iso-2022-', and AFAIK there are none in Python.
(There is an 'iso-2022-8' encoding in Emacs, though.)  Still, I'd be
more comfortable with an explicit list than with the
.startswith('iso-2022-') idiom.

 > +        charset = msg.get_charset()
 > +        output_cset = charset and charset.output_charset
 > +        if output_cset and output_cset.lower().startswith('iso-2202-'):
 > +            msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '7bit'
 > +        else:
 > +            msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit'
 >      else:
 >          msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '7bit'

 > Reading the standards, it looks to me like either the ISO-2022
 > input will be 7-bit, and the except will not trigger, or it will be
 > invalid, because 8bit, and so should be set to 8bit just like all
 > the other cases where there's invalid 8bit data.  So I think this
 > patch should just be reverted.

I have nothing to add to what Martin said about the basic analysis.

It would be possible to just unconditionally set the
Content-Transfer-Encoding to 8bit, although that may violate a SHOULD
in the MIME standard.

From martin at  Thu Apr  8 01:13:27 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 01:13:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] regrtest oddify
Message-ID: <>

I have commented out all tests in test_gdb, yet

still shows them being run. Can anybody explain that, please?


From benjamin at  Thu Apr  8 01:20:13 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 18:20:13 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] regrtest oddify
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/7 "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at>:
> I have commented out all tests in test_gdb, yet
> still shows them being run. Can anybody explain that, please?

That's because the buildbot only updated to the revision before your change.


From yaniv at  Thu Apr  8 08:11:09 2010
From: yaniv at (Yaniv Aknin)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 16:11:09 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Issue #7978, unexpected EINTR-related exceptions
Message-ID: <>

Issue #7978 ( describes a bug in
SocketServer where a received signal in SocketServer's select() call
will raise an uncaught exception due to EINTR. The proposed solution
was to wrap SocketServer's select() with something like twisted's
untilConcludes function, which catches EINTR exceptions and re-calls
the call (see issue for code).

However, before committing this to SocketServer, neologix raised the
(valid) concern that this is generally-useful code, already duplicated
at least in subprocess (_eintr_retry_call,, which can
probably be moved to another module and be shared from there. It was
recommended to bring this issue in the broader context to the list,
but from my look at the archives no one did, hence this message.

There are a few more points of discussion on the issue's roundup
thread which I won't list here, so it's best to look there if you
care. Also, I'm rather new on python-dev and I'm not sure how
duplicate python-dev/roundup threads are usually handled, but I humbly
think if this issue interests you it's best to add your thoughts to
the issue's comments, rather than here; please correct me if this is a
misguided assumption.

 - Yaniv

From victor.stinner at  Thu Apr  8 11:11:16 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 11:11:16 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Issue #7978, unexpected EINTR-related exceptions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le jeudi 08 avril 2010 08:11:09, Yaniv Aknin a ?crit :
> Issue #7978 ( describes a bug in
> SocketServer where a received signal in SocketServer's select() call
> will raise an uncaught exception due to EINTR. The proposed solution
> was to wrap SocketServer's select() with something like twisted's
> untilConcludes function, which catches EINTR exceptions and re-calls
> the call (see issue for code).
> However, before committing this to SocketServer, neologix raised the
> (valid) concern that this is generally-useful code, already duplicated
> at least in subprocess (_eintr_retry_call,, which can
> probably be moved to another module and be shared from there. (...)

+1 to share EINTR-related code, but I don't know the best place for such 
functions. Maybe the os module?

Victor Stinner

From barry at  Thu Apr  8 15:08:15 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 09:08:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 working implementation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy> <20100406214031.5f5143ec@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100408090815.2c7caf40@heresy>

On Apr 06, 2010, at 09:57 PM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:

>I've now added a review, too.

As did Brett.  Thanks!  I've responded and will upload a new patch set as soon
as I've verified the test suite passes.

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From cesare.di.mauro at  Thu Apr  8 15:54:21 2010
From: cesare.di.mauro at (Cesare Di Mauro)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 16:54:21 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/7 Steven D'Aprano <steve at>

> On Tue, 6 Apr 2010 04:25:08 pm Cesare Di Mauro wrote:
> > It will certainly. There's MUCH that can be optimized to let CPython
> > squeeze more performance from static analysis (even a gross one) on
> > locals.
> [...]
> > They are just "dummy" examples, but can make it clear how far
> > optimizations can go with static analysis on locals. Python is a
> > language that make it possible to use such analysis at compile time,
> > and I think it is a very good thing.
> I'm not opposed to the idea of optimisations in general (far from it!)
> but in case anyone is thinking about doing any work in this area,
> please be careful about floating point optimisations. E.g. given a float
> x, you can't assume that x*0 == 0. Nor can you assume that 0-x is the
> same as -x. (The second is *almost* always correct, except for one
> float value.)
> See, for example, the various writings by Professor Kahan:
> Most of the issues discussed apply to languages that deal with floats at
> a lower level than Python does, but still, simple minded optimizations
> will break corner cases no matter what language you use.
> --
> Steven D'Aprano

Thanks for the useful links.

I never applied such kind of optimizations, and I think I'll never to do it
anyway. :)

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From dmalcolm at  Thu Apr  8 17:56:53 2010
From: dmalcolm at (David Malcolm)
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 11:56:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] regrtest oddify
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1270742213.3066.3.camel@surprise>

On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 18:20 -0500, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> 2010/4/7 "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at>:
> > I have commented out all tests in test_gdb, yet
> >
> >
> >
> > still shows them being run. Can anybody explain that, please?
> That's because the buildbot only updated to the revision before your change.

FWIW I've attached a patch [1] to which
I believe may fix the issues seen in that log.

Hope this is helpful


From martin at  Thu Apr  8 18:52:51 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 18:52:51 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] regrtest oddify
In-Reply-To: <1270742213.3066.3.camel@surprise>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

> FWIW I've attached a patch [1] to which
> I believe may fix the issues seen in that log.

Thanks! I'll apply them after the beta release (don't want to mess with
it before).


From greg.ewing at  Thu Apr  8 23:51:28 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 09:51:28 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> I thought RPython already supported this? (admittedly, my knowledge of
> of the inner workings of PyPy is fairly sketchy, but I thought static
> compilation of RPython to a variety of backend targets was one of the
> key building blocks)

Maybe so, but one would still have to create the appropriate
backend to target the machine in question. I wouldn't like
to rely on a generic C-generating backend to target something
very tiny in an effective way.


From status at  Fri Apr  9 18:07:37 2010
From: status at (Python tracker)
Date: Fri,  9 Apr 2010 18:07:37 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues
Message-ID: <>

ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2010-04-02 - 2010-04-09)
Python tracker at

To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue 
number.  Do NOT respond to this message.

 2639 open (+37) / 17538 closed (+30) / 20177 total (+67)

Open issues with patches:  1072

Average duration of open issues: 728 days.
Median duration of open issues: 489 days.

Open Issues Breakdown
       open  2599 (+37)
languishing     7 ( +0)
    pending    32 ( +0)

Issues Created Or Reopened (71)

Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS                       2010-04-07    reopened pjenvey                           
       patch, needs review                                                     

patch: BaseHTTPServer reinventing rfc822 date formatting       2010-04-09    reopened r.david.murray                    

test_py3kwarn fails when running the whole test suite          2010-04-03    reopened mark.dickinson                    

Documentation of math.pow, math.hypot, and complex.__abs__     2010-04-06    reopened mark.dickinson                    

i have a doubt with using __init__ and .self and classes       2010-04-02
CLOSED    created  krishnalolla                      

Incorrect condition test in                        2010-04-02    created  akuchling                         
       patch, easy                                                             

HTTPSConnection.close() does not immediately close the connect 2010-04-02    created  dandrzejewski                     

Allow Fraction constructor to accept float and decimal instanc 2010-04-02
CLOSED    created  mark.dickinson                    

add unpack_archive to shutil                                   2010-04-02    created  tarek                             

multiprocessing.Pool hangs when issuing KeyboardInterrupt      2010-04-03    created  vlasovskikh                       

AttributeError message text should include module name         2010-04-03    created  cjerdonek                         

in what way we have to save tha module?                        2010-04-03
CLOSED    created  krishnalolla                      

Improve GIL in 2.7                                             2010-04-03    created  krisvale                          
       patch, patch                                                            

Allow struct.pack to handle objects with an __index__ method.  2010-04-03
CLOSED    created  mark.dickinson                    

Putting a function in a unittest.TestSuite doesn't work        2010-04-03    created  michael.foord                     

SkipTest exception in setUpClass or setUpModule is marked as a 2010-04-03    created  michael.foord                     

python -m unittest -h and python -m unittest discover -h messa 2010-04-03    created  michael.foord                     

strftime and Unicode characters                                2010-04-03    created  AndiDog                           

memoview[0] creates an invalid view if ndim != 1               2010-04-03    created  haypo                             

ctypes.create_string_buffer should only accept bytes           2010-04-03    created  benjamin.peterson                 

test_pep263 failure on OS X                                    2010-04-03
CLOSED    created  mark.dickinson                    

raw_bytes.decode('cp932') -- spurious mappings                 2010-04-03
CLOSED    created  sjmachin                          

Sin(x) is Wrong                                                2010-04-04
CLOSED    created  derekroconnor                     

dis.dis function skips new-style classes in a module           2010-04-04
CLOSED    created  dogeen                            

wave module sets data subchunk size incorrectly when writing w 2010-04-04    created  Jeff.Pursell                      

Add post/pre hooks for distutils commands                      2010-04-04    created  tarek                             

<unprintable AssertionError object> message in unittest traceb 2010-04-05    created  michael.foord                     

test_ctypes fails in test_ulonglong on sparc buildbots         2010-04-05
CLOSED    created  r.david.murray                    
       patch, buildbot                                                         

./python -m unittest test.test_importlib doesn't work          2010-04-05    created  barry                             

test_gdb is susceptible to tty width settings                  2010-04-05
CLOSED    created  dmalcolm                          

test_tarfile fails intermittently on Windows                   2010-04-05
CLOSED    created  jaraco                            

Deprecation of multifile inappropriate or incomplete           2010-04-05    created  tseaver                           

HTMLparser does not handle call to handle_data when a tag cont 2010-04-05    created  wplappert                         

docs on socket.recv_into doesn't mention the return value      2010-04-05
CLOSED    created  irmen                             

Give access to openssl version number                          2010-04-05
CLOSED    created  pitrou                            

test_ssl failures with OpenSSL 1.0.0                           2010-04-05    created  pitrou                            

multiprocessing.Queue ignores pickle restrictions in .put()    2010-04-05    created  rschoon                           

add a distutils test command                                   2010-04-05    created  tarek                             

improve regrtest command line help                             2010-04-06    created  techtonik                         
       patch, easy, needs review                                               

Cannot import name SemLock on Ubuntu lucid                     2010-04-06    created  coconutrb                         

unintuitive behaviour of logging message propagation           2010-04-06
CLOSED    created  pakal                             

longobject.c: silence warnings (Visual Studio)                 2010-04-06
CLOSED    created  skrah                             
       patch                                                            can return lists with identical id()'s         2010-04-06
CLOSED    created  mrmakent                          

Failures seen in test_gdb on buildbots                         2010-04-07    created  dmalcolm                          
       patch, buildbot                                                         

a documentation grammar fix in logging module                  2010-04-07
CLOSED    created  l0nwlf                            

regrtest single TestClass/test_method                          2010-04-07    created  techtonik                         

test_multiprocessing: pickling failures                        2010-04-07
CLOSED    created  skrah                             
       patch, buildbot                                                         

winreg.QueryValue should return bytes, not unicode             2010-04-07
CLOSED    created  stutzbach                         

distutils test_build_ext's test_get_outputs fails in bootstrap 2010-04-07    created  matejcik                          

PyObject_CallObject - Not "reference-count-neutral"            2010-04-07
CLOSED    created  Krauzi                            

test_gdb fails on Sparc Ubuntu                                 2010-04-07
CLOSED    created  loewis                            

Outdated information                                           2010-04-07    created  LambertDW                         

urlunparse(urlparse('x://')) now returns 'x:' instead of 'x:// 2010-04-07    created  Michael Glassford                 

bytearray undocumented on trunk                                2010-04-07    created  brian.curtin                      

sphinx bug?                                                    2010-04-08
CLOSED    created  LambertDW                         

Python fails to run if launched from NTFS symlink and DLL not  2010-04-08
CLOSED    created  jaraco                            

improve re parse error messages for named groups               2010-04-08    created  techtonik                         

test_tag_configure fails on FreeBSD                            2010-04-08    created  loewis                            

missing method MatchObject.groups in re module doc             2010-04-08
CLOSED    created  drukker                           

Old Version Name in Interactive Mode                           2010-04-08    created  istihza                           

string capitalize erroneously lower-case any non-first letters 2010-04-08
CLOSED    created  famart                            

test_urllib2net fails because of bad URL                       2010-04-08
CLOSED    created  loewis                            

os.environ.get returns incorrect data                          2010-04-08
CLOSED    created  dbrandow                          

os.mkdir doc comment is incorrect                              2010-04-08    created  twhitema                          

Suppress large diffs in unitttest.TestCase.assertSequenceEqual 2010-04-08    created  flub                              

imp.find_module of a .py ending dir causes glibc double free c 2010-04-09
CLOSED    created  doko                              

Negative exponentiation behaving oddly in python shell         2010-04-09
CLOSED    created  CWardUSC                          

siginterrupt with flag=False is reset when signal received     2010-04-09    created  spiv                              
                                                                        produce unified format by default                      2010-04-09    created  techtonik                         

SyntaxError: integer assignment with leading zeros (only 8 and 2010-04-09
CLOSED    created  posativ                           

distutils does not allow installation with --root and --prefix 2010-04-09    created  timkersten                        

Issues Now Closed (63)

float compared to decimal is silently incorrect.                140 days    mark.dickinson                    

Py_(X)SETREF macros                                             666 days    rhettinger                        

Ill-formed surrogates not treated as errors during encoding/de  591 days    ezio.melotti                      

"sort" command doesn't work in pstats if run interactively      492 days    akuchling                         
       patch, needs review                                                     

struct: per item endianess specification                        492 days    rhettinger                        

Faster utf-8 decoding                                           451 days    ezio.melotti                      

Strange DeprecationWarning behaviour in module struct           420 days    mark.dickinson                    

test_distutils leaves a 'foo' file behind in the cwd            328 days    matejcik                          

warnings.catch_warnings is not thread-safe                      241 days    akuchling                         
       patch                                                            == and != comparisons involving NaNs                 11 days    mark.dickinson                    

Add lossy queue to queue library module                         137 days    rhettinger                        

Code in xrange documentation does not work                       79 days    georg.brandl                      

Doc for itertools recipe consume is complicated and less effic   68 days    rhettinger                        

Revise generator-related Glossary entries                        37 days    jjposner                          

Setting a T_INT attribute raises internal error                  41 days    mark.dickinson                    

Add gdb7 hooks to make it easier to debug Python                 34 days    loewis                            

pybsddb 4.8.4 integration                                        24 days    jcea                              

test_zlib fails with zlib 1.2.4                                  16 days    valerio.turturici                 
       patch, easy                                                             

test_ttk_guionly assertion error on 3.x linux 64-bit             17 days    loewis                            
       patch, buildbot                                                         

test_issue7820 fails: "name '?' is not defined"                  12 days    ezio.melotti                      

Fix typos and phrasing in the Web servers howto                  12 days    ezio.melotti                      
       patch, easy, needs review                                               

Fix C API documentation: Argument parsing                         9 days    haypo                             

Decimal constructor to accept float                               9 days    mark.dickinson                    
       patch, easy                                                             

left shift operator doesn't accepts long as second argument       8 days    mark.dickinson                    

bad wording in error message attempting to start a Thread twic    7 days    orsenthil                         
       patch                                                            triggers compile errors on FreeBSD and Solaris      3 days    r.david.murray                    
       patch, buildbot                                                         

zipfile module documentation misprint                             1 days    georg.brandl                      

I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PYTHON                                      0 days    ezio.melotti                      

i have a doubt with using __init__ and .self and classes          0 days    ezio.melotti                      

Allow Fraction constructor to accept float and decimal instanc    1 days    mark.dickinson                    

in what way we have to save tha module?                           0 days    eric.smith                        

Allow struct.pack to handle objects with an __index__ method.     2 days    mark.dickinson                    

test_pep263 failure on OS X                                       1 days    mark.dickinson                    

raw_bytes.decode('cp932') -- spurious mappings                    1 days    r.david.murray                    

Sin(x) is Wrong                                                   1 days    derekroconnor                     

dis.dis function skips new-style classes in a module              0 days    benjamin.peterson                 

test_ctypes fails in test_ulonglong on sparc buildbots            3 days    theller                           
       patch, buildbot                                                         

test_gdb is susceptible to tty width settings                     0 days    r.david.murray                    

test_tarfile fails intermittently on Windows                      0 days    brian.curtin                      

docs on socket.recv_into doesn't mention the return value         1 days    georg.brandl                      

Give access to openssl version number                             0 days    giampaolo.rodola                  

unintuitive behaviour of logging message propagation              1 days    pakal                             

longobject.c: silence warnings (Visual Studio)                    1 days    skrah                             
       patch                                                            can return lists with identical id()'s            0 days    benjamin.peterson                 

a documentation grammar fix in logging module                     0 days    vinay.sajip                       

test_multiprocessing: pickling failures                           0 days    michael.foord                     
       patch, buildbot                                                         

winreg.QueryValue should return bytes, not unicode                0 days    stutzbach                         

PyObject_CallObject - Not "reference-count-neutral"               1 days    georg.brandl                      

test_gdb fails on Sparc Ubuntu                                    0 days    dmalcolm                          

sphinx bug?                                                       0 days    georg.brandl                      

Python fails to run if launched from NTFS symlink and DLL not     0 days    jaraco                            

missing method MatchObject.groups in re module doc                0 days    brian.curtin                      

string capitalize erroneously lower-case any non-first letters    0 days    pjenvey                           

test_urllib2net fails because of bad URL                          0 days    loewis                            

os.environ.get returns incorrect data                             0 days    loewis                            

imp.find_module of a .py ending dir causes glibc double free c    0 days    flox                              

Negative exponentiation behaving oddly in python shell            0 days    CWardUSC                          

SyntaxError: integer assignment with leading zeros (only 8 and    0 days    merwok                            

Conversion of longs to bytes and vice-versa.                     82 days mark.dickinson                    

Compile of _socket fails on IRIX with 2.4                      1933 days georg.brandl                      

Add write buffering to gzip                                    1398 days pitrou                            

PEP101/102 out of date                                         1366 days georg.brandl                      

struct.pack raises TypeError where it used to convert            33 days mark.dickinson                    

Top Issues Most Discussed (10)

 21 test_ftplib fails with OpenSSL 0.9.8m                             30 days

 15 Improve GIL in 2.7                                                 6 days

 15 SocketServer doesn't handle syscall interruption                  47 days

 11 test_multiprocessing: pickling failures                            0 days

 11 Give access to openssl version number                              0 days

 11 TestLoader.loadTestsFromName swallows import errors              109 days

 10 test_pep263 failure on OS X                                        1 days

 10 Allow struct.pack to handle objects with an __index__ method.      2 days

  9 Add gdb7 hooks to make it easier to debug Python                  34 days

  9 Add os.symlink() and os.path.islink() support for Windows       1271 days

From barry at  Fri Apr  9 22:24:10 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 16:24:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__, and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
Message-ID: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>

I've run into a minor snag implementing the __cached__ attribute on imported
modules.  From PEP 3147:

    As part of this PEP, we will add an `__cached__` attribute to modules,
    which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was read or
    written.  When the environment variable `$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is
    set, or the `-B` option is given, or if the source lives on a
    read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__` attribute will point to
    the location that the `pyc` file *would* have been written to if it
    didn't exist.  This location of course includes the `__pycache__`
    subdirectory in its path.

The right place to add this seems to be PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(), which
passes in a `pathname` argument.  This function is not documented in the C API
reference manual and about the only place where it's described is

    - New function PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(), which extends
    PyImport_ExecCodeModule() by adding an extra parameter to pass it the
    true file.

The "true file" can either be the source .py file, the legacy .pyc file, or
the PEP 3147 .pyc file depending on the circumstances.  The caller knows which
it is, but that function itself doesn't.  I've tentatively worked out some
code that lets it guess, but it's a kludge, it's ugly and I don't like it.  I
think the right fix is to extend PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() to also pass in
the pathname for __cached__ (or NULL if None is appropriate).

It bothers me a little to change this API, but OTOH, it's an *undocumented*
API, so I don't feel too badly. ;) Since this is one of the last things to
implement for PEP 3147, I thought I'd ask and see if anybody had any better

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From guido at  Fri Apr  9 23:52:16 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 14:52:16 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
	and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

It may be undocumented but it doesn't start with _ and it exists to
preserve backwards compatibility. So I recommend adding

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> I've run into a minor snag implementing the __cached__ attribute on imported
> modules. ?From PEP 3147:
> ? ?As part of this PEP, we will add an `__cached__` attribute to modules,
> ? ?which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was read or
> ? ?written. ?When the environment variable `$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is
> ? ?set, or the `-B` option is given, or if the source lives on a
> ? ?read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__` attribute will point to
> ? ?the location that the `pyc` file *would* have been written to if it
> ? ?didn't exist. ?This location of course includes the `__pycache__`
> ? ?subdirectory in its path.
> The right place to add this seems to be PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(), which
> passes in a `pathname` argument. ?This function is not documented in the C API
> reference manual and about the only place where it's described is
> ? ?- New function PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(), which extends
> ? ?PyImport_ExecCodeModule() by adding an extra parameter to pass it the
> ? ?true file.
> The "true file" can either be the source .py file, the legacy .pyc file, or
> the PEP 3147 .pyc file depending on the circumstances. ?The caller knows which
> it is, but that function itself doesn't. ?I've tentatively worked out some
> code that lets it guess, but it's a kludge, it's ugly and I don't like it. ?I
> think the right fix is to extend PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() to also pass in
> the pathname for __cached__ (or NULL if None is appropriate).
> It bothers me a little to change this API, but OTOH, it's an *undocumented*
> API, so I don't feel too badly. ;) Since this is one of the last things to
> implement for PEP 3147, I thought I'd ask and see if anybody had any better
> suggestions.
> -Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

--Guido van Rossum (

From barry at  Sat Apr 10 00:00:50 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 18:00:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
 and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100409180050.122d6d42@heresy>

On Apr 09, 2010, at 02:52 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>It may be undocumented but it doesn't start with _ and it exists to
>preserve backwards compatibility. So I recommend adding

Cool, thanks.  Now I can't wait for PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExExEx() :)

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From barry at  Sat Apr 10 00:40:26 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 18:40:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 working implementation
In-Reply-To: <20100408090815.2c7caf40@heresy>
References: <20100401161242.6405053d@heresy> <20100406214031.5f5143ec@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100409184026.18996e2f@heresy>

Patch set 4 has been uploaded to Rietveld:

This includes some fixes for Windows and support for the __cached__ attribute
on modules.  While I need to do another pass through the PEP to make sure I've
gotten everything, this code is very nearly feature complete, so it's probably
worth getting Guido to pronounce on the PEP pretty soon.


P.S. 'bzr branch lp:~barry/python/pep3147'
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From p.f.moore at  Sat Apr 10 00:54:52 2010
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 23:54:52 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
	and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <20100409180050.122d6d42@heresy>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On 9 April 2010 23:00, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Apr 09, 2010, at 02:52 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>It may be undocumented but it doesn't start with _ and it exists to
>>preserve backwards compatibility. So I recommend adding
> Cool, thanks. ?Now I can't wait for PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExExEx() :)

Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
future? (Sorry, Barry :-))


From solipsis at  Sat Apr 10 01:05:28 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 23:05:28 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <>


I'm sorry to chime in a bit late about an aspect of the PEP, but I only wondered
about it while reviewing your code :-)

? Instead, this PEP proposes to add a mapping between internal magic numbers 
and a user-friendly tag. Newer versions of Python can add to this mapping so 
that all later Pythons know the mapping between tags and magic numbers. ?

The question is: why do we have to keep a mapping of past tags and magic
numbers? Don't we only care about our current tag and magic number?
(similarly, we don't know, and need to know, about Jython's or Pypy's stuff...).

As far as I can tell, it would remove the burden of maintening an ever-growing
registry of past magic numbers and tags.



From guido at  Sat Apr 10 02:41:48 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 17:41:48 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
	and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> On 9 April 2010 23:00, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>> On Apr 09, 2010, at 02:52 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>It may be undocumented but it doesn't start with _ and it exists to
>>>preserve backwards compatibility. So I recommend adding
>> Cool, thanks. ?Now I can't wait for PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExExEx() :)
> Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
> an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
> future? (Sorry, Barry :-))

I don't care about what name you pick, and my ExEx proposal was meant
to include half a wink, but
makes it clear that PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is far from private!
(I don't know where Barry got that idea.) While Google Code Search
finds mostly references to PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx in the Python
source code and various copies of it, it also shows some real uses,

--Guido van Rossum (

From ncoghlan at  Sat Apr 10 17:51:19 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 01:51:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
Message-ID: <>

The trunk's been frozen for a few days now, which is starting to cut
into the window for new fixes between b1 and b2 (down to just under 3
weeks, and that's only if b1 was ready for release today).

Is work in train to address or document the remaining buildbot failures
(e.g. test_os on Windows [1]). At what point do we decide to document
something as a known defect in the beta and release it anyway?

(My question is mostly aimed at Benjamin for obvious reasons, but it
would be good to hear from anyone that is actually looking into the
Windows buildbot failure)



Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From barry at  Sat Apr 10 17:51:22 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 11:51:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100410115122.7f6ad18d@heresy>

On Apr 09, 2010, at 11:05 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

>? Instead, this PEP proposes to add a mapping between internal magic numbers 
>and a user-friendly tag. Newer versions of Python can add to this mapping so 
>that all later Pythons know the mapping between tags and magic numbers. ?
>The question is: why do we have to keep a mapping of past tags and magic
>numbers? Don't we only care about our current tag and magic number?
>(similarly, we don't know, and need to know, about Jython's or Pypy's
>As far as I can tell, it would remove the burden of maintening an ever-growing
>registry of past magic numbers and tags.

If you look at the comment near the top of import.c, we kind of do anyway, we
just don't make it available to Python. ;)

I don't have strong feelings about this.  I thought it would be handy for
future Python's to have access to this, but then, without access to previous
version magic numbers, it probably doesn't help much.  And as you say, CPython
won't know about alternative implementation's tags.

So I'm willing to call YAGNI on it and just expose the current Python's magic
tag.  While we're at it, how about making both the tag and the number
attributes of the imp module, instead of functions like .get_magic()?  Of
course we'd keep the latter for backward compatibility.

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From barry at  Sat Apr 10 17:58:41 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 11:58:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
 and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100410115841.5732ab97@heresy>

On Apr 09, 2010, at 05:41 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>> Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
>> an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
>> future? (Sorry, Barry :-))
>I don't care about what name you pick, and my ExEx proposal was meant
>to include half a wink, but
>makes it clear that PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is far from private!
>(I don't know where Barry got that idea.)

Note that it's the non-Ex version that's documented here.  AFAICT,
PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is not documented.  I'm happy to fix that in my
branch as well.

>While Google Code Search
>finds mostly references to PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx in the Python
>source code and various copies of it, it also shows some real uses,

Sure, let's not break existing API even if it's undocumented.  The one nice
thing about ExEx() is that it's clearly related to the two previous API
functions its based on.  But if you don't like it then how about something
like PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnames()?

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From brian.curtin at  Sat Apr 10 18:02:39 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 11:02:39 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 10:51, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:

> The trunk's been frozen for a few days now, which is starting to cut
> into the window for new fixes between b1 and b2 (down to just under 3
> weeks, and that's only if b1 was ready for release today).
> Is work in train to address or document the remaining buildbot failures
> (e.g. test_os on Windows [1]). At what point do we decide to document
> something as a known defect in the beta and release it anyway?
> (My question is mostly aimed at Benjamin for obvious reasons, but it
> would be good to hear from anyone that is actually looking into the
> Windows buildbot failure)
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> [1]
I contacted David Bolen for some details about the his buildbot because I
can't reproduce the failure on any Windows XP, Server 2003, or 7 box that I
have, and it's also not a problem on the other XP buildbot. He's traveling
at the moment but will try to get me access to the box after the weekend is

When manually running test_os how buildbot runs it (via test.bat, which runs
rt.bat) he sees the failure. When running the test on a clean checkout
outside of how buildbot does anything, he doesn't see the failure. I'll try
to get access to figure out what the difference is.
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From solipsis at  Sat Apr 10 18:04:24 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 16:04:24 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at>> writes:
> Is work in train to address or document the remaining buildbot failures
> (e.g. test_os on Windows [1]). At what point do we decide to document
> something as a known defect in the beta and release it anyway?

I'm not handling the test_os issue (which I think is in Brian Curtin's hands),
but as far as test_ftplib is concerned (behaviour change with newest OpenSSL
versions), it was decided to address the issue after the beta.



From guido at  Sat Apr 10 18:12:38 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 09:12:38 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
	and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <20100410115841.5732ab97@heresy>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Apr 09, 2010, at 05:41 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>>> Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
>>> an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
>>> future? (Sorry, Barry :-))
>>I don't care about what name you pick, and my ExEx proposal was meant
>>to include half a wink, but
>>makes it clear that PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is far from private!
>>(I don't know where Barry got that idea.)
> Note that it's the non-Ex version that's documented here. ?AFAICT,
> PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is not documented. ?I'm happy to fix that in my
> branch as well.

Ah, true. And yes, please.

>>While Google Code Search
>>finds mostly references to PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx in the Python
>>source code and various copies of it, it also shows some real uses,
> Sure, let's not break existing API even if it's undocumented. ?The one nice
> thing about ExEx() is that it's clearly related to the two previous API
> functions its based on. ?But if you don't like it then how about something
> like PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnames()?


--Guido van Rossum (

From benjamin at  Sat Apr 10 18:20:13 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 11:20:13 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/10 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>:
> The trunk's been frozen for a few days now, which is starting to cut
> into the window for new fixes between b1 and b2 (down to just under 3
> weeks, and that's only if b1 was ready for release today).
> Is work in train to address or document the remaining buildbot failures
> (e.g. test_os on Windows [1]). At what point do we decide to document
> something as a known defect in the beta and release it anyway?

I'm going to do it now (today). We've deffered basically all the
failures until after the beta, so I think I'll just release now.


From ncoghlan at  Sat Apr 10 18:39:00 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 02:39:00 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147
In-Reply-To: <20100410115122.7f6ad18d@heresy>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> I don't have strong feelings about this.  I thought it would be handy for
> future Python's to have access to this, but then, without access to previous
> version magic numbers, it probably doesn't help much.  And as you say, CPython
> won't know about alternative implementation's tags.
> So I'm willing to call YAGNI on it and just expose the current Python's magic
> tag.  While we're at it, how about making both the tag and the number
> attributes of the imp module, instead of functions like .get_magic()?  Of
> course we'd keep the latter for backward compatibility.

I think one of the virtues of the functions is making it bleedingly
obvious to all concerned that these are read only values.

So +1 to only exposing the current version of the implementation tag and
magic number, and +0 to doing so via attributes rather than functions.

(I'm still in favour of keeping the list of old tags and magic numbers
in a source comment though - commenting them out rather than deleting
them when updating them isn't a major hassle).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rnk at  Sat Apr 10 20:06:59 2010
From: rnk at (Reid Kleckner)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 14:06:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
Message-ID: <>

Hey folks,

I was looking at tuning Python dicts for a data structures class final
project.  I've looked through Object/dictnotes.txt, and obviously
there's already a large body of work on this topic.  My idea was to
alter dict collision resolution as described in the hopscotch hashing
paper[1].  I think the PDF I have came from behind a pay-wall, so I
can't find a link to the original paper.


Just to be clear, this is an experiment I'm doing for a class.  If it
is successful, which I think is unlikely since Python dicts are
already well-tuned, I might consider trying to contribute it back to
CPython over the summer.

The basic idea of hopscotch hashing is to use linear probing with a
cutoff (H), but instead of rehashing when the probe fails, find the
next empty space in the table and move it into the neighborhood of the
original hash index.  This means you have to spend potentially a lot
of extra time during insertion, but it makes lookups very fast because
H is usually chosen such that the entire probe spans at most two cache
lines.  This is much better than the current random (what's the right
name for the current approach?) probing solution, which does
potentially a handful of random accesses into the table.

Looking at dictnotes.txt, I can see that people have experimented with
taking advantage of cache locality.  I was wondering what benchmarks
were used to glean these lessons before I write my own.  Python
obviously has very particular workloads that need to be modeled
appropriately, such as namespaces and **kwargs dicts.

Any other advice would also be helpful.


One caveat I need to work out:  If more than H items collide into a
single bucket, then you need to rehash.  However, if you have a
particularly evil hash function which always returns zero, no matter
how much you rehash, you will never be able to fit all the items into
the first H buckets.  This would cause an infinite loop, while I
believe the current solution will simply have terrible performance.
IMO the solution is just to increase H for the table if the rehash
fails, but realistically, this will never happen unless the programmer
is being evil.  I'd probably skip this detail for the class

From g.brandl at  Sat Apr 10 20:28:12 2010
From: g.brandl at (Georg Brandl)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:28:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
	and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>	<>	<20100409180050.122d6d42@heresy>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hpqg03$nt6$>

Am 10.04.2010 18:12, schrieb Guido van Rossum:
> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>> On Apr 09, 2010, at 05:41 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>>>> Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
>>>> an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
>>>> future? (Sorry, Barry :-))
>>>I don't care about what name you pick, and my ExEx proposal was meant
>>>to include half a wink, but
>>>makes it clear that PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is far from private!
>>>(I don't know where Barry got that idea.)
>> Note that it's the non-Ex version that's documented here.  AFAICT,
>> PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is not documented.  I'm happy to fix that in my
>> branch as well.
> Ah, true. And yes, please.

Not backported to stable yet, though.


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

From tjgolden at  Sat Apr 10 20:37:14 2010
From: tjgolden at (Tim Golden)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 19:37:14 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10/04/2010 17:02, Brian Curtin wrote:
> I contacted David Bolen for some details about the his buildbot because I
> can't reproduce the failure on any Windows XP, Server 2003, or 7 box that I
> have, and it's also not a problem on the other XP buildbot. He's traveling
> at the moment but will try to get me access to the box after the weekend is
> over.

Might it be significant that he's running a Cygwin build of Python?
I've only run the tests on a native Win32 build myself, and I imagine
that's true for you too...


From brian.curtin at  Sat Apr 10 20:47:09 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:47:09 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 13:37, Tim Golden <tjgolden at> wrote:

> On 10/04/2010 17:02, Brian Curtin wrote:
>> I contacted David Bolen for some details about the his buildbot because I
>> can't reproduce the failure on any Windows XP, Server 2003, or 7 box that
>> I
>> have, and it's also not a problem on the other XP buildbot. He's traveling
>> at the moment but will try to get me access to the box after the weekend
>> is
>> over.
> Might it be significant that he's running a Cygwin build of Python?
> I've only run the tests on a native Win32 build myself, and I imagine
> that's true for you too...
The tests are run on a native Win32 build as compiled by VS2008. The
functionality is Win32 specific and wouldn't work on Cygwin, so the tests
are skipped there. I believe Cygwin is used for kicking off the tests and
other buildbot stuff, but they don't actually run through Cygwin.
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From benjamin at  Sat Apr 10 20:52:16 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:52:16 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] 2.7 beta 1
Message-ID: <>

On behalf of the Python development team, I'm merry to announce the first beta
release of Python 2.7.

Python 2.7 is scheduled (by Guido and Python-dev) to be the last major version
in the 2.x series.  Though more major releases have not been absolutely ruled
out, it's likely that the 2.7 release will an extended period of maintenance for
the 2.x series.

2.7 includes many features that were first released in Python 3.1.  The faster
io module, the new nested with statement syntax, improved float repr, set
literals, dictionary views, and the memoryview object have been backported from
3.1. Other features include an ordered dictionary implementation, unittests
improvements, a new sysconfig module, and support for ttk Tile in Tkinter.  For
a more extensive list of changes in 2.7, see or Misc/NEWS in the Python

To download Python 2.7 visit:

While this is a development release and is thus not suitable for production use,
we encourage Python application and library developers to test the release with
their code and report any bugs they encounter.

The 2.7 documentation can be found at:

Please consider trying Python 2.7 with your code and reporting any bugs you may
notice to:


Benjamin Peterson
2.7 Release Manager
benjamin at
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 2.7's contributors)

From deniskolodin at  Sat Apr 10 20:53:38 2010
From: deniskolodin at (Denis Kolodin)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 22:53:38 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python-Dev Digest, Vol 81, Issue 31
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

My name is Denis Kolodin. I live in Russia, Tambov.
I was developing much time with C, Java, C#, R. But two month ago I'm using
It's really cool. Now, I move ALL my projects to it fully and have some
ideas which API's
extensions may will be useful.
The first thing I want to say about is an extension of CSV api. In R
language I could to set types for
the every column in a csv file. I propose to add a same function to the
Python's standard library.
Here it is (Python 3 version):

import csv
def reader2(csvfile, frame, *delimiter**=**';'*, **fmtparams):
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=delimiter, **fmtparams)
    for row in reader:
        l = min(len(row), len(frame))
        yield [frame[idx](row[idx]) for idx in range(l)]

This's generator function which converts an every column to the associated
In *frame *argument you must to set tuple/list of functions which will uses
convert values in same positions of row from csv file. Frame looks like list
of types )))
By default it uses ';' delimiter to make float values conversion are

As a sample you have the csv file like:
*Any spam...; 1; 2.0; 3*

I've saved it to "sample.csv" :)

If you are using function reader in the standard "csv" module you get rows
as a list of strings :(
*>>> reader = csv.reader(open("sample.csv"), delimiter=";")*
*>>> print(next(reader))*
*['Any spam...', ' 1', ' 2.0', ' 3']*
It's not bad in certan situatiuons. But with "reader2" function you can get
a list with necessary types:

>>> reader = reader2(open("foodstuffs.csv"), (str, int, float, int))
>>> print(next(reader))
['Any spam...', 1, 2.0, 3]

Now you can work with items without extra conversions. [?]
I think it's good to add this function to the standard library. I've already
used it many times.
This function can be useful for many people who works with csv files.
And I suppose it conforms to "batteries included" philosophy.

What do you think about this extension?
Is it possible to add this function to standard library or to add the same
behavior to
the standard "readed" function
in "csv" Python's module?

Best Regards,
Denis Kolodin
Russia, Tambov

2010/4/10 <python-dev-request at>

> Send Python-Dev mailing list submissions to
>        python-dev at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>        python-dev-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>        python-dev-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Python-Dev digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: PEP 3147, __cached__, and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
>      (Guido van Rossum)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 17:41:48 -0700
> From: Guido van Rossum <guido at>
> To: Paul Moore <p.f.moore at>
> Cc: Python-Dev Dev <python-dev at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__, and
>        PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
> Message-ID:
>        <h2pca471dc21004091741tb818fdb0k86f65f7adedb7d12 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> > On 9 April 2010 23:00, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> >> On Apr 09, 2010, at 02:52 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >>
> >>>It may be undocumented but it doesn't start with _ and it exists to
> >>>preserve backwards compatibility. So I recommend adding
> >>>PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx().
> >>
> >> Cool, thanks. ?Now I can't wait for PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExExEx() :)
> >
> > Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
> > an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
> > future? (Sorry, Barry :-))
> I don't care about what name you pick, and my ExEx proposal was meant
> to include half a wink, but
> makes it clear that PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is far from private!
> (I don't know where Barry got that idea.) While Google Code Search
> finds mostly references to PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx in the Python
> source code and various copies of it, it also shows some real uses,
> e.g.
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> End of Python-Dev Digest, Vol 81, Issue 31
> ******************************************
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From martin at  Sat Apr 10 20:57:58 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:57:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Any other advice would also be helpful.

I may be missing the point, but ISTM that the assumption of this
approach is that there are often collisions in the hash table. I think
that assumption is false; at least, I recommend to validate that
assumption before proceeding.

There are, of course, cases where dicts do show collisions (namely when
all keys hash equal), however, I'm uncertain whether the approach would
help in that case.


From solipsis at  Sat Apr 10 20:57:54 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 18:57:54 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] 2.7 beta 1
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Benjamin Peterson <benjamin <at>> writes:
> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm merry to announce the first beta
> release of Python 2.7.

Congratulations, and thanks for your patience :)

From rnk at  Sat Apr 10 22:32:25 2010
From: rnk at (Reid Kleckner)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 16:32:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 2:57 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
>> Any other advice would also be helpful.
> I may be missing the point, but ISTM that the assumption of this
> approach is that there are often collisions in the hash table. I think
> that assumption is false; at least, I recommend to validate that
> assumption before proceeding.

It's just an experiment for a class, not something I am (yet)
seriously thinking about contributing back to CPython.  I think my
chances of improving over the current implementation are slim.  I do
not have that much hubris.  :)  I would just rather do experimental
rather than theoretical work with data structures.

I think you're right about the number of collisions, though.  CPython
dicts use a pretty low load factor (2/3) to keep collision counts
down.  One of the major benefits cited in the paper is the ability to
maintain performance in the face of higher load factors, so I may be
able to bump up the load factor to save memory.  This would increase
collisions, but then that wouldn't matter, because resolving them
would only require looking within two consecutive cache lines.

> There are, of course, cases where dicts do show collisions (namely when
> all keys hash equal), however, I'm uncertain whether the approach would
> help in that case.

Yes, in fact, hopscotch hashing fails completely as I mentioned at the
end of my last message.


From solipsis at  Sat Apr 10 22:40:26 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:40:26 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Reid Kleckner <rnk <at>> writes:
> I think you're right about the number of collisions, though.  CPython
> dicts use a pretty low load factor (2/3) to keep collision counts
> down.  One of the major benefits cited in the paper is the ability to
> maintain performance in the face of higher load factors, so I may be
> able to bump up the load factor to save memory.  This would increase
> collisions, but then that wouldn't matter, because resolving them
> would only require looking within two consecutive cache lines.

Why wouldn't it matter? Hash collisions still involve more CPU work, even though
if you're not access memory a lot.


From solipsis at  Sat Apr 10 22:45:35 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:45:35 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis <at>> writes:
> Why wouldn't it matter? Hash collisions still involve more CPU work, even
> if you're not access memory a lot.

(sorry for the awful grammar in the last sentence)

From rnk at  Sat Apr 10 23:35:24 2010
From: rnk at (Reid Kleckner)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 17:35:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Reid Kleckner <rnk <at>> writes:
>> I think you're right about the number of collisions, though. ?CPython
>> dicts use a pretty low load factor (2/3) to keep collision counts
>> down. ?One of the major benefits cited in the paper is the ability to
>> maintain performance in the face of higher load factors, so I may be
>> able to bump up the load factor to save memory. ?This would increase
>> collisions, but then that wouldn't matter, because resolving them
>> would only require looking within two consecutive cache lines.
> Why wouldn't it matter? Hash collisions still involve more CPU work, even though
> if you're not access memory a lot.

So we know for sure that extra CPU work to avoid cache misses is a big
win, but it's never clear whether or not any given memory access will
be a miss.  Because Python's access patterns are rarely random, it may
turn out that all of the elements it accesses are in cache and the
extra CPU work dominates.  If you have a random access pattern over a
large dataset, the dictionary will not fit in cache, and saving random
memory accesses at the expense of CPU will be a win.


From dreamingforward at  Sun Apr 11 00:13:49 2010
From: dreamingforward at (average)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 17:13:49 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] 2.7 beta 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm merry to announce the first beta
> release of Python 2.7.
> Python 2.7 is scheduled (by Guido and Python-dev) to be the last major version
> in the 2.x series. ?Though more major releases have not been absolutely ruled
> out, it's likely that the 2.7 release will an extended period of maintenance for
> the 2.x series.

May I propose that the developers consider keeping this release *beta*
until after the present Python moratorium?  That is, don't let it be
marked as *official* until after, say, Python 3.3.

There are so many features taken from 3.0 that I fear that it will
postpone its adoption interminably (it is, in practice, treated as
"beta" software itself).  By making it doctrine that it won't be
official until the next "major" Python release, it will encourage
those who are able, to just make the jump to 3.0, while those who
cannot will have the subtle pressure to make the shift, however
gradual.  Additionally, it will give the community further incentive
to make Python3 all that it was intended to be.  Personally, the
timing of v3 prevented me from fully participating in that effort,
and, not ignoring the work of those who did contribute, I think many
of us feel that it has not reached its potential.

Just a small suggestion... .. .


From barry at  Sun Apr 11 00:25:53 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 18:25:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
 and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <hpqg03$nt6$>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100410182553.669fefee@heresy>

On Apr 10, 2010, at 08:28 PM, Georg Brandl wrote:

>Am 10.04.2010 18:12, schrieb Guido van Rossum:
>> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>>> On Apr 09, 2010, at 05:41 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>>On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>>>>> Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
>>>>> an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
>>>>> future? (Sorry, Barry :-))
>>>>I don't care about what name you pick, and my ExEx proposal was meant
>>>>to include half a wink, but
>>>>makes it clear that PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is far from private!
>>>>(I don't know where Barry got that idea.)
>>> Note that it's the non-Ex version that's documented here.  AFAICT,
>>> PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is not documented.  I'm happy to fix that in my
>>> branch as well.
>> Ah, true. And yes, please.
>Not backported to stable yet, though.

'dev' is Python 2.7 (i.e. trunk) right?  I was looking at the py3k url, which
it hasn't been ported to either yet I think.

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From softw.devl at  Sun Apr 11 00:27:41 2010
From: softw.devl at (Melton Low)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 16:27:41 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] 2.7 beta 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 4:13 PM, average <dreamingforward at> wrote:

> > On behalf of the Python development team, I'm merry to announce the first
> beta
> > release of Python 2.7.
> >
> > Python 2.7 is scheduled (by Guido and Python-dev) to be the last major
> version
> > in the 2.x series.  Though more major releases have not been absolutely
> ruled
> > out, it's likely that the 2.7 release will an extended period of
> maintenance for
> > the 2.x series.
> May I propose that the developers consider keeping this release *beta*
> until after the present Python moratorium?  That is, don't let it be
> marked as *official* until after, say, Python 3.3.
> There are so many features taken from 3.0 that I fear that it will
> postpone its adoption interminably (it is, in practice, treated as
> "beta" software itself).  By making it doctrine that it won't be
> official until the next "major" Python release, it will encourage
> those who are able, to just make the jump to 3.0, while those who
> cannot will have the subtle pressure to make the shift, however
> gradual.  Additionally, it will give the community further incentive
> to make Python3 all that it was intended to be.  Personally, the
> timing of v3 prevented me from fully participating in that effort,
> and, not ignoring the work of those who did contribute, I think many
> of us feel that it has not reached its potential.
> Just a small suggestion... .. .
> marcos
> --

I disagree.  2.7 should go GA as soon as the developers deemed it stable.

Those who don't need 3rd party packages will no doubt migrate to 3.x.  Those
that required 3rd party packages not yet ported to 3.x will want to use 2.7.
 Delaying 2.7 from GA doesn't change the reality.  I myself would want to
use back ported features from 2.7 as a way to prepare for migration as soon
as those 3rd party packages are ported to 3.x.

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From tjreedy at  Sun Apr 11 03:19:43 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 21:19:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hpr83d$pth$>

>> I may be missing the point, but ISTM that the assumption of this
>> approach is that there are often collisions in the hash table. I think
>> that assumption is false; at least, I recommend to validate that
>> assumption before proceeding.
> It's just an experiment for a class, not something I am (yet)
> seriously thinking about contributing back to CPython.  I think my
> chances of improving over the current implementation are slim.  I do
> not have that much hubris.  :)  I would just rather do experimental
> rather than theoretical work with data structures.
> I think you're right about the number of collisions, though.  CPython
> dicts use a pretty low load factor (2/3) to keep collision counts
> down.

There was a paper discussing Python dicts at PyCon 2010. I believe it 
included some data on collisions. I posted the link on Python list a 
couple of weeks ago.

Terry Jan Reedy

From tjreedy at  Sun Apr 11 03:23:21 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 21:23:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python-Dev Digest, Vol 81, Issue 31
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hpr8a7$pth$>

On 4/10/2010 2:53 PM, Denis Kolodin wrote:

> The first thing I want to say about is an extension of CSV api.

I believe speculative proposals like this fit better on the python-list 
or python-ideas list.


From g.brandl at  Sun Apr 11 09:01:03 2010
From: g.brandl at (Georg Brandl)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:01:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __cached__,
	and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()
In-Reply-To: <20100410182553.669fefee@heresy>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>	<>	<20100409180050.122d6d42@heresy>	<>	<>	<20100410115841.5732ab97@heresy>	<>	<hpqg03$nt6$>
Message-ID: <hprs3k$2im$>

Am 11.04.2010 00:25, schrieb Barry Warsaw:
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 08:28 PM, Georg Brandl wrote:
>>Am 10.04.2010 18:12, schrieb Guido van Rossum:
>>> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 09, 2010, at 05:41 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>>>On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>>>>>> Would it be better to name this one _PyImport_ExecCodeModuleExEx (with
>>>>>> an underscore) so that we *don't* need to create an ExExEx version in
>>>>>> future? (Sorry, Barry :-))
>>>>>I don't care about what name you pick, and my ExEx proposal was meant
>>>>>to include half a wink, but
>>>>>makes it clear that PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is far from private!
>>>>>(I don't know where Barry got that idea.)
>>>> Note that it's the non-Ex version that's documented here.  AFAICT,
>>>> PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx() is not documented.  I'm happy to fix that in my
>>>> branch as well.
>>> Ah, true. And yes, please.
>>Not backported to stable yet, though.
> 'dev' is Python 2.7 (i.e. trunk) right?  I was looking at the py3k url, which
> it hasn't been ported to either yet I think.

Yes. It was added in response to a ticket very recently, and therefore is only
on trunk yet.


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

From deniskolodin at  Sun Apr 11 12:40:04 2010
From: deniskolodin at (Denis Kolodin)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 14:40:04 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python-Dev Digest, Vol 81, Issue 31
Message-ID: <>

On Sun Apr 11 03:23:21 CEST 2010 Terry Reedy wrote:
>?I believe speculative proposals like this fit better on the python-list or python-ideas list.

I see. Thank you :)

Denis Kolodin

From regebro at  Sun Apr 11 21:23:32 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 21:23:32 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] 2.7 beta 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 20:52, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at> wrote:
> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm merry

<Imagines Benjamin dancing folkdances on tables full of food>

> to announce the first beta release of Python 2.7.


Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

From guido at  Sun Apr 11 21:36:54 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 12:36:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] 2.7 beta 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Benjamin Peterson <benjamin <at>> writes:
>> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm merry to announce the first beta
>> release of Python 2.7.
> Congratulations, and thanks for your patience :)

Congratulations indeed!

Let me use this occasion to point out what an awesome community
python-dev is. Not only do we have an great release manager (kudos to
Benjamin for taking on this thankless job of herding cats), but the
whole developer community has been contributing to some excellent
releases. This makes me very happy and confident that Python will
continue to thrive for many, many years, with or without my direct
involvement in the details. While rumors of my retirement are greatly
exaggerated, I am very glad to be able to leave the details to the

Keep them coming, folks!

--Guido van Rossum (

From barry at  Sun Apr 11 19:36:19 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 13:36:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100409162410.29ed71f2@heresy>
	<20100410115122.7f6ad18d@heresy> <>
Message-ID: <20100411133619.5de1082f@heresy>

On Apr 11, 2010, at 02:39 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> I don't have strong feelings about this.  I thought it would be handy for
>> future Python's to have access to this, but then, without access to previous
>> version magic numbers, it probably doesn't help much.  And as you say, CPython
>> won't know about alternative implementation's tags.
>> So I'm willing to call YAGNI on it and just expose the current Python's magic
>> tag.  While we're at it, how about making both the tag and the number
>> attributes of the imp module, instead of functions like .get_magic()?  Of
>> course we'd keep the latter for backward compatibility.
>I think one of the virtues of the functions is making it bleedingly
>obvious to all concerned that these are read only values.
>So +1 to only exposing the current version of the implementation tag and
>magic number, and +0 to doing so via attributes rather than functions.
>(I'm still in favour of keeping the list of old tags and magic numbers
>in a source comment though - commenting them out rather than deleting
>them when updating them isn't a major hassle).

Thinking about this more, I've decided to add imp.get_tag() and remove
imp.magic_tags.  This avoids changes to the existing API, and just adds to it
in a more consistent way.


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From nir at  Mon Apr 12 00:50:14 2010
From: nir at (Nir Aides)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 01:50:14 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <20100313164651.7eb322b1@msiwind>
References: <20100313164651.7eb322b1@msiwind>
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con

I submitted bfs.patch at It is work in
progress but is ready for some opinion.

On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
switching. Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
by an expert in this field, two characteristics which combine to make it
attractive to this case.

The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to the
interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a
lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.

The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
switching in some scenarios:

With Floren't write test (
2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
switching shoots up to 200K/s.
2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter patch
starves one of the bg threads.
4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.

With UDP test (, add
zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.

The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.

Any thoughts?


On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at>wrote:

> Hello,
> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>  embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>  approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>  releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>  GIL back again.
> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>  thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>  this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Antoine.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:
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From peter.a.portante at  Mon Apr 12 03:26:49 2010
From: peter.a.portante at (Peter Portante)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 21:26:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop.  See the fourth
paragraph of the description from:

> .html

For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.

You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on


Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
implementations, must be sound.


On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con
> Kolivas:
> I submitted bfs.patch at? It is work in
> progress but is ready for some opinion.
> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
> switching.?Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed by
> an expert in this field, two?characteristics?which combine to make it
> attractive to this case.
> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to the
> interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a lock
> implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a scheduler,
> however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context switching in some
> scenarios:
> With Floren't write test (
> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter patch
> starves one of the bg threads.
> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
> With UDP test (, add
> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
> Any thoughts?
> Nir
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
>> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
>> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
>> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
>> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
>> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
>> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
>> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
>> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
>> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
>> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
>> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
>> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
>> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>>  ?embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>>  ?approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>>  ?releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>>  ?GIL back again.
>> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>>  ?thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>>  ?this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
>> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
>> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Regards
>> Antoine.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-Dev mailing list
>> Python-Dev at
>> Unsubscribe: 
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe: 

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From greg.ewing at  Sun Apr 11 12:43:14 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 22:43:14 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Traceback object has no __class__?
Message-ID: <>

I thought type-class unification was supposed to mean
that all objects now have a __class__ attribute. But
traceback objects don't seem to:

import sys

   raise ValueError
except ValueError:
   tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
   print tb
   print tb.__class__

results in:

% python2.6
<traceback object at 0x82dc8>
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 8, in <module>
     print tb.__class__
AttributeError: __class__


From ncoghlan at  Mon Apr 12 08:56:18 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 16:56:18 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Traceback object has no __class__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> I thought type-class unification was supposed to mean
> that all objects now have a __class__ attribute. But
> traceback objects don't seem to:
> import sys
> try:
>   raise ValueError
> except ValueError:
>   tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
>   print tb
>   print tb.__class__

I'm not sure what build you're getting that behaviour on, but my svn
build of 2.6 has a __class__ attribute for traceback objects, as does
the kubuntu 9.10 python 2.6.4 system install.

>>> try:
...   raise ValueError
... except:
...   import sys
...   tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
...   print type(tb)
...   print dir(tb)
...   print tb.__class__
<type 'traceback'>
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__',
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
'__subclasshook__', 'tb_frame', 'tb_lasti', 'tb_lineno', 'tb_next']
<type 'traceback'>


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From willian.paixaoo at  Mon Apr 12 13:16:10 2010
From: willian.paixaoo at (=?UTF-8?Q?Willian_Sodr=C3=A9_da_Paix=C3=A3o?=)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 08:16:10 -0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you all. My decision at the moment is a compiler for PICs to
accept a language more like python as possible instead of C.
How is a college project "solo", I can guarantee at least the first
part, a lexical analyzer.

Ass: Wil ('.')

From nir at  Mon Apr 12 14:12:37 2010
From: nir at (Nir Aides)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:12:37 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Peter,

There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante
<peter.a.portante at>wrote:

>  Nir,
> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop.  See the fourth
> paragraph of the description from:
> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
> predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
> predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on
> Windows:
> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
> implementations, must be sound.
> -peter
> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" < nir at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con
> Kolivas:
> I submitted bfs.patch at It is work in
> progress but is ready for some opinion.
> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
> switching. Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
> by an expert in this field, two characteristics which combine to make it
> attractive to this case.
> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a
> lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
> switching in some scenarios:
> With Floren't write test (
> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
> patch starves one of the bg threads.
> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
> With UDP test (, add
> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
> Any thoughts?
> Nir
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou < solipsis at>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>   embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>   approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>   releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>   GIL back again.
> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>   thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>   this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Antoine.
> ______________________________ _________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From peter.a.portante at  Mon Apr 12 14:37:59 2010
From: peter.a.portante at (Peter Portante)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 08:37:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmm, so I see in bfs_yield():

+    if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
+        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
+        COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
+    }

So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is
either NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate
is: ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.

If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you call
COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you need
to loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a condition
wait actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious wake ups, but
you can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke up, or never
blocked at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code path is not

On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():

+        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
+        while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
+            _bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
+            timestamp = get_timestamp();
+        }

You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
predicate is already False.


On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().?
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at>
> wrote:
>> Nir,
>> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_timedwait()
>> need to be performed in a loop. ?See the fourth paragraph of the description
>> from:
>>> it.html 
>>> <
>>> ait.html> 
>> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition variables
>> are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean predicate
>> associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the predicate,
>> then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the predicate to
>> ensure that the condition has actually been met.
>> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
>> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on
>> Windows:
>>> <>
>> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
>> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
>> implementations, must be sound.
>> -peter
>> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" < nir at <http://nir at> >
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
>>> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con
>>> Kolivas:
>>> <>
>>> I submitted bfs.patch at?
>>> <> . It is work in progress but is ready for
>>> some opinion.
>>> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
>>> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
>>> switching.?Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
>>> by an expert in this field, two?characteristics?which combine to make it
>>> attractive to this case.
>>> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to the
>>> interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a
>>> lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
>>> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
>>> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
>>> switching in some scenarios:
>>> With Floren't write test (
>>> <> ):
>>> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
>>> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
>>> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter patch
>>> starves one of the bg threads.
>>> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
>>> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
>>> With UDP test (
>>> <> ), add
>>> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
>>> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
>>> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
>>> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
>>> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
>>> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Nir
>>> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou < solipsis at
>>> <http://solipsis at> > wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
>>>> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
>>>> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
>>>> <>
>>>> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
>>>> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
>>>> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
>>>> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
>>>> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
>>>> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
>>>> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
>>>> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
>>>> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
>>>> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
>>>> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>>>> ??embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>>>> ??approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>>>> ??releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>>>> ??GIL back again.
>>>> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>>>> ??thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>>>> ??this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
>>>> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
>>>> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Antoine.
>>>> ______________________________ _________________
>>>> Python-Dev mailing list
>>>> Python-Dev at <http://Python-Dev at>
>>>> <>
>>>> Unsubscribe: 
>>>> <>
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>>> Python-Dev mailing list
>>> Python-Dev at <http://Python-Dev at>
>>> <>
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>>> om 
>>> <
>>> com> 
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From peter.a.portante at  Mon Apr 12 14:48:25 2010
From: peter.a.portante at (Peter Portante)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 08:48:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

And why the for(;;) loop in bfs_schedule()? I don?t see a code path that
would loop there. Perhaps I am missing it ...


On 4/12/10 8:37 AM, "Peter Portante" <peter.a.portante at> wrote:

> Hmm, so I see in bfs_yield():
> +    if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
> +    }
> So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is either
> NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate is:
> ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.
> If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you call
> COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you need to
> loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a condition wait
> actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious wake ups, but you
> can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke up, or never blocked
> at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code path is not helpful.
> On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
> +            _bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
> +            timestamp = get_timestamp();
> +        }
> You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
> predicate is already False.
> -peter
> On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().?
>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at>
>> wrote:
>>> Nir,
>>> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
>>> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop. ?See the fourth
>>> paragraph of the description from:
>>>> ait.html 
>>>> <
>>>> wait.html> 
>>> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
>>> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
>>> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
>>> predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
>>> predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
>>> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
>>> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on
>>> Windows:
>>>> <>
>>> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
>>> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
>>> implementations, must be sound.
>>> -peter
>>> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" < nir at <http://nir at> >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
>>>> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker
>>>> Con Kolivas:
>>>> <>
>>>> I submitted bfs.patch at?
>>>> <> . It is work in progress but is ready
>>>> for some opinion.
>>>> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
>>>> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
>>>> switching.?Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
>>>> by an expert in this field, two?characteristics?which combine to make it
>>>> attractive to this case.
>>>> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
>>>> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL,
>>>> a lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
>>>> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
>>>> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
>>>> switching in some scenarios:
>>>> With Floren't write test (
>>>> <> ):
>>>> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
>>>> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
>>>> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
>>>> patch starves one of the bg threads.
>>>> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
>>>> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
>>>> With UDP test (
>>>> <> ), add
>>>> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
>>>> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
>>>> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
>>>> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
>>>> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
>>>> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> Nir
>>>> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou < solipsis at
>>>> <http://solipsis at> > wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
>>>>> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
>>>>> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
>>>>> <>
>>>>> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
>>>>> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
>>>>> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
>>>>> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
>>>>> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
>>>>> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
>>>>> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
>>>>> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
>>>>> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
>>>>> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
>>>>> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>>>>> ??embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>>>>> ??approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>>>>> ??releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>>>>> ??GIL back again.
>>>>> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>>>>> ??thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>>>>> ??this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
>>>>> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
>>>>> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Antoine.
>>>>> ______________________________ _________________
>>>>> Python-Dev mailing list
>>>>> Python-Dev at <http://Python-Dev at>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Unsubscribe: 
>>>>> <>
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>>>> Python-Dev mailing list
>>>> Python-Dev at <http://Python-Dev at>
>>>> <>
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>>>> com 
>>>> <
>>>> .com> 
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>> Python-Dev mailing list
>> Python-Dev at
>> Unsubscribe: 

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From techtonik at  Mon Apr 12 15:07:21 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 16:07:21 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] 2.7 beta 1
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 1:13 AM, average <dreamingforward at> wrote:
> There are so many features taken from 3.0 that I fear that it will
> postpone its adoption interminably (it is, in practice, treated as
> "beta" software itself). ?By making it doctrine that it won't be
> official until the next "major" Python release, it will encourage
> those who are able, to just make the jump to 3.0, while those who
> cannot will have the subtle pressure to make the shift, however
> gradual.

> Additionally, it will give the community further incentive
> to make Python3 all that it was intended to be. ?Personally, the
> timing of v3 prevented me from fully participating in that effort,
> and, not ignoring the work of those who did contribute, I think many
> of us feel that it has not reached its potential.

The same problem. For me it was possible to participate in standard
library development only after Python Alphas with Windows binaries
were released. I could test both new features and old bugs. Having a
requirement that every developer should be able to compile binaries
has an adverse effect on the quality of standard library.

The absence of public Roadmap also makes it hard to judge the
aforementioned "desired potential".
It could be possible to compile a public list like

I am afraid of two things with forthcoming Python releases.
1. feature creeping
2. feature missing
And an overview of Python development in the form of release timer and
roadmap will remove the remnants of fear and uncertainty and surely
attract new people for sprints.

Regardless of said above it is great to feel the hard work behind the
scenes that makes new releases popping up. Thanks.
anatoly t.

From abpillai at  Mon Apr 12 15:36:29 2010
From: abpillai at (Anand Balachandran Pillai)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 19:06:29 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
Message-ID: <>


           I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
be OS specific (one can find a lot of Windows only
issues upon a search), won't adding these fields
help bug triaging ?

I am not sure which software is being used by
bug tracker so excuse me if this has been already
discussed in this form. A quick search in my gmail
archives yielded no such discussion.


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From orsenthil at  Mon Apr 12 15:51:51 2010
From: orsenthil at (Senthil Kumaran)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 19:21:51 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100412135151.GA31685@remy>

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 07:06:29PM +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:
> ?????????? I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to

There is one. In the Components you can do a multiple select and it
has Macintosh , Windows as options.

> I am not sure which software is being used by
> bug tracker so excuse me if this has been already
> discussed in this form. A quick search in my gmail
> archives yielded no such discussion.

It is Roundup developed by Richard (Pygame ??). There is  tracker bug
list too, which you can find referenced in the page.


"Elves and Dragons!" I says to him.  "Cabbages and potatoes are better
for you and me."
		-- J. R. R. Tolkien

From rdmurray at  Mon Apr 12 16:44:06 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 10:44:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 12 Apr 2010 19:06:29 +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai <abpillai at> wrote:
>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
> be OS specific (one can find a lot of Windows only
> issues upon a search), won't adding these fields
> help bug triaging ?

As someone else pointed out, we do have Windows and Mac components.
Historically the number of bugs specific to other OSes has been small
enough that it hasn't been worth having classifiers for them.  Or perhaps
it's that we haven't had devs who were specifically tracking those

We can add additional components if the community sees a need for them.

R. David Murray                            

From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 12 19:13:05 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 13:13:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Traceback object has no __class__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hpvkav$ng8$>

On 4/11/2010 6:43 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
> import sys
> try:
>    raise ValueError
> except ValueError:
>    tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
>    print tb
>    print tb.__class__

# 3.1.2
<traceback object at 0x00EFDC10>
<class 'traceback'>

From nir at  Mon Apr 12 21:17:58 2010
From: nir at (Nir Aides)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 22:17:58 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The loop-less wait is similar to the one in new GIL. It is used to force a
switch to next thread in particular scenario and the motivation is explained
in comment to another if clause a few lines up. Those two if clauses can be
joined though.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Peter Portante
<peter.a.portante at>wrote:

>  Hmm, so I see in bfs_yield():
> +    if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
> +    }
> So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is
> either NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate
> is: ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.
> If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you
> call COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you
> need to loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a
> condition wait actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious
> wake ups, but you can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke
> up, or never blocked at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code
> path is not helpful.
> On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
> +            _bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
> +            timestamp = get_timestamp();
> +        }
> You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
> predicate is already False.
> -peter
> On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante <
> peter.a.portante at> wrote:
> Nir,
> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop.  See the fourth
> paragraph of the description from:
> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
> predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
> predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on
> Windows:
> <
> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
> implementations, must be sound.
> -peter
> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" <
> nir at <http://nir at> > wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con
> Kolivas: <
> I submitted bfs.patch at <
>> . It is work in progress but is ready
> for some opinion.
> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
> switching. Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
> by an expert in this field, two characteristics which combine to make it
> attractive to this case.
> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a
> lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
> switching in some scenarios:
> With Floren't write test ( <
>> ):
> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
> patch starves one of the bg threads.
> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
> With UDP test ( <
>> ), add
> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
> Any thoughts?
> Nir
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou <
> solipsis at <http://solipsis at> > wrote:
> Hello,
> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
> <>
> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>   embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>   approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>   releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>   GIL back again.
> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>   thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>   this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Antoine.
> ______________________________
> _________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at <http://Python-Dev at>
> <
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> <
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From nir at  Mon Apr 12 21:19:43 2010
From: nir at (Nir Aides)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 22:19:43 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At some point there was a loop, later it remained since I feel it is more
readable than a bunch of nested if-else clauses.
Should probably replace with do {...} while(0)

I was conditioned with electrical shocks in the dungeons of a corporate to
always use for loops.

I uploaded the patch to Rietveld for code review comments:


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Peter Portante
<peter.a.portante at>wrote:

>  And why the for(;;) loop in bfs_schedule()? I don?t see a code path that
> would loop there. Perhaps I am missing it ...
> -peter
> On 4/12/10 8:37 AM, "Peter Portante" <peter.a.portante at> wrote:
> Hmm, so I see in bfs_yield():
> +    if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
> +    }
> So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is
> either NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate
> is: ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.
> If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you
> call COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you
> need to loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a
> condition wait actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious
> wake ups, but you can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke
> up, or never blocked at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code
> path is not helpful.
> On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
> +            _bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
> +            timestamp = get_timestamp();
> +        }
> You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
> predicate is already False.
> -peter
> On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante <
> peter.a.portante at> wrote:
> Nir,
> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop.  See the fourth
> paragraph of the description from:
> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
> predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
> predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on
> Windows:
> <
> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
> implementations, must be sound.
> -peter
> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" < nir at <http://nir at> >
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con
> Kolivas: <
> I submitted bfs.patch at <
>> . It is work in progress but is ready
> for some opinion.
> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
> switching. Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
> by an expert in this field, two characteristics which combine to make it
> attractive to this case.
> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a
> lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
> switching in some scenarios:
> With Floren't write test ( <
>> ):
> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
> patch starves one of the bg threads.
> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
> With UDP test ( <
>> ), add
> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
> Any thoughts?
> Nir
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou < solipsis at <
> http://solipsis at> > wrote:
> Hello,
> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
> <>
> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>   embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>   approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>   releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>   GIL back again.
> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>   thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>   this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Antoine.
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From peter.a.portante at  Mon Apr 12 21:25:21 2010
From: peter.a.portante at (Peter Portante)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:25:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, but unless you loop until the predicate is False, no forced switch is
guaranteed to occur. You might as well remove the code. If you want to keep
the code as is, call me when you need a life guard to help debug mystifying
behaviors. ;) -peter

On 4/12/10 3:17 PM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:

> The loop-less wait is similar to the one in new GIL. It is used to force a
> switch to next thread in particular scenario and the motivation is explained
> in comment to another if clause a few lines up. Those two if clauses can be
> joined though.
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at>
> wrote:
>> Hmm, so I see in bfs_yield():
>> + ???if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
>> + ???????COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
>> + ???????COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
>> + ???}
>> So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is either
>> NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate is:
>> ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.
>> If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you call
>> COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you need to
>> loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a condition
>> wait actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious wake ups, but
>> you can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke up, or never
>> blocked at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code path is not
>> helpful.
>> On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():
>> + ???????COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
>> + ???????while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
>> + ???????????_bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
>> + ???????????timestamp = get_timestamp();
>> + ???????}
>> You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
>> predicate is already False.
>> -peter
>> On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at <http://nir at> >
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().?
>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at
>>> <http://peter.a.portante at> > wrote:
>>>> Nir,
>>>> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
>>>> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop. ?See the fourth
>>>> paragraph of the description from:
>>>>> wait.html 
>>>>> <
>>>>> dwait.html> 
>>>> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
>>>> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
>>>> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
>>>> predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
>>>> predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
>>>> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
>>>> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics
>>>> on Windows:
>>>>> <>
>>>> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
>>>> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
>>>> implementations, must be sound.
>>>> -peter
>>>> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" <
>>>>  nir at <http://nir at>  <http://nir at> > wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
>>>>> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker
>>>>> Con Kolivas:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> I submitted bfs.patch at?
>>>>> <> . It is work in progress but is ready
>>>>> for some opinion.
>>>>> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
>>>>> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
>>>>> switching.?Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was
>>>>> designed by an expert in this field, two?characteristics?which combine to
>>>>> make it attractive to this case.
>>>>> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
>>>>> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL,
>>>>> a lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
>>>>> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
>>>>> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
>>>>> switching in some scenarios:
>>>>> With Floren't write test (
>>>>> <> ):
>>>>> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
>>>>> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
>>>>> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
>>>>> patch starves one of the bg threads.
>>>>> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
>>>>> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
>>>>> With UDP test (
>>>>> <> ), add
>>>>> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
>>>>> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
>>>>> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp
>>>>> on each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to
>>>>> address some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time
>>>>> stamp readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>> Nir
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou <
>>>>>  solipsis at <http://solipsis at>
>>>>> <http://solipsis at> > wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
>>>>>> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
>>>>>> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
>>>>>> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
>>>>>> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
>>>>>> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
>>>>>> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
>>>>>> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
>>>>>> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
>>>>>> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
>>>>>> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
>>>>>> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
>>>>>> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>>>>>> ??embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>>>>>> ??approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>>>>>> ??releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>>>>>> ??GIL back again.
>>>>>> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>>>>>> ??thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>>>>>> ??this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
>>>>>> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
>>>>>> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Antoine.
>>>>>> ______________________________
>>>>>> _________________
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>>>>>> <>
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>>>>> <
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From nir at  Mon Apr 12 21:36:51 2010
From: nir at (Nir Aides)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 22:36:51 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Please describe clearly a step by step scenario in which that code will

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at
> wrote:

>  Yes, but unless you loop until the predicate is False, no forced switch
> is guaranteed to occur. You might as well remove the code. If you want to
> keep the code as is, call me when you need a life guard to help debug
> mystifying behaviors. ;) -peter
> On 4/12/10 3:17 PM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:
> The loop-less wait is similar to the one in new GIL. It is used to force a
> switch to next thread in particular scenario and the motivation is explained
> in comment to another if clause a few lines up. Those two if clauses can be
> joined though.
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Peter Portante <
> peter.a.portante at> wrote:
> Hmm, so I see in
> bfs_yield():
> +    if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
> +    }
> So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is
> either NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate
> is: ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.
> If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you
> call COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you
> need to loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a
> condition wait actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious
> wake ups, but you can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke
> up, or never blocked at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code
> path is not helpful.
> On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
> +            _bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
> +            timestamp = get_timestamp();
> +        }
> You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
> predicate is already False.
> -peter
> On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at <http://nir at> >
> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante <
> peter.a.portante at <http://peter.a.portante at> > wrote:
> Nir,
> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop.  See the fourth
> paragraph of the description from:
> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
> predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
> predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on
> Windows:
> <
> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
> implementations, must be sound.
> -peter
> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" <
>  nir at <http://nir at> <http://nir at> > wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con
> Kolivas: <
> I submitted bfs.patch at <
>> . It is work in progress but is ready
> for some opinion.
> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
> switching. Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
> by an expert in this field, two characteristics which combine to make it
> attractive to this case.
> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a
> lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
> switching in some scenarios:
> With Floren't write test ( <
>> ):
> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
> patch starves one of the bg threads.
> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
> With UDP test ( <
>> ), add
> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
> Any thoughts?
> Nir
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou <
>  solipsis at <http://solipsis at> <
> http://solipsis at> > wrote:
> Hello,
> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
> <>
> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>   embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>   approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>   releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>   GIL back again.
> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>   thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>   this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Antoine.
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From peter.a.portante at  Mon Apr 12 21:49:21 2010
From: peter.a.portante at (Peter Portante)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:49:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

That code will not switch to another thread if the condition variable either
does not actually block the thread on the call (which is allowed by the
standard to give implementations some flexibility for making it work
correctly ? read the standard reasoning for more information), or the thread
is woken up without a predicate change (also allowed by the standard for
similar reasons). Both of those cases are called ?spurious wake-ups?.

You may not be able to readily get your implementation to behavior that way,
but in the wild, we need to account for this behavior because Cpython will
be run on systems where it will happen. :)


On 4/12/10 3:36 PM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:

> Please describe clearly a step by step scenario in which that code will fail.
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at>
> wrote:
>> Yes, but unless you loop until the predicate is False, no forced switch is
>> guaranteed to occur. You might as well remove the code. If you want to keep
>> the code as is, call me when you need a life guard to help debug mystifying
>> behaviors. ;) -peter
>> On 4/12/10 3:17 PM, "Nir Aides" <nir at <http://nir at> >
>> wrote:
>>> The loop-less wait is similar to the one in new GIL. It is used to force a
>>> switch to next thread in particular scenario and the motivation is explained
>>> in comment to another if clause a few lines up. Those two if clauses can be
>>> joined though.
>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at
>>> <http://peter.a.portante at> > wrote:
>>>> Hmm, so I see in
>>>> bfs_yield():
>>>> + ???if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
>>>> + ???????COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
>>>> + ???????COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
>>>> + ???}
>>>> So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is
>>>> either NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate
>>>> is: ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.
>>>> If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you
>>>> call COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you
>>>> need to loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a
>>>> condition wait actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious
>>>> wake ups, but you can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke
>>>> up, or never blocked at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code
>>>> path is not helpful.
>>>> On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():
>>>> + ???????COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
>>>> + ???????while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
>>>> + ???????????_bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
>>>> + ???????????timestamp = get_timestamp();
>>>> + ???????}
>>>> You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
>>>> predicate is already False.
>>>> -peter
>>>> On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at <http://nir at>
>>>> <http://nir at> > wrote:
>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().?
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante
>>>>> <peter.a.portante at <http://peter.a.portante at>
>>>>> <http://peter.a.portante at> > wrote:
>>>>>> Nir,
>>>>>> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
>>>>>> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop. ?See the fourth
>>>>>> paragraph of the description from:
>>>>>>> edwait.html
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>> medwait.html>
>>>>>> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
>>>>>> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
>>>>>> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects
>>>>>> the predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate
>>>>>> the predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
>>>>>> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how
>>>>>> good it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX
>>>>>> semantics on Windows:
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed
>>>>>> scheduling schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition
>>>>>> variables, and their implementations, must be sound.
>>>>>> -peter
>>>>>> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" <
>>>>>> nir at <http://nir at>  <http://nir at>
>>>>>> <http://nir at> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
>>>>>>> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker
>>>>>>> Con Kolivas:
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> I submitted bfs.patch at?
>>>>>>> <> . It is work in progress but is ready
>>>>>>> for some opinion.
>>>>>>> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
>>>>>>> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of
>>>>>>> context switching.?Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it
>>>>>>> was designed by an expert in this field, two?characteristics?which
>>>>>>> combine to make it attractive to this case.
>>>>>>> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
>>>>>>> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the
>>>>>>> GIL, a lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
>>>>>>> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
>>>>>>> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
>>>>>>> switching in some scenarios:
>>>>>>> With Floren't write test (
>>>>>>> <> ):
>>>>>>> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
>>>>>>> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
>>>>>>> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
>>>>>>> patch starves one of the bg threads.
>>>>>>> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
>>>>>>> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
>>>>>>> With UDP test (
>>>>>>> <> ), add
>>>>>>> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
>>>>>>> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
>>>>>>> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp
>>>>>>> on each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to
>>>>>>> address some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time
>>>>>>> stamp readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
>>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>>> Nir
>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou <
>>>>>>> solipsis at <http://solipsis at>
>>>>>>> <http://solipsis at>  <http://solipsis at> > wrote:


As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in <>

This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
(default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
can be recv()'ed and processed per second.

I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":

- the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
??embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
??approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
??releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
??GIL back again.

- the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
??thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
??this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.

Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.

Any thoughts?



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From gzlist at  Mon Apr 12 22:27:50 2010
From: gzlist at (Martin (gzlist))
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 21:27:50 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Issue #7978, unexpected EINTR-related exceptions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 08/04/2010, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at> wrote:
> Le jeudi 08 avril 2010 08:11:09, Yaniv Aknin a ?crit :
>> Issue #7978 ( describes a bug in
>> SocketServer where a received signal in SocketServer's select() call
>> will raise an uncaught exception due to EINTR. The proposed solution
>> was to wrap SocketServer's select() with something like twisted's
>> untilConcludes function, which catches EINTR exceptions and re-calls
>> the call (see issue for code).
>> However, before committing this to SocketServer, neologix raised the
>> (valid) concern that this is generally-useful code, already duplicated
>> at least in subprocess (_eintr_retry_call,, which can
>> probably be moved to another module and be shared from there. (...)
> +1 to share EINTR-related code, but I don't know the best place for such
> functions. Maybe the os module?

Bazaar did a similar thing in copying the Twisted function to a
generic module for use throughout the codebase. From the experience
there, I think replicating that would be a bad idea.

There are a very large number of functions in the Python standard
library that can throw EINTR, but hardly any of them can be "fixed" by
wrapping them in a function that catches the error and mindlessly
recalls the function with the same arguments.

In Bazaar, until_no_eintr proved to be an attractive nuisance that
lead to incorrect code. Providing such an easily misused interface in
the standard library is likely to do more harm than good.

There are some errors and other confusions in the initial post and
later, but reading this thread from the Bazaar list should give an


From jcea at  Mon Apr 12 23:51:22 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 23:51:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Debugging a strange problem today, I got the following result:

Sockets open by stdlib libraries are open without the "keepalive"
option, so the system default is used. The system default under linux is
"no keepalive".

So, if you are using a URLlib connection, POP3 connection, IMAP
connection, etc., any stdlib that internally creates a socket, and your
server goes away suddendly (you lose network connectivity, by instance),
the library will wait FOREVER for the server. The client can't detect
that the server is not longer available.

The "keepalive" option will send a probe packed every X minutes of
inactivity, to check if the other side is still alive, even if the
connection is idle.

The issue is bad, but the solution is simple enough. Options:

1. All "client" libraries should create sockets with the "KEEPALIVE" option.

2. Modify the socket C module to create all sockets as "Keepalive" by

3. To have a global variable in the socket module to change the default
for future sockets. Something like current "socket.setdefaulttimeout()".
The default should be "keepalive".

4. Modify client libraries to accept a new optional socket-like object
as an optional parameter. This would allow things like transparent
compression or encryption, or to replace the socket connection by
anything else (read/write to shared memory or database, for example).

This is an issue in Linux because by default the sockets are not
"keepalive". In other Unix systems, the default is "keepalive". I don't
know about MS Windows.

What do you think?. The solution seems trivial, after deciding the right
way to go.

PS: "socket.setdefaulttimeout()" is not enough, because it could
shutdown a perfectly functional connection, just because it was idle for
too long.

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From guido at  Tue Apr 13 00:09:43 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:09:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Are you sure about this? ISTM that in most cases when a server goes
away unexpectedly the local host will discover this when it next tries
to use the socket. Also I recall reading that keepalives are a very
controversial concept (since they may actually break connections
unnecessarily if the internet merely has a hiccup).


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Jesus Cea <jcea at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Debugging a strange problem today, I got the following result:
> Sockets open by stdlib libraries are open without the "keepalive"
> option, so the system default is used. The system default under linux is
> "no keepalive".
> So, if you are using a URLlib connection, POP3 connection, IMAP
> connection, etc., any stdlib that internally creates a socket, and your
> server goes away suddendly (you lose network connectivity, by instance),
> the library will wait FOREVER for the server. The client can't detect
> that the server is not longer available.
> The "keepalive" option will send a probe packed every X minutes of
> inactivity, to check if the other side is still alive, even if the
> connection is idle.
> The issue is bad, but the solution is simple enough. Options:
> 1. All "client" libraries should create sockets with the "KEEPALIVE" option.
> 2. Modify the socket C module to create all sockets as "Keepalive" by
> default.
> 3. To have a global variable in the socket module to change the default
> for future sockets. Something like current "socket.setdefaulttimeout()".
> The default should be "keepalive".
> 4. Modify client libraries to accept a new optional socket-like object
> as an optional parameter. This would allow things like transparent
> compression or encryption, or to replace the socket connection by
> anything else (read/write to shared memory or database, for example).
> This is an issue in Linux because by default the sockets are not
> "keepalive". In other Unix systems, the default is "keepalive". I don't
> know about MS Windows.
> What do you think?. The solution seems trivial, after deciding the right
> way to go.
> PS: "socket.setdefaulttimeout()" is not enough, because it could
> shutdown a perfectly functional connection, just because it was idle for
> too long.
> - --
> Jesus Cea Avion ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? _/_/ ? ? ?_/_/_/ ? ? ? ?_/_/_/
> jcea at - ? ? _/_/ ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/ ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/
> jabber / xmpp:jcea at ? ? ? ? _/_/ ? ?_/_/ ? ? ? ? ?_/_/_/_/_/
> . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/ ? ?_/_/ ? ? ? ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/
> "Things are not so easy" ? ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/ ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/ ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/
> "My name is Dump, Core Dump" ? _/_/_/ ? ? ? ?_/_/_/ ? ? ?_/_/ ?_/_/
> "El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iQCVAwUBS8OV2Zlgi5GaxT1NAQIJhwP8CH+gij4KfrJ1oHW5ys4PboH5Ru0pgdly
> Wbsza0+uj3p68P1vDnC9jIr7j+fI3ql3DOc8zUoIKGpJoaWVspbv3c4vI4ATLHo+
> J6I18dpkviRT8/sT/69vMvghaGndiO0Sks/S4tDjhNstYH7oGjWxi63cKqtGPY/p
> WSTLpwrd4SY=
> =vkT4
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--Guido van Rossum (

From jcea at  Tue Apr 13 00:34:27 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 00:34:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On 04/13/2010 12:09 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Are you sure about this? ISTM that in most cases when a server goes
> away unexpectedly the local host will discover this when it next tries
> to use the socket. Also I recall reading that keepalives are a very
> controversial concept (since they may actually break connections
> unnecessarily if the internet merely has a hiccup).

The case is this:

1. The client does a request. Wait "read"ing the answer.

2. The request is "slow", so the server "acks" the TCP datagram and
start to process the request.

3. Now the connection is idle. The server is working and the client is
waiting, blocked in the socket "read()".

4. Now you switch off the server (or unplug the ethernet wire).

5. If the client kernel is not doing "keepalive", the client will be
blocked FOREVER (days), waiting for the reply. If the client uses
"keepalive", its kernel will send a probe after a while (30 minutes, for
instance), the probe will fail, and the kernel will shutdown the
connection. The problem is: linux doesn't uses KEEPALIVE by default.

I have validated this behaviour with Ubuntu 9.10 and a network sniffer.

About controversial... keepalive are usually sent only when the
connection is 100% idle for a while, when "while" can be >15 minutes, so
the load should be "none" for regular connections.

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From jcea at  Tue Apr 13 00:41:40 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 00:41:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On 04/13/2010 12:09 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Also I recall reading that keepalives are a very
> controversial concept (since they may actually break connections
> unnecessarily if the internet merely has a hiccup).

That is true, but parameters are usually very conservative.

In standard Ubuntu box I host out there, the (default) parameters used
(if I activate keepalive):

+ Send the keepalive only after 1800 seconds of complete connection

+ After starting sending keepalives, send NINE probes.

+ Between probes, wait at least 75 seconds.

So you have to have 30 minutes of idle and then at least 11 minutes of
no conectivity to "lose" the connection.

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From nir at  Tue Apr 13 00:43:27 2010
From: nir at (Nir Aides)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 01:43:27 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] "Fixing" the new GIL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There is no need for the "forced" switch to be guaranteed. The motivation
for the wait is to increase throughput and decrease latency when OS
schedules next thread to run on same core as yielding thread but yielding
thread is about to continue running into CPU intensive library code. An
occasional spurious wakeup resulting in missed switch will not affect
that. Note
similar logic in new GIL.

I will add the loop to keep the code clean.


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Peter Portante <peter.a.portante at
> wrote:

>  That code will not switch to another thread if the condition variable
> either does not actually block the thread on the call (which is allowed by
> the standard to give implementations some flexibility for making it work
> correctly ? read the standard reasoning for more information), or the thread
> is woken up without a predicate change (also allowed by the standard for
> similar reasons). Both of those cases are called ?spurious wake-ups?.
> You may not be able to readily get your implementation to behavior that
> way, but in the wild, we need to account for this behavior because Cpython
> will be run on systems where it will happen. :)
> -peter
> On 4/12/10 3:36 PM, "Nir Aides" <nir at> wrote:
> Please describe clearly a step by step scenario in which that code will
> fail.
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Peter Portante <
> peter.a.portante at> wrote:
> Yes, but unless you loop until the predicate is False, no forced switch is
> guaranteed to occur. You might as well remove the code. If you want to keep
> the code as is, call me when you need a life guard to help debug mystifying
> behaviors. ;) -peter
> On 4/12/10 3:17 PM, "Nir Aides" <nir at <http://nir at> >
> wrote:
> The loop-less wait is similar to the one in new GIL. It is used to force a
> switch to next thread in particular scenario and the motivation is explained
> in comment to another if clause a few lines up. Those two if clauses can be
> joined though.
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Peter Portante <
> peter.a.portante at <http://peter.a.portante at> > wrote:
> Hmm, so I see in
> bfs_yield():
> +    if (tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate) {
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        COND_WAIT(tstate->bfs_cond, bfs_mutex);
> +    }
> So, to me, the above code says, ?Wait for the condition that tstate is
> either NULL, or bfs_thread_switch does not equal tstate?. So the predicate
> is: ?(tstate != NULL && bfs_thread_switch == tstate)?.
> If the predicate is True before you call COND_WAIT() and True after you
> call COND_WAIT(), either you don?t need to call COND_WAIT() at all, or you
> need to loop until the predicate is False. There is no guarantee that a
> condition wait actually did anything at all. Yes, there will be spurious
> wake ups, but you can?t tell if the thread actually blocked and then woke
> up, or never blocked at all. If it never actually blocks, then that code
> path is not helpful.
> On Windows, before this loop in bfs_schedule():
> +        COND_RESET(tstate->bfs_cond);
> +        while (bfs_thread != tstate) {
> +            _bfs_timed_wait(tstate, timestamp);
> +            timestamp = get_timestamp();
> +        }
> You might want to avoid the call to reset the condition variable if the
> predicate is already False.
> -peter
> On 4/12/10 8:12 AM, "Nir Aides" <nir at <http://nir at>  <
> http://nir at> > wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> There is no need for a loop in bfs_yield().
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Peter Portante <
> peter.a.portante at <http://peter.a.portante at>  <
> http://peter.a.portante at> > wrote:
> Nir,
> Per the POSIX standard, both pthread_cond_wait() and
> pthread_cond_timedwait() need to be performed in a loop.  See the fourth
> paragraph of the description from:
> For the Windows side, I think you have a similar problem. Condition
> variables are signaling mechanisms, and so they have a separate boolean
> predicate associated with them. If you release the mutex that protects the
> predicate, then after you reacquire the mutex, you have to reevaluate the
> predicate to ensure that the condition has actually been met.
> You might want to look at the following for a discussion (not sure how good
> it is, as I just google?d it quickly) of how to implement POSIX semantics on
> Windows:
> <
> Before you can evaluate the effectiveness of any of the proposed scheduling
> schemes, the fundamental uses of mutexes and condition variables, and their
> implementations, must be sound.
> -peter
> On 4/11/10 6:50 PM, "Nir Aides" <
> nir at <http://nir at>  <http://nir at> <
> http://nir at> > wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to kick this discussion back to life with a simplified
> implementation of the BFS scheduler, designed by the Linux kernel hacker Con
> Kolivas: <
> I submitted bfs.patch at <
>> . It is work in progress but is ready
> for some opinion.
> On my machine BFS gives comparable performance to gilinter, and seems to
> schedule threads more fairly, predictably, and with lower rate of context
> switching. Its basic design is very simple but nevertheless it was designed
> by an expert in this field, two characteristics which combine to make it
> attractive to this case.
> The problem addressed by the GIL has always been *scheduling* threads to
> the interpreter, not just controlling access to it, and therefore the GIL, a
> lock implemented as a simple semaphore was the wrong solution.
> The patches by Antoine and David essentially evolve the GIL into a
> scheduler, however both cause thread starvation or high rate of context
> switching in some scenarios:
> With Floren't write test ( <
>> ):
> 2 bg threads, 2 cores set to performance, karmic, PyCon patch, context
> switching shoots up to 200K/s.
> 2 bg threads, 1 core, set to on-demand, karmic, idle machine, gilinter
> patch starves one of the bg threads.
> 4 bg threads, 4x1 core xeon, centos 5.3, gilinter patch, all bg threads
> starved, context switching shoots up to 250K/s.
> With UDP test ( <
>> ), add
> zlib.compress(b'GIL') to the workload:
> both gilinter and PyCon patches starve the IO thread.
> The BFS patch currently involves more overhead by reading the time stamp on
> each yield and schedule operations. In addition it still remains to address
> some issues related to timestamps such as getting different time stamp
> readings on different cores on some (older) multi-core systems.
> Any thoughts?
> Nir
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Antoine Pitrou <
> solipsis at <http://solipsis at>  <
> http://solipsis at> <http://solipsis at> > wrote:
> Hello,
> As some of you may know, Dave Beazley recently exhibited a situation
> where the new GIL shows quite a poor behaviour (the old GIL isn't very
> good either, but still a little better). This issue is followed in
> <>
> This situation is when an IO-bound thread wants to process a lot of
> incoming packets, while one (or several) CPU-bound thread is also
> running. Each time the IO-bound thread releases the GIL, the CPU-bound
> thread gets it and keeps holding it for at least 5 milliseconds
> (default setting), which limits the number of individual packets which
> can be recv()'ed and processed per second.
> I have proposed two mechanisms, based on the same idea: IO-bound
> threads should be able to steal the GIL very quickly, rather than
> having to wait for the whole "thread switching interval" (again, 5 ms
> by default). They differ in how they detect an "IO-bound threads":
> - the first mechanism is actually the same mechanism which was
>   embodied in the original new GIL patch before being removed. In this
>   approach, IO methods (such as in socketmodule.c)
>   releasing the GIL must use a separate C macro when trying to get the
>   GIL back again.
> - the second mechanism dynamically computes the "interactiveness" of a
>   thread and allows interactive threads to steal the GIL quickly. In
>   this approach, IO methods don't have to be modified at all.
> Both approaches show similar benchmark results (for the benchmarks
> that I know of) and basically fix the issue put forward by Dave Beazley.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Antoine.
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From solipsis at  Tue Apr 13 00:47:55 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 22:47:55 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and &quot;keepalive&quot;
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jesus Cea <jcea <at>> writes:
> PS: "socket.setdefaulttimeout()" is not enough, because it could
> shutdown a perfectly functional connection, just because it was idle for
> too long.

The socket timeout doesn't shutdown anything. It just puts a limit on how much
time recv() and send() can block. Then it's up to you to detect whether the
server is still alive (for example by pinging it through whatever means the
application protocol gives you).

> 1. All "client" libraries should create sockets with the "KEEPALIVE" option.
> 2. Modify the socket C module to create all sockets as "Keepalive" by
> default.

I don't know whether there are any negative implications of such solutions.
Granted, the first one is less radical than the second (because servers wouldn't
be impacted).

> 4. Modify client libraries to accept a new optional socket-like object
> as an optional parameter. This would allow things like transparent
> compression or encryption, or to replace the socket connection by
> anything else (read/write to shared memory or database, for example).

This could be useful too.



From daniel at  Tue Apr 13 00:59:28 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 17:59:28 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Jesus Cea <jcea at> wrote:

> The problem is: linux doesn't uses KEEPALIVE by default.

If you believe the problem is with the Linux kernel, perhaps you should take
up your case on a more appropriate mailing list?

Python's socket module is a fairly low-level module, as it's just a thin
wrapper around the corresponding operating system calls.  Anyone using it
has to be prepared to deal with a certain amount of exposed operating system

If you want to use TCP KEEPALIVE on Linux, then just call:
    my_socket_object.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)

Most non-trivial applications use select() or poll() to avoid blocking calls
and do their own timeout-checking at the application layer, so they don't
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
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From jcea at  Tue Apr 13 01:08:10 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 01:08:10 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On 04/13/2010 12:59 AM, Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
> Most non-trivial applications use select() or poll() to avoid blocking
> calls and do their own timeout-checking at the application layer, so
> they don't need KEEPALIVE.

I am thinking about python stdlibs like imaplib, poplib, smtplib,
ftplib, urllib, etc., etc., ...

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From jcea at  Tue Apr 13 01:19:40 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 01:19:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Getting an optional parameter instead of creating a
 socket internally (was: Re: stdlib socket usage and &quot; keepalive&quot; )
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On 04/13/2010 12:47 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Jesus Cea <jcea <at>> writes:
>> PS: "socket.setdefaulttimeout()" is not enough, because it could
>> shutdown a perfectly functional connection, just because it was idle for
>> too long.
> The socket timeout doesn't shutdown anything. It just puts a limit on how much
> time recv() and send() can block. Then it's up to you to detect whether the
> server is still alive (for example by pinging it through whatever means the
> application protocol gives you).

A regular standard library (let say, poplib) would abort, after getting
the timeout exception.

>> 4. Modify client libraries to accept a new optional socket-like object
>> as an optional parameter. This would allow things like transparent
>> compression or encryption, or to replace the socket connection by
>> anything else (read/write to shared memory or database, for example).
> This could be useful too.

I have been thinking about this for years. Do you actually think this
could be formally proposed?.

What bugs me is that the socket creation is deep inside the stdlibs. You
can not control it easily (I have overloaded socket.socket() in the past
for controlling the number of concurrent connections to servers, for
instance, or providing encryption), and it is difficult to test.

If these stdlib methods could accept an optional parameter instead of
creating the socket internally, test is trivial, and you can reuse the
lib to access the service via an arbitrary object (this weekend I just
tunneled TCP/IP via DNS requests/answers, shame on you, airport wifi

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From guido at  Tue Apr 13 01:23:10 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 16:23:10 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Daniel Stutzbach
<daniel at> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Jesus Cea <jcea at> wrote:
>> The problem is: linux doesn't uses KEEPALIVE by default.
> If you believe the problem is with the Linux kernel, perhaps you should take
> up your case on a more appropriate mailing list?
> Python's socket module is a fairly low-level module, as it's just a thin
> wrapper around the corresponding operating system calls.? Anyone using it
> has to be prepared to deal with a certain amount of exposed operating system
> details.

Bingo. I expect that changing this will have too many unanticipated
ramifications to be safe.

> If you want to use TCP KEEPALIVE on Linux, then just call:
> ??? my_socket_object.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
> Most non-trivial applications use select() or poll() to avoid blocking calls
> and do their own timeout-checking at the application layer, so they don't

> --
> Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
> President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC

--Guido van Rossum (

From guido at  Tue Apr 13 01:24:34 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 16:24:34 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Getting an optional parameter instead of creating
	a socket internally (was: Re: stdlib socket usage and &quot;
	keepalive&quot; )
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Jesus Cea <jcea at> wrote:
> On 04/13/2010 12:47 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> Jesus Cea <jcea <at>> writes:
>>> PS: "socket.setdefaulttimeout()" is not enough, because it could
>>> shutdown a perfectly functional connection, just because it was idle for
>>> too long.
>> The socket timeout doesn't shutdown anything. It just puts a limit on how much
>> time recv() and send() can block. Then it's up to you to detect whether the
>> server is still alive (for example by pinging it through whatever means the
>> application protocol gives you).
> A regular standard library (let say, poplib) would abort, after getting
> the timeout exception.
>>> 4. Modify client libraries to accept a new optional socket-like object
>>> as an optional parameter. This would allow things like transparent
>>> compression or encryption, or to replace the socket connection by
>>> anything else (read/write to shared memory or database, for example).
>> This could be useful too.
> I have been thinking about this for years. Do you actually think this
> could be formally proposed?.
> What bugs me is that the socket creation is deep inside the stdlibs. You
> can not control it easily (I have overloaded socket.socket() in the past
> for controlling the number of concurrent connections to servers, for
> instance, or providing encryption), and it is difficult to test.
> If these stdlib methods could accept an optional parameter instead of
> creating the socket internally, test is trivial, and you can reuse the
> lib to access the service via an arbitrary object (this weekend I just
> tunneled TCP/IP via DNS requests/answers, shame on you, airport wifi
> hotspots!).

Yeah, this sounds like a useful change. Would be very useful for testing too.

--Guido van Rossum (

From exarkun at  Tue Apr 13 04:03:19 2010
From: exarkun at (exarkun at
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 02:03:19 -0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Getting an optional parameter instead of creating
	a	socket	internally (was: Re: stdlib socket usage and &quot;
	keepalive&quot; )
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <20100413020319.2779.2069488812.divmod.xquotient.401@localhost.localdomain>

On 12 Apr, 11:19 pm, jcea at wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>On 04/13/2010 12:47 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>Jesus Cea <jcea <at>> writes:
>>>PS: "socket.setdefaulttimeout()" is not enough, because it could
>>>shutdown a perfectly functional connection, just because it was idle 
>>>too long.
>>The socket timeout doesn't shutdown anything. It just puts a limit on 
>>how much
>>time recv() and send() can block. Then it's up to you to detect 
>>whether the
>>server is still alive (for example by pinging it through whatever 
>>means the
>>application protocol gives you).
>A regular standard library (let say, poplib) would abort, after getting
>the timeout exception.
>>>4. Modify client libraries to accept a new optional socket-like 
>>>as an optional parameter. This would allow things like transparent
>>>compression or encryption, or to replace the socket connection by
>>>anything else (read/write to shared memory or database, for example).
>>This could be useful too.
>I have been thinking about this for years. Do you actually think this
>could be formally proposed?.

Every once in a while I make a little bit more progress on the PEP I'm 
working on for this.  If you want to talk more about this, you can find 
me in #python-dev or #twisted on freenode.


From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr 13 09:35:09 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 19:35:09 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Traceback object has no __class__?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> I'm not sure what build you're getting that behaviour on, but my svn
> build of 2.6 has a __class__ attribute for traceback objects,

It's 2.6.1. Guess it's been fixed since then.


From greg.ewing at  Tue Apr 13 10:43:58 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 20:43:58 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] stdlib socket usage and "keepalive"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jesus Cea wrote:

> About controversial... keepalive are usually sent only when the
> connection is 100% idle for a while, when "while" can be >15 minutes, so
> the load should be "none" for regular connections.

I guess the concern would be that the keepalive probe itself
is subject to uncertain delays, so how long do you wait for
a reply before deciding that the connection is dead? If you
don't wait long enough, you could end up killing a connection
that would have come back if you had waited longer.


From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 13 14:54:46 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 22:54:46 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <20100412135151.GA31685@remy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Senthil Kumaran wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 07:06:29PM +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:
>>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
>> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
>> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
> There is one. In the Components you can do a multiple select and it
> has Macintosh , Windows as options.

I think that setup dates from the Sourceforge days when we didn't have
keywords or the ability to add our own fields. Would it make sense to
put a request on the metatracker to convert these to keywords now that
they're available? Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?

While there is some Windows and Mac specific code, treating them as
separate components seems fairly unintuitive.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 13 15:04:18 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:04:18 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Getting an optional parameter instead of creating
 a socket internally
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Jesus Cea wrote:
> On 04/13/2010 12:47 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> Jesus Cea <jcea <at>> writes:
>>> 4. Modify client libraries to accept a new optional socket-like object
>>> as an optional parameter. This would allow things like transparent
>>> compression or encryption, or to replace the socket connection by
>>> anything else (read/write to shared memory or database, for example).
>> This could be useful too.
> I have been thinking about this for years. Do you actually think this
> could be formally proposed?.

This strikes me as the best way forward (albeit far from easy to do):

1. Existing code which doesn't use the new arguments should be unaffected.

2. No changes to low level socket code, so no chance of unintended side
effects on library behaviour

3. Solves a broad class of problems (i.e. allows all sorts of tunnelling
and various socket options) rather than just this one problem.

4. Allows easier library testing with "mock" socket objects.

The problem actually reminds me of Spolsky's Law of Leaky Abstractions
essay. If the abstraction layer is going to leak anyway (and they always
do), it's best to give the developer access to all of the tools they
need to plug the hole.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 13 15:13:39 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:13:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r80025 - peps/trunk/pep-3147.txt
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

barry.warsaw wrote:
> +It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
> +implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.

What (if anything) should we set __cached__ to in __main__?


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From barry at  Tue Apr 13 16:04:17 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 10:04:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r80025 - peps/trunk/pep-3147.txt
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100413100417.2bf4bbbc@heresy>

On Apr 13, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>barry.warsaw wrote:
>> +It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
>> +implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.
>What (if anything) should we set __cached__ to in __main__?

Good catch.  Right now (in my current branch) it is undefined.  It should be

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From stephen at  Tue Apr 13 16:04:26 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:04:26 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan writes:

 > they're available? Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
 > Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?

XEmacs has a multilink field "platform".  The default is "Any or all"
(mislabeled N/A), and values include hardware (currently x86, PPC,
other), OS (POSIX, Windows NT), and GUI (Windows, X11, Carbon,
TTY[sic]).  Multilink means you can have as many as you want, and no
attempt is made to enforce "one of each" or anything like that.

I don't know if the distinction between OS and GUI is as important for
Python.  And "platform" is rarely useful for us -- platform bugs tend
to be spectacular things like build breakage or crashes, and so get
attention from a much wider circle than just the platform specialists.
(Especially since the guilty party is usually a nonspecialist who
never heard of that kind of dragon before.)  So I can't really offer a
pile of relevant experience, but it seems like a good idea.<wink>

 > While there is some Windows and Mac specific code, treating them as
 > separate components seems fairly unintuitive.

Not always unintuitive.  There are some features only available on a
particular platform, then "component" sort of makes sense.  OTOH,
there are some bugs that are only available on a particular platform
even though the code is generic.  There "component" isn't very
intuitive.  In theory, I could see having both the component and the
platform fields, but probably that would require too much user
education to be worth it.

From abpillai at  Tue Apr 13 16:17:16 2010
From: abpillai at (Anand Balachandran Pillai)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 19:47:16 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 6:24 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:

> Senthil Kumaran wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 07:06:29PM +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai
> wrote:
> >>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
> >> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
> >> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
> >
> > There is one. In the Components you can do a multiple select and it
> > has Macintosh , Windows as options.

 Thanks for pointing that out. I missed it.

 A problem seems to be that for most bugs, the filer seems to select
 just one component and leave the rest of it to bug description. When
 I searched with "Windows" component, the most recent bugs I saw
 was upto 1 week ago, where as a bug like
 which is a distutils issue reported on Windows is not present, because
 the reporter chose to file it under "distutils" component.

> I think that setup dates from the Sourceforge days when we didn't have
> keywords or the ability to add our own fields. Would it make sense to
> put a request on the metatracker to convert these to keywords now that
> they're available? Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
> Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?
> While there is some Windows and Mac specific code, treating them as
> separate components seems fairly unintuitive.

 +1. I don't understand why Windows and Mac should come under
 "Components". It is not very obvious to the reporters also.

 Separate question: Who is in charge of bug triaging in pydev ? This is
something which I would like to help out with, if help is required :-)

> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

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From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 13 16:17:13 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:17:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r80025 - peps/trunk/pep-3147.txt
In-Reply-To: <20100413100417.2bf4bbbc@heresy>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> barry.warsaw wrote:
>>> +It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
>>> +implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.
>> What (if anything) should we set __cached__ to in __main__?
> Good catch.  Right now (in my current branch) it is undefined.  It should be
> None.

Sounds reasonable. I ask because the various functions in runpy will
also need to cover setting that value properly.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 13 16:21:07 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:21:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>  > While there is some Windows and Mac specific code, treating them as
>  > separate components seems fairly unintuitive.
> Not always unintuitive.  There are some features only available on a
> particular platform, then "component" sort of makes sense.  OTOH,
> there are some bugs that are only available on a particular platform
> even though the code is generic.  There "component" isn't very
> intuitive.  In theory, I could see having both the component and the
> platform fields, but probably that would require too much user
> education to be worth it.

Yep, that's where the "fairly" qualification came from. It particularly
made sense when we had all those Mac OS 9 specific modules kicking around.

This isn't something I feel strongly about - just pointing out to the
triage guys that requesting a change *is* an option if they think it
would help.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From barry at  Tue Apr 13 16:38:35 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 10:38:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r80025 - peps/trunk/pep-3147.txt
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <20100413100417.2bf4bbbc@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100413103835.1a4cfc09@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 12:17 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> On Apr 13, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>> barry.warsaw wrote:
>>>> +It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
>>>> +implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.
>>> What (if anything) should we set __cached__ to in __main__?
>> Good catch.  Right now (in my current branch) it is undefined.  It should be
>> None.
>Sounds reasonable. I ask because the various functions in runpy will
>also need to cover setting that value properly.

Right.  I'm looking at runpy now, but am less familiar with this code.  Right
now I have anything executed with -m as setting __cached__ to None, which
seems right in the simple case because the -m <module> doesn't appear to get
byte compiled.  Is that correct?

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From daniel at  Tue Apr 13 18:12:47 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 11:12:47 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Reid Kleckner <rnk at> wrote:

> Looking at dictnotes.txt, I can see that people have experimented with
> taking advantage of cache locality.  I was wondering what benchmarks
> were used to glean these lessons before I write my own.  Python
> obviously has very particular workloads that need to be modeled
> appropriately, such as namespaces and **kwargs dicts.

I don't know what benchmarks were used to write dictnotes.txt, but moving
forward I would recommend implementing your changes on trunk (i.e., Python
2.x) and running the Unladen Swallow Benchmarks, which you can get from the
link below:

They are macro-benchmarks on real applications.  You will probably also want
to write some micro-benchmarks of your own so that you can pinpoint any
bottlenecks in your code and determine where you are ahead of the current
dict implementation and where you are behind.
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
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From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 13 18:51:02 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 12:51:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 19:47:16 +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai <abpillai at> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 6:24 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> > Senthil Kumaran wrote:
> > > On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 07:06:29PM +0530, Anand Balachandran Pillai
> > wrote:
> > >>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
> > >> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
> > >> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
> > >
> > > There is one. In the Components you can do a multiple select and it
> > > has Macintosh , Windows as options.
> >
>  Thanks for pointing that out. I missed it.
>  A problem seems to be that for most bugs, the filer seems to select
>  just one component and leave the rest of it to bug description. When
>  I searched with "Windows" component, the most recent bugs I saw
>  was upto 1 week ago, where as a bug like
>  which is a distutils issue reported on Windows is not present, because
>  the reporter chose to file it under "distutils" component.

Well, one generally can't depend on the submitter to get the details
right, because they often aren't familiar with our conventions.  Triage
tries to add those components when appropriate, but sometimes we forget.

The more interesting question is, do any developers search on the
windows/mac components?  My guess would be that we mostly depend on
appropriate people getting set as nosy on bugs, by themselves after
seeing it on the new bugs list, or by triage.

> > I think that setup dates from the Sourceforge days when we didn't have
> > keywords or the ability to add our own fields. Would it make sense to
> > put a request on the metatracker to convert these to keywords now that
> > they're available? Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
> > Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?
> >
> > While there is some Windows and Mac specific code, treating them as
> > separate components seems fairly unintuitive.
> >
>  +1. I don't understand why Windows and Mac should come under
>  "Components". It is not very obvious to the reporters also.

Well, on the flip side, if there were a separate OS list, we'd probably
get a lot of submitters selecting their OS when in fact the bug is
not OS specific.  So I'm not sure the problems would be any smaller
with that approach.

>  Separate question: Who is in charge of bug triaging in pydev ? This is
> something which I would like to help out with, if help is required :-)

As with just about everything else Python, a small, ad hoc team
of volunteers.  There's no one "in charge".  Anyone with 'developer'
privileges on the tracker (which means anyone with commit access, but also
non-committers who have been given it so they can do triage) can do triage.
There are a batch of us that hang out on #python-dev and also monitor the
new bugs and/or the full bugs list, and triage issues as we have time.
If you want to help out, come talk to us on #python-dev (on freenode),
and start reviewing issues and suggesting appropriate status updates.
If you help out, it won't be long before you get tracker 'developer'
privs so you can help out more.

R. David Murray                            

From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 13 18:58:27 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 12:58:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:21:07 +1000, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> >  > While there is some Windows and Mac specific code, treating them as
> >  > separate components seems fairly unintuitive.
> > 
> > Not always unintuitive.  There are some features only available on a
> > particular platform, then "component" sort of makes sense.  OTOH,
> > there are some bugs that are only available on a particular platform
> > even though the code is generic.  There "component" isn't very
> > intuitive.  In theory, I could see having both the component and the
> > platform fields, but probably that would require too much user
> > education to be worth it.
> Yep, that's where the "fairly" qualification came from. It particularly
> made sense when we had all those Mac OS 9 specific modules kicking around.
> This isn't something I feel strongly about - just pointing out to the
> triage guys that requesting a change *is* an option if they think it
> would help.

It's not really a question of what Triage needs, but what the committers
as a whole would find most useful.  As I said in another note, I think
having a separate OS selection would cause just as many triage issues
as the current setup does.  So the question is, what would developers
and bug searchers/submitters find useful?

That said, it's easier to add components and keywords than it is to
add a new selection box.  I know how to do the former but not (yet)
the latter.

R. David Murray                            

From tjreedy at  Tue Apr 13 20:22:40 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 14:22:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy>
Message-ID: <hq2cpe$5m9$>

On 4/13/2010 10:17 AM, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:

>      >>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
>      >> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
>      >> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
>      >
>      > There is one. In the Components you can do a multiple select and it
>      > has Macintosh , Windows as options.
>   Thanks for pointing that out. I missed it.

Me to. Are thery really never any *nix specific bugs? There are *nix 
specific features, so bugs in those features would be.

>   Separate question: Who is in charge of bug triaging in pydev ? This is
> something which I would like to help out with, if help is required :-)

It is being done well now, but it is possible that some of those doing 
so could move up to patch review, or something, if there were more triagers.

I started by registering and just making unofficial triage comments like 
'behavior matches doc' followed by 'recommend closing as invalid' or 
'recommend changing to feature request' or 'recommend changing to doc 
improvement request' as I thought best. Eventually (after about a year) 
a committer noticed that he (nearly) always agreed and gave me admin 
privileges to make the changes directly. David's #python-dev suggestion 
would speed that process ;-) I might even give it a try sometime when I 
am in doubt and would otherwise not do anything. One way or the other, 
give it a try.

Terry Jan Reedy

From at  Tue Apr 13 21:43:38 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 15:43:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian Curtin <brian.curtin at> writes:

> The tests are run on a native Win32 build as compiled by VS2008. The
> functionality is Win32 specific and wouldn't work on Cygwin, so the tests
> are skipped there. I believe Cygwin is used for kicking off the tests and
> other buildbot stuff, but they don't actually run through Cygwin.

Yes, that's correct.  Cygwin is on my buildbot just for management
convenience.  The build slave happens to be started from a Cygwin bash
shell (and beneath a Cygwin-based home directory, which is why you see
it in various path references in logs), but the buildbot code itself
is responsible for executing the python process directly for testing.
And python itself is built normally with VS 2008 as a pure win32
build, no Cygwin dependency.

I did also verify over the weekend that the failures occur whether the
python_d process is started from a Cygwin bash shell or from the
normal Windows cmd process, and even if test_os is used directly,
without running through rt.bat.  The case that ran successfully was
not via test_os, but only by interactively replicating the test.

I'm back at this point, and to the extent my buildbot is the only
place currently replicating the problem, am working with Brian for
whatever access or resources might be helpful.

-- David

From barry at  Tue Apr 13 22:21:07 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 16:21:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
Message-ID: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>

I am attaching the latest revision of PEP 3147 to this message, which is also
available here:

I think the PEP is ready for pronouncement, and the patch is pretty much ready
for merging into py3k.  The only thing that I can think of that is not
implemented yet is this section on PEP 302 loaders:

    PEP 302 [18]_ defined loaders have a `.get_filename()` method which
    points to the `__file__` for a module.  As part of this PEP, we will
    extend this API, to include a new method `.get_paths()` which will
    return a 2-tuple containing the path to the source file and the path
    to where the matching `pyc` file is (or would be).

I'm honestly not sure whether this is still essential, or whether the
importlib ABC changes Brett and I talked about at Pycon are still required.  I
now believe they are at best a minor part of the implementation if so.  Maybe
Brett can chime in on that.

Everything else is implemented, tested, and has undergone four rounds of
Rietveld reviews (thanks Antoine, Benjamin, Brett, and Georg!).  A fifth patch
set has been uploaded and is available here:

This addresses all previous comments, includes some fixes from Brian Curtin
for Windows (thanks!) and fixes __main__ and -m support.  I'd like to commit
this to py3k sooner rather than later so that we can shake out any additional
issues that might crop up, without having to continue to maintain my external

Guido, what say you?

PEP: 3147
Title: PYC Repository Directories
Version: $Revision: 80025 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2010-04-12 22:17:40 -0400 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010) $
Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 2009-12-16
Python-Version: 3.2
Post-History: 2010-01-30, 2010-02-25, 2010-03-03, 2010-04-12


This PEP describes an extension to Python's import mechanism which
improves sharing of Python source code files among multiple installed
different versions of the Python interpreter.  It does this by
allowing more than one byte compilation file (.pyc files) to be
co-located with the Python source file (.py file).  The extension
described here can also be used to support different Python
compilation caches, such as JIT output that may be produced by an
Unladen Swallow [1]_ enabled C Python.


CPython compiles its source code into "byte code", and for performance
reasons, it caches this byte code on the file system whenever the
source file has changes.  This makes loading of Python modules much
faster because the compilation phase can be bypassed.  When your
source file is ``, CPython caches the byte code in a `foo.pyc`
file right next to the source.

Byte code files contain two 32-bit numbers followed by the marshaled
[2]_ code object.  The 32-bit numbers represent a magic number and a
timestamp.  The magic number changes whenever Python changes the byte
code format, e.g. by adding new byte codes to its virtual machine.
This ensures that pyc files built for previous versions of the VM
won't cause problems.  The timestamp is used to make sure that the pyc
file is not older than the py file that was used to create it.  When
either the magic number or timestamp do not match, the py file is
recompiled and a new pyc file is written.

In practice, it is well known that pyc files are not compatible across
Python major releases.  A reading of import.c [3]_ in the Python
source code proves that within recent memory, every new CPython major
release has bumped the pyc magic number.


Linux distributions such as Ubuntu [4]_ and Debian [5]_ provide more
than one Python version at the same time to their users.  For example,
Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala users can install Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1,
with Python 2.6 being the default.

This causes a conflict for Python source files installed by the
system (including third party packages), because you cannot compile a
single Python source file for more than one Python version at a time.
Thus if your system wanted to install a `/usr/share/python/`, it
could not create a `/usr/share/python/foo.pyc` file usable across all
installed Python versions.

Furthermore, in order to ease the burden on operating system packagers
for these distributions, the distribution packages do not contain
Python version numbers [6]_; they are shared across all Python
versions installed on the system.  Putting Python version numbers in
the packages would be a maintenance nightmare, since all the packages
- *and their dependencies* - would have to be updated every time a new
Python release was added or removed from the distribution.  Because of
the sheer number of packages available, this amount of work is

C extensions can be source compatible across multiple versions of
Python.  Compiled extension modules are usually not compatible though,
and PEP 384 [7]_ has been proposed to address this by defining a
stable ABI for extension modules.

Because these distributions cannot share pyc files, elaborate
mechanisms have been developed to put the resulting pyc files in
non-shared locations while the source code is still shared.  Examples
include the symlink-based Debian regimes python-support [8]_ and
python-central [9]_.  These approaches make for much more complicated,
fragile, inscrutable, and fragmented policies for delivering Python
applications to a wide range of users.  Arguably more users get Python
from their operating system vendor than from upstream tarballs.  Thus,
solving this pyc sharing problem for CPython is a high priority for
such vendors.

This PEP proposes a solution to this problem.


Python's import machinery is extended to write and search for byte
code cache files in a single directory inside every Python package
directory.  This directory will be called `__pycache__`.

Further, pyc files will contain a magic string that differentiates the
Python version they were compiled for.  This allows multiple byte
compiled cache files to co-exist for a single Python source file.

This scheme has the added benefit of reducing the clutter in a Python
package directory.

When a Python source file is imported for the first time, a
`__pycache__` directory will be created in the package directory, if
one does not already exist.  The pyc file for the imported source will
be written to the `__pycache__` directory, using the magic-tag
formatted name.  If either the creation of the `__pycache__` directory
or the pyc file inside that fails, the import will still succeed, just
as it does in a pre-PEP-3147 world.

If the py source file is missing, the pyc file inside `__pycache__`
will be ignored.  This eliminates the problem of accidental stale pyc
file imports.

For backward compatibility, Python will still support pyc-only
distributions, however it will only do so when the pyc file lives in
the directory where the py file *would* have been, i.e. not in the
`__pycache__` directory.  pyc file outside of `__pycache__` will only
be imported if the py source file is missing.

Tools such as `py_compile` [15]_ and `compileall` [16]_ will be
extended to create PEP 3147 formatted layouts automatically, but will
have an option to create pyc-only distribution layouts.


What would this look like in practice?

Let's say we have a Python package named `alpha` which contains a
sub-package name `beta`.  The source directory layout before byte
compilation might look like this::


After byte compiling this package with Python 3.2, you would see the
following layout::


*Note: listing order may differ depending on the platform.*

Let's say that two new versions of Python are installed, one is Python
3.3 and another is Unladen Swallow.  After byte compilation, the file
system would look like this::


As you can see, as long as the Python version identifier string is
unique, any number of pyc files can co-exist.  These identifier
strings are described in more detail below.

A nice property of this layout is that the `__pycache__` directories
can generally be ignored, such that a normal directory listing would
show something like this::


This is much less cluttered than even today's Python.

Python behavior

When Python searches for a module to import (say `foo`), it may find
one of several situations.  As per current Python rules, the term
"matching pyc" means that the magic number matches the current
interpreter's magic number, and the source file is not newer than the
`pyc` file.

Case 1: The first import

When Python is asked to import module `foo`, it searches for a
`` file (or `foo` package, but that's not important for this
discussion) along its `sys.path`.  When Python locates the ``
file it will look for a `__pycache__` directory in the directory where
it found the ``.  If the `__pycache__` directory is missing,
Python will create it.  Then it will parse and byte compile the
`` file and save the byte code in `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc`,
where <magic> is defined by the Python implementation, but will be a
human readable string such as `cpython-32`.

Case 2: The second import

When Python is asked to import module `foo` a second time (in a
different process of course), it will again search for the ``
file along its `sys.path`.  When Python locates the `` file, it
looks for a matching `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc` and finding this,
it reads the byte code and continues as usual.

Case 3: __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc with no source

It's possible that the `` file somehow got removed, while
leaving the cached pyc file still on the file system.  If the
`__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc` file exists, but the `` file used
to create it does not, Python will raise an `ImportError` when asked
to import foo.  In other words, Python will not import a pyc file from
the cache directory unless the source file exists.

Case 4: legacy pyc files and source-less imports

Python will ignore all legacy pyc files when a source file exists next
to it.  In other words, if a `foo.pyc` file exists next to the
`` file, the pyc file will be ignored in all cases

In order to continue to support source-less distributions though, if
the source file is missing, Python will import a lone pyc file if it
lives where the source file would have been.

Case 5: read-only file systems

When the source lives on a read-only file system, or the `__pycache__`
directory or pyc file cannot otherwise be written, all the same rules
apply.  This is also the case when `__pycache__` happens to be written
with permissions which do not allow for writing containing pyc files.

Flow chart

Here is a flow chart describing how modules are loaded:

.. image:: pep-3147-1.png
   :scale: 75

Magic identifiers

pyc files inside of the `__pycache__` directories contain a magic
identifier in their file names.  These are mnemonic tags for the
actual magic numbers used by the importer.  For example, in Python
3.2, we could use the hexlified [10]_ magic number as a unique

    >>> from binascii import hexlify
    >>> from imp import get_magic
    >>> 'foo.{}.pyc'.format(hexlify(get_magic()).decode('ascii'))

This isn't particularly human friendly though.  Instead, this PEP
proposes a *magic tag* that uniquely defines `.pyc` files for the
current version of Python.  Whenever the magic number is bumped, a new
magic tag is defined which is unique among all versions and
implementations of Python.  The actual contents of the magic tag is
left up to the implementation, although it is recommended that the tag
include the implementation name and a version shorthand.  In general,
magic numbers never change between Python micro releases, but the
convention can be extended to handle magic number changes between
pre-release development versions.

For example, CPython 3.2 would have a magic tag of `cpython-32` and
write pyc files like this: `foo.cpython-32.pyc`.  When the `-O` flag
is used, it would write `foo.cpython-32.pyo`.  For backports of this
feature to Python 2, when the `-U` flag is used, a file such as
`foo.cpython-27u.pyc` can be written.

The magic tag is available in the `imp` module via the `get_tag()`
function.  This is analogous to the `get_magic()` function already
available in that module.

Alternative Python implementations

Alternative Python implementations such as Jython [11]_, IronPython
[12]_, PyPy [13]_, Pynie [14]_, and Unladen Swallow can also use the
`__pycache__` directory to store whatever compilation artifacts make
sense for their platforms.  For example, Jython could store the class
file for the module in `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`.

Implementation strategy

This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
and all future versions.  It may be back-ported to Python 2.7.
Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as
they see fit.

Effects on existing code

Adoption of this PEP will affect existing code and idioms, both inside
Python and outside.  This section enumerates some of these effects.


In Python 3, when you import a module, its `__file__` attribute points
to its source `py` file (in Python 2, it points to the `pyc` file).  A
package's `__file__` points to the `py` file for its ``.

    >>> import foo
    >>> foo.__file__
    # baz is a package
    >>> import baz
    >>> baz.__file__

Nothing in this PEP would change the semantics of `__file__`.

This PEP proposes the addition of an `__cached__` attribute to
modules, which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was
read or written.  When the environment variable
`$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is set, or the `-B` option is given, or if
the source lives on a read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__`
attribute will point to the location that the `pyc` file *would* have
been written to if it didn't exist.  This location of course includes
the `__pycache__` subdirectory in its path.

For alternative Python implementations which do not support `pyc`
files, the `__cached__` attribute may point to whatever information
makes sense.  E.g. on Jython, this might be the `.class` file for the
module: `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`.  Some implementations may
use multiple compiled files to create the module, in which case
`__cached__` may be a tuple.  The exact contents of `__cached__` are
Python implementation specific.

It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.

py_compile and compileall

Python comes with two modules, `py_compile` [15]_ and `compileall`
[16]_ which support compiling Python modules external to the built-in
import machinery.  `py_compile` in particular has intimate knowledge
of byte compilation, so these will be updated to understand the new
layout.  The `-b` flag is added to `compileall` for writing legacy
`.pyc` byte-compiled file path names.

bdist_wininst and the Windows installer

These tools also compile modules explicitly on installation.  If they
do not use `py_compile` and `compileall`, then they would also have to
be modified to understand the new layout.

File extension checks

There exists some code which checks for files ending in `.pyc` and
simply chops off the last character to find the matching `.py` file.
This code will obviously fail once this PEP is implemented.

To support this use case, we'll add two new methods to the `imp`
package [17]_:

 * `imp.source_from_cache(py_path)` -> `pyc_path`
 * `imp.cache_from_source(pyc_path)` -> `py_path`

Alternative implementations are free to override these functions to
return reasonable values based on their own support for this PEP.

PEP 302 loaders

PEP 302 [18]_ defined loaders have a `.get_filename()` method which
points to the `__file__` for a module.  As part of this PEP, we will
extend this API, to include a new method `.get_paths()` which will
return a 2-tuple containing the path to the source file and the path
to where the matching `pyc` file is (or would be).


For versions of Python earlier than 3.2 (and possibly 2.7), it is
possible to backport this PEP.  However, in Python 3.2 (and possibly
2.7), this behavior will be turned on by default, and in fact, it will
replace the old behavior.  Backports will need to support the old
layout by default.  We suggest supporting PEP 3147 through the use of
an environment variable called `$PYTHONENABLECACHEDIR` or the command
line switch `-Xenablecachedir` to enable the feature.

Makefiles and other dependency tools

Makefiles and other tools which calculate dependencies on `.pyc` files
(e.g. to byte-compile the source if the `.pyc` is missing) will have
to be updated to check the new paths.


PEP 304

There is some overlap between the goals of this PEP and PEP 304 [19]_,
which has been withdrawn.  However PEP 304 would allow a user to
create a shadow file system hierarchy in which to store `pyc` files.
This concept of a shadow hierarchy for `pyc` files could be used to
satisfy the aims of this PEP.  Although the PEP 304 does not indicate
why it was withdrawn, shadow directories have a number of problems.
The location of the shadow `pyc` files would not be easily discovered
and would depend on the proper and consistent use of the
`$PYTHONBYTECODE` environment variable both by the system and by end
users.  There are also global implications, meaning that while the
system might want to shadow `pyc` files, users might not want to, but
the PEP defines only an all-or-nothing approach.

As an example of the problem, a common (though fragile) Python idiom
for locating data files is to do something like this::

    from os import dirname, join
    data_file = join(dirname(, 'my.dat')

This would be problematic since `` will give the
location of the `pyc` file in the shadow directory, and it may not be
possible to find the `my.dat` file relative to the source directory
from there.

Fat byte compilation files

An earlier version of this PEP described "fat" Python byte code files.
These files would contain the equivalent of multiple `pyc` files in a
single `pyf` file, with a lookup table keyed off the appropriate magic
number.  This was an extensible file format so that the first 5
parallel Python implementations could be supported fairly efficiently,
but with extension lookup tables available to scale `pyf` byte code
objects as large as necessary.

The fat byte compilation files were fairly complex, and inherently
introduced difficult race conditions, so the current simplification of
using directories was suggested.  The same problem applies to using
zip files as the fat pyc file format.

Multiple file extensions

The PEP author also considered an approach where multiple thin byte
compiled files lived in the same place, but used different file
extensions to designate the Python version.  E.g. foo.pyc25,
foo.pyc26, foo.pyc31 etc.  This was rejected because of the clutter
involved in writing so many different files.  The multiple extension
approach makes it more difficult (and an ongoing task) to update any
tools that are dependent on the file extension.


A proposal was floated to call the `__pycache__` directory `.pyc` or
some other dot-file name.  This would have the effect on *nix systems
of hiding the directory.  There are many reasons why this was
rejected by the BDFL [20]_ including the fact that dot-files are only
special on some platforms, and we actually do *not* want to hide these
completely from users.

Reference implementation

Work on this code is tracked in a Bazaar branch on Launchpad [22]_
until it's ready for merge into Python 3.2.  The work-in-progress diff
can also be viewed [23]_ and is updated automatically as new changes
are uploaded.

A Rietveld code review issue [24]_ has been opened as of 2010-04-01 (no,
this is not an April Fools joke :).


.. [1] PEP 3146

.. [2] The marshal module:

.. [3] import.c:

.. [4] Ubuntu: <>

.. [5] Debian: <>

.. [6] Debian Python Policy:

.. [7] PEP 384

.. [8] python-support:

.. [9] python-central:

.. [10] binascii.hexlify():

.. [11] Jython:

.. [12] IronPython:

.. [13] PyPy:

.. [14] Pynie:

.. [15] py_compile:

.. [16] compileall:

.. [17] imp:

.. [18] PEP 302

.. [19] PEP 304

.. [20] at

.. [21] importlib:

.. [22]

.. [23]

.. [24]


Barry Warsaw's original idea was for fat Python byte code files.
Martin von Loewis reviewed an early draft of the PEP and suggested the
simplification to store traditional `pyc` and `pyo` files in a
directory.  Many other people reviewed early versions of this PEP and
provided useful feedback including but not limited to:

* David Malcolm
* Josselin Mouette
* Matthias Klose
* Michael Hudson
* Michael Vogt
* Piotr O?arowski
* Scott Kitterman
* Toshio Kuratomi


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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From rnk at  Tue Apr 13 22:36:17 2010
From: rnk at (Reid Kleckner)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 16:36:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tuning Python dicts
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Daniel Stutzbach
<daniel at> wrote:
> I don't know what benchmarks were used to write dictnotes.txt, but moving
> forward I would recommend implementing your changes on trunk (i.e., Python
> 2.x) and running the Unladen Swallow Benchmarks, which you can get from the
> link below:

I'm a contributor, actually.  ;)

> They are macro-benchmarks on real applications.? You will probably also want
> to write some micro-benchmarks of your own so that you can pinpoint any
> bottlenecks in your code and determine where you are ahead of the current
> dict implementation and where you are behind.

What I really wanted to do was to find the benchmarks for the
experiments discussed in dictnotex.txt so I could put them in the
unladen benchmark repository, which now lives at

Since no one knows where they are, I think my next step will be to go
back and see who wrote what parts of that file and contact them


From martin at  Tue Apr 13 22:37:52 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 22:37:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] GSoC mentors needed
Message-ID: <>

It seems the Python (core) project needs some more mentors,
to really match the proposals that we got. I don't want to post a list
of proposals here, so if you are willing to potentially mentor a
project, please join the soc2010-mentors list ASAP and/or contact Arc Riley.

Doing so would neither be a commitment nor a guarantee that you will
actually mentor a project - this depends on a lot of factors (your
interest in a specific project, Google's ultimate assigment of slots,
and so on).


From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 13 23:04:32 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:04:32 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r80025 - peps/trunk/pep-3147.txt
In-Reply-To: <20100413103835.1a4cfc09@heresy>
References: <>	<>	<20100413100417.2bf4bbbc@heresy>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 12:17 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>> On Apr 13, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> Sounds reasonable. I ask because the various functions in runpy will
>> also need to cover setting that value properly.
> Right.  I'm looking at runpy now, but am less familiar with this code.  Right
> now I have anything executed with -m as setting __cached__ to None, which
> seems right in the simple case because the -m <module> doesn't appear to get
> byte compiled.  Is that correct?

Yeah, the only time it uses byte-compiled files is if the original
source is missing. Setting __cached__ to None for that case as well
sounds like a reasonable starting point.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From martin at  Tue Apr 13 23:33:52 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:33:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> That said, it's easier to add components and keywords than it is to
> add a new selection box.  I know how to do the former but not (yet)
> the latter.

It's not too difficult, either: edit to change the database
(roundup will automatically sync with the database), then edit
html/issue.item.html to display the field (pick one of the fields with a
similar type, and copy-paste).

Assuming this is an enumerated type, you actually need to start with
creating a new Class (in Ignore, and just
define the class; then fill the enumerators through the web interface.

This is one of the areas where roundup rocks (email follow-ups being the
other one :-)

One of the roundup downsides is access control. Take a similar field
(access-control wise), and add the new field/class to all places where
the similar field is used. That will make sure that any AC bugs in the
original field will also spread to the new field :-(


From guido at  Wed Apr 14 01:44:49 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 16:44:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> I am attaching the latest revision of PEP 3147 to this message, which is also
> available here:
> I think the PEP is ready for pronouncement, and the patch is pretty much ready
> for merging into py3k. ?The only thing that I can think of that is not
> implemented yet is this section on PEP 302 loaders:
> ? ?PEP 302 [18]_ defined loaders have a `.get_filename()` method which
> ? ?points to the `__file__` for a module. ?As part of this PEP, we will
> ? ?extend this API, to include a new method `.get_paths()` which will
> ? ?return a 2-tuple containing the path to the source file and the path
> ? ?to where the matching `pyc` file is (or would be).
> I'm honestly not sure whether this is still essential, or whether the
> importlib ABC changes Brett and I talked about at Pycon are still required. ?I
> now believe they are at best a minor part of the implementation if so. ?Maybe
> Brett can chime in on that.
> Everything else is implemented, tested, and has undergone four rounds of
> Rietveld reviews (thanks Antoine, Benjamin, Brett, and Georg!). ?A fifth patch
> set has been uploaded and is available here:
> This addresses all previous comments, includes some fixes from Brian Curtin
> for Windows (thanks!) and fixes __main__ and -m support. ?I'd like to commit
> this to py3k sooner rather than later so that we can shake out any additional
> issues that might crop up, without having to continue to maintain my external
> branches.
> Guido, what say you?

Give me a couple of days; but I don't expect any problems given how
the earlier discussion went. If you didn't hear from me by Friday go
ahead and merge.

> -Barry

--Guido van Rossum (

From victor.stinner at  Wed Apr 14 02:49:00 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 02:49:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Use surrogates for Python import
Message-ID: <>


Python3 refuses to start with LANG=C if it's installed in a non-ASCII 
directory. I wrote a patch fixing this issue, but it changes a lot of code and 
I would like your opinion.

The main part changes import to use surrogateescape everywhere (find_module, 
load_source_module, null importer, zip importer, etc.). Other files have to be 

 - traceback.c (tb_printinternal),
 - ast.c (ast_error_finish),
 - compile.c (compiler_error),
 - bltinmodule.c (builtin_compile),
 - _warnings.c (show_warning),
 - tokenizer.c (fp_setreadl),
 - ...

It fixes also calculate_path(): sys.path may also contains directories using 

Should I continue to work on this, or is it a bad idea to use surrogates in 
filenames used in Python imports?


Related issue: #8242. The patch attached to this issue is a work-in-progress, 
I plan to cleanup it and to split it in small patches. It contains extra 
changes to fix many modules and tests if the current directory is not 

Victor Stinner

From chris.jerdonek at  Wed Apr 14 05:49:02 2010
From: chris.jerdonek at (Chris Jerdonek)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 20:49:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
Message-ID: <>

Hi folks,

I have a patch to the unittest module for review here:

(There have already been a couple rounds of discussion on how to best
fix this.)

This is my first patch, so any feedback is appreciated.


From steve at  Wed Apr 14 05:51:57 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:51:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hq3e52$8oj$>

Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
of the build a part of the release process?

Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.


webmaster at wrote:
> Hey all,
> This seems to happen whenever we do a new release (we've had a couple of
> emails to webmaster at about it since 2.6.5 was released). The
> main download page for Python has a broken link for the Mac installer
> (because it hasn't been built yet I assume):
> The link 404s, with no explanation or alternate link - so for the casual
> user who wants to install Python 2.6 on Mac OS X they are
> sorely-out-of-luck.
> Not being able to provide a mac installer at the same time as other
> platforms is one thing (and I accept that is unavoidable), breaking the
> download links for Mac users for unspecified lengths of time is just bad
> practise. If we create a new stable release without a Mac installer can
> we at least provide a brief explanation and link to the *previous
> version* until the new version is ready?
> All the best,
> Michael
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Broken link to down
> Date: 	Sun, 21 Mar 2010 13:40:36 +0000
> From: 	Ben Hodgson <ben at>
> To: 	webmaster at
> Hey there,
> In case you don't know, the link on to
> the Python 2.6.5 Mac Installer Disk Image
> ( is
> broken.
> Cheers,
> Ben
> --
> Ben Hodgson

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From chris.jerdonek at  Wed Apr 14 05:54:39 2010
From: chris.jerdonek at (Chris Jerdonek)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 20:54:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
Message-ID: <>

Here is another patch for review:

This is a trivial fix to the 2.6 and 2.7 documentation.


From tseaver at  Wed Apr 14 05:57:01 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:57:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <hq3e52$8oj$>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Steve Holden wrote:
> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
> of the build a part of the release process?
> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.

Maybe the PSF should make it a priority by funding acquisition of the
appropriate proprietary hardware (Mac / Windows) for the release
manager.  Otherwise the avaialbility of binaries is going to lag source
releases forever.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From steve at  Wed Apr 14 06:07:29 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:07:29 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Tres Seaver wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
>> of the build a part of the release process?
>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
> Maybe the PSF should make it a priority by funding acquisition of the
> appropriate proprietary hardware (Mac / Windows) for the release
> manager.  Otherwise the avaialbility of binaries is going to lag source
> releases forever.
Thanks for your note. One of the reasons I took the trouble to comment
on the issue was to determine whether resources are needed.

Generally I regard it as the PSF's job to respond to requests for
resources from the dev team, not to tell them how to do the work they
already excel at.

We did, a while ago, accept a hardware donation from Apple. If we need
more Mac hardware I will be happy to ask the Infrastructure Committee to
look into it, but I'd suggest we need guidance from someone actually
involved in the build work to ensure we get maximum utility out of any

I do think it makes us look bad to have one supported platform lag the
others, but it wasn't obvious to me whether hardware alone was the
reason. If it is, the fix should be relatively simple.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From nad at  Wed Apr 14 06:13:46 2010
From: nad at (Ned Deily)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 21:13:46 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

In article <hq3e52$8oj$1 at>,
 Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:

> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
> of the build a part of the release process?
> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.

Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
seems fine now.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

From steve at  Wed Apr 14 06:17:23 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:17:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Decimal <-> float comparisons in py3k.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hq3fkp$ce7$>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>> But mixed arithmetic runs into the problem, what do you want the result
>> type to be? Given (say) decimal+float, returning either a Decimal or a
>> float will be the wrong thing to do some of the time, so better to
>> prohibit mixed arithmetic and let folks handle their own conversions.
>> So +1 on continuing to prohibit mixed arithmetic.
> I'm not disagreeing, but I really wonder, what is the value of
> supporting mixed comparisons then? Just because you *can* assign a
> meaning to it doesn't mean you should.
> OTOH I'm sure a lot of people would like to see mixed arithmetic
> supported, the PEP be damned, and they would probably be happy with
> any simple rule about the return type even if it's not always ideal. I
> note that there are cases where converting a long to a float also is
> the wrong thing to do, and yet mixed long/float operations always
> return floats.

I suspect this latter behavior is a throwback to the days when
conversion of an integer to a float was guaranteed not to cause
overflow. With the extension of the integer type to longs that theory
went out of the window, and with it the previously manageable "widening"
that took place.

> If you are amenable to this argument, I would propose
> to make the result of mixed operations return a Decimal, since in some
> "intuitive complexity" sense an int is a simpler type than a float and
> a float is a simpler type than a Decimal -- so results return the more
> complex type. But my intuition on this isn't super strong and I could
> live with always returning a float as well -- there are always casts
> to force the issue.
Alas Python now supports so many number systems that there is no longer
a rational (in the non-numerical sense) ordering of the systems which
allows a linear progression from one to the next. It therefore behooves
us to consider the implications of such a decision *very* carefully.
intuition alone (even yours, which I would back against most people's)
may not suffice.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From martin at  Wed Apr 14 07:11:07 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:11:07 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <hq3e52$8oj$>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?

Because of lack of volunteers, and expertise (i.e. the experts lack time).

> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we?

We aren't. Strictly speaking, "we" (python-dev) "support" nothing (in
the sense that "we" can promise a support hotline, service contracts, or
 anything in that respect). That includes timely availability of stuff.
If you want Python "support" on MacOS, contact Apple, ActiveState, or
any other company that provides actual support.

In a wider sense of "to support", MacOS is certainly supported by
Python. There is everything in the source code that you need to make
Python run on a Mac. Just download the sources and compile them yourself.

> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.

That is not surprising: none of the webmaster people would be able to
answer the question. python-dev is indeed the right place to ask.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 07:11:57 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:11:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Tres Seaver wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
>> of the build a part of the release process?
>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
> Maybe the PSF should make it a priority by funding acquisition of the
> appropriate proprietary hardware (Mac / Windows) for the release
> manager.  Otherwise the avaialbility of binaries is going to lag source
> releases forever.


can you be more explicit? How would such hardware help (whom specifically)?


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 07:14:55 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:14:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
> available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
> seems fine now.

The inherent problem remains. There is no binary for 2.7b1, for example.
The last binaries produced in the 2.7 testing process were for 2.7a2.


From steve at  Wed Apr 14 07:17:07 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 01:17:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
> Because of lack of volunteers, and expertise (i.e. the experts lack time).
>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we?
> We aren't. Strictly speaking, "we" (python-dev) "support" nothing (in
> the sense that "we" can promise a support hotline, service contracts, or
>  anything in that respect). That includes timely availability of stuff.
> If you want Python "support" on MacOS, contact Apple, ActiveState, or
> any other company that provides actual support.
OK. I should confirm that I mean "support" in your wider sense below.

> In a wider sense of "to support", MacOS is certainly supported by
> Python. There is everything in the source code that you need to make
> Python run on a Mac. Just download the sources and compile them yourself.
And yet we don't regard the Windows release as complete until you have
built the binaries (for which service you deserve many thanks, by the way).

Is the Mac platform one on which users will be happy to compile from
source? I know its users are savvier than Windows users, and have a
better tool set available to them, but they still seem to expect
downloadable installers.

>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
> That is not surprising: none of the webmaster people would be able to
> answer the question. python-dev is indeed the right place to ask.
I thought I'd picked this thread off python-dev. What point am I not
understanding here?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From martin at  Wed Apr 14 07:36:25 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:36:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>> In a wider sense of "to support", MacOS is certainly supported by
>> Python. There is everything in the source code that you need to make
>> Python run on a Mac. Just download the sources and compile them yourself.
> And yet we don't regard the Windows release as complete until you have
> built the binaries (for which service you deserve many thanks, by the way).

This phenomenon exists for a lot of other systems, as well. For example,
we also support Solaris, but stopped providing Solaris binaries since
Python 1.5 (when I last built binaries for Das Python-Buch). People
still can get Solaris binaries from ActiveState or Sunfreeware; Sun also
ships Python as part of the system.

> Is the Mac platform one on which users will be happy to compile from
> source? I know its users are savvier than Windows users, and have a
> better tool set available to them, but they still seem to expect
> downloadable installers.

The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
for the moment).

However, the real difference is motivation for contribution to open
source projects. You normally contribute to scratch an itch.
Unfortunately, these binaries don't come out such a motiviation. So the
release manager roles are either altruistic, or rely on extrinsic
motivations (money, reputation).

>>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
>> That is not surprising: none of the webmaster people would be able to
>> answer the question. python-dev is indeed the right place to ask.
> I thought I'd picked this thread off python-dev. What point am I not
> understanding here?

Maybe I misunderstood. I thought you copied it from the webmaster list
(as the original To indicated). I don't recall having it seen on
python-dev, but I kill many messages to python-dev without reading them.


From paul at  Wed Apr 14 08:37:44 2010
From: paul at (Paul Rudin)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:37:44 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:

> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
> for the moment).

JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
GUI tools you pay for.

From nad at  Wed Apr 14 09:59:50 2010
From: nad at (Ned Deily)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:59:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

In article <4BC54F4F.4090307 at>,
 "Martin v. Lowis" <martin at> wrote:

> > Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
> > available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
> > seems fine now.
> The inherent problem remains. There is no binary for 2.7b1, for example.
> The last binaries produced in the 2.7 testing process were for 2.7a2.

That's true.  But there wouldn't be a traditional OS X installer for 
2.7b1 anyway since it turns out it is not possible to build a multi-arch 
installer without patching because of a bug that wasn't caught before 
the code cutoff since there are no OS X buildbots that test that 
configuration.  But, at the moment, there aren't any OS X buildbots at 
all, are there?  That *is* something that the PSF could help with.  I 
would be happy to help with that myself, although my time to do so will 
be very limited for the next few weeks.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 10:38:17 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:38:17 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 07:11, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
> Because of lack of volunteers, and expertise (i.e. the experts lack time).

That doesn't explain why we leave a broken link in place when we do 
major releases - for days usually (if not weeks) with no explanation to 
users. That part of the release process is broken and should be fixed. 
Putting some placeholder text on the release page instead of the broken 
link is barely any more effort at all.

For the last 2.6.5 release I changed the text and removed the dead link 
myself. When the Mac installer was uploaded someone else put the link back.

>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
> That is not surprising: none of the webmaster people would be able to
> answer the question. python-dev is indeed the right place to ask.

Which is why I sent the email onto python-dev. However, no-one responded 
until Steve.

All the best,


> Regards,
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 10:56:06 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:56:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 06:13, Ned Deily wrote:
> In article<hq3e52$8oj$1 at>,
>   Steve Holden<steve at>  wrote:
>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
>> of the build a part of the release process?
>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been
> available there since several days after the release.  And the link
> seems fine now.
The problem is the process that creates a new release with a 404 link to 
the Mac installer with no explanation. The 2.6.5 release (as always) 
caused several requests to webmaster from Mac users unable to download 
Python - which is a further waste of volunteer time as well as a cause 
of frustration for users.

Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure 
that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac 
OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise 
which only a few people have.

A Mac OS X machine (and location to keep it) for the buildbots is a 
*big* need however.

All the best,



From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 11:07:42 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:07:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 05:49, Chris Jerdonek wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have a patch to the unittest module for review here:
> (There have already been a couple rounds of discussion on how to best
> fix this.)
> This is my first patch, so any feedback is appreciated.

I'm still not convinced that this isn't a backwards incompatible change 
- up until now, however horrible it may be, TestLoader.loadTestsFromName 
only raised an AttributeError when it failed to load a test. Changing it 
to allow it propagate ImportError means that code catching errors by 
handling AttributeError will be potentially broken by the fix. I'm 
certainly happy to discuss this here though.

An alternative fix would be for a new API and deprecation of 
loadTestFromName. A new API could return a placeholder test that raises 
the original error when run - that way individual errors don't break the 
test collection phase but are still reported. This *could* be added to 
loadTestsFromName with an optional argument.

By the way, in general please don't assign unittest bugs *away* from me 
on the tracker. I'm maintaining unittest and have been watching this 
issue. I haven't given it much attention recently because of getting the 
new features ready for the 2.7b1 release. I will certainly want to look 
through the patch before it is committed, if the consensus here is that 
changing this API to raise an ImportError is not a backwards 
incompatible change.

All the best,

Michael Foord

> Thanks,
> --Chris
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 11:11:22 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:11:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 07:17, Steve Holden wrote:
> [snip...]
>> In a wider sense of "to support", MacOS is certainly supported by
>> Python. There is everything in the source code that you need to make
>> Python run on a Mac. Just download the sources and compile them yourself.
> And yet we don't regard the Windows release as complete until you have
> built the binaries (for which service you deserve many thanks, by the way).
> Is the Mac platform one on which users will be happy to compile from
> source? I know its users are savvier than Windows users, and have a
> better tool set available to them, but they still seem to expect
> downloadable installers.
Mac users definitely *do* expect installers. Building Python requires, I 
believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then, 
building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are 
part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.

All the best,

Michael Foord

>>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
>> That is not surprising: none of the webmaster people would be able to
>> answer the question. python-dev is indeed the right place to ask.
> I thought I'd picked this thread off python-dev. What point am I not
> understanding here?
> regards
>   Steve


From robertc at  Wed Apr 14 11:16:04 2010
From: robertc at (Robert Collins)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:16:04 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'd really like to see a fix that works with loadTestsFromNames - generating
failing tests, for instance, and the failing tests having the full import
error string in them. This doesn't preclude raising ImportError from
loadTestFromName, and in fact I'd encourage that as a step towards the
aforementioned loadTestsFromNames change.

It is a change with the existing misguided behaviour; sometimes thats better
to do than preserving compat; as you say a new API might be best overall
though. I'd go with a keyword arg rather than a new function, I think.
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <>

From tseaver at  Wed Apr 14 12:33:03 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 06:33:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
> Tres Seaver wrote:
>> Steve Holden wrote:
>>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
>>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
>>> of the build a part of the release process?
>>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
>> Maybe the PSF should make it a priority by funding acquisition of the
>> appropriate proprietary hardware (Mac / Windows) for the release
>> manager.  Otherwise the avaialbility of binaries is going to lag source
>> releases forever.
> Tres,
> can you be more explicit? How would such hardware help (whom specifically)?

I assumed that creation of installer binaries for a release depends on
having the release manager or a lieutenant have access to the given
platform (Windows, OS/X) and tools,  For instance, the RM or lieutenant
might only have access to such a platform part-time (e.g., only while at
work, or only at home).  In such a case, providing additional hardware
could expedite creation of the binaries.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood the issue.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From chris.jerdonek at  Wed Apr 14 12:54:29 2010
From: chris.jerdonek at (Chris Jerdonek)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 03:54:29 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Michael Foord
<fuzzyman at> wrote:
> I'm still not convinced that this isn't a backwards incompatible change - up
> until now, however horrible it may be, TestLoader.loadTestsFromName only
> raised an AttributeError when it failed to load a test. Changing it to allow
> it propagate ImportError means that code catching errors by handling
> AttributeError will be potentially broken by the fix. I'm certainly happy to
> discuss this here though.

Thanks for your response. Michael.  To understand your position
better, would you view changing the AttributeError in *any* way an
incompatible change (e.g. changing just the error message), or is it
only changing the error type that you view as backwards incompatible?

The reason I ask is that I think it's the change in what the error
contains (e.g. the error message and stack trace) that is the more
important part of this change -- rather than whether that information
be wrapped in an ImportError versus an AttributeError.  It is the
information rather than the particular error type that will assist an
end-developer in diagnosing future unit-test failures.

> An alternative fix would be for a new API and deprecation of
> loadTestFromName. A new API could return a placeholder test that raises the
> original error when run - that way individual errors don't break the test
> collection phase but are still reported. This *could* be added to
> loadTestsFromName with an optional argument.

I'm not opposed to adding a new API, but I think it would be valuable
if we could find a way for people to enjoy the benefit of not having
the stack trace swallowed -- without having to change their code.  I'm
currently part of a project where the current behavior makes it harder
to track down unit test failures.  I imagine many developers are in a
similar situation.  This seems to be a bug, and such developers may be
in a position where they can't change how their unit tests are run,
but they're nevertheless stuck diagnosing the failures.

I'm writing on the assumption that there is a way to preserve the
stack trace and error message of an ImportError while re-raising it as
an AttributeError.

> By the way, in general please don't assign unittest bugs *away* from me on
> the tracker.

Will do.  I hadn't come across any guidance re: assigning in the
development workflow documentation.  Maybe we should add a cautionary
note about this in the documentation somewhere.  In general, do all
reports stay assigned to the maintainer (if a maintainer exists), or
is it a per-maintainer preference on how that is handled?


From p.f.moore at  Wed Apr 14 12:59:09 2010
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:59:09 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 April 2010 07:37, Paul Rudin <paul at> wrote:
> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
>> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
>> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
>> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
>> for the moment).
> JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
> MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
> GUI tools you pay for.

I believe that the express editions don't include some of the advanced
optimisations (profile guided optimisation rings a bell) which are
used to build the official binaries. So if the binaries were built
using Express Edition, they would be somewhat slower.

That is just my recollection, however - it may be out of date or wrong.

From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 13:12:21 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:12:21 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 12:54, Chris Jerdonek wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Michael Foord
> <fuzzyman at>  wrote:
>> I'm still not convinced that this isn't a backwards incompatible change - up
>> until now, however horrible it may be, TestLoader.loadTestsFromName only
>> raised an AttributeError when it failed to load a test. Changing it to allow
>> it propagate ImportError means that code catching errors by handling
>> AttributeError will be potentially broken by the fix. I'm certainly happy to
>> discuss this here though.
> Thanks for your response. Michael.  To understand your position
> better, would you view changing the AttributeError in *any* way an
> incompatible change (e.g. changing just the error message), or is it
> only changing the error type that you view as backwards incompatible?
> The reason I ask is that I think it's the change in what the error
> contains (e.g. the error message and stack trace) that is the more
> important part of this change -- rather than whether that information
> be wrapped in an ImportError versus an AttributeError.  It is the
> information rather than the particular error type that will assist an
> end-developer in diagnosing future unit-test failures.

Changing the error message to provide more useful information, possibly 
including the original traceback, would certainly avoid the potential 
for incompatibility. I'd be interested in seeing what other folks here 
on python-dev think.

>> An alternative fix would be for a new API and deprecation of
>> loadTestFromName. A new API could return a placeholder test that raises the
>> original error when run - that way individual errors don't break the test
>> collection phase but are still reported. This *could* be added to
>> loadTestsFromName with an optional argument.
> I'm not opposed to adding a new API, but I think it would be valuable
> if we could find a way for people to enjoy the benefit of not having
> the stack trace swallowed -- without having to change their code.

It's a double edged sword though - it means existing users depending on 
the fact that this API only raises AttributeError have to change *their* 

For a new API I like Rob Collin's suggestion of a keyword argument to 
loadTestsFromNames that returns an error placeholder instead of raising 
an exception. That couldn't be put into 2.7 now though.

> I'm
> currently part of a project where the current behavior makes it harder
> to track down unit test failures.  I imagine many developers are in a
> similar situation.  This seems to be a bug, and such developers may be
> in a position where they can't change how their unit tests are run,
> but they're nevertheless stuck diagnosing the failures.
> I'm writing on the assumption that there is a way to preserve the
> stack trace and error message of an ImportError while re-raising it as
> an AttributeError.

The original stacktrace could be included as part of the error message. 
Pretty horrible though.

>> By the way, in general please don't assign unittest bugs *away* from me on
>> the tracker.
> Will do.  I hadn't come across any guidance re: assigning in the
> development workflow documentation.  Maybe we should add a cautionary
> note about this in the documentation somewhere.  In general, do all
> reports stay assigned to the maintainer (if a maintainer exists), or
> is it a per-maintainer preference on how that is handled?
Where an issue is assigned to an existing maintainer I would wait for a 
response on the issue tracker or raise it here on python-dev rather than 
re-assigning the issue. In general issues corresponding to modules that 
have an active maintainer should be assigned to the maintainer.

It is particularly an issue for me with unittest because I want to track 
changes in unittest in the unittest2 package and need to know about all 
changes. I'm often around on #python-dev to discuss things.

All the best,

Michael Foord

> Thanks,
> --Chris


From chris.jerdonek at  Wed Apr 14 14:31:44 2010
From: chris.jerdonek at (Chris Jerdonek)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 05:31:44 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 4:12 AM, Michael Foord
<fuzzyman at> wrote:
> On 14/04/2010 12:54, Chris Jerdonek wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Michael Foord
>> <fuzzyman at> ?wrote:
>>> I'm still not convinced that this isn't a backwards incompatible change -
>>> up
>>> until now, however horrible it may be, TestLoader.loadTestsFromName only
>>> raised an AttributeError when it failed to load a test. Changing it to
>>> allow
>>> it propagate ImportError means that code catching errors by handling
>>> AttributeError will be potentially broken by the fix. I'm certainly happy
>>> to
>>> discuss this here though.
>> Thanks for your response. Michael. ?To understand your position
>> better, would you view changing the AttributeError in *any* way an
>> incompatible change (e.g. changing just the error message), or is it
>> only changing the error type that you view as backwards incompatible?
>> The reason I ask is that I think it's the change in what the error
>> contains (e.g. the error message and stack trace) that is the more
>> important part of this change -- rather than whether that information
>> be wrapped in an ImportError versus an AttributeError. ?It is the
>> information rather than the particular error type that will assist an
>> end-developer in diagnosing future unit-test failures.
> Changing the error message to provide more useful information, possibly
> including the original traceback, would certainly avoid the potential for
> incompatibility. I'd be interested in seeing what other folks here on
> python-dev think.
>>> An alternative fix would be for a new API and deprecation of
>>> loadTestFromName. A new API could return a placeholder test that raises
>>> the
>>> original error when run - that way individual errors don't break the test
>>> collection phase but are still reported. This *could* be added to
>>> loadTestsFromName with an optional argument.
>> I'm not opposed to adding a new API, but I think it would be valuable
>> if we could find a way for people to enjoy the benefit of not having
>> the stack trace swallowed -- without having to change their code.
> It's a double edged sword though - it means existing users depending on the
> fact that this API only raises AttributeError have to change *their* code.
> For a new API I like Rob Collin's suggestion of a keyword argument to
> loadTestsFromNames that returns an error placeholder instead of raising an
> exception. That couldn't be put into 2.7 now though.
>> I'm
>> currently part of a project where the current behavior makes it harder
>> to track down unit test failures. ?I imagine many developers are in a
>> similar situation. ?This seems to be a bug, and such developers may be
>> in a position where they can't change how their unit tests are run,
>> but they're nevertheless stuck diagnosing the failures.
>> I'm writing on the assumption that there is a way to preserve the
>> stack trace and error message of an ImportError while re-raising it as
>> an AttributeError.
> The original stacktrace could be included as part of the error message.
> Pretty horrible though.

I just experimented with this myself.  Couldn't we do something like
the following to change the error type and preserve the stack trace --
without including the stack trace as part of the message?

except ImportError:
    excType, excValue, excTraceback = sys.exc_info()
    raise AttributeError, excValue, excTraceback

Superficially this seems to have the desired effect.  We could also
adjust the error text to indicate that the AttributeError was
originally an ImportError.

The above is similar to the code you referenced in one of your
comments to issue 7559--


From barry at  Wed Apr 14 13:46:24 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:46:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <20100414074624.1ce1d2cf@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

>The problem is the process that creates a new release with a 404 link to 
>the Mac installer with no explanation. The 2.6.5 release (as always) 
>caused several requests to webmaster from Mac users unable to download 
>Python - which is a further waste of volunteer time as well as a cause 
>of frustration for users.

As the RM, that's my fault then.  When I start creating the page for a new
release I will leave the Windows and Mac links commented out.  I do (now
<wink>) wait for Martin to upload the Windows installers before announcing the
release, but generally don't wait for Ronald to produce the Mac images, so I
leave those commented out too.  When Ronald builds the Mac image and provides
it to me, I'll upload them and tweak the page.

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From barry at  Wed Apr 14 13:49:34 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:49:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100414074934.21666b15@heresy>

On Apr 13, 2010, at 04:44 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>Give me a couple of days; but I don't expect any problems given how
>the earlier discussion went. If you didn't hear from me by Friday go
>ahead and merge.

Thanks Guido.
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From barry at  Wed Apr 14 13:51:20 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:51:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r80025 - peps/trunk/pep-3147.txt
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <20100413100417.2bf4bbbc@heresy>
	<> <20100413103835.1a4cfc09@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100414075120.0446d10e@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 07:04 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>Yeah, the only time it uses byte-compiled files is if the original
>source is missing. Setting __cached__ to None for that case as well
>sounds like a reasonable starting point.

Cool, thanks.
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From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 14:45:43 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:45:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <20100414074624.1ce1d2cf@heresy>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 13:46, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Michael Foord wrote:
>> The problem is the process that creates a new release with a 404 link to
>> the Mac installer with no explanation. The 2.6.5 release (as always)
>> caused several requests to webmaster from Mac users unable to download
>> Python - which is a further waste of volunteer time as well as a cause
>> of frustration for users.
> As the RM, that's my fault then.  When I start creating the page for a new
> release I will leave the Windows and Mac links commented out.  I do (now
> <wink>) wait for Martin to upload the Windows installers before announcing the
> release, but generally don't wait for Ronald to produce the Mac images, so I
> leave those commented out too.  When Ronald builds the Mac image and provides
> it to me, I'll upload them and tweak the page.

Can we amend that to having some placeholder text saying that the Mac 
installer is not yet available and a link to the previous available 
version please. That can then be replaced with the normal link once the 
Mac installer is uploaded.


Michael Foord

> -Barry


From barry at  Wed Apr 14 13:58:25 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:58:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <20100414074624.1ce1d2cf@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100414075825.7d39d940@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 02:45 PM, Michael Foord wrote:

>Can we amend that to having some placeholder text saying that the Mac 
>installer is not yet available and a link to the previous available 
>version please. That can then be replaced with the normal link once the 
>Mac installer is uploaded.

You mean, on the x.y.z release page, or a separate page?  I guess you're
saying that it's better to include some "not available yet" text on the x.y.x
release page than to just comment out the platform.  That makes sense, and I'd
be happy to do that, since I already make such a caveat in the release

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From ctb at  Wed Apr 14 15:39:36 2010
From: ctb at (C. Titus Brown)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 06:39:36 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 06:33:03AM -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Martin v. L?wis wrote:
> > Tres Seaver wrote:
> >> Steve Holden wrote:
> >>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
> >>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
> >>> of the build a part of the release process?
> >>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
> >>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
> >> Maybe the PSF should make it a priority by funding acquisition of the
> >> appropriate proprietary hardware (Mac / Windows) for the release
> >> manager.  Otherwise the avaialbility of binaries is going to lag source
> >> releases forever.
> > 
> > Tres,
> > 
> > can you be more explicit? How would such hardware help (whom specifically)?
> I assumed that creation of installer binaries for a release depends on
> having the release manager or a lieutenant have access to the given
> platform (Windows, OS/X) and tools,  For instance, the RM or lieutenant
> might only have access to such a platform part-time (e.g., only while at
> work, or only at home).  In such a case, providing additional hardware
> could expedite creation of the binaries.

As with Windows, I personally find that building Python with all the associated
libraries is blocked on getting the right libraries installed, not on
getting the compilers (which are available to us for free) ... but I'm sure
that easy access to hardware is an issue, too.

I can provide command-line access to a Mac OS X machine but I'm not sure that's
enough.  Let me know if anyone wants that.

Separately, I'd be happy to put forward a proposal to the PSF to fund RMs and
their lieutenants with a Mac or a PC, whichever they needed to keep things
moving.  It's the least "we" can do, IMO, and hardware is just not that
expensive compared to the dedication of the volunteers.  If Georg, Benjamin,
Martin, or Ronald are interested, please just tell me (or Steve, or the PSF
board, or ...) what you want and I'll work on getting it funded.

C. Titus Brown, ctb at

From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 15:47:23 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:47:23 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <20100414075825.7d39d940@heresy>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<20100414074624.1ce1d2cf@heresy>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 13:58, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 02:45 PM, Michael Foord wrote:
>> Can we amend that to having some placeholder text saying that the Mac
>> installer is not yet available and a link to the previous available
>> version please. That can then be replaced with the normal link once the
>> Mac installer is uploaded.
> You mean, on the x.y.z release page, or a separate page?  I guess you're
> saying that it's better to include some "not available yet" text on the x.y.x
> release page than to just comment out the platform.  That makes sense, and I'd
> be happy to do that, since I already make such a caveat in the release
> announcement.

Yes, I mean on the release page. The issue is that the download links on 
the sidebar / front page go straight to the latest release page. If 
there isn't yet a Mac installer available, and no alternative link to 
get the previous version, it leaves Mac users with no obvious way to get 
a Mac installer *at all*. (Those who know the site well can find the 
previous versions themselves, but for users not intimately familiar with 
our site layout it is 'a challenge'.)



> -Barry


From ctb at  Wed Apr 14 15:50:06 2010
From: ctb at (C. Titus Brown)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 06:50:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 07:36:25AM +0200, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
> >> In a wider sense of "to support", MacOS is certainly supported by
> >> Python. There is everything in the source code that you need to make
> >> Python run on a Mac. Just download the sources and compile them yourself.
> >>
> > And yet we don't regard the Windows release as complete until you have
> > built the binaries (for which service you deserve many thanks, by the way).
> This phenomenon exists for a lot of other systems, as well. For example,
> we also support Solaris, but stopped providing Solaris binaries since
> Python 1.5 (when I last built binaries for Das Python-Buch). People
> still can get Solaris binaries from ActiveState or Sunfreeware; Sun also
> ships Python as part of the system.

I personally think the Mac is pretty important, as one of the big three
consumer operating systems...

> > Is the Mac platform one on which users will be happy to compile from
> > source? I know its users are savvier than Windows users, and have a
> > better tool set available to them, but they still seem to expect
> > downloadable installers.
> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
> for the moment).

Actually, I think the more pernicious factor is that a version of Python comes
pre-installed on Mac OS X, which means the up-front demand is lower
for a pre-compiled version.  This is problematic, though, because that
version of Python only gets upgraded with full releases of Mac OS X
(which are not very well correlated with releases of Python, of course).
So we have lots of Python installs out there that, in the absence of
a precompiled binary version, can't be upgraded without installing
the developer tools.

> However, the real difference is motivation for contribution to open
> source projects. You normally contribute to scratch an itch.
> Unfortunately, these binaries don't come out such a motiviation. So the
> release manager roles are either altruistic, or rely on extrinsic
> motivations (money, reputation).

I don't know what to do about motivation but if there are barriers that
we can lower, please let me know.

C. Titus Brown, ctb at

From ijmorlan at  Wed Apr 14 15:52:01 2010
From: ijmorlan at (Isaac Morland)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 09:52:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 13 Apr 2010, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> I am attaching the latest revision of PEP 3147 to this message, which is 
> also available here:
> PEP: 3147
> Title: PYC Repository Directories
> Further, pyc files will contain a magic string that differentiates the
> Python version they were compiled for.  This allows multiple byte
> compiled cache files to co-exist for a single Python source file.
> This scheme has the added benefit of reducing the clutter in a Python
> package directory.
> When a Python source file is imported for the first time, a
> `__pycache__` directory will be created in the package directory, if
> one does not already exist.  The pyc file for the imported source will
> be written to the `__pycache__` directory, using the magic-tag
> formatted name.  If either the creation of the `__pycache__` directory
> or the pyc file inside that fails, the import will still succeed, just
> as it does in a pre-PEP-3147 world.

Thank you for doing the work on this improvement.

I have one wording suggestion which I hope isn't bikeshedding: up above, I 
think the sentence containing "pyc files will contain a magic string" 
would be clearer if it made it clear that the file *names*, not (just?) 
the file contents, will contain the magic tag.

Isaac Morland			CSCF Web Guru
DC 2554C, x36650		WWW Software Specialist

From barry at  Wed Apr 14 16:00:14 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:00:14 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <20100414100014.1846e099@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 06:39 AM, C. Titus Brown wrote:

>Separately, I'd be happy to put forward a proposal to the PSF to fund RMs and
>their lieutenants with a Mac or a PC, whichever they needed to keep things
>moving.  It's the least "we" can do, IMO, and hardware is just not that
>expensive compared to the dedication of the volunteers.  If Georg, Benjamin,
>Martin, or Ronald are interested, please just tell me (or Steve, or the PSF
>board, or ...) what you want and I'll work on getting it funded.

While I appreciate the offer, I don't think this is as useful as it could be.
Speaking as an RM, I would happily build all three releases (source tarballs,
Windows installers and Mac disk images) if I had easy access to the necessary
machines and environments over the 'net, and precise instructions on how to do
the builds.  Ideally, those instructions would be "run this script" or even
rolled into the current script that is used to build the tarballs.

I have Macs and a Windows machine.  The Windows machine is not easily
accessible as it's a dual-boot with Ubuntu.  As stated previously, the
difficult part is getting all the necessary dependencies in place and the
expertise to know the steps that are required to build.  A network accessible
machine for Mac and Windows, where other experts such as Martin and Roland can
help maintain and configure, would be ideal.  That way, and of the platform
experts or RM could push a button and build the installers.

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From ncoghlan at  Wed Apr 14 16:33:15 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 00:33:15 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Isaac Morland wrote:
> I have one wording suggestion which I hope isn't bikeshedding: up above,
> I think the sentence containing "pyc files will contain a magic string"
> would be clearer if it made it clear that the file *names*, not (just?)
> the file contents, will contain the magic tag.

That's not bikeshedding, that's picking up a mistake in the PEP :)

Indeed, the magic tag only goes in the file names (the pyc files
themselves contain the corresponding magic number, just as they always


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Wed Apr 14 16:40:39 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 00:40:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<20100414074624.1ce1d2cf@heresy>	<>	<20100414075825.7d39d940@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord wrote:
> Yes, I mean on the release page. The issue is that the download links on
> the sidebar / front page go straight to the latest release page. If
> there isn't yet a Mac installer available, and no alternative link to
> get the previous version, it leaves Mac users with no obvious way to get
> a Mac installer *at all*. (Those who know the site well can find the
> previous versions themselves, but for users not intimately familiar with
> our site layout it is 'a challenge'.)

I would actually use the "source only" release pages as a guide here.
They provide a link to the download page for the last version that
provided Mac and Windows binaries.

This makes it clear to the downloader that the binaries are for an older
version, while still making a binary version easy to find.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Wed Apr 14 16:47:50 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 00:47:50 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken link
 to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
>> available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
>> seems fine now.
> The inherent problem remains. There is no binary for 2.7b1, for example.
> The last binaries produced in the 2.7 testing process were for 2.7a2.

I seem to recall there was some issue (aside from the current lack of a
reliable OS X buildbot) that prevented us from regularly grabbing the
head of the tree and using it to automatically build the Windows and Mac
installers (to check that the installers could actually be created,
preventing a repeat of the Mac situation with 2.7b1).

Am I misremembering the discussion from last time this topic came up?


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Wed Apr 14 16:53:08 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 00:53:08 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord wrote:
> Changing the error message to provide more useful information, possibly
> including the original traceback, would certainly avoid the potential
> for incompatibility. I'd be interested in seeing what other folks here
> on python-dev think.

Without looking at the details, my question is whether this can be
ignored in 2.x and fixed for 3.x by setting __cause__ appropriately
(i.e. by using the "raise from" syntax).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ctb at  Wed Apr 14 16:57:03 2010
From: ctb at (C. Titus Brown)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:57:03 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd:
	Broken	link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:47:50AM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Martin v. L?wis wrote:
> >> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
> >> available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
> >> seems fine now.
> > 
> > The inherent problem remains. There is no binary for 2.7b1, for example.
> > The last binaries produced in the 2.7 testing process were for 2.7a2.
> I seem to recall there was some issue (aside from the current lack of a
> reliable OS X buildbot) that prevented us from regularly grabbing the
> head of the tree and using it to automatically build the Windows and Mac
> installers (to check that the installers could actually be created,
> preventing a repeat of the Mac situation with 2.7b1).
> Am I misremembering the discussion from last time this topic came up?

Making the Windows binary build process automatic and robust is challenging
if you hate Windows (like I do).  Martin also made the point that it's
been broken forever, so people don't seem to care :).  ISTR Martin just
makes them manually.

It's on my TODO list to robustify this process.

OTOH, my Mac automated builds/tests are working just fine.  I could produce
nightly binaries from those easily enough:

Just need to figure out the magic doohickey commands... will add to list.

C. Titus Brown, ctb at

From janssen at  Wed Apr 14 17:23:55 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 08:23:55 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Ned Deily <nad at> wrote:

> In article <4BC54F4F.4090307 at>,
>  "Martin v. Lowis" <martin at> wrote:
> > > Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
> > > available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
> > > seems fine now.
> > 
> > The inherent problem remains. There is no binary for 2.7b1, for example.
> > The last binaries produced in the 2.7 testing process were for 2.7a2.
> That's true.  But there wouldn't be a traditional OS X installer for 
> 2.7b1 anyway since it turns out it is not possible to build a multi-arch 
> installer without patching because of a bug that wasn't caught before 
> the code cutoff since there are no OS X buildbots that test that 
> configuration.  But, at the moment, there aren't any OS X buildbots at 
> all, are there?  That *is* something that the PSF could help with.  I 
> would be happy to help with that myself

I'd be happy to help where I can, too.  All my automated testing of
UpLib (Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora, OS X) is done on Apple servers running
OS X and VirtualBox and Hudson, so I've got some experience there.


From janssen at  Wed Apr 14 17:36:35 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 08:36:35 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:

> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
> which only a few people have.

That's nuts.  Why isn't this expertise captured in the form of a script?

> A Mac OS X machine (and location to keep it) for the buildbots is a
> *big* need however.

At least two.  You want Leopard and Snow Leopard, too.


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 17:41:13 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:41:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 17:36, Bill Janssen wrote:
> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  wrote:
>> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
>> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
>> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
>> which only a few people have.
> That's nuts.  Why isn't this expertise captured in the form of a script?
>> A Mac OS X machine (and location to keep it) for the buildbots is a
>> *big* need however.
> At least two.  You want Leopard and Snow Leopard, too.

Well - an XServe that we can run virtualisation on would be the *ideal* 
solution. I think the X serves are the only machines you are *allowed* 
to virtualise OS X on (?).

All the best,


> Bill


From skip at  Wed Apr 14 17:51:47 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:51:47 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <hq3e52$8oj$>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

    Steve> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind
    Steve> others?  Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why
    Steve> isn't the creation of the build a part of the release process?

    Steve> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or
    Steve> had time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.

I'm not sure who normally creates the Mac distribution, perhaps Ronald
Ousorren?  It would appear that either Ronald (or whoever) has been
unavailable or there was no coordination between the Mac and non-Mac folks
involved in the release.

I'm willing to give it a whirl (I have both a MacBook Pro and a PowerMac G5
at home - both running Max OSX 10.5.x (Leopard)) though I will almost
certainly need a cheat sheet for the process.  I normally treat my Macs as
Unix boxes from a Python perspective so don't make framework builds.


From skip at  Wed Apr 14 17:54:46 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:54:46 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

    Steve> I do think it makes us look bad to have one supported platform
    Steve> lag the others, but it wasn't obvious to me whether hardware
    Steve> alone was the reason. If it is, the fix should be relatively
    Steve> simple.

I can't believe it's a hardware issue.  Probably half the people with
laptops at the last PyCon I attended were Macs.  I suspect anyone with a
recent Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard should be able to build the
binary release.  It's probably just a matter of knowing how.


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 17:58:28 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:58:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 17:41, Michael Foord wrote:
> [snip...]
>>> A Mac OS X machine (and location to keep it) for the buildbots is a
>>> *big* need however.
>> At least two.  You want Leopard and Snow Leopard, too.
> Well - an XServe that we can run virtualisation on would be the 
> *ideal* solution. I think the X serves are the only machines you are 
> *allowed* to virtualise OS X on (?).

An alternative that solves the problem of finding somewhere to put the 
machine would be to use a service like Mac Mini colocation hosting:

That could be used both for debugging OS X specific problems *and* as a 

All the best,


> All the best,
> Michael
>> Bill


From skip at  Wed Apr 14 17:59:16 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:59:16 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

    Ned> ... since there are no OS X buildbots that test that configuration.
    Ned> But, at the moment, there aren't any OS X buildbots at all, are
    Ned> there?  That *is* something that the PSF could help with....

What happened to the big-ass computer farm for Python which was being put
together by someone at (I think) Michigan State?


From barry at  Wed Apr 14 18:04:42 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:04:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <20100414120442.5bba807e@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 10:51 AM, skip at wrote:

>    Steve> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind
>    Steve> others?  Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why
>    Steve> isn't the creation of the build a part of the release process?
>    Steve> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or
>    Steve> had time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
>I'm not sure who normally creates the Mac distribution, perhaps Ronald
>Ousorren?  It would appear that either Ronald (or whoever) has been
>unavailable or there was no coordination between the Mac and non-Mac folks
>involved in the release.
>I'm willing to give it a whirl (I have both a MacBook Pro and a PowerMac G5
>at home - both running Max OSX 10.5.x (Leopard)) though I will almost
>certainly need a cheat sheet for the process.  I normally treat my Macs as
>Unix boxes from a Python perspective so don't make framework builds.

From the RM perspective, what I would really like to see is updates to
the script to check dependencies and automate as much as possible,
as well as updates to PEP 101 for any process steps that can't be automated.

This goes for both Windows and OS X.

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From skip at  Wed Apr 14 18:01:34 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:01:34 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

    Michael> Mac users definitely *do* expect installers. Building Python
    Michael> requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
    Michael> installed.

XCode is free, and I suspect many people have it (I do).

    Michael> Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all* the C
    Michael> extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
    Michael> task.

Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 18:18:01 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:18:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 18:01, skip at wrote:
>      Michael>  Mac users definitely *do* expect installers. Building Python
>      Michael>  requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
>      Michael>  installed.
> XCode is free, and I suspect many people have it (I do).

Sure - but probably not your average Python-on-Mac user. Or at least a 
good proportion of them, particularly newbies who we are keen to keep 
the experience of obtaining Python simple. First download and then 
install 1gigabyte of developer tools (seriously) requiring registration, 
then compile Python from source yourself, is not the way to go. (And yes 
the XCode tools are included in the OS disks - but not the latest 
versions, especially if you are still running Leopard.)

>      Michael>  Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all* the C
>      Michael>  extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
>      Michael>  task.
> Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?

Yes, that would be nice. :-) Preferably a recipe that doesn't involve 
Macports or Fink which some of us are allergic to.


> Skip


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 18:23:03 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:23:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: unittest ImportError handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 16:53, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Michael Foord wrote:
>> Changing the error message to provide more useful information, possibly
>> including the original traceback, would certainly avoid the potential
>> for incompatibility. I'd be interested in seeing what other folks here
>> on python-dev think.
> Without looking at the details, my question is whether this can be
> ignored in 2.x and fixed for 3.x by setting __cause__ appropriately
> (i.e. by using the "raise from" syntax).

Yes, definitely - if maintaining the exception as an AttributeError is 
determined to be the correct course of action for that API.

Chris showed an alternative way of achieving the same effect for Python 
2, but that is possibly moot given that 2.7b1 is out (unless this is an 
acceptable bugfix to include in b2).

All the best,


> Cheers,
> Nick.


From p.f.moore at  Wed Apr 14 18:34:07 2010
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:34:07 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <20100414120442.5bba807e@heresy>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 April 2010 17:04, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> From the RM perspective, what I would really like to see is updates to
> the script to check dependencies and automate as much as possible,
> as well as updates to PEP 101 for any process steps that can't be automated.
> This goes for both Windows and OS X.

>From what I recall, the PC build process is pretty much routine (I
can't recall how much it's scripted, and how much it's manual, but
well-documented and simple, steps). I don't know what extra is needed
to build the final installer, but I'd be willing to have a go at
testing the existing process and if necessary adding some automation.


From janssen at  Wed Apr 14 18:37:34 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 09:37:34 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:

> > Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?
> >    
> Yes, that would be nice. :-) Preferably a recipe that doesn't involve
> Macports or Fink which some of us are allergic to.

Yes, ditto the MacPorts/Fink allergy.

All we need is a script, right?  The released branches should be built
automatically every night anyway, just for regression testing.

Perhaps we should take this up on Mac-Python?


From trent at  Wed Apr 14 18:34:34 2010
From: trent at (Trent Nelson)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:34:34 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <001001cadbf0$6253bf10$26fb3d30$>

> What happened to the big-ass computer farm for Python which was
> being put together by someone at (I think) Michigan State?

That sounds a lot like Snakebite (, which is still...
uhhh, a work in progress ;-)  We've run into an issue recently that's
thwarted progress, but that'll hopefully be resolved in the next couple
of weeks.  And then... full steam ahead!


From steve at  Wed Apr 14 18:49:46 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:49:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen wrote:
> Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
>>> Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?
>> Yes, that would be nice. :-) Preferably a recipe that doesn't involve
>> Macports or Fink which some of us are allergic to.
> Yes, ditto the MacPorts/Fink allergy.
> All we need is a script, right?  The released branches should be built
> automatically every night anyway, just for regression testing.
> Perhaps we should take this up on Mac-Python?
Please do, and let me know if resources of some kind would help.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 18:52:46 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:52:46 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 18:49, Steve Holden wrote:
> Bill Janssen wrote:
>> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  wrote:
>>>> Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?
>>> Yes, that would be nice. :-) Preferably a recipe that doesn't involve
>>> Macports or Fink which some of us are allergic to.
>> Yes, ditto the MacPorts/Fink allergy.
>> All we need is a script, right?  The released branches should be built
>> automatically every night anyway, just for regression testing.
>> Perhaps we should take this up on Mac-Python?
> Please do, and let me know if resources of some kind would help.

A Mac buildbot would *definitely* be useful and I know some of the 
Python-dev crew would like access to a Mac OS X machine for trying out 
fixes when none of the core Mac maintainers are around. A couple of 
co-located, or otherwise hosted, Mac boxes would be very useful.

The obvious question is who would hold the keys (maintain the buildbot)? 
I don't know if Ronald has the spare capacity to do this (?). If someone 
will help me with the initial setup I can otherwise volunteer.

All the best,


> regards
>   Steve


From ctb at  Wed Apr 14 18:52:49 2010
From: ctb at (C. Titus Brown)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 09:52:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 09:37:34AM -0700, Bill Janssen wrote:
> Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
> > > Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?
> > >    
> > 
> > Yes, that would be nice. :-) Preferably a recipe that doesn't involve
> > Macports or Fink which some of us are allergic to.
> Yes, ditto the MacPorts/Fink allergy.
> All we need is a script, right?  The released branches should be built
> automatically every night anyway, just for regression testing.

Please pass it along to me, when you get it working... I build python2.7
nightly on Mac OS X, but just at the command line.


(the Windows build is flaky for me, so the 'show_all' shows mostly
Windows builds).

C. Titus Brown, ctb at

From ronaldoussoren at  Wed Apr 14 18:01:19 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:01:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at 04:47PM, "Nick Coghlan" <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
>>> available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
>>> seems fine now.
>> The inherent problem remains. There is no binary for 2.7b1, for example.
>> The last binaries produced in the 2.7 testing process were for 2.7a2.

That's because I haven't had time yet to actually build the installer for OSX due to lack of free time because both my professional and private lives are fully filled at the moment (which is great, but leaves very little time to hack on Python or PyObjC).

>I seem to recall there was some issue 

> (aside from the current lack of a
>reliable OS X buildbot)

Speaking of which... I have a mac-mini that could be used for a buildbot. How much work is needed to kickstart a buildbot, taking into account that I'd prefer to have a buildbot with different configure-flags that the default unix build (that is, I want to test a framework build that is a universal binary).

 that prevented us from regularly grabbing the
>head of the tree and using it to automatically build the Windows and Mac
>installers (to check that the installers could actually be created,
>preventing a repeat of the Mac situation with 2.7b1).

Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in /Library/Frameworks. The system should also not have fink or darwinports and a clean /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating the build.


From ctb at  Wed Apr 14 19:05:54 2010
From: ctb at (C. Titus Brown)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:05:54 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 06:52:46PM +0200, Michael Foord wrote:
> On 14/04/2010 18:49, Steve Holden wrote:
>> Bill Janssen wrote:
>>> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  wrote:
>>>>> Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?
>>>> Yes, that would be nice. :-) Preferably a recipe that doesn't involve
>>>> Macports or Fink which some of us are allergic to.
>>> Yes, ditto the MacPorts/Fink allergy.
>>> All we need is a script, right?  The released branches should be built
>>> automatically every night anyway, just for regression testing.
>>> Perhaps we should take this up on Mac-Python?
>> Please do, and let me know if resources of some kind would help.
> A Mac buildbot would *definitely* be useful and I know some of the  
> Python-dev crew would like access to a Mac OS X machine for trying out  
> fixes when none of the core Mac maintainers are around. A couple of  
> co-located, or otherwise hosted, Mac boxes would be very useful.
> The obvious question is who would hold the keys (maintain the buildbot)?  
> I don't know if Ronald has the spare capacity to do this (?). If someone  
> will help me with the initial setup I can otherwise volunteer.

We have some space in our machine room, and some sysadmins that like open
source.  I will ask them if they are willing to do physical maintenance (profs
wisely aren't allowed access to the machine room).  That would really be
ideal... I will report back to interested people.

C. Titus Brown, ctb at

From trent at  Wed Apr 14 19:18:49 2010
From: trent at (Trent Nelson)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:18:49 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <001001cadbf0$6253bf10$26fb3d30$>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <001701cadbf6$911a7b30$b34f7190$>

> > What happened to the big-ass computer farm for Python which was
> > being put together by someone at (I think) Michigan State?
> That sounds a lot like Snakebite (, which is
> still... uhhh, a work in progress ;-)

Actually, for those that are interested, here's a copy of the
presentation I gave at the Testing in Python session at PyCon a few
months ago:
(Office 2007-2010)
(Office 97-2003)

If anything, it'll shed some light on all the unforeseen issues we've
been running into since the project's inception.  The presentation is a
little out of date -- I spent three months earlier this year on the
network and it's definitely in the most respectable state it's been in
yet.  Coupla' photos for those that are interested:

We've got three racks filled to the brim with all sorts of servers:

 - 4xItanium 2 @ 1.5GHz, 16GB RAM, HP-UX 11iv3
 - 4xItanium 2 @ 1.5GHz, 30GB RAM, RHEL 5.3
 - 2xUltraSPARC III 900MHz, 8GB, Solaris 10
	(file/zfs/nfs server -- 16x146GB 2Gb FC)
 - 2xUltraSPARC III 1.2GHz, 4GB, Solaris 10
 - 2xPA-RISC 875MHz, 8GB, HP-UX 11iv1
 - 4 AIX boxes w/ 2x1.5GHz, 8GB, AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 6.1
 - 10 dedicated VMware x86/64 boxes, ranging from dual
   core 8GB to 8 core monsters with 64GB
 - 4x667MHz AlphaServer, 8GB, Tru64
 - 4x600MHz SGI Octane 300, IRIX 6.22
 - ....and lots of other stuff.

Actually, the only platform we don't have is Mac OS X.  Although I've
got a contact at Apple that I'll start harassing again once I'm back in
East Lansing.


From janssen at  Wed Apr 14 19:23:48 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:23:48 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:

> On 14/04/2010 18:49, Steve Holden wrote:
> > Bill Janssen wrote:
> >    
> >> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  wrote:
> >>
> >>      
> >>>> Isn't that just a matter of having the recipe written down somewhere?
> >>>>
> >>>>          
> >>> Yes, that would be nice. :-) Preferably a recipe that doesn't involve
> >>> Macports or Fink which some of us are allergic to.
> >>>        
> >> Yes, ditto the MacPorts/Fink allergy.
> >>
> >> All we need is a script, right?  The released branches should be built
> >> automatically every night anyway, just for regression testing.
> >>
> >> Perhaps we should take this up on Mac-Python?
> >>
> >>      
> > Please do, and let me know if resources of some kind would help.
> >    
> A Mac buildbot would *definitely* be useful and I know some of the
> Python-dev crew would like access to a Mac OS X machine for trying out
> fixes when none of the core Mac maintainers are around. A couple of
> co-located, or otherwise hosted, Mac boxes would be very useful.


> The obvious question is who would hold the keys (maintain the
> buildbot)? I don't know if Ronald has the spare capacity to do this
> (?). If someone will help me with the initial setup I can otherwise
> volunteer.

Sure, I can help with that.


From steve at  Wed Apr 14 19:25:20 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:25:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord wrote:
> On 14/04/2010 06:13, Ned Deily wrote:
>> In article<hq3e52$8oj$1 at>,
>>   Steve Holden<steve at>  wrote:
>>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
>>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
>>> of the build a part of the release process?
>>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
>> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been
>> available there since several days after the release.  And the link
>> seems fine now.
> The problem is the process that creates a new release with a 404 link to
> the Mac installer with no explanation. The 2.6.5 release (as always)
> caused several requests to webmaster from Mac users unable to download
> Python - which is a further waste of volunteer time as well as a cause
> of frustration for users.
> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
> which only a few people have.
> A Mac OS X machine (and location to keep it) for the buildbots is a
> *big* need however.
How about as a first step the release build process include a check for
broken links before committing the web content for a new release?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Wed Apr 14 19:25:20 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:25:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord wrote:
> On 14/04/2010 06:13, Ned Deily wrote:
>> In article<hq3e52$8oj$1 at>,
>>   Steve Holden<steve at>  wrote:
>>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
>>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
>>> of the build a part of the release process?
>>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
>> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been
>> available there since several days after the release.  And the link
>> seems fine now.
> The problem is the process that creates a new release with a 404 link to
> the Mac installer with no explanation. The 2.6.5 release (as always)
> caused several requests to webmaster from Mac users unable to download
> Python - which is a further waste of volunteer time as well as a cause
> of frustration for users.
> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
> which only a few people have.
> A Mac OS X machine (and location to keep it) for the buildbots is a
> *big* need however.
How about as a first step the release build process include a check for
broken links before committing the web content for a new release?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 19:27:19 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:27:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 19:25, Steve Holden wrote:
> Michael Foord wrote:
>> On 14/04/2010 06:13, Ned Deily wrote:
>>> In article<hq3e52$8oj$1 at>,
>>>    Steve Holden<steve at>   wrote:
>>>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
>>>> Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why isn't the creation
>>>> of the build a part of the release process?
>>>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>>>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
>>> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been
>>> available there since several days after the release.  And the link
>>> seems fine now.
>> The problem is the process that creates a new release with a 404 link to
>> the Mac installer with no explanation. The 2.6.5 release (as always)
>> caused several requests to webmaster from Mac users unable to download
>> Python - which is a further waste of volunteer time as well as a cause
>> of frustration for users.
>> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
>> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
>> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
>> which only a few people have.
>> A Mac OS X machine (and location to keep it) for the buildbots is a
>> *big* need however.
> How about as a first step the release build process include a check for
> broken links before committing the web content for a new release?
Yes - needed but orthogonal. :-)


> regards
>   Steve


From steve at  Wed Apr 14 19:36:04 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:36:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore wrote:
> On 14 April 2010 07:37, Paul Rudin <paul at> wrote:
>> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
>>> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
>>> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
>>> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
>>> for the moment).
>> JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
>> MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
>> GUI tools you pay for.
> I believe that the express editions don't include some of the advanced
> optimisations (profile guided optimisation rings a bell) which are
> used to build the official binaries. So if the binaries were built
> using Express Edition, they would be somewhat slower.
> That is just my recollection, however - it may be out of date or wrong.
> Paul.

I spent some considerable effort last year ensuring the developer
community was well-supplied with MS developer licenses that give access
to any necessary tools. Was I wasting my time?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Wed Apr 14 19:36:04 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:36:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore wrote:
> On 14 April 2010 07:37, Paul Rudin <paul at> wrote:
>> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
>>> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
>>> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
>>> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
>>> for the moment).
>> JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
>> MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
>> GUI tools you pay for.
> I believe that the express editions don't include some of the advanced
> optimisations (profile guided optimisation rings a bell) which are
> used to build the official binaries. So if the binaries were built
> using Express Edition, they would be somewhat slower.
> That is just my recollection, however - it may be out of date or wrong.
> Paul.

I spent some considerable effort last year ensuring the developer
community was well-supplied with MS developer licenses that give access
to any necessary tools. Was I wasting my time?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From skip at  Wed Apr 14 19:41:18 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:41:18 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Ronald> Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run
    Ronald> Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a
    Ronald> local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in
    Ronald> /Library/Frameworks. The system should also not have fink or
    Ronald> darwinports and a clean /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating
    Ronald> the build.

For those of us who live in an X11 world and use tools which Apple doesn't
provide, like it or not, Fink or MacPorts are often a practical necessity.
Would it be sufficient to modify the environment so that /sw, /opt/local and
/usr/local don't appear in any paths when the script is run?  On my laptop
(MacPorts installed, not Fink) I see that MANPATH, PATH and INFOPATH are
currently "polluted" with /opt/local.  MANPATH and PATH contain /usr/local.


From barry at  Wed Apr 14 20:01:03 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:01:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <20100414140103.1915f471@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 01:36 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

>I spent some considerable effort last year ensuring the developer
>community was well-supplied with MS developer licenses that give access
>to any necessary tools. Was I wasting my time?

At the time I didn't care because I had no access to anything Windows.  Now I
do, though it's a bit of a PITA (because I have to reboot my main dev box).
How can I get a license and the tools?  Installing the express version was
pretty easy, though it has limitations of course.

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From janssen at  Wed Apr 14 20:01:23 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:01:23 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:

>     Ronald> Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run
>     Ronald> Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a
>     Ronald> local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in
>     Ronald> /Library/Frameworks. The system should also not have fink or
>     Ronald> darwinports and a clean /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating
>     Ronald> the build.
> For those of us who live in an X11 world and use tools which Apple doesn't
> provide, like it or not,

Actually, Skip, you're talking about my world there (X11 and GNU Emacs
and Gimp and ...), and I don't use Fink or MacPorts on my Macs.

> Fink or MacPorts are often a practical necessity.

Fink is deadly, MacPorts much more benign, in my experience.  Which is
several years out-of-date, before I realized I didn't need either one of
them, and before the UNIX community started adding configure patches to
support OS X builds more widely.  Perhaps they've improved.

In any case, they shouldn't be needed on buildbots maintained by the PSF.

> Would it be sufficient to modify the environment so that /sw, /opt/local and
> /usr/local don't appear in any paths when the script is run?  On my laptop
> (MacPorts installed, not Fink) I see that MANPATH, PATH and INFOPATH are
> currently "polluted" with /opt/local.  MANPATH and PATH contain /usr/local.

Probably fine on your personal Mac.  And the build scripts can probably
mask those out on their own.


From brian.curtin at  Wed Apr 14 20:03:17 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:03:17 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:36, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:

> Paul Moore wrote:
> > On 14 April 2010 07:37, Paul Rudin <paul at> wrote:
> >> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
> >>
> >>> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
> >>> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
> >>> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
> >>> for the moment).
> >> JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
> >> MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
> >> GUI tools you pay for.
> >
> > I believe that the express editions don't include some of the advanced
> > optimisations (profile guided optimisation rings a bell) which are
> > used to build the official binaries. So if the binaries were built
> > using Express Edition, they would be somewhat slower.
> >
> > That is just my recollection, however - it may be out of date or wrong.
> > Paul.
> I spent some considerable effort last year ensuring the developer
> community was well-supplied with MS developer licenses that give access
> to any necessary tools. Was I wasting my time?
> regards
>  Steve

I certainly hope not. I believe full MSDN licenses were involved there,
which are a great resource to a Windows developer.

I'll have a whack at building the Windows installer. It would be nice to see
it integrated with the build process, including testing of an installed
version. We already have one or more Linux buildbots which test an installed
build, and that setup uncovered an additional bug in a recent fix of mine.
-------------- next part --------------
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From eric at  Wed Apr 14 20:06:44 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:06:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: =?US-ASCII?Q?=3C4BA62546=2E10906=40python=2Eorg=3E=0D=0A=09=3Chq3?=
Message-ID: <>

In my case it was not a waste of time. I use MSDN for dev and testing. Just not for release building.

"Steve Holden" <steve at> wrote:

>Paul Moore wrote:
>> On 14 April 2010 07:37, Paul Rudin <paul at> wrote:
>>> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
>>>> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
>>>> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
>>>> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
>>>> for the moment).
>>> JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
>>> MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
>>> GUI tools you pay for.
>> I believe that the express editions don't include some of the advanced
>> optimisations (profile guided optimisation rings a bell) which are
>> used to build the official binaries. So if the binaries were built
>> using Express Edition, they would be somewhat slower.
>> That is just my recollection, however - it may be out of date or wrong.
>> Paul.
>I spent some considerable effort last year ensuring the developer
>community was well-supplied with MS developer licenses that give access
>to any necessary tools. Was I wasting my time?
> Steve
>Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
>See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
>Holden Web LLC       
>Python-Dev mailing list
>Python-Dev at


From barry at  Wed Apr 14 20:09:54 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:09:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100414140954.5385d281@heresy>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 09:52 AM, Isaac Morland wrote:

>I have one wording suggestion which I hope isn't bikeshedding: up above, I 
>think the sentence containing "pyc files will contain a magic string" 
>would be clearer if it made it clear that the file *names*, not (just?) 
>the file contents, will contain the magic tag.

Yep, that clarifies things.  Thanks.
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From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:21:31 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:21:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Mac users definitely *do* expect installers. Building Python requires, I
> believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then,
> building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are
> part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.

The same is true for any other operating system, though: you need to
install the compiler tool chain (sometimes, you need to buy it first),
and compiling Python with all extensions is not a trivial task.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:24:36 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:24:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

> I assumed that creation of installer binaries for a release depends on
> having the release manager or a lieutenant have access to the given
> platform (Windows, OS/X) and tools,  For instance, the RM or lieutenant
> might only have access to such a platform part-time (e.g., only while at
> work, or only at home).  In such a case, providing additional hardware
> could expedite creation of the binaries.
> I'm sorry if I misunderstood the issue.

I think you do misunderstand: the people that do (occasionally, or
eventually) provide OSX binaries have hardware available to them all the
time. They only have part-time to work on Python, though.

Of course, if somebody would promise a more timely provision of
binaries, and can't do that because of lack of hardware, we would have
to look for a solution.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:35:02 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:35:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

> I personally think the Mac is pretty important, as one of the big three
> consumer operating systems...
> I don't know what to do about motivation but if there are barriers that
> we can lower, please let me know.

For example, you could volunteer to produce OSX binaries in a timely
manner for the next two years. Now would be a good point to do so, since
your next release would still be a beta release. Expect to mess up the
first time you do it, so it's good that it would be only a beta.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:37:14 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:37:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

> I seem to recall there was some issue (aside from the current lack of a
> reliable OS X buildbot) that prevented us from regularly grabbing the
> head of the tree and using it to automatically build the Windows and Mac
> installers (to check that the installers could actually be created,
> preventing a repeat of the Mac situation with 2.7b1).
> Am I misremembering the discussion from last time this topic came up?

I only remember a similar discussion, which was about why the Windows
nightly builds had been dropped. The reason was that the process was too
flaky and required too much manual fixing, and that the demand for these
binaries was too low. I don't recall OSX being mentioned in that
discussion, though.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:41:39 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:41:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

> Sure - but probably not your average Python-on-Mac user. Or at least a
> good proportion of them, particularly newbies who we are keen to keep
> the experience of obtaining Python simple. First download and then
> install 1gigabyte of developer tools (seriously) requiring registration,
> then compile Python from source yourself, is not the way to go. (And yes
> the XCode tools are included in the OS disks - but not the latest
> versions, especially if you are still running Leopard.)

That's fine: the official binaries are (deliberately) *not* built with
the latest tool chain.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:46:14 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:46:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Speaking of which... I have a mac-mini that could be used for a
> buildbot. How much work is needed to kickstart a buildbot, taking
> into account that I'd prefer to have a buildbot with different
> configure-flags that the default unix build (that is, I want to test
> a framework build that is a universal binary).

The configure flags are defined on the master, so if I know what they
should be, I can arrange your slave to see them. You can't then change
them easily.

On the slave, you need to install buildbot, and create a slave
configuration; it would the be good if the slave process would somehow
get restarted automatically after a system reboot (I think there are
recipes for that out there).

> Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run
> Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a
> local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in /Library/Frameworks. The
> system should also not have fink or darwinports and a clean
> /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating the build.

Buildbot also supports uploading binaries to the master, which we did
for the Windows builds. We could do that for OSX as well (in which case
the release manager might be able to trigger a release build by just
passing the right branch name in the master UI).


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:49:01 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:49:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Probably fine on your personal Mac.  And the build scripts can probably
> mask those out on their own.

For a private Python installation, it doesn't actually hurt to have them
on disk. The binaries may be linked with strange libraries, but it
should work since the libraries themselves are also on disk. It's only
that they would poison an installer - the binaries would work on no
other machine.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 20:53:52 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:53:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

C. Titus Brown wrote:
> If Georg, Benjamin,
> Martin, or Ronald are interested, please just tell me (or Steve, or the PSF
> board, or ...) what you want and I'll work on getting it funded.

For me, my company provides all the infrastructure I need (tools,
bandwidth, hardware, etc). I agreed, in return, to mention that support
on our group's home page:


P.S. and yes, HPI is a company, but associated with the University of

From skip at  Wed Apr 14 20:54:22 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:54:22 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Bill> In any case, they shouldn't be needed on buildbots maintained by
    Bill> the PSF.

Sure.  My question was related to humans building binary distributions
though.  Unless that becomes fully automated so the release manager can just
push a button and have it built on and as-yet-nonexistent Mac OSX buildbot
machine, somebody will have to generate that installer.  Ronald says Fink,
MacPorts and /usr/local are poison.  If that's truly the case that's fine.
It's just that it reduces the size of the potential binary installer build

Now that I think about it, it might not be sufficient to just hide those
directories from the environment.  The Python file has
unconditional hard-coded references to /sw, /opt/local and /usr/local.  That
would probably have to change before you could use an "infected" machine to
build the binary installer.  (At the very least, searching /sw/include (for
instance) could be suppressed if /sw/bin was not found in PATH.  Similarly
for /opt/local and /usr/local.)

(ISTM the same might be true should people ever decide to once again build a
Solaris installer.  /opt/sfw is currently searched for Berkeley DB include


From skip at  Wed Apr 14 21:02:27 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:02:27 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Martin> On the slave, you need to install buildbot, and create a slave
    Martin> configuration; it would the be good if the slave process would
    Martin> somehow get restarted automatically after a system reboot (I
    Martin> think there are recipes for that out there).

A static IP address makes things a bit easier as well, though it's not
impossible to run a buildbot using a dynamic IP address assuming you use or something similar to maintain the name-to-IP mapping.

I ran a Mac OSX buildbot for the community buildbots for awhile but never
did figure out at the time how to get it to fire up on reboot.  That was a
few years ago.  I think today that would easily be accomplished with an
@reboot crontab entry.  Dunno if that was available way back then, but it's
certainly supported on Mac OSX now.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:03:15 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:03:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Rudin wrote:
> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
>> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
>> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
>> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
>> for the moment).
> JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
> MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
> GUI tools you pay for.

Primarily out of a historical perspective: I think "we" started
providing Windows binaries primarily because some people bought the
appropriate license (of Visual Studio, and Wise Installer). IMO, that's
a stronger reason than mere convenience.

As for available tools: I'm not sure how you would build an AMD64
release just with those tools.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:07:36 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:07:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Ned Deily wrote:
> That *is* something that the PSF could help with.  I 
> would be happy to help with that myself, although my time to do so will 
> be very limited for the next few weeks.

The PSF still has a machine that was donated by Apple that once used to
be a build slave. Unfortunately, that machine had hardware problems (or
atleast appeared to have hardware problems). So if anybody would be
interested into maintaining it, please let us know.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:08:13 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:08:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> I'd be happy to help where I can, too.  All my automated testing of
> UpLib (Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora, OS X) is done on Apple servers running
> OS X and VirtualBox and Hudson, so I've got some experience there.

Would you be interested in operating a build slave?


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:11:15 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:11:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd:	Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

> Making the Windows binary build process automatic and robust is challenging
> if you hate Windows (like I do).  Martin also made the point that it's
> been broken forever, so people don't seem to care :).  ISTR Martin just
> makes them manually.

That's true. In particular, people had been asking that the MSI
installers are code-signed, which I now also do. I wouldn't like to keep
the private key for the PSF code signing certificate available to some
machine that is readily accessible from the internet - so at least that
part is manual, in the sense that I have to provide my password.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:14:51 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:14:51 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
>> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
>> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
>> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
>> which only a few people have.
> That's nuts.  Why isn't this expertise captured in the form of a script?

Much of it is, but it still takes expertise to run the script.

It would take even more expertise to capture the remaining pieces in the
script, too, and no living person has that much expertise to write the
script (perhaps there are one or two people, and they don't have the time).


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:16:13 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:16:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> How about as a first step the release build process include a check for
> broken links before committing the web content for a new release?

You'd have to convince the release manager to add a step to the release

Given that the release process has already too many steps, he is
probably skeptical wrt. such a proposal.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:17:40 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:17:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<20100414120442.5bba807e@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

>>From what I recall, the PC build process is pretty much routine (I
> can't recall how much it's scripted, and how much it's manual, but
> well-documented and simple, steps). I don't know what extra is needed
> to build the final installer, but I'd be willing to have a go at
> testing the existing process and if necessary adding some automation.

I do *a lot* of manual steps, because I didn't have time to script it all.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:21:40 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:21:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> (ISTM the same might be true should people ever decide to once again build a
> Solaris installer.  /opt/sfw is currently searched for Berkeley DB include
> files.)

And rightly so (likewise for Fink). Primarily, the script is there to
help people installing Python; packaging Python can be more difficult.

I guess ActiveState has solved the problem (probably by not populating
/opt/sfw on the Solaris machine that builds ActivePython).


From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 21:30:13 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:30:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 20:21, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
>> Mac users definitely *do* expect installers. Building Python requires, I
>> believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then,
>> building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are
>> part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.
> The same is true for any other operating system, though: you need to
> install the compiler tool chain (sometimes, you need to buy it first),
> and compiling Python with all extensions is not a trivial task.

Right - but we were discussing this in the context of barrier to entry, 
particularly to new users. We don't impose this requirement for Windows 
users though - we provide binary installers.

I *know* we're a volunteer organisation (etc), but it is good for us to 
be aware of our process weaknesses without excusing ourselves.

Unfortunately the Mac installer build script doesn't seem to run at all 
on Mac OS X 10.6 (at least not on my machine),  but hopefully the 
situation is clarified so that one of us who does still have Mac OS X 
10.5 will be able to build the installer in a timely manner for the next 
release should Ronald be too busy.

All the best,


> Regards,
> Martin


From simon at  Wed Apr 14 21:30:36 2010
From: simon at (Simon Brunning)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:30:36 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 April 2010 20:02,  <skip at> wrote:
> I ran a Mac OSX buildbot for the community buildbots for awhile but never
> did figure out at the time how to get it to fire up on reboot. ?That was a
> few years ago. ?I think today that would easily be accomplished with an
> @reboot crontab entry. ?Dunno if that was available way back then, but it's
> certainly supported on Mac OSX now.

launchd might be a better bet - <>.

Simon B.

From martin at  Wed Apr 14 21:37:23 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:37:23 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

> Right - but we were discussing this in the context of barrier to entry,
> particularly to new users. We don't impose this requirement for Windows
> users though - we provide binary installers.
> I *know* we're a volunteer organisation (etc), but it is good for us to
> be aware of our process weaknesses without excusing ourselves.

I think nobody here is questioning that it is desirable to have OSX
binaries. And I readily admit that this is a weakness.

> Unfortunately the Mac installer build script doesn't seem to run at all
> on Mac OS X 10.6 (at least not on my machine),  but hopefully the
> situation is clarified so that one of us who does still have Mac OS X
> 10.5 will be able to build the installer in a timely manner for the next
> release should Ronald be too busy.

I'm not sure whether 10.5 would be sufficient - it may be that you need
to go back to 10.4 (*). Unfortunately, Apple manages to break
compatibility and portability with every release, which makes this
particular build task soooo tricky. You have to make all kinds of
decisions and compromises where are really difficult to keep track of.


(*) I know that this is the version I had to go back to when I created
OSX binaries for 2.5.x.

From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 21:41:46 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:41:46 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 21:37, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
> [snip...]
>> Unfortunately the Mac installer build script doesn't seem to run at all
>> on Mac OS X 10.6 (at least not on my machine),  but hopefully the
>> situation is clarified so that one of us who does still have Mac OS X
>> 10.5 will be able to build the installer in a timely manner for the next
>> release should Ronald be too busy.
> I'm not sure whether 10.5 would be sufficient - it may be that you need
> to go back to 10.4 (*). Unfortunately, Apple manages to break
> compatibility and portability with every release, which makes this
> particular build task soooo tricky. You have to make all kinds of
> decisions and compromises where are really difficult to keep track of.

In an earlier email Ronald said:

> Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run 
> Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a local 
> version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in /Library/Frameworks. The system 
> should also not have fink or darwinports and a clean /usr/local tree 
> to avoid contaminating the build.

I can't verify that this is correct, I can verify it that the 
build-installer script doesn't appear to work under 10.6.


> Regards,
> Martin
> (*) I know that this is the version I had to go back to when I created
> OSX binaries for 2.5.x.


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From zvezdan at  Wed Apr 14 21:44:06 2010
From: zvezdan at (Zvezdan Petkovic)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:44:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Simon Brunning wrote:

> On 14 April 2010 20:02,  <skip at> wrote:
>> I ran a Mac OSX buildbot for the community buildbots for awhile but never did figure out at the time how to get it to fire up on reboot.  That was a few years ago.  I think today that would easily be accomplished with an @reboot crontab entry.  Dunno if that was available way back then, but it's certainly supported on Mac OSX now.
> launchd might be a better bet - <>.

Exactly, launchd is the program intended for such use.
A small nitpick at that property list shown in the linked example:
It should be "Apple" now instead of "Apple Computer".
They officially changed the name and all the new developer documentation shows the property lists with "-//Apple/DTD ..."



From ronaldoussoren at  Wed Apr 14 22:04:47 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:04:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 Apr, 2010, at 19:41, skip at wrote:

>    Ronald> Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run
>    Ronald> Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a
>    Ronald> local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in
>    Ronald> /Library/Frameworks. The system should also not have fink or
>    Ronald> darwinports and a clean /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating
>    Ronald> the build.
> For those of us who live in an X11 world and use tools which Apple doesn't
> provide, like it or not, Fink or MacPorts are often a practical necessity.
> Would it be sufficient to modify the environment so that /sw, /opt/local and
> /usr/local don't appear in any paths when the script is run?  On my laptop
> (MacPorts installed, not Fink) I see that MANPATH, PATH and INFOPATH are
> currently "polluted" with /opt/local.  MANPATH and PATH contain /usr/local.

/usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include must be empty, or at least not contain anything that might be used by the python build. AFAIK it is practically impossible[1] to tell the compiler to exclude /usr/local from its search paths. 

Fink and Macports must be disabled because Python's actively looks in those directory for dependencies (such as for BerkelyDB).   I wouldn't mind having a configure switch that disables looking in the default Fink and Macports trees, but don't have time to work on that myself.

BTW. Excluding these locations is only needed when building the official installer, you can obviously just keep them around when you build and use Python locally.

I tend to move /usr/local aside when I build the installer and move it back afterwards, and have used an mostly empty virtual machine for the last couple of releases.


[1] that is, the only way I've found it to tell gcc not to use any search paths at all and manually specify all search paths, including compiler-specific directories.
> Skip

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From zvezdan at  Wed Apr 14 22:04:58 2010
From: zvezdan at (Zvezdan Petkovic)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 16:04:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
> I'm not sure whether 10.5 would be sufficient - it may be that you need to go back to 10.4 (*).

I think you just need to supply to configure


and have the appropriate SDK installed with Xcode.

I believe it is installed by default with Xcode on Leopard (10.5), but with Xcode on Snow Leopard (10.6) the 10.4 SDK is an optional install.

> Unfortunately, Apple manages to break compatibility and portability with every release, which makes this particular build task soooo tricky. You have to make all kinds of decisions and compromises where are really difficult to keep track of.

Hmm.  Apple provided compatibility SDK and documented it.

The only compromise I see in this build process right now is that we are building a Panther (10.3) compatible installer, while Mac OS X is a certified UNIX starting with 10.5.  So, we are deliberately using obsolete model to provide backward compatibility.

However, I'm fine with that for the installer.

Power users can compile their own build optimized for their platform.



From brian.curtin at  Wed Apr 14 22:05:38 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:05:38 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 14:03, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:

> Paul Rudin wrote:
> > "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
> >
> >> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
> >> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
> >> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
> >> for the moment).
> >
> > JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
> > MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
> > GUI tools you pay for.
> Primarily out of a historical perspective: I think "we" started
> providing Windows binaries primarily because some people bought the
> appropriate license (of Visual Studio, and Wise Installer). IMO, that's
> a stronger reason than mere convenience.
> As for available tools: I'm not sure how you would build an AMD64
> release just with those tools.
> Regards,
> Martin

Outside of hacking the registry and various config files, 64-bit builds
can't be done with the express versions of Visual Studio, and I wouldn't be
comfortable shipping a product built in that way.
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From ronaldoussoren at  Wed Apr 14 22:20:19 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:20:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 Apr, 2010, at 20:46, Martin v. L?wis wrote:

>> Speaking of which... I have a mac-mini that could be used for a
>> buildbot. How much work is needed to kickstart a buildbot, taking
>> into account that I'd prefer to have a buildbot with different
>> configure-flags that the default unix build (that is, I want to test
>> a framework build that is a universal binary).
> The configure flags are defined on the master, so if I know what they
> should be, I can arrange your slave to see them. You can't then change
> them easily.

That's fine. I'll first create a stable environment for performing builds/tests and contact you when I'm ready to be added to the buildbot farm.

> On the slave, you need to install buildbot, and create a slave
> configuration; it would the be good if the slave process would somehow
> get restarted automatically after a system reboot (I think there are
> recipes for that out there).

That should be easy enough to arange. The buildbot manual mentions an @reboot crontab entry, but a launchd item should be easy enough and is slightly cleaner.

>> Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run
>> Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a
>> local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in /Library/Frameworks. The
>> system should also not have fink or darwinports and a clean
>> /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating the build.
> Buildbot also supports uploading binaries to the master, which we did
> for the Windows builds. We could do that for OSX as well (in which case
> the release manager might be able to trigger a release build by just
> passing the right branch name in the master UI).

How would that work? Creation of the OSX installer is not integrated in the regular Makefiles but is a separate script.

A slightly problematic issue is that the machine I want to use for the buildbot is running OSX 10.6 and creating the binary installer doesn't work on 10.6 yet, but that should be easy enough to fix when I look into it.

> Regards,
> Martin

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From skip at  Wed Apr 14 22:23:41 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:23:41 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    >> I ran a Mac OSX buildbot for the community buildbots for awhile but
    >> never did figure out at the time how to get it to fire up on
    >> reboot. ??That was a few years ago. ??I think today that would easily
    >> be accomplished with an @reboot crontab entry. ??Dunno if that was
    >> available way back then, but it's certainly supported on Mac OSX now.

    Simon> launchd might be a better bet - <>.

Sure, but it's Mac-specific.  For someone like myself who moves between
different platforms I generally try to use tools which work across those
platforms to the extent that I can.  While @reboot is not universally
available (Solaris doesn't support it as far as I can tell) it is still more
common where I operate than launchd.  Not to mention which I have to horse
around with XML for config files which I completely detest for that purpose.


From brett at  Wed Apr 14 22:32:31 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:32:31 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 20:54, Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek at>wrote:

> Here is another patch for review:
> This is a trivial fix to the 2.6 and 2.7 documentation.
There is no need to email python-dev about individual patches just to get
them looked at. There is a mailing list that we all subscribe to that send
an email on all new issues and another one on every change to any issue. You
should only email python-dev if a patch you wrote has been sitting around
for a very long time and is not being actively looked at or you think it
should hold up a release.

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From martin at  Wed Apr 14 22:37:04 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:37:04 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> How would that work? Creation of the OSX installer is not integrated
> in the regular Makefiles but is a separate script.

Again by setting up another builder (and assigning it to either the same
or a different slave). Instead of the regular configure/make/make
test/make clean builder, this one would configure/run build
script/upload/clean. Essentially, a builder will invoke arbitrary shell
scripts on the slave, which will (slavishly :-) perform them.

So make sure this can run under an untrusted account; anybody with
control over the master can get access to all slaves (but we do keep
access to the master very tightly restricted). In addition, all
committers basically have control over all slaves (by committing stuff
into the makefile); this is, of course, monitored through the checkins list.

I recommend we look at daily installers after the regular slave is set up.

> A slightly problematic issue is that the machine I want to use for
> the buildbot is running OSX 10.6 and creating the binary installer
> doesn't work on 10.6 yet, but that should be easy enough to fix when
> I look into it.

So we should definitely take one step at a time.


From martin at  Wed Apr 14 22:40:19 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:40:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> I think you just need to supply to configure
> and have the appropriate SDK installed with Xcode.

Wouldn't that break 10.3 compatibility (seel below)?

>> Unfortunately, Apple manages to break compatibility and portability
>> with every release, which makes this particular build task soooo
>> tricky. You have to make all kinds of decisions and compromises
>> where are really difficult to keep track of.
> Hmm.  Apple provided compatibility SDK and documented it.
> The only compromise I see in this build process right now is that we
> are building a Panther (10.3) compatible installer, while Mac OS X is
> a certified UNIX starting with 10.5.

I think there are more issues. People want a fat binary that supports
AMD64 along with x86, yet building such a binary requires an SDK that
won't support PPC anymore - right?


From chris.jerdonek at  Wed Apr 14 22:41:39 2010
From: chris.jerdonek at (Chris Jerdonek)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:41:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at> wrote:
> There is no need to email python-dev about individual patches just to get
> them looked at. There is a mailing list that we all subscribe to that send
> an email on all new issues and another one on every change to any issue. You
> should only email python-dev if a patch you wrote has been sitting around
> for a very long time and is not being actively looked at or you think it
> should hold up a release.

Sorry, I had received somewhat different guidance on tracker-discuss:

Otherwise, I would not have bothered to e-mail the list.

I will be more conservative about posting to python-dev in the future.


From rdmurray at  Wed Apr 14 23:07:27 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:07:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: =?US-ASCII?Q?=3C4BA62546=2E10906=40python=2Eorg=3E=0D=0A=09=3Chq3?=
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:06:44 -0400, Eric Smith <eric at> wrote:
> "Steve Holden" <steve at> wrote:
>> I spent some considerable effort last year ensuring the developer
>> community was well-supplied with MS developer licenses that give access
>> to any necessary tools. Was I wasting my time?
> In my case it was not a waste of time. I use MSDN for dev and testing. Just not
> for release building.

Ditto.  Without the license I wouldn't have a Windows machine that
I could run tests on at all (I run the OS in KVM instances). 

R. David Murray                            

From janssen at  Wed Apr 14 23:10:01 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:10:01 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis <martin at> wrote:

> > I'd be happy to help where I can, too.  All my automated testing of
> > UpLib (Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora, OS X) is done on Apple servers running
> > OS X and VirtualBox and Hudson, so I've got some experience there.
> Would you be interested in operating a build slave?

I could help to maintain some OS X buildbots located somewhere, sure.


From janssen at  Wed Apr 14 23:16:17 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:16:17 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis <martin at> wrote:

> > Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
> > 
> >> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
> >> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
> >> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
> >> which only a few people have.
> > 
> > That's nuts.  Why isn't this expertise captured in the form of a script?
> Much of it is, but it still takes expertise to run the script.

Apparently not, according to Ronald's recent mail.  I'd be happy to help
with whatever remaining capture is necessary for OS X -- not automating
this kind of thing is nuts.  My buildbots build UpLib, and most of its
optional packages (including ghostscript, xpdf, libtiff, openssl, t1lib,
Lucene, PyLucene, etc.) from source every night, and whenever I do an
UpLib check-in.  On Linux and OS X, right now -- I'm working on Windows
right now.

> It would take even more expertise to capture the remaining pieces in the
> script, too, and no living person has that much expertise to write the
> script (perhaps there are one or two people, and they don't have the time).

Well, God forbid they should ever be hit by a bus!  This kind of thing
needs to be written down.


From brett at  Wed Apr 14 23:19:02 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:19:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 13:41, Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek at>wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at> wrote:
> > There is no need to email python-dev about individual patches just to get
> > them looked at. There is a mailing list that we all subscribe to that
> send
> > an email on all new issues and another one on every change to any issue.
> You
> > should only email python-dev if a patch you wrote has been sitting around
> > for a very long time and is not being actively looked at or you think it
> > should hold up a release.
> Sorry, I had received somewhat different guidance on tracker-discuss:
> Otherwise, I would not have bothered to e-mail the list.

I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that
required discussion, not simply issues that had a patch ready to go.

-------------- next part --------------
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From greg.ewing at  Wed Apr 14 23:32:07 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 09:32:07 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord wrote:
> Building Python requires, I 
> believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then, 
> building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are 
> part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.

What's non-trivial about it? I usually find that the normal
"./configure; make; make install" sequence works fine without
any further intervention.

If you want a framework installation you have to read the
README and use a couple of extra options, but it still works
very smoothly.


From brett at  Wed Apr 14 23:12:51 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:12:51 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 13:21, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:

> I am attaching the latest revision of PEP 3147 to this message, which is
> also
> available here:
> I think the PEP is ready for pronouncement, and the patch is pretty much
> ready
> for merging into py3k.  The only thing that I can think of that is not
> implemented yet is this section on PEP 302 loaders:
>    PEP 302 [18]_ defined loaders have a `.get_filename()` method which
>    points to the `__file__` for a module.  As part of this PEP, we will
>    extend this API, to include a new method `.get_paths()` which will
>    return a 2-tuple containing the path to the source file and the path
>    to where the matching `pyc` file is (or would be).
> I'm honestly not sure whether this is still essential, or whether the
> importlib ABC changes Brett and I talked about at Pycon are still required.
>  I
> now believe they are at best a minor part of the implementation if so.
>  Maybe
> Brett can chime in on that.

As long as the importlib ABCs can always set __cached__ to None or blindly
use imp.source_to_cache()  then there is no backwards-compatibility issue
for importlib that I can think of requiring get_paths(). I say leave
get_paths() out of the PEP and just let importlib handle any API changes
that are needed for itself. Otherwise loaders that just follow PEP 302 can
simply set __cached__ to None and not worry about things.

Otherwise Nick is the only person who might have an immediate need for
get_paths(), but I suspect that as long as get_filename() works his end is
covered as well.

And just a quick suggestion: can we standardize what imp.source_to_path()
and friend are supposed to return if the interpreter doesn't support
bytecode? I will probably have to rely on that for something so it would be
best to say now whether it should be None or raise an exception so there is
no divergence on this between VMs.


> Everything else is implemented, tested, and has undergone four rounds of
> Rietveld reviews (thanks Antoine, Benjamin, Brett, and Georg!).  A fifth
> patch
> set has been uploaded and is available here:
> This addresses all previous comments, includes some fixes from Brian Curtin
> for Windows (thanks!) and fixes __main__ and -m support.  I'd like to
> commit
> this to py3k sooner rather than later so that we can shake out any
> additional
> issues that might crop up, without having to continue to maintain my
> external
> branches.
> Guido, what say you?
> -Barry
> PEP: 3147
> Title: PYC Repository Directories
> Version: $Revision: 80025 $
> Last-Modified: $Date: 2010-04-12 22:17:40 -0400 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010) $
> Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 2009-12-16
> Python-Version: 3.2
> Post-History: 2010-01-30, 2010-02-25, 2010-03-03, 2010-04-12
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP describes an extension to Python's import mechanism which
> improves sharing of Python source code files among multiple installed
> different versions of the Python interpreter.  It does this by
> allowing more than one byte compilation file (.pyc files) to be
> co-located with the Python source file (.py file).  The extension
> described here can also be used to support different Python
> compilation caches, such as JIT output that may be produced by an
> Unladen Swallow [1]_ enabled C Python.
> Background
> ==========
> CPython compiles its source code into "byte code", and for performance
> reasons, it caches this byte code on the file system whenever the
> source file has changes.  This makes loading of Python modules much
> faster because the compilation phase can be bypassed.  When your
> source file is ``, CPython caches the byte code in a `foo.pyc`
> file right next to the source.
> Byte code files contain two 32-bit numbers followed by the marshaled
> [2]_ code object.  The 32-bit numbers represent a magic number and a
> timestamp.  The magic number changes whenever Python changes the byte
> code format, e.g. by adding new byte codes to its virtual machine.
> This ensures that pyc files built for previous versions of the VM
> won't cause problems.  The timestamp is used to make sure that the pyc
> file is not older than the py file that was used to create it.  When
> either the magic number or timestamp do not match, the py file is
> recompiled and a new pyc file is written.
> In practice, it is well known that pyc files are not compatible across
> Python major releases.  A reading of import.c [3]_ in the Python
> source code proves that within recent memory, every new CPython major
> release has bumped the pyc magic number.
> Rationale
> =========
> Linux distributions such as Ubuntu [4]_ and Debian [5]_ provide more
> than one Python version at the same time to their users.  For example,
> Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala users can install Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1,
> with Python 2.6 being the default.
> This causes a conflict for Python source files installed by the
> system (including third party packages), because you cannot compile a
> single Python source file for more than one Python version at a time.
> Thus if your system wanted to install a `/usr/share/python/`, it
> could not create a `/usr/share/python/foo.pyc` file usable across all
> installed Python versions.
> Furthermore, in order to ease the burden on operating system packagers
> for these distributions, the distribution packages do not contain
> Python version numbers [6]_; they are shared across all Python
> versions installed on the system.  Putting Python version numbers in
> the packages would be a maintenance nightmare, since all the packages
> - *and their dependencies* - would have to be updated every time a new
> Python release was added or removed from the distribution.  Because of
> the sheer number of packages available, this amount of work is
> infeasible.
> C extensions can be source compatible across multiple versions of
> Python.  Compiled extension modules are usually not compatible though,
> and PEP 384 [7]_ has been proposed to address this by defining a
> stable ABI for extension modules.
> Because these distributions cannot share pyc files, elaborate
> mechanisms have been developed to put the resulting pyc files in
> non-shared locations while the source code is still shared.  Examples
> include the symlink-based Debian regimes python-support [8]_ and
> python-central [9]_.  These approaches make for much more complicated,
> fragile, inscrutable, and fragmented policies for delivering Python
> applications to a wide range of users.  Arguably more users get Python
> from their operating system vendor than from upstream tarballs.  Thus,
> solving this pyc sharing problem for CPython is a high priority for
> such vendors.
> This PEP proposes a solution to this problem.
> Proposal
> ========
> Python's import machinery is extended to write and search for byte
> code cache files in a single directory inside every Python package
> directory.  This directory will be called `__pycache__`.
> Further, pyc files will contain a magic string that differentiates the
> Python version they were compiled for.  This allows multiple byte
> compiled cache files to co-exist for a single Python source file.
> This scheme has the added benefit of reducing the clutter in a Python
> package directory.
> When a Python source file is imported for the first time, a
> `__pycache__` directory will be created in the package directory, if
> one does not already exist.  The pyc file for the imported source will
> be written to the `__pycache__` directory, using the magic-tag
> formatted name.  If either the creation of the `__pycache__` directory
> or the pyc file inside that fails, the import will still succeed, just
> as it does in a pre-PEP-3147 world.
> If the py source file is missing, the pyc file inside `__pycache__`
> will be ignored.  This eliminates the problem of accidental stale pyc
> file imports.
> For backward compatibility, Python will still support pyc-only
> distributions, however it will only do so when the pyc file lives in
> the directory where the py file *would* have been, i.e. not in the
> `__pycache__` directory.  pyc file outside of `__pycache__` will only
> be imported if the py source file is missing.
> Tools such as `py_compile` [15]_ and `compileall` [16]_ will be
> extended to create PEP 3147 formatted layouts automatically, but will
> have an option to create pyc-only distribution layouts.
> Examples
> ---------
> What would this look like in practice?
> Let's say we have a Python package named `alpha` which contains a
> sub-package name `beta`.  The source directory layout before byte
> compilation might look like this::
>    alpha/
>        beta/
> After byte compiling this package with Python 3.2, you would see the
> following layout::
>    alpha/
>        __pycache__/
>            __init__.cpython-32.pyc
>            one.cpython-32.pyc
>            two.cpython-32.pyc
>        beta/
>            __pycache__/
>                __init__.cpython-32.pyc
>                three.cpython-32.pyc
>                four.cpython-32.pyc
> *Note: listing order may differ depending on the platform.*
> Let's say that two new versions of Python are installed, one is Python
> 3.3 and another is Unladen Swallow.  After byte compilation, the file
> system would look like this::
>    alpha/
>        __pycache__/
>            __init__.cpython-32.pyc
>            __init__.cpython-33.pyc
>            __init__.unladen-10.pyc
>            one.cpython-32.pyc
>            one.cpython-33.pyc
>            one.unladen-10.pyc
>            two.cpython-32.pyc
>            two.cpython-33.pyc
>            two.unladen-10.pyc
>        beta/
>            __pycache__/
>                __init__.cpython-32.pyc
>                __init__.cpython-33.pyc
>                __init__.unladen-10.pyc
>                three.cpython-32.pyc
>                three.cpython-33.pyc
>                three.unladen-10.pyc
>                four.cpython-32.pyc
>                four.cpython-33.pyc
>                four.unladen-10.pyc
> As you can see, as long as the Python version identifier string is
> unique, any number of pyc files can co-exist.  These identifier
> strings are described in more detail below.
> A nice property of this layout is that the `__pycache__` directories
> can generally be ignored, such that a normal directory listing would
> show something like this::
>    alpha/
>        __pycache__/
>        beta/
>            __pycache__/
> This is much less cluttered than even today's Python.
> Python behavior
> ===============
> When Python searches for a module to import (say `foo`), it may find
> one of several situations.  As per current Python rules, the term
> "matching pyc" means that the magic number matches the current
> interpreter's magic number, and the source file is not newer than the
> `pyc` file.
> Case 1: The first import
> ------------------------
> When Python is asked to import module `foo`, it searches for a
> `` file (or `foo` package, but that's not important for this
> discussion) along its `sys.path`.  When Python locates the ``
> file it will look for a `__pycache__` directory in the directory where
> it found the ``.  If the `__pycache__` directory is missing,
> Python will create it.  Then it will parse and byte compile the
> `` file and save the byte code in `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc`,
> where <magic> is defined by the Python implementation, but will be a
> human readable string such as `cpython-32`.
> Case 2: The second import
> -------------------------
> When Python is asked to import module `foo` a second time (in a
> different process of course), it will again search for the ``
> file along its `sys.path`.  When Python locates the `` file, it
> looks for a matching `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc` and finding this,
> it reads the byte code and continues as usual.
> Case 3: __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc with no source
> ---------------------------------------------------
> It's possible that the `` file somehow got removed, while
> leaving the cached pyc file still on the file system.  If the
> `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc` file exists, but the `` file used
> to create it does not, Python will raise an `ImportError` when asked
> to import foo.  In other words, Python will not import a pyc file from
> the cache directory unless the source file exists.
> Case 4: legacy pyc files and source-less imports
> ------------------------------------------------
> Python will ignore all legacy pyc files when a source file exists next
> to it.  In other words, if a `foo.pyc` file exists next to the
> `` file, the pyc file will be ignored in all cases
> In order to continue to support source-less distributions though, if
> the source file is missing, Python will import a lone pyc file if it
> lives where the source file would have been.
> Case 5: read-only file systems
> ------------------------------
> When the source lives on a read-only file system, or the `__pycache__`
> directory or pyc file cannot otherwise be written, all the same rules
> apply.  This is also the case when `__pycache__` happens to be written
> with permissions which do not allow for writing containing pyc files.
> Flow chart
> ==========
> Here is a flow chart describing how modules are loaded:
> .. image:: pep-3147-1.png
>   :scale: 75
> Magic identifiers
> =================
> pyc files inside of the `__pycache__` directories contain a magic
> identifier in their file names.  These are mnemonic tags for the
> actual magic numbers used by the importer.  For example, in Python
> 3.2, we could use the hexlified [10]_ magic number as a unique
> identifier::
>    >>> from binascii import hexlify
>    >>> from imp import get_magic
>    >>> 'foo.{}.pyc'.format(hexlify(get_magic()).decode('ascii'))
>    'foo.580c0d0a.pyc'
> This isn't particularly human friendly though.  Instead, this PEP
> proposes a *magic tag* that uniquely defines `.pyc` files for the
> current version of Python.  Whenever the magic number is bumped, a new
> magic tag is defined which is unique among all versions and
> implementations of Python.  The actual contents of the magic tag is
> left up to the implementation, although it is recommended that the tag
> include the implementation name and a version shorthand.  In general,
> magic numbers never change between Python micro releases, but the
> convention can be extended to handle magic number changes between
> pre-release development versions.
> For example, CPython 3.2 would have a magic tag of `cpython-32` and
> write pyc files like this: `foo.cpython-32.pyc`.  When the `-O` flag
> is used, it would write `foo.cpython-32.pyo`.  For backports of this
> feature to Python 2, when the `-U` flag is used, a file such as
> `foo.cpython-27u.pyc` can be written.
> The magic tag is available in the `imp` module via the `get_tag()`
> function.  This is analogous to the `get_magic()` function already
> available in that module.
> Alternative Python implementations
> ==================================
> Alternative Python implementations such as Jython [11]_, IronPython
> [12]_, PyPy [13]_, Pynie [14]_, and Unladen Swallow can also use the
> `__pycache__` directory to store whatever compilation artifacts make
> sense for their platforms.  For example, Jython could store the class
> file for the module in `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`.
> Implementation strategy
> =======================
> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
> and all future versions.  It may be back-ported to Python 2.7.
> Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as
> they see fit.
> Effects on existing code
> ========================
> Adoption of this PEP will affect existing code and idioms, both inside
> Python and outside.  This section enumerates some of these effects.
> __file__
> ---------
> In Python 3, when you import a module, its `__file__` attribute points
> to its source `py` file (in Python 2, it points to the `pyc` file).  A
> package's `__file__` points to the `py` file for its ``.
> E.g.::
>    >>> import foo
>    >>> foo.__file__
>    ''
>    # baz is a package
>    >>> import baz
>    >>> baz.__file__
>    'baz/'
> Nothing in this PEP would change the semantics of `__file__`.
> This PEP proposes the addition of an `__cached__` attribute to
> modules, which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was
> read or written.  When the environment variable
> `$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is set, or the `-B` option is given, or if
> the source lives on a read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__`
> attribute will point to the location that the `pyc` file *would* have
> been written to if it didn't exist.  This location of course includes
> the `__pycache__` subdirectory in its path.
> For alternative Python implementations which do not support `pyc`
> files, the `__cached__` attribute may point to whatever information
> makes sense.  E.g. on Jython, this might be the `.class` file for the
> module: `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`.  Some implementations may
> use multiple compiled files to create the module, in which case
> `__cached__` may be a tuple.  The exact contents of `__cached__` are
> Python implementation specific.
> It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
> implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.
> py_compile and compileall
> -------------------------
> Python comes with two modules, `py_compile` [15]_ and `compileall`
> [16]_ which support compiling Python modules external to the built-in
> import machinery.  `py_compile` in particular has intimate knowledge
> of byte compilation, so these will be updated to understand the new
> layout.  The `-b` flag is added to `compileall` for writing legacy
> `.pyc` byte-compiled file path names.
> bdist_wininst and the Windows installer
> ---------------------------------------
> These tools also compile modules explicitly on installation.  If they
> do not use `py_compile` and `compileall`, then they would also have to
> be modified to understand the new layout.
> File extension checks
> ---------------------
> There exists some code which checks for files ending in `.pyc` and
> simply chops off the last character to find the matching `.py` file.
> This code will obviously fail once this PEP is implemented.
> To support this use case, we'll add two new methods to the `imp`
> package [17]_:
>  * `imp.source_from_cache(py_path)` -> `pyc_path`
>  * `imp.cache_from_source(pyc_path)` -> `py_path`
> Alternative implementations are free to override these functions to
> return reasonable values based on their own support for this PEP.
> PEP 302 loaders
> ---------------
> PEP 302 [18]_ defined loaders have a `.get_filename()` method which
> points to the `__file__` for a module.  As part of this PEP, we will
> extend this API, to include a new method `.get_paths()` which will
> return a 2-tuple containing the path to the source file and the path
> to where the matching `pyc` file is (or would be).
> Backports
> ---------
> For versions of Python earlier than 3.2 (and possibly 2.7), it is
> possible to backport this PEP.  However, in Python 3.2 (and possibly
> 2.7), this behavior will be turned on by default, and in fact, it will
> replace the old behavior.  Backports will need to support the old
> layout by default.  We suggest supporting PEP 3147 through the use of
> an environment variable called `$PYTHONENABLECACHEDIR` or the command
> line switch `-Xenablecachedir` to enable the feature.
> Makefiles and other dependency tools
> ------------------------------------
> Makefiles and other tools which calculate dependencies on `.pyc` files
> (e.g. to byte-compile the source if the `.pyc` is missing) will have
> to be updated to check the new paths.
> Alternatives
> ============
> PEP 304
> -------
> There is some overlap between the goals of this PEP and PEP 304 [19]_,
> which has been withdrawn.  However PEP 304 would allow a user to
> create a shadow file system hierarchy in which to store `pyc` files.
> This concept of a shadow hierarchy for `pyc` files could be used to
> satisfy the aims of this PEP.  Although the PEP 304 does not indicate
> why it was withdrawn, shadow directories have a number of problems.
> The location of the shadow `pyc` files would not be easily discovered
> and would depend on the proper and consistent use of the
> `$PYTHONBYTECODE` environment variable both by the system and by end
> users.  There are also global implications, meaning that while the
> system might want to shadow `pyc` files, users might not want to, but
> the PEP defines only an all-or-nothing approach.
> As an example of the problem, a common (though fragile) Python idiom
> for locating data files is to do something like this::
>    from os import dirname, join
>    import
>    data_file = join(dirname(, 'my.dat')
> This would be problematic since `` will give the
> location of the `pyc` file in the shadow directory, and it may not be
> possible to find the `my.dat` file relative to the source directory
> from there.
> Fat byte compilation files
> --------------------------
> An earlier version of this PEP described "fat" Python byte code files.
> These files would contain the equivalent of multiple `pyc` files in a
> single `pyf` file, with a lookup table keyed off the appropriate magic
> number.  This was an extensible file format so that the first 5
> parallel Python implementations could be supported fairly efficiently,
> but with extension lookup tables available to scale `pyf` byte code
> objects as large as necessary.
> The fat byte compilation files were fairly complex, and inherently
> introduced difficult race conditions, so the current simplification of
> using directories was suggested.  The same problem applies to using
> zip files as the fat pyc file format.
> Multiple file extensions
> ------------------------
> The PEP author also considered an approach where multiple thin byte
> compiled files lived in the same place, but used different file
> extensions to designate the Python version.  E.g. foo.pyc25,
> foo.pyc26, foo.pyc31 etc.  This was rejected because of the clutter
> involved in writing so many different files.  The multiple extension
> approach makes it more difficult (and an ongoing task) to update any
> tools that are dependent on the file extension.
> .pyc
> ----
> A proposal was floated to call the `__pycache__` directory `.pyc` or
> some other dot-file name.  This would have the effect on *nix systems
> of hiding the directory.  There are many reasons why this was
> rejected by the BDFL [20]_ including the fact that dot-files are only
> special on some platforms, and we actually do *not* want to hide these
> completely from users.
> Reference implementation
> ========================
> Work on this code is tracked in a Bazaar branch on Launchpad [22]_
> until it's ready for merge into Python 3.2.  The work-in-progress diff
> can also be viewed [23]_ and is updated automatically as new changes
> are uploaded.
> A Rietveld code review issue [24]_ has been opened as of 2010-04-01 (no,
> this is not an April Fools joke :).
> References
> ==========
> .. [1] PEP 3146
> .. [2] The marshal module:
> .. [3] import.c:
> .. [4] Ubuntu: <>
> .. [5] Debian: <>
> .. [6] Debian Python Policy:
> .. [7] PEP 384
> .. [8] python-support:
> .. [9] python-central:
> .. [10] binascii.hexlify():
> .. [11] Jython:
> .. [12] IronPython:
> .. [13] PyPy:
> .. [14] Pynie:
> .. [15] py_compile:
> .. [16] compileall:
> .. [17] imp:
> .. [18] PEP 302
> .. [19] PEP 304
> .. [20] at
> .. [21] importlib:
> .. [22]
> .. [23]
> .. [24]
> ===============
> Barry Warsaw's original idea was for fat Python byte code files.
> Martin von Loewis reviewed an early draft of the PEP and suggested the
> simplification to store traditional `pyc` and `pyo` files in a
> directory.  Many other people reviewed early versions of this PEP and
> provided useful feedback including but not limited to:
> * David Malcolm
> * Josselin Mouette
> * Matthias Klose
> * Michael Hudson
> * Michael Vogt
> * Piotr O?arowski
> * Scott Kitterman
> * Toshio Kuratomi
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
> ..
>   Local Variables:
>   mode: indented-text
>   indent-tabs-mode: nil
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From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 14 23:37:29 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 23:37:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/2010 23:32, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Michael Foord wrote:
>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to 
>> be installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with 
>> *all* the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a 
>> trivial task.
> What's non-trivial about it? I usually find that the normal
> "./configure; make; make install" sequence works fine without
> any further intervention.
> If you want a framework installation you have to read the
> README and use a couple of extra options, but it still works
> very smoothly.
A build on my machine produces output similar to:

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules 
were not found:
_bsddb             dl                 gdbm
imageop            linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev
readline           spwd               sunaudiodev
To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the 
module's name.

Failed to build these modules:

Obviously many of those are not meant to be built and I usually build 
Python for running the test suite - so I don't care about not having 
Tkinter. A new user of Python would most certainly care about not having 



From paul at  Wed Apr 14 23:51:17 2010
From: paul at (Paul Rudin)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:51:17 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> writes:

> On 14 April 2010 07:37, Paul Rudin <paul at> wrote:
>> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
>>> The major difference in the "do it yourself" attitude is that Mac user
>>> get a compiler for free, as part of the operating system release,
>>> whereas for Windows, they have to pay for it (leaving alone VS Express
>>> for the moment).
>> JOOI why ignore the express versions of the MS compilers? All (I think)
>> MS compilers are available for free in command line versions - it's the
>> GUI tools you pay for.
> I believe that the express editions don't include some of the advanced
> optimisations (profile guided optimisation rings a bell) which are
> used to build the official binaries. So if the binaries were built
> using Express Edition, they would be somewhat slower.
> That is just my recollection, however - it may be out of date or wrong.
> Paul.

I could be wrong too. However I think I had two things confused (it's
been a while since I've done any windows development). There are two
different suites of free compilers from MS. There's the windows sdk,
which includes a command line toolchain and the express edition of VS
which (essentially) is a cut down version of the commercial version of

Some info about the windows sdk versions is here
<> and about 
versions - including Express - here (at least for VC++)
although that's a little old.

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 15 00:02:05 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 08:02:05 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> I seem to recall there was some issue (aside from the current lack of a
>> reliable OS X buildbot) that prevented us from regularly grabbing the
>> head of the tree and using it to automatically build the Windows and Mac
>> installers (to check that the installers could actually be created,
>> preventing a repeat of the Mac situation with 2.7b1).
>> Am I misremembering the discussion from last time this topic came up?
> I only remember a similar discussion, which was about why the Windows
> nightly builds had been dropped. The reason was that the process was too
> flaky and required too much manual fixing, and that the demand for these
> binaries was too low. I don't recall OSX being mentioned in that
> discussion, though.

Yep, that sounds like the discussion I was thinking of.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 15 00:11:17 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 08:11:17 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
> The same is true for any other operating system, though: you need to
> install the compiler tool chain (sometimes, you need to buy it first),
> and compiling Python with all extensions is not a trivial task.

Even on Linux, it takes a bit of fiddling. I finally remembered to write
the steps down for Kubuntu when I set up my current machine (you need to
apt-get half a dozen or so additional dev packages):

Take away the convenience of apt-get and add installing the compiler and
installer toolchains and you've got a fair amount of setup time on your
hands (and lots of things that can go wrong).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From p.f.moore at  Thu Apr 15 00:11:54 2010
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 23:11:54 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 April 2010 18:36, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> I spent some considerable effort last year ensuring the developer
> community was well-supplied with MS developer licenses that give access
> to any necessary tools. Was I wasting my time?

Definitely not - my offer is at least in part based on the fact that I
have the full tools as a result and so can do (hopefully) useful work
on assisting with any necessary build process improvements.

My comment was in response to the question "why are we ignoring the
express editions"? If having the full versions wasn't better than
having the free ones, the developer licenses would be of less benefit
(and that isn't the case, as I say).


From zvezdan at  Thu Apr 15 00:12:07 2010
From: zvezdan at (Zvezdan Petkovic)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:12:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Martin v. L?wis wrote:

>> I think you just need to supply to configure
>> and have the appropriate SDK installed with Xcode.
> Wouldn't that break 10.3 compatibility (seel below)?

I was replying to your point about 10.4 build.
Naturally, if you want a 10.3 build you'd pass 10.3 as the target and would have to have appropriate Xcode SDK installed.

>>> Unfortunately, Apple manages to break compatibility and portability
>>> with every release, which makes this particular build task soooo
>>> tricky. You have to make all kinds of decisions and compromises
>>> where are really difficult to keep track of.
>> Hmm.  Apple provided compatibility SDK and documented it.
>> The only compromise I see in this build process right now is that we
>> are building a Panther (10.3) compatible installer, while Mac OS X is
>> a certified UNIX starting with 10.5.
> I think there are more issues. People want a fat binary that supports
> AMD64 along with x86, yet building such a binary requires an SDK that
> won't support PPC anymore - right?


x86_64, i386, and ppc are supported even in the Xcode supplied with the latest Mac OS X 10.6.  Only ppc64 is not.  So, ppc is not an issue.

The problem is that enforcing backward compatibility with 10.3 and 10.4 makes 64-bit Intel architecture not feasible.

You are right, it is a compromise.
We are making more users happy by providing a 32-bit installer for a wider range of OS releases.

However, if we want a more modern certified UNIX, 64-bit installer, then we'll have to draw a line and stop supporting older OS releases.

Just as we stop supporting older releases of Python.



From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 15 00:33:29 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 08:33:29 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Brett Cannon wrote:
> And just a quick suggestion: can we standardize what
> imp.source_to_path() and friend are supposed to return if the
> interpreter doesn't support bytecode? I will probably have to rely on
> that for something so it would be best to say now whether it should be
> None or raise an exception so there is no divergence on this between VMs.

Returning None sounds like the most straightforward option. "__cached__
= None" will just mean "for whatever reason, we have no cached filename
for this file". It may be the cached file doesn't exist, or the
interpreter simply wasn't in a position to figure it out in a user
visible way.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From janssen at  Thu Apr 15 01:22:36 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 16:22:36 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

skip at wrote:

> Now that I think about it, it might not be sufficient to just hide those
> directories from the environment.  The Python file has
> unconditional hard-coded references to /sw, /opt/local and /usr/local.  That

I added that to my virus scanner: check any files for /sw.  I
autopatch a couple of the commopn ones to get rid of it.


From barry at  Thu Apr 15 03:10:15 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:10:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100414211015.2df61571@heresy>

On Apr 15, 2010, at 08:33 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>Brett Cannon wrote:
>> And just a quick suggestion: can we standardize what
>> imp.source_to_path() and friend are supposed to return if the
>> interpreter doesn't support bytecode? I will probably have to rely on
>> that for something so it would be best to say now whether it should be
>> None or raise an exception so there is no divergence on this between VMs.
>Returning None sounds like the most straightforward option. "__cached__
>= None" will just mean "for whatever reason, we have no cached filename
>for this file". It may be the cached file doesn't exist, or the
>interpreter simply wasn't in a position to figure it out in a user
>visible way.

I completely agree.  The PEP already leaves __cached__ up to the
implementation, but I'll update it to be clear that None is an acceptable
return value from imp.cached_from_source() (which is the one I think you
mean), and also what __cached__=None means.

Thanks Brett and Nick.
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From stephen at  Thu Apr 15 04:51:39 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 11:51:39 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd:
	Broken	link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen writes:

 > > Fink or MacPorts are often a practical necessity.
 > Fink is deadly, MacPorts much more benign, in my experience.  Which is
 > several years out-of-date, before I realized I didn't need either one of
 > them, and before the UNIX community started adding configure patches to
 > support OS X builds more widely.  Perhaps they've improved.

FWIW, I use MacPorts heavily, and it works fine for the most recent
release of Mac OS X which has been out for at least 6 months.  Bug
fixes for Snow Leopard in MacPorts are typically a matter of a handful
of hours, but many port maintainers don't have full-time access to
Leopard, and few will do more than pay lip service and help install a
patch if you have problems with Tiger.  IOW, the previous release
always has occasional glitches, and the second previous release is a
nightmare.  MacPorts is fine if you don't mind occasionally messing
with it and don't need to deal with Mac OS versions getting even
slightly long in the tooth.

 > In any case, they shouldn't be needed on buildbots maintained by
 > the PSF.

They should be avoided, as many users won't have them.  MacPorts and
presumably Fink have their own testing process, and the quality of
/opt/local/lib varies quite a bit.

From martin at  Thu Apr 15 06:36:34 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 06:36:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Michael Foord wrote:
>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
>> installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all*
>> the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
>> task.
> What's non-trivial about it? 

Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
other systems.


From glyph at  Thu Apr 15 08:24:53 2010
From: glyph at (Glyph Lefkowitz)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 02:24:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that required discussion, not simply issues that had a patch ready to go.

I'm curious - if one isn't supposed to ping the mailing list every time, how does one ask the tracker "please show me all the issues which have a patch ready to go that hasn't been reviewed / responded to / rejected or applied"?  It seems like patches sometimes linger for quite a while and often their workflow-state is highly unclear (to me, at least).

From glyph at  Thu Apr 15 08:28:13 2010
From: glyph at (Glyph Lefkowitz)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 02:28:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that required discussion, not simply issues that had a patch ready to go.

Ach.  I hit 'send' too soon.  I also wanted to say: it seemed quite clear to me that Martin specifically meant "simply issues that had a patch ready to go".  Quoting him exactly:
>> Please understand that setting the state of an issue to "review" may *not* be the best way to trigger a review - it may be more effective to post to python-dev if you truly believe that the patch can be committed as-is.
It seems that perhaps the core developers have slightly different opinions about this? :)

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From at  Thu Apr 15 09:20:20 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 03:20:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at> writes:

> Speaking of which... I have a mac-mini that could be used for a
> buildbot. How much work is needed to kickstart a buildbot, taking
> into account that I'd prefer to have a buildbot with different
> configure-flags that the default unix build (that is, I want to test
> a framework build that is a universal binary).

Sort of picking this message to enter the thread ...

Interestingly enough, I had made an offer to Martin to host an OSX
build slave last week (before this thread), since I had a Mini whose
disk crashed and would be reasonably free after I rebuilt it, and I
had noticed there were no longer any OSX build slaves around.

It's online now, though it certainly need not be the only one.
There's not much to setting up a build slave - just easy_install
buildbot on top of a basic Python install (you'll need Twisted), use
the "build-slave" command to create a tree, edit the files in "info",
and "buildbot start <tree-root>" to get it started.  Of course,
there's some overhead to monitoring things over time.

My new slave is a Tiger box, since that's what I still need for my own
application builds. So it won't help with building/testing x64 builds.

Per the "startup on reboot" part of the thread, I typically use the
LaunchAgents setup on my Macs for that purpose, although to be honest,
not many of my build slaves start automatically anyway, as the boxes
don't tend to get restarted other than manually.

In the first builds, I have noticed that the build master seems to
execute the builds as a Unix system, so isn't building with the
universalsdk option or as a framework, though the latter would
probably need a bit of glue to make the framework available just
locally to the buildbot process.

On Windows, the buildbot tasks use scripts that keep the third party
stuff in the buildbot branch tree itself.  I wonder if perhaps with a
little TLC, we could come up with some Mac-specific buildbot scripts
to better have an OSX build slave mimic the final build process.  It
might be as simple as using build-installer with a specified directory
within the build tree, though utilitizing the built framework for the
tests probably needs some support.  The build master could then be
set to execute those scripts (much as it does on Windows) rather than
the stock Unix approach.

I anticipate some tuning to do with respect to external libraries.
Rather than use system libraries or my own (or finks or MacPorts)
version of libraries, I suspect it would be better to download the
same releases of the third party stuff that the installer script
downloads and install them locally for normal buildbot builds, to best
match what would be packaged up with a final binary.  Of course, if
so, then there's the question of keeping the buildbot environment up
to date with the installer script.

As I believe Martin mentioned elsewhere in the thread, he used to have
my Windows slave generate nightly MSI builds and upload them, but the
process became fragile over time, and didn't seem to be missed when we
discontinued them.  But something similar could probably be worked out
for building nightly DMGs for OSX if it were deemed useful.

> Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run
> Mac/BuildScript/ on an OSX 10.5 system where a
> local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in /Library/Frameworks. The
> system should also not have fink or darwinports and a clean
> /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating the build.

Yes, I've successfully used the script to create a DMG of the latest
2.7 out of trunk, and at least the basic sniff test (install it
locally, run a few things) seems fine.  Did run into one quirk where
if you have already built Python within the tree you run the script
from, it doesn't rebuild everything beneath /tmp/_py/_bld - such as
the pgen stuff.  So you want a clean source tree too.

To the extent that the output (DMG) of the build-installer script is
what is currently needed for OSX, I can generate one if it is still
needed, though I can't promise much beyond just executing the script.
The new build slave can also be made available for RMs (or whomever)
to generate the DMG when needed if that might be helpful.  Though
there should probably be some basic installation test on other systems
prior to publishing any such generated files.

-- David

From techtonik at  Thu Apr 15 10:20:56 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 11:20:56 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ?I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
>>> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
>>> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to

Just to remind about my +1 for user editable tags.

>> There is one. In the Components you can do a multiple select and it
>> has Macintosh , Windows as options.
> I think that setup dates from the Sourceforge days when we didn't have
> keywords or the ability to add our own fields. Would it make sense to
> put a request on the metatracker to convert these to keywords now that
> they're available?

Keywords are not currently editable by users.

> Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
> Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?

It is not uncommon when code written on Unix can affect both MacOS and
Windows, so you need to be able to select both.

> While there is some Windows and Mac specific code, treating them as
> separate components seems fairly unintuitive.

anatoly t.

From cournape at  Thu Apr 15 11:34:57 2010
From: cournape at (David Cournapeau)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:34:57 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 3:54 AM,  <skip at> wrote:
> ? ?Bill> In any case, they shouldn't be needed on buildbots maintained by
> ? ?Bill> the PSF.
> Sure. ?My question was related to humans building binary distributions
> though. ?Unless that becomes fully automated so the release manager can just
> push a button and have it built on and as-yet-nonexistent Mac OSX buildbot
> machine, somebody will have to generate that installer. ?Ronald says Fink,
> MacPorts and /usr/local are poison. ?If that's truly the case that's fine.
> It's just that it reduces the size of the potential binary installer build
> machines.

Actually, you can just use a chroot "jail" to build the binary - I use
this process to build the official numpy/scipy binaries, it works very
well whatever crap there is on my laptop otherwise.



From nad at  Thu Apr 15 13:41:03 2010
From: nad at (Ned Deily)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 04:41:03 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

In article <4BC697D2.4020200 at>,
 "Martin v. Lowis" <martin at> wrote:
> Greg Ewing wrote:
> > Michael Foord wrote:
> >> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
> >> installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all*
> >> the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
> >> task.
> > What's non-trivial about it? 
> Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
> other systems.

As Ronald pointed out, the installer build script does all of the dirty 
work of building the install disk image (the .dmg file), including 
downloading and building necessary third-party libraries.   What isn't 
automatically checked at the moment is that the third-party Tk framework 
is in place during the build and that there isn't contamination from the 
build user's environment.  There is a patch in Issue5651 to do much of 
that.  It doesn't currently try to handle the possibility of MacPorts 
(/opt/local) and Fink (/sw) contamination.  I believe that issue should 
be addressed by the resolution of Issue7713.

Keep in mind that Python on OS X supports the standard OS X 
multi-architecture (Intel vs PPC and/or 32-bit vs 64-bit executables in 
the same file) and multi-version features (the current installer builds 
are fully supported on 10.6, 10.5, and 10.4 and "best-effort" supported 
on 10.3 as well although building is not supported on 10.3) as well as 
"Unix" shared library vs OS X framework shared library configurations.  
That leads to a rather imposing matrix of potential build systems vs 
potential target systems.  For the most part, Apple provides excellent 
upward compatibility; downward is somewhat trickier.   OS X 10.6 (Snow 
Leopard) has complicated matters by the change to preferring 64-bit 
building and executing where possible.  For python builds, some build 
configurations that worked by default under 10.5 and earlier no longer 
do so on 10.6, primarily due to standard library modules that depend on 
APIs, in many cases deprecated ones, that are only available in 32-bit 
versions.  The old Macintosh modules comprise the biggest group of these 
and, while they have been removed in 3.x, they still remain in 2.x.  But 
there are some others as well, which explain most of the build issues 
Michael reported.  There are also newer versions of some open source 
libraries in 10.6 which cause problems for multi-version builds: 
openssl, for one, and Apple's 64-bit version of Tk 8.5.

None of these problems are insolvable but with the very limited 
resources (i.e. people time) we've had for working on these issues, and 
when there have been so many other more critical problems, it has been 
easier up to now to stick with building on 10.5 (or even on 10.4 which I 
test build occasionally).  I think the single most important thing that 
can be done to help right now is to get a robust system of OS X 
buildbots going so that many of the critical problems can be detected up 
front rather than when one of us gets around to building and install 
testing the multi-arch and multi-version installers.  Since there are so 
many potential configurations, some thought needs to go into which would 
be of the most value.  I would say that the most important build 
configurations are: (1) 32-bit Intel/PPC framework on 10.5 (and 
eventually 10.6) targeted for 10.3 through 10.6 (the current installer 
config setup); and (2) 32-/64- Intel-only framework for 10.6;  followed 
by (3) 32-/64- Intel/PPC framework for 10.5 and 10.6.  Building the 
whole installer and testing on as many targeted systems as possible 
would be ideal but that adds more complexity to the automation (again, 
not insurmountable).  But even just doing framework multi-arch builds, 
installs, and tests (using the appropriate options) on only the build 
systems themselves without building an installer or third-party libs 
would go a long way towards catching many, if not most, problems early.   
I'd be happy to supply more detailed suggestions for specific 
configuration parameters for those interested in setting up buildbots.   
(There may be some delay, though, as I will have limited time and 
Internet access for the next three weeks.)

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

From nad at  Thu Apr 15 14:18:59 2010
From: nad at (Ned Deily)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 05:18:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

In article <4BC63599.5020005 at>,
 Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
> A build on my machine produces output similar to:
> Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules 
> were not found:
> _bsddb

third-party (Sleepycat) library needed (see the installer script)

> dl

only available for 32-bit

> gdbm

third-party library needed (not supplied in the installer build)

> imageop

only available for 32-bit (and removed in 3.x)

> linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev

neither supported on OS X

> readline

requires either GNU readline lib (not included with OS X) or (with 
2.6.5, trunk, or py3k) can now use OS X editline (libedit) replacement 
when targeting for 10.5 or 10.6 (add MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 or 
10.6 to ./configure arguments).

> spwd               sunaudiodev

neither supported on OS X

> Failed to build these modules:
> _tkinter

currently only supported for 32-bit archs as there was no 64-bit (non-X) 
Tk on OS X prior to 10.6 and there are unresolved problems with the 10.6 
Apple-supplied Tk 8.5 and 2.6.x IDLE (Issue6864).

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

From nad at  Thu Apr 15 14:21:16 2010
From: nad at (Ned Deily)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 05:21:16 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

In article <4BC61278.7020108 at>,
 "Martin v. Lowis" <martin at> wrote:
> Ned Deily wrote:
> > That *is* something that the PSF could help with.  I 
> > would be happy to help with that myself, although my time to do so will 
> > be very limited for the next few weeks.
> The PSF still has a machine that was donated by Apple that once used to
> be a build slave. Unfortunately, that machine had hardware problems (or
> atleast appeared to have hardware problems). So if anybody would be
> interested into maintaining it, please let us know.

Any idea what type of machine it is and where it is currently located?

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

From fuzzyman at  Thu Apr 15 15:01:19 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 15:01:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Whilst making Python easier to build on the Mac is certainly a worthy 
goal, the point of my post was to demonstrate (in reply to an email by 
Greg Ewing) *why* building a *full* Python from source was non-trivial. 
I personally only build Python from source to test changes to 
core-Python and am happy with the Python binary installers for the Mac - 
once they arrive. :-)

All the best,


On 15/04/2010 14:18, Ned Deily wrote:
> In article<4BC63599.5020005 at>,
>   Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  wrote:
>> A build on my machine produces output similar to:
>> Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules
>> were not found:
>> _bsddb
> third-party (Sleepycat) library needed (see the installer script)
>> dl
> only available for 32-bit
>> gdbm
> third-party library needed (not supplied in the installer build)
>> imageop
> only available for 32-bit (and removed in 3.x)
>> linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev
> neither supported on OS X
>> readline
> requires either GNU readline lib (not included with OS X) or (with
> 2.6.5, trunk, or py3k) can now use OS X editline (libedit) replacement
> when targeting for 10.5 or 10.6 (add MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 or
> 10.6 to ./configure arguments).
>> spwd               sunaudiodev
> neither supported on OS X
>> Failed to build these modules:
>> _tkinter
> currently only supported for 32-bit archs as there was no 64-bit (non-X)
> Tk on OS X prior to 10.6 and there are unresolved problems with the 10.6
> Apple-supplied Tk 8.5 and 2.6.x IDLE (Issue6864).


From brian.curtin at  Thu Apr 15 16:11:51 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 09:11:51 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Status of 2.7b1?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 14:43, David Bolen < at> wrote:

> Brian Curtin <brian.curtin at> writes:
> > The tests are run on a native Win32 build as compiled by VS2008. The
> > functionality is Win32 specific and wouldn't work on Cygwin, so the tests
> > are skipped there. I believe Cygwin is used for kicking off the tests and
> > other buildbot stuff, but they don't actually run through Cygwin.
> Yes, that's correct.  Cygwin is on my buildbot just for management
> convenience.  The build slave happens to be started from a Cygwin bash
> shell (and beneath a Cygwin-based home directory, which is why you see
> it in various path references in logs), but the buildbot code itself
> is responsible for executing the python process directly for testing.
> And python itself is built normally with VS 2008 as a pure win32
> build, no Cygwin dependency.
> I did also verify over the weekend that the failures occur whether the
> python_d process is started from a Cygwin bash shell or from the
> normal Windows cmd process, and even if test_os is used directly,
> without running through rt.bat.  The case that ran successfully was
> not via test_os, but only by interactively replicating the test.
> I'm back at this point, and to the extent my buildbot is the only
> place currently replicating the problem, am working with Brian for
> whatever access or resources might be helpful.
> -- David

Although the fix still needs a bit of cleanup, test_os seems to be working
fine on this buildbot now. The test now waits for the subprocess to
communicate back that it is running, rather than the time.sleep hacks, then
it goes forward with os.kill.

Big thanks to David for access to the machine.
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From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 15 16:13:12 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:13:12 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

anatoly techtonik wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
>> Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?
> It is not uncommon when code written on Unix can affect both MacOS and
> Windows, so you need to be able to select both.

Yep, if adopted, it would be a multi-select field.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From solipsis at  Thu Apr 15 16:31:23 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:31:23 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at>> writes:
> anatoly techtonik wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at>>wrote:
> >> Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
> >> Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?
> > 
> > It is not uncommon when code written on Unix can affect both MacOS and
> > Windows, so you need to be able to select both.
> Yep, if adopted, it would be a multi-select field.

We already have "Macintosh" and "Windows" in the multi-select component field.
It would be nice if the bug interface didn't grow more complicated than it
already is.



From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 15 16:45:34 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:45:34 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at>> writes:
>> anatoly techtonik wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at>>wrote:
>>>> Or even a separate OS field with "Windows, Mac OS X,
>>>> Linux, *BSD, Other" as the options?
>>> It is not uncommon when code written on Unix can affect both MacOS and
>>> Windows, so you need to be able to select both.
>> Yep, if adopted, it would be a multi-select field.
> We already have "Macintosh" and "Windows" in the multi-select component field.
> It would be nice if the bug interface didn't grow more complicated than it
> already is.

That's where the discussion started - whether or not moving that
information out to a separate field would actually be an improvement or
not. I don't use the tracker intensively enough to give a considered


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From solipsis at  Thu Apr 15 16:53:35 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:53:35 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
References: <>	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at>> writes:
> That's where the discussion started - whether or not moving that
> information out to a separate field would actually be an improvement or
> not. I don't use the tracker intensively enough to give a considered
> opinion.

For me, the less UI overhead the better.
If people want to search those issues and the Roundup search interface isn't
practical enough (which I understand - most issue trackers seem to have awful
search interfaces), we can predefine custom searches for Windows and Mac issues,
and publish them in the left bar.



From orsenthil at  Thu Apr 15 17:00:47 2010
From: orsenthil at (Senthil Kumaran)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:30:47 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <20100415150047.GA9617@remy>

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 02:31:23PM +0000, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> We already have "Macintosh" and "Windows" in the multi-select component field.
> It would be nice if the bug interface didn't grow more complicated than it
> already is.


There isn't any need for yet another classification.


Your life would be very empty if you had nothing to regret.

From brian.curtin at  Thu Apr 15 17:09:03 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:09:03 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 03:20, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at>wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> >
> >>>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
> >>> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
> >>> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
> Just to remind about my +1 for user editable tags.

-sys.maxint on just about anything user editable except for the title or
messages on an issue. I don't think user editable tags on an issue bring
anything to the table except making it seem more "web 2.0". Searching
user-generated tags would be a nightmare because you'd have to know every
combination of some idea in order to get relevant results (e.g., windows,
windoze, window$, win32).
-------------- next part --------------
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From skip at  Thu Apr 15 17:09:47 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:09:47 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

    Ned> Any idea what type of machine it is and where it is currently
    Ned> located?

I seem to recall it is/was a G4 XServe.  My guess as to location would be at


From orsenthil at  Thu Apr 15 18:07:18 2010
From: orsenthil at (Senthil Kumaran)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:37:18 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] urlparse - to parse IPv6 URL in 2.7 b2 ?
Message-ID: <20100415160718.GA12597@remy> 

This deals with a feature request of parsing an IPv6 URL according to
standards. The patch is pretty complete and we have good test coverage

Is it okay to include this in Python 2.7 b2 release?  It would be a
worthy addition.


From brett at  Thu Apr 15 20:55:10 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 11:55:10 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, we have different opinions. My personal take is to wait a week before
you email python-dev if there has been no activity. That is enough time for
people interested in the patch to get to it as we all have different
schedules. Any faster and it feels like noise on the list to me.

Brett (from his phone)

On Apr 14, 2010 11:28 PM, "Glyph Lefkowitz" <glyph at> wrote:

On Apr 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that
required discussion, not sim...
Ach.  I hit 'send' too soon.  I also wanted to say: it seemed quite clear to
me that Martin specifically meant "simply issues that had a patch ready to
go".  Quoting him exactly:

Please understand that setting the state of an issue to "review" may
*not* be the best way to trigger a review - it may be more effective
to post to python-dev if you truly believe that the patch can be
committed as-is.

It seems that perhaps the core developers have slightly different opinions
about this? :)
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From brett at  Thu Apr 15 22:13:49 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 13:13:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, we have different opinions. My personal take is to wait a week before
you email python-dev if there has been no activity. That is enough time for
people interested in the patch to get to it as we all have different
schedules. Any faster and it feels like noise on the list to me.

Brett (from his phone)

On Apr 14, 2010 11:28 PM, "Glyph Lefkowitz" <glyph at> wrote:

On Apr 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that
required discussion, not sim...

Ach.  I hit 'send' too soon.  I also wanted to say: it seemed quite clear to
me that Martin specifically meant "simply issues that had a patch ready to
go".  Quoting him exactly:

Please understand that setting the state of an issue to "review" may
*not* be the best way to trigger a review - it may be more effective
to post to python-dev if you truly believe that the patch can be
committed as-is.

It seems that perhaps the core developers have slightly different opinions
about this? :)
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From martin at  Thu Apr 15 22:39:15 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 22:39:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

>>> What's non-trivial about it? 
>> Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
>> other systems.
> As Ronald pointed out, the installer build script does all of the dirty 
> work of building the install disk image (the .dmg file), including 
> downloading and building necessary third-party libraries. 

Hmm. When I tried it last, it didn't do anything - it just crashed. I
then had to fix it, and also arrange to meet a certain number of
assumptions that it assumed but that had not been setup on my system.

This is some years ago, so I don't recall details.

> I think the single most important thing that 
> can be done to help right now is to get a robust system of OS X 
> buildbots going so that many of the critical problems can be detected up 
> front rather than when one of us gets around to building and install 
> testing the multi-arch and multi-version installers.

There is one build slave now up, contributed by David Bolen.


From martin at  Thu Apr 15 22:40:39 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 22:40:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Ned Deily wrote:
> In article <4BC61278.7020108 at>,
>  "Martin v. Lowis" <martin at> wrote:
>> Ned Deily wrote:
>>> That *is* something that the PSF could help with.  I 
>>> would be happy to help with that myself, although my time to do so will 
>>> be very limited for the next few weeks.
>> The PSF still has a machine that was donated by Apple that once used to
>> be a build slave. Unfortunately, that machine had hardware problems (or
>> atleast appeared to have hardware problems). So if anybody would be
>> interested into maintaining it, please let us know.
> Any idea what type of machine it is and where it is currently located?

No idea about the former, except that it is an XServe computer. It is
located in Amsterdam (in the Netherlands), in the XS4ALL facility.


From martin at  Thu Apr 15 22:48:49 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 22:48:49 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> In the first builds, I have noticed that the build master seems to
> execute the builds as a Unix system, so isn't building with the
> universalsdk option or as a framework, though the latter would
> probably need a bit of glue to make the framework available just
> locally to the buildbot process.

Not sure what you mean by "make available" - I thought this is just a
matter of configure options?

Would you like to see such a build on your machine in addition, or
instead of, the Unix build?

> On Windows, the buildbot tasks use scripts that keep the third party
> stuff in the buildbot branch tree itself.  I wonder if perhaps with a
> little TLC, we could come up with some Mac-specific buildbot scripts
> to better have an OSX build slave mimic the final build process.

No. I'd rather create a separate builder on the master.

> I anticipate some tuning to do with respect to external libraries.
> Rather than use system libraries or my own (or finks or MacPorts)
> version of libraries, I suspect it would be better to download the
> same releases of the third party stuff that the installer script
> downloads and install them locally for normal buildbot builds, to best
> match what would be packaged up with a final binary.  Of course, if
> so, then there's the question of keeping the buildbot environment up
> to date with the installer script.

It would be possible to commit these packages into the externals
repository, just as we do for Windows. It would then be possible to
check them out over again all the time, or somehow to detect when the
URL changes so they export a different subversion directory.

> To the extent that the output (DMG) of the build-installer script is
> what is currently needed for OSX, I can generate one if it is still
> needed, though I can't promise much beyond just executing the script.
> The new build slave can also be made available for RMs (or whomever)
> to generate the DMG when needed if that might be helpful.  Though
> there should probably be some basic installation test on other systems
> prior to publishing any such generated files.

For 2.7, I would do that only if the very same build process is also
going to be used for the final release. There is no point in testing
builds when then the final release uses some other process. It would
also be good if anybody who commits to producing OSX binaries now would
also produce them throughout the 2.7 lifetime (which could be a bit
longer than the traditional 18 months).


From martin at  Thu Apr 15 22:53:37 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 22:53:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] urlparse - to parse IPv6 URL in 2.7 b2 ?
In-Reply-To: <20100415160718.GA12597@remy>
References: <20100415160718.GA12597@remy>
Message-ID: <>

Senthil Kumaran wrote:
> This deals with a feature request of parsing an IPv6 URL according to
> standards. The patch is pretty complete and we have good test coverage
> too.
> Is it okay to include this in Python 2.7 b2 release?  It would be a
> worthy addition.

1. The ultimate decision on that is with the release manager (i.e. Benjamin)
2. My personal recommendation is to allow it: while it *is* a new
feature, it is a feature that doesn't change any API.


From solipsis at  Thu Apr 15 23:07:23 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:07:23 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] urlparse - to parse IPv6 URL in 2.7 b2 ?
References: <20100415160718.GA12597@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis <martin <at>> writes:
> > 
> 2. My personal recommendation is to allow it: while it *is* a new
> feature, it is a feature that doesn't change any API.

That's my opinion too.



From nad at  Thu Apr 15 23:12:07 2010
From: nad at (Ned Deily)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:12:07 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

In article <19399.11323.946604.992452 at>,
 skip at wrote:

>     Ned> Any idea what type of machine it is and where it is currently
>     Ned> located?
> I seem to recall it is/was a G4 XServe.  My guess as to location would be at

If it were working that could be of use.  It would not be able to run OS 
X 10.6 but having a 10.5 system PPC system as a buildbot would certainly 
be useful; it should be fine for the default installer configuration 
builds.  (Alas, I don't expect to be anywhere in the vicinity in the 
foreseeable future.)

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

From martin at  Thu Apr 15 23:35:30 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 23:35:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> If it were working that could be of use.  It would not be able to run OS 
> X 10.6 but having a 10.5 system PPC system as a buildbot would certainly 
> be useful; it should be fine for the default installer configuration 
> builds.  (Alas, I don't expect to be anywhere in the vicinity in the 
> foreseeable future.)

I think we could arrange to have somebody ship it somewhere, even across
the globe.


From brett at  Thu Apr 15 23:51:44 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:51:44 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$> 
	<> <> 
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 04:41, Ned Deily <nad at> wrote:

> In article <4BC697D2.4020200 at>,
>  "Martin v. Lowis" <martin at> wrote:
> > Greg Ewing wrote:
> > > Michael Foord wrote:
> > >> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
> > >> installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all*
> > >> the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
> > >> task.
> > > What's non-trivial about it?
> > Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
> > other systems.
> As Ronald pointed out, the installer build script does all of the dirty
> work of building the install disk image (the .dmg file), including
> downloading and building necessary third-party libraries.   What isn't
> automatically checked at the moment is that the third-party Tk framework
> is in place during the build and that there isn't contamination from the
> build user's environment.  There is a patch in Issue5651 to do much of
> that.  It doesn't currently try to handle the possibility of MacPorts
> (/opt/local) and Fink (/sw) contamination.  I believe that issue should
> be addressed by the resolution of Issue7713.

I know for me the reason I have never tried to help with building the
binaries is I simply lack the expertise. I always build straight UNIX
versions of Python under OS X, so I have no experience with framework builds
(which is what the binary distribution is). Heck, I didn't even know about
the build script until just now since it's such a pain to build. Plus I
don't know if you can use a framework build from within your svn checkout
for testing, so I REALLY don't bother building a framework. And to top it
off I use the latest libraries of things to look for possible breakage.

I am sure I am not the only person who has all of these barriers preventing
them from using a framework build consistently.

> Keep in mind that Python on OS X supports the standard OS X
> multi-architecture (Intel vs PPC and/or 32-bit vs 64-bit executables in
> the same file) and multi-version features (the current installer builds
> are fully supported on 10.6, 10.5, and 10.4 and "best-effort" supported
> on 10.3 as well although building is not supported on 10.3) as well as
> "Unix" shared library vs OS X framework shared library configurations.
> That leads to a rather imposing matrix of potential build systems vs
> potential target systems.  For the most part, Apple provides excellent
> upward compatibility; downward is somewhat trickier.   OS X 10.6 (Snow
> Leopard) has complicated matters by the change to preferring 64-bit
> building and executing where possible.  For python builds, some build
> configurations that worked by default under 10.5 and earlier no longer
> do so on 10.6, primarily due to standard library modules that depend on
> APIs, in many cases deprecated ones, that are only available in 32-bit
> versions.  The old Macintosh modules comprise the biggest group of these
> and, while they have been removed in 3.x, they still remain in 2.x.  But
> there are some others as well, which explain most of the build issues
> Michael reported.  There are also newer versions of some open source
> libraries in 10.6 which cause problems for multi-version builds:
> openssl, for one, and Apple's 64-bit version of Tk 8.5.
> None of these problems are insolvable but with the very limited
> resources (i.e. people time) we've had for working on these issues, and
> when there have been so many other more critical problems, it has been
> easier up to now to stick with building on 10.5 (or even on 10.4 which I
> test build occasionally).  I think the single most important thing that
> can be done to help right now is to get a robust system of OS X
> buildbots going so that many of the critical problems can be detected up
> front rather than when one of us gets around to building and install
> testing the multi-arch and multi-version installers.  Since there are so
> many potential configurations, some thought needs to go into which would
> be of the most value.  I would say that the most important build
> configurations are: (1) 32-bit Intel/PPC framework on 10.5 (and
> eventually 10.6) targeted for 10.3 through 10.6 (the current installer
> config setup); and (2) 32-/64- Intel-only framework for 10.6;  followed
> by (3) 32-/64- Intel/PPC framework for 10.5 and 10.6.  Building the
> whole installer and testing on as many targeted systems as possible
> would be ideal but that adds more complexity to the automation (again,
> not insurmountable).  But even just doing framework multi-arch builds,
> installs, and tests (using the appropriate options) on only the build
> systems themselves without building an installer or third-party libs
> would go a long way towards catching many, if not most, problems early.
> I'd be happy to supply more detailed suggestions for specific
> configuration parameters for those interested in setting up buildbots.
> (There may be some delay, though, as I will have limited time and
> Internet access for the next three weeks.)
And this is another reason why Ronald has always been the only person to
build the OS X binary; it's complicated. Knowing how to get the proper
universal framework with the right things is annoying. Plus making sure
something works on multiple versions of OS X is a pain as I am sure very few
of us have 10.6, 10.5, and 10.4 lying around.

I mean if the build script was dead-simple run and forget I am sure many of
us would be willing to create dmgs. But it will take someone who knows what
is needed (sounds like Ned does and obviously Ronald does) to get it to that

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From brett at  Fri Apr 16 00:05:13 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 15:05:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, we have different opinions. My personal take is to wait a week before
you email python-dev if there has been no activity. That is enough time for
people interested in the patch to get to it as we all have different
schedules. Any faster and it feels like noise on the list to me.

Brett (from his phone)

On Apr 14, 2010 11:28 PM, "Glyph Lefkowitz" <glyph at> wrote:

On Apr 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that
required discussion, not sim...

Ach.  I hit 'send' too soon.  I also wanted to say: it seemed quite clear to
me that Martin specifically meant "simply issues that had a patch ready to
go".  Quoting him exactly:

Please understand that setting the state of an issue to "review" may
*not* be the best way to trigger a review - it may be more effective
to post to python-dev if you truly believe that the patch can be
committed as-is.

It seems that perhaps the core developers have slightly different opinions
about this? :)
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From at  Fri Apr 16 00:37:42 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:37:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:

> Not sure what you mean by "make available" - I thought this is just a
> matter of configure options?

Building as a framework, yes.  But I think there's some steps to take
to then have the test python binary use the locally built framework
while running the tests (since the framework won't be in a system
location like /Library/Frameworks during the test). Probably similar to
whatever py2app does to use packaged frameworks contained within the
application bundle.

I doubt it's overly complex, but just an extra step that might need to
be incorporated into any buildbot test rules or script to ensure the
just built framework is used in the tests.

> Would you like to see such a build on your machine in addition, or
> instead of, the Unix build?

I suppose an argument could be made to test both, since others have
indicated here they often do a normal Unix-oriented build on OSX, but
I think if I only had to pick one, I'd go with framework to match what
gets published as a binary for downloading.  Theoretically it should
probably also be a universal build, though of course only one variant
would actually get tested on a build slave depending on its platform.

Certainly anything we could do to make the buildbot generated builds
match as closely to possible the distribution binary process would be
beneficial, I'd think.

>> On Windows, the buildbot tasks use scripts that keep the third party
>> stuff in the buildbot branch tree itself.  I wonder if perhaps with a
>> little TLC, we could come up with some Mac-specific buildbot scripts
>> to better have an OSX build slave mimic the final build process.
> No. I'd rather create a separate builder on the master.

I'm wondering if I'm saying the same thing but just not using the
right vernacular.  Something on the master (a builder?) for Windows
instructs it to run Tools\buildbot\build.bat for building and test.bat
for testing, rather than each of the individual commands.

Whether we encapsulate the needed logic in separate makefile targets
for the Mac, or independent build scripts like on Windows, the build
master would only need to execute some Mac appropriate command on a
given branch (not sure if that's separate builders), with the
makefile/script in the given checkout handling the third party stuff
and environmental setup.

Keeping the knowledge in the makefile or script in the source tree would
let the rules change across branches without affecting the build master.
Though if having more specific rules in the master was easier, I'd be
fine with that too.

> It would be possible to commit these packages into the externals
> repository, just as we do for Windows. It would then be possible to
> check them out over again all the time, or somehow to detect when the
> URL changes so they export a different subversion directory.

Sure - that's the sort of thing I figured a build script could take
care of, much as it does on Windows.  Or, the current Mac
build-installer script already has the necessary information, and can
be instructed where to place the third party stuff, so it might only
be necessary to have the buildbot process run that script with
appropriate build tree-relative paths.

> For 2.7, I would do that only if the very same build process is also
> going to be used for the final release. There is no point in testing
> builds when then the final release uses some other process.

Agreed, thus my caveat as to the output of the build-installer script
in fact being what has been published for downloads.  In my brief
tests it looks like it created a production DMG ready for publishing
on the download page, and did in fact install correctly, but I'm still
new to the Mac binary building process.

>                                                             It would
> also be good if anybody who commits to producing OSX binaries now would
> also produce them throughout the 2.7 lifetime (which could be a bit
> longer than the traditional 18 months).

To the extent that the installer script is in fact the definitive
process, and if the machine (10.4 Intel) is considered suitable as a
binary build platform, then worst case we could probably have the
buildbot run the script and upload the result when needed (sort of a
one-shot version of the old MSI daily builder).  I don't plan on the
machine going away any time soon.

Of course, this is just the DMG construction.  Not sure what amount of
"test the installer" testing should be required prior to publication.

-- David

From guido at  Fri Apr 16 05:01:38 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:01:38 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Comments inline. Nothing showstopping, mostly just spewing obscure
background information...

Overall, congratulations! I'm fine with the implementation going in
and the PEP being marked as accepted as long as you get to the
clarifications I suggest below soon after.


On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> I am attaching the latest revision of PEP 3147 to this message, which is also
> available here:
> I think the PEP is ready for pronouncement, and the patch is pretty much ready
> for merging into py3k. ?The only thing that I can think of that is not
> implemented yet is this section on PEP 302 loaders:
> ? ?PEP 302 [18]_ defined loaders have a `.get_filename()` method which
> ? ?points to the `__file__` for a module. ?As part of this PEP, we will
> ? ?extend this API, to include a new method `.get_paths()` which will
> ? ?return a 2-tuple containing the path to the source file and the path
> ? ?to where the matching `pyc` file is (or would be).
> I'm honestly not sure whether this is still essential, or whether the
> importlib ABC changes Brett and I talked about at Pycon are still required. ?I
> now believe they are at best a minor part of the implementation if so. ?Maybe
> Brett can chime in on that.

Fine with me to omit.

> Everything else is implemented, tested, and has undergone four rounds of
> Rietveld reviews (thanks Antoine, Benjamin, Brett, and Georg!). ?A fifth patch
> set has been uploaded and is available here:

TL;DR :-)

> This addresses all previous comments, includes some fixes from Brian Curtin
> for Windows (thanks!) and fixes __main__ and -m support. ?I'd like to commit
> this to py3k sooner rather than later so that we can shake out any additional
> issues that might crop up, without having to continue to maintain my external
> branches.
> Guido, what say you?
> -Barry
> PEP: 3147
> Title: PYC Repository Directories
> Version: $Revision: 80025 $
> Last-Modified: $Date: 2010-04-12 22:17:40 -0400 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010) $
> Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 2009-12-16
> Python-Version: 3.2
> Post-History: 2010-01-30, 2010-02-25, 2010-03-03, 2010-04-12
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP describes an extension to Python's import mechanism which
> improves sharing of Python source code files among multiple installed
> different versions of the Python interpreter. ?It does this by
> allowing more than one byte compilation file (.pyc files) to be
> co-located with the Python source file (.py file). ?The extension
> described here can also be used to support different Python
> compilation caches, such as JIT output that may be produced by an
> Unladen Swallow [1]_ enabled C Python.
> Background
> ==========
> CPython compiles its source code into "byte code", and for performance
> reasons, it caches this byte code on the file system whenever the
> source file has changes. ?This makes loading of Python modules much
> faster because the compilation phase can be bypassed. ?When your
> source file is ``, CPython caches the byte code in a `foo.pyc`
> file right next to the source.
> Byte code files contain two 32-bit numbers followed by the marshaled


> [2]_ code object. ?The 32-bit numbers represent a magic number and a
> timestamp. ?The magic number changes whenever Python changes the byte
> code format, e.g. by adding new byte codes to its virtual machine.
> This ensures that pyc files built for previous versions of the VM
> won't cause problems. ?The timestamp is used to make sure that the pyc
> file is not older than the py file that was used to create it. ?When

is not older than -> matches

(Obscure fact: the timestamp in the pyc file must match the source's
mtime exactly.)

> either the magic number or timestamp do not match, the py file is
> recompiled and a new pyc file is written.
> In practice, it is well known that pyc files are not compatible across
> Python major releases. ?A reading of import.c [3]_ in the Python
> source code proves that within recent memory, every new CPython major
> release has bumped the pyc magic number.
> Rationale
> =========
> Linux distributions such as Ubuntu [4]_ and Debian [5]_ provide more
> than one Python version at the same time to their users. ?For example,
> Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala users can install Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1,
> with Python 2.6 being the default.
> This causes a conflict for Python source files installed by the
> system (including third party packages), because you cannot compile a

I'd say only 3rd part packages right? (And code written by the distro,
which from Python's POV is also 3rd party.) At least ought to clarify
that the stdlib is unaffected by this conflict, because multiple
versions of the stdlib *are* installed.

> single Python source file for more than one Python version at a time.
> Thus if your system wanted to install a `/usr/share/python/`, it
> could not create a `/usr/share/python/foo.pyc` file usable across all
> installed Python versions.

Note that (due to the magic#) Python doesn't crash, it just falls back
on the slower approach of compiling from source.

Perhaps more important is that different Python versions (if the user
has write permission) will fight over the pyc file and rewrite it each
time the source is compiled. Worse, even though the magic# is
initially written as zero and then rewritten with the correct value,
concurrent processes running different Python versions can actually
end up reading corrupt bytecode. (Alex Martelli diagnosed this at
Google years ago.)

> Furthermore, in order to ease the burden on operating system packagers
> for these distributions, the distribution packages do not contain
> Python version numbers [6]_; they are shared across all Python
> versions installed on the system. ?Putting Python version numbers in
> the packages would be a maintenance nightmare, since all the packages
> - *and their dependencies* - would have to be updated every time a new
> Python release was added or removed from the distribution. ?Because of
> the sheer number of packages available, this amount of work is
> infeasible.
> C extensions can be source compatible across multiple versions of
> Python. ?Compiled extension modules are usually not compatible though,

Actually we typically make every effort to support backwards
compatibility for compiled modules, and the module initialization API
contains a version# check. This is a different version# than the
import magic# and historically has changed much less frequently.

> and PEP 384 [7]_ has been proposed to address this by defining a
> stable ABI for extension modules.
> Because these distributions cannot share pyc files, elaborate
> mechanisms have been developed to put the resulting pyc files in
> non-shared locations while the source code is still shared. ?Examples
> include the symlink-based Debian regimes python-support [8]_ and
> python-central [9]_. ?These approaches make for much more complicated,
> fragile, inscrutable, and fragmented policies for delivering Python
> applications to a wide range of users. ?Arguably more users get Python
> from their operating system vendor than from upstream tarballs. ?Thus,
> solving this pyc sharing problem for CPython is a high priority for
> such vendors.
> This PEP proposes a solution to this problem.
> Proposal
> ========
> Python's import machinery is extended to write and search for byte
> code cache files in a single directory inside every Python package
> directory. ?This directory will be called `__pycache__`.
> Further, pyc files will contain a magic string that differentiates the

Clarify that the magic string is in the filename, not in the file contents.

> Python version they were compiled for. ?This allows multiple byte
> compiled cache files to co-exist for a single Python source file.
> This scheme has the added benefit of reducing the clutter in a Python
> package directory.
> When a Python source file is imported for the first time, a
> `__pycache__` directory will be created in the package directory, if

Is this still true? ISTR there was a lot of discussion about the
auto-creation and possible security concerns.

> one does not already exist. ?The pyc file for the imported source will
> be written to the `__pycache__` directory, using the magic-tag

By now the magic-tag format should have been defined (or a "see below"

> formatted name. ?If either the creation of the `__pycache__` directory
> or the pyc file inside that fails, the import will still succeed, just
> as it does in a pre-PEP-3147 world.
> If the py source file is missing, the pyc file inside `__pycache__`
> will be ignored. ?This eliminates the problem of accidental stale pyc
> file imports.
> For backward compatibility, Python will still support pyc-only
> distributions, however it will only do so when the pyc file lives in
> the directory where the py file *would* have been, i.e. not in the
> `__pycache__` directory. ?pyc file outside of `__pycache__` will only
> be imported if the py source file is missing.
> Tools such as `py_compile` [15]_ and `compileall` [16]_ will be
> extended to create PEP 3147 formatted layouts automatically, but will
> have an option to create pyc-only distribution layouts.
> Examples
> ---------
> What would this look like in practice?
> Let's say we have a Python package named `alpha` which contains a
> sub-package name `beta`. ?The source directory layout before byte
> compilation might look like this::
> ? ?alpha/
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?beta/
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> After byte compiling this package with Python 3.2, you would see the
> following layout::
> ? ?alpha/
> ? ? ? ?__pycache__/
> ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?one.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?two.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?beta/
> ? ? ? ? ? ?__pycache__/
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?three.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?four.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> *Note: listing order may differ depending on the platform.*
> Let's say that two new versions of Python are installed, one is Python
> 3.3 and another is Unladen Swallow. ?After byte compilation, the file
> system would look like this::
> ? ?alpha/
> ? ? ? ?__pycache__/
> ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.cpython-33.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.unladen-10.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?one.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?one.cpython-33.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?one.unladen-10.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?two.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?two.cpython-33.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?two.unladen-10.pyc
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?beta/
> ? ? ? ? ? ?__pycache__/
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.cpython-33.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?__init__.unladen-10.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?three.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?three.cpython-33.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?three.unladen-10.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?four.cpython-32.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?four.cpython-33.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?four.unladen-10.pyc
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> As you can see, as long as the Python version identifier string is
> unique, any number of pyc files can co-exist. ?These identifier
> strings are described in more detail below.
> A nice property of this layout is that the `__pycache__` directories
> can generally be ignored, such that a normal directory listing would
> show something like this::
> ? ?alpha/
> ? ? ? ?__pycache__/
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ?beta/
> ? ? ? ? ? ?__pycache__/
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ?
> This is much less cluttered than even today's Python.

(Aside: this is a major selling point of this PEP!)

> Python behavior
> ===============
> When Python searches for a module to import (say `foo`), it may find
> one of several situations. ?As per current Python rules, the term
> "matching pyc" means that the magic number matches the current
> interpreter's magic number, and the source file is not newer than the
> `pyc` file.
> Case 1: The first import
> ------------------------
> When Python is asked to import module `foo`, it searches for a
> `` file (or `foo` package, but that's not important for this
> discussion) along its `sys.path`. ?When Python locates the ``
> file it will look for a `__pycache__` directory in the directory where
> it found the ``. ?If the `__pycache__` directory is missing,
> Python will create it. ?Then it will parse and byte compile the
> `` file and save the byte code in `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc`,
> where <magic> is defined by the Python implementation, but will be a
> human readable string such as `cpython-32`.

(Aside: at first I read this as a description of the full algorithm.
But there is a step missing -- the __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc file is
searched and not found.)

> Case 2: The second import
> -------------------------
> When Python is asked to import module `foo` a second time (in a
> different process of course), it will again search for the ``
> file along its `sys.path`. ?When Python locates the `` file, it
> looks for a matching `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc` and finding this,
> it reads the byte code and continues as usual.
> Case 3: __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc with no source
> ---------------------------------------------------
> It's possible that the `` file somehow got removed, while
> leaving the cached pyc file still on the file system. ?If the
> `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc` file exists, but the `` file used
> to create it does not, Python will raise an `ImportError` when asked
> to import foo. ?In other words, Python will not import a pyc file from
> the cache directory unless the source file exists.
> Case 4: legacy pyc files and source-less imports
> ------------------------------------------------
> Python will ignore all legacy pyc files when a source file exists next
> to it. ?In other words, if a `foo.pyc` file exists next to the
> `` file, the pyc file will be ignored in all cases
> In order to continue to support source-less distributions though, if
> the source file is missing, Python will import a lone pyc file if it
> lives where the source file would have been.
> Case 5: read-only file systems
> ------------------------------
> When the source lives on a read-only file system, or the `__pycache__`
> directory or pyc file cannot otherwise be written, all the same rules
> apply. ?This is also the case when `__pycache__` happens to be written
> with permissions which do not allow for writing containing pyc files.
> Flow chart
> ==========
> Here is a flow chart describing how modules are loaded:
> .. image:: pep-3147-1.png
> ? :scale: 75
> Magic identifiers
> =================
> pyc files inside of the `__pycache__` directories contain a magic
> identifier in their file names. ?These are mnemonic tags for the
> actual magic numbers used by the importer. ?For example, in Python
> 3.2, we could use the hexlified [10]_ magic number as a unique

(Aside: when you search Wikipedia for "hexlify" it says "did you mean:
heavily?" :-)

> identifier::
> ? ?>>> from binascii import hexlify
> ? ?>>> from imp import get_magic
> ? ?>>> 'foo.{}.pyc'.format(hexlify(get_magic()).decode('ascii'))
> ? ?'foo.580c0d0a.pyc'
> This isn't particularly human friendly though. ?Instead, this PEP

This section reads a bit weird -- first it describes the solution we
*didn't* pick. I'd move that to a "Alternatives Considered and
Rejected" section or some such.

> proposes a *magic tag* that uniquely defines `.pyc` files for the
> current version of Python. ?Whenever the magic number is bumped, a new
> magic tag is defined which is unique among all versions and
> implementations of Python. ?The actual contents of the magic tag is
> left up to the implementation, although it is recommended that the tag
> include the implementation name and a version shorthand. ?In general,
> magic numbers never change between Python micro releases, but the
> convention can be extended to handle magic number changes between
> pre-release development versions.
> For example, CPython 3.2 would have a magic tag of `cpython-32` and
> write pyc files like this: `foo.cpython-32.pyc`. ?When the `-O` flag
> is used, it would write `foo.cpython-32.pyo`. ?For backports of this
> feature to Python 2, when the `-U` flag is used, a file such as
> `foo.cpython-27u.pyc` can be written.

Does all of this match the implementation?

> The magic tag is available in the `imp` module via the `get_tag()`
> function. ?This is analogous to the `get_magic()` function already
> available in that module.
> Alternative Python implementations
> ==================================
> Alternative Python implementations such as Jython [11]_, IronPython
> [12]_, PyPy [13]_, Pynie [14]_, and Unladen Swallow can also use the
> `__pycache__` directory to store whatever compilation artifacts make
> sense for their platforms. ?For example, Jython could store the class
> file for the module in `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`.
> Implementation strategy
> =======================
> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
> and all future versions. ?It may be back-ported to Python 2.7.

Is there time given that 2.7b1 was released?

> Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as
> they see fit.
> Effects on existing code
> ========================
> Adoption of this PEP will affect existing code and idioms, both inside
> Python and outside. ?This section enumerates some of these effects.
> __file__
> ---------
> In Python 3, when you import a module, its `__file__` attribute points
> to its source `py` file (in Python 2, it points to the `pyc` file). ?A
> package's `__file__` points to the `py` file for its ``.
> E.g.::
> ? ?>>> import foo
> ? ?>>> foo.__file__
> ? ?''
> ? ?# baz is a package
> ? ?>>> import baz
> ? ?>>> baz.__file__
> ? ?'baz/'
> Nothing in this PEP would change the semantics of `__file__`.
> This PEP proposes the addition of an `__cached__` attribute to
> modules, which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was
> read or written. ?When the environment variable
> `$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is set, or the `-B` option is given, or if
> the source lives on a read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__`
> attribute will point to the location that the `pyc` file *would* have
> been written to if it didn't exist. ?This location of course includes
> the `__pycache__` subdirectory in its path.

Hm. I wish there was a way to find out whether the bytecode (or
whatever) actually *was* read from this file. __file__ in Python 2
supports this (though not in Python 3).

> For alternative Python implementations which do not support `pyc`
> files, the `__cached__` attribute may point to whatever information
> makes sense. ?E.g. on Jython, this might be the `.class` file for the
> module: `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`. ?Some implementations may
> use multiple compiled files to create the module, in which case
> `__cached__` may be a tuple. ?The exact contents of `__cached__` are
> Python implementation specific.
> It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
> implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.
> py_compile and compileall
> -------------------------
> Python comes with two modules, `py_compile` [15]_ and `compileall`
> [16]_ which support compiling Python modules external to the built-in
> import machinery. ?`py_compile` in particular has intimate knowledge
> of byte compilation, so these will be updated to understand the new
> layout. ?The `-b` flag is added to `compileall` for writing legacy
> `.pyc` byte-compiled file path names.
> bdist_wininst and the Windows installer
> ---------------------------------------
> These tools also compile modules explicitly on installation. ?If they
> do not use `py_compile` and `compileall`, then they would also have to
> be modified to understand the new layout.
> File extension checks
> ---------------------
> There exists some code which checks for files ending in `.pyc` and
> simply chops off the last character to find the matching `.py` file.
> This code will obviously fail once this PEP is implemented.
> To support this use case, we'll add two new methods to the `imp`
> package [17]_:
> ?* `imp.source_from_cache(py_path)` -> `pyc_path`
> ?* `imp.cache_from_source(pyc_path)` -> `py_path`
> Alternative implementations are free to override these functions to
> return reasonable values based on their own support for this PEP.
> PEP 302 loaders
> ---------------
> PEP 302 [18]_ defined loaders have a `.get_filename()` method which
> points to the `__file__` for a module. ?As part of this PEP, we will
> extend this API, to include a new method `.get_paths()` which will
> return a 2-tuple containing the path to the source file and the path
> to where the matching `pyc` file is (or would be).
> Backports
> ---------
> For versions of Python earlier than 3.2 (and possibly 2.7), it is
> possible to backport this PEP. ?However, in Python 3.2 (and possibly
> 2.7), this behavior will be turned on by default, and in fact, it will
> replace the old behavior. ?Backports will need to support the old
> layout by default. ?We suggest supporting PEP 3147 through the use of
> an environment variable called `$PYTHONENABLECACHEDIR` or the command
> line switch `-Xenablecachedir` to enable the feature.

I would be okay if a distro decided to turn it on by default, as long
as there was a way to opt out.

> Makefiles and other dependency tools
> ------------------------------------
> Makefiles and other tools which calculate dependencies on `.pyc` files
> (e.g. to byte-compile the source if the `.pyc` is missing) will have
> to be updated to check the new paths.
> Alternatives
> ============
> PEP 304
> -------
> There is some overlap between the goals of this PEP and PEP 304 [19]_,
> which has been withdrawn. ?However PEP 304 would allow a user to
> create a shadow file system hierarchy in which to store `pyc` files.
> This concept of a shadow hierarchy for `pyc` files could be used to
> satisfy the aims of this PEP. ?Although the PEP 304 does not indicate
> why it was withdrawn, shadow directories have a number of problems.
> The location of the shadow `pyc` files would not be easily discovered
> and would depend on the proper and consistent use of the
> `$PYTHONBYTECODE` environment variable both by the system and by end
> users. ?There are also global implications, meaning that while the
> system might want to shadow `pyc` files, users might not want to, but
> the PEP defines only an all-or-nothing approach.
> As an example of the problem, a common (though fragile) Python idiom
> for locating data files is to do something like this::
> ? ?from os import dirname, join
> ? ?import
> ? ?data_file = join(dirname(, 'my.dat')
> This would be problematic since `` will give the
> location of the `pyc` file in the shadow directory, and it may not be
> possible to find the `my.dat` file relative to the source directory
> from there.
> Fat byte compilation files
> --------------------------
> An earlier version of this PEP described "fat" Python byte code files.
> These files would contain the equivalent of multiple `pyc` files in a
> single `pyf` file, with a lookup table keyed off the appropriate magic
> number. ?This was an extensible file format so that the first 5
> parallel Python implementations could be supported fairly efficiently,
> but with extension lookup tables available to scale `pyf` byte code
> objects as large as necessary.
> The fat byte compilation files were fairly complex, and inherently
> introduced difficult race conditions, so the current simplification of
> using directories was suggested. ?The same problem applies to using
> zip files as the fat pyc file format.
> Multiple file extensions
> ------------------------
> The PEP author also considered an approach where multiple thin byte
> compiled files lived in the same place, but used different file
> extensions to designate the Python version. ?E.g. foo.pyc25,
> foo.pyc26, foo.pyc31 etc. ?This was rejected because of the clutter
> involved in writing so many different files. ?The multiple extension
> approach makes it more difficult (and an ongoing task) to update any
> tools that are dependent on the file extension.
> .pyc
> ----
> A proposal was floated to call the `__pycache__` directory `.pyc` or
> some other dot-file name. ?This would have the effect on *nix systems
> of hiding the directory. ?There are many reasons why this was
> rejected by the BDFL [20]_ including the fact that dot-files are only
> special on some platforms, and we actually do *not* want to hide these
> completely from users.
> Reference implementation
> ========================
> Work on this code is tracked in a Bazaar branch on Launchpad [22]_
> until it's ready for merge into Python 3.2. ?The work-in-progress diff
> can also be viewed [23]_ and is updated automatically as new changes
> are uploaded.
> A Rietveld code review issue [24]_ has been opened as of 2010-04-01 (no,
> this is not an April Fools joke :).
> References
> ==========
> .. [1] PEP 3146
> .. [2] The marshal module:
> ?
> .. [3] import.c:
> ?
> .. [4] Ubuntu: <>
> .. [5] Debian: <>
> .. [6] Debian Python Policy:
> ?
> .. [7] PEP 384
> .. [8] python-support:
> ?
> .. [9] python-central:
> ?
> .. [10] binascii.hexlify():
> ?
> .. [11] Jython:
> .. [12] IronPython:
> .. [13] PyPy:
> .. [14] Pynie:
> .. [15] py_compile:
> .. [16] compileall:
> .. [17] imp:
> .. [18] PEP 302
> .. [19] PEP 304
> .. [20] at
> .. [21] importlib:
> .. [22]
> .. [23]
> .. [24]
> ===============
> Barry Warsaw's original idea was for fat Python byte code files.
> Martin von Loewis reviewed an early draft of the PEP and suggested the
> simplification to store traditional `pyc` and `pyo` files in a
> directory. ?Many other people reviewed early versions of this PEP and
> provided useful feedback including but not limited to:
> * David Malcolm
> * Josselin Mouette
> * Matthias Klose
> * Michael Hudson
> * Michael Vogt
> * Piotr O?arowski
> * Scott Kitterman
> * Toshio Kuratomi
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
> ..
> ? Local Variables:
> ? mode: indented-text
> ? indent-tabs-mode: nil
> ? sentence-end-double-space: t
> ? fill-column: 70
> ? coding: utf-8
> ? End:

--Guido van Rossum (

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:10:08 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:10:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Implementation strategy
>> =======================
>> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
>> and all future versions.  It may be back-ported to Python 
> Is there time given that 2.7b1 was released?
I would hope we have learned out lesson about cramming new features in
so late in the day, and this *is* a new feature, isn't it? Surely it
therefore can't be added in a bugfix release, which in turn means it
will never be implemented in Python 2 (given that 2.7 is envisaged as
the last Py2 release).

>> Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as
>> they see fit.

>> Effects on existing code
>> ========================
>> Adoption of this PEP will affect existing code and idioms, both inside
>> Python and outside.  This section enumerates some of these effects.
>> __file__
>> ---------
>> In Python 3, when you import a module, its `__file__` attribute points
>> to its source `py` file (in Python 2, it points to the `pyc` file).  A
>> package's `__file__` points to the `py` file for its ``.
>> E.g.::
>>    >>> import foo
>>    >>> foo.__file__
>>    ''
>>    # baz is a package
>>    >>> import baz
>>    >>> baz.__file__
>>    'baz/'
>> Nothing in this PEP would change the semantics of `__file__`.
>> This PEP proposes the addition of an `__cached__` attribute to
>> modules, which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was
>> read or written.  When the environment variable
>> `$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is set, or the `-B` option is given, or if
>> the source lives on a read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__`
>> attribute will point to the location that the `pyc` file *would* have
>> been written to if it didn't exist.  This location of course includes
>> the `__pycache__` subdirectory in its path.
> Hm. I wish there was a way to find out whether the bytecode (or
> whatever) actually *was* read from this file. __file__ in Python 2
> supports this (though not in Python 3).
There also seems to be some complexity in this specification. Does the
intgerpreter go through the analysis of whether the __pycache__
directory could be created in order to provide the correct value for
"the location that the .pyc file would have been written to if it didn't

>> For alternative Python implementations which do not support `pyc`
>> files, the `__cached__` attribute may point to whatever information
>> makes sense.  E.g. on Jython, this might be the `.class` file for the
>> module: `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`.  Some implementations may
>> use multiple compiled files to create the module, in which case
>> `__cached__` may be a tuple.  The exact contents of `__cached__` are
>> Python implementation specific.
>> It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
>> implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:10:08 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:10:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Implementation strategy
>> =======================
>> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
>> and all future versions.  It may be back-ported to Python 
> Is there time given that 2.7b1 was released?
I would hope we have learned out lesson about cramming new features in
so late in the day, and this *is* a new feature, isn't it? Surely it
therefore can't be added in a bugfix release, which in turn means it
will never be implemented in Python 2 (given that 2.7 is envisaged as
the last Py2 release).

>> Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as
>> they see fit.

>> Effects on existing code
>> ========================
>> Adoption of this PEP will affect existing code and idioms, both inside
>> Python and outside.  This section enumerates some of these effects.
>> __file__
>> ---------
>> In Python 3, when you import a module, its `__file__` attribute points
>> to its source `py` file (in Python 2, it points to the `pyc` file).  A
>> package's `__file__` points to the `py` file for its ``.
>> E.g.::
>>    >>> import foo
>>    >>> foo.__file__
>>    ''
>>    # baz is a package
>>    >>> import baz
>>    >>> baz.__file__
>>    'baz/'
>> Nothing in this PEP would change the semantics of `__file__`.
>> This PEP proposes the addition of an `__cached__` attribute to
>> modules, which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was
>> read or written.  When the environment variable
>> `$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is set, or the `-B` option is given, or if
>> the source lives on a read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__`
>> attribute will point to the location that the `pyc` file *would* have
>> been written to if it didn't exist.  This location of course includes
>> the `__pycache__` subdirectory in its path.
> Hm. I wish there was a way to find out whether the bytecode (or
> whatever) actually *was* read from this file. __file__ in Python 2
> supports this (though not in Python 3).
There also seems to be some complexity in this specification. Does the
intgerpreter go through the analysis of whether the __pycache__
directory could be created in order to provide the correct value for
"the location that the .pyc file would have been written to if it didn't

>> For alternative Python implementations which do not support `pyc`
>> files, the `__cached__` attribute may point to whatever information
>> makes sense.  E.g. on Jython, this might be the `.class` file for the
>> module: `__pycache__/foo.jython-32.class`.  Some implementations may
>> use multiple compiled files to create the module, in which case
>> `__cached__` may be a tuple.  The exact contents of `__cached__` are
>> Python implementation specific.
>> It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated,
>> implementations should set the `__cached__` attribute to `None`.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:13:57 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:13:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Brian Curtin wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 03:20, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at
> <mailto:techtonik at>> wrote:
>     On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at
>     <mailto:ncoghlan at>> wrote:
>     >
>     >>>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
>     >>> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
>     >>> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
>     Just to remind about my +1 for user editable tags.
> -sys.maxint on just about anything user editable except for the title or
> messages on an issue. I don't think user editable tags on an issue bring
> anything to the table except making it seem more "web 2.0". Searching
> user-generated tags would be a nightmare because you'd have to know
> every combination of some idea in order to get relevant results (e.g.,
> windows, windoze, window$, win32).

Yes, tight vocabulary control will lead to more consistent classifications.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:13:57 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:13:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Brian Curtin wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 03:20, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at
> <mailto:techtonik at>> wrote:
>     On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at
>     <mailto:ncoghlan at>> wrote:
>     >
>     >>>            I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
>     >>> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
>     >>> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
>     Just to remind about my +1 for user editable tags.
> -sys.maxint on just about anything user editable except for the title or
> messages on an issue. I don't think user editable tags on an issue bring
> anything to the table except making it seem more "web 2.0". Searching
> user-generated tags would be a nightmare because you'd have to know
> every combination of some idea in order to get relevant results (e.g.,
> windows, windoze, window$, win32).

Yes, tight vocabulary control will lead to more consistent classifications.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:17:39 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:17:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
>>> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
>>> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
>>> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
>>> which only a few people have.
>> That's nuts.  Why isn't this expertise captured in the form of a script?
> Much of it is, but it still takes expertise to run the script.
> It would take even more expertise to capture the remaining pieces in the
> script, too, and no living person has that much expertise to write the
> script (perhaps there are one or two people, and they don't have the time).
I take it you don't mean to imply that there's a dead person somewhere
with the necessary expertise? [ducks].

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:17:39 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:17:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
>>> Building the Mac installer requires volunteer time which I'm not sure
>>> that more hardware will fix - compiling a full build of Python for Mac
>>> OS X (with all the Python modules like Tkinter etc) requires expertise
>>> which only a few people have.
>> That's nuts.  Why isn't this expertise captured in the form of a script?
> Much of it is, but it still takes expertise to run the script.
> It would take even more expertise to capture the remaining pieces in the
> script, too, and no living person has that much expertise to write the
> script (perhaps there are one or two people, and they don't have the time).
I take it you don't mean to imply that there's a dead person somewhere
with the necessary expertise? [ducks].

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:18:30 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:18:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hq8of2$9ic$>

Bill Janssen wrote:
> Martin v. L?wis <martin at> wrote:
>> It would take even more expertise to capture the remaining pieces in the
>> script, too, and no living person has that much expertise to write the
>> script (perhaps there are one or two people, and they don't have the time).
> Well, God forbid they should ever be hit by a bus!  This kind of thing
> needs to be written down.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:36:55 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:36:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Request for commit access
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> That's an ideal case, but it doesn't work, because more or less senior
>> committers are already too busy. If they do not even have time to
>> review issues, followup on patches  - how can they monitor who reached
>> the appropriate karma level?
> The practice proves to be different. In the recent additions, the new
> developer had been approached by some committer, suggesting that they
> apply. So the initiative actually started from a committer who thought
> that the karma level was appropriate. All I'm asking for is that then
> this committer takes the issues in his own hands, rather than letting
> the new developer ask for himself.
That sounds like it should be the preferred procedure, but it may be
that Brian was advised to ask by an existing committer who didn't feel
they had the "authority" to recommend him.

In such an event (or if committers are too busy to action a promising
candidate) I don't see anything wrong with a candidate asking directly
(as long as they are prepared to put up with a semi-public discussion of
their application's merits).

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 06:36:55 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:36:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Request for commit access
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> That's an ideal case, but it doesn't work, because more or less senior
>> committers are already too busy. If they do not even have time to
>> review issues, followup on patches  - how can they monitor who reached
>> the appropriate karma level?
> The practice proves to be different. In the recent additions, the new
> developer had been approached by some committer, suggesting that they
> apply. So the initiative actually started from a committer who thought
> that the karma level was appropriate. All I'm asking for is that then
> this committer takes the issues in his own hands, rather than letting
> the new developer ask for himself.
That sounds like it should be the preferred procedure, but it may be
that Brian was advised to ask by an existing committer who didn't feel
they had the "authority" to recommend him.

In such an event (or if committers are too busy to action a promising
candidate) I don't see anything wrong with a candidate asking directly
(as long as they are prepared to put up with a semi-public discussion of
their application's merits).

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 07:30:13 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 01:30:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Google Groups mirror (Was: Bootstrap script for
 package management tool in Python 2.7)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

anatoly techtonik wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Tarek Ziad? <ziade.tarek at> wrote:
>> Anatoly, I am now answering only in Distutils-SIG.
>> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:45 PM, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at> wrote:
>> [..]
> Seems like I start to hate mailing lists even more with all this
> message duplication and thread following nightmare. Why can't people
> here create a Google Groups mirror?
I would surmise that most people on python-dev do what I do and
subscribe to an NNTP (Usenet news) source. In my case Thunderbird does a
great job of presenting the content, though there is no thread subscription.

Google Groups have their disadvantages too. I personally dislike "web
forum" style interfaces.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 16 07:30:13 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 01:30:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Google Groups mirror (Was: Bootstrap script for
 package management tool in Python 2.7)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

anatoly techtonik wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Tarek Ziad? <ziade.tarek at> wrote:
>> Anatoly, I am now answering only in Distutils-SIG.
>> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:45 PM, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at> wrote:
>> [..]
> Seems like I start to hate mailing lists even more with all this
> message duplication and thread following nightmare. Why can't people
> here create a Google Groups mirror?
I would surmise that most people on python-dev do what I do and
subscribe to an NNTP (Usenet news) source. In my case Thunderbird does a
great job of presenting the content, though there is no thread subscription.

Google Groups have their disadvantages too. I personally dislike "web
forum" style interfaces.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From martin at  Fri Apr 16 07:35:06 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 07:35:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Keeping the knowledge in the makefile or script in the source tree would
> let the rules change across branches without affecting the build master.
> Though if having more specific rules in the master was easier, I'd be
> fine with that too.

Intuitively, I find the set of batch files used for Windows "ugly"
(despite me having created them in the first place). Objectively, I
think that has the risk of getting "out of hands", in the sense that
people start to think that they have to use these scripts in order to
build Python on Mac. This actually happened on Windows - some people now
recommend to run the buildbot scripts on a regular developer checkout,
because they supposedly do the right things.

I would rather prefer to have the buildbot run the same commands that we
recommend developers to run. The knowledge about these should be in the
README, and it should be stable knowledge, i.e. require infrequent
changes. This is true for Unix: configure/make/make test/make clean
had been the correct procedure for ten years now. The Unix buildbot only
deviates slightly, to have the slaves run a more expensive version of
the test suite.

> Agreed, thus my caveat as to the output of the build-installer script
> in fact being what has been published for downloads.  In my brief
> tests it looks like it created a production DMG ready for publishing
> on the download page, and did in fact install correctly, but I'm still
> new to the Mac binary building process.

I'd be interested in setting up daily builds then. For these, I think
it's fine that they may differ slightly from the official binaries -
people would recognize that they are testing a different set of binaries.

> Of course, this is just the DMG construction.  Not sure what amount of
> "test the installer" testing should be required prior to publication.

If it's fully automated, the amount of testing may actually be small,
IMO. I personally would put timeliness over correctness here. Also, it
might be that we can sign up some volunteer to do a smoke test in a
timely manner at release time who will test the installer on, say, a
clean VM.


From alex.gaynor at  Fri Apr 16 06:57:06 2010
From: alex.gaynor at (Alex Gaynor)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:57:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I ran into the follow behavior while making sure Django works
correctly on PyPy.  The following behavior was observed in all tested
versions of CPython (2.5, 3.1):

>>> def f(**kwargs):
...     print(kwargs)
>>> kwargs = {1: 3}
>>> dict({}, **kwargs)
{1: 3}
>>> f(**kwargs)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: f() keywords must be strings

This behavior seems pretty strange to me, indeed PyPy gives the
TypeError for both attempts.  I just wanted to confirm that it was in
fact intentional.


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
right to say it." -- Voltaire
"The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero
"Code can always be simpler than you think, but never as simple as you
want" -- Me

From phd at  Fri Apr 16 09:31:31 2010
From: phd at (Oleg Broytman)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:31:31 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:57:06AM -0400, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> >>> def f(**kwargs):
> ...     print(kwargs)
> ...
> >>> kwargs = {1: 3}
> >>>
> >>> dict({}, **kwargs)
> {1: 3}
> >>> f(**kwargs)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: f() keywords must be strings

   Argument names must be strings. In your example 1 must be at least '1'.

     Oleg Broytman              phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

From hagen at  Fri Apr 16 10:04:38 2010
From: hagen at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hagen_F=FCrstenau?=)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:04:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> This behavior seems pretty strange to me, indeed PyPy gives the
> TypeError for both attempts.  I just wanted to confirm that it was in
> fact intentional.

Oleg already answered why f(**{1:3}) raises a TypeError. But your
question seems to be rather why dict(**{1:3}) doesn't.

For functions implemented in Python, non-string arguments are always
rejected, but C functions (like the dict constructor) don't have to
reject them. I don't see any benefit in allowing them, but it's probably
not worth breaking code by disallowing them either.

I couldn't find this documented. Perhaps we should just say "don't rely
on being able to pass non-string keywords" somewhere?

- Hagen

From dickinsm at  Fri Apr 16 10:29:21 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 09:29:21 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Hagen F?rstenau <hagen at> wrote:
>> This behavior seems pretty strange to me, indeed PyPy gives the
>> TypeError for both attempts. ?I just wanted to confirm that it was in
>> fact intentional.
> Oleg already answered why f(**{1:3}) raises a TypeError. But your
> question seems to be rather why dict(**{1:3}) doesn't.
> For functions implemented in Python, non-string arguments are always
> rejected, but C functions (like the dict constructor) don't have to
> reject them. I don't see any benefit in allowing them, but it's probably
> not worth breaking code by disallowing them either.

"dict(x, **y)" as an expression version of x.update(y) seems to be
fairly well known[1], so disallowing non-string keyword arguments
seems likely to break existing code, as well as (probably?) harming
performance.  So I can't see CPython changing here.  I'm not sure
whether other implementations should be required to follow suit,
though---maybe this should be regarded as an implementation-defined



From solipsis at  Fri Apr 16 13:03:30 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:03:30 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] urlparse - to parse IPv6 URL in 2.7 b2 ?
References: <20100415160718.GA12597@remy>
Message-ID: <>

Senthil Kumaran <orsenthil <at>> writes:
> This deals with a feature request of parsing an IPv6 URL according to
> standards. The patch is pretty complete and we have good test coverage
> too.
> Is it okay to include this in Python 2.7 b2 release?  It would be a
> worthy addition.

It shouldn't have been committed to 3.1, though. Could you revert?



From orsenthil at  Fri Apr 16 13:15:01 2010
From: orsenthil at (Senthil Kumaran)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:45:01 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] urlparse - to parse IPv6 URL in 2.7 b2 ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100415160718.GA12597@remy>
Message-ID: <20100416111501.GB3712@remy>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:03:30AM +0000, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> It shouldn't have been committed to 3.1, though. Could you revert?

Yeah, I had this doubt. Okay, I shall revert it from 3.1 branch.


From brian.curtin at  Fri Apr 16 15:01:54 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
Message-ID: <>

Hi python-dev,

The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me of
Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a connection
with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC team provides
Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source projects to assist them
in better supporting Windows.

I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft folks,
and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are interested
in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list. I'll provide you with
a code that you'll put into their site, then around a week later you should
get your subscription.

The snippet below is taken from prior correspondence with the OSTC team in
regards to who can receive the licenses:

For the purposes of providing MSDN licenses to an open source development
community, I consider anyone who writes, builds, tests or documents software
to be a "developer who contributes" to the project. (In fact, having started
out as a test engineer, I would take exception to anyone who claimed only
people who write code are "developers" :-) We do ask that requests are for
people who are active contributors and not just minor/occasional

If this applies to you and you are interested, let me know.

Brian Curtin
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <>

From ncoghlan at  Fri Apr 16 16:15:59 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 00:15:59 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Dickinson wrote:
> "dict(x, **y)" as an expression version of x.update(y) seems to be
> fairly well known[1], so disallowing non-string keyword arguments
> seems likely to break existing code, as well as (probably?) harming
> performance.  So I can't see CPython changing here.  I'm not sure
> whether other implementations should be required to follow suit,
> though---maybe this should be regarded as an implementation-defined
> detail?

I would agree with leaving it implementation defined - I don't think
either PyPy or CPython should be forced to change their current
behaviour in relation to this. A minor note in the language reference to
that effect may be worthwhile just to make that stance official.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From guido at  Fri Apr 16 16:33:28 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 07:33:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Mark Dickinson wrote:
>> "dict(x, **y)" as an expression version of x.update(y) seems to be
>> fairly well known[1], so disallowing non-string keyword arguments
>> seems likely to break existing code, as well as (probably?) harming
>> performance. ?So I can't see CPython changing here. ?I'm not sure
>> whether other implementations should be required to follow suit,
>> though---maybe this should be regarded as an implementation-defined
>> detail?
> I would agree with leaving it implementation defined - I don't think
> either PyPy or CPython should be forced to change their current
> behaviour in relation to this. A minor note in the language reference to
> that effect may be worthwhile just to make that stance official.

That is just going to cause some programs to have a portability
surprise. I think one or the other should be fixed. I am fine with
declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
the ** mechanism. We should deprecate it in at least one version

--Guido van Rossum (

From dickinsm at  Fri Apr 16 16:47:20 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:47:20 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> I would agree with leaving it implementation defined - I don't think
>> either PyPy or CPython should be forced to change their current
>> behaviour in relation to this. A minor note in the language reference to
>> that effect may be worthwhile just to make that stance official.
> That is just going to cause some programs to have a portability
> surprise. I think one or the other should be fixed. I am fine with
> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
> the ** mechanism. We should deprecate it in at least one version
> though.

Okay;  I'll open an issue for deprecation in 3.2 and removal in 3.3.

Can this sneak in under the 'incorrect language semantics' exemption
for PEP 3003 (the moratorium PEP)?  If not, then deprecation
presumably has to wait for 3.3.


From draghuram at  Fri Apr 16 16:49:35 2010
From: draghuram at (Raghuram Devarakonda)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:49:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:57 AM, Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I ran into the follow behavior while making sure Django works
> correctly on PyPy. ?The following behavior was observed in all tested
> versions of CPython (2.5, 3.1):
>>>> def f(**kwargs):
> ... ? ? print(kwargs)
> ...
>>>> kwargs = {1: 3}
>>>> dict({}, **kwargs)
> {1: 3}
>>>> f(**kwargs)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ?File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: f() keywords must be strings
> This behavior seems pretty strange to me, indeed PyPy gives the
> TypeError for both attempts. ?I just wanted to confirm that it was in
> fact intentional.

I ran into same issue with Django on Jython yesterday [1] since Jython
too gives TypeError for 'dict({}, **kwargs)'.



From solipsis at  Fri Apr 16 16:57:38 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:57:38 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Dickinson <dickinsm <at>> writes:
> Okay;  I'll open an issue for deprecation in 3.2 and removal in 3.3.
> Can this sneak in under the 'incorrect language semantics' exemption
> for PEP 3003 (the moratorium PEP)?  If not, then deprecation
> presumably has to wait for 3.3.

It seems that in spirit the moratorium applies more to language additions than
to removals/limitations. The goal being that alternate implementation stop
chasing a moving target in terms of features.

So IMVHO it is fine for 3.2.



From dickinsm at  Fri Apr 16 17:06:38 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:06:38 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Mark Dickinson <dickinsm <at>> writes:
>> Okay; ?I'll open an issue for deprecation in 3.2 and removal in 3.3.
>> Can this sneak in under the 'incorrect language semantics' exemption
>> for PEP 3003 (the moratorium PEP)? ?If not, then deprecation
>> presumably has to wait for 3.3.
> It seems that in spirit the moratorium applies more to language additions than
> to removals/limitations. The goal being that alternate implementation stop
> chasing a moving target in terms of features.
> So IMVHO it is fine for 3.2.

Removing it certainly seems in keeping with the goal of making life
easier for alternate implementations.  (Out of curiosity, does anyone
know what IronPython does here?)

I've opened


From fuzzyman at  Fri Apr 16 17:17:28 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 17:17:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 16/04/2010 17:06, Mark Dickinson wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Antoine Pitrou<solipsis at>  wrote:
>> Mark Dickinson<dickinsm<at>>  writes:
>>> Okay;  I'll open an issue for deprecation in 3.2 and removal in 3.3.
>>> Can this sneak in under the 'incorrect language semantics' exemption
>>> for PEP 3003 (the moratorium PEP)?  If not, then deprecation
>>> presumably has to wait for 3.3.
>> It seems that in spirit the moratorium applies more to language additions than
>> to removals/limitations. The goal being that alternate implementation stop
>> chasing a moving target in terms of features.
>> So IMVHO it is fine for 3.2.
> Removing it certainly seems in keeping with the goal of making life
> easier for alternate implementations.  (Out of curiosity, does anyone
> know what IronPython does here?)

Same as Jython and PyPy:

IronPython 2.6.1 (2.6.10920.0) on .NET 2.0.50727.4927
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> dict(**{1: 'hi'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: expected string for dictionary argument got 1


> I've opened
> Mark
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From ronaldoussoren at  Fri Apr 16 17:22:06 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 17:22:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday, April 16, 2010, at 04:57PM, "Antoine Pitrou" <solipsis at> wrote:
>Mark Dickinson <dickinsm <at>> writes:
>> Okay;  I'll open an issue for deprecation in 3.2 and removal in 3.3.
>> Can this sneak in under the 'incorrect language semantics' exemption
>> for PEP 3003 (the moratorium PEP)?  If not, then deprecation
>> presumably has to wait for 3.3.
>It seems that in spirit the moratorium applies more to language additions than
>to removals/limitations. The goal being that alternate implementation stop
>chasing a moving target in terms of features.
>So IMVHO it is fine for 3.2.

What about 2.7, should it be deprecated there as well?


From dinov at  Fri Apr 16 17:22:34 2010
From: dinov at (Dino Viehland)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:22:34 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Dickinson wrote: 
> Removing it certainly seems in keeping with the goal of making life
> easier for alternate implementations.  (Out of curiosity, does anyone
> know what IronPython does here?)
> I've opened

It looks like IronPython reports a type error as well:

IronPython 2.6.1 DEBUG (2.6.10920.0) on .NET 2.0.50727.4927
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def f(**kwargs):
...     print(kwargs)
>>> kwargs = {1: 3}
>>> dict({}, **kwargs)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line unknown, in <module>
TypeError: expected string for dictionary argument got 1
>>> d = {1:2}
>>> d.update({3:4}, **{5:6})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line unknown, in <module>
TypeError: expected string for dictionary argument got 5

From stefan_ml at  Fri Apr 16 17:35:56 2010
From: stefan_ml at (Stefan Behnel)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 17:35:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hqa04s$kj2$>

Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
> I am fine with
> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
> the ** mechanism.

It's a bit like letting keys like 'not-an-identifier' pass through, though, 
isn't it?


From barry at  Fri Apr 16 18:02:20 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 12:02:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100416120220.50cf21a9@heresy>

On Apr 15, 2010, at 08:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>Comments inline. Nothing showstopping, mostly just spewing obscure
>background information...
>Overall, congratulations! I'm fine with the implementation going in
>and the PEP being marked as accepted as long as you get to the
>clarifications I suggest below soon after.

Awesome, thanks Guido!  I will respond in detail and address your
clarifications before I commit to the py3k branch.  I wanted to address one
thing now though since Steve responded to it.

>> Implementation strategy
>> =======================
>> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
>> and all future versions. ?It may be back-ported to Python 2.7.
>Is there time given that 2.7b1 was released?

I think this would be totally up to Benjamin as the RM for 2.7.  Although I
haven't tried yet, my sense of it is that most of the patch would port pretty
easily to trunk.  I could probably generate a patch for review by mid-next

Whether it should or not is a different matter.  Given that we're in beta, I'm
not sure *I* would approve it if I were the RM, but as the developer, sure,
I'd love to back port it. :)


>> Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as
>> they see fit.

...Steve asks if we're really going to do this.  For Debian and/or Ubuntu, we
haven't yet decided.  I plan to begin that discussion on the appropriate
distro-related mailing lists after the code lands on py3k.  It certainly won't
be enabled by default.

I don't think we've made any decisions about which versions of Python will
make it into the next release of Ubuntu about 6 months from now, but given the
Python release schedule, that could be 2.6, 2.7 and 3.1.  If we really do
include all three versions, I will push for backporting the feature (enabled
with -Xcachedir) in our releases so that we can gain the benefit of ditching
the symlink farms as soon as possible.

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From status at  Fri Apr 16 18:07:34 2010
From: status at (Python tracker)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 18:07:34 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues
Message-ID: <>

ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2010-04-09 - 2010-04-16)
Python tracker at

To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue 
number.  Do NOT respond to this message.

 2658 open (+38) / 17582 closed (+25) / 20240 total (+63)

Open issues with patches:  1090

Average duration of open issues: 728 days.
Median duration of open issues: 492 days.

Open Issues Breakdown
       open  2616 (+38)
languishing     9 ( +0)
    pending    32 ( +0)

Issues Created Or Reopened (68)

Add "key" argument to "bisect" module functions                2010-04-14    reopened rhettinger                        

AttributeError: MSVCCompiler instance has no attribute '_MSVCC 2010-04-13    reopened tarek                             

configure: ignore AC_PROG_CC hardcoded CFLAGS                  2010-04-11    reopened lemburg                           

test_ctypes fails in test_ulonglong on sparc buildbots         2010-04-12    reopened pitrou                            
       patch, buildbot                                                         

Add a --show-installation-paths in the install command         2010-04-09    reopened tarek                             

absolute_import future directive ignored by 2to3               2010-04-09
CLOSED    created  jaraco                            

% formating - TypeError: not all arguments converted during st 2010-04-10
CLOSED    created  sneetsher                         

doc: unittest.skipTest method added in 2.7                     2010-04-10
CLOSED    created  techtonik                         

Remove assert in functools.total_ordering                      2010-04-10
CLOSED    created  merwok                            

Add Misc/maintainers.rst to 2.x branch                         2010-04-10    created  merwok                            
       patch, needs review                                                     

Lots of duplicate code between test_classify_oldstyle and test 2010-04-10
CLOSED    created  exarkun                           
       patch, needs review                                                     

Update site.setquit docstring                                  2010-04-10
CLOSED    created  merwok                            

'readline' module fails to build on OS X - some recent change  2010-04-11
CLOSED    created  l0nwlf                            

OS X universal builds fail on 2.7b1 and py3k with "Don't know  2010-04-11    created  ned.deily                         

test_winsound: failure on systems without soundcard            2010-04-11
CLOSED    created  skrah                             

Memory leak on multi-threaded PyObject_CallObject              2010-04-11
CLOSED    created  Krauzi                            

Add a lint command to distutils                                2010-04-11    created  merwok                            

change module "builtins" to "__builtin__" in __import__ docume 2010-04-11
CLOSED    created  cjerdonek                         

Add a command to download distributions                        2010-04-11    created  merwok                            

socket: Buffer overrun while reading unterminated AF_UNIX addr 2010-04-11    created  baikie                            

socket: AF_UNIX socket paths not handled according to PEP 383  2010-04-11    created  baikie                            

Some locales are unsupported                                   2010-04-11
CLOSED    created  ubuntujenkins                     

test_distutils fails when run with -j                          2010-04-11
CLOSED    created  pitrou                            

Tutorial offers dangerous advice about iterators: ???__iter__( 2010-04-12    created  andersk                           

Errata on page:    2010-04-12
CLOSED    created  jatin085                          

PYTHONSTARTUP is not run by default when Idle is started       2010-04-12    created  jvanpraag                         

if __debug__: has nonobvious behaviour when evaluating .pyo wi 2010-04-12
CLOSED    created  afriesen                          

Port of the gdb7 debugging hooks to the "py3k" branch          2010-04-12    created  dmalcolm                          

IDLE 2.6 freezes on OS X 10.6                                  2010-04-12    created  aaron.the.cow                     

StringIO.write() takes any argument and converts it to a strin 2010-04-12
CLOSED    created  tarek                             

pickle is unable to encode unicode surrogates                  2010-04-13
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

Distutils C extension build with MinGW on Windows fails        2010-04-13    created  cmcqueen1975                      

_winreg remaining in test_winsound                             2010-04-13
CLOSED    created  tim.golden                        

test_pickle failing                                            2010-04-13
CLOSED    created  tim.golden                        

use universal newline mode in csv module examples              2010-04-13    created  sfinnie                           

None shouldn't be passed to traceback.format_exception         2010-04-13    created  benjamin.peterson                 

Incomprehensible import error                                  2010-04-13
CLOSED    created  torsten                           

tarfile: use surrogates for undecode fields                    2010-04-13    created  haypo                             

os.execvpe() doesn't support surrogates in env                 2010-04-14    created  haypo                             

unit tests rather light on testing __import__(..., level)      2010-04-14    created  skip.montanaro                    
       patch, needs review                                                     

subprocess: support undecodable current working directory on P 2010-04-14    created  haypo                             

ctypes.dlopen() doesn't support surrogates                     2010-04-14    created  haypo                             

shutil.copytree() add a copy_func parameter.                   2010-04-14    created  ysj.ray                           
                                                                        does fails with UnicodeDecodeError if parent dir  2010-04-14
CLOSED    created  parthm                            

BZ2File doesn't protect against mixed iterator and read usage  2010-04-14    created  Alex.Stapleton                    

Modules with a dot in the filename don't load                  2010-04-14
CLOSED    created  giunghi                           

Document                                               2010-04-14
CLOSED    reopened techtonik                         

zipimporter find_module fullname mis-documented                2010-04-14    created  kmtracey                          

Strange behavior of bytearray slice assignment                 2010-04-14    created  abacabadabacaba                   

glob returns empty list with "[" character in the folder name  2010-04-15    reopened                         

dis.dis gives different results if Ctrl-C is pressed           2010-04-15    created  ivank                             

Set operations don't work for dictionary views                 2010-04-15    created  akuchling                         

Improve test_os._kill (failing on slow machines)               2010-04-15    created  brian.curtin                      

Make some paths exclude-able                          2010-04-15    created  skip.montanaro                    

expose signalfd(2) and sigprocmask(2) in the signal module     2010-04-15    created  exarkun                           

need console/pager module                                      2010-04-15
CLOSED    created  techtonik                         

gettext should honor $LOCPATH environment variable             2010-04-15    created  barry                             

Fix emulated lock to be 'fair'                                 2010-04-15    created  krisvale                          
       patch, patch, needs review                                              

Improve condition variable emulation on NT                     2010-04-15    created  krisvale                          
       patch, patch, needs review                                              

os.system() doesn't support surrogates nor bytes               2010-04-16
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

String interpolation doesn't work with sys.version_info        2010-04-16    created  Arfrever                          

Add test cases for assert                                      2010-04-16    created  gnofi                             

namedtuple vs tuple                                            2010-04-16
CLOSED    created  hkrishnan                         

python 2.6.5 documentation can't search                        2010-04-16    created  sgala                             

bytes and bytearray constructors raise TypeError for very larg 2010-04-16    created  abacabadabacaba                   

Crash 0xc0000417 STATUS_INVALID_CRUNTIME_PARAMETER on program  2010-04-16    created  alfps                             

dict constructor allows invalid identifiers in **kwargs        2010-04-16    created  mark.dickinson                    

set_lookkey is unsafe                                          2010-04-16    created  abacabadabacaba                   

Issues Now Closed (54)

_fmode = O_TEXT is obsolete                                     797 days    techtonik                         

add ftp-tls support to ftplib - RFC 4217                        793 days    orsenthil                         

__import__ with fromlist=                                       793 days    gsakkis                           

RFC2732 support for urlparse (IPv6 addresses)                   689 days    orsenthil                         
       patch, easy                                                             

failures in test_uuid                                           603 days    skrah                             

Build failure on OpenBSD 4.4-current regarding lstat()          486 days    skrah                             

Document __instancecheck__ and __subclasscheck__                425 days    georg.brandl                      

email message.get_params() and related methods sometimes fail.  423 days    r.david.murray                    
       patch, easy                                                             

A selection of spelling errors and typos throughout source       69 days    merwok                            

Strange behavior when performing int on a Decimal made	from -s  411 days    mark.dickinson                    
       patch                                                            returns a  bytes object so  407 days    orsenthil                         

2to3 -j 4 generates malformed diffs                             283 days    benjamin.peterson                 

test_urllib: unsetting missing 'env' variable                    20 days    orsenthil                         

Add environment variable $PYTHONWARNINGS                          8 days    pjenvey                           
       patch, needs review                                                     

Patch - skip winsound tests if no default sound is configured   152 days    brian.curtin                      
       patch, needs review                                                     

Add a timeout functionality to common locking operations        152 days    torsten                           
       patch, needs review                                                     

difflib should separate filename from timestamp with tab        107 days    r.david.murray                    

test_cmd_line fails with non-ascii path                         107 days    haypo                             

test_xmlrpc fails with non-ascii path                           107 days    haypo                             

Test issue                                                       98 days    ezio.melotti                      

test_uuid is invalid                                             95 days    skrah                             

Remove precision restriction for integer formatting.             65 days    mark.dickinson                    

Documentation of math.pow, math.hypot, and complex.__abs__        6 days    mark.dickinson                    

strftime bug when timedelta is negative                          45 days    amaury.forgeotdarc                

urlunparse(urlparse('x://')) now returns 'x:' instead of 'x://    7 days    orsenthil                         

test_tag_configure fails on FreeBSD                               7 days    loewis                            

Old Version Name in Interactive Mode                              2 days    georg.brandl                      

absolute_import future directive ignored by 2to3                  0 days    benjamin.peterson                 

% formating - TypeError: not all arguments converted during st    3 days    dpm                               

doc: unittest.skipTest method added in 2.7                        0 days    georg.brandl                      

Remove assert in functools.total_ordering                         0 days    ezio.melotti                      

Lots of duplicate code between test_classify_oldstyle and test    0 days    exarkun                           
       patch, needs review                                                     

Update site.setquit docstring                                     2 days    merwok                            

'readline' module fails to build on OS X - some recent change     0 days    l0nwlf                            

test_winsound: failure on systems without soundcard               1 days    skrah                             

Memory leak on multi-threaded PyObject_CallObject                 0 days    loewis                            

change module "builtins" to "__builtin__" in __import__ docume    3 days    georg.brandl                      

Some locales are unsupported                                      1 days    loewis                            

test_distutils fails when run with -j                             0 days    tarek                             

Errata on page:       0 days    doerwalter                        

if __debug__: has nonobvious behaviour when evaluating .pyo wi    2 days    brett.cannon                      

StringIO.write() takes any argument and converts it to a strin    1 days    r.david.murray                    

pickle is unable to encode unicode surrogates                     0 days    haypo                             

_winreg remaining in test_winsound                                0 days    brian.curtin                      

test_pickle failing                                               0 days    haypo                             

Incomprehensible import error                                     1 days    brett.cannon                      
                                                                        does fails with UnicodeDecodeError if parent dir     0 days    haypo                             

Modules with a dot in the filename don't load                     0 days    ezio.melotti                      

Document                                                  0 days    georg.brandl                      

need console/pager module                                         1 days    r.david.murray                    

os.system() doesn't support surrogates nor bytes                  0 days    haypo                             

namedtuple vs tuple                                               0 days    rhettinger                        

os.kill on windows                                             1763 days brian.curtin                      

Thread shutdown exception in Thread.notify()                    798 days brett.cannon                      

Top Issues Most Discussed (10)

 30 Improve GIL in 2.7                                                13 days

 23 produce unified format by default                          7 days

 23 test_os causes delayed failure on x86 gentoo buildbot: Unknown   454 days

 19 Some locales are unsupported                                       1 days

 17 RFC2732 support for urlparse (IPv6 addresses)                    689 days

 15 IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL should ignore the module name            124 days

 11 siginterrupt with flag=False is reset when signal received         7 days

 10 curses crash on FreeBSD                                          144 days

  9 Make some paths exclude-able                              2 days

  9 Memory leak on multi-threaded PyObject_CallObject                  0 days

From guido at  Fri Apr 16 18:14:22 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 09:14:22 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <hqa04s$kj2$>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at> wrote:
> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>> I am fine with
>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>> the ** mechanism.
> It's a bit like letting keys like 'not-an-identifier' pass through, though,
> isn't it?

Not really. It's hard to imagine(*) an implementation that naturally
can represent strings that look like identifiers but not other strings
-- typically, "identifier-ness" must be explicitly checked. But it's
easy to imagine an implementation that only allows strings and not
other values.

(*) I didn't say impossible. I don't really care about any
counter-examples you may come up with -- in practice they don't
matter. But the type *does* matter in practice.

--Guido van Rossum (

From guido at  Fri Apr 16 18:15:56 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 09:15:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at> wrote:
> On Friday, April 16, 2010, at 04:57PM, "Antoine Pitrou" <solipsis at> wrote:
>>Mark Dickinson <dickinsm <at>> writes:
>>> Okay; ?I'll open an issue for deprecation in 3.2 and removal in 3.3.
>>> Can this sneak in under the 'incorrect language semantics' exemption
>>> for PEP 3003 (the moratorium PEP)? ?If not, then deprecation
>>> presumably has to wait for 3.3.
>>It seems that in spirit the moratorium applies more to language additions than
>>to removals/limitations. The goal being that alternate implementation stop
>>chasing a moving target in terms of features.
>>So IMVHO it is fine for 3.2.
> What about 2.7, should it be deprecated there as well?

I think so. Compatibility with PyPy, Jython and IronPython is only
going to become more important.

--Guido van Rossum (

From brett at  Fri Apr 16 19:50:51 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:50:51 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
Message-ID: <>

Yes, we have different opinions. My personal take is to wait a week before
you email python-dev if there has been no activity. That is enough time for
people interested in the patch to get to it as we all have different
schedules. Any faster and it feels like noise on the list to me.

Brett (from his phone)

On Apr 14, 2010 11:28 PM, "Glyph Lefkowitz" <glyph at> wrote:

On Apr 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that
required discussion, not sim...

Ach.  I hit 'send' too soon.  I also wanted to say: it seemed quite clear to
me that Martin specifically meant "simply issues that had a patch ready to
go".  Quoting him exactly:

Please understand that setting the state of an issue to "review" may
*not* be the best way to trigger a review - it may be more effective
to post to python-dev if you truly believe that the patch can be
committed as-is.

It seems that perhaps the core developers have slightly different opinions
about this? :)
-------------- next part --------------
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From tjreedy at  Fri Apr 16 20:09:37 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:09:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <hqa950$q4d$>

On 4/15/2010 11:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> pyc files inside of the `__pycache__` directories contain a magic
>> identifier in their file names.  These are mnemonic tags for the
>> actual magic numbers used by the importer.  For example, in Python
>> 3.2, we could use the hexlified [10]_ magic number as a unique
> (Aside: when you search Wikipedia for "hexlify" it says "did you mean:
> heavily?" :-)

I regard 'hexlify', as used in binascii, to be a misspelling of 
'hexify', whether it originated with Python or elsewhere. 'Hexify' 
itself may not be an official dictionary word but it at least follows a 
normal pattern of derivation. I have not bothered to say anything before 
because correcting the misspelling of the module function would break 
back compatibility. But I think its usage should stop there.

Terry Jan Reedy

From tjreedy at  Fri Apr 16 20:40:37 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:40:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hqaav3$qq$>

On 4/16/2010 11:22 AM, Dino Viehland wrote:
> Mark Dickinson wrote:
>> Removing it certainly seems in keeping with the goal of making life
>> easier for alternate implementations.  (Out of curiosity, does anyone
>> know what IronPython does here?)
>> I've opened
> It looks like IronPython reports a type error as well:
> IronPython 2.6.1 DEBUG (2.6.10920.0) on .NET 2.0.50727.4927
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> def f(**kwargs):
> ...     print(kwargs)
> ...
>>>> kwargs = {1: 3}
>>>> dict({}, **kwargs)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line unknown, in<module>
> TypeError: expected string for dictionary argument got 1
>>>> d = {1:2}
>>>> d.update({3:4}, **{5:6})
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line unknown, in<module>
> TypeError: expected string for dictionary argument got 5

If the current CPython behavior is deprecated in 3.2, then I think 
IronPython should keep its current behavior (and future Cpython 
behavior) in IP 3.2 and not change it for one version.


From steve at  Fri Apr 16 20:51:30 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:51:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian Curtin wrote:
> Hi python-dev,
> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
> If this applies to you and you are interested, let me know.
Thanks, Brian, for taking this on.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From guido at  Fri Apr 16 20:52:11 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:52:11 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <hqa950$q4d$>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> On 4/15/2010 11:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> pyc files inside of the `__pycache__` directories contain a magic
>>> identifier in their file names. ?These are mnemonic tags for the
>>> actual magic numbers used by the importer. ?For example, in Python
>>> 3.2, we could use the hexlified [10]_ magic number as a unique
>> (Aside: when you search Wikipedia for "hexlify" it says "did you mean:
>> heavily?" :-)
> I regard 'hexlify', as used in binascii, to be a misspelling of 'hexify',
> whether it originated with Python or elsewhere. 'Hexify' itself may not be
> an official dictionary word but it at least follows a normal pattern of
> derivation. I have not bothered to say anything before because correcting
> the misspelling of the module function would break back compatibility. But I
> think its usage should stop there.

To the contrary, it was invented by Barry and ought to be added to the
English language as a neologism.

--Guido van Rossum (

From benjamin at  Fri Apr 16 22:43:33 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:43:33 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <20100416120220.50cf21a9@heresy>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/16 Barry Warsaw <barry at>:
> On Apr 15, 2010, at 08:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
>>> and all future versions. ?It may be back-ported to Python 2.7.
>>Is there time given that 2.7b1 was released?
> I think this would be totally up to Benjamin as the RM for 2.7. ?Although I
> haven't tried yet, my sense of it is that most of the patch would port pretty
> easily to trunk. ?I could probably generate a patch for review by mid-next
> week.

I would prefer that this not be in 2.7. The patch may be simple to
port, but it represents quite a change in an eons old Python behvior.

> Whether it should or not is a different matter. ?Given that we're in beta, I'm
> not sure *I* would approve it if I were the RM, but as the developer, sure,
> I'd love to back port it. :)

Thank you for sympathizing. :)


From brett at  Fri Apr 16 22:57:59 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 13:57:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] patch for review: __import__ documentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am aware my email has gone out multiple times. My phone kept saying that
it was not sent, so I kept trying to force it to send. Sorry about the extra

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:50, Brett Cannon <brett at> wrote:

> Yes, we have different opinions. My personal take is to wait a week before
> you email python-dev if there has been no activity. That is enough time for
> people interested in the patch to get to it as we all have different
> schedules. Any faster and it feels like noise on the list to me.
> Brett (from his phone)
> On Apr 14, 2010 11:28 PM, "Glyph Lefkowitz" <glyph at>
> wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> > I see the confusion. I think Martin meant more about open issues that
> required discussion, not sim...
> Ach.  I hit 'send' too soon.  I also wanted to say: it seemed quite clear
> to me that Martin specifically meant "simply issues that had a patch ready
> to go".  Quoting him exactly:
> Please understand that setting the state of an issue to "review" may *not* be the best way to trigger a review - it may be more effective to post to python-dev if you truly believe that the patch can be committed as-is.
> It seems that perhaps the core developers have slightly different opinions
> about this? :)
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From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Apr 16 23:11:30 2010
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:11:30 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>>> I am fine with
>>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>>> the ** mechanism.

ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
It is reasonably common to accept **kwds and then pass it down
to another function.  Do we want to validate the keys of every
kwds dict on every call?  Why do we even care?

If I'm understanding the proposal correctly, it means that
every existing application using **kwds will pay a price, either
by breaking (because it uses non-string keys) or by running
slower (so that every call can be checked to make sure it
didn't use string keys).


From benjamin at  Fri Apr 16 23:14:25 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:14:25 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/16 Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at>:
>>> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>>>> I am fine with
>>>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>>>> the ** mechanism.
> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
> It is reasonably common to accept **kwds and then pass it down
> to another function. ?Do we want to validate the keys of every
> kwds dict on every call? ?Why do we even care?
> If I'm understanding the proposal correctly, it means that
> every existing application using **kwds will pay a price, either
> by breaking (because it uses non-string keys) or by running
> slower (so that every call can be checked to make sure it
> didn't use string keys).

We already pay that price for any Python function, so I'm not sure
what difference adding to C, too, makes.


From guido at  Fri Apr 16 23:16:51 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:16:51 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Raymond Hettinger
<raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>>>> I am fine with
>>>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>>>> the ** mechanism.
> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.

Diasagree. The real benefit is better cross-implementation portability.

> It is reasonably common to accept **kwds and then pass it down
> to another function. ?Do we want to validate the keys of every
> kwds dict on every call? ?Why do we even care?
> If I'm understanding the proposal correctly, it means that
> every existing application using **kwds will pay a price, either
> by breaking (because it uses non-string keys) or by running
> slower (so that every call can be checked to make sure it
> didn't use string keys).

It already does this for Python functions. So there is no cost (and no
change in the language semantics) except for the specific idiom
involving dict, which was incorrectly taking a shortcut.

--Guido van Rossum (

From fijall at  Fri Apr 16 23:22:34 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:22:34 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Raymond Hettinger
<raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>>>> I am fine with
>>>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>>>> the ** mechanism.
> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
> It is reasonably common to accept **kwds and then pass it down
> to another function. ?Do we want to validate the keys of every
> kwds dict on every call? ?Why do we even care?
> If I'm understanding the proposal correctly, it means that
> every existing application using **kwds will pay a price, either
> by breaking (because it uses non-string keys) or by running
> slower (so that every call can be checked to make sure it
> didn't use string keys).
> Raymond

On the other hand, we (as in alternative python implementations) are
paying the price because people use it, even if only accidentally. If
CPython detects such cases and complain early, it would be much easier
for applications to stay cross-interpreter compatible (and I don't
think it's a huge burden for them to get rid of that, django already


From guido at  Fri Apr 16 23:31:25 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:31:25 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Raymond Hettinger
> <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>>> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>>>>> I am fine with
>>>>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>>>>> the ** mechanism.
>> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
>> It is reasonably common to accept **kwds and then pass it down
>> to another function. ?Do we want to validate the keys of every
>> kwds dict on every call? ?Why do we even care?
>> If I'm understanding the proposal correctly, it means that
>> every existing application using **kwds will pay a price, either
>> by breaking (because it uses non-string keys) or by running
>> slower (so that every call can be checked to make sure it
>> didn't use string keys).
>> Raymond
> On the other hand, we (as in alternative python implementations) are
> paying the price because people use it, even if only accidentally. If
> CPython detects such cases and complain early, it would be much easier
> for applications to stay cross-interpreter compatible (and I don't
> think it's a huge burden for them to get rid of that, django already
> did).


Apparently dict(x, **y) is going around as "cool hack" for "call
x.update(y) and return x". Personally I find it more despicable than

--Guido van Rossum (

From daniel at  Fri Apr 16 23:42:17 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:42:17 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Raymond Hettinger <
raymond.hettinger at> wrote:

> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
> It is reasonably common to accept **kwds and then pass it down
> to another function.  Do we want to validate the keys of every
> kwds dict on every call?  Why do we even care?

IIRC, there's a performance hack in dictobject.c that keeps track of whether
all of the keys are strings or not.  The hack is designed so that lookup
operations can call the string compare/hash functions directly if possible,
rather than going through the slower PyObject_ functions.

Consequently, validating **kwds should be cheap.

I don't know if the the current validating of **kwds with Python functions
already leverages that hack or not.
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
-------------- next part --------------
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From benjamin at  Fri Apr 16 23:51:30 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:51:30 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/16 Daniel Stutzbach <daniel at>:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Raymond Hettinger
> <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
>> It is reasonably common to accept **kwds and then pass it down
>> to another function. ?Do we want to validate the keys of every
>> kwds dict on every call? ?Why do we even care?
> IIRC, there's a performance hack in dictobject.c that keeps track of whether
> all of the keys are strings or not.? The hack is designed so that lookup
> operations can call the string compare/hash functions directly if possible,
> rather than going through the slower PyObject_ functions.
> Consequently, validating **kwds should be cheap.

That won't work. You could put non-string keys in a dictionary and
remove them, but the dictionary would still be in the less optimized


From raymond.hettinger at  Fri Apr 16 23:56:09 2010
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:56:09 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Raymond Hettinger
> <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>>> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>>>>> I am fine with
>>>>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>>>>> the ** mechanism.
>> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
> Diasagree. The real benefit is better cross-implementation portability.

Would hate for 100% of users will pay a performance penalty
when most applications aren't abusing keyword dictionaries 
so they already work cross-platfrom.

Isn't there anyway to make this a one-time check instead
of a PyLint style validation check running on every invocation
of a function or method using **kwds?

Or perhaps there can be a switch or flag to enable developers to
check for non-standard uses of **kwds.  That way, they can clean-up
their programs but not make the end users pay for the checks every time
they run an application that has already been cleaned-up.


From daniel at  Fri Apr 16 23:57:19 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:57:19 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at>wrote:

> 2010/4/16 Daniel Stutzbach <daniel at>:
> > IIRC, there's a performance hack in dictobject.c that keeps track of
> whether
> > all of the keys are strings or not.  The hack is designed so that lookup
> > operations can call the string compare/hash functions directly if
> possible,
> > rather than going through the slower PyObject_ functions.
> That won't work. You could put non-string keys in a dictionary and
> remove them, but the dictionary would still be in the less optimized
> state.

It would be enough to make the common case fast (1 pointer comparison).  The
error case would need to check all of the keys, true, but that's not really
a performance concern.

Unless you're saying you often create a dictionary, add non-string keys,
remove the non-string keys, then pass it as a **kwds? ;-)
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
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From pje at  Sat Apr 17 00:02:58 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 18:02:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: < com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 04:51 PM 4/16/2010 -0500, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
>That won't work. You could put non-string keys in a dictionary and 
>remove them, but the dictionary would still be in the less optimized state.

That only means it's slower on uncommon cases and the case where 
you're about to get an exception anyway. 

From solipsis at  Sat Apr 17 00:09:44 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 22:09:44 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger <at>> writes:
> Would hate for 100% of users will pay a performance penalty
> when most applications aren't abusing keyword dictionaries 
> so they already work cross-platfrom.

Someone should provide actual measurements before we start a psychodrama about
Python performance being brutally butchered and chopped into small pieces on the
altar of inter-implementation compatibility ;)



From raymond.hettinger at  Sat Apr 17 00:40:48 2010
From: raymond.hettinger at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:40:48 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 16, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
> IIRC, there's a performance hack in dictobject.c that keeps track of whether all of the keys are strings or not.  The hack is designed so that lookup operations can call the string compare/hash functions directly if possible, rather than going through the slower PyObject_ functions.
> Consequently, validating **kwds should be cheap.

Good thinking.

That would definitely be better than scanning the full dict on every call.


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From barry at  Sat Apr 17 01:00:30 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:00:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100416190030.074c429b@heresy>

On Apr 15, 2010, at 08:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>> Byte code files contain two 32-bit numbers followed by the marshaled


>> [2]_ code object. ?The 32-bit numbers represent a magic number and a
>> timestamp. ?The magic number changes whenever Python changes the byte
>> code format, e.g. by adding new byte codes to its virtual machine.
>> This ensures that pyc files built for previous versions of the VM
>> won't cause problems. ?The timestamp is used to make sure that the pyc
>> file is not older than the py file that was used to create it. ?When
>is not older than -> matches
>(Obscure fact: the timestamp in the pyc file must match the source's
>mtime exactly.)


>> Rationale
>> =========
>> Linux distributions such as Ubuntu [4]_ and Debian [5]_ provide more
>> than one Python version at the same time to their users. ?For example,
>> Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala users can install Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1,
>> with Python 2.6 being the default.
>> This causes a conflict for Python source files installed by the
>> system (including third party packages), because you cannot compile a
>I'd say only 3rd part packages right? (And code written by the distro,
>which from Python's POV is also 3rd party.) At least ought to clarify
>that the stdlib is unaffected by this conflict, because multiple
>versions of the stdlib *are* installed.

Yes, good point.  Clarified.

>> single Python source file for more than one Python version at a time.
>> Thus if your system wanted to install a `/usr/share/python/`, it
>> could not create a `/usr/share/python/foo.pyc` file usable across all
>> installed Python versions.
>Note that (due to the magic#) Python doesn't crash, it just falls back
>on the slower approach of compiling from source.
>Perhaps more important is that different Python versions (if the user
>has write permission) will fight over the pyc file and rewrite it each
>time the source is compiled. Worse, even though the magic# is
>initially written as zero and then rewritten with the correct value,
>concurrent processes running different Python versions can actually
>end up reading corrupt bytecode. (Alex Martelli diagnosed this at
>Google years ago.)

Good point; I've made this more clear.

>> Furthermore, in order to ease the burden on operating system packagers
>> for these distributions, the distribution packages do not contain
>> Python version numbers [6]_; they are shared across all Python
>> versions installed on the system. ?Putting Python version numbers in
>> the packages would be a maintenance nightmare, since all the packages
>> - *and their dependencies* - would have to be updated every time a new
>> Python release was added or removed from the distribution. ?Because of
>> the sheer number of packages available, this amount of work is
>> infeasible.
>> C extensions can be source compatible across multiple versions of
>> Python. ?Compiled extension modules are usually not compatible though,
>Actually we typically make every effort to support backwards
>compatibility for compiled modules, and the module initialization API
>contains a version# check. This is a different version# than the
>import magic# and historically has changed much less frequently.

I've rewritten this paragraph a bit.  It's not particularly relevant to this
PEP. (I'll be look at PEP 384 soon.)

>> and PEP 384 [7]_ has been proposed to address this by defining a
>> stable ABI for extension modules.

>> Proposal
>> ========
>> Python's import machinery is extended to write and search for byte
>> code cache files in a single directory inside every Python package
>> directory. ?This directory will be called `__pycache__`.
>> Further, pyc files will contain a magic string that differentiates the
>Clarify that the magic string is in the filename, not in the file contents.


>> Python version they were compiled for. ?This allows multiple byte
>> compiled cache files to co-exist for a single Python source file.
>> This scheme has the added benefit of reducing the clutter in a Python
>> package directory.
>> When a Python source file is imported for the first time, a
>> `__pycache__` directory will be created in the package directory, if
>Is this still true? ISTR there was a lot of discussion about the
>auto-creation and possible security concerns.

It is still true.  I think we determined it will usually not be an issue
because the umask will not be altered, and because normal installation
procedures typically involve byte compilation (and thus __pycache__ creation)
during installation time via tools like compileall.  This really is describing
what happens when you run Python over pure Python source code for the first
time, and it's no different from what happens now with the automatic creation
of pyc files.

>> one does not already exist. ?The pyc file for the imported source will
>> be written to the `__pycache__` directory, using the magic-tag
>By now the magic-tag format should have been defined (or a "see below"

Based on this and your following comment, I've moved the description of the
magic tag format to here, and rewritten it to fit in context.  The section
discussing the hexadecimal representation is moved to the (rejected)
"Alternatives" section.

>> Case 1: The first import
>> ------------------------
>> When Python is asked to import module `foo`, it searches for a
>> `` file (or `foo` package, but that's not important for this
>> discussion) along its `sys.path`. ?When Python locates the ``
>> file it will look for a `__pycache__` directory in the directory where
>> it found the ``. ?If the `__pycache__` directory is missing,
>> Python will create it. ?Then it will parse and byte compile the
>> `` file and save the byte code in `__pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc`,
>> where <magic> is defined by the Python implementation, but will be a
>> human readable string such as `cpython-32`.
>(Aside: at first I read this as a description of the full algorithm.
>But there is a step missing -- the __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc file is
>searched and not found.)

I added a Case 0 for the "steady state" which should clarify this.

>> Magic identifiers
>> =================
>> pyc files inside of the `__pycache__` directories contain a magic
>> identifier in their file names. ?These are mnemonic tags for the
>> actual magic numbers used by the importer. ?For example, in Python
>> 3.2, we could use the hexlified [10]_ magic number as a unique
>(Aside: when you search Wikipedia for "hexlify" it says "did you mean:
>heavily?" :-)

:) Emacs is where I first encountered this term, e.g. M-x hexlify-buffer.  It
got carried over to the binascii module.  But in this case "hexadecimal
representation of the binary magic number" is probably a better term to use.

>> identifier::
>> ? ?>>> from binascii import hexlify
>> ? ?>>> from imp import get_magic
>> ? ?>>> 'foo.{}.pyc'.format(hexlify(get_magic()).decode('ascii'))
>> ? ?'foo.580c0d0a.pyc'
>> This isn't particularly human friendly though. ?Instead, this PEP
>This section reads a bit weird -- first it describes the solution we
>*didn't* pick. I'd move that to a "Alternatives Considered and
>Rejected" section or some such.

Agreed; see above.

>> proposes a *magic tag* that uniquely defines `.pyc` files for the
>> current version of Python. ?Whenever the magic number is bumped, a new
>> magic tag is defined which is unique among all versions and
>> implementations of Python. ?The actual contents of the magic tag is
>> left up to the implementation, although it is recommended that the tag
>> include the implementation name and a version shorthand. ?In general,
>> magic numbers never change between Python micro releases, but the
>> convention can be extended to handle magic number changes between
>> pre-release development versions.
>> For example, CPython 3.2 would have a magic tag of `cpython-32` and
>> write pyc files like this: `foo.cpython-32.pyc`. ?When the `-O` flag
>> is used, it would write `foo.cpython-32.pyo`. ?For backports of this
>> feature to Python 2, when the `-U` flag is used, a file such as
>> `foo.cpython-27u.pyc` can be written.
>Does all of this match the implementation?

Yes.  Well, except for the -U part, since I haven't backported this to Python
2... yet :).

>> Implementation strategy
>> =======================
>> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
>> and all future versions. ?It may be back-ported to Python 2.7.
>Is there time given that 2.7b1 was released?

See my previous response.

>> This PEP proposes the addition of an `__cached__` attribute to
>> modules, which will always point to the actual `pyc` file that was
>> read or written. ?When the environment variable
>> `$PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` is set, or the `-B` option is given, or if
>> the source lives on a read-only filesystem, then the `__cached__`
>> attribute will point to the location that the `pyc` file *would* have
>> been written to if it didn't exist. ?This location of course includes
>> the `__pycache__` subdirectory in its path.
>Hm. I wish there was a way to find out whether the bytecode (or
>whatever) actually *was* read from this file. __file__ in Python 2
>supports this (though not in Python 3).

Do you have a use case for that?  It might be interesting to know, but I can't
think of a good way to infer that from __file__ and __cached__, or of a good
way to expose that on module objects.   Of course, it would be totally Python
implementation dependent too.

>> Backports
>> ---------
>> For versions of Python earlier than 3.2 (and possibly 2.7), it is
>> possible to backport this PEP. ?However, in Python 3.2 (and possibly
>> 2.7), this behavior will be turned on by default, and in fact, it will
>> replace the old behavior. ?Backports will need to support the old
>> layout by default. ?We suggest supporting PEP 3147 through the use of
>> an environment variable called `$PYTHONENABLECACHEDIR` or the command
>> line switch `-Xenablecachedir` to enable the feature.
>I would be okay if a distro decided to turn it on by default, as long
>as there was a way to opt out.

For Python 2.6, even for a distro-specific backport, I think I'd want to
enable it only with a switch.  It might be weird for example if Python 2.6 in
Ubuntu 10.04 produced traditional pyc files, but Python 2.6 in Ubuntu 10.10
produced PEP 3147 file names.  For a backport to Python 2.7 though (which
e.g. would be new in Ubuntu 10.10), it might make sense to enable it by

Either way, we're really talking about the effects on user code only.  We'll
definitely enable it as part of the package installation tools.

Thanks again Guido.  I think this hits all your feedback.  Now to land the

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From barry at  Sat Apr 17 01:07:07 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:07:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100416190707.65d694d5@heresy>

On Apr 16, 2010, at 11:52 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>To the contrary, it was invented by Barry and ought to be added to the
>English language as a neologism.

Actually, it's an Emacs invention!

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From steve at  Sat Apr 17 01:38:44 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:38:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hqa04s$kj2$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hqasf2$t79$>

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> On Apr 16, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
>> IIRC, there's a performance hack in dictobject.c that keeps track of
>> whether all of the keys are strings or not.  The hack is designed so
>> that lookup operations can call the string compare/hash functions
>> directly if possible, rather than going through the slower PyObject_
>> functions.
>> Consequently, validating **kwds should be cheap.
> Good thinking.
> That would definitely be better than scanning the full dict on every call.
I'm sure we wouldn't want to go so far as to inhibit this. (Py 3.1)

>>> def f(**kwargs):
...   kwargs[1] = "dummy"
...   print(kwargs)
>>> f(this="Guido", that="Raymond", the_other="Steve")
{'this': 'Guido', 1: 'dummy', 'the_other': 'Steve', 'that': 'Raymond'}

Or would we? If it's OK to mutate kwargs inside the function to contain
a non-string key, why isn't it OK to pass a non-string key in?

I understand that it couldn't be generated using keyword argument
syntax, but I don't see why we discriminate against f(**dict(...)) to
limit it to what could be generated using keyword argument syntax. Is
this such a big deal?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From fuzzyman at  Sat Apr 17 01:42:07 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 01:42:07 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <hqasf2$t79$>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hqa04s$kj2$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 17/04/2010 01:38, Steve Holden wrote:
> Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> On Apr 16, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
>>> IIRC, there's a performance hack in dictobject.c that keeps track of
>>> whether all of the keys are strings or not.  The hack is designed so
>>> that lookup operations can call the string compare/hash functions
>>> directly if possible, rather than going through the slower PyObject_
>>> functions.
>>> Consequently, validating **kwds should be cheap.
>> Good thinking.
>> That would definitely be better than scanning the full dict on every call.
> I'm sure we wouldn't want to go so far as to inhibit this. (Py 3.1)
>>>> def f(**kwargs):
> ...   kwargs[1] = "dummy"
> ...   print(kwargs)
> ...
>>>> f(this="Guido", that="Raymond", the_other="Steve")
> {'this': 'Guido', 1: 'dummy', 'the_other': 'Steve', 'that': 'Raymond'}
> Or would we?
Nobody is proposing barring that.

>   If it's OK to mutate kwargs inside the function to contain
> a non-string key, why isn't it OK to pass a non-string key in?
Because they are completely different operations.


> I understand that it couldn't be generated using keyword argument
> syntax, but I don't see why we discriminate against f(**dict(...)) to
> limit it to what could be generated using keyword argument syntax. Is
> this such a big deal?
> regards
>   Steve


From victor.stinner at  Sat Apr 17 02:12:50 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 02:12:50 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Drop OS/2 support?
Message-ID: <>


Python contains code specific to OS/2 (eg. see Modules/posixmodule.c). I read 
in Wikipedia that IBM has discontinued OS/2 support in 2005. Do we still 
support OS/2 or not?

I'm asking because I'm working on a patch modifying OS2 specific code, but I'm 
unable to compile nor test my changes. And on IRC we told me that nobody 
knows/uses OS/2.

If we support OS/2, we need a buildbot.

My patch: (os.execvpe() doesn't support 
surrogates in env).

Victor Stinner

From greg.ewing at  Sat Apr 17 02:43:13 2010
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:43:13 +1200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Daniel Stutzbach wrote:

> Unless you're saying you often create a dictionary, add non-string keys, 
> remove the non-string keys, then pass it as a **kwds? ;-)

I think the point is that it would create a very mysterious
potential failure mode. What would you make of a situation
where Python says "TypeError: Keyword dict contains non-string
keys", but upon examination, the dict clearly does not contain
any such thing?


From skip at  Sat Apr 17 02:36:15 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:36:15 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Drop OS/2 support?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Victor> Do we still support OS/2 or not?

Yes.  Andrew MacIntyre maintains the OS/2 port:

He's on python-dev.  You mostly see activity from him around release time.
I would contact him directly if you need some assistance from him.


From fuzzyman at  Sat Apr 17 02:53:58 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 02:53:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hqa04s$kj2$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 17/04/2010 02:43, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
>> Unless you're saying you often create a dictionary, add non-string 
>> keys, remove the non-string keys, then pass it as a **kwds? ;-)
> I think the point is that it would create a very mysterious
> potential failure mode. What would you make of a situation
> where Python says "TypeError: Keyword dict contains non-string
> keys", but upon examination, the dict clearly does not contain
> any such thing?
No, if the dictionary is not marked as an all-string dict it can 
fallback to checking. The common case (dict marked as all strings) is fast.



From guido at  Sat Apr 17 04:44:55 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:44:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging
In-Reply-To: <20100416190030.074c429b@heresy>
References: <20100413162107.171c724c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for all the changes!

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Apr 15, 2010, at 08:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>Hm. I wish there was a way to find out whether the bytecode (or
>>whatever) actually *was* read from this file. __file__ in Python 2
>>supports this (though not in Python 3).
> Do you have a use case for that? ?It might be interesting to know, but I can't
> think of a good way to infer that from __file__ and __cached__, or of a good
> way to expose that on module objects. ? Of course, it would be totally Python
> implementation dependent too.

The only use case I can think of is a unit test that would indirectly
assess that bytecode was (or wasn't) read in specific conditions. You
can safely ignore this use case.

--Guido van Rossum (

From guido at  Sat Apr 17 04:47:05 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:47:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Raymond Hettinger
<raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Raymond Hettinger
>> <raymond.hettinger at> wrote:
>>>>> Guido van Rossum, 16.04.2010 16:33:
>>>>>> I am fine with
>>>>>> declaring dict({}, **{1:3}) illegal, since after all it is abuse of
>>>>>> the ** mechanism.
>>> ISTM that making it illegal costs cycles with giving any real benefit.
>> Diasagree. The real benefit is better cross-implementation portability.
> Would hate for 100% of users will pay a performance penalty
> when most applications aren't abusing keyword dictionaries
> so they already work cross-platfrom.
> Isn't there anyway to make this a one-time check instead
> of a PyLint style validation check running on every invocation
> of a function or method using **kwds?
> Or perhaps there can be a switch or flag to enable developers to
> check for non-standard uses of **kwds. ?That way, they can clean-up
> their programs but not make the end users pay for the checks every time
> they run an application that has already been cleaned-up.

Please stop worrying.

--Guido van Rossum (

From andymac at  Sat Apr 17 05:19:36 2010
From: andymac at (Andrew MacIntyre)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 13:19:36 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Drop OS/2 support?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Stinner wrote:

> Python contains code specific to OS/2 (eg. see Modules/posixmodule.c). I read 
> in Wikipedia that IBM has discontinued OS/2 support in 2005. Do we still 
> support OS/2 or not?

As was recently discussed, what constitutes "support" varies in perception.

Python's source contains support for it to be built on OS/2, but's normal build process doesn't deliver binaries.

OS/2 lives on as eCS.  It is a second tier platform, akin to Cygwin 
(which also has some source level support but is not part of the normal release process).

> I'm asking because I'm working on a patch modifying OS2 specific code, but I'm 
> unable to compile nor test my changes. And on IRC we told me that nobody 
> knows/uses OS/2.
> If we support OS/2, we need a buildbot.

Build-bots for first tier platforms (Windows, Linux & OS/X) are useful 
for the developer community.

IMO build-bots for secondary platforms are the more the responsibility 
of that platform's community on the basis of best management of resources.

I don't think anyone reasonable would expect patch suppliers to deal 
with second tier platforms - I certainly don't.  It is nice to get 
heads-up messages about issues that might involve such support though, 
and it shouldn't take much searching to find me to enquire.

> My patch: (os.execvpe() doesn't support 
> surrogates in env).

I'll look at it when I get a chance, but I'm not expecting that my input 
should affect your patch and I'm not expecting you to try and deal with 
the issue on OS/2.  The 3.x branch needs quite a bit of work on OS/2 to 
deal with Unicode, as OS/2 was one of the earlier OSes with full 
multiple language support and IBM developed a unique API.  I'm still 
struggling to come to terms with this, partly because I myself don't 
"need" it.


Andrew I MacIntyre                     "These thoughts are mine alone..."
E-mail: andymac at  (pref) | Snail: PO Box 370
        andymac at             (alt) |        Belconnen ACT 2616
Web:               |        Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sat Apr 17 11:33:33 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 19:33:33 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <hqasf2$t79$>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hqa04s$kj2$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Holden wrote:
> I'm sure we wouldn't want to go so far as to inhibit this. (Py 3.1)
>>>> def f(**kwargs):
> ...   kwargs[1] = "dummy"
> ...   print(kwargs)
> ...
>>>> f(this="Guido", that="Raymond", the_other="Steve")
> {'this': 'Guido', 1: 'dummy', 'the_other': 'Steve', 'that': 'Raymond'}
> Or would we? If it's OK to mutate kwargs inside the function to contain
> a non-string key, why isn't it OK to pass a non-string key in?

Because we can easily enough add the kwargs type check to CPython to
improve cross-implementation compatibility, while we can't easily check
individual assignments.

> I understand that it couldn't be generated using keyword argument
> syntax, but I don't see why we discriminate against f(**dict(...)) to
> limit it to what could be generated using keyword argument syntax. Is
> this such a big deal?

The language spec is intended to allow the use of string-only
dictionaries for namespaces. CPython happens to use normal dictionaries
and then optimises them heavily when they only contain string keys, but
other implementations are meant to be allowed to use a separate type
that doesn't permit arbitrary keys.

In cases where it is easy for CPython to check for purely string keys,
that's probably worth doing (especially now it has been noted that the
common case of that check passing can be made fast using the existing
string keys only optimisation tools).

There's also a consistency argument here, in that CPython already
performs this check for Python functions, so it is anomalous that there
are ways to do this without triggering the TypeError.

More exotic namespace abuse is generally harder to detect, and almost
certainly not worth the hassle of flagging on CPython itself (such code
will still fail on implementations that actually use string-key only


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Sat Apr 17 11:39:27 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 19:39:27 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Drop OS/2 support?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Stinner wrote:
> If we support OS/2, we need a buildbot.

As Andrew said, there are 2 levels of support - the "if we break it,
we'll fix it" level where our buildbots live, and the "we won't go out
of our way to break it, but it may degenerate as other things change (or
simply miss out on some new features)" level.

Eventually there's the "trying not to break this is actively causing
problems, so now we're breaking it on purpose" level of explicitly not
supporting a platform. Relatively recent examples of that were stripping
out the Win9x support, as well as the culling of old code specific to
various proprietary Unix implementions.

I don't know how well this is articulated in the relevant PEP.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From eric at  Sat Apr 17 11:42:07 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 05:42:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Drop OS/2 support?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Andrew MacIntyre wrote:
> It is nice to get 
> heads-up messages about issues that might involve such support though, 
> and it shouldn't take much searching to find me to enquire.

Especially since aimacintyre is listed in Misc/maintainers.rst.

From python-dev at  Sat Apr 17 12:53:34 2010
From: python-dev at (Xavier Morel)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:53:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 16 Apr 2010, at 23:31 , Guido van Rossum wrote:
> +1.
> Apparently dict(x, **y) is going around as "cool hack" for "call
> x.update(y) and return x". Personally I find it more despicable than
> cool.

This description doesn't make sense since `dict(x, **y)` returns not
an updated `x` but a new dictionary merging `x` and `y`.

And that's how (and why) I use it, it's simpler (and ? I believe ? more
readable) to write `z = dict(x, **y)` than `z = dict(x); z.update(y)`,
since Python doesn't overload addition as it does for lists:
    l3 = l1 + l2
works and is equivalent to
    l3 = list(l1); l3.extend(l2)

but there is no easy way to say that with dicts, at the moment.

From vinay_sajip at  Sat Apr 17 14:41:03 2010
From: vinay_sajip at (Vinay Sajip)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:41:03 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hqa04s$kj2$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Holden <steve <at>> writes:

> I'm sure we wouldn't want to go so far as to inhibit this. (Py 3.1)
> >>> def f(**kwargs):
> ...   kwargs[1] = "dummy"
> ...   print(kwargs)
> ...
> >>> f(this="Guido", that="Raymond", the_other="Steve")
> {'this': 'Guido', 1: 'dummy', 'the_other': 'Steve', 'that': 'Raymond'}

I think that according to the proposal, the above snippet would be OK, but

def f(**kwargs):
    kwargs[1] = 'dummy'

would fail at the call of g.


Vinay Sajip

From guido at  Sat Apr 17 17:22:19 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 08:22:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <hqasf2$t79$>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> I'm sure we wouldn't want to go so far as to inhibit this. (Py 3.1)
>>>> def f(**kwargs):
> ... ? kwargs[1] = "dummy"
> ... ? print(kwargs)
> ...
>>>> f(this="Guido", that="Raymond", the_other="Steve")
> {'this': 'Guido', 1: 'dummy', 'the_other': 'Steve', 'that': 'Raymond'}
> Or would we? If it's OK to mutate kwargs inside the function to contain
> a non-string key, why isn't it OK to pass a non-string key in?

Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as 'kwargs' is
"just a dict". But the requirement for what the caller passes in is
different: it must pass in a dict whose keys represent argument names.

If you want an API where you can pass in an arbitrary dict to be
received unchanged, don't use **kw. Remember that the caller can
independently decide whether or not to use the **kw notation -- there
is no implied correspondence between the caller's use of **kw and the
callee's use of it. Note this example:

def f(a, b, **k):
  print(a, b, k)

d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

This will print

1 2 {'c': 3}

Note that the k received by f is not the same as the d passed in! (And
yet d of course is not modified by the operation.)

> I understand that it couldn't be generated using keyword argument
> syntax, but I don't see why we discriminate against f(**dict(...)) to
> limit it to what could be generated using keyword argument syntax. Is
> this such a big deal?

Is portability of code to Jython, IronPython, PyPy a big deal?
According to a slide you recently posted to the PSF board list, it is.

--Guido van Rossum (

From steve at  Sat Apr 17 17:24:42 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 11:24:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
>> I'm sure we wouldn't want to go so far as to inhibit this. (Py 3.1)
>>>>> def f(**kwargs):
>> ...   kwargs[1] = "dummy"
>> ...   print(kwargs)
>> ...
>>>>> f(this="Guido", that="Raymond", the_other="Steve")
>> {'this': 'Guido', 1: 'dummy', 'the_other': 'Steve', 'that': 'Raymond'}
>> Or would we? If it's OK to mutate kwargs inside the function to contain
>> a non-string key, why isn't it OK to pass a non-string key in?
> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as 'kwargs' is
> "just a dict". But the requirement for what the caller passes in is
> different: it must pass in a dict whose keys represent argument names.
> If you want an API where you can pass in an arbitrary dict to be
> received unchanged, don't use **kw. Remember that the caller can
> independently decide whether or not to use the **kw notation -- there
> is no implied correspondence between the caller's use of **kw and the
> callee's use of it. Note this example:
> def f(a, b, **k):
>   print(a, b, k)
> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
> f(**d)
> This will print
> 1 2 {'c': 3}
> Note that the k received by f is not the same as the d passed in! (And
> yet d of course is not modified by the operation.)
Good point, and one I hadn't thought of. I was blithely assuming that
the dict seen by the called function was always what was passed as the
dict argument.

>> I understand that it couldn't be generated using keyword argument
>> syntax, but I don't see why we discriminate against f(**dict(...)) to
>> limit it to what could be generated using keyword argument syntax. Is
>> this such a big deal?
> Is portability of code to Jython, IronPython, PyPy a big deal?
> According to a slide you recently posted to the PSF board list, it is.
And I haven't changed my mind since. Thanks for the comprehensive response.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From guido at  Sat Apr 17 17:27:18 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 08:27:18 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip at> wrote:
> Steve Holden <steve <at>> writes:
>> I'm sure we wouldn't want to go so far as to inhibit this. (Py 3.1)
>> >>> def f(**kwargs):
>> ... ? kwargs[1] = "dummy"
>> ... ? print(kwargs)
>> ...
>> >>> f(this="Guido", that="Raymond", the_other="Steve")
>> {'this': 'Guido', 1: 'dummy', 'the_other': 'Steve', 'that': 'Raymond'}
> I think that according to the proposal, the above snippet would be OK, but
> def f(**kwargs):
> ? ?kwargs[1] = 'dummy'
> ? ?g(**kwargs)
> would fail at the call of g.

And that is already the status quo. Try it out in your friendly Python

The *only* thing that should be *changed* is for the dict() builtin to
insist that if it receives a dict containing keyword arguments the
keys must all be strings. This *only* affects the dict() builtin. It
has keyword arguments so that instead of {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2} you can
write dict(foo=1, bar=2), which arguably is more readable because it
doesn't have so many quotes. OTOH calling dict(x, **y) is a weird
hack. Note that if you wrote a wrapper function in Python around
dict() with the same behavior there would be no way to prevent the
check that all the keys are strings.

--Guido van Rossum (

From ncoghlan at  Sat Apr 17 18:22:54 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 02:22:54 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>	<hqa04s$kj2$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hqasf2$t79$>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as 'kwargs' is
> "just a dict".

Huh, I thought kwargs was allowed to be implemented as a
string-keys-only dict (similar to class and module namespaces) while
still be a valid Python implementation. I guess I was wrong.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From guido at  Sat Apr 17 18:49:25 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 09:49:25 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as 'kwargs' is
>> "just a dict".
> Huh, I thought kwargs was allowed to be implemented as a
> string-keys-only dict (similar to class and module namespaces) while
> still be a valid Python implementation. I guess I was wrong.

Actually I don't know about that. Is there language anywhere in the
language reference that says this? What do IronPython, Jython, PyPy
actually do?

In any case my line of reasoning in this case isn't affected by this;
as I pointed out in my reply to Steve, the relation between the **k
passed in by the caller and the **k received by the callee is less
direct than you might think. The proposed change *only* affects the
dict() builtin; any change in the type of **k seen by the callee would
potentially affect all user-defined functions.

--Guido van Rossum (

From victor.stinner at  Sat Apr 17 19:17:29 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 19:17:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] is down
Message-ID: <>

Hi, displays "Service Temporarily Unavailable". Is it 

Victor Stinner

From daniel at  Sat Apr 17 19:19:51 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:19:51 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] is down
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Victor Stinner <
victor.stinner at> wrote:

> displays "Service Temporarily Unavailable". Is it
> normal?

It's working fine for me.
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
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From benjamin at  Sat Apr 17 19:33:12 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:33:12 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/17 Guido van Rossum <guido at>:
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as 'kwargs' is
>>> "just a dict".
>> Huh, I thought kwargs was allowed to be implemented as a
>> string-keys-only dict (similar to class and module namespaces) while
>> still be a valid Python implementation. I guess I was wrong.
> Actually I don't know about that. Is there language anywhere in the
> language reference that says this? What do IronPython, Jython, PyPy
> actually do?

Similar to CPython, PyPy has dict versions optimized for strings,
which fall back to the general version when given non-string keys.


From dinov at  Sat Apr 17 19:38:14 2010
From: dinov at (Dino Viehland)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 17:38:14 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Benjamin wrote:
> 2010/4/17 Guido van Rossum <guido at>:
> > On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>
> wrote:
> >> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >>> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as 'kwargs'
> is
> >>> "just a dict".
> >>
> >> Huh, I thought kwargs was allowed to be implemented as a
> >> string-keys-only dict (similar to class and module namespaces) while
> >> still be a valid Python implementation. I guess I was wrong.
> >
> > Actually I don't know about that. Is there language anywhere in the
> > language reference that says this? What do IronPython, Jython, PyPy
> > actually do?
> Similar to CPython, PyPy has dict versions optimized for strings,
> which fall back to the general version when given non-string keys.

IronPython as well.  The only place we use a string only dict is for
new-style classes whose dict's are wrapped in a dictproxy.

From fijall at  Sat Apr 17 19:52:52 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 11:52:52 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Dino Viehland <dinov at> wrote:
> Benjamin wrote:
>> 2010/4/17 Guido van Rossum <guido at>:
>> > On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>
>> wrote:
>> >> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> >>> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as 'kwargs'
>> is
>> >>> "just a dict".
>> >>
>> >> Huh, I thought kwargs was allowed to be implemented as a
>> >> string-keys-only dict (similar to class and module namespaces) while
>> >> still be a valid Python implementation. I guess I was wrong.
>> >
>> > Actually I don't know about that. Is there language anywhere in the
>> > language reference that says this? What do IronPython, Jython, PyPy
>> > actually do?
>> Similar to CPython, PyPy has dict versions optimized for strings,
>> which fall back to the general version when given non-string keys.
> IronPython as well. ?The only place we use a string only dict is for
> new-style classes whose dict's are wrapped in a dictproxy.

And yet that breaks some code :-)

From techtonik at  Sat Apr 17 20:02:44 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 21:02:44 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] OS information, tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100412135151.GA31685@remy> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> Brian Curtin wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 03:20, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at
>> <mailto:techtonik at>> wrote:
>> ? ? On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at
>> ? ? <mailto:ncoghlan at>> wrote:
>> ? ? >
>> ? ? >>> ? ? ? ? ? ?I am surprised to see that the bug-tracker
>> ? ? >>> doesn't have an OS classifier or ability to add
>> ? ? >>> tags ? Since a number of issues reported seem to
>> ? ? Just to remind about my +1 for user editable tags.
>> -sys.maxint on just about anything user editable except for the title or
>> messages on an issue. I don't think user editable tags on an issue bring
>> anything to the table except making it seem more "web 2.0". Searching
>> user-generated tags would be a nightmare because you'd have to know
>> every combination of some idea in order to get relevant results (e.g.,
>> windows, windoze, window$, win32).
> Yes, tight vocabulary control will lead to more consistent classifications.

There can be an interface to normalize tags. Known synonyms can be
merged to the primary list automatically warning user about
substitution. If word is not in primary list the user may propose to
add it to main list. Tags with most user proposals will clearly
indicate candidates for inclusion.

Users still should be able to tag issues with primary set of tags or
propose a tag for an issue.
This will partially take triaging burden off the core developers and
will help to spot people with most proposals as potential contributors
who deserve more tracker privileges.

We need tags gameplay to get people addicted.
anatoly t.

From dinov at  Sat Apr 17 20:03:59 2010
From: dinov at (Dino Viehland)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 18:03:59 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Maciej wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Dino Viehland <dinov at>
> wrote:
> > Benjamin wrote:
> >> 2010/4/17 Guido van Rossum <guido at>:
> >> > On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>
> >> wrote:
> >> >> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >> >>> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as
> 'kwargs'
> >> is
> >> >>> "just a dict".
> >> >>
> >> >> Huh, I thought kwargs was allowed to be implemented as a
> >> >> string-keys-only dict (similar to class and module namespaces)
> while
> >> >> still be a valid Python implementation. I guess I was wrong.
> >> >
> >> > Actually I don't know about that. Is there language anywhere in
> the
> >> > language reference that says this? What do IronPython, Jython,
> PyPy
> >> > actually do?
> >>
> >> Similar to CPython, PyPy has dict versions optimized for strings,
> >> which fall back to the general version when given non-string keys.
> >
> > IronPython as well. ?The only place we use a string only dict is for
> > new-style classes whose dict's are wrapped in a dictproxy.
> And yet that breaks some code :-)

Sure, if you do:

class C(object):
    locals()[object()] = 42


You lose.  Once I'm aware of some piece of code in the wild doing this
then I'll be happy to change IronPython to be more compatible. :)

From fijall at  Sat Apr 17 20:10:12 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:10:12 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Dino Viehland <dinov at> wrote:
> Maciej wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Dino Viehland <dinov at>
>> wrote:
>> > Benjamin wrote:
>> >> 2010/4/17 Guido van Rossum <guido at>:
>> >> > On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> >> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> >> >>> Because Python promises that the object the callee sees as
>> 'kwargs'
>> >> is
>> >> >>> "just a dict".
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Huh, I thought kwargs was allowed to be implemented as a
>> >> >> string-keys-only dict (similar to class and module namespaces)
>> while
>> >> >> still be a valid Python implementation. I guess I was wrong.
>> >> >
>> >> > Actually I don't know about that. Is there language anywhere in
>> the
>> >> > language reference that says this? What do IronPython, Jython,
>> PyPy
>> >> > actually do?
>> >>
>> >> Similar to CPython, PyPy has dict versions optimized for strings,
>> >> which fall back to the general version when given non-string keys.
>> >
>> > IronPython as well. ?The only place we use a string only dict is for
>> > new-style classes whose dict's are wrapped in a dictproxy.
>> And yet that breaks some code :-)
> Sure, if you do:
> class C(object):
> ? ?locals()[object()] = 42
> dir(C)
> You lose. ?Once I'm aware of some piece of code in the wild doing this
> then I'll be happy to change IronPython to be more compatible. :)

There was one thing in sqlalchemy tests, not sure exactly why. There
were also other things that I've seen, but consequently it was decided
that it's only accidentally working on CPython and namespace should
contain string-only keys.


From bluemangroupie at  Sat Apr 17 20:17:39 2010
From: bluemangroupie at (aditya bhargava)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 13:17:39 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] is down
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Works for me too.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Daniel Stutzbach <
daniel at> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Victor Stinner <
> victor.stinner at> wrote:
>> displays "Service Temporarily Unavailable". Is it
>> normal?
> It's working fine for me.
> --
> Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
> President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

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From victor.stinner at  Sat Apr 17 20:41:10 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 20:41:10 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bbreport
Message-ID: <>


Ezio and Florent are developing a tool called bbreport to collect buildbot 
results and generate short reports to the command line. It's possible to 
filter results by Python branch, builder name, etc. I send patches to link 
failed tests to existing issues to see quickly known failures vs new failures. 
This tool becomes really useful to analyze buildbot results!

bbreport requires Python trunk (2.7) and color output only works on UNIX/BSD 
OS (ie. not Windows).

Victor Stinner

From steve at  Sat Apr 17 21:03:44 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 15:03:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dino Viehland wrote:
> Maciej wrote:
>> And yet that breaks some code :-)
> Sure, if you do:
> class C(object):
>     locals()[object()] = 42
> dir(C)
> You lose.  Once I'm aware of some piece of code in the wild doing this
> then I'll be happy to change IronPython to be more compatible. :)
This would be a lose anyway, since the CPython specifications suggest
that you should not rely on being able to change locals() (or at least
shouldn't expect that such changes are actually reflected in the local

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From dickinsm at  Sat Apr 17 22:04:00 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 21:04:00 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] bbreport
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Victor Stinner
<victor.stinner at> wrote:
> Ezio and Florent are developing a tool called bbreport to collect buildbot
> results and generate short reports to the command line. It's possible to
> filter results by Python branch, builder name, etc. I send patches to link
> failed tests to existing issues to see quickly known failures vs new failures.
> This tool becomes really useful to analyze buildbot results!

Seconded.  I've been using this for a few days, and found it
especially useful to be able to get a quick summary of exactly *which*
tests are failing on the various buildbots.

> bbreport requires Python trunk (2.7) and color output only works on UNIX/BSD
> OS (ie. not Windows).

Does it really need trunk?  I've been running it under 2.6 without
problems, but I probably haven't explored all the options fully.


From at  Sat Apr 17 22:19:51 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 16:19:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:

>                      This actually happened on Windows - some people now
> recommend to run the buildbot scripts on a regular developer checkout,
> because they supposedly do the right things.

I have to admit that I'm guilty of this (though to be fair most of my
test builds are buildbot-related), if only because it takes care of
all the external stuff automatically and self-contained in the build

> I would rather prefer to have the buildbot run the same commands that we
> recommend developers to run. The knowledge about these should be in the
> README, and it should be stable knowledge, i.e. require infrequent
> changes. This is true for Unix: configure/make/make test/make clean
> had been the correct procedure for ten years now. The Unix buildbot only
> deviates slightly, to have the slaves run a more expensive version of
> the test suite.

In digging around a bit, it would appear that there's actually quite a
bit of OSX support already in the Makefile (either the main one or
the one in Mac).  There's even a target that tests both halves of a
universal build (using rosetta for the PPC version) on an Intel box.

I suspect it's just a question of setting up a Mac-appropriate
builder, using the universal SDK in the configure step, and whatever
Makefile targets are deemed best and current, perhaps with the
addition of support for pulling in the third party stuff through
externals or whatever.  A first pass could just be to factor that
process into a separate stage of build-installer that could be run
independently of the rest of the installer build process.

In the interim, I've generated the third-party libraries via the
current trunk build-installer script and installed them in /usr/local
on my buildbot, so they are found by any of the buildbot builds using
the stock configure/make approach.  Other than a slight update to the
bzip version, looks like the dependency versions in the installer
script haven't changed for over a year, so I suspect the libraries are
fine for any of the branches currently being built.

I also updated to the latest 8.4.19 Tcl/Tk in /Library/Frameworks
since I saw some interpreter crashes in tests in what appeared to be a
Tcl code path.  It had been building against my system 8.4.7 Tcl.  The
Windows buildbot uses Tcl 8.5 - not sure if that should be preferred
for the Mac buildbot as well, but will leave it at 8.4 for now.

I think this should create test builds more representative of the
final binaries.  It's not testing a universal framework build, but the
test target only tests the Intel path anyway, the generated code
should still be the same, and the same libraries are in use.

If anyone more familiar with this side of things for OSX has some
spare time down the road, I'd be happy to help work on improving the
process for the buildbot.

> I'd be interested in setting up daily builds then. For these, I think
> it's fine that they may differ slightly from the official binaries -
> people would recognize that they are testing a different set of binaries.

We can certainly start by just trying to automate the execution of
build-installer, something I suspect can be completely controlled from
the master side, and then uploading the resulting dmg file.  I'd be
happy to help coordinate any experiments offline if you're interested.

I do currently have a DMG built for 2.7 Beta 1, if it would be useful.

-- David

From steve at  Sat Apr 17 22:29:50 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 16:29:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hqd5ph$1ke$>

David Bolen wrote:
> "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:
>>                      This actually happened on Windows - some people now
>> recommend to run the buildbot scripts on a regular developer checkout,
>> because they supposedly do the right things.
> I have to admit that I'm guilty of this (though to be fair most of my
> test builds are buildbot-related), if only because it takes care of
> all the external stuff automatically and self-contained in the build
> tree.
>> I would rather prefer to have the buildbot run the same commands that we
>> recommend developers to run. The knowledge about these should be in the
>> README, and it should be stable knowledge, i.e. require infrequent
>> changes. This is true for Unix: configure/make/make test/make clean
>> had been the correct procedure for ten years now. The Unix buildbot only
>> deviates slightly, to have the slaves run a more expensive version of
>> the test suite.
> In digging around a bit, it would appear that there's actually quite a
> bit of OSX support already in the Makefile (either the main one or
> the one in Mac).  There's even a target that tests both halves of a
> universal build (using rosetta for the PPC version) on an Intel box.
> I suspect it's just a question of setting up a Mac-appropriate
> builder, using the universal SDK in the configure step, and whatever
> Makefile targets are deemed best and current, perhaps with the
> addition of support for pulling in the third party stuff through
> externals or whatever.  A first pass could just be to factor that
> process into a separate stage of build-installer that could be run
> independently of the rest of the installer build process.
> In the interim, I've generated the third-party libraries via the
> current trunk build-installer script and installed them in /usr/local
> on my buildbot, so they are found by any of the buildbot builds using
> the stock configure/make approach.  Other than a slight update to the
> bzip version, looks like the dependency versions in the installer
> script haven't changed for over a year, so I suspect the libraries are
> fine for any of the branches currently being built.
> I also updated to the latest 8.4.19 Tcl/Tk in /Library/Frameworks
> since I saw some interpreter crashes in tests in what appeared to be a
> Tcl code path.  It had been building against my system 8.4.7 Tcl.  The
> Windows buildbot uses Tcl 8.5 - not sure if that should be preferred
> for the Mac buildbot as well, but will leave it at 8.4 for now.
> I think this should create test builds more representative of the
> final binaries.  It's not testing a universal framework build, but the
> test target only tests the Intel path anyway, the generated code
> should still be the same, and the same libraries are in use.
> If anyone more familiar with this side of things for OSX has some
> spare time down the road, I'd be happy to help work on improving the
> process for the buildbot.
>> I'd be interested in setting up daily builds then. For these, I think
>> it's fine that they may differ slightly from the official binaries -
>> people would recognize that they are testing a different set of binaries.
> We can certainly start by just trying to automate the execution of
> build-installer, something I suspect can be completely controlled from
> the master side, and then uploading the resulting dmg file.  I'd be
> happy to help coordinate any experiments offline if you're interested.
> I do currently have a DMG built for 2.7 Beta 1, if it would be useful.
Great work David, this is a terrific step forward. Thanks!

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From fijall at  Sat Apr 17 23:47:08 2010
From: fijall at (Maciej Fijalkowski)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 15:47:08 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> Dino Viehland wrote:
>> Maciej wrote:
> [...]
>>> And yet that breaks some code :-)
>> Sure, if you do:
>> class C(object):
>> ? ? locals()[object()] = 42
>> dir(C)
>> You lose. ?Once I'm aware of some piece of code in the wild doing this
>> then I'll be happy to change IronPython to be more compatible. :)
> This would be a lose anyway, since the CPython specifications suggest
> that you should not rely on being able to change locals() (or at least
> shouldn't expect that such changes are actually reflected in the local
> namespace).

You can override __new__ of a type subclass to achieve the same effect
(or even directly call type.__new__ with strange dict as an argument).


From steve at  Sun Apr 18 00:21:57 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 08:21:57 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 07:47:08 am Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Steve Holden <steve at> 
> > Dino Viehland wrote:
> >> Maciej wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >>> And yet that breaks some code :-)
> >>
> >> Sure, if you do:
> >>
> >> class C(object):
> >> ? ? locals()[object()] = 42
> >>
> >> dir(C)
> >>
> >> You lose. ?Once I'm aware of some piece of code in the wild doing
> >> this then I'll be happy to change IronPython to be more
> >> compatible. :)
> >
> > This would be a lose anyway, since the CPython specifications
> > suggest that you should not rely on being able to change locals()
> > (or at least shouldn't expect that such changes are actually
> > reflected in the local namespace).
> You can override __new__ of a type subclass to achieve the same
> effect (or even directly call type.__new__ with strange dict as an
> argument).

I think that only works in Python 3.x, in 2.x the __dict__ is always a 
regular dict no matter what you pass. At least for CPython. If there is 
a way to set the dict of a class to something other than a regular dict 
in CPython 2.x, I would be very pleased!

Steven D'Aprano

From Tobias.Herp at  Sun Apr 18 12:31:02 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 12:31:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
Message-ID: <>

Hi, all,

(I don't know whether the first attempt to post this went through; I
could'nt find it, so I retry.  My apologies for any inconvenience...)

I noticed that Python 2.7 beta 1 now contains the argparse module, which
might be a good thing.  The code has been cleaned up, too, compared to
the current version 1.1.

But there is still one issue with argparse; to tell the story from the

The ArgumentParser class uses uses '-v' as a default short option for
the 'tell me the program version' facility.  Since this is commonly used
for verbosity, and the vast majority of *X commandline tools use '-V'
instead (if they bother to accompany '--version' with a short option at
all).  Therefore I submitted an issue report at


To put it short:
*Argparse should simply do this like optparse does already.*
I.e., use '--version', '--help' and '-h' by default, but not '-v'.

Subsequently I spent a hard time arguing.
(Perhaps it was somewhat distracting that I proposed a way of postponing
the creation of the help and version options and to provide them with
the short options which are left unused e.g. for hosts (database
clients), human readability (ls, du, etc.) or verbosity; Steven had
stated it might break backward compatibility if the '-v' option string
for version output would be dropped which might be relied on by other
programs which parse the output.  IMO, however, anyone should be beaten
who relies on '-v' giving the version while '--version' has been present
all the time.  The Zen of Python, 2nd aphorism: "Explicit is better than

What happened was the following:
Completely unnecessarily, the 'version' constructor argument is now
deprecated.  This fact doesn't solve any problem I can think of; the
only effect is to make programming more cumbersome, and it is /one more/
difference to optparse.

The 'version' argument is a perfectly reasonable way to provide a script
with a simple version information feature.  Of course, it should only
define the '--version' argument; it *must not* define '-v' for this
purpose, since this is commonly used for verbosity, and '-V' is widely
used to accompany '--version'.  I have lots of scripts which use
optparse, and every single one uses the version argument.  I consider
this a matter of good style.

The deprecation of the 'version' argument press-gangs people to replace
it by
  parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
                      version='<the version>',    # the only common part
                      help="show program's version number and exit")
in every single script (which violates the DRY principle, by the way).

Of course, if a more fancy version information is needed, e.g. reporting
the versions of all imported modules, it is perfectly possible to just
omit the version argument during creation
and build a special 'version' action.  No deprecation warnings are
needed for this.

*Before Python 2.7 reaches productivity stage*, IMNSHO the following
changes should be applied to

- removal of the deprecation warnings
- removal of the default usage of '-v'
  with the version information facility

This is a very simple thing to do; I'd happily provide a patch.
(The only complicated task might be to make the unit tests reflect the
change;  but for a start, 7 lines of the test_main function could be

Just for the records, this is what optparse does:
- it defines -h and --help for the help (unless suppressed)
- it defines --version for the version (if version argument given)
This is how it should be (regarding the version, at least).
This is how the vast majority of *x tools looks like.
No reason to change this behaviour.

What do you think?


Cheers, Tobias

From ncoghlan at  Sun Apr 18 13:03:34 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:03:34 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tobias Herp wrote:
> *Before Python 2.7 reaches productivity stage*, IMNSHO the following
> changes should be applied to
> - removal of the deprecation warnings
> - removal of the default usage of '-v'
>   with the version information facility
> This is a very simple thing to do; I'd happily provide a patch.
> (The only complicated task might be to make the unit tests reflect the
> change;  but for a start, 7 lines of the test_main function could be
> dropped.)
> Just for the records, this is what optparse does:
> - it defines -h and --help for the help (unless suppressed)
> - it defines --version for the version (if version argument given)
> This is how it should be (regarding the version, at least).
> This is how the vast majority of *x tools looks like.
> No reason to change this behaviour.
> What do you think?

I can see Steven's argument from an argparse point of view, but I think
he is taking backwards compatibility to an unhealthy extreme.

Deprecating a perfectly valid option *just* because someone might be
relying on -v instead of -V as the shorthand for version? A phrase
involving babies and bathwater comes to mind...

I would be a lot happier if argparse as a standard library module just
followed optparse's lead here (i.e. defined '--version' only and punted
on the shorthand form).

To deal with this in a backwards compatible way while remaining on the
path to more conventional behaviour, I suggest the following:

1. For Python 2.7, deprecate *just* the "-v" default behaviour for the
version. This means "--version" and "-v" will be set to invoke different
actions when the version argument is supplied (the latter will trigger a
deprecation warning if supplied, while the former will work normally).

2. For Python 3.2, don't create the "-v" shorthand at all (i.e. only
create "--version").


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From george.sakkis at  Sun Apr 18 15:03:53 2010
From: george.sakkis at (George Sakkis)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 15:03:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Keyword-only arguments in 2.x
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

what's the status of backporting PEP 3102 ? It was supposed to go into
2.6 and it seems it won't be in 2.7 either. There is an updated patch
in the tracker [1] that applies cleanly on the latest trunk and passes
all relevant tests, so unless there has been a decision against
backporting it, would it be possible to push it for 2.7 ? I think this
is a very useful PEP and it would be great to have it in 2.x too.



From ben+python at  Sun Apr 18 15:16:55 2010
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:16:55 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> writes:

> I would be a lot happier if argparse as a standard library module just
> followed optparse's lead here (i.e. defined '--version' only and punted
> on the shorthand form).
> To deal with this in a backwards compatible way while remaining on the
> path to more conventional behaviour, I suggest the following:
> 1. For Python 2.7, deprecate *just* the "-v" default behaviour for the
> version. This means "--version" and "-v" will be set to invoke different
> actions when the version argument is supplied (the latter will trigger a
> deprecation warning if supplied, while the former will work normally).
> 2. For Python 3.2, don't create the "-v" shorthand at all (i.e. only
> create "--version").


As someone who uses the existing ?optparse? behaviour to implement a
number of Unix command-line programs, the above all makes more sense for
?argparse? in the standard library if we're expecting it to be a smooth

 \      ?Natural catastrophes are rare, but they come often enough. We |
  `\   need not force the hand of nature.? ?Carl Sagan, _Cosmos_, 1980 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

From Tobias.Herp at  Sun Apr 18 11:37:39 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 11:37:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
Message-ID: <>

Hi, all,

I noticed that Python 2.7 beta 1 now contains the argparse module, which
might be a good thing.  The code has been cleaned up, too, compared to
the current version 1.1.

But there is still one issue with argparse; to tell the story from the

The ArgumentParser class uses uses '-v' as a default short option for
the 'tell me the program version' facility.  Since this is commonly used
for verbosity, and the vast majority of *X commandline tools use '-V'
instead (if they bother to accompany '--version' with a short option at
all).  Therefore I submitted an issue report at


To put it short:
*Argparse should simply do this like optparse does already.*
I.e., use '--version', '--help' and '-h' by default, but not '-v'.

Subsequently I spent a hard time arguing.
(Perhaps it was somewhat distracting that I proposed a way of postponing
the creation of the help and version options and to provide them with
the short options which are left unused e.g. for hosts (database
clients), human readability (ls, du, etc.) or verbosity; Steven had
stated it might break backward compatibility if the '-v' option string
for version output would be dropped which might be relied on by other
programs which parse the output.  IMO, however, anyone should be beaten
who relies on '-v' giving the version while '--version' has been present
all the time.  The Zen of Python, 2nd aphorism: "Explicit is better than

What happened was the following:
Completely unnecessarily, the 'version' constructor argument is now
deprecated.  This fact doesn't solve any problem I can think of; the
only effect is to make programming more cumbersome, and it is /one more/
difference to optparse.

The 'version' argument is a perfectly reasonable way to provide a script
with a simple version information feature.  Of course, it should only
define the '--version' argument; it *must not* define '-v' for this
purpose, since this is commonly used for verbosity, and '-V' is widely
used to accompany '--version'.  I have lots of scripts which use
optparse, and every single one uses the version argument.  I consider
this a matter of good style.

The deprecation of the 'version' argument press-gangs people to replace
it by
  parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
                      version='<the version>',    # the only common part
                      help="show program's version number and exit")
in every single script (which violates the DRY principle, by the way).

Of course, if a more fancy version information is needed, e.g. reporting
the versions of all imported modules, it is perfectly possible to just
omit the version argument during creation
and build a special 'version' action.  No deprecation warnings are
needed for this.

*Before Python 2.7 reaches productivity stage*, IMNSHO the following
changes should be applied to

- removal of the deprecation warnings
- removal of the default usage of '-v'
  with the version information facility

This is a very simple thing to do; I'd happily provide a patch.
(The only complicated task might be to make the unit tests reflect the
change;  but for a start, 7 lines of the test_main function could be

Just for the records, this is what optparse does:
- it defines -h and --help for the help (unless suppressed)
- it defines --version for the version (if version argument given)
This is how it should be (regarding the version, at least).
This is how the vast majority of *x tools looks like.
No reason to change this behaviour.

What do you think?


Cheers, Tobias

From Tobias.Herp at  Sun Apr 18 15:51:00 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 15:51:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ben Finney schrieb:
> Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> writes:
>> I would be a lot happier if argparse as a standard library module just
>> followed optparse's lead here (i.e. defined '--version' only and punted
>> on the shorthand form).
>> To deal with this in a backwards compatible way while remaining on the
>> path to more conventional behaviour, I suggest the following:
>> 1. For Python 2.7, deprecate *just* the "-v" default behaviour for the
>> version. This means "--version" and "-v" will be set to invoke different
>> actions when the version argument is supplied (the latter will trigger a
>> deprecation warning if supplied, while the former will work normally).
>> 2. For Python 3.2, don't create the "-v" shorthand at all (i.e. only
>> create "--version").
> +1
> As someone who uses the existing ?optparse? behaviour to implement a
> number of Unix command-line programs, the above all makes more sense for
> ?argparse? in the standard library if we're expecting it to be a smooth
> upgrade.

Guys, thanks for your feedback.

Let me see; the suggestion involves the '-v' being set in Python 2.7 by
default, but to another action, which yields a DeprecationWarning /and/
performs the version action, right?

The drawback would be: The '-v' wouldn't be available for other uses.
But I use it all the time (for verbosity).

I don't see why we shouldn't drop the '-v' altogether; where Python
standard libraries are concerned, argparse is a new module, and no
compatibility can be broken; people will expect this to follow the
optparse habits.

Programs developed against former versions of argparse will continue to
work, too; there will just not be a (non-standard) short option
generated, but the long option '--version' will be still there.
Honestly, how frequently do you query program versions?

Unfortunately adding a new '-V' default action /could/ break existing
programs, since people might have worked around the former default; thus
we couldn't do this.

Let's get rid of the default '-v' /now/.  This is clean, this is easy,
it won't break anything (with the possible exception of "prog -v"
version output parsers who deserve no better), and we would be done with it.


From ronaldoussoren at  Sun Apr 18 16:13:39 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 16:13:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 Apr, 2010, at 23:37, Michael Foord wrote:

> On 14/04/2010 23:32, Greg Ewing wrote:
>> Michael Foord wrote:
>>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.
>> What's non-trivial about it? I usually find that the normal
>> "./configure; make; make install" sequence works fine without
>> any further intervention.
>> If you want a framework installation you have to read the
>> README and use a couple of extra options, but it still works
>> very smoothly.
> A build on my machine produces output similar to:
> Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
> _bsddb             dl                 gdbm
> imageop            linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev
> readline           spwd               sunaudiodev
> To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the module's name.
> Failed to build these modules:
> _tkinter
> Obviously many of those are not meant to be built and I usually build Python for running the test suite - so I don't care about not having Tkinter. A new user of Python would most certainly care about not having Tkinter.

What's the OS version? Do you have a copy of Tcl/Tk in /Library/Frameworks? 


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From ronaldoussoren at  Sun Apr 18 16:22:41 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 16:22:41 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15 Apr, 2010, at 0:12, Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:

> On Apr 14, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> I think you just need to supply to configure
>>> and have the appropriate SDK installed with Xcode.
>> Wouldn't that break 10.3 compatibility (seel below)?
> I was replying to your point about 10.4 build.
> Naturally, if you want a 10.3 build you'd pass 10.3 as the target and would have to have appropriate Xcode SDK installed.

You don't have to install an SDK to be able to build binaries that run on older versions. The reason the binary installer gets build with the 10.4u SDK is that the default compiler on OSX 10.4 cannot build universal binaries without that SDK.

>>>> Unfortunately, Apple manages to break compatibility and portability
>>>> with every release, which makes this particular build task soooo
>>>> tricky. You have to make all kinds of decisions and compromises
>>>> where are really difficult to keep track of.
>>> Hmm.  Apple provided compatibility SDK and documented it.
>>> The only compromise I see in this build process right now is that we
>>> are building a Panther (10.3) compatible installer, while Mac OS X is
>>> a certified UNIX starting with 10.5.
>> I think there are more issues. People want a fat binary that supports
>> AMD64 along with x86, yet building such a binary requires an SDK that
>> won't support PPC anymore - right?
> Yes.

No. It is possible to build a binary that supports ppc, ppc64, x86 and x86_64, and that's even possible using a single additional configure switch. That binary will require OSX 10.5 to run though due to using symbols that aren't available on earlier versions of OSX (thanks to the better UNIX API compatibility in 10.5).

PPC64 is not supported on OSX 10.6 though.

> x86_64, i386, and ppc are supported even in the Xcode supplied with the latest Mac OS X 10.6.  Only ppc64 is not.  So, ppc is not an issue.
> The problem is that enforcing backward compatibility with 10.3 and 10.4 makes 64-bit Intel architecture not feasible.
> You are right, it is a compromise.
> We are making more users happy by providing a 32-bit installer for a wider range of OS releases.
> However, if we want a more modern certified UNIX, 64-bit installer, then we'll have to draw a line and stop supporting older OS releases.
> Just as we stop supporting older releases of Python.

I want to provide 2 installers for Python 2.7 and 3.2:

1) The current 32-bit only installer that runs on OSX 10.3 or later

2) An installer that supports ppc, x86 and x86_64 and requires OSX 10.5 or later

The latter would be the one that most users would want to use. Note that the second installer does not support ppc64 and three reasons: (1) PPC64 is a dead end on OSX, (2) libffi has issues on darwin/ppc64 that probably affect ctypes and (3) I do not have regular access to ppc64 machines and can therefore not provide any support for that platform.


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From ronaldoussoren at  Sun Apr 18 16:25:19 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 16:25:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15 Apr, 2010, at 6:36, Martin v. L?wis wrote:

> Greg Ewing wrote:
>> Michael Foord wrote:
>>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
>>> installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all*
>>> the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
>>> task.
>> What's non-trivial about it? 
> Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
> other systems.

That *is* trivial: use Mac/BuildScript/ on OSX 10.5.  Making sure that unrelated changes don't accidently break the OSX build can be non-trivial though...

That doesn't work with the py3k trunk at the moment, I just noticed that framework builds are broken there. I've filed issue #8441 for that and am working on a fix.

> Regards,
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

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From techtonik at  Sun Apr 18 16:56:30 2010
From: techtonik at (anatoly techtonik)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:56:30 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Twisted folks will surely appreciate any help and may be able to
contribute back.

anatoly t.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Brian Curtin <brian.curtin at> wrote:
> Hi python-dev,
> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me of
> Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a connection
> with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC team provides
> Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source projects to assist them
> in better supporting Windows.
> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft folks,
> and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are interested
> in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list. I'll provide you with
> a code that you'll put into their site, then around a week later you should
> get your subscription.
> The snippet below is taken from prior correspondence with the OSTC team in
> regards to who can receive the licenses:
> """
> For the purposes of providing MSDN licenses to an open source development
> community, I consider anyone who writes, builds, tests or documents software
> to be a "developer who contributes" to the project. (In fact, having started
> out as a test engineer, I would take exception to anyone who claimed only
> people who write code are "developers" :-) We do ask that requests are for
> people who are active contributors and not just minor/occasional
> participants.
> """
> If this applies to you and you are interested, let me know.
> Brian Curtin
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

From martin at  Sun Apr 18 17:15:29 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:15:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Keyword-only arguments in 2.x
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> what's the status of backporting PEP 3102 ? 

It looks like it won't happen.

> It was supposed to go into
> 2.6 and it seems it won't be in 2.7 either. 

Correct - and therefore, it won't be backported at all.

> There is an updated patch
> in the tracker [1] that applies cleanly on the latest trunk and passes
> all relevant tests, so unless there has been a decision against
> backporting it, would it be possible to push it for 2.7 ?

No - 2.7 has already seen its first beta release, so no new features are
acceptable (except by release manager decision or BDFL pronouncement).


From exarkun at  Sun Apr 18 17:16:52 2010
From: exarkun at (exarkun at
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 15:16:52 -0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100418151652.2682.989910686.divmod.xquotient.4@localhost.localdomain>

On 02:56 pm, techtonik at wrote:
>Twisted folks will surely appreciate any help and may be able to
>contribute back.

Extra Windows and VS licenses would certainly be helpful for Twisted 
development, and might lead indirectly to CPython/Windows improvements. 
Is this the kind of use for which it is appropriate to request an MSDN 
license via the PSF?


From martin at  Sun Apr 18 17:17:31 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:17:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> On 15 Apr, 2010, at 6:36, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>> Michael Foord wrote:
>>>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
>>>> installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all*
>>>> the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
>>>> task.
>>> What's non-trivial about it? 
>> Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
>> other systems.
> That *is* trivial: use Mac/BuildScript/ on OSX 10.5. 

Hmm. When I tried it (on some 2.5 release), it took me two days until it
produced something.


From ronaldoussoren at  Sun Apr 18 17:19:15 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:19:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18 Apr, 2010, at 17:17, Martin v. L?wis wrote:

> Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> On 15 Apr, 2010, at 6:36, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>>> Michael Foord wrote:
>>>>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be
>>>>> installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all*
>>>>> the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial
>>>>> task.
>>>> What's non-trivial about it? 
>>> Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
>>> other systems.
>> That *is* trivial: use Mac/BuildScript/ on OSX 10.5. 
> Hmm. When I tried it (on some 2.5 release), it took me two days until it
> produced something.

It should be much improved in 2.6 and later, please file a bug if it doesn't work for you.

> Regards,
> Martin

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From martin at  Sun Apr 18 17:20:41 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:20:41 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> We can certainly start by just trying to automate the execution of
> build-installer, something I suspect can be completely controlled from
> the master side, and then uploading the resulting dmg file.  I'd be
> happy to help coordinate any experiments offline if you're interested.


> I do currently have a DMG built for 2.7 Beta 1, if it would be useful.

As I said before: if you would plan to do this on a regular basis, for
all upcoming releases, that would certainly be a good thing.

Having just a single DMG file for some beta release doesn't really help,
as testing results for that binary might not transfer to the next one
(if the next one comes from a different environment again).


From ronaldoussoren at  Sun Apr 18 17:50:18 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:50:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X))
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18 Apr, 2010, at 17:20, Martin v. L?wis wrote:

>> We can certainly start by just trying to automate the execution of
>> build-installer, something I suspect can be completely controlled from
>> the master side, and then uploading the resulting dmg file.  I'd be
>> happy to help coordinate any experiments offline if you're interested.
> Sure!
>> I do currently have a DMG built for 2.7 Beta 1, if it would be useful.
> As I said before: if you would plan to do this on a regular basis, for
> all upcoming releases, that would certainly be a good thing.
> Having just a single DMG file for some beta release doesn't really help,
> as testing results for that binary might not transfer to the next one
> (if the next one comes from a different environment again).

I will provide installers for 2.7 starting from beta2,


> Regards,
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

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From brian.curtin at  Sun Apr 18 19:37:49 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 12:37:49 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <20100418151652.2682.989910686.divmod.xquotient.4@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 10:16, <exarkun at> wrote:

> On 02:56 pm, techtonik at wrote:
>> Twisted folks will surely appreciate any help and may be able to
>> contribute back.
> Extra Windows and VS licenses would certainly be helpful for Twisted
> development, and might lead indirectly to CPython/Windows improvements. Is
> this the kind of use for which it is appropriate to request an MSDN license
> via the PSF?
> Jean-Paul

To my knowledge, no. I'm only handling PSF-specific subscriptions so I
wouldn't be comfortable giving them out for developers of Twisted or any
other project. However, I would encourage those projects to contact the OSTC
directly to start up a relationship.

Since you are active and fit the criteria for CPython, I can give you a
subscription and I know of no restrictions on what it's used for outside of

-------------- next part --------------
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From florent.xicluna at  Sun Apr 18 20:07:12 2010
From: florent.xicluna at (Florent Xicluna)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 20:07:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bbreport
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Does it really need trunk? ?I've been running it under 2.6 without
> problems, but I probably haven't explored all the options fully.

Now it works on 2.6 (or 2.5+pysqlite).



From steven.bethard at  Sun Apr 18 21:33:28 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 12:33:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:31 AM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
> To put it short:
> *Argparse should simply do this like optparse does already.*
> I.e., use '--version', '--help' and '-h' by default, but not '-v'.
> What happened was the following:
> Completely unnecessarily, the 'version' constructor argument is now
> deprecated.
> The deprecation of the 'version' argument press-gangs people to replace
> it by
> ?parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?version='<the version>', ? ?# the only common part
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?help="show program's version number and exit")

What Tobias has conveniently omitted is that there was not much
agreement on what the default behavior of the version flag should be.
Things that were proposed:

* Use both -v and --version
* Use both -V and --version
* Use just --version
* Print out just the version string
* Print out program name with the version string

I put up a poll and asked people for feedback on some of the alternatives:

And it was far from a consensus. Given the lack of consensus, the many
different options people thought were the "right" way to do things,
and the fact that the action='version' approach allows people to
customize the flags to whatever they want, I stick by my decision to
deprecate the constructor argument and redirect people to the more
flexible add_argument approach. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the
temptation to guess.

In general, I should say that I'm not opposed to changing the behavior
in Python trunk, even if it causes a bit of backwards incompatibility.
But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
I have not seen that.

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From steven.bethard at  Sun Apr 18 21:38:10 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 12:38:10 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 4:03 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> To deal with this in a backwards compatible way while remaining on the
> path to more conventional behaviour, I suggest the following:
> 1. For Python 2.7, deprecate *just* the "-v" default behaviour for the
> version. This means "--version" and "-v" will be set to invoke different
> actions when the version argument is supplied (the latter will trigger a
> deprecation warning if supplied, while the former will work normally).

It's not clear how you would do this. If you can suggest a patch, I'd
be happy to consider it. However, and the moment, you get "-v" and
"--version" by simply specifying ArgumentParser(..., version="XXX").
So how do you deprecate just the "-v"?

All I can imagine you mean is to issue a deprecation warning whenever
a user of the script provides "-v" at the command line, but that seems
sketchy to me - we'd be deprecating features of someone's
*application*, not features of the argparse *library*.

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From at  Sun Apr 18 22:55:13 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 16:55:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X))
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> writes:

>> I do currently have a DMG built for 2.7 Beta 1, if it would be useful.
> As I said before: if you would plan to do this on a regular basis, for
> all upcoming releases, that would certainly be a good thing.

No argument - just figured I'd offer to get past the near term
resource issue, presuming that having a beta installer available is
better than not, even with some build-environment difference risk.

I could probably commit to a longer term too, but it sounds like
Ronald is still on board for that.  I've also been a little hesitant
since there's clearly a lot of effort that has been put into the Mac
build stuff and I didn't want to be the inexperienced bull in the
china shop compared to those who have been doing it for a while.

I'm happy to stick with the buildbot side of things for now, and
remain willing to assist in any changes to better match the buildbot
builds to the final distribution process for more aligned testing.

-- David

From at  Sun Apr 18 23:15:18 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:15:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at> writes:

> On 18 Apr, 2010, at 17:17, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>>> That *is* trivial: use Mac/BuildScript/ on OSX 10.5. 
>> Hmm. When I tried it (on some 2.5 release), it took me two days until it
>> produced something.
> It should be much improved in 2.6 and later, please file a bug if it
> doesn't work for you.

For what it's worth, the trunk currently takes ~25 minutes on my
relatively modest Mini, when run in parallel with some buildbot stuff,
and with third-party sources already downloaded.  More or less evenly
split among third-party packages, the interpreter itself, and then
docs/framework/disk image creation.

-- David

From Tobias.Herp at  Sun Apr 18 23:35:06 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:35:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard schrieb:
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:31 AM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
>> To put it short:
>> *Argparse should simply do this like optparse does already.*
>> I.e., use '--version', '--help' and '-h' by default, but not '-v'.
> [snip]
>> What happened was the following:
>> Completely unnecessarily, the 'version' constructor argument is now
>> deprecated.
> [snip]
>> The deprecation of the 'version' argument press-gangs people to replace
>> it by
>>  parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
>>                      version='<the version>',    # the only common part
>>                      help="show program's version number and exit")
> What Tobias has conveniently omitted is that there was not much
> agreement on what the default behavior of the version flag should be.

Well, the mail was quite long already, and the issue-tracker issue was

> Things that were proposed:
> * Use both -v and --version

This is very unusual. I don't know of a single example other than
existing argparse.  Incompatible to existing optparse usage.

> * Use both -V and --version

A very common combination; many programs which support --version
accompany it with -V.
However, if we'd add '-V' to the default option strings, we would likely
break existing programs which worked around the so-far default.

> * Use just --version

IMO the only way, and the way optparse does it.

> * Print out just the version string
> * Print out program name with the version string

If this is an issue:  With optparse, the version argument value is
printed, which is often something like '%prog '+VERSION
(for argparse, '%(prog)s '+VERSION or '%%(prog)s %s' % VERSION).
This way, the decision is left to the programmer.
Completely agreeable, as far as I'm concerned.

> I put up a poll [...]
> Given the lack of consensus, the many
> different options people thought were the "right" way to do things,
> and the fact that the action='version' approach allows people to
> customize the flags to whatever they want, I stick by my decision to
> deprecate the constructor argument ...

A. Very. Bad. Idea.

> ... and redirect people to the more flexible add_argument approach.

It is ok to /allow/ people to customize the flags to whatever they want.
It is /not/ ok to /force/ them to do so, if there is a perfectly
reasonable solution which allows them to stick with their habits.
And there is one: drop the '-v' default.  The only way (see above).

> In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

No guessing is needed (and the ZoP aphorism is not applicable here: this
is not about guessing what the user might have meant.  Besides, if the
user specifies '--version', [s]he /very/ likely wants some info about
the program version; giving '-v' can have been done looking forward to
--verbose output (ok, nothing bad will happen, but it mismatches user

> In general, I should say that I'm not opposed to changing the behavior
> in Python trunk, even if it causes a bit of backwards incompatibility.

A /very little/ bit.
When fetching stdout to get the program version, it is much more
reasonable to rely on '--version' than on '-v'.  This is /the/ option
string which is best supported by far.

> But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
> I have not seen that.

We'll have one ;-)


From Tobias.Herp at  Sun Apr 18 23:48:55 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:48:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard schrieb:
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 4:03 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> To deal with this in a backwards compatible way while remaining on the
>> path to more conventional behaviour, I suggest the following:
>> 1. For Python 2.7, deprecate *just* the "-v" default behaviour for the
>> version. This means "--version" and "-v" will be set to invoke different
>> actions when the version argument is supplied (the latter will trigger a
>> deprecation warning if supplied, while the former will work normally).
> [...]
> All I can imagine you mean is to issue a deprecation warning whenever
> a user of the script provides "-v" at the command line, but that seems
> sketchy to me - we'd be deprecating features of someone's
> *application*, not features of the argparse *library*.

It would raise warnings when the option is /used/ (rather than defined;
such warnings address programmers, though), and it wouldn't free '-v'
for other uses.

I agree that this would be more complicated than necessary.
It would be better to just drop the default usage of '-v'.
This way we wouldn't need a deprecation procedure either.


From victor.stinner at  Sun Apr 18 23:57:03 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:57:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bbreport
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le samedi 17 avril 2010 20:41:10, Victor Stinner a ?crit :
> Ezio and Florent are developing a tool called bbreport to collect buildbot
> results and generate short reports to the command line. (...)

I realized that most issues come from Windows and Mac. Can't we just turn off 
these buildbots?

Victor Stinner

From steven.bethard at  Mon Apr 19 00:46:00 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 15:46:00 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:31 AM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
>>> *Argparse should simply do this like optparse does already.*
>>> I.e., use '--version', '--help' and '-h' by default, but not '-v'.
>> [snip]
>>> The deprecation of the 'version' argument press-gangs people to replace
>>> it by
>>> ?parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?version='<the version>', ? ?# the only common part
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?help="show program's version number and exit")
>> What Tobias has conveniently omitted is that there was not much
>> agreement on what the default behavior of the version flag should be.
[snip a bunch of Tobias's opinions on what the default should be]
>> But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
>> I have not seen that.
> We'll have one ;-)

I hope you can understand that I don't consider your personal opinion
alone as a consensus. As I said, I'm willing to change the defaults
and even break backwards compatibility a bit in Python trunk[1] but I
need to a see a consensus from a variety of developers that
"--version" is the right answer, and not "-V/--version", etc. Note
that even though I agree with you that "-v/--version" is probably not
the best choice, in the poll[2] 11% of people still wanted this. So
it's not a simple decision.

By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
"show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
'version' action. Then you should just write:

    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')


[1] Assuming the release manager will allow it.
Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From solipsis at  Mon Apr 19 00:52:12 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 22:52:12 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
> I
> need to a see a consensus from a variety of developers that
> "--version" is the right answer, and not "-V/--version", etc.

Both are ok for me. "-v" as a shortcut for "--version" looks wrong, though. "-v"
is almost always used for verbosity these days.

> Note
> that even though I agree with you that "-v/--version" is probably not
> the best choice, in the poll[2] 11% of people still wanted this.

This strikes me as a small minority.



From ncoghlan at  Mon Apr 19 00:57:24 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 08:57:24 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>     parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')

With that change, I would have no problem with the current argparse
behaviour (since doing it this way makes it very easy for people to add
a "-V" shortcut if they want one).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr 19 00:57:54 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 00:57:54 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 19/04/2010 00:52, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Steven Bethard<steven.bethard<at>>  writes:
>> I
>> need to a see a consensus from a variety of developers that
>> "--version" is the right answer, and not "-V/--version", etc.
> Both are ok for me. "-v" as a shortcut for "--version" looks wrong, though. "-v"
> is almost always used for verbosity these days.
Adding -V *could* be incompatible with existing users using it for 
something else. A default '--version' seems like a sensible solution to me.


>> Note
>> that even though I agree with you that "-v/--version" is probably not
>> the best choice, in the poll[2] 11% of people still wanted this.
> This strikes me as a small minority.
> Regards
> Antoine.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


From ncoghlan at  Mon Apr 19 01:04:27 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:04:27 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] bbreport
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Stinner wrote:
> Le samedi 17 avril 2010 20:41:10, Victor Stinner a ?crit :
>> Ezio and Florent are developing a tool called bbreport to collect buildbot
>> results and generate short reports to the command line. (...)
> I realized that most issues come from Windows and Mac. Can't we just turn off 
> these buildbots?


Remember there's no tone of voice in email... smileys matter when joking :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From steven.bethard at  Mon Apr 19 01:22:12 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 16:22:12 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>> ? ? parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
> With that change, I would have no problem with the current argparse
> behaviour (since doing it this way makes it very easy for people to add
> a "-V" shortcut if they want one).

Probably this should happen regardless of the outcome of the
constructor argument. The only reason it wasn't already there is that
I hadn't thought of it. ;-)

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From steven.bethard at  Mon Apr 19 01:24:59 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 16:24:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
>> Note
>> that even though I agree with you that "-v/--version" is probably not
>> the best choice, in the poll[2] 11% of people still wanted this.
> This strikes me as a small minority.

Agreed, but it's also the current behavior, and has been since the
beginning of argparse. Note that no one complained about it until
Tobias filed the issue in Nov 06, 2009.

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From eric at  Mon Apr 19 01:30:07 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 19:30:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>     parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')

I like this the best. I don't like argparse adding arguments for me.


From ncoghlan at  Mon Apr 19 01:35:41 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:35:41 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> Steven Bethard wrote:
>>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>>>     parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
>> With that change, I would have no problem with the current argparse
>> behaviour (since doing it this way makes it very easy for people to add
>> a "-V" shortcut if they want one).
> Probably this should happen regardless of the outcome of the
> constructor argument. The only reason it wasn't already there is that
> I hadn't thought of it. ;-)

Crazy thought... would it make sense to have the following implicitly
use "--version" as the option flag:

  parser.add_argument(action='version', version='<details>')

There are two things about the explicit '--version' that bother me:
1. It reduces the automatic provision of "standard" option spellings
2. The repetition in reading/writing 'version' 3 times is kind of annoying

(Probably a bad idea, since adding "-V" would mean having to add
"--version" as well, but figured it was worth mentioning).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From Tobias.Herp at  Mon Apr 19 02:07:35 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 02:07:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Eric Smith schrieb:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>>     parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the
>> version>')
> I like this the best. I don't like argparse adding arguments for me.

There is no reason why you shouldn't get it.  You could always (and with
optparse as well as argparse) omit the version argument and build or
build not the version argument yourself.

Or a special add_version_option (hey, it's really an /option/) or
add_version_argument method, which would work without if statements and
could be overridden in subclasses.

But note that
- many optparse programs use the version argument
- many other programmers find this feature very convenient
- dropping or deprecating this is a totally unnecessary change
  (I have not read a single real reason /why/ this should be done).


From Tobias.Herp at  Mon Apr 19 02:09:47 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 02:09:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard schrieb:
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
>> Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
>>> Note
>>> that even though I agree with you that "-v/--version" is probably not
>>> the best choice, in the poll[2] 11% of people still wanted this.
>> This strikes me as a small minority.
> Agreed, but it's also the current behavior, ...

The current /broken, non-standard/ behaviour.

For keeping a current status quo, this is an even worse poll.  Very
likely some of these voted for this choice because they were afraid of
changes (unnecessarily, as explained before).

> ... and has been since the beginning of argparse.

It's not my fault that in the beginning apparently nobody cared about
existing conventions.

> Note that no one complained about it until
> Tobias filed the issue in Nov 06, 2009.

This is not an argument at all.

I have collected lots of examples of widely used programs and their
options. The only example of '-v', '--verbose' is argparse.
It is vital we meet user expectations, and that we support developers in
producing programs that do so.


From Tobias.Herp at  Mon Apr 19 03:02:32 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 03:02:32 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Steven Bethard schrieb:
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
>> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:31 AM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
>>>> *Argparse should simply do this like optparse does already.*
>>>> I.e., use '--version', '--help' and '-h' by default, but not '-v'.
>>> [snip]
>>>> The deprecation of the 'version' argument press-gangs people to replace
>>>> it by
>>>>  parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
>>>>                      version='<the version>',    # the only common part
>>>>                      help="show program's version number and exit")
>>> What Tobias has conveniently omitted is that there was not much
>>> agreement on what the default behavior of the version flag should be.
> [snip a bunch of Tobias's opinions on what the default should be]
>>> But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
>>> I have not seen that.
>> We'll have one ;-)
> I hope you can understand that I don't consider your personal opinion
> alone as a consensus.

Be careful.  There have been other personal opinions, and there are very
many *X programs which form a standard which should be followed, and
this is a /very strong/ argument, IMO.

What you conveniently omitted is that I collected a lot of examples and
commented the choices (part of which were part of your poll).
Unfortunately you completely ignored these very prosaic arguments.

By the way, I just had a look at your poll (currently 81 votes).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but...
- AFAICS, you didn't provide your audience with any background
  information, e.g.
  - how optparse does it (and migration should be as easy as possible,
  - the existing de-facto standard "--version [-V]"
- the choice which reflects my proposal got the most votes
  (46.9% currently)
- 42.0% voted for dropping the version argument, which is a minority
  (bzw., do you really think the 46.9%
  would like the version argument to be deprecated?!)
  which apparently didn't consider the optparse migration/analogy issue.

Furthermore, nobody who dislikes the version feature is forced to use it.
If 60% had voted for removal of a feature which is important and
convenient for 40%, would you remove it?  Really?
IMO, removal of a feature which is used by 40% is out of the question;
and if removal is, deprecation is as well.

Back to the actual numbers: dropping the argument is impossible (/and so
is deprecation/); drop the 42.0%.
Take the remaining numbers: 46.9% voted for the change, and 11.1%
against it.

Do you take your own poll seriously?


From ncoghlan at  Mon Apr 19 03:40:53 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:40:53 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Tobias Herp wrote:
> Be careful.  There have been other personal opinions, and there are very
> many *X programs which form a standard which should be followed, and
> this is a /very strong/ argument, IMO.

If the "version=" argument were to only provide "--version", how would
you conveniently add a "-V" shorthand?

This is trivial with the add_argument approach, but less straightforward
with a "version=" argument to the parser constructor.

People that want "-v" to mean verbosity in 2.x can also trivially pass
"conflict_handler='resolve'" to override the implicitly created version

Would it be more convenient if argparse had never deviated from the GNU
and optparse command line conventions in this respect? Sure it would be.
But given that it did, a 'version' action that makes it trivial to
choose the details of your version flags is a decent alternative
approach to a now-ambiguous version argument to the parser constructor
(especially once the default help string for the option is added).

Note there are two changes I believe should be made to the argparse
documentation for 2.7 though:
- the '--version' example should either not use a shorthand, or should
use the conventional '-V'
- this issue needs to be mentioned in the section on migrating from


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From cs at  Mon Apr 19 03:41:08 2010
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:41:08 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18Apr2010 22:52, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
| Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
| > I
| > need to a see a consensus from a variety of developers that
| > "--version" is the right answer, and not "-V/--version", etc.
| Both are ok for me. "-v" as a shortcut for "--version" looks wrong, though.
| "-v" is almost always used for verbosity these days.

My view is the same.
Cameron Simpson <cs at> DoD#743

By dint of railing at idiots one runs the risk of becoming idiotic oneself.
        - Gustave Flaubert

From steve at  Mon Apr 19 03:44:54 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:44:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Tobias Herp wrote:
> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
>>> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:31 AM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
>>>>> *Argparse should simply do this like optparse does already.*
>>>>> I.e., use '--version', '--help' and '-h' by default, but not '-v'.
>>>> [snip]
>>>>> The deprecation of the 'version' argument press-gangs people to replace
>>>>> it by
>>>>>  parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
>>>>>                      version='<the version>',    # the only common part
>>>>>                      help="show program's version number and exit")
>>>> What Tobias has conveniently omitted is that there was not much
>>>> agreement on what the default behavior of the version flag should be.
>> [snip a bunch of Tobias's opinions on what the default should be]
>>>> But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
>>>> I have not seen that.
>>> We'll have one ;-)
>> I hope you can understand that I don't consider your personal opinion
>> alone as a consensus.
> Be careful.  There have been other personal opinions, and there are very
> many *X programs which form a standard which should be followed, and
> this is a /very strong/ argument, IMO.
> What you conveniently omitted is that I collected a lot of examples and
> commented the choices (part of which were part of your poll).
> Unfortunately you completely ignored these very prosaic arguments.
> By the way, I just had a look at your poll (currently 81 votes).
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but...
> - AFAICS, you didn't provide your audience with any background
>   information, e.g.
>   - how optparse does it (and migration should be as easy as possible,
>     right?)
>   - the existing de-facto standard "--version [-V]"
> - the choice which reflects my proposal got the most votes
>   (46.9% currently)
> - 42.0% voted for dropping the version argument, which is a minority
>   (bzw., do you really think the 46.9%
>   would like the version argument to be deprecated?!)
>   which apparently didn't consider the optparse migration/analogy issue.
> Furthermore, nobody who dislikes the version feature is forced to use it.
> If 60% had voted for removal of a feature which is important and
> convenient for 40%, would you remove it?  Really?
> IMO, removal of a feature which is used by 40% is out of the question;
> and if removal is, deprecation is as well.
> Back to the actual numbers: dropping the argument is impossible (/and so
> is deprecation/); drop the 42.0%.
> Take the remaining numbers: 46.9% voted for the change, and 11.1%
> against it.
> Do you take your own poll seriously?
When was this ever a democracy?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From ianb at  Mon Apr 19 04:02:17 2010
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:02:17 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 6:24 PM, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at>wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at>
> wrote:
> > Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
> >> Note
> >> that even though I agree with you that "-v/--version" is probably not
> >> the best choice, in the poll[2] 11% of people still wanted this.
> >
> > This strikes me as a small minority.
> Agreed, but it's also the current behavior, and has been since the
> beginning of argparse. Note that no one complained about it until
> Tobias filed the issue in Nov 06, 2009.

I encountered this problem within minutes of first using argparse.  Of
course I'm very familiar with optparse and the standard optparse
instantiation flies off my fingers without thinking.  But then there's going
to be a lot more people with that background using argparse once it is in
the standard library -- people who don't really care about argparse or
optparse but just want to use the standard thing.  I don't see any reason
why argparse can't simply do exactly what optparse did.  There's nothing
wrong with it.  It's what many people expect.  We should just defer to
tradition when the choice isn't important (it's getting to be a very bike
shed thread).

Somewhat relatedly, what is the plan for past and future argparse releases?
Michael Foord for instance is releasing unittest improvements in parallel
under the name unittest2.  I believe there is strong disfavor with releasing
packages that overlap with the standard library, so continuing to release
argparse under the name argparse will cause problems.  I would hate to see
release complications or confusions keep argparse from seeing future

Ian Bicking  |
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From barry at  Mon Apr 19 04:19:46 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 22:19:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100418221946.39d6160c@heresy>

On Apr 18, 2010, at 07:30 PM, Eric Smith wrote:

>Steven Bethard wrote:
>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>>     parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
>I like this the best. I don't like argparse adding arguments for me.

I concur.  This gives me all the flexibility I need to make my programs accept
exactly the arguments I want and print exactly the information I want to

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From ben+python at  Mon Apr 19 04:38:21 2010
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:38:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> writes:

> Steven Bethard schrieb:
> > On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> >> Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
> >>> Note that even though I agree with you that "-v/--version" is
> >>> probably not the best choice, in the poll[2] 11% of people still
> >>> wanted this.
> >>
> >> This strikes me as a small minority.
> > 
> > Agreed, but it's also the current behavior, ...
> The current /broken, non-standard/ behaviour.

I think that is overstating your case.

Steven is pointing out the fact that ?default to ?-v? and ?--version??
is the current behaviour for argparse. It's also a fact that argparse,
as a third-party library, has an existing user base, and changing this
behaviour incompatibly is not something to do lightly.

To call this behaviour ?broken? is a stretch too far, IMO. It does break
compatibility with optparse, but it's not *inherently* broken as the
above would imply.

Nor is there really a standard for this behaviour to be measured
?non-standard?. At best, there is a strong convention among Unix
command-line programs of ?--version? for a version action and ?-v? for
enabling verbose output. But that convention is not normative, so it's
too much to call it a standard IMO.

> I have collected lots of examples of widely used programs and their
> options. The only example of '-v', '--verbose' is argparse.

I'm not sure what programs you're talking about (argparse is a library,
not a program that can be run by itself), but in a brief search of my
system I've found several programs that use ?-v? for a version action,
including among others:

* Info-ZIP's ?zip? and ?unzip?
* GNU ?fdisk?
* Vim's ?xxd?
* W3C's ?tidy?

These are certainly widely deployed, although they may not be widely

I do agree that such programs are a small minority, but it's overstating
your case to call them ?non-standard?, since there's no standard for
this, or ?broken?, since they demonstrably work fine. Rather, they buck
what is certainly a firm convention to avoid ?-v? for a version option.

I'm certainly in favour of preserving that convention by avoiding use of
?-v? for version. I would rather, though, that the discussion remain
aware of facts and not descend into hyperbole.

 \        ?Perchance you who pronounce my sentence are in greater fear |
  `\   than I who receive it.? ?Giordano Bruno, burned at the stake by |
_o__)  the Catholic church for the heresy of heliocentrism, 1600-02-16 |
Ben Finney

From steve at  Mon Apr 19 05:34:51 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:34:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 18Apr2010 22:52, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> | Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
> | > I
> | > need to a see a consensus from a variety of developers that
> | > "--version" is the right answer, and not "-V/--version", etc.
> | 
> | Both are ok for me. "-v" as a shortcut for "--version" looks wrong, though.
> | "-v" is almost always used for verbosity these days.
> My view is the same.

I don't expect -v to be one or the other, and I certainly don't expect
the rest of the world to want to confirm to what the Python community

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Mon Apr 19 05:34:51 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:34:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 18Apr2010 22:52, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> | Steven Bethard <steven.bethard <at>> writes:
> | > I
> | > need to a see a consensus from a variety of developers that
> | > "--version" is the right answer, and not "-V/--version", etc.
> | 
> | Both are ok for me. "-v" as a shortcut for "--version" looks wrong, though.
> | "-v" is almost always used for verbosity these days.
> My view is the same.

I don't expect -v to be one or the other, and I certainly don't expect
the rest of the world to want to confirm to what the Python community

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From rrr at  Mon Apr 19 05:44:29 2010
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 22:44:29 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hqgjiv$tm1$>

On 04/18/2010 05:57 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>>      parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
> With that change, I would have no problem with the current argparse
> behaviour (since doing it this way makes it very easy for people to add
> a "-V" shortcut if they want one).

+1   This sounds good to me also.

Note that the python interpreter uses -V and --version.

ra at Gutsy:~$ python3.1 -V
Python 3.1.2
ra at Gutsy:~$ python3.1 --version
Python 3.1.2

And -v is used as follows:

-v     : verbose (trace import statements); also PYTHONVERBOSE=x
          can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity


From rrr at  Mon Apr 19 06:05:41 2010
From: rrr at (Ron Adam)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:05:41 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>		<>		<>	<>
Message-ID: <hqgkqm$ep$>

On 04/18/2010 06:35 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Nick Coghlan<ncoghlan at>  wrote:
>>> Steven Bethard wrote:
>>>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>>>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>>>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>>>>      parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
>>> With that change, I would have no problem with the current argparse
>>> behaviour (since doing it this way makes it very easy for people to add
>>> a "-V" shortcut if they want one).
>> Probably this should happen regardless of the outcome of the
>> constructor argument. The only reason it wasn't already there is that
>> I hadn't thought of it. ;-)
> Crazy thought... would it make sense to have the following implicitly
> use "--version" as the option flag:
>    parser.add_argument(action='version', version='<details>')
> There are two things about the explicit '--version' that bother me:
> 1. It reduces the automatic provision of "standard" option spellings

I think any non standard spellings will either be on purpose or be caught 
fairly quickly.  And in either case I can't imagine it having an impact on 
the rest of the program, so I wouldn't worry about this too much.

> 2. The repetition in reading/writing 'version' 3 times is kind of annoying

Ahh, but it isn't the same exact 'version' each time.  One is an input 
specifier string, one is an action key, and the last is a value name.

> (Probably a bad idea, since adding "-V" would mean having to add
> "--version" as well, but figured it was worth mentioning).

I agree. Even though it may seem redundant when writing it, it's both clear 
and explicit when reading it even if you aren't very familiar with how 
argparse works, or have just returned from a really long and fun vacation. ;-)


From martin at  Mon Apr 19 06:21:55 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 06:21:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> - many optparse programs use the version argument
> - many other programmers find this feature very convenient
> - dropping or deprecating this is a totally unnecessary change
>   (I have not read a single real reason /why/ this should be done).

You actually brought up a good reason yourself:

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

If you ask "give me a version argument", the question is "how is it
spelled?". IIUC, you originally complained that the spelling of argparse
(i.e. -v/--version) is not good, and that a different spelling should be
used. So it's ambiguous, in which case the feature shouldn't be provided
in the first place.


From steven.bethard at  Mon Apr 19 06:22:06 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:22:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>>> Steven Bethard wrote:
>>>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>>>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>>>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>>>> ? ? parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
>>> With that change, I would have no problem with the current argparse
>>> behaviour (since doing it this way makes it very easy for people to add
>>> a "-V" shortcut if they want one).
>> Probably this should happen regardless of the outcome of the
>> constructor argument. The only reason it wasn't already there is that
>> I hadn't thought of it. ;-)
> Crazy thought... would it make sense to have the following implicitly
> use "--version" as the option flag:
> ?parser.add_argument(action='version', version='<details>')

It would be possible, but not simple. The main drawback is that it
would have to be done in the parser code, and not in the VersionAction
class where all the other version behavior is. I think it's not a huge
gain over supplying the option strings, particularly if you're
following, say, the Python executable conventions:

  parser.add_argument('-V', action='version', version='<details>')

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From steven.bethard at  Mon Apr 19 06:40:45 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:40:45 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Note there are two changes I believe should be made to the argparse
> documentation for 2.7 though:
> - the '--version' example should either not use a shorthand, or should
> use the conventional '-V'
> - this issue needs to be mentioned in the section on migrating from
> optparse.

Thanks for pointing these out. I'll make a note to fix these when I
fix the default help value.

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From steven.bethard at  Mon Apr 19 06:42:53 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:42:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Ian Bicking <ianb at> wrote:
> Somewhat relatedly, what is the plan for past and future argparse releases?

I currently don't have any plans to make releases outside of the main
Python releases. Perhaps if there's great demand for it, I'll
reconsider, but as it is, I haven't had as much time as I would like
for argparse, and managing two different types of releases is probably
unrealistic for me at the moment.

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From jafo at  Mon Apr 19 07:54:36 2010
From: jafo at (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:54:36 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Bug? syslog.openlog using ident "python" by
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

I've implemented this and put the patch in Issue8451:

I'm happy with how it is now, including documentation, but would like some

Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <jafo at>, ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995: Ask me about High Availability

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From victor.stinner at  Mon Apr 19 11:33:58 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:33:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
Message-ID: <>


I'm working on surrogates in filenames on Linux (more generally on BSD and 
UNIX OS) to support undecodable filenames, see PEP 383. Amaury told me that I 
only fixed the non-Windows versions (I fixed subprocess about the current 
directory and _ctypes.dlopen()), but it doesn't work on Windows.

It's a choice, I didn't want to patch Windows because I know that Windows use 
unicode internally. I consider that developers using Python3 should use 
unicode on Windows, and byte or unicode+surrogates on other OS.

I don't know well Windows API, and so I would like your opinion about that ;-)

Victor Stinner

From victor.stinner at  Mon Apr 19 12:17:16 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:17:16 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le lundi 19 avril 2010 11:33:58, Victor Stinner a ?crit :
> I'm working on surrogates in filenames on Linux (...)

Related issues:

#8391: os.execvpe() doesn't support surrogates in env
#8393: subprocess: support undecodable current working directory on POSIX OS
#8394: ctypes.dlopen() doesn't support surrogates
#8412: os.system() doesn't support surrogates nor bytes

I fixed the 3 last issues (#8393, #8394, #8412) for non-Windows OS.

Victor Stinner

From solipsis at  Mon Apr 19 12:47:00 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 10:47:00 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
References: <>
Message-ID: <hqhcb4$5vt$>

Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit?:
> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.

Does it include a license for Windows itself?
Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
If so, I'm interested.



From solipsis at  Mon Apr 19 13:07:05 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:07:05 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Stinner <victor.stinner <at>> writes:
> It's a choice, I didn't want to patch Windows because I know that Windows use 
> unicode internally. I consider that developers using Python3 should use 
> unicode on Windows, and byte or unicode+surrogates on other OS.

I think both possibilities should be available on all OSes, so as to make it
easier to write cross-platform code. Having to switch being bytes and unicode
depending on the OS means developers will have to deal with encoding issues
themselves, which is suboptimal from a language usability's point of view.



From steve at  Mon Apr 19 13:48:38 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 07:48:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <hqhcb4$5vt$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit :
>> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
>> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
>> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
>> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
>> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
>> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
>> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
>> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.
> Does it include a license for Windows itself?
> Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
> If so, I'm interested.
Yes to both. MSDN offers a very broad license, with activation keys for
many products generated on demand.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr 19 13:49:27 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:49:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <hqhcb4$5vt$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19/04/2010 12:47, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit :
>> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
>> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
>> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
>> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
>> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
>> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
>> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
>> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.
> Does it include a license for Windows itself?
> Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
> If so, I'm interested.

Yes, MSDN licenses give you access to several versions of Windows plus 
the Visual Studio tools for compiling Python (amongst other things).


> Regards
> Antoine.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


From p.f.moore at  Mon Apr 19 14:31:33 2010
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:31:33 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <hqgjiv$tm1$>
References: <>
	<> <hqgjiv$tm1$>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 April 2010 04:44, Ron Adam <rrr at> wrote:
> Note that the python interpreter uses -V and --version.
> ra at Gutsy:~$ python3.1 -V
> Python 3.1.2
> ra at Gutsy:~$ python3.1 --version
> Python 3.1.2
> And -v is used as follows:
> -v ? ? : verbose (trace import statements); also PYTHONVERBOSE=x
> ? ? ? ? can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity

Ironically, I'm forever mistakenly typing "python -v" to get the
version. I'm not arguing that this is the "right" behaviour, just
pointing out that it's neither unknown, nor entirely surprising to at
least one user... As others have pointed out, there's a lot of
hyperbole in this thread (not in Ron's post that I quoted, though).

If I were using argparse, which I almost certainly will in the future,
I'd use the explicit
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
form, so I have no interest in the default version argument - it can
be deprecated, removed, kept the same or changed, it makes no
difference to me.


From p.f.moore at  Mon Apr 19 14:33:56 2010
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:33:56 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <hqhcb4$5vt$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 April 2010 11:47, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit?:
>> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
>> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
>> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
>> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
>> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
>> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
>> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
>> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.
> Does it include a license for Windows itself?
> Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
> If so, I'm interested.

Yes. Arguably that's the best thing about the MSDN licenses
(particularly for non-Windows users, but even for us Windows users to
set up "clean" VM environments).


From mail at  Mon Apr 19 15:00:52 2010
From: mail at (Tim Golden)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:00:52 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hqhcb4$5vt$>
Message-ID: <>

On 19/04/2010 13:33, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 19 April 2010 11:47, Antoine Pitrou<solipsis at>  wrote:
>> Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit :
>>> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
>>> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
>>> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
>>> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
>>> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
>>> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
>>> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
>>> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.
>> Does it include a license for Windows itself?
>> Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
>> If so, I'm interested.
> Yes. Arguably that's the best thing about the MSDN licenses
> (particularly for non-Windows users, but even for us Windows users to
> set up "clean" VM environments).

For some reason I hadn't appreciated that this was the case. I'm in
the process of negotiating [*] to repurpose an out-of-work server here
as a buildbot and being able to install an O/S will smooth the
negotiations considerably. I'm especially keen to get a buildbot
running a Windows server OS rather than desktop.


[*] May come to nothing; don't hold your breath

From brian.curtin at  Mon Apr 19 15:14:53 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 08:14:53 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hqhcb4$5vt$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 06:48, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:

> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit :
> >> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
> >> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
> >> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
> >> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
> >> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
> >>
> >> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
> >> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
> >> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.
> >
> > Does it include a license for Windows itself?
> > Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
> > If so, I'm interested.
> >
> Yes to both. MSDN offers a very broad license, with activation keys for
> many products generated on demand.

The left panel on has the full
list of currently available products if anyone wants to know what's all
involved here.
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From barry at  Mon Apr 19 16:41:07 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 10:41:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hqhcb4$5vt$> <>
Message-ID: <20100419104107.5d9bc674@heresy>

On Apr 19, 2010, at 08:14 AM, Brian Curtin wrote:

>On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 06:48, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
>> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> > Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit :
>> >> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
>> >> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
>> >> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
>> >> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
>> >> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
>> >>
>> >> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
>> >> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
>> >> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.
>> >
>> > Does it include a license for Windows itself?
>> > Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
>> > If so, I'm interested.
>> >
>> Yes to both. MSDN offers a very broad license, with activation keys for
>> many products generated on demand.
>The left panel on
> has the full
>list of currently available products if anyone wants to know what's all
>involved here.

This is really awesome.  I have an OEM license for Windows 7 but because I
dual boot that on my primary Ubuntu development machine, I rarely use it.
Being able to run Windows in a VM will mean I'll actually do it regularly.

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From steve at  Mon Apr 19 17:31:52 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:31:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
In-Reply-To: <20100419104107.5d9bc674@heresy>
References: <>	<hqhcb4$5vt$>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hqht28$b4r$>

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2010, at 08:14 AM, Brian Curtin wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 06:48, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
>>> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>>> Le Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:01:54 -0500, Brian Curtin a ?crit :
>>>>> The recent threads on builds/installers for Mac and Windows reminded me
>>>>> of Steve Holden's push to get the python-dev team equipped via a
>>>>> connection with the Microsoft Open Source Technology Center. The OSTC
>>>>> team provides Microsoft Developer Network licenses to open source
>>>>> projects to assist them in better supporting Windows.
>>>>> I've talked with Steve (who passed the task to me) and the Microsoft
>>>>> folks, and they are happy to provide more licenses if needed. If you are
>>>>> interested in getting a copy of MSDN, please contact me off-list.
>>>> Does it include a license for Windows itself?
>>>> Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
>>>> If so, I'm interested.
>>> Yes to both. MSDN offers a very broad license, with activation keys for
>>> many products generated on demand.
>> The left panel on
>> has the full
>> list of currently available products if anyone wants to know what's all
>> involved here.
> This is really awesome.  I have an OEM license for Windows 7 but because I
> dual boot that on my primary Ubuntu development machine, I rarely use it.
> Being able to run Windows in a VM will mean I'll actually do it regularly.
Well, the whole point from both sides is to ensure better support for
Python on Microsoft platforms. So go to it!

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From brett at  Mon Apr 19 20:24:59 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:24:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm with Martin; just let it be explicit and stick an example in the docs.

-Brett (from his phone with hopefully only one copy sent of this email)

On Apr 18, 2010 9:22 PM, Martin v. L?wis <martin at> wrote:

> - many optparse programs use the version argument
> - many other programmers find this feature ver...
You actually brought up a good reason yourself:

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
If you ask "give me a version argument", the question is "how is it
spelled?". IIUC, you originally complained that the spelling of argparse
(i.e. -v/--version) is not good, and that a different spelling should be
used. So it's ambiguous, in which case the feature shouldn't be provided
in the first place.


Python-Dev mailing list
Python-Dev at
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From at  Mon Apr 19 20:50:15 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:50:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] MSDN licenses available for python-dev
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> writes:

> Does it include a license for Windows itself?
> Does it allow me to install and run it in a VM?
> If so, I'm interested.

Yes, in fact, it's due to the availability of this license that I was
able to set up the Win7 buildbot.

-- David

From scott+python-dev at  Mon Apr 19 21:19:22 2010
From: scott+python-dev at (Scott Dial)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:19:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/18/2010 9:44 PM, Steve Holden wrote:
> Tobias Herp wrote:
>> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Tobias Herp <Tobias.Herp at> wrote:
>>>> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>>>>> But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
>>>>> I have not seen that.
>> Do you take your own poll seriously?
> When was this ever a democracy?

Is consensus superficial?

Scott Dial
scott at
scodial at

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr 19 21:51:00 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 21:51:00 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>		<>		<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 19/04/2010 21:19, Scott Dial wrote:
> On 4/18/2010 9:44 PM, Steve Holden wrote:
>> Tobias Herp wrote:
>>> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Tobias Herp<Tobias.Herp at>  wrote:
>>>>> Steven Bethard schrieb:
>>>>>> But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
>>>>>> I have not seen that.
>>> Do you take your own poll seriously?
>> When was this ever a democracy?
> Is consensus superficial?
No, but it isn't always possible or necessary. In general the maintainer 
of a module should make the best decision, not the one with the most 
backing. :-)

All the best,



From martin at  Mon Apr 19 22:53:36 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 22:53:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Victor Stinner <victor.stinner <at>> writes:
>> It's a choice, I didn't want to patch Windows because I know that Windows use 
>> unicode internally. I consider that developers using Python3 should use 
>> unicode on Windows, and byte or unicode+surrogates on other OS.
> I think both possibilities should be available on all OSes, so as to make it
> easier to write cross-platform code. Having to switch being bytes and unicode
> depending on the OS means developers will have to deal with encoding issues
> themselves, which is suboptimal from a language usability's point of view.

Indeed, you shouldn't be switching. Instead, you should be using Unicode
strings all the time.


From martin at  Mon Apr 19 22:55:39 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 22:55:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I'm working on surrogates in filenames on Linux (more generally on BSD and 
> UNIX OS) to support undecodable filenames, see PEP 383. Amaury told me that I 
> only fixed the non-Windows versions (I fixed subprocess about the current 
> directory and _ctypes.dlopen()), but it doesn't work on Windows.
> It's a choice, I didn't want to patch Windows because I know that Windows use 
> unicode internally. I consider that developers using Python3 should use 
> unicode on Windows, and byte or unicode+surrogates on other OS.
> I don't know well Windows API, and so I would like your opinion about that ;-)

Can you please elaborate what the specific issue is? I completely fail
to see what byte strings have to do with surrogate codes. AFAICT, on
Windows, you can just use surrogate codes at the APIs, and be done.


From steven.bethard at  Tue Apr 20 00:12:06 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:12:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Michael Foord
<fuzzyman at> wrote:
> On 19/04/2010 21:19, Scott Dial wrote:
>> Is consensus superficial?
> No, but it isn't always possible or necessary. In general the maintainer of
> a module should make the best decision, not the one with the most backing.
> :-)

Yep, that was my logic. With 42% vs. 47% I decided there really wasn't
consensus, and I should make the decision that I felt was best for
argparse. If it had been e.g., 20% vs 80%, I would have bent to the
will of the masses regardless of what I thought.

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From nyamatongwe at  Tue Apr 20 00:39:07 2010
From: nyamatongwe at (Neil Hodgson)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 08:39:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Stinner:

> It's a choice, I didn't want to patch Windows because I know that Windows use
> unicode internally. I consider that developers using Python3 should use
> unicode on Windows, and byte or unicode+surrogates on other OS.

   The Win32 byte string APIs convert their inputs to Unicode and then
run Unicode code. You don't get additional capabilities by calling the
byte string APIs and should avoid them completely.

   Including an easy way to invoke them on Windows will just lead to
failures. People may think that Unix code that uses the byte string
APIs for better platform fidelity can just run this code on Windows
and get equivalent benefits. They won't and instead will see an
inverted form of the problems they are trying to avoid on Unix.

   If there is ever a reason to use a byte string API on Windows (and
I can't think of any) then ctypes can be used to explicitly call the
API desired.


From victor.stinner at  Tue Apr 20 01:35:57 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:35:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le lundi 19 avril 2010 22:55:39, vous avez ?crit :
> Can you please elaborate what the specific issue is?

Amaury reopened my issue #8393 "subprocess: support undecodable current 
working directory on POSIX OS" because "It does not work on Windows" (bytes 
are rejected).

> I completely fail to see what byte strings have to do with surrogate 
> codes. AFAICT, on Windows, you can just use surrogate codes at the APIs,
> and be done.

Before my patch, subprocess used PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "...z...", ...) to 
parse the current working directory: surrogates were rejected. But I specified 
in my issue title that the issue is specific to "POSIX OS". I should replace 
it by "non-Windows".


Amaury also reopened #8394 "ctypes.dlopen() doesn't support surrogates", 
because ctypes.CDLL() rejects byte string.

On Windows, Python3 uses LoadLibraryW() to load a library, and the Python API 
rejects byte string.


The question was: should we change python3 to accept byte strings on Windows?

I think that I can re-close these two issues because it's a good thing to 
avoid the evil, locale dependent, mbcs encoding ;-) Unicode is a superset of 

Victor Stinner

From phil at  Tue Apr 20 14:19:44 2010
From: phil at (Phil Thompson)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:19:44 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Binary Compatibility Issue with Python v2.6.5 and
Message-ID: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>

When I build my C++ extension on Windows (specifically PyQt with MinGW)
against Python v2.6.5 it fails to run under v2.6.4. The same problem exists
when building against v3.1.2 and running under v3.1.1.

The error message is...

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.

...though I don't know what the procedure is.

When built against v2.6.4 it runs fine under all v2.6.x. When built under
v3.1.1 it runs fine under all v3.1.x.

I had always assumed that an extension built with vX.Y.Z would always run
under vX.Y.Z-1.

Am I wrong in that assumption, or is this a bug in the latest versions?


From mail at  Tue Apr 20 14:38:28 2010
From: mail at (Tim Golden)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:38:28 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Planning a Windows buildbot
Message-ID: <>

I've got agreement in principle for one of our decommissioned
servers to be repurposed as a Python buildbot. My idea would
be to set it up as a Windows 2003 R2 server, at least partly
because we don't seem to have any Windows server buildbots
and it's a platform I'm especially interested in.

Does anyone suggest that a different configuration would be
preferable? Thanks to the PSF MSDN license I can pretty much
choose whatever I want. I believe Brian Curtin's looking at
the possibility of a Win2k8 box which is one reason why I
steered away from that. Also because my box -- whenever they
hand it over -- will be relatively old.


From cournape at  Tue Apr 20 14:50:51 2010
From: cournape at (David Cournapeau)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:50:51 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Binary Compatibility Issue with Python v2.6.5 and
In-Reply-To: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
References: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Phil Thompson
<phil at> wrote:
> When I build my C++ extension on Windows (specifically PyQt with MinGW)
> against Python v2.6.5 it fails to run under v2.6.4. The same problem exists
> when building against v3.1.2 and running under v3.1.1.
> The error message is...
> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
> ...though I don't know what the procedure is.
> When built against v2.6.4 it runs fine under all v2.6.x. When built under
> v3.1.1 it runs fine under all v3.1.x.
> I had always assumed that an extension built with vX.Y.Z would always run
> under vX.Y.Z-1.

I don't know how well it is handled in python, but this is extremely
hard to do in general - you are asking about forward compatibility,
not backward compatibility.

Is there a reason why you need to do this ? The usual practice is to
build against the *oldest* compatible version you can, so that it
remains compatible with everything afterwards,



From phil at  Tue Apr 20 15:07:44 2010
From: phil at (Phil Thompson)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:07:44 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Binary Compatibility Issue with Python v2.6.5 and
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
Message-ID: <8632c13ba441da2f0cc4048c8d8ba881@localhost>

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:50:51 +0900, David Cournapeau <cournape at>
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Phil Thompson
> <phil at> wrote:
>> When I build my C++ extension on Windows (specifically PyQt with MinGW)
>> against Python v2.6.5 it fails to run under v2.6.4. The same problem
>> exists
>> when building against v3.1.2 and running under v3.1.1.
>> The error message is...
>> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be
>> ...though I don't know what the procedure is.
>> When built against v2.6.4 it runs fine under all v2.6.x. When built
>> v3.1.1 it runs fine under all v3.1.x.
>> I had always assumed that an extension built with vX.Y.Z would always
>> under vX.Y.Z-1.
> I don't know how well it is handled in python, but this is extremely
> hard to do in general - you are asking about forward compatibility,
> not backward compatibility.

Yes, I know.

> Is there a reason why you need to do this ? The usual practice is to
> build against the *oldest* compatible version you can, so that it
> remains compatible with everything afterwards,

I'm happy to do that if that is the recommendation, although this is the
first time I've noticed this sort of problem (since v1.5).


From tds333+pydev at  Tue Apr 20 15:31:51 2010
From: tds333+pydev at (Wolfgang Langner)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 15:31:51 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Binary Compatibility Issue with Python v2.6.5 and
In-Reply-To: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
References: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
Message-ID: <>


On 20.04.2010 14:19, Phil Thompson wrote:
> When I build my C++ extension on Windows (specifically PyQt with MinGW)
> against Python v2.6.5 it fails to run under v2.6.4. The same problem exists
> when building against v3.1.2 and running under v3.1.1.
> The error message is...
> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
> ...though I don't know what the procedure is.
> When built against v2.6.4 it runs fine under all v2.6.x. When built under
> v3.1.1 it runs fine under all v3.1.x.
> I had always assumed that an extension built with vX.Y.Z would always run
> under vX.Y.Z-1.
> Am I wrong in that assumption, or is this a bug in the latest versions?

It is also possible, that this is a windows issue with Manifest and DLL 
loading. Welcome in the manifest hell.

If Version 2.6.4 is build against another version of the msvcrt as version 
2.6.5 than this could happen.

Possible solution is to not automatically build the manifest and use one with
hard coded versions across one Python version 2.6.X.

Regards Wolfgang

From ndbecker2 at  Tue Apr 20 20:55:28 2010
From: ndbecker2 at (Neal Becker)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:55:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
Message-ID: <hqktb0$vvc$>

I've noticed argparse ambiguity handling has changed a bit over last few 

I have cases where 1 valid input is a prefix of another:


With the most recent 1.1, the behavior is:


is accepted, while:


is marked as ambiguous.

I'm OK with this, but just want to know if there is agreement that this is 
the behavior we want. 

From steven.bethard at  Tue Apr 20 21:10:00 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:10:00 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
In-Reply-To: <hqktb0$vvc$>
References: <hqktb0$vvc$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
> I've noticed argparse ambiguity handling has changed a bit over last few
> revisions.
> I have cases where 1 valid input is a prefix of another:
> e.g.:
> '--string'
> '--string2'
> With the most recent 1.1, the behavior is:
> --string=hello
> is accepted, while:
> --strin=hello
> is marked as ambiguous.
> I'm OK with this, but just want to know if there is agreement that this is
> the behavior we want.

I don't have a strong feeling about this. What was the behavior before?

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From ndbecker2 at  Tue Apr 20 21:27:53 2010
From: ndbecker2 at (Neal Becker)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 15:27:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
References: <hqktb0$vvc$>
Message-ID: <hqkv7p$9gk$>

Steven Bethard wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
>> I've noticed argparse ambiguity handling has changed a bit over last few
>> revisions.
>> I have cases where 1 valid input is a prefix of another:
>> e.g.:
>> '--string'
>> '--string2'
>> With the most recent 1.1, the behavior is:
>> --string=hello
>> is accepted, while:
>> --strin=hello
>> is marked as ambiguous.
>> I'm OK with this, but just want to know if there is agreement that this
>> is the behavior we want.
> I don't have a strong feeling about this. What was the behavior before?
> Steve

At least 1 earlier version said that even exact match was ambiguous.

I have a preference to allow at least exact matches to succeed even in the 
case of ambiguity - mainly because I accidentally created this already once, 
and I feel it's better to at least work somewhat.  Not sure if there is any 
more elegant solution.  OTOH, I feel this is somewhat inelegant, as it 
appears to treat exact match as a special case.

From brett at  Tue Apr 20 21:42:24 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:42:24 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Email addresses for new committers for
Message-ID: <>

If you are a committer and are NOT subscribed to the python-committers
mailing list (I believe this at least includes Giampaolo, JP, and Brian),
then please either reply to this email with your preferred email address or
let me know directly (the former is preferred so Georg or Eric can beat me
to the subscription if I take too long).
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <>

From pje at  Tue Apr 20 21:48:15 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 15:48:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
In-Reply-To: <hqkv7p$9gk$>
References: <hqktb0$vvc$>
Message-ID: <>

At 03:27 PM 4/20/2010 -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
>I have a preference to allow at least exact matches to succeed even in the
>case of ambiguity - mainly because I accidentally created this already once,
>and I feel it's better to at least work somewhat.  Not sure if there is any
>more elegant solution.  OTOH, I feel this is somewhat inelegant, as it
>appears to treat exact match as a special case.

How about throwing an error the moment you define a set of options 
that create this potential ambiguity?  ;-)  (i.e. force you to define 
--string1 and --string2 instead of --string and --string2)

(Either that, or have an option to turn off ambiguous guessing, and 
throw the error unless you've turned it off.)

From brian.curtin at  Tue Apr 20 21:49:32 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:49:32 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Email addresses for new committers for
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 14:42, Brett Cannon <brett at> wrote:

> If you are a committer and are NOT subscribed to the python-committers
> mailing list (I believe this at least includes Giampaolo, JP, and Brian),
> then please either reply to this email with your preferred email address or
> let me know directly (the former is preferred so Georg or Eric can beat me
> to the subscription if I take too long).

I'm already subscribed via my first name dot last name
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <>

From jon+python-dev at  Tue Apr 20 21:54:32 2010
From: jon+python-dev at (Jon Ribbens)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 20:54:32 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
In-Reply-To: <hqkv7p$9gk$>
References: <hqktb0$vvc$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 03:27:53PM -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
> I have a preference to allow at least exact matches to succeed even in the 
> case of ambiguity - mainly because I accidentally created this already once, 
> and I feel it's better to at least work somewhat.  Not sure if there is any 
> more elegant solution.  OTOH, I feel this is somewhat inelegant, as it 
> appears to treat exact match as a special case.

Surely an exact match *is* a special case - it's an exact match!

From martin at  Tue Apr 20 22:19:34 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 22:19:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Support byte string API of Windows in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Amaury reopened my issue #8393 "subprocess: support undecodable current 
> working directory on POSIX OS" because "It does not work on Windows" (bytes 
> are rejected).

I see. I'd like to know whether that's an incompatible change. We
shouldn't make incompatible changes in that matter. However, if you were
not able to pass a bytes cwd on Windows before, it's fine that you still
are not able to.

I'm puzzled how your patch could have possibly affected Windows, since
it was only change _posixsubprocess.c. So I'm closing the report again.

> Amaury also reopened #8394 "ctypes.dlopen() doesn't support surrogates", 
> because ctypes.CDLL() rejects byte string.

Ok, I'll close this as well.


From martin at  Tue Apr 20 22:24:44 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 22:24:44 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Binary Compatibility Issue with Python v2.6.5 and
In-Reply-To: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
References: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Phil Thompson wrote:
> When I build my C++ extension on Windows (specifically PyQt with MinGW)
> against Python v2.6.5 it fails to run under v2.6.4. The same problem exists
> when building against v3.1.2 and running under v3.1.1.
> The error message is...
> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
> ...though I don't know what the procedure is.
> When built against v2.6.4 it runs fine under all v2.6.x. When built under
> v3.1.1 it runs fine under all v3.1.x.
> I had always assumed that an extension built with vX.Y.Z would always run
> under vX.Y.Z-1.
> Am I wrong in that assumption, or is this a bug in the latest versions?

You are not wrong in that assumption, but it still might not be a bug in
the latest version. It could also be a bug in MingW or PyQt.

Before we can judge on that, we need to understand what exactly happened.

As a starting point for further research, try the sxstrace utility of
your Vista installation.


From martin at  Tue Apr 20 22:39:11 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 22:39:11 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Planning a Windows buildbot
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Golden wrote:
> I've got agreement in principle for one of our decommissioned
> servers to be repurposed as a Python buildbot. My idea would
> be to set it up as a Windows 2003 R2 server, at least partly
> because we don't seem to have any Windows server buildbots
> and it's a platform I'm especially interested in.
> Does anyone suggest that a different configuration would be
> preferable? Thanks to the PSF MSDN license I can pretty much
> choose whatever I want. I believe Brian Curtin's looking at
> the possibility of a Win2k8 box which is one reason why I
> steered away from that. Also because my box -- whenever they
> hand it over -- will be relatively old.

If you are truly adventurous (sp?), you could try to setup a Cygwin or
MingW target - I don't think we have one of these yet. However, doing so
may be pointless as it may be doomed to fail, anyway, in which case
there is no point in continuously verifying that failure.

If you are a little adventurous, set up VS 2010. We don't have any build
slaves for that, either, plus one would have to define a way how the
slaves convert the project files (which could either happen manually in
SVN, as originally done for VS 2008, or automatically through VS, or
automatically through something like PCbuild/

As for the operating system: I don't think it matters at all. Windows XP
Home is as fine a platform for this application as Windows 2008 R2
Enterprise. What would matter is processor architecture - we don't have
an Itanium Windows buildbot slave :-)


From mail at  Tue Apr 20 22:59:45 2010
From: mail at (Tim Golden)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:59:45 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Email addresses for new committers
	for	python-committers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 20/04/2010 20:42, Brett Cannon wrote:
> If you are a committer and are NOT subscribed to the python-committers
> mailing list (I believe this at least includes Giampaolo, JP, and Brian),
> then please either reply to this email with your preferred email address or
> let me know directly (the former is preferred so Georg or Eric can beat me
> to the subscription if I take too long).

I did subscribe earlier today, and replied to the usual "please confirm"
email, but instead of the conventional "You're on the list" email I got
a slightly ambiguous "You're due to be moderated" email. If you can confirm
that I'm subscribed then all well and good. If not, let me know if there's
something else I should do.


From solipsis at  Tue Apr 20 23:01:36 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:01:36 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Planning a Windows buildbot
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis <martin <at>> writes:
> As for the operating system: I don't think it matters at all. Windows XP
> Home is as fine a platform for this application as Windows 2008 R2
> Enterprise. What would matter is processor architecture - we don't have
> an Itanium Windows buildbot slave 

Microsoft has said it would stop doing Windows releases for Itanium:

I'm not sure there's any point in caring about it anymore.



From martin at  Tue Apr 20 23:09:55 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 23:09:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Planning a Windows buildbot
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Martin v. L?wis <martin <at>> writes:
>> As for the operating system: I don't think it matters at all. Windows XP
>> Home is as fine a platform for this application as Windows 2008 R2
>> Enterprise. What would matter is processor architecture - we don't have
>> an Itanium Windows buildbot slave 
> Microsoft has said it would stop doing Windows releases for Itanium:
> I'm not sure there's any point in caring about it anymore.

That's why I put a smiley in that sentence.


From phil at  Tue Apr 20 23:17:56 2010
From: phil at (Phil Thompson)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 22:17:56 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Binary Compatibility Issue with Python v2.6.5 and
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
Message-ID: <4bb20fc395b1d9e9c0ce43c45340fb3a@localhost>

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 22:24:44 +0200, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at>
> Phil Thompson wrote:
>> When I build my C++ extension on Windows (specifically PyQt with MinGW)
>> against Python v2.6.5 it fails to run under v2.6.4. The same problem
>> exists
>> when building against v3.1.2 and running under v3.1.1.
>> The error message is...
>> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be
>> ...though I don't know what the procedure is.
>> When built against v2.6.4 it runs fine under all v2.6.x. When built
>> v3.1.1 it runs fine under all v3.1.x.
>> I had always assumed that an extension built with vX.Y.Z would always
>> under vX.Y.Z-1.
>> Am I wrong in that assumption, or is this a bug in the latest versions?
> You are not wrong in that assumption, but it still might not be a bug in
> the latest version. It could also be a bug in MingW or PyQt.
> Before we can judge on that, we need to understand what exactly happened.
> As a starting point for further research, try the sxstrace utility of
> your Vista installation.

What Vista installation? XP I'm afraid...


From Tobias.Herp at  Tue Apr 20 23:22:16 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 23:22:16 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <20100418221946.39d6160c@heresy>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Barry Warsaw schrieb:
> On Apr 18, 2010, at 07:30 PM, Eric Smith wrote:
>> Steven Bethard wrote:
>>> By the way, we could simplify the typical add_argument usage by adding
>>> "show program's version number and exit" as the default help for the
>>> 'version' action. Then you should just write:
>>>     parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')
>> I like this the best. I don't like argparse adding arguments for me.
> I concur.  This gives me all the flexibility I need to make my programs accept
> exactly the arguments I want and print exactly the information I want to
> present.

But you had this possibility all the time!

No deprecation or removal of the simple and convenient 'version'
argument is needed for this.  Just omit it, and build your version
action yourself.  But please notice that there are others who appreciate
this simple way to do it and don't need more.


From martin at  Tue Apr 20 23:59:43 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 23:59:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Binary Compatibility Issue with Python v2.6.5 and
In-Reply-To: <4bb20fc395b1d9e9c0ce43c45340fb3a@localhost>
References: <47a2d9a794e464b0f8e1f8b45333ee7c@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

>> As a starting point for further research, try the sxstrace utility of
>> your Vista installation.
> What Vista installation? XP I'm afraid...

Then you are out of look. Check the event log, and ask in Windows help
forums for better ways to analyse the problem.


From ncoghlan at  Wed Apr 21 00:16:23 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 08:16:23 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<20100418221946.39d6160c@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Tobias Herp wrote:
> No deprecation or removal of the simple and convenient 'version'
> argument is needed for this.  Just omit it, and build your version
> action yourself.  But please notice that there are others who appreciate
> this simple way to do it and don't need more.

One Obvious Way.

In this case, the ambiguity of the "version=" argument is sufficient to
elevate it to the level of "attractive nuisance" (particularly given the
legacy behaviour of conflicting with typical verbosity options). The
default help for the action needs to be fixed, and there are a couple of
documentation tweaks to be made, but Steven's decision to remove the
feature has a sound rationale.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From martin at  Wed Apr 21 00:31:14 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 00:31:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<20100418221946.39d6160c@heresy>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Tobias Herp wrote:
>> No deprecation or removal of the simple and convenient 'version'
>> argument is needed for this.  Just omit it, and build your version
>> action yourself.  But please notice that there are others who appreciate
>> this simple way to do it and don't need more.
> One Obvious Way.
> In this case, the ambiguity of the "version=" argument is sufficient to
> elevate it to the level of "attractive nuisance" (particularly given the
> legacy behaviour of conflicting with typical verbosity options). The
> default help for the action needs to be fixed, and there are a couple of
> documentation tweaks to be made, but Steven's decision to remove the
> feature has a sound rationale.

Exactly my feelings. IMO, straight removal would be fine as well, but a
deprecation may be more user-friendly, wrt. the existing code base.


From Tobias.Herp at  Wed Apr 21 00:34:10 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 00:34:10 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<20100418221946.39d6160c@heresy>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan schrieb:
> Tobias Herp wrote:
>> No deprecation or removal of the simple and convenient 'version'
>> argument is needed for this.  Just omit it, and build your version
>> action yourself.  But please notice that there are others who appreciate
>> this simple way to do it and don't need more.
> One Obvious Way.

One /Obvious/ Way!

To simply check off the "give the program a version" task, /this/ (the
version argument) is the way to do it (obvious enough for legions of
programmers who are able to use optparse).  If you need a more fancy
version action, of course, you need to take care of that yourself.

> In this case, the ambiguity of the "version=" argument ...

What /is/ this ambiguity of the "version=" argument? There is none!

Do it the way optparse does it, and all is fine!


From Tobias.Herp at  Wed Apr 21 01:46:14 2010
From: Tobias.Herp at (Tobias Herp)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:46:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Martin v. L?wis" schrieb:
>> - many optparse programs use the version argument
>> - many other programmers find this feature very convenient
>> - dropping or deprecating this is a totally unnecessary change
>>   (I have not read a single real reason /why/ this should be done).
> You actually brought up a good reason yourself:
> In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

I didn't guess.  The vast majority of *x commandline tools, *including
the Python interpreter*, uses '--version' and/or '-V' for the version
action, while '-v' is often used for something else, most often
verbosity (again: e.g. the Python interpreter).  Nobody has argued the
converse.  The optparse module uses just '--version' option string by
default, following the standard.

> If you ask "give me a version argument", the question is "how is it
> spelled?". IIUC, you originally complained that the spelling of argparse
> (i.e. -v/--version) is not good, and that a different spelling should be
> used. So it's ambiguous, in which case the feature shouldn't be provided
> in the first place.


Just follow the de-facto standard.  There has never been a problem with
optparse's version argument, simply because of the fact it conforms with
the standard (using just '--version').  Perhaps we wouldn't argue now if
they had decided to add '-V' as well, which is AFAIK /never/ used for
anything else than the version, either;  perhaps this would have been
adopted by argparse as well.  The optik/optparse people didn't, and the
argparse people apparently didn't really look out what options look like
in the wild.

There is *no* problem with a 'version' argument (which has always been
*optional*; nobody is forced to use it) which simply defines the
'--version' option to trigger the version option.  There has *never*
been a problem with the optparse way to do it!

Now argparse wants to become a part of Python's standard library; it
certainly has advantages over optparse.  But the user won't be
interested in the difference:  "Oh, I see, this is an argparse-based
program, so the '-v' is naturally not available for verbosity. Fine!"

Up to today, the argparse module had a limited audience.  When becoming
part of Python, it must follow standards; it should Do The Right Thing
by default, and it should keep the usage difference to optparse as small
as possible.

People should be allowed to rely on the fact that /Python scripts follow
the standards/; this is a huge usability gain.

Thus, argparse should *continue* to support the version argument,
because it is convenient (we use Python because it is convenient!), and
it is sufficient in 95% of the cases (I have written lots of optparse
scripts, and in exactly one case I wrote the version output myself).

It should discontinue the '-v' short option string, because it is
non-standard, and it is ambiguous; it is often used for something else,
while '-V' isn't (but adding this as a default would like break existing
argparse programs, so this is not an option).

If the community feels this is necessary, the '-v' could be supported
'invisibly': it should not be visible in the help, and it must not block
the usage of '-v' for other purposes.


From cs at  Wed Apr 21 04:11:22 2010
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 12:11:22 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
In-Reply-To: <hqkv7p$9gk$>
References: <hqkv7p$9gk$>
Message-ID: <>

On 20Apr2010 15:27, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
| Steven Bethard wrote:
| > On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
| >> I've noticed argparse ambiguity handling has changed a bit over last few
| >> revisions.
| >>
| >> I have cases where 1 valid input is a prefix of another:
| >>
| >> e.g.:
| >> '--string'
| >> '--string2'
| >>
| >> With the most recent 1.1, the behavior is:
| >>
| >> --string=hello
| >>
| >> is accepted, while:
| >>
| >> --strin=hello
| >>
| >> is marked as ambiguous.
| >>
| >> I'm OK with this, but just want to know if there is agreement that this
| >> is the behavior we want.
| > 
| > I don't have a strong feeling about this. What was the behavior before?
| > Steve
| At least 1 earlier version said that even exact match was ambiguous.
| I have a preference to allow at least exact matches to succeed even in the 
| case of ambiguity - mainly because I accidentally created this already once, 
| and I feel it's better to at least work somewhat.  Not sure if there is any 
| more elegant solution.  OTOH, I feel this is somewhat inelegant, as it 
| appears to treat exact match as a special case.

I think the new behaviour is desirable. Plenty of commands have both
--foo and --foo-tweak. Usually because --foo came first and --foo-tweak
came later, or simply because --foo is the simple and obvious and
commonly wanted mode and --foo-tweak is a special case.

Real world example: rsync and the --delete* options. I'm sure plenty of
others can be found.

The new behaviour makes this doable. The old behaviour made it
unimplementable. Maybe it is desirable to be _able_ to forbid this
arguably-ambiguous option set, but I definitely feel that the current
behaviour should be available.

Cameron Simpson <cs at> DoD#743

If it wasn't for lawyers, we wouldn't need them.

From stephen at  Wed Apr 21 05:41:27 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 12:41:27 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Tobias Herp writes:

 > (we use Python because it is convenient!),

Speak for yourself, I want no part of that "we".  I use Python because
it's well defined and well documented and makes sense and provides
powerful operations and runs quickly enough in those applications
where I use it.

The fact that it's not excessively inconvenient despite an avowed bias
toward EIBTI is the icing, not the cake.

Remember, convenience is explicitly subsidiary: "not every 3 line
function needs to be a builtin."

I have no particular opinion the rest of the debate.

From regebro at  Wed Apr 21 06:56:39 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 06:56:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Doctests REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE ignored
Message-ID: <>

If you set up any sort of report flag on the unit test itself, the
default report flags given to the testrunner are ignored. This goes
for all report flags, the REPORT_xDIFF and REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE.
I'd suggest that we do allow the testrunner to set
REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE by default even if the testcase has a
REPORT_xDIFF flag. Why? Because it makes sense. :)

The REPORT_xDFF flags makes sense both as parameters to a testrunner,
and as flags on a testcase. You might want to permanently set diff
flags on tests that generate output that warrants a diff if they fail.

REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE you would rarely set on a testcase. You
don't want that on the testcase, as buildbots wouldn't see the
subsequent fails, and developers might think it was only a minor
issue. It is a flag you give to the testrunner to stop having the
first failure scroll off screen. So you want it to work *always*. You
don't want or expect it to stop working just because one testcase had
a DIFF flag set. Right?

Or did I miss something? If not, I'll provide a patch and put it in
the bugtracker.

Lennart Regebro:
Python 3 Porting:
+33 661 58 14 64

From eric at  Wed Apr 21 09:53:16 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 03:53:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hqkv7p$9gk$>
Message-ID: <>

Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 20Apr2010 15:27, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
> | Steven Bethard wrote:
> | 
> | > On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
> | >> I've noticed argparse ambiguity handling has changed a bit over last few
> | >> revisions.
> | >>
> | >> I have cases where 1 valid input is a prefix of another:
> | >>
> | >> e.g.:
> | >> '--string'
> | >> '--string2'
> | >>
> | >> With the most recent 1.1, the behavior is:
> | >>
> | >> --string=hello
> | >>
> | >> is accepted, while:
> | >>
> | >> --strin=hello
> | >>
> | >> is marked as ambiguous.
> | >>
> | >> I'm OK with this, but just want to know if there is agreement that this
> | >> is the behavior we want.
> | > 
> | > I don't have a strong feeling about this. What was the behavior before?
> | > Steve
> | 
> | At least 1 earlier version said that even exact match was ambiguous.
> | 
> | I have a preference to allow at least exact matches to succeed even in the 
> | case of ambiguity - mainly because I accidentally created this already once, 
> | and I feel it's better to at least work somewhat.  Not sure if there is any 
> | more elegant solution.  OTOH, I feel this is somewhat inelegant, as it 
> | appears to treat exact match as a special case.
> I think the new behaviour is desirable. Plenty of commands have both
> --foo and --foo-tweak. Usually because --foo came first and --foo-tweak
> came later, or simply because --foo is the simple and obvious and
> commonly wanted mode and --foo-tweak is a special case.
> Real world example: rsync and the --delete* options. I'm sure plenty of
> others can be found.
> The new behaviour makes this doable. The old behaviour made it
> unimplementable. Maybe it is desirable to be _able_ to forbid this
> arguably-ambiguous option set, but I definitely feel that the current
> behaviour should be available.

I agree the new behavior is desirable. And I also think it should be the 
default, although I feel less strongly about that.

But since this behavior seems to be an accident of the implementation 
(based on Steve's comment above), I think a test should be added for it 
if it's accepted as a Good Thing (tm). Otherwise it's possible that it 
will vanish as the implementation changes.


From jon+python-dev at  Wed Apr 21 11:14:39 2010
From: jon+python-dev at (Jon Ribbens)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:14:39 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hqkv7p$9gk$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 03:53:16AM -0400, Eric Smith wrote:
> I agree the new behavior is desirable. And I also think it should be the  
> default, although I feel less strongly about that.
> But since this behavior seems to be an accident of the implementation  
> (based on Steve's comment above), I think a test should be added for it  
> if it's accepted as a Good Thing (tm). Otherwise it's possible that it  
> will vanish as the implementation changes.

+1 to all of that

From barry at  Wed Apr 21 15:40:05 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 09:40:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 328, relative imports and Python 2.7
Message-ID: <20100421094005.3adea983@heresy>

While talking about Python 2.6 -> 2.7 transitions, the subject of relative and
absolute imports has come up.  PEP 328 states that absolute imports will be
enabled by default in Python 2.7, however I cannot verify that this has
actually happened.

* Misc/NEWS doesn't mention it
* What's New in Python 2.7 doesn't mention it either
* My own limited testing on trunk indicates it hasn't happened

Now, truth be told I only spent 15 minutes investigating this so I could
certainly have missed something.  Are absolute imports enabled by default in
Python 2.7?  If not, given that we're into beta, I don't think we can do it
now, so I would suggest updating the PEP.  If they have been enabled then we
need to update NEWS and What's New.

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From ncoghlan at  Wed Apr 21 15:48:48 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:48:48 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<20100418221946.39d6160c@heresy>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Tobias Herp wrote:
> What /is/ this ambiguity of the "version=" argument? There is none!
> Do it the way optparse does it, and all is fine!

All is not fine.

How do I add a "-V" shortcut that is equivalent to "--version" as part
of an optparse program? (That's a real question, I honestly have no idea
how I would do that short of writing my own version display option).

Since argparse now uses action='version' instead, the same question
becomes trivial (just list "-V" as one of the accepted options for that

There are at least three reasonable approaches for version options
(ignoring the fact that Windows users expect their options to start with
a '/' instead of a '-'):
   - just "--version" (the optparse way)
   - "-V" and "--version" (the Python interpreter way)
   - "-v" and "--version" (the old argparse way)

The third is by far the least common of the three, but even you admit
both of the first two are quite common and acceptable according to the
de facto "standard".

Optparse makes it easy to do it the optparse way, but difficult to
support either of the other formats. Argparse used to be in a similar
boat, where only the third option was easy.

The latest argparse approach is straightforward regardless of the
particular spelling you happen to prefer. Since getting away from the
"thou shalt" preachiness of optparse is one of the big reasons for
adding argparse in the first place, it seems odd to complain when it
switches to a more consistent and flexible API.

There were a couple of issues to be addressed with the implementation
and the documentation, but the basic approach is sound.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From dickinsm at  Wed Apr 21 15:56:22 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:56:22 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 328, relative imports and Python 2.7
In-Reply-To: <20100421094005.3adea983@heresy>
References: <20100421094005.3adea983@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> While talking about Python 2.6 -> 2.7 transitions, the subject of relative and
> absolute imports has come up. ?PEP 328 states that absolute imports will be
> enabled by default in Python 2.7, however I cannot verify that this has
> actually happened.

I'm fairly sure it hasn't.  I brought this up on python-dev in
February (around Feb 2nd;  thread entitled 'Absolute imports in Python
2.x'), but for some reason I can only find the tail end of that thread

> Python 2.7? ?If not, given that we're into beta, I don't think we can do it
> now, so I would suggest updating the PEP.

Agreed.  There's also the question of whether deprecation warnings or
-3 warnings should be raised;  see


From dickinsm at  Wed Apr 21 15:58:54 2010
From: dickinsm at (Mark Dickinson)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:58:54 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 328, relative imports and Python 2.7
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100421094005.3adea983@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Mark Dickinson <dickinsm at> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>> While talking about Python 2.6 -> 2.7 transitions, the subject of relative and
>> absolute imports has come up. ?PEP 328 states that absolute imports will be
>> enabled by default in Python 2.7, however I cannot verify that this has
>> actually happened.
> I'm fairly sure it hasn't. ?I brought this up on python-dev in
> February (around Feb 2nd; ?thread entitled 'Absolute imports in Python
> 2.x'), but for some reason I can only find the tail end of that thread
> on

Ah, here's a better link to a different archive of the previous discussion. at


From hancock.robert at  Wed Apr 21 16:04:40 2010
From: hancock.robert at (Robert Hancock)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:04:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] jean-claude elias
Message-ID: <>

From g.rodola at  Wed Apr 21 16:38:22 2010
From: g.rodola at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Giampaolo_Rodol=E0?=)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 16:38:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Email addresses for new committers for
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm already subscribed as "g.rodola at" and I'm able to receive
messages from the list.

2010/4/20 Brett Cannon <brett at>:
> If you are a committer and are NOT subscribed to the python-committers
> mailing list (I believe this at least includes Giampaolo, JP, and Brian),
> then please either reply to this email with your preferred email address or
> let me know directly (the former is preferred so Georg or Eric can beat me
> to the subscription if I take too long).
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

From rob.cliffe at  Wed Apr 21 18:17:55 2010
From: rob.cliffe at (Rob Cliffe)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 17:17:55 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Small suggestion re help(Exception)
Message-ID: <AD78DD45CAB840508522A8CD7C491A10@robslaptop>

help() on an Exception class lists the method resolution order (effectively the inheritance hierarchy).
E.g. help(ArithmeticError) displays inter alia:

Method resolution order:

Would it be possible for it also display the Python built-in SUBclasses of the class?  E.g. in the same example something like:

Built-in subclasses:

This may seem pointless to grizzled old Python veterans who (maybe) know the inheritance hierarchy backwards, but for those of us with less experience I think it would be helpful, e.g.
(1) It would help to track down an Exception whose name you have forgotten.
(2) It would sometimes be illuminating, e.g. LookupError might be a bit obscure at first, until you see that it is the superclass of the familiar IndexError and KeyError.

Sorry, I'm not sure if I should send this sort of thing to Python-Ideas or Python-Dev, so please let me know gently which one I should (not) have sent it to.

Best wishes
Rob Cliffe
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From fuzzyman at  Wed Apr 21 18:22:36 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 18:22:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Small suggestion re help(Exception)
In-Reply-To: <AD78DD45CAB840508522A8CD7C491A10@robslaptop>
References: <AD78DD45CAB840508522A8CD7C491A10@robslaptop>
Message-ID: <>

On 21/04/2010 18:17, Rob Cliffe wrote:
> help() on an Exception class lists the method resolution order 
> (effectively the inheritance hierarchy).
> E.g. help(ArithmeticError) displays inter alia:
> Method resolution order:
>     ArithmeticError
>     StandardError
>     Exception
>     BaseException
>     __builtin__.object
> Would it be possible for it also display the Python built-in 
> SUBclasses of the class?  E.g. in the same example something like:
> Built-in subclasses:
>     FloatingPointError
>     OverflowError
>     ZeroDivisionError
> This may seem pointless to grizzled old Python veterans who (maybe) 
> know the inheritance hierarchy backwards, but for those of us with 
> less experience I think it would be helpful, e.g.
> (1) It would help to track down an Exception whose name you have 
> forgotten.
> (2) It would sometimes be illuminating, e.g. LookupError might be a 
> bit obscure at first, until you see that it is the superclass of the 
> familiar IndexError and KeyError.
> Sorry, I'm not sure if I should send this sort of thing to 
> Python-Ideas or Python-Dev, so please let me know gently which one I 
> should (not) have sent it to.

This sounds like a pretty straightforward feature request that you could 
put on the tracker (preferably with patch and tests of course), but is 
on-topic for this mailing list.

I rarely use help(...) myself (I probably should), but it sounds like a 
useful enhancement.


> Best wishes
> Rob Cliffe
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


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From steven.bethard at  Wed Apr 21 18:33:32 2010
From: steven.bethard at (Steven Bethard)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 09:33:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse ambiguity handling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hqkv7p$9gk$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:14 AM, Jon Ribbens
<jon+python-dev at> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 03:53:16AM -0400, Eric Smith wrote:
>> I agree the new behavior is desirable. And I also think it should be the
>> default, although I feel less strongly about that.
>> But since this behavior seems to be an accident of the implementation
>> (based on Steve's comment above), I think a test should be added for it
>> if it's accepted as a Good Thing (tm). Otherwise it's possible that it
>> will vanish as the implementation changes.
> +1 to all of that

Turns out I actually fixed this on purpose in r79 of argparse, and
even added a test (TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch) to test this
behavior. So also +1 from me as well since I've already done it. ;-)

Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
        --- The Hiphopopotamus

From rob.cliffe at  Wed Apr 21 18:52:08 2010
From: rob.cliffe at (Rob Cliffe)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 17:52:08 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Small suggestion re help(Exception)
Message-ID: <3F49C95140FF4CEB87023B4EC9295C74@robslaptop>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aur?lien Campeas" <aurelien.campeas at>
To: "Rob Cliffe" <rob.cliffe at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] Small suggestion re help(Exception)

> like in
>>>> ArithmeticError.__subclasses__()
> [<type 'exceptions.FloatingPointError'>, <type
> 'exceptions.OverflowError'>, <type 'exceptions.ZeroDivisionError'>]
> ?

Yes, exactly like that.
I wasn't aware of __subclasses__ (it doesn't appear in dir(ArithmeticError), 
for example), but if my suggestion were adopted, __subclasses__ would be 
just what is needed to implement it.
Rob Cliffe

> Le mercredi 21 avril 2010 ? 17:17 +0100, Rob Cliffe a ?crit :
>> help() on an Exception class lists the method resolution order
>> (effectively the inheritance hierarchy).
>> E.g. help(ArithmeticError) displays inter alia:
>> Method resolution order:
>>     ArithmeticError
>>     StandardError
>>     Exception
>>     BaseException
>>     __builtin__.object
>> Would it be possible for it also display the Python built-in
>> SUBclasses of the class?  E.g. in the same example something like:
>> Built-in subclasses:
>>     FloatingPointError
>>     OverflowError
>>     ZeroDivisionError
>> This may seem pointless to grizzled old Python veterans who (maybe)
>> know the inheritance hierarchy backwards, but for those of us with
>> less experience I think it would be helpful, e.g.
>> (1) It would help to track down an Exception whose name you have
>> forgotten.
>> (2) It would sometimes be illuminating, e.g. LookupError might be a
>> bit obscure at first, until you see that it is the superclass of the
>> familiar IndexError and KeyError.
>> Sorry, I'm not sure if I should send this sort of thing to
>> Python-Ideas or Python-Dev, so please let me know gently which one I
>> should (not) have sent it to.
>> Best wishes
>> Rob Cliffe
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-Dev mailing list
>> Python-Dev at
>> Unsubscribe: 
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From brett at  Wed Apr 21 19:47:56 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:47:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 328, relative imports and Python 2.7
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100421094005.3adea983@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 06:58, Mark Dickinson <dickinsm at> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Mark Dickinson <dickinsm at>
> wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> >> While talking about Python 2.6 -> 2.7 transitions, the subject of
> relative and
> >> absolute imports has come up.  PEP 328 states that absolute imports will
> be
> >> enabled by default in Python 2.7, however I cannot verify that this has
> >> actually happened.
> >
> > I'm fairly sure it hasn't.  I brought this up on python-dev in
> > February (around Feb 2nd;  thread entitled 'Absolute imports in Python
> > 2.x'), but for some reason I can only find the tail end of that thread
> > on
> >
> >
> Ah, here's a better link to a different archive of the previous discussion.
> at

And it looks like it mostly got hijacked by a discussion of how to keep
track of long-term issues. =)

As for changing the semantics of this, I would love to see it happen, but as
Barry said, into a beta probably means no. So we should at least add a Py3K
warning (if there isn't one already) as implicit relative imports cannot be
guaranteed correct by 2to3 in the face of ambiguity. Plus the silencing of
DeprecationWarnings by default means it won't trigger more noise for users.
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From barry at  Wed Apr 21 22:05:33 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 16:05:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 328, relative imports and Python 2.7
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100421094005.3adea983@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100421160533.2d085a96@heresy>

On Apr 21, 2010, at 02:56 PM, Mark Dickinson wrote:

>On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>> While talking about Python 2.6 -> 2.7 transitions, the subject of relative and
>> absolute imports has come up. ?PEP 328 states that absolute imports will be
>> enabled by default in Python 2.7, however I cannot verify that this has
>> actually happened.
>I'm fairly sure it hasn't.  I brought this up on python-dev in
>February (around Feb 2nd;  thread entitled 'Absolute imports in Python
>2.x'), but for some reason I can only find the tail end of that thread
>> Python 2.7? ?If not, given that we're into beta, I don't think we can do it
>> now, so I would suggest updating the PEP.
>Agreed.  There's also the question of whether deprecation warnings or
>-3 warnings should be raised;  see

For the time being, I've removed the sentence from the PEP that says absolute
imports will be enabled by default in Python 2.7.

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From victor.stinner at  Wed Apr 21 22:16:54 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 22:16:54 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Reject bytearray filename in Python 3.2
Message-ID: <>


About my work on unicode surrogates, I would like to reject bytearray 
filename, especially in the PyUnicode_FSConverter function. As explained in 
issue #8485, support bytearray requires to test the result type, 
acquire/release a lock, the API is more complex, etc.

I don't know real world usecase of bytearray filename. The os.path module 
doesn't support it and no Python 3.0 or 3.1 user noticed that. Support of 
bytearray in not documentation in PyUnicode_FSConverter() comment 

Martin Loewis, the author of PEP 383, created PyUnicode_FSConverter() and he 
agree to drop support of bytearray filename. But he asked me to ask on this 
mailing list if anyone would prefer to mark bytearray filename as deprecated 
in 3.2 and reject them in 3.3.

I will be very sad if someone ask me to keep bytearray filename support in 3.2 
because I opened a lot of issues about surrogates and I would make my work 
more diffcult :-(

Victor Stinner

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 22 00:18:50 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:18:50 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Small suggestion re help(Exception)
In-Reply-To: <3F49C95140FF4CEB87023B4EC9295C74@robslaptop>
References: <3F49C95140FF4CEB87023B4EC9295C74@robslaptop>
Message-ID: <>

Rob Cliffe wrote:
> Yes, exactly like that.
> I wasn't aware of __subclasses__ (it doesn't appear in
> dir(ArithmeticError),
> for example)

Slight tangent: dir() usually includes class attributes (e.g.
"set(dir(1)) >= set(dir(int))"), but to prevent weirdness that
particular feature is omitted for the metaclass of a type. So
dir(type(cls)) may reveal a few extra methods/properties (such as mro()
and __subclasses__()) that aren't listed when doing dir(cls).

> but if my suggestion were adopted, __subclasses__ would be
> just what is needed to implement it.

Restricting it to just builtins would be tricky, especially for
Exception (even without importing any additional libraries,
Exception.__subclasses__() lists 23 direct subclasses at the interpreter
prompt for me).

Anyway, as Michael suggested, a feature request on the
tracker is the best way forward. That's no guarantee that anyone will
pick it up and run with it, but at least it will record the idea.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 22 00:21:02 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:21:02 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Reject bytearray filename in Python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Stinner wrote:
> I will be very sad if someone ask me to keep bytearray filename support in 3.2 
> because I opened a lot of issues about surrogates and I would make my work 
> more diffcult :-(

I don't have an opinion one way or the other regarding bytearray, but
even if you deprecated it rather than dropping it, couldn't you just add
the surrogate support for the Unicode path and leave the bytecode path
with the legacy behaviour?


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From victor.stinner at  Thu Apr 22 01:05:36 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 01:05:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Reject bytearray filename in Python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le jeudi 22 avril 2010 00:21:02, vous avez ?crit :
> Victor Stinner wrote:
> > I will be very sad if someone ask me to keep bytearray filename support
> > in 3.2 because I opened a lot of issues about surrogates and I would make
> > my work more diffcult :-(
> I don't have an opinion one way or the other regarding bytearray, but
> even if you deprecated it rather than dropping it, couldn't you just add
> the surrogate support for the Unicode path and leave the bytecode path
> with the legacy behaviour?

Yes, we can do everything. But does it really have a sense? No Python function 
using filenames return a bytearray object. Example: os.listdir() and os.walk() 
result type is bytes or str.

Changing PyUnicode_FSConverter() is trivial, but the problem is in the 
function calling PyUnicode_FSConverter(). The caller have to support byte and 
bytearray. Antoine proposed to convert bytearray to bytes to ensure that 
PyUnicode_FSConverter() result is a bytes object. But in this case, we still 
need also to fix ntpath, ,posixpath and macpath modules to support bytearray.

Victor Stinner

From ziade.tarek at  Thu Apr 22 10:54:08 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:54:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 376
Message-ID: <>


I think I went through all the latest feedback regarding PEP 376.

There will be still some work of course, on the implementation side
(for instance the Zip issues described by PJE).

But I would like to go ahead and propose PEP 376 for acceptance.

If it's accepted, I will implement it in pkgutil for Python 3.2 and
provide a backport in distutils2. (In fact Michael Mulich has
started this work in distutils2, so it might be done the other way)

The next big piece is the FHS-compatible handling of resource files,
which will worth a PEP on its own.


Tarek Ziad? |

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 22 13:32:54 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 21:32:54 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Reject bytearray filename in Python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Stinner wrote:
> Le jeudi 22 avril 2010 00:21:02, vous avez ?crit :
>> Victor Stinner wrote:
>>> I will be very sad if someone ask me to keep bytearray filename support
>>> in 3.2 because I opened a lot of issues about surrogates and I would make
>>> my work more diffcult :-(
>> I don't have an opinion one way or the other regarding bytearray, but
>> even if you deprecated it rather than dropping it, couldn't you just add
>> the surrogate support for the Unicode path and leave the bytecode path
>> with the legacy behaviour?
> Yes, we can do everything. But does it really have a sense? No Python function 
> using filenames return a bytearray object. Example: os.listdir() and os.walk() 
> result type is bytes or str.

Oh, never mind then, I misunderstood the question ('bytearray' flipped
to 'bytes' in my brain).

I don't see the point in allowing a mutable argument either.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From victor.stinner at  Thu Apr 22 13:39:38 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:39:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PyTuple_Parse*() and discontigious buffer
Message-ID: <>


I opened issue #8215 about PyTuple_Parse*() outdated documentation. When I 
read the code, I found two functions: getbuffer() and convertbuffer(). 
getbuffer() checks that the buffer is contigious, whereas convertbuffer() 
doesn't. We can group formats by contigious check:

 - contigious buffer: s, y*, z*, w*
 - discontigious buffer: s#, y, z, t, w, w#

I tried to test formats accepting discontigious buffer but I didn't found any 
function or library to test this.

I'm not sure that functions using s#, y, z, t, w, w# format do really support 
discontigious buffer and it's just a bug in getargs.c.

Do someone have information about that? Should it be fixed (only accept 
contigious buffer)?

Victor Stinner

From asmodai at  Thu Apr 22 13:58:31 2010
From: asmodai at (Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:58:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

-On [20100422 10:55], Tarek Ziad? (ziade.tarek at wrote:
>The next big piece is the FHS-compatible handling of resource files,
>which will worth a PEP on its own.

You do realize, I hope, that FHS is only followed by Linux distributions and
not even fully at that. BSD Unixes, for example, have quite some different
hier(7) requirements, most notably that /usr/local is used.

So is your intent to have a PEP solely for Linux systems?

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)> / asmodai
????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? | | GPG: 2EAC625B
A wise man that walks in the dark with a blindfold on, is not much of a
wise man...

From eric at  Thu Apr 22 14:02:06 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:02:06 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:
> -On [20100422 10:55], Tarek Ziad? (ziade.tarek at wrote:
>> The next big piece is the FHS-compatible handling of resource files,
>> which will worth a PEP on its own.
> You do realize, I hope, that FHS is only followed by Linux distributions and
> not even fully at that. BSD Unixes, for example, have quite some different
> hier(7) requirements, most notably that /usr/local is used.
> So is your intent to have a PEP solely for Linux systems?

I believe the intent is to have enough metadata describing the resource 
files that any system could be supported, including FHS.


From ziade.tarek at  Thu Apr 22 14:16:08 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:16:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/22 Eric Smith <eric at>:
> Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:
>> -On [20100422 10:55], Tarek Ziad? (ziade.tarek at wrote:
>>> The next big piece is the FHS-compatible handling of resource files,
>>> which will worth a PEP on its own.
>> You do realize, I hope, that FHS is only followed by Linux distributions
>> and
>> not even fully at that. BSD Unixes, for example, have quite some different
>> hier(7) requirements, most notably that /usr/local is used.
>> So is your intent to have a PEP solely for Linux systems?
> I believe the intent is to have enough metadata describing the resource
> files that any system could be supported, including FHS.

Yes that's the idea. We want to provide a way in Python, to describe
for each system (Windows included)
default paths for resource files, and to give the ability to system
packagers to change them.

At the end, the developer will be able to say "Foo is a help file",
and leave it up to distutils to install it
at the best place depending on the platform.

Then, he'll be able to say "Let me have Foo" at runtime.  And os
packagers, for example in Ubuntu, will be able to say "for now on,
help files will be located *here*".

We did quite a lot of work already on this during Pycon, see :

FHS was just our insipiration to list the different targets, because
it's one of the most advanced description in this field.
But we do need to provide default locations under windows as well, and
windows will possibly add new locations, who knows..

Tarek Ziad? |

From regebro at  Thu Apr 22 17:42:06 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 17:42:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Doctests REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE ignored
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 06:56, Lennart Regebro <regebro at> wrote:
> If you set up any sort of report flag on the unit test itself, the
> default report flags given to the testrunner are ignored. This goes
> for all report flags, the REPORT_xDIFF and REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE.
> I'd suggest that we do allow the testrunner to set
> REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE by default even if the testcase has a
> REPORT_xDIFF flag. Why? Because it makes sense. :)
> The REPORT_xDFF flags makes sense both as parameters to a testrunner,
> and as flags on a testcase. You might want to permanently set diff
> flags on tests that generate output that warrants a diff if they fail.
> REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE you would rarely set on a testcase. You
> don't want that on the testcase, as buildbots wouldn't see the
> subsequent fails, and developers might think it was only a minor
> issue. It is a flag you give to the testrunner to stop having the
> first failure scroll off screen. So you want it to work *always*. You
> don't want or expect it to stop working just because one testcase had
> a DIFF flag set. Right?
> Or did I miss something? If not, I'll provide a patch and put it in
> the bugtracker.

I apparently didn't miss anything. :) Patch will arrive soon. :)

From pje at  Thu Apr 22 18:02:41 2010
From: pje at (P.J. Eby)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:02:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 376
Message-ID: <>

At 10:54 AM 4/22/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>I think I went through all the latest feedback regarding PEP 376.
>There will be still some work of course, on the implementation side
>(for instance the Zip issues described by PJE).
>But I would like to go ahead and propose PEP 376 for acceptance.

One final (optional) question/suggestion...  should we change from 
this (in RECORD files):


to this:


In this way, reader code can be written as:

     for path, hash, size in csv.reader(...):

It's not a high-priority thing, but if anybody is writing code to 
parse RECORD files outside the provided API implementation (eg. 
system packaging tool authors), they'll probably appreciate this.  ;-)

From ziade.tarek at  Thu Apr 22 18:05:32 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:05:32 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/22 P.J. Eby <pje at>:
> At 10:54 AM 4/22/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I think I went through all the latest feedback regarding PEP 376.
>> There will be still some work of course, on the implementation side
>> (for instance the Zip issues described by PJE).
>> But I would like to go ahead and propose PEP 376 for acceptance.
> One final (optional) question/suggestion... ?should we change from this (in
> RECORD files):
> ? ?lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.pyc
> to this:
> ? ?lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.pyc,,
> In this way, reader code can be written as:
> ? ?for path, hash, size in csv.reader(...):
> It's not a high-priority thing, but if anybody is writing code to parse
> RECORD files outside the provided API implementation (eg. system packaging
> tool authors), they'll probably appreciate this. ?;-)

Yes, of course. the RECORD file is supposed to be iterable using the csv reader,
so that's a mistake in the PEP.

Thanks for noticing, I'll fix it later today


Tarek Ziad? |

From sridharr at  Thu Apr 22 22:14:48 2010
From: sridharr at (Sridhar Ratnakumar)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:14:48 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
Message-ID: <>

I am seeing random 403 errors when cloning the mercurial repositories of Python.

$ hg clone
destination directory: release2.6-maint
requesting all changes
abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
$ hg clone
destination directory: release2.6-maint
requesting all changes
abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Sometimes they work, sometimes not.

Should I report this issue to a specific tracker (other than and webmaster at


From martin at  Thu Apr 22 22:45:38 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 22:45:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:
> I am seeing random 403 errors when cloning the mercurial repositories of Python.
> $ hg clone
> destination directory: release2.6-maint
> requesting all changes
> abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
> $ hg clone
> destination directory: release2.6-maint
> requesting all changes
> abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
> Sometimes they work, sometimes not.

What's your IP address? (you may want to tell in private only).

> Should I report this issue to a specific tracker (other than and webmaster at

Please don't report that to the tracker.


From stefan at  Thu Apr 22 23:03:51 2010
From: stefan at (Stefan Krah)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:03:51 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sridhar Ratnakumar <sridharr at> wrote:
> I am seeing random 403 errors when cloning the mercurial repositories of Python.
> $ hg clone
> destination directory: release2.6-maint
> requesting all changes
> abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
> $ hg clone
> destination directory: release2.6-maint
> requesting all changes
> abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
> Sometimes they work, sometimes not.

In general seems flaky today. Sometimes I could not reach the site
at all, now a ping to gives 30% packet loss.

Stefan Krah

From martin at  Fri Apr 23 00:01:17 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 00:01:17 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> In general seems flaky today. Sometimes I could not reach the site
> at all, now a ping to gives 30% packet loss.

Yes. See

Somebody was consuming all bandwidth, although we couldn't quite figure
out who (whenever I was looking, the traffic looked genuine). It turned
out that Sridhar himself contributed a good chunk of this traffic.


From sridharr at  Fri Apr 23 02:45:50 2010
From: sridharr at (Sridhar Ratnakumar)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 17:45:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2010-04-22, at 3:01 PM, Martin v. L?wis wrote:

>> In general seems flaky today. Sometimes I could not reach the site
>> at all, now a ping to gives 30% packet loss.
> Yes. See
> Somebody was consuming all bandwidth, although we couldn't quite figure
> out who (whenever I was looking, the traffic looked genuine). It turned
> out that Sridhar himself contributed a good chunk of this traffic.

Background in private emails to Martin (below):

On 2010-04-22, at 5:42 PM, Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:

> On 2010-04-22, at 2:13 PM, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> [snip ... ip address]
>>> I must note that we do a nightly build of ActivePython using Python
>>> mercurial repositories for trunk, release26-maint and release31-maint
>>> (3 URLs) on 5 of our build machines. So one nightly build will make
>>> 3x5=15 "hg clone" requests per day to This week, I
>>> have been debugging the nightly build code (run by hudson); so that
>>> number is likely higher this week.
>> [snip ... possibly security-confidential part]
>> Can you please find a way not to clone the complete repository every
>> time? IIUC, it should be possible to update a clone, rather than
>> refetching it from scratch.
> Ok, I setup a cron job to maintain an internal mirror of the above mentioned repositories in We'll do a "hg pull -u" (equivalent to "svn up") every hour; no clones. Hopefully, that should reduce the amount of requests from our side. Let me know if in future this issue repeats.

From asmodai at  Fri Apr 23 07:55:21 2010
From: asmodai at (Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 07:55:21 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

-On [20100423 02:48], Sridhar Ratnakumar (sridharr at wrote:
>> Ok, I setup a cron job to maintain an internal mirror of the above mentioned repositories in We'll do a "hg pull -u" (equivalent to "svn up") every hour; no clones. Hopefully, that should reduce the amount of requests from our side. Let me know if in future this issue repeats.

Dirk Jan can probably correct me (or some other heavy Hg user) but for all I
know you should indeed simply clone once and subsequently hg pull and from
your local copy clone as you like. (At least that's also how seems to
aim at explaining.)

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)> / asmodai
????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? | | GPG: 2EAC625B
A wise man that walks in the dark with a blindfold on, is not much of a
wise man...

From jobh at  Fri Apr 23 15:41:55 2010
From: jobh at (Joachim B Haga)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 15:41:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Inconsistent nesting of scopes in exec(..., locals())
Message-ID: <>

There seem to be an inconsistency in the handling of local scopes in
exec. Consider the following code, which raises NameError if the '#' is
removed from the second last line.

block = """
b = 'ok'
def f():
    print(b)    # raises NameError here
scope = locals()#.copy()
exec(block, globals(), scope)

The intermediate scope is searched for the variable name if the third
argument to exec() is locals(), but not if it is locals().copy().
Testing further, it looks like NameError is raised for any dict which 
is not identically equal to either globals() or locals().

This behaviour is quite unexpected, and I believe it qualifies as a 
bug. Tested with python 2.6.5 and 3.1.2.

Joachim B Haga

From doko at  Fri Apr 23 17:26:59 2010
From: doko at (Matthias Klose)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:26:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] autoconf update to 2.65 and cleanup
Message-ID: <>

configure is still generated by 2.61; would it be possible to update to 2.65? 
The cr_lf issue mentioned in [1] seems to be resolved, ac_cr is now defined as

   ac_cr=`echo X | tr X '\015'`

Proposing to

  - fix some quoting in help strings and code snippets (#8509)
  - update to autoconf 2.65 (#8510)
  - convert obsolete macros (AC_HELP_STRING, AC_TRY_*, AC_AIX, ...)
    one by one (tracking these in separate reports).

Could this be done for both trunk and py3k branch, even if 2.7 already is in 



From victor.stinner at  Fri Apr 23 17:44:20 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:44:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] autoconf update to 2.65 and cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le vendredi 23 avril 2010 17:26:59, Matthias Klose a ?crit :
> configure is still generated by 2.61; would it be possible to update to
>  2.65?

Yes, everything is possible. Open a new issue and write a patch ;-)

> even if 2.7 already is in beta?

I'm not sure that it's a good idea to change the build process after the first 
beta. It would depend on the issue comments ;-)

Victor Stinner

From victor.stinner at  Fri Apr 23 18:07:22 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 18:07:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le jeudi 22 avril 2010 22:14:48, Sridhar Ratnakumar a ?crit :
> I am seeing random 403 errors when cloning the mercurial repositories of
>  Python.

I don't know if it is related, but I get errors from the bbreport tool:
$ python2.6 3.x
Selected builders: 20 / 80 (branch: 3.x)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 903, in <module>
    builders = main()
  File "", line 853, in main
    for xrb in proxy.getLastBuildsAllBuilders(limit):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1199, in __call__
    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1489, in __request
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1253, in request
    return self._parse_response(h.getfile(), sock)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1392, in _parse_response
    return u.close()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 838, in close
    raise Fault(**self._stack[0])
xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 8002: 'error'>

Did the buildbot configuration/version changed recently?

Victor Stinner

From status at  Fri Apr 23 18:09:03 2010
From: status at (Python tracker)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 18:09:03 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues
Message-ID: <>

ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2010-04-16 - 2010-04-23)
Python tracker at

To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue 
number.  Do NOT respond to this message.

 2665 open (+58) / 17664 closed (+31) / 20329 total (+89)

Open issues with patches:  1084

Average duration of open issues: 725 days.
Median duration of open issues: 494 days.

Open Issues Breakdown
       open  2621 (+58)
languishing     9 ( +0)
    pending    34 ( +0)

Issues Created Or Reopened (94)

Obsolete RFCs should be removed from doc of urllib.urlparse    2010-04-19
CLOSED    reopened ezio.melotti                      
       patch, easy                                                             

[PATCH] Drop "Computer" from "Apple Computer" in plistlib      2010-04-20    reopened haypo                             

configure: ignore AC_PROG_CC hardcoded CFLAGS                  2010-04-23    reopened lemburg                           

subprocess: support undecodable current working directory on P 2010-04-19
CLOSED    reopened amaury.forgeotdarc                

ctypes.dlopen() doesn't support surrogates                     2010-04-19
CLOSED    reopened amaury.forgeotdarc                

tiger buildbot: unable to resolv hostname address              2010-04-16
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

tiger buildbot: test_abspath_issue3426 failure (test_genericpa 2010-04-16
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

tiger buildbot: test_pep277 failures                           2010-04-16    created  haypo                             

Test assumptions for test_itimer_virtual and test_itimer_prof  2010-04-16    created  haypo                             
       patch, buildbot                                                         

a -= b should be fast if a is a small set and b is a large set 2010-04-16    created  abacabadabacaba                   

multiprocessing.Queue fails to get() very large objects        2010-04-16    created  Ian.Davis                         

toplevel jumps to another location on the screen               2010-04-16    created  aparasch                          

buildbot: test_multiprocessing timeout (test_notify_all? test_ 2010-04-16    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_subprocess timeout                              2010-04-16    created  haypo                             

test_site failure with non-ASCII directory                     2010-04-17
CLOSED    created  haypo                             
       patch, buildbot                                                         

buildbot: hung on ARM Debian                                   2010-04-17    created  haypo                             

build: test_send_signal of test_subprocess failure             2010-04-17    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_curses failure, getmouse() returned ERR         2010-04-17    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_gdb failure on sparc Ubuntu trunk               2010-04-17
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

It is possible to observe a mutating frozenset                 2010-04-17
CLOSED    created  abacabadabacaba                   

set.__init__ accepts keyword args                              2010-04-17
CLOSED    created  abacabadabacaba                   

test_gdb: gdb.Frame has no attribute function                  2010-04-17
CLOSED    created  loewis                            

Codecs: "surrogateescape" error handler in Python 2.7          2010-04-18
CLOSED    created  ysj.ray                           

test_linecache failing in py3k r80169                          2010-04-18
CLOSED    created  tim.golden                        

test_heapq interfering with test_import on py3k                2010-04-18    created  tim.golden                        

Framework build broken in 3.2 brunk                            2010-04-18
CLOSED    created  ronaldoussoren                    

Broken zipfile with  python 3.2 on osx                         2010-04-18    created  ronaldoussoren                    

Broken zipfile with  python 3.2 on osx                         2010-04-18
CLOSED    created  ronaldoussoren                    

openssl version detection doesn't work properly when using OSX 2010-04-18    created  ronaldoussoren                    

buildbot: test_ttk_guionly failures (test_traversal, test_tab_ 2010-04-18    created  haypo                             

buildbot: DeprecationWarning not raised for icglue (test_py3kw 2010-04-18    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_httpservers failure (No module named operator)  2010-04-18    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_subprocess failure (test_no_leaking, Broken pip 2010-04-18    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_dbm and test_dbm_ndbm
failures                  2010-04-18    created  haypo                             

httplib: false BadStatusLine() raised                          2010-04-18    created  mschu                             

syslog.syslog('msg') logs message with ident "python".         2010-04-19
CLOSED    created  jafo                              
       patch, easy, needs review                                        breaks bzip compilation                     2010-04-19
CLOSED    created  loewis                            

unittest Module Problem with different Kinds of Invocation     2010-04-19    created  AP                                

buildbot: test_urllib2_localnet failures (Connection refused)  2010-04-19    created  haypo                             

sqlite3.connect documentation is incorrect                     2010-04-19    created  AndiDog                           

buildbot: test_asynchat and test_smtplib failures on Tiger: [E 2010-04-19    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_cmd_line failure on Tiger: [Errno 9] Bad file d 2010-04-19    created  haypo                             

buildbot: test_select failure (test_returned_list_identity) on 2010-04-19
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

Set a timeout in test_urllib2net                               2010-04-19
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

PythonLauncher universal build fails due to missing -arch and  2010-04-19
CLOSED    created  ned.deily                         

raise test_support.TestSkipped() is used outside main() / test 2010-04-19    created  haypo                             

shutil.make_archive() supports bz2, but it's not documented    2010-04-19
CLOSED    created  mastrodomenico                    

tarfile creates tarballs with execute permissions set          2010-04-19    created  mastrodomenico                    

re: Backreferences vs. escapes: a silent failure solved        2010-04-19    created  Aaron.Sherman                     

typo in tp_name of cStringIO                                   2010-04-20
CLOSED    created  anthon                            

subprocess: surrogates of the error message (Python implementa 2010-04-20    created  haypo                             

bz2: support surrogates in filename, and bytes/bytearray filen 2010-04-20
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

struct - please make sizes explicit                            2010-04-20    created  kiilerix                          

Let cmd.cmd.intro be unicode friendly                          2010-04-20    created  phep                              

Unicode returns in doctest can make subsequent tests fail      2010-04-20    created  lregebro                          

itertools.filterfalse() function missing                       2010-04-20    reopened honeyman                          

doctest fails if you have inconsistent lineendings             2010-04-20    created  lregebro                          

Duplicate tests in email test suite                            2010-04-20
CLOSED    created  l0nwlf                            

build-installer fix for doc building on OSX 10.4               2010-04-20
CLOSED    created  db3l                              

build-installer fix for setIcon when no script path specified  2010-04-20    created  db3l                              

_ssl: support surrogates in filenames, and bytes/bytearray fil 2010-04-20    created  haypo                             

tokenize.untokenize first token missing failure case           2010-04-21    created  rb                                

test_gdb in Python3: No stack                                  2010-04-21
CLOSED    created  loewis                            

test_gdb: No frame is currently selected.                      2010-04-21
CLOSED    created  loewis                            

doc: ctypes no need to explicitly allocate writable memory wit 2010-04-21    created  techtonik                         

test_gdb, gdb/ Unable to read information on pyth 2010-04-21    created  ncoghlan                          

asyncore.dispatcher's __getattr__ method produces confusing ef 2010-04-21    created  djc                               

ssl socket with certificate verification fails on SHA256	diges 2010-04-21
CLOSED    created  beda                              

Don't accept bytearray as filenames, or simplify the API       2010-04-21
CLOSED    created  haypo                             

threading.Event()                                              2010-04-21
CLOSED    created  Kain94                            

os.mknod() fails on NFS mounted directories                    2010-04-21
CLOSED    created  Nikratio                          

Docstrings of non-data descriptors "ignored"                   2010-04-21    created  torsten                           

smtplib.SMTP.login() breaks with unicode input                 2010-04-21    created  iElectric                         

asyncore test suite                                            2010-04-21    created  giampaolo.rodola                  
       patch, patch                                                            

Need readline command and keybinding information               2010-04-21    created  MLModel                           

Addition to readline module to get dictionary of keystrokes an 2010-04-21    created  MLModel                           

socket's send can raise errno 35 under OS X, which causes prob 2010-04-21    created  mdcowles                          

test_gdb assertEndsWith failing: Unable to read information on 2010-04-21
CLOSED    created  loewis                            

test_gdb: use utf8+surrogateescape charset?                    2010-04-22    created  haypo                             

mailcap.lookup() returns filter iterator rather than list if k 2010-04-22
CLOSED    created  gnofi                             

Technology and Licensing Related Query                         2010-04-22
CLOSED    created  renben                            

Cannot use backlog = 0 for sockets                             2010-04-22    created  Daniel.Evers                      

Set a timeout in test_urllibnet                                2010-04-22    created  haypo                             

Erroneous Invalid Syntax Error                                 2010-04-22
CLOSED    created  indolering                        

--dry-run option doesn't work                                  2010-04-22    created  j1m                               

proposal: encourage xgettext rather than in gette 2010-04-23    created  jhg                               

smtpd SMTPServer does not allow domain filtering               2010-04-23    created  mike.s                            

bsddb databases in python 2.6 are not compatible with python 2 2010-04-23    created  guy.linton                        

2to3 removes __future__ imports, but should it?  2010-04-23    created  barry                             

SimpleXMLRPCServer Socket not closed after shutdown call       2010-04-23    created  othererik                         

abc.abstractproperty does not copy docstring                   2010-04-23    created  rescrv                            

2to3 fixer for gettext's .ugettext                             2010-04-23    created  barry                             

fix autoconf quoting in help strings and code snippets         2010-04-23    created  doko                              
       patch, needs review                                                     

update to autoconf2.65                                         2010-04-23    created  doko                              
       patch, needs review                                                     

Issues Now Closed (88)

asyncore and asynchat incompatible with Py3k str and bytes      869 days    r.david.murray                    

__import__ with fromlist=                                       796 days    brett.cannon                      

datetime: define division timedelta/timedelta                   724 days    mark.dickinson                    

RFC2732 support for urlparse (IPv6 addresses)                   693 days    orsenthil                         
       patch, easy                                                             

Allow application developers to select ciphers, and default to  610 days    pitrou                            

Improve gdbinit of Python 2.6                                   607 days    haypo                             

ftplib: ABOR does not consider 225 response code                586 days    giampaolo.rodola                  

26.rc1: test_signal issue on FreeBSD 6.3                        584 days    r.david.murray                    
       easy, buildbot                                                          

Support bytes for subprocess.Popen()                             48 days    haypo                             
       patch, patch                                                            

ftplib does not honour "timeout" parameter for active data con  472 days    giampaolo.rodola                  

make distutils use shutil                                       470 days    merwok                            

test_os causes delayed failure on x86 gentoo buildbot: Unknown  454 days    mark.dickinson                    
       patch, buildbot                                                         

shutil.copystat does not copy the "hidden" flag on windows      437 days    tarek                             

Document __instancecheck__ and __subclasscheck__                430 days    cvrebert                          

Obsolete RFCs should be removed from doc of urllib.urlparse       3 days    merwok                            
       patch, easy                                                             

OS X Installer: add checks to ensure proper Tk configuration d  382 days    ronaldoussoren                    

OS X Installer: remove references to Mac/Tools which no longer  382 days    ronaldoussoren                    

shutil.copytree fails on dangling symlinks                      272 days    TTimo                             

MemoryError in AiX 64-bit - PyMem_MALLOC fails in open/fdopen   265 days    pitrou                            

ftplib storelines does not honor strings returned in fp.readli  234 days    r.david.murray                    

isspace(0xa0) is true on Mac OS X                               194 days    ronaldoussoren                    
       patch, needs review                                                     

urllib.request system proxy configuration lookup broken for OS  184 days    ronaldoussoren                    

python script segment fault at PyMarshal_ReadLastObjectFromFil  157 days    Thomas.Smith                      

Add {Create|Delete}KeyEx to _winreg, doc and test updates       154 days    brian.curtin                      
       patch, 64bit, needs review                                              

distutils makefile from installer doesn't work on O  113 days    ronaldoussoren                    

test_xmlrpc fails with non-ascii path                           107 days    haypo                             

httplib.HTTPConnection.getresponse closes socket which destroy   84 days    r.david.murray                    

[decimal] ValueError -> TypeError in from_tuple                  77 days    rhettinger                        

SSL socket is not closed properly                                65 days    pitrou                            

test_platform failure on OS X 10.6                               59 days    ronaldoussoren                    

Backport capsule object                                          56 days    larry                             
       patch, buildbot                                                         

os.stat on osx 10.5 or later doesn't expose all fields in stru   54 days    ronaldoussoren                    

on OSX the file creation date not available in os.stat           54 days    ronaldoussoren                    

utf8, backslashreplace and surrogates                            45 days    haypo                             

Support for TLS Server Name Indication extension                 41 days    pitrou                            

mywrite() ignores PyFile_WriteString() errors                    42 days    haypo                             

2.6.5 OS X 10.5 --with-universal-archs=all (4-way) fails build   30 days    ronaldoussoren                    

Crash in sqlite3.create_collation() with a string non encodabl   31 days    haypo                             

regrtest stops prematurately on FreeBSD buildbot, with "succes   23 days    r.david.murray                    
       patch, buildbot                                                         

python-gdb PyListTests fail                                      17 days    haypo                             

test_gdb_sample fails                                            16 days    haypo                             
       patch, buildbot                                                         

test_ssl failures with OpenSSL 1.0.0                             12 days    pitrou                            
       patch                                                            produce unified format by default                         9 days    techtonik                         

OS X universal builds fail on 2.7b1 and py3k with "Don't know     8 days    ronaldoussoren                    

Port of the gdb7 debugging hooks to the "py3k" branch             9 days    loewis                            

subprocess: support undecodable current working directory on P    2 days    loewis                            

ctypes.dlopen() doesn't support surrogates                        1 days    loewis                            

shutil.copytree() add a copy_func parameter.                      6 days    tarek                             

namedtuple vs tuple                                               3 days    rhettinger                        

bytes and bytearray constructors raise TypeError for very larg    1 days    benjamin.peterson                 

tiger buildbot: unable to resolv hostname address                 0 days    r.david.murray                    

tiger buildbot: test_abspath_issue3426 failure (test_genericpa    2 days    haypo                             

test_site failure with non-ASCII directory                        1 days    haypo                             
       patch, buildbot                                                         

buildbot: test_gdb failure on sparc Ubuntu trunk                  0 days    haypo                             

It is possible to observe a mutating frozenset                    1 days    rhettinger                        

set.__init__ accepts keyword args                                 1 days    rhettinger                        

test_gdb: gdb.Frame has no attribute function                     3 days    ncoghlan                          

Codecs: "surrogateescape" error handler in Python 2.7             1 days    pitrou                            

test_linecache failing in py3k r80169                             3 days    pitrou                            

Framework build broken in 3.2 brunk                               0 days    ronaldoussoren                    

Broken zipfile with  python 3.2 on osx                            0 days    loewis                            

syslog.syslog('msg') logs message with ident "python".            4 days    jafo                              
       patch, easy, needs review                                        breaks bzip compilation                        1 days    r.david.murray                    

buildbot: test_select failure (test_returned_list_identity) on    1 days    benjamin.peterson                 

Set a timeout in test_urllib2net                                  1 days    orsenthil                         

PythonLauncher universal build fails due to missing -arch and     1 days    ronaldoussoren                    

shutil.make_archive() supports bz2, but it's not documented       0 days    tarek                             

typo in tp_name of cStringIO                                      0 days    eric.smith                        

bz2: support surrogates in filename, and bytes/bytearray filen    3 days    haypo                             

Duplicate tests in email test suite                               2 days    ezio.melotti                      

build-installer fix for doc building on OSX 10.4                  2 days    loewis                            

test_gdb in Python3: No stack                                     0 days    dmalcolm                          

test_gdb: No frame is currently selected.                         1 days    haypo                             

ssl socket with certificate verification fails on SHA256	diges    1 days    pitrou                            

Don't accept bytearray as filenames, or simplify the API          1 days    haypo                             

threading.Event()                                                 0 days    r.david.murray                    

os.mknod() fails on NFS mounted directories                       0 days    georg.brandl                      

test_gdb assertEndsWith failing: Unable to read information on    1 days    dmalcolm                          

mailcap.lookup() returns filter iterator rather than list if k    1 days    pitrou                            

Technology and Licensing Related Query                            0 days    brian.curtin                      

Erroneous Invalid Syntax Error                                    0 days    pitrou                            

Semaphore.acquire() timeout parameter                          2332 days  pitrou                            

Better SSL support in socket module                            2145 days  pitrou                            

ftplib PASV error bug                                          2026 days giampaolo.rodola                  

shutil.move() does not preserve ownership                      1619 days tarek                             

Allow choice of copy function in shutil.copytree               1344 days tarek                             
       patch, easy                                                             

datetime module missing some important methods                 1144 days mark.dickinson                    

ftplib and ProFTPD NLST 226 without 1xx response               1057 days giampaolo.rodola                  

Top Issues Most Discussed (10)

 26 python script segment fault at PyMarshal_ReadLastObjectFromFile  157 days

 24 test_gdb: gdb.Frame has no attribute function                      3 days

 16 Test assumptions for test_itimer_virtual and test_itimer_prof      7 days

 15 optparse/argparse: provide a simple way to get a programmatical  536 days

 14 Codecs: "surrogateescape" error handler in Python 2.7              1 days

 14 Improve GIL in 2.7                                                20 days

 14 curses crash on FreeBSD                                          151 days

 13 datetime: define division timedelta/timedelta                    724 days

 12 test_gdb, gdb/ Unable to read information on pytho    2 days

 12 shutil.copytree fails on dangling symlinks                       272 days

From barry at  Fri Apr 23 18:21:11 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 12:21:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] autoconf update to 2.65 and cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100423122111.38ff3dde@heresy>

On Apr 23, 2010, at 05:44 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:

>I'm not sure that it's a good idea to change the build process after the
>first beta. It would depend on the issue comments ;-)

OTOH, this doesn't seem like a new feature, so I think it should be okay.
Doubly so if it fixes a bug. <wink>

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From ncoghlan at  Fri Apr 23 18:32:44 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 02:32:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Inconsistent nesting of scopes in exec(...,
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Joachim B Haga wrote:
> There seem to be an inconsistency in the handling of local scopes in
> exec. Consider the following code, which raises NameError if the '#' is
> removed from the second last line.
> block = """
> b = 'ok'
> def f():
>     print(b)    # raises NameError here
> f()
> """
> scope = locals()#.copy()
> exec(block, globals(), scope)
> The intermediate scope is searched for the variable name if the third
> argument to exec() is locals(), but not if it is locals().copy().
> Testing further, it looks like NameError is raised for any dict which 
> is not identically equal to either globals() or locals().

What actually matters is whether or not the first and second scope are
the same dictionary or not.

If they're different, then the supplied local scope is treated as
equivalent to a class definition scope, and hence won't participate in
lexical scoping. If they're the same (which happens implicitly if the
second one is omitted) then they're treated as a module scope (and hence
written values are visible as globals inside any defined functions).

(Using 2.x syntax)

>>> outer_scope = dict()
>>> inner_scope = dict()
>>> block = """
... b = 'ok'
... def f():
...   print (b)
... f()
... """
>>> exec block in outer_scope
>>> outer_scope.clear()
>>> exec block in outer_scope, outer_scope
>>> outer_scope.clear()
>>> exec block in outer_scope, inner_scope
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 4, in f
NameError: global name 'b' is not defined

Since changing this would break class definitions, that ain't going to
happen. Suggestions for how to explain the behaviour more clearly in the
exec() documentation probably wouldn't hurt though.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From sridharr at  Fri Apr 23 18:42:50 2010
From: sridharr at (Sridhar Ratnakumar)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 09:42:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] - random 403 errors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2010-04-22, at 10:55 PM, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:

> -On [20100423 02:48], Sridhar Ratnakumar (sridharr at wrote:
>>> Ok, I setup a cron job to maintain an internal mirror of the above mentioned repositories in We'll do a "hg pull -u" (equivalent to "svn up") every hour; no clones. Hopefully, that should reduce the amount of requests from our side. Let me know if in future this issue repeats.
> Dirk Jan can probably correct me (or some other heavy Hg user) but for all I
> know you should indeed simply clone once and subsequently hg pull and from
> your local copy clone as you like. (At least that's also how
> seems to
> aim at explaining.)

Since the "download Python source code" thing is just part of the ActivePython build script, and the Hudson build script deletes the "build/" directory of the previous build .. a clone was necessary. To fix this I ended up creating a "mirror" at a local site which mirror was maintained by an hourly 'hg pull -u'. The hudson build script still does a clone although from this local mirror URL.

(Incidentally, cloning from this mirror via the Apache index listing URL doesn't seem to work; gotta investigate why...)


From dgindikin at  Fri Apr 23 20:11:53 2010
From: dgindikin at (Dan Gindikin)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 18:11:53 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed solution
Message-ID: <>

We were having performance problems unpickling a large pickle file, we were
getting 170s running time (which was fine), but 1100mb memory usage. Memory
usage ought to have been about 300mb, this was happening because of memory
fragmentation, due to many unnecessary "puts" in the pickle stream.

We made a pickletools.optimize inspired tool that could run directly on a
pickle file and used pickletools.genops. This solved the unpickling problem
(84s, 382mb).

However the tool itself was using too much memory and time (1100s, 470mb), so
I recoded it to scan through the pickle stream directly, without going through
pickletools.genops, giving (240s, 130mb).

Other people that deal with large pickle files are probably having similar
problems, and since this comes up when dealing with large data it is precisely
in this situation that you probably can't use pickletools.optimize or
pickletools.genops. It feels like functionality that ought to be added to
pickletools, is there some way I can contribute this?

From brett at  Fri Apr 23 20:24:05 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:24:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] autoconf update to 2.65 and cleanup
In-Reply-To: <20100423122111.38ff3dde@heresy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 09:21, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:

> On Apr 23, 2010, at 05:44 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
> >I'm not sure that it's a good idea to change the build process after the
> >first beta. It would depend on the issue comments ;-)
> OTOH, this doesn't seem like a new feature, so I think it should be okay.
> Doubly so if it fixes a bug. <wink>
I'm with Barry; if this fixes something then it's worth a go.


>  -Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From brett at  Fri Apr 23 20:27:09 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:27:09 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:11, Dan Gindikin <dgindikin at> wrote:

> We were having performance problems unpickling a large pickle file, we were
> getting 170s running time (which was fine), but 1100mb memory usage. Memory
> usage ought to have been about 300mb, this was happening because of memory
> fragmentation, due to many unnecessary "puts" in the pickle stream.
> We made a pickletools.optimize inspired tool that could run directly on a
> pickle file and used pickletools.genops. This solved the unpickling problem
> (84s, 382mb).
> However the tool itself was using too much memory and time (1100s, 470mb),
> so
> I recoded it to scan through the pickle stream directly, without going
> through
> pickletools.genops, giving (240s, 130mb).
> Other people that deal with large pickle files are probably having similar
> problems, and since this comes up when dealing with large data it is
> precisely
> in this situation that you probably can't use pickletools.optimize or
> pickletools.genops. It feels like functionality that ought to be added to
> pickletools, is there some way I can contribute this?

The best next step is to open an issue at and upload the
patch. I can't make any guarantees on when someone will look at it or if it
will get accepted, but putting the code there is your best bet for

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From alexandre at  Fri Apr 23 20:38:16 2010
From: alexandre at (Alexandre Vassalotti)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:38:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Dan Gindikin <dgindikin at> wrote:
> We were having performance problems unpickling a large pickle file, we were
> getting 170s running time (which was fine), but 1100mb memory usage. Memory
> usage ought to have been about 300mb, this was happening because of memory
> fragmentation, due to many unnecessary "puts" in the pickle stream.
> We made a pickletools.optimize inspired tool that could run directly on a
> pickle file and used pickletools.genops. This solved the unpickling problem
> (84s, 382mb).
> However the tool itself was using too much memory and time (1100s, 470mb), so
> I recoded it to scan through the pickle stream directly, without going through
> pickletools.genops, giving (240s, 130mb).

Collin Winter wrote a simple optimization pass for cPickle in Unladen
Swallow [1]. The code reads through the stream and remove all the
unnecessary PUTs in-place.


> Other people that deal with large pickle files are probably having similar
> problems, and since this comes up when dealing with large data it is precisely
> in this situation that you probably can't use pickletools.optimize or
> pickletools.genops. It feels like functionality that ought to be added to
> pickletools, is there some way I can contribute this?

Just put your code on and I will take a look.

-- Alexandre

From alexandre at  Fri Apr 23 20:49:47 2010
From: alexandre at (Alexandre Vassalotti)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:49:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Alexandre Vassalotti
<alexandre at> wrote:
> Collin Winter wrote a simple optimization pass for cPickle in Unladen
> Swallow [1]. The code reads through the stream and remove all the
> unnecessary PUTs in-place.

I just noticed the code removes *all* PUT opcodes, regardless if they
are needed or not. So, this code can only be used if there's no GET in
the stream (which is unlikely for a large stream). I believe Collin
made this trade-off for performance reasons. However, it wouldn't be
hard to make the current code to work like pickletools.optimize().

-- Alexandre

From dgindikin at  Fri Apr 23 20:53:56 2010
From: dgindikin at (Dan Gindikin)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 18:53:56 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexandre Vassalotti <alexandre <at>> writes:

> Just put your code on and I will take a look.

Thanks, I'll put it in there.

From collinwinter at  Fri Apr 23 20:53:57 2010
From: collinwinter at (Collin Winter)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:53:57 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Alexandre Vassalotti
<alexandre at> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Alexandre Vassalotti
> <alexandre at> wrote:
>> Collin Winter wrote a simple optimization pass for cPickle in Unladen
>> Swallow [1]. The code reads through the stream and remove all the
>> unnecessary PUTs in-place.
> I just noticed the code removes *all* PUT opcodes, regardless if they
> are needed or not. So, this code can only be used if there's no GET in
> the stream (which is unlikely for a large stream). I believe Collin
> made this trade-off for performance reasons. However, it wouldn't be
> hard to make the current code to work like pickletools.optimize().

The optimization pass is only run if you don't use any GETs. The
optimization is also disabled if you're writing to a file-like object.
These tradeoffs were appropriate for the workload I was optimizing

Collin Winter

From collinwinter at  Fri Apr 23 21:07:28 2010
From: collinwinter at (Collin Winter)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 12:07:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Collin Winter <collinwinter at> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Alexandre Vassalotti
> <alexandre at> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Alexandre Vassalotti
>> <alexandre at> wrote:
>>> Collin Winter wrote a simple optimization pass for cPickle in Unladen
>>> Swallow [1]. The code reads through the stream and remove all the
>>> unnecessary PUTs in-place.
>> I just noticed the code removes *all* PUT opcodes, regardless if they
>> are needed or not. So, this code can only be used if there's no GET in
>> the stream (which is unlikely for a large stream). I believe Collin
>> made this trade-off for performance reasons. However, it wouldn't be
>> hard to make the current code to work like pickletools.optimize().
> The optimization pass is only run if you don't use any GETs. The
> optimization is also disabled if you're writing to a file-like object.
> These tradeoffs were appropriate for the workload I was optimizing
> against.

I should add that, adding the necessary bookkeeping to remove only
unused PUTs (instead of the current all-or-nothing scheme) should not
be hard. I'd watch out for a further performance/memory hit; the
pickling benchmarks in the benchmark suite should help assess this.
The current optimization penalizes pickling to speed up unpickling,
which made sense when optimizing pickles that would go into memcache
and be read out 13-15x more often than they were written.

Collin Winter

From alexandre at  Fri Apr 23 21:24:54 2010
From: alexandre at (Alexandre Vassalotti)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 15:24:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Collin Winter <collinwinter at> wrote:
> I should add that, adding the necessary bookkeeping to remove only
> unused PUTs (instead of the current all-or-nothing scheme) should not
> be hard. I'd watch out for a further performance/memory hit; the
> pickling benchmarks in the benchmark suite should help assess this.

I was thinking about this too. A simple boolean table could be fast,
while keeping the space requirement down. This scheme would be nice to
caches as well.

> The current optimization penalizes pickling to speed up unpickling,
> which made sense when optimizing pickles that would go into memcache
> and be read out 13-15x more often than they were written.

This is my current impression of how pickle is most often used. Are
you aware of a use case of pickle where you do more writes than reads?
I can't think of any.

-- Alexandre

From jobh at  Fri Apr 23 21:53:51 2010
From: jobh at (Joachim B Haga)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:53:51 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Inconsistent nesting of scopes in exec(...,
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> writes:

> Joachim B Haga wrote:
>> There seem to be an inconsistency in the handling of local scopes in
>> exec. [...]
>> The intermediate scope is searched for the variable name if the third
>> argument to exec() is locals(), but not if it is locals().copy().
> What actually matters is whether or not the first and second scope are
> the same dictionary or not.
> If they're different, then the supplied local scope is treated as
> equivalent to a class definition scope, and hence won't participate in
> lexical scoping. If they're the same (which happens implicitly if the
> second one is omitted) then they're treated as a module scope (and hence
> written values are visible as globals inside any defined functions).

Ok, thank you for the explanation.

> Since changing this would break class definitions, that ain't going to
> happen. Suggestions for how to explain the behaviour more clearly in the
> exec() documentation probably wouldn't hurt though.

I don't quite see how exec() affects the class definition syntax?
Anyhow, I definitely agree that this should be documented. I 
suggest the following (condensed from your explanation):

-If provided, /locals/ can be any mapping object.
+If provided, /locals/ can be any mapping object. It is treated as
equivalent to a class definition scope, and hence does not participate
in lexical scoping.

Joachim B Haga

From dgindikin at  Fri Apr 23 21:57:45 2010
From: dgindikin at (Dan Gindikin)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 19:57:45 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Collin Winter <collinwinter <at>> writes:
> I should add that, adding the necessary bookkeeping to remove only
> unused PUTs (instead of the current all-or-nothing scheme) should not
> be hard. I'd watch out for a further performance/memory hit; the
> pickling benchmarks in the benchmark suite should help assess this.
> The current optimization penalizes pickling to speed up unpickling,
> which made sense when optimizing pickles that would go into memcache
> and be read out 13-15x more often than they were written.

This wouldn't help our use case, your code needs the entire pickle
stream to be in memory, which in our case would be about 475mb, this
is on top of the 300mb+ data structures that generated the pickle

From alexandre at  Fri Apr 23 22:53:52 2010
From: alexandre at (Alexandre Vassalotti)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 16:53:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Dan Gindikin <dgindikin at> wrote:
> This wouldn't help our use case, your code needs the entire pickle
> stream to be in memory, which in our case would be about 475mb, this
> is on top of the 300mb+ data structures that generated the pickle
> stream.

In that case, the best we could do is a two-pass algorithm to remove
the unused PUTs. That won't be efficient, but it will satisfy the
memory constraint. Another solution is to not generate the PUTs at all
by setting the 'fast' attribute on Pickler. But that won't work if you
have a recursive structure, or have code that requires that the
identity of objects to be preserved.

>>> import io, pickle
>>> x=[1,2]
>>> f = io.BytesIO()
>>> p = pickle.Pickler(f, protocol=-1)
>>> p.dump([x,x])
>>> pickletools.dis(f.getvalue())
    0: \x80 PROTO      2
    2: ]    EMPTY_LIST
    3: q    BINPUT     0
    5: (    MARK
    6: ]        EMPTY_LIST
    7: q        BINPUT     1
    9: (        MARK
   10: K            BININT1    1
   12: K            BININT1    2
   14: e            APPENDS    (MARK at 9)
   15: h        BINGET     1
   17: e        APPENDS    (MARK at 5)
   18: .    STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
>>> [id(x) for x in pickle.loads(f.getvalue())]
[20966504, 20966504]

Now with the 'fast' mode enabled:

>>> f = io.BytesIO()
>>> p = pickle.Pickler(f, protocol=-1)
>>> = True
>>> p.dump([x,x])
>>> pickletools.dis(f.getvalue())
    0: \x80 PROTO      2
    2: ]    EMPTY_LIST
    3: (    MARK
    4: ]        EMPTY_LIST
    5: (        MARK
    6: K            BININT1    1
    8: K            BININT1    2
   10: e            APPENDS    (MARK at 5)
   11: ]        EMPTY_LIST
   12: (        MARK
   13: K            BININT1    1
   15: K            BININT1    2
   17: e            APPENDS    (MARK at 12)
   18: e        APPENDS    (MARK at 3)
   19: .    STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
>>> [id(x) for x in pickle.loads(f.getvalue())]
[20966504, 21917992]

As you can observe, the pickle stream generated with the fast mode
might actually be bigger.

By the way, it is weird that the total memory usage of the data
structure is smaller than the size of its respective pickle stream.
What pickle protocol are you using?

-- Alexandre

From dgindikin at  Fri Apr 23 23:11:34 2010
From: dgindikin at (Dan Gindikin)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:11:34 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexandre Vassalotti <alexandre <at>> writes:

> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Dan Gindikin <dgindikin <at>> wrote:
> > This wouldn't help our use case, your code needs the entire pickle
> > stream to be in memory, which in our case would be about 475mb, this
> > is on top of the 300mb+ data structures that generated the pickle
> > stream.
> >
> In that case, the best we could do is a two-pass algorithm to remove
> the unused PUTs. That won't be efficient, but it will satisfy the
> memory constraint.

That is for what I'm doing for us right now.

> Another solution is to not generate the PUTs at all
> by setting the 'fast' attribute on Pickler. But that won't work if you
> have a recursive structure, or have code that requires that the
> identity of objects to be preserved.

We definitely have some cross links amongst the objects, so we need PUTs.

> By the way, it is weird that the total memory usage of the data
> structure is smaller than the size of its respective pickle stream.
> What pickle protocol are you using?

Its highest protocol, but we have a bunch of extension types that
get expanded into python tuples for pickling.

From collinwinter at  Fri Apr 23 23:18:13 2010
From: collinwinter at (Collin Winter)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:18:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Unpickling memory usage problem,
	and a proposed 	solution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Alexandre Vassalotti
<alexandre at> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Dan Gindikin <dgindikin at> wrote:
>> This wouldn't help our use case, your code needs the entire pickle
>> stream to be in memory, which in our case would be about 475mb, this
>> is on top of the 300mb+ data structures that generated the pickle
>> stream.
> In that case, the best we could do is a two-pass algorithm to remove
> the unused PUTs. That won't be efficient, but it will satisfy the
> memory constraint. Another solution is to not generate the PUTs at all
> by setting the 'fast' attribute on Pickler. But that won't work if you
> have a recursive structure, or have code that requires that the
> identity of objects to be preserved.

I don't think it's possible in general to remove any PUTs if the
pickle is being written to a file-like object. It is possible to reuse
a single Pickler to pickle multiple objects: this causes the Pickler's
memo dict to be shared between the objects being pickled. If you
pickle foo, bar, and baz, foo may not have any GETs, but bar and baz
may have GETs that reference data added to the memo by foo's PUT
operations. Because you can't know what will be written to the
file-like object later, you can't remove any of the PUT instructions
in this scenario.

This kind of thing is done in real-world code like cvs2svn (which I
broke when I was optimizing cPickle; don't break cvs2svn, it's not fun
to fix :). I added some basic tests for this support in cPython's

There might be room for app-specific optimizations that do this, but
I'm not sure it would work for a general-usage cPickle that needs to
stay compatible with the current system.

Collin Winter

From solipsis at  Fri Apr 23 23:24:10 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:24:10 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Collin Winter <collinwinter <at>> writes:
> I don't think it's possible in general to remove any PUTs if the
> pickle is being written to a file-like object.

Does cPickle bytecode have some kind of NOP instruction?
You could keep track of which PUTs weren't necessary and zero them out at the
end. It would be much cheaper than writing a whole other "optimized" stream.

(of course it only works on a seekable stream :-))



From dgindikin at  Fri Apr 23 23:44:50 2010
From: dgindikin at (Dan Gindikin)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:44:50 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Collin Winter <collinwinter <at>> writes:
> I don't think it's possible in general to remove any PUTs if the
> pickle is being written to a file-like object. It is possible to reuse
> a single Pickler to pickle multiple objects: this causes the Pickler's
> memo dict to be shared between the objects being pickled. If you
> pickle foo, bar, and baz, foo may not have any GETs, but bar and baz
> may have GETs that reference data added to the memo by foo's PUT
> operations. Because you can't know what will be written to the
> file-like object later, you can't remove any of the PUT instructions
> in this scenario.

Hmm, that is a good point. A possible solution would be for the
two-pass optimizer to scan through the entire file, going right
through '.' opcodes. That would deal with the case you are
describing, but not if the user "maliciously" wrote some other
stuff into the file in between pickle dumps, all the while reusing
the same pickler.

I think a better solution would be to make sure that the '.' is
the last thing in the file and die otherwise. This would at least
ensure correctness and detection of cases that this thing could
not handle.

> don't break cvs2svn, it's not fun
> to fix :). I added some basic tests for this support in cPython's
> Lib/test/

Thanks for the warning :)

> There might be room for app-specific optimizations that do this, but
> I'm not sure it would work for a general-usage cPickle that needs to
> stay compatible with the current system.

That may well be true. Still, when trying to deal with large data
you really need something like this. Our situation was made worse because
we had a extension types. As they were allocated they got interspersed
with temporaries generated by the spurious PUTs, and that is what
really fragmented the memory. However its probably not a stretch to
assume that if you are dealing with large stuff through python you are
going to have extension types in the mix.

From dgindikin at  Fri Apr 23 23:50:50 2010
From: dgindikin at (Dan Gindikin)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:50:50 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis <at>> writes:
> Does cPickle bytecode have some kind of NOP instruction?
> You could keep track of which PUTs weren't necessary and zero them out at the
> end. It would be much cheaper than writing a whole other "optimized" stream.

For a large file, I'm not sure it is much faster to edit it in place
than to rewrite it, and also since it's a large file, you are going
to probably have it compressed, in which case you are out of luck anyway.

> (of course it only works on a seekable stream )

Indeed... since I was dealing with zipped files, I had to pass in
a "seek0" func, like so:

   file_in_seek0_func = lambda x: os.popen('zcat ' + file_in)

From solipsis at  Fri Apr 23 23:56:19 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:56:19 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dan Gindikin <dgindikin <at>> writes:
> Antoine Pitrou <solipsis <at>> writes:
> > Does cPickle bytecode have some kind of NOP instruction?
> > You could keep track of which PUTs weren't necessary and zero them out at the
> > end. It would be much cheaper than writing a whole other "optimized" stream.
> For a large file, I'm not sure it is much faster to edit it in place
> than to rewrite it, and also since it's a large file, you are going
> to probably have it compressed, in which case you are out of luck anyway.

Depends whether you really care about disk occupation or not. Disk space is
often cheap (much more so than RAM).
Also, I'm quite sure overwriting a couple of blocks in a file is cheaper than
rewriting it entirely. Of course, if you must overwrite every other block, it
might not be true anymore :-)



From ncoghlan at  Sat Apr 24 10:38:55 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 18:38:55 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Inconsistent nesting of scopes in exec(...,
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Joachim B Haga wrote:
>> Since changing this would break class definitions, that ain't going to
>> happen. Suggestions for how to explain the behaviour more clearly in the
>> exec() documentation probably wouldn't hurt though.
> I don't quite see how exec() affects the class definition syntax?

I was merely pointing out that running exec() with separate globals and
locals namespaces ends up invoking the same underlying machinery as is
used to execute a class definition.

For the docs suggestions, could you either email that to
docs at, or else create a documentation issue at (It will get lost otherwise)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From fuzzyman at  Sat Apr 24 18:15:35 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 17:15:35 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18/04/2010 15:13, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> On 14 Apr, 2010, at 23:37, Michael Foord wrote:
>> On 14/04/2010 23:32, Greg Ewing wrote:
>>> Michael Foord wrote:
>>>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.
>>> What's non-trivial about it? I usually find that the normal
>>> "./configure; make; make install" sequence works fine without
>>> any further intervention.
>>> If you want a framework installation you have to read the
>>> README and use a couple of extra options, but it still works
>>> very smoothly.
>> A build on my machine produces output similar to:
>> Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
>> _bsddb             dl                 gdbm
>> imageop            linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev
>> readline           spwd               sunaudiodev
>> To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the module's name.
>> Failed to build these modules:
>> _tkinter
>> Obviously many of those are not meant to be built and I usually build Python for running the test suite - so I don't care about not having Tkinter. A new user of Python would most certainly care about not having Tkinter.
> What's the OS version? Do you have a copy of Tcl/Tk in /Library/Frameworks?

10.6.3 and yes I have Tcl and Tk in /Library/Frameworks. How do I 
determine which versions they are?

All the best,


> Ronald


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From at  Sat Apr 24 22:34:18 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 16:34:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> writes:

> 10.6.3 and yes I have Tcl and Tk in /Library/Frameworks. How do I
> determine which versions they are?

You can use "info patchlevel" in tclsh - assuming you're running a
tclsh linked to your /Library version (a normal Tcl install puts this
in /usr/local/bin I think).

Or, tcl.h (in the Headers folder beneath the framework install) has
TCL_VERSION and TCL_PATCH_LEVEL defines near the top of the file.

Given that your error is a failure to build and not a skip, it sounds
like setup is finding Tcl/Tk.  From a quick glance, it looks like
tkinter may also require the X11 headers (you'd have to have installed
X11 separately) - do you have output in your log from what exactly
is failing when that module attempts to build?

-- David

From fuzzyman at  Sat Apr 24 22:43:22 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 21:43:22 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 24/04/2010 21:34, David Bolen wrote:
> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  writes:
>> 10.6.3 and yes I have Tcl and Tk in /Library/Frameworks. How do I
>> determine which versions they are?
> You can use "info patchlevel" in tclsh - assuming you're running a
> tclsh linked to your /Library version (a normal Tcl install puts this
> in /usr/local/bin I think).

$ tclsh
% info patchlevel

> Or, tcl.h (in the Headers folder beneath the framework install) has
> TCL_VERSION and TCL_PATCH_LEVEL defines near the top of the file.
> Given that your error is a failure to build and not a skip, it sounds
> like setup is finding Tcl/Tk.  From a quick glance, it looks like
> tkinter may also require the X11 headers (you'd have to have installed
> X11 separately) - do you have output in your log from what exactly
> is failing when that module attempts to build?

Hmmm... looks like a 32 / 64 bit issue, which I believe may be the 
expected result when trying to build on Snow Leopard (?).

i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: -framework: linker input file unused 
because linking not done
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: Tk: linker input file unused because 
linking not done
ld: warning: in /Library/Frameworks//Tcl.framework/Tcl, missing required 
architecture x86_64 in file
ld: warning: in /Library/Frameworks//Tk.framework/Tk, missing required 
architecture x86_64 in file
*** WARNING: renaming "_tkinter" since importing it failed: 
dlopen(build/lib.macosx-10.4-x86_64-2.7-pydebug/, 2): Symbol 
not found: _TclFreeObj
Referenced from: 
Expected in: dynamic lookup

I think my Tk/Tcl install came from an Activestate installer.


> -- David
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


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From at  Sat Apr 24 22:50:46 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 16:50:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> writes:

> Hmmm... looks like a 32 / 64 bit issue, which I believe may be the
> expected result when trying to build on Snow Leopard (?).

I think so - I haven't tried a 64-bit build myself, but there's a
comment in indicating that none of the Tcl/Tk framework
builds support 64-bit.

So I suppose you'd have to build 32-bit if you wanted a working

-- David

From fuzzyman at  Sat Apr 24 23:16:46 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 22:16:46 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>
	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 24/04/2010 21:50, David Bolen wrote:
> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  writes:
>> Hmmm... looks like a 32 / 64 bit issue, which I believe may be the
>> expected result when trying to build on Snow Leopard (?).
> I think so - I haven't tried a 64-bit build myself, but there's a
> comment in indicating that none of the Tcl/Tk framework
> builds support 64-bit.
> So I suppose you'd have to build 32-bit if you wanted a working
> _tkinter.
Sorry for my ignorance - how do I force a 32 bit build?


> -- David
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From fuzzyman at  Sat Apr 24 23:56:00 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 22:56:00 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 24/04/2010 22:16, Michael Foord wrote:
> On 24/04/2010 21:50, David Bolen wrote:
>> Michael Foord<fuzzyman at>  writes:
>>> Hmmm... looks like a 32 / 64 bit issue, which I believe may be the
>>> expected result when trying to build on Snow Leopard (?).
>> I think so - I haven't tried a 64-bit build myself, but there's a
>> comment in indicating that none of the Tcl/Tk framework
>> builds support 64-bit.
>> So I suppose you'd have to build 32-bit if you wanted a working
>> _tkinter.
> Sorry for my ignorance - how do I force a 32 bit build?

Ok, so the following configure command line works and successfully 
builds Tkinter:

     ./configure --prefix=/dev/null --with-pydebug --enable-universalsdk

All the best,

Michael Foord


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From ronaldoussoren at  Sun Apr 25 16:33:30 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:33:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 24 Apr, 2010, at 18:15, Michael Foord wrote:

> On 18/04/2010 15:13, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> On 14 Apr, 2010, at 23:37, Michael Foord wrote:
>>> On 14/04/2010 23:32, Greg Ewing wrote:
>>>> Michael Foord wrote:
>>>>> Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.
>>>> What's non-trivial about it? I usually find that the normal
>>>> "./configure; make; make install" sequence works fine without
>>>> any further intervention.
>>>> If you want a framework installation you have to read the
>>>> README and use a couple of extra options, but it still works
>>>> very smoothly.
>>> A build on my machine produces output similar to:
>>> Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
>>> _bsddb             dl                 gdbm
>>> imageop            linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev
>>> readline           spwd               sunaudiodev
>>> To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the module's name.
>>> Failed to build these modules:
>>> _tkinter
>>> Obviously many of those are not meant to be built and I usually build Python for running the test suite - so I don't care about not having Tkinter. A new user of Python would most certainly care about not having Tkinter.
>> What's the OS version? Do you have a copy of Tcl/Tk in /Library/Frameworks?
> 10.6.3 and yes I have Tcl and Tk in /Library/Frameworks. How do I determine which versions they are?

$ ls -l /Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  9 sysadmin  admin  306 Oct  6  2009 8.5
lrwxr-xr-x  1 sysadmin  admin    3 Oct 25  2009 Current -> 8.5

As you can see, my system has Tcl 8.5.


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From torsten at  Sun Apr 25 17:02:55 2010
From: torsten at (Torsten Landschoff)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 17:02:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Property inheritance in Python
Message-ID: <>

Hi Python experts.

[It should be obvious, but you can run the code in this message via
python -m doctest body.txt if you saved it as body.txt]

In an application I develop on I want to use properties instead of the
getter/setter paradigm. I ran into a problem overriding a property in
a subclass. While I know how to do it with current Python, I propose
changing the behaviour to be more consistent.

For presentation, here is a stupid example using getters and setters:

   >>> class BaseGetterSetter(object):
   ...     def get_p(self):
   ...         return self._p
   ...     def set_p(self, value):
   ...         self._p = value
   >>> class DerivedGetterSetter(BaseGetterSetter):
   ...     def get_p(self):
   ...         return super(DerivedGetterSetter, self).get_p() * 2
   ...     def set_p(self, value):
   ...         super(DerivedGetterSetter, self).set_p(value / 2)
   >>> d = DerivedGetterSetter()
   >>> d.set_p(42)
   >>> d._p
   >>> d.get_p()

When translating this to use properties, I would come up with
something like this:

   >>> class BaseProp(object):
   ...     @property
   ...     def p(self):
   ...         return self._p
   ...     @p.setter
   ...     def p(self, value):
   ...         self._p = value
   >>> class DerivedProp(BaseProp):
   ...     @property
   ...     def p(self):
   ...         return super(DerivedProp, self).p * 2
   ...     @p.setter
   ...     def p(self, value):
   ...         super(DerivedProp, self).p = value / 2
   >>> d = DerivedProp()
   >>> d._p = 21
   >>> d.p
   >>> d.p = 50
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'p'

As can be seen, using super like in the getter/setter approach above
works for fget but not for fset. Support for using the getter via
super() was added for Python 2.3 according to

I think it would be more consistent to be able to access the __set__
call via super() as well.

Working around

The problematic code boils down to

   >>> super(DerivedProp, d).p = 1
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'p'

which can be worked around like this:

   >>> BaseProp.p.fset(d, 25)
   >>> BaseProp.p.__set__(d, 10)

I'd rather use the method resolution order computed by Python so that
mixin classes can extend the behaviour of properties. For that, one
can extend super:

   >>> class duper(super):
   ...     def __setattr__(self, name, value):
   ...         mro = self.__self_class__.__mro__
   ...         for pos in xrange(len(mro)):
   ...             if mro[pos] == self.__thisclass__:
   ...                 break
   ...         for pos in xrange(pos+1, len(mro)):
   ...             tmp = mro[pos]
   ...             if isinstance(tmp, type) and name in tmp.__dict__:
   ...                 desc = tmp.__dict__[name]
   ...                 desc.__set__(self.__self__, value)
   ...                 return
   >>> duper(DerivedProp, d).p = 100
   >>> d.p

Extending super

I wrote a test case for the super() behaviour as I would like it to be
and implemented the __setattr__ of duper above into super's C
implementation. The code is not of production quality and there are
some open questions. But I figured that I'd rather ask for opinions
before spending even more time on this.

The code is available on launchpad at this URL:

What do you think, do you agree with my understanding or am I
completely wrong?

Hoping for some insightful comments,


From jafo at  Sun Apr 25 22:31:22 2010
From: jafo at (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 14:31:22 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to get a good friend of mine to start doing bug triage on Python.
As part of my trying to mentor him on it, I've found that many of the common
things I do in triage, like setting a priority for priorityless bugs,
assigning them to people who obviously are the next step, requires enhanced

He has no reputation in the Python community, so I'd be up for getting him
started on things that require fewer privileges like verifying older patches
still apply against newer Pythons, or maybe summarizing priority/assignment
changes to the list and having someone (possibly me) make the changes, etc...

However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a decade, and he's
very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we call that position Maximum
Leader) of our Linux Users Group here for 5 years or so.


Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <jafo at>, ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995: Ask me about High Availability

-------------- next part --------------
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From skip at  Sun Apr 25 23:24:40 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:24:40 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Sean> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a
    Sean> decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we
    Sean> call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group here
    Sean> for 5 years or so.

Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.


From solipsis at  Sun Apr 25 23:39:42 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 21:39:42 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

<skip <at>> writes:
>     Sean> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a
>     Sean> decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we
>     Sean> call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group here
>     Sean> for 5 years or so.
> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.

I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is minimal, but I
think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving their
motivation and quality of work.
And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address it than
give random privileges to people we like :)



From skip at  Sun Apr 25 23:55:32 2010
From: skip at (skip at
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:55:32 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    >> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.

    Antoine> I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is
    Antoine> minimal, but I think it's better if all people go through the
    Antoine> same path of proving their motivation and quality of work.  And
    Antoine> if there's something wrong with that process we'd better
    Antoine> address it than give random privileges to people we like :)

Let me expand on my original message.  Sean has been an integral part of the
Python community for many years, keeping much of our hardware and software
humming and providing critical network expertise at PyCon.  I don't think we
have to be such slaves to a set of rules that we can't use an implicit trust
network to make decisions in certain cases.  I trust Sean's judgement.


From benjamin at  Sun Apr 25 23:59:14 2010
From: benjamin at (Benjamin Peterson)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:59:14 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2010/4/25  <skip at>:
> ? ?>> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
> ? ?Antoine> I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is
> ? ?Antoine> minimal, but I think it's better if all people go through the
> ? ?Antoine> same path of proving their motivation and quality of work. ?And
> ? ?Antoine> if there's something wrong with that process we'd better
> ? ?Antoine> address it than give random privileges to people we like :)
> Let me expand on my original message. ?Sean has been an integral part of the
> Python community for many years, keeping much of our hardware and software
> humming and providing critical network expertise at PyCon. ?I don't think we
> have to be such slaves to a set of rules that we can't use an implicit trust
> network to make decisions in certain cases. ?I trust Sean's judgement.

I don't think Antoine is questioning Sean's judgement but rather that
we should get into the habit of giving some people "shortcuts" through
the regular process.


From exarkun at  Mon Apr 26 00:18:19 2010
From: exarkun at (exarkun at
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 22:18:19 -0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100425221819.2083.789388942.divmod.xquotient.14@localhost.localdomain>

On 09:39 pm, solipsis at wrote:
><skip <at>> writes:
>>     Sean> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him 
>>     Sean> decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the 
>>president (we
>>     Sean> call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group 
>>     Sean> for 5 years or so.
>>Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
>I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is minimal, 
>but I
>think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving 
>motivation and quality of work.
>And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address it 
>give random privileges to people we like :)


As others have said, I don't have any problem with Sean's judgement. 
That's not what's being questioned here.


From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 00:18:47 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 22:18:47 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
References: <>
Message-ID: <hr2f47$jol$>

Le Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:59:14 -0500, Benjamin Peterson a ?crit?:
> I don't think Antoine is questioning Sean's judgement but rather that we
> should get into the habit of giving some people "shortcuts" through the
> regular process.

Yes, exactly.
If we often take shortcuts with our own process, it can appear unfair and 
demotivating to regular people (who must go through the normal process).
I'm sure we all know people who are demonstrably competent in other 
communities, still we don't give them privileges right away.

From tseaver at  Mon Apr 26 00:48:03 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 18:48:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> <skip <at>> writes:
>>     Sean> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a
>>     Sean> decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we
>>     Sean> call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group here
>>     Sean> for 5 years or so.
>> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
> I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is minimal, but I
> think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving their
> motivation and quality of work.
> And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address it than
> give random privileges to people we like :)

I think there is a definite "unpriced externality" to keeping the
process barriers high here.  I don't belive from conversations at the
language summit / PyCon that the community is being overrun with hordes
of unworthies clamoring to triage Python bugs:  rather the opposite, in
fact.  It seems to me that backing from an established community member
ought to be enough to get a prospective triageur at least provisional
roles to do the work, with the caveat that it might be revoked it it
didn't turn out well.  If it does turn out well, then look to *expand*
that user's roles in the community, with a nice helping of public
acclaim to go with it.

I am not arguing for "making exceptions for friends" here;  rather that
the acknowledged issues with inclusiveness / espansion of the developer
community require making changes to the rules to encourage more

BTW, language like "prov[ing] their motivation" is itself demotivating,
and likely contributes to the status quo ante.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From tseaver at  Mon Apr 26 00:48:03 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 18:48:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> <skip <at>> writes:
>>     Sean> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a
>>     Sean> decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we
>>     Sean> call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group here
>>     Sean> for 5 years or so.
>> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
> I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is minimal, but I
> think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving their
> motivation and quality of work.
> And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address it than
> give random privileges to people we like :)

I think there is a definite "unpriced externality" to keeping the
process barriers high here.  I don't belive from conversations at the
language summit / PyCon that the community is being overrun with hordes
of unworthies clamoring to triage Python bugs:  rather the opposite, in
fact.  It seems to me that backing from an established community member
ought to be enough to get a prospective triageur at least provisional
roles to do the work, with the caveat that it might be revoked it it
didn't turn out well.  If it does turn out well, then look to *expand*
that user's roles in the community, with a nice helping of public
acclaim to go with it.

I am not arguing for "making exceptions for friends" here;  rather that
the acknowledged issues with inclusiveness / espansion of the developer
community require making changes to the rules to encourage more

BTW, language like "prov[ing] their motivation" is itself demotivating,
and likely contributes to the status quo ante.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From steve at  Mon Apr 26 01:18:27 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 19:18:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr2imj$vov$>

Tres Seaver wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> <skip <at>> writes:
>>>     Sean> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a
>>>     Sean> decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we
>>>     Sean> call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group here
>>>     Sean> for 5 years or so.
>>> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
>> I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is minimal, but I
>> think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving their
>> motivation and quality of work.
>> And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address it than
>> give random privileges to people we like :)
> I think there is a definite "unpriced externality" to keeping the
> process barriers high here.  I don't belive from conversations at the
> language summit / PyCon that the community is being overrun with hordes
> of unworthies clamoring to triage Python bugs:  rather the opposite, in
> fact.  It seems to me that backing from an established community member
> ought to be enough to get a prospective triageur at least provisional
> roles to do the work, with the caveat that it might be revoked it it
> didn't turn out well.  If it does turn out well, then look to *expand*
> that user's roles in the community, with a nice helping of public
> acclaim to go with it.
> I am not arguing for "making exceptions for friends" here;  rather that
> the acknowledged issues with inclusiveness / espansion of the developer
> community require making changes to the rules to encourage more
> participation.
> BTW, language like "prov[ing] their motivation" is itself demotivating,
> and likely contributes to the status quo ante.

With my PSF hat on I'd like to support Tres here (and, by extension,
Sean's proposal). Lowering the barriers of entry is a desirable goal.

If adding people created work for already-busy developers then I'd be
against it*, but with Sean offering to mentor his new protege and ensure
that he limits his role to triage initially that doesn't seem to be an

Maybe it's time to review the way people "prove their motivation and the
quality of their work"?


* I'd be against it, but I'd fight to change the development process so
that adding new people *didn't* create work. We should, in my opinion,
be looking for a continual influx of new worker bees.
Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr 26 01:24:08 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 00:24:08 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <hr2imj$vov$>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/04/2010 00:18, Steve Holden wrote:
> Tres Seaver wrote:
>> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>> <skip<at>>  writes:
>>>>      Sean>  However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a
>>>>      Sean>  decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we
>>>>      Sean>  call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group here
>>>>      Sean>  for 5 years or so.
>>>> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
>>> I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is minimal, but I
>>> think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving their
>>> motivation and quality of work.
>>> And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address it than
>>> give random privileges to people we like :)
>> I think there is a definite "unpriced externality" to keeping the
>> process barriers high here.  I don't belive from conversations at the
>> language summit / PyCon that the community is being overrun with hordes
>> of unworthies clamoring to triage Python bugs:  rather the opposite, in
>> fact.  It seems to me that backing from an established community member
>> ought to be enough to get a prospective triageur at least provisional
>> roles to do the work, with the caveat that it might be revoked it it
>> didn't turn out well.  If it does turn out well, then look to *expand*
>> that user's roles in the community, with a nice helping of public
>> acclaim to go with it.
>> I am not arguing for "making exceptions for friends" here;  rather that
>> the acknowledged issues with inclusiveness / espansion of the developer
>> community require making changes to the rules to encourage more
>> participation.
>> BTW, language like "prov[ing] their motivation" is itself demotivating,
>> and likely contributes to the status quo ante.
> With my PSF hat on I'd like to support Tres here (and, by extension,
> Sean's proposal). Lowering the barriers of entry is a desirable goal.
> If adding people created work for already-busy developers then I'd be
> against it*, but with Sean offering to mentor his new protege and ensure
> that he limits his role to triage initially that doesn't seem to be an
> issue.
> Maybe it's time to review the way people "prove their motivation and the
> quality of their work"?

Perhaps mentoring by an established committer could become a *standard* 
acceptable way to gain tracker privileges. It makes a lot of sense for 
the barriers to entry for bug triaging to be substantially lower than 
for commit privileges.

I agree that we should try and establish straightforward and consistent 
procedures, but also agree that those procedures should serve the 
community rather than vice-versa.

All the best,


> regards
>   Steve
> * I'd be against it, but I'd fight to change the development process so
> that adding new people *didn't* create work. We should, in my opinion,
> be looking for a continual influx of new worker bees.


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From orsenthil at  Mon Apr 26 02:24:35 2010
From: orsenthil at (Senthil Kumaran)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 05:54:35 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <hr2f47$jol$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100426002435.GA4022@remy>

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 10:18:47PM +0000, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > I don't think Antoine is questioning Sean's judgement but rather that we
> > should get into the habit of giving some people "shortcuts" through the
> > regular process.
> Yes, exactly.
> If we often take shortcuts with our own process, it can appear unfair and 
> demotivating to regular people (who must go through the normal process).

I agree with Antoine's point here. As much as I respect Sean and his
contributions, it is important to consider the implications as it may
appear to others.

If you look at Daniel Diniz, who has enhanced tracker privileges, he
started off by using the normal tracker privilege commenting on
bugs, patches and within  *weeks*, he started triaging bugs with
enhanced privs. That kind of seems to me a middle-way, as in you start
off triaging in a normal mode  with a backing of mentor, it becomes a
easy way to upgrade very soon.


Man must shape his tools lest they shape him.
		-- Arthur R. Miller

From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 02:42:00 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 20:42:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <hr2ngn$bhl$>

On 4/25/2010 4:31 PM, Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> I'm trying to get a good friend of mine to start doing bug triage on Python.

What is *his* interest? How long has he known and used Python?

> As part of my trying to mentor him on it, I've found that many of the common
> things I do in triage, like setting a priority for priorityless bugs,
> assigning them to people who obviously are the next step, requires enhanced
> privileges.

And enhanced knowledge of the process (and people, for assigning).

> He has no reputation in the Python community, so I'd be up for getting him
> started on things that require fewer privileges like verifying older patches
> still apply against newer Pythons, or maybe summarizing priority/assignment
> changes to the list and having someone (possibly me) make the changes, etc...

To me, this seems the appropriate way to start. Has he registered for 
the tracker yet? With his real name? How many issues has he commented 
on? I searched for issues with 'dangerjim' on the nosy list and found none.

I think someone should have read at least, say, 10 issues and commented 
on at least, say, 5, to show real interest and sanity before being elevated.

> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a decade, and he's
> very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we call that position Maximum
> Leader) of our Linux Users Group here for 5 years or so.
> Thoughts?

I consider particular knowledge and interest to be as important and 

Terry Jan Reedy

From exarkun at  Mon Apr 26 04:25:33 2010
From: exarkun at (exarkun at
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 02:25:33 -0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <hr2imj$vov$>
References: <>
	<> <hr2imj$vov$>
Message-ID: <20100426022533.2083.1879382062.divmod.xquotient.57@localhost.localdomain>

On 25 Apr, 11:18 pm, steve at wrote:
>Tres Seaver wrote:
>>Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>><skip <at>> writes:
>>>>     Sean> However, I will step up for him and say that I've known 
>>>>him a
>>>>     Sean> decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the 
>>>>president (we
>>>>     Sean> call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users 
>>>>Group here
>>>>     Sean> for 5 years or so.
>>>>Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
>>>I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is 
>>>minimal, but I
>>>think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving 
>>>motivation and quality of work.
>>>And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address 
>>>it than

Don't overlook this part of Antoine's post.
>>>give random privileges to people we like :)
>>I think there is a definite "unpriced externality" to keeping the
>>process barriers high here.  I don't belive from conversations at the
>>language summit / PyCon that the community is being overrun with 
>>of unworthies clamoring to triage Python bugs:  rather the opposite, 
>>fact.  It seems to me that backing from an established community 
>>ought to be enough to get a prospective triageur at least provisional
>>roles to do the work, with the caveat that it might be revoked it it
>>didn't turn out well.  If it does turn out well, then look to *expand*
>>that user's roles in the community, with a nice helping of public
>>acclaim to go with it.
>>I am not arguing for "making exceptions for friends" here;  rather 
>>the acknowledged issues with inclusiveness / espansion of the 
>>community require making changes to the rules to encourage more
>>BTW, language like "prov[ing] their motivation" is itself 
>>and likely contributes to the status quo ante.
>With my PSF hat on I'd like to support Tres here (and, by extension,
>Sean's proposal). Lowering the barriers of entry is a desirable goal.
>If adding people created work for already-busy developers then I'd be
>against it*, but with Sean offering to mentor his new protege and 
>that he limits his role to triage initially that doesn't seem to be an
>Maybe it's time to review the way people "prove their motivation and 
>quality of their work"?

Sounds good.  Why is the barrier for this permission any higher than 
someone asking for it?  Is there really a need to protect against 
contributors with malicious intent?

I think there should be a page on that says all contributors 
are welcome, and one way to become a contributor is to wrangle the issue 
tracker, and explains what this involves (I don't really have any idea, 
actually; I assume it's things like setting the owner of new tickets to 
someone who might actually fix it, things that would happen 
automatically if roundup had the right information), and then anyone who 
steps up gets the necessary access.

>* I'd be against it, but I'd fight to change the development process so
>that adding new people *didn't* create work. We should, in my opinion,
>be looking for a continual influx of new worker bees.
>Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119

From stephen at  Mon Apr 26 05:48:10 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:48:10 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tres Seaver writes:

 > I think there is a definite "unpriced externality" to keeping the
 > process barriers high here.

The proposed trial period is not a high barrier, except to those who
really didn't want to being doing the work anyway.  Note that There is
also an externality to having accounts with unused privileges lying
around the server.

The fact is that there just aren't very many people willing to do the
work.  I've considered doing it (especially since Daniel has gone out
of his way to inform me of fixes to the Python tracker, since I
maintain a couple of Roundup instances for other projects), but I just
don't have the time.  Both personally and in general, I really don't
think this barrier is high enough that removal would make a
significant difference.  The example of Daniel Diniz *is* salient.  A
couple of weeks of doing things the long way (which forces the mentor
to look at them, among other things), a week for discussion by the
people who work most closely with the candidate and the administrators
of the host/tracker where privileges will be granted -- if this
matters in the grand scheme of things, the person probably didn't want
to be doing the work in the first place.  They should find a way to
contribute more suited to their capabilities and interests.

 > I am not arguing for "making exceptions for friends" here;  rather that
 > the acknowledged issues with inclusiveness / espansion of the developer
 > community require making changes to the rules to encourage more
 > participation.
 > BTW, language like "prov[ing] their motivation" is itself demotivating,
 > and likely contributes to the status quo ante.

Unlikely IMHO.  Yes, if you allow anybody to make changes, you'll get
more contributions.  You'll also create a lot of janitorial work for
the people who take care of project hygiene, and *they* will lose
incentive.  That is a *really* big risk.

Remember, because of the sexiness/mission criticality of the Linux
kernel, a couple of *hundred* people world wide get paid to spend
significant amounts of time on it.  That's not the comparison to make
here; Python is a great language, but there are several reasonable
alternatives, and it's not suited to all projects.  Look at the 99.5%
of Sourceforge projects (or the fact that GNU Savannah can't attract
contributions to get the "official" GNU VCS -- Bazaar -- working
properly), and you'll see that Python actually has a really well-
functioning, attractive process.

From regebro at  Mon Apr 26 07:48:20 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 07:48:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'd say there is something wrong with the process. If a trusted
developer can't get somebody more privilege on the tracker by saying
that "I trust this guy", then a new process is needed. That's it's too
hard to get privileges in the Python development community has been
evident too long, I think.

There is one privilege that should be hard to get: Permanent delete.
But being able to triage bugs isn't such a privilege. Heck, not even
commit access is, because of someone makes something bad, you can back
out the checkin. Giving people rights to a bugtracker or versioning
system is not dangerous, and should not be hard.

Lennart Regebro:
Python 3 Porting:
+33 661 58 14 64

From jafo at  Mon Apr 26 08:12:23 2010
From: jafo at (Sean Reifschneider)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 00:12:23 -0600
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <hr2ngn$bhl$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 08:42:00PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
>What is *his* interest? How long has he known and used Python?

Good points have been made on both sides of the issue here.  Despite my
having a vested interest, I really have no strong feelings one way or
another on the initial request.

But, the answers to your questions above may make it more clear why I was
looking for the enhanced privileges.

James (dangerjim) has *NO* knowledge of Python -- he has done primarily C
and Java coding.  He *DOES* have time on his hands.  This is why I proposed
to him to do tracker triage.

However, as I started walking him through some examples of triage, I
realized that regular accounts don't have the privileges to do any of the
things I was proposing.  For example:

   Go into the list of task tasks and look at the ones with no priority.
   Read through the description and any follow-ups and try to figure out
   what priority to give it.  In most cases it will be "normal".  However,
   for some issues it will be clear they should be a higher or lower
   priority, even to someone who doesn't know Python.

   Then we went on to issue 5575 and read through it.  In reading this one
   to determine the priority, it was clear that the ball was back in
   Collin's court, so I showed that I would look to see if Collin was a
   valid assignee (which he was) and assign it to him, with a comment about

   Go into old bugs that have patches, and see if the patches cleanly apply
   against the trunk.  If they do, do a "make" and "make test".  Add a
   comment with the outcome.

Two of the 3 easiest things I came up with for an outsider to help out
with, are things that his account couldn't do.

But, as I said above, I'm fine with having him push those changes through
me and I can make them when he can't.

 "It was a sneaky lawyer's trick, and I fell for it.  Because...  She's much
 smarter than me." -- _High_Fidelity_
Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <jafo at>, ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995: Ask me about High Availability

From martin at  Mon Apr 26 08:26:21 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 08:26:21 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <hr2imj$vov$>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> If adding people created work for already-busy developers then I'd be
> against it*

I most certainly does create work, but that could be as little as
sending an email message to some administrator.

There is no other way: somebody will have to make a decision, and that
is "work".


From martin at  Mon Apr 26 08:33:04 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 08:33:04 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to	do
In-Reply-To: <20100426022533.2083.1879382062.divmod.xquotient.57@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Sounds good.  Why is the barrier for this permission any higher than
> someone asking for it?  Is there really a need to protect against
> contributors with malicious intent?

There is a little risk. People doing triage can make two common
mistakes, and both do happen in the Python tracker from time to time:
a) they reject some contribution, even though a long-time contributor
   might have accepted it with modifications; sometimes this rejection
   happens for overly formal reasons, and
b) they assign issues to someone who might be formally in charge, but
   is unlikely to act on the issue in a reasonable amount of time.
Of course, long-term contributors can and do also make the same
mistakes; it's just that new people are often unfamiliar with the

This was all in the abstract, independent of dangerjim (whom I don't know).


From regebro at  Mon Apr 26 09:14:40 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 09:14:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <hr2imj$vov$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 08:33, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
> There is a little risk. People doing triage can make two common
> mistakes, and both do happen in the Python tracker from time to time:
> a) they reject some contribution, even though a long-time contributor
> ? might have accepted it with modifications; sometimes this rejection
> ? happens for overly formal reasons, and
> b) they assign issues to someone who might be formally in charge, but
> ? is unlikely to act on the issue in a reasonable amount of time.

Sure. But these errors can be fixed, just as a checkin can be
reverted. That's what I mean with the risk being low, you can't make
permanent damage.

The Zope community gives commit access by recommendation. This works
well. The easier it is to contribute, the more people contributes.

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

From p.f.moore at  Mon Apr 26 10:19:10 2010
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 09:19:10 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr2ngn$bhl$>
Message-ID: <>

On 26 April 2010 07:12, Sean Reifschneider <jafo at> wrote:
> Two of the 3 easiest things I came up with for an outsider to help out
> with, are things that his account couldn't do.

Would in not therefore be reasonable to question whether the *default*
privileges be changed to allow "outsiders" to do these things, rather
than asking for escalated privileges for one individual? (Or more
likely, as well as doing so, as changing the default is likely to be a
longer discussion...)


From asmodai at  Mon Apr 26 11:31:53 2010
From: asmodai at (Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:31:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr2ngn$bhl$>
Message-ID: <>

-On [20100426 10:21], Paul Moore (p.f.moore at wrote:
>Would in not therefore be reasonable to question whether the *default*
>privileges be changed to allow "outsiders" to do these things, rather
>than asking for escalated privileges for one individual? (Or more
>likely, as well as doing so, as changing the default is likely to be a
>longer discussion...)

Be careful. Trackers are often hit by spam bots which change random form
field values. I cannot from memory recall whether or not we had this issue
on either the tracker tracker or Python's tracker.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)> / asmodai
????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? | | GPG: 2EAC625B
A wise man that walks in the dark with a blindfold on, is not much of a
wise man...

From ziade.tarek at  Mon Apr 26 12:04:33 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:04:33 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] PEP 376
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Tarek Ziad? <ziade.tarek at> wrote:
> 2010/4/22 P.J. Eby <pje at>:
>> At 10:54 AM 4/22/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I think I went through all the latest feedback regarding PEP 376.
>>> There will be still some work of course, on the implementation side
>>> (for instance the Zip issues described by PJE).
>>> But I would like to go ahead and propose PEP 376 for acceptance.
>> One final (optional) question/suggestion... ?should we change from this (in
>> RECORD files):
>> ? ?lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.pyc
>> to this:
>> ? ?lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.pyc,,
>> In this way, reader code can be written as:
>> ? ?for path, hash, size in csv.reader(...):
>> It's not a high-priority thing, but if anybody is writing code to parse
>> RECORD files outside the provided API implementation (eg. system packaging
>> tool authors), they'll probably appreciate this. ?;-)
> Yes, of course. the RECORD file is supposed to be iterable using the csv reader,
> so that's a mistake in the PEP.
> Thanks for noticing, I'll fix it later today

This is fixed.

Guido told me in private he's now accepting the PEP since there's consensus.

The next step is to finish PEP 376 implementation in distutils2, and pkgutil.

There will be a full backport of the new pkgutil in distutils2, so
third party projects that wants to
be compatible with this new standard will be able to start doing it
before Python 3.2 is out.

Thanks to all the folks that helped in this process !


Tarek Ziad? |

From stephen at  Mon Apr 26 12:58:20 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:58:20 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lennart Regebro writes:

 > I'd say there is something wrong with the process. If a trusted
 > developer can't get somebody more privilege on the tracker by
 > saying that "I trust this guy", then a new process is needed.
 > That's it's too hard to get privileges in the Python development
 > community has been evident too long, I think.

It is entirely *not* evident to me that it's too hard to get
privileges in the Python development community (Python's development
process works -- and it works really well by comparison to 99% of the
processes out there).  And processes are delicate; they should be
changed only when the people involved in them have the time and
inclination to work on rebalancing them.

 > There is one privilege that should be hard to get: Permanent delete.
 > But being able to triage bugs isn't such a privilege. Heck, not even
 > commit access is, because of someone makes something bad, you can back
 > out the checkin.

Sure, but that's still *work*, and it's work for *somebody else*.  The
person who made the mistake is unlikely to detect it, and needs to be
told to fix it, if they even fix it themselves.

 > Giving people rights to a bugtracker or versioning system is not
 > dangerous, and should not be hard.

As someone who does a lot more managing of shared resources than
coding in the projects I'm active in, I disagree about the danger.
Enthusiastic newbies can do a lot of minor damage in a short period of
time, and cleaning that up is *work*.  This danger is almost entirely
mitigated by a small amount of mentoring -- which is precisely what
the current process requires -- not only of the recomending party, but
also of the existing workers.

I'm not claiming that the current balance is right.  Just that it's
not obvious that it's *wrong*, and therefore the decision should be
left up to the people who will do the mentoring, the supervision, and
-- if necessary -- the cleanup.  If the existing tracker crew is happy
with Sean's recommendation, and similar recommendations in the future,
I'm happy too.  But it is a process change, and they should be
comfortable with it.

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr 26 13:05:01 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:05:01 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to	do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/04/2010 11:58, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> [snip...]
> I'm not claiming that the current balance is right.

Hmm... the core development team (those who make commits once a month or 
more frequently) is very small, the number of people doing bug triaging 
is currently good but also small. We have patches and issues in the 
tracker that may have responses but will never get properly looked at 
because no-one on the core team is interested or has the mental 
bandwidth, we have possibly hundreds of modules in the standard library 
without a maintainer.

I think it is very much in the interest of Python to evolve our 
processes in order to encourage more core-developers. Evolving means 
experimenting *and* being willing to change. It is certainly less 
*effort* to accept the status quo, but with several more committed and 
enthusiastic (and good) core developers there is an awful lot (more) we 
could achieve.

All the best,

Michael Foord

> Just that it's
> not obvious that it's *wrong*, and therefore the decision should be
> left up to the people who will do the mentoring, the supervision, and
> -- if necessary -- the cleanup.  If the existing tracker crew is happy
> with Sean's recommendation, and similar recommendations in the future,
> I'm happy too.  But it is a process change, and they should be
> comfortable with it.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 13:24:47 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:24:47 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <1272281087.3539.22.camel@localhost>


> I think it is very much in the interest of Python to evolve our 
> processes in order to encourage more core-developers. Evolving means 
> experimenting *and* being willing to change. It is certainly less 
> *effort* to accept the status quo, but with several more committed and 
> enthusiastic (and good) core developers there is an awful lot (more) we 
> could achieve.

I certainly agree we should try to attract more good-willed and
competent contributors.

I also agree with Stephen that, in a project with a non-trivial amount
of complexity such as CPython, not having (tracker or commit) privileges
is not the real barrier to entry. You have to learn how the software
works, how its development works, who are the people working on it, etc.



From ncoghlan at  Mon Apr 26 13:30:32 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 21:30:32 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to	do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>  > There is one privilege that should be hard to get: Permanent delete.
>  > But being able to triage bugs isn't such a privilege. Heck, not even
>  > commit access is, because of someone makes something bad, you can back
>  > out the checkin.
> Sure, but that's still *work*, and it's work for *somebody else*.  The
> person who made the mistake is unlikely to detect it, and needs to be
> told to fix it, if they even fix it themselves.

As someone who's main contribution these days (other than kibbitzing
here) is reviewing checkins that go by on python-checkins, there
generally *is* a slight uptick in that workload when someone new is
given commit privileges (e.g. reminders to update docs, NEWS, tests,
what's new, ACKS, pointing out potential cross-platform or backwards
compatibility problems, reminders to check with active maintainers for
some modules).

It usually doesn't last long, because those people are currently
familiar with the basics of the process from submitting patches to the
tracker and seeing them applied for a while before commit privileges are

Actually having to revert commits and rerun the test suite to make sure
everything is back the way it should be can probably be taken as a
1-for-1 loss in patches applied without being too far off the mark
(fortunately, that is rather rare under the current system - I expect it
would be significantly more common if we were more casual about handing
out commit privileges).

However, I will also point out that a large chunk of the motivation in
moving to a DVCS is to make life easier for *non-committers*. Existing
devs get some benefit in being able to use something less clunky than
svnmerge to manage the maintenance branches, but that is pretty minor
compared to the gain in usability for everyone else.

>  If the existing tracker crew is happy
> with Sean's recommendation, and similar recommendations in the future,
> I'm happy too.  But it is a process change, and they should be
> comfortable with it.

Agreed that it is the existing triage team that really needs to OK this
(since they'll likely be the ones cleaning up any mistakes).

Getting someone to do things the clunky way for a couple of weeks still
seems like a decent way for them to show they understand the basics of
our tracker management policies (since merely commenting on issues can't
cause a mess the way inadvertent misuse of tracker privileges can).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From scott+python-dev at  Mon Apr 26 13:40:31 2010
From: scott+python-dev at (Scott Dial)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 07:40:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <1272281087.3539.22.camel@localhost>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/26/2010 7:24 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> I think it is very much in the interest of Python to evolve our 
>> processes in order to encourage more core-developers. Evolving means 
>> experimenting *and* being willing to change. It is certainly less 
>> *effort* to accept the status quo, but with several more committed and 
>> enthusiastic (and good) core developers there is an awful lot (more) we 
>> could achieve.
> I certainly agree we should try to attract more good-willed and
> competent contributors.
> I also agree with Stephen that, in a project with a non-trivial amount
> of complexity such as CPython, not having (tracker or commit) privileges
> is not the real barrier to entry. You have to learn how the software
> works, how its development works, who are the people working on it, etc.

I'd like to respond to Michael's comment about the "possibly hundreds of
modules in the standard library without a maintainer." My own experience
(issue5949) has been positive despite the lack of a dedicated
maintainer. When I had my own itch to scratch, nobody stopped me from
scratching it.. some people told me when I could scratch it and how
they'd like it scratched.. but I wasn't ignored or rejected despite the
lack of a maintainer. Thanks to RDM for giving my issue attention.

Scott Dial
scott at
scodial at

From steve at  Mon Apr 26 13:40:10 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 07:40:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<hr2imj$vov$>
Message-ID: <hr3u5p$r8a$>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> If adding people created work for already-busy developers then I'd be
>> against it*
> I most certainly does create work, but that could be as little as
> sending an email message to some administrator.
> There is no other way: somebody will have to make a decision, and that
> is "work".
Well, I'm sorry to have put you to the work of penning that reply, when
you could have used the effort instead to triage a bug.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr 26 13:43:28 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:43:28 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<1272281087.3539.22.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/04/2010 12:40, Scott Dial wrote:
> On 4/26/2010 7:24 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>> I think it is very much in the interest of Python to evolve our
>>> processes in order to encourage more core-developers. Evolving means
>>> experimenting *and* being willing to change. It is certainly less
>>> *effort* to accept the status quo, but with several more committed and
>>> enthusiastic (and good) core developers there is an awful lot (more) we
>>> could achieve.
>> I certainly agree we should try to attract more good-willed and
>> competent contributors.
>> I also agree with Stephen that, in a project with a non-trivial amount
>> of complexity such as CPython, not having (tracker or commit) privileges
>> is not the real barrier to entry. You have to learn how the software
>> works, how its development works, who are the people working on it, etc.
> I'd like to respond to Michael's comment about the "possibly hundreds of
> modules in the standard library without a maintainer." My own experience
> (issue5949) has been positive despite the lack of a dedicated
> maintainer. When I had my own itch to scratch, nobody stopped me from
> scratching it.. some people told me when I could scratch it and how
> they'd like it scratched.. but I wasn't ignored or rejected despite the
> lack of a maintainer. Thanks to RDM for giving my issue attention.
Right, but finding counterexamples is not at all hard...



READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From fuzzyman at  Mon Apr 26 13:45:34 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:45:34 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <1272281087.3539.22.camel@localhost>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/04/2010 12:24, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Hello,
>> I think it is very much in the interest of Python to evolve our
>> processes in order to encourage more core-developers. Evolving means
>> experimenting *and* being willing to change. It is certainly less
>> *effort* to accept the status quo, but with several more committed and
>> enthusiastic (and good) core developers there is an awful lot (more) we
>> could achieve.
> I certainly agree we should try to attract more good-willed and
> competent contributors.
> I also agree with Stephen that, in a project with a non-trivial amount
> of complexity such as CPython, not having (tracker or commit) privileges
> is not the real barrier to entry. You have to learn how the software
> works, how its development works, who are the people working on it, etc.

So the question remains - for *tracker* privileges, should the 
recommendation and commitment to mentor from an established commiter be 
sufficient (and therefore a standard part of our process)?

I think this is a reasonable barrier for entry and should be acceptable. 
It should be stated as part of our standard procedure however rather 
than being an exception to our standard procedure.

All the best,


> Regards
> Antoine.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (?BOGUS AGREEMENTS?) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

From ndbecker2 at  Mon Apr 26 14:20:10 2010
From: ndbecker2 at (Neal Becker)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 08:20:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse suggestion
Message-ID: <hr40ds$5ou$>

steven.bethard at made a very nice module for me to enhance argparse 
called, which contains ConfigureAction.  This will allow a 
boolean value to be set very like the gnu configure style:


I've been happily using it, and I think it would be of sufficient general 
interest to include it with the standard library.

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From amk at  Mon Apr 26 14:14:17 2010
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 08:14:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <20100426022533.2083.1879382062.divmod.xquotient.57@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>
	<> <hr2imj$vov$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 02:25:33AM -0000, exarkun at wrote:
> I think there should be a page on that says all
> contributors are welcome, and one way to become a contributor is to
> wrangle the issue tracker, and explains what this involves (I don't
> really have any idea, actually; I assume it's things like setting

Actually there already is such a page: . Excerpt:

   If you have helped out in the issue tracker for a little while or
   have been a good participant on python-dev you may ask for
   Developer privileges on the tracker which allow you to change any
   and all metadata on an issue.

   Please don't be shy about asking for the privilege! We are more
   liberal with giving out this ability than with commit privileges,
   so you don't need to have been contributing for a year to gain this
   ability. And with Developer privileges you can work more
   autonomously and be an even greater help by narrowing down what
   issues on the tracker deserve the most attention at any one time.

Issue workflow is specified in

Suggestions for text improvements/changes are welcomed.


From orsenthil at  Mon Apr 26 14:27:42 2010
From: orsenthil at (Senthil Kumaran)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:57:42 +0530
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse suggestion
In-Reply-To: <hr40ds$5ou$>
References: <hr40ds$5ou$>
Message-ID: <20100426122742.GD9423@remy>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 08:20:10AM -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
> steven.bethard at made a very nice module for me to enhance argparse 
> called, which contains ConfigureAction.  This will allow a 

Would not it be a feature enhancement request against
itself? In that case, you might just file a bug against argparse at


BOFH excuse #138:

BNC (brain not connected)

From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 14:34:16 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:34:16 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse suggestion
References: <hr40ds$5ou$> <20100426122742.GD9423@remy>
Message-ID: <>

Senthil Kumaran <orsenthil <at>> writes:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 08:20:10AM -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
> > steven.bethard <at> made a very nice module for me to enhance
> > called, which contains ConfigureAction.  This will allow a 
> Would not it be a feature enhancement request against
> itself? In that case, you might just file a bug against argparse at

I would argue that since argparse is now in the standard library, it should be
primarily maintained on {bugs, svn}
We have enough synchronization problems with externally maintained modules.



From regebro at  Mon Apr 26 15:34:09 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:34:09 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 12:58, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> It is entirely *not* evident to me that it's too hard to get
> privileges in the Python development community (Python's development
> process works -- and it works really well by comparison to 99% of the
> processes out there).

Well, that's true, all to often a project is controlled by a few
developers with no intent of sharing access ever.

> Sure, but that's still *work*, and it's work for *somebody else*.

Yes, but only when the checkin was wrong. For all other checkins, it's
*less* work. Hence, a committer needs to basically fudge up every
second checkin to cause more work than he relieves work. :)

> As someone who does a lot more managing of shared resources than
> coding in the projects I'm active in, I disagree about the danger.
> Enthusiastic newbies can do a lot of minor damage in a short period of
> time, and cleaning that up is *work*. ?This danger is almost entirely
> mitigated by a small amount of mentoring -- which is precisely what
> the current process requires -- not only of the recomending party, but
> also of the existing workers.

And  I'm saying that the recommending party is enough. If an
established developer says "this guy will not fuck things up", then
that is enough guarantee that he won't fuck things up.

> But it is a process change, and they should be
> comfortable with it.

Of course. I'm just arguing for that this process change is correct,
and that the current balance is wrong, and that a change is
comfortable and safe. :)

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

From jnoller at  Mon Apr 26 16:17:18 2010
From: jnoller at (Jesse Noller)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 10:17:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 7:05 AM, Michael Foord
<fuzzyman at> wrote:
> On 26/04/2010 11:58, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> [snip...]
>> I'm not claiming that the current balance is right.
> Hmm... the core development team (those who make commits once a month or
> more frequently) is very small, the number of people doing bug triaging is
> currently good but also small. We have patches and issues in the tracker
> that may have responses but will never get properly looked at because no-one
> on the core team is interested or has the mental bandwidth, we have possibly
> hundreds of modules in the standard library without a maintainer.
> I think it is very much in the interest of Python to evolve our processes in
> order to encourage more core-developers. Evolving means experimenting *and*
> being willing to change. It is certainly less *effort* to accept the status
> quo, but with several more committed and enthusiastic (and good) core
> developers there is an awful lot (more) we could achieve.

Just to add fuel to the fire w.r.t this discussion about
process-improvements, lowering friction, etc. I'd like to point out
(unintentionally tooting my own horn) a discussion I started up on
this exact topic last week:

I'm going to avoid summarizing the comments - ignoring my original
post, I can honestly say I received an alarming amount of feedback
some of which was private, but most of which is sitting there for us
to possible consume and act on.


From alexander.belopolsky at  Mon Apr 26 17:09:43 2010
From: alexander.belopolsky at (Alexander Belopolsky)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:09:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr2ngn$bhl$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:31 AM, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
<asmodai at> wrote:
> Be careful. Trackers are often hit by spam bots which change random form
> field values. I cannot from memory recall whether or not we had this issue
> on either the tracker tracker or Python's tracker.

I would think a comment area is a more attractive target for spam bots
than "random form field values" such as "assignee" or "priority."
(Note that assignee values that a default user can set may be limited
to themselves and previous assignees.  This will reasonably protect
this field from abuse and allow better tracking of whose court the
ball is in.)

Among the form fields, I would think "nosy" list would be targeted the
most because it allows effectively turning the tracker into a mail
relay, but I don't remember ever seeing it abused.

I also I don't remember ever seeing spam in the
comments which suggests that the subscription process weeds bots
reasonably well.

+1 on giving dangerjim requested privileges and using his experience
to review and change the default privileges.

From barry at  Mon Apr 26 17:40:05 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:40:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse suggestion
In-Reply-To: <hr40ds$5ou$>
References: <hr40ds$5ou$>
Message-ID: <20100426114005.6a72b97b@heresy>

On Apr 26, 2010, at 08:20 AM, Neal Becker wrote:

>steven.bethard at made a very nice module for me to enhance argparse 
>called, which contains ConfigureAction.  This will allow a 
>boolean value to be set very like the gnu configure style:
>I've been happily using it, and I think it would be of sufficient general 
>interest to include it with the standard library.

+1.  This would be a very nice addition to argparse in the stdlib.

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From rdmurray at  Mon Apr 26 17:42:10 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:42:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:45:34 +0100, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
> So the question remains - for *tracker* privileges, should the
> recommendation and commitment to mentor from an established commiter be
> sufficient (and therefore a standard part of our process)?

I think that in a technical sense a commitment to mentoring by an
established contributor would be enough.  But it seems to me that
there are a couple of arguments against it being sufficient in the
wider picture.

The first is that open source projects tend to be meritocracies.
An otherwise unknown person being introduced to the community and
immediately given privileges *just* because of the recommendation of
another person may feel (especially to the non privileged) like a kind
of nepotism.  ("It's not what you contribute, it's who you know").

The second is in some ways a subtle variation on the first.  If a new
person, even with a well respected mentor standing behind them, first
approaches the tracker by reviewing and commenting without privileges,
it does two things: it allows people in the community who are not the
mentor to get a sense of them, and it gives them the benefit of input
from people other than the mentor, and all of this happens *before*
they have the opportunity (and the worry) of making mistakes(*).
Both of these things serve to build community, and the second, IMO,
results in a stronger, more confident contributor.

I think that someone who has a mentor sponsoring them from the first
should be able to go from zero to privileged in a very short period of
time (a couple weeks perhaps, mostly depending on their activity level).

Someone without a pre-existing mentor could do the same, if their activity
level is high enough, and would probably pick up a mentor along the
way...or be mentored by #python-dev as a whole if they hang out there.

In other words, I think the goal is not just to add new developers to
the community, but to continue to build a strong community of developers.

R. David Murray                            

(*) Even a seasoned developer from another project will make mistakes
because some of our development process is a part of our culture
and not written down, and even that which is written down is not
necessarily easy for a newcomer to absorb by reading.

From steve at  Mon Apr 26 19:30:21 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 03:30:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 01:42:10 am R. David Murray wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:45:34 +0100, Michael Foord 
<fuzzyman at> wrote:
> > So the question remains - for *tracker* privileges, should the
> > recommendation and commitment to mentor from an established
> > commiter be sufficient (and therefore a standard part of our
> > process)?
> I think that in a technical sense a commitment to mentoring by an
> established contributor would be enough.  But it seems to me that
> there are a couple of arguments against it being sufficient in the
> wider picture.
> The first is that open source projects tend to be meritocracies.
> An otherwise unknown person being introduced to the community and
> immediately given privileges *just* because of the recommendation of
> another person may feel (especially to the non privileged) like a
> kind of nepotism.  ("It's not what you contribute, it's who you
> know").

Hang on, are we talking about paying these people? Giving them keys to 
the executive washroom? Flying them around the world on First Class 
flights on expensive junkets? Fame and fortune? What privileges are we 
giving them?

Oh yeah, the privilege of working for nothing in a thankless job that 
takes time and effort and returns nothing but a bullet point on your 
resume and the knowledge that you've given back to an Open Source 

Who are we worried about offending? The crowds on the Internet who never 
volunteer for anything, who never submit patches, let alone offer to do 
the unglamourous work? I think we worry too much about them -- they 
complain about everything, and have the attention span of a gnat. (Yes, 
I have had a bad day, why do you ask? *wink*)

Other committers? I would hope that, being members of good standing in a 
meritocracy, they can recognise the difference between "I want my mate 
to be given triaging privileges because he's my mate", and "I want him 
to have triaging privileges because I trust him to do a good job".

As I see it, the only people who might have a valid reason to be 
offended or annoyed are those who have volunteered but were rejected 
for some reason --perhaps because their skills aren't good enough, 
perhaps because nobody could vouch that their skills are good enough. 
Well, life is hard, get over it. In a meritocracy it isn't enough to be 
good at what you do, you also have to be known to be good. DangerJim 
has (apparently -- I don't know him myself) spent years building *both* 
his technical skills and his reputation.

Sean is willing to vouch for him and mentor him, and if Sean himself has 
a sufficiently high reputation that Python-Dev is willing to trust his 
judgement, then I can't see any reason to reject the offer. What's the 
worst that could happen? He'll do a bad job of triaging bugs, other 
committers will have to step in and fix it, and Sean will be 
embarrassed. Nothing irreparable, except possibly Sean's reputation as 
a judge of others. I don't see this as a high risk move: we're not 
making him BDFL on Sean's say-so.

> The second is in some ways a subtle variation on the first.  If a new
> person, even with a well respected mentor standing behind them, first
> approaches the tracker by reviewing and commenting without
> privileges, it does two things: it allows people in the community who
> are not the mentor to get a sense of them, 

Yes, they will have the opportunity, but will they take it?

I've submitted two recent patches which have apparently been swallowed 
by the black hole of "too much to do, too little time to do it". Am I 
bitter? No, of course not -- I understand that the committers have much 
to do, I'm a comparative unknown, and while the patches scratch my 
itch, they obviously don't scratch anyone else's. But this does 
demonstrate that just because people have the opportunity to "get a 
sense of them", doesn't mean that they actually will do so -- if 
anything, the opposite is the case. By increasing the number of 
untrusted contributors relative to trusted committers, you increase the 
burden on committers and lower the chances that they will actually 
review patches. This in turn discourages people from contributing, and 
the cycle continues.

Instead of this vicious circle, I believe that fast-tracking people on 
the strength of recommendations from *trusted* members is a good way of 
getting a virtuous circle: more people available to review patches, 
which means more competent contributors will gain enough of a 
reputation to be given committer privileges.

> and it gives them the 
> benefit of input from people other than the mentor, and all of this
> happens *before* they have the opportunity (and the worry) of making
> mistakes(*). Both of these things serve to build community, and the
> second, IMO, results in a stronger, more confident contributor.

Surely this will depend on the personality of the contributor? Not 
everyone appreciates being examined like that, even in an informal 
ad-hoc way, and while they might suck it up and accept it, they don't 
necessarily benefit from it. I reckon that for every one or two 
would-be contributors who value having that early oversight, you 
probably alienate a third enough that he goes elsewhere.

Steven D'Aprano

From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 19:31:35 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:31:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr4ilk$hc0$>

On 4/26/2010 11:09 AM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> I also I don't remember ever seeing spam in the
> comments which suggests that the subscription process weeds bots
> reasonably well.

And when it fails, spam is deleted just so no one does see it.

From eric at  Mon Apr 26 19:39:15 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:39:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] argparse suggestion
In-Reply-To: <hr40ds$5ou$>
References: <hr40ds$5ou$>
Message-ID: <>

Sounds good to me (subject to arguing about spellings, case 
insensitivity, etc.). Just so it doesn't get lost, I created issue 8538 
to track it.

Neal Becker wrote:
> steven.bethard at made a very nice module for me to enhance argparse 
> called, which contains ConfigureAction.  This will allow a 
> boolean value to be set very like the gnu configure style:
> --foo
> --with-foo
> --without-foo
> --no-foo
> --foo=yes
> --foo=no
> I've been happily using it, and I think it would be of sufficient general 
> interest to include it with the standard library.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 19:44:55 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:44:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<1272281087.3539.22.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <hr4jej$llo$>

On 4/26/2010 7:45 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

> So the question remains - for *tracker* privileges, should the
> recommendation and commitment to mentor from an established commiter be
> sufficient (and therefore a standard part of our process)?
> I think this is a reasonable barrier for entry and should be acceptable.
> It should be stated as part of our standard procedure however rather
> than being an exception to our standard procedure.

Asking that one make public comments on a minimum of, say, 5 issues is 
hardly onerous.

Terry Jan Reedy

From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 19:45:39 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:45:39 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven D'Aprano <steve <at>> writes:
> Who are we worried about offending? The crowds on the Internet who never 
> volunteer for anything, who never submit patches, let alone offer to do 
> the unglamourous work?

Perhaps you should look more carefully. We do have contributors who submit
patches and advice on the tracker. There isn't just the committers and the
passive masses.

(oh, and following your logic, we should ignore your advice, unless you actually
contribute to the "unglamourous work" - do you?)

> In a meritocracy it isn't enough to be 
> good at what you do, you also have to be known to be good.

If this were the criterion then the answer would be simple: nobody seems to
knows dangerjim in the Python community.

(to make it clear: this is not a shot intended at him, rather at your own logic)

From jcea at  Mon Apr 26 19:57:09 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:57:09 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Should we drop active support of OSF/1?
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

We don't have any buildbot backing this system.

OSF/1 last version was in 1994, was picked by Digital (Tru64 Unix). Last
version of Tru64 was released in late 2006. Now Digital is owned by HP
with its own Unix (HP-UX).

Maybe we can drop OSF/1 safely supporting Tru64 yet, but we don't have
any buildbot running any of this systems...

Deprecated systems are documented in PEP-11.

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From steve at  Mon Apr 26 20:15:01 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:15:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr4l8k$tp6$>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano <steve <at>> writes:
>> Who are we worried about offending? The crowds on the Internet who never 
>> volunteer for anything, who never submit patches, let alone offer to do 
>> the unglamourous work?
> Perhaps you should look more carefully. We do have contributors who submit
> patches and advice on the tracker. There isn't just the committers and the
> passive masses.
Yes, in the last year in particular there has been some excellent effort
of maintaining the issue tracker content. But the question still remains
- who are we worried about offending?

> (oh, and following your logic, we should ignore your advice, unless you actually
> contribute to the "unglamourous work" - do you?)
>> In a meritocracy it isn't enough to be 
>> good at what you do, you also have to be known to be good.
> If this were the criterion then the answer would be simple: nobody seems to
> knows dangerjim in the Python community.
Except, of course, the person recommending him. And it seems from the
discussion that nobody is particularly bothered about finding out about
him, preferring to exercise their various prejudices in preference to
taking a PSF member's word that he's a potentially valuable contributor
along with an offer of supervision.

I didn't realize we had so much effort available that we can ignore such

> (to make it clear: this is not a shot intended at him, rather at your own logic)
To make it clear: this is not intended as a criticism of you personally,
rather of those who do not seem to feel that increasing the developer
community is important. Perhaps diversity is just something you write in
a statement.

Some of the comments in this thread have seemed positively unwelcoming,
even though I doubt that was the authors' intention.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 20:23:00 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:23:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr2ngn$bhl$>
Message-ID: <hr4lm1$vgh$>

On 4/26/2010 2:12 AM, Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 08:42:00PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> What is *his* interest? How long has he known and used Python?
> Good points have been made on both sides of the issue here.  Despite my
> having a vested interest, I really have no strong feelings one way or
> another on the initial request.

Of course, much of the discussion has little to do with the particulars 
of your request ;-).

> But, the answers to your questions above may make it more clear why I was
> looking for the enhanced privileges.
> James (dangerjim) has *NO* knowledge of Python -- he has done primarily C
> and Java coding.  He *DOES* have time on his hands.  This is why I proposed
> to him to do tracker triage.
> However, as I started walking him through some examples of triage, I
> realized that regular accounts don't have the privileges to do any of the
> things I was proposing.  For example:
>     Go into the list of task tasks and look at the ones with no priority.

No priority effectively means normal priority. I will separately suggest 
that the latter be made the default so there is no need for anyone to 
make such busywork changes.

>     Read through the description and any follow-ups and try to figure out
>     what priority to give it.  In most cases it will be "normal".

As said above, the need to do this should be fixed. In the meantime, if 
people really care about having 'no selection' replaced by 'normal', I 
could do more. I have not bothered because I regard the two as synonyms 
and have not bothered. What a boring thing to give to a newcomer.

 >     However,
>     for some issues it will be clear they should be a higher or lower
>     priority, even to someone who doesn't know Python.

After years on the tracker, *I* do not try to make such judgemnts, so I 
am dubious about the ability of a non-Python newcomer to do so terribly 

>     Then we went on to issue 5575 and read through it.  In reading this one
>     to determine the priority, it was clear that the ball was back in
>     Collin's court, so I showed that I would look to see if Collin was a
>     valid assignee (which he was) and assign it to him, with a comment about
>     why.

To my understanding, the 'asignee' is the person who will make a 
decision on the issue, which usually is the maintainer of the component. 
Who maintains the sqlite, hashlib and ssl modules? I do not know that 
'asignee' should change every time the ball moves to another's court. I 
thought it stayed constant except when the assignee cannot deal with the 

Is my understanding obsolete?

>     Go into old bugs that have patches, and see if the patches cleanly apply
>     against the trunk.  If they do, do a "make" and "make test".  Add a
>     comment with the outcome.

This, and related C patch review activities, which do not require 
escalated privileges, would be *much* more useful, and probably more 
interesting to your C coding friend.

> Two of the 3 easiest things I came up with for an outsider to help out
> with, are things that his account couldn't do.

But, as I said, one of those two should be fixed, and I believe 
auto-assignment is gradually being improved. The most useful things a C 
coder can do he can do now.

Issues are stalled by lack of review, not by blank priority fields.

Terry Jan Reedy

From regebro at  Mon Apr 26 20:24:03 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 20:24:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 17:42, R. David Murray <rdmurray at> wrote:
> The first is that open source projects tend to be meritocracies.
> An otherwise unknown person being introduced to the community and
> immediately given privileges *just* because of the recommendation of
> another person

Since the recommendation is based on the persons merit, I fail to see
the difference.

> may feel (especially to the non privileged) like a kind
> of nepotism. ?("It's not what you contribute, it's who you know").

That is only a problem if we break the rules for certain people. But
this discussion isn't about breaking the rules, but changing them.

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 20:27:01 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 18:27:01 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jesse Noller <jnoller <at>> writes:
> Just to add fuel to the fire w.r.t this discussion about
> process-improvements, lowering friction, etc. I'd like to point out
> (unintentionally tooting my own horn) a discussion I started up on
> this exact topic last week:

I have read most of the comments there and I haven't seen anyone suggest that
privileges should be given earlier or more easily.
(on the other hand, a clearer process perhaps wouldn't hurt)

Does your private feedback suggest otherwise?



From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 20:30:55 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 18:30:55 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] merit
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lennart Regebro <regebro <at>> writes:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 17:42, R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>> 
> > The first is that open source projects tend to be meritocracies.
> > An otherwise unknown person being introduced to the community and
> > immediately given privileges *just* because of the recommendation of
> > another person
> Since the recommendation is based on the persons merit, I fail to see
> the difference.

In an open source community, "merit" relates to that community. We don't give
Linus Torvalds all rights on the project just because we know (or assume ;-)) he
is tremendously competent.



From jnoller at  Mon Apr 26 20:39:11 2010
From: jnoller at (Jesse Noller)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:39:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Jesse Noller <jnoller <at>> writes:
>> Just to add fuel to the fire w.r.t this discussion about
>> process-improvements, lowering friction, etc. I'd like to point out
>> (unintentionally tooting my own horn) a discussion I started up on
>> this exact topic last week:
> I have read most of the comments there and I haven't seen anyone suggest that
> privileges should be given earlier or more easily.
> (on the other hand, a clearer process perhaps wouldn't hurt)
> Does your private feedback suggest otherwise?

I brought this up in the context of lowering the barrier to
contribution; not as a value statement surrounding whether or not we
should give out privileges sooner rather than later - most of the
comments echo the sentiment of "it's hard or unapproachable to become
part of this project".

I personally feel that if a person is willing to do the work, and
someone vouches for them and is willing to be their mentor, there's no
reason to wave our hands and say no.


From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 20:42:15 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:42:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
Message-ID: <hr4mq5$4fe$>

Currently, the 'default' Priority for new tracker issues is '- no 
selection -'. This is, I believe, widely understood to be equivalent to 
'normal'. Consequently, almost no one bothers to make a selection. This 
applies even to experienced people like (in the last hour) Jesus Crea 
(#8536), Eric Smith (*8538), and Mark Dickenson (*8540).

If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else 
there should be some sort of auto replacement.

Currently, there are tracker maintainers spending time doing the 
replacement by hand. Sean R. has even requested privileges for someone 
in part just so he can do so too. Such activily strikes me as silly. I 
think it should be made unnecessary either by improving the tracker or 
by being declared to be unneeded. The only time a person should set the 
field to change it from normal (or to reverse such a change).

Terry Jan Reedy

From regebro at  Mon Apr 26 20:48:35 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 20:48:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] merit
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 20:30, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> Lennart Regebro <regebro <at>> writes:
>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 17:42, R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>>
> wrote:
>> > The first is that open source projects tend to be meritocracies.
>> > An otherwise unknown person being introduced to the community and
>> > immediately given privileges *just* because of the recommendation of
>> > another person
>> Since the recommendation is based on the persons merit, I fail to see
>> the difference.
> In an open source community, "merit" relates to that community. We don't give
> Linus Torvalds all rights on the project just because we know (or assume ;-)) he
> is tremendously competent.

Well, that's a blow against the merit-based position then. :)

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

From eric at  Mon Apr 26 20:51:02 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:51:02 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

> Currently, the 'default' Priority for new tracker issues is '- no
> selection -'. This is, I believe, widely understood to be equivalent to
> 'normal'. Consequently, almost no one bothers to make a selection. This
> applies even to experienced people like (in the last hour) Jesus Crea
> (#8536), Eric Smith (*8538), and Mark Dickenson (*8540).

You neglected my 2 dupes at 8537 and 8539! :)

> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
> there should be some sort of auto replacement.

Makes sense to me.


From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 21:01:56 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:01:56 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy <tjreedy <at>> writes:
> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else 
> there should be some sort of auto replacement.

Makes sense to me too.

From piotr at  Mon Apr 26 21:19:59 2010
From: piotr at (Piotr =?utf-8?Q?O=C5=BCarowski?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 21:19:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
Message-ID: <>


Many Python module developers do not want their work to be distributed
by Debian (and probably by other Linux distributions), here's a list of
hints that will help you accomplish that goal:

* depend on unstable or unreleased software (even if you
  use it only to generate docs or do unit tests),
* bundle local copies of 3rd party modules and do not send your changes
  upstream, never document your changes in upstream code,
* break API in every release,
* break ABI in every second release,
* do not ship all files needed to build the extension/docs/etc. in the
  source tarball,
* do not list required dependencies in install_requires or INSTALL/README
* if you list them, make sure you set the minimum required version to the
  one released yesterday, even if module works fine with version released
  2 years ago,
* create your own versioning schema (do not follow PEP-0386!), change it
  from time to time,
* hardcode paths in the code and do it in as many places as you can
  (add new ones every few releases, that will teach them to not patch
  your code),
* ignore FHS (you're using Windows after all); use __file__ whenever
  you can,
* make sure there's nothing about license in LICENSE file or in file
* if you have some free time, create your own license, avoid
* if you use GPL, do not include full content of the license in the
* release different tarballs with the same version number,
* use waf as build-system,
* release a new version without testing it with your own unit tests first
  to ensure that it will fail when your favourite Debian Developer tries
  to build it


[debian-python at l.d.o BCCed]
Piotr O?arowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer 
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From steve at  Mon Apr 26 21:22:37 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 05:22:37 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 03:45:39 am Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano <steve <at>> writes:
> > Who are we worried about offending? The crowds on the Internet who
> > never volunteer for anything, who never submit patches, let alone
> > offer to do the unglamourous work?
> Perhaps you should look more carefully. We do have contributors who
> submit patches and advice on the tracker. There isn't just the
> committers and the passive masses.

Yes, I know, I'm one of those contributors who have submitted patches. 
Only a couple, so far, but provided I'm not discouraged by the lack of 
anyone with the time or motivation to review them, there will probably 
be more in time.

(By the way, if anyone wants to review issues 4037 and 8128, I'd be 

> (oh, and following your logic, we should ignore your advice, unless
> you actually contribute to the "unglamourous work" - do you?)

That depends on what you call unglamourous work. No, I don't triage 
bugs. I don't have commit privileges, so I can't. Does hand-holding 
newbies who don't know the difference between a list and a dict count 
as unglamourous work? I'm not looking for a medal, I'm just trying to 
give back whatever little I'm able.

> > In a meritocracy it isn't enough to be
> > good at what you do, you also have to be known to be good.
> If this were the criterion then the answer would be simple: nobody
> seems to knows dangerjim in the Python community.

Sean is nobody?

We trust Sean to check in code. We trust him not to hand his username 
and password to dangerjim and let him loose. But do we trust his 
judgement that dangerjim is ready, willing and able to triage bugs?

I think we can all take it as a given that commit privileges shouldn't 
be just given out to anyone. I think we can all agree that one good way 
to gain that trust is to submit lots of high-quality patches. But what 
I don't understand is why there is so much resistance to the idea of 
accepting a personal recommendation from somebody who is trusted with 
commit privileges, even in principle. The reasons given don't strike me 
as convincing, especially the idea that it is nepotistic. It's not like 
commit privileges is a reward that is valuable in and of itself, or 
that they can't be revoked if dangerjim turns out not to have the chops 
that Sean said.

Dangerjim doesn't know Python, he can't contribute by writing patches, 
but he could make a valuable contribution by reviewing them. Sean has 
said he'll mentor him. Meritocracies are reputation-based, and the 
thing about reputation-based systems is that reputation propagates: I 
trust Alice because I've seen direct evidence of her merit, and I trust 
Bob on the basis that Alice vouches for him and I trust her to be a 
good judge of merit.

Such propagation is lossy, of course. I trust Alice more than Bob. The 
further away from direct evidence of merit, the less confidence I have.

Steven D'Aprano

From victor.stinner at  Mon Apr 26 21:35:33 2010
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 21:35:33 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Drop OS/2 support?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le samedi 17 avril 2010 05:19:36, Andrew MacIntyre a ?crit :
> > My patch: (os.execvpe() doesn't support
> > surrogates in env).
> I'll look at it when I get a chance, but I'm not expecting that my input
> should affect your patch and I'm not expecting you to try and deal with
> the issue on OS/2.

I realized that the code was broken on OS/2 because it calls bytes2str(path) 
whereas this function takes two mandatory arguments. My patch factorize the 
creation of envlist, so fixing OS/2 should now be easier. The issue is now 

> The 3.x branch needs quite a bit of work on OS/2 to
> deal with Unicode, as OS/2 was one of the earlier OSes with full
> multiple language support and IBM developed a unique API.  I'm still
> struggling to come to terms with this, partly because I myself don't
> "need" it.

Ah ok, Python3 doesn't work on OS/2 :-)

Victor Stinner

From solipsis at  Mon Apr 26 21:37:31 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:37:31 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven D'Aprano <steve <at>> writes:
> That depends on what you call unglamourous work. No, I don't triage 
> bugs. I don't have commit privileges, so I can't.

Is this the sole reason? You could try to review patches which are proposed, or
give advice where you are competent. As Terry (I believe) said, it's certainly
as useful as changing form values and checkboxes :)

By the way, it isn't about commit privileges, but tracker rights. I don't think
we would consider giving commit rights to someone who hasn't ever participated
in the community, and apparently isn't a Python user.



From ziade.tarek at  Mon Apr 26 21:39:39 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 21:39:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Piotr O?arowski <piotr at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Many Python module developers do not want their work to be distributed
> by Debian (and probably by other Linux distributions), here's a list of
> hints that will help you accomplish that goal:

Great hints, I'll try to follow them... and they could make a good
section in the Hitchhiker's guide to packaging ;)

> * ignore FHS (you're using Windows after all); use __file__ whenever
> ?you can,

You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe
resource files properly,
__file__ is what developer use when they need their projects to be portable..

Notice that we have started to work on fixing this -

Tarek Ziad? |

From martin at  Mon Apr 26 22:00:24 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:00:24 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Should we drop active support of OSF/1?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Maybe we can drop OSF/1 safely supporting Tru64 yet, but we don't have
> any buildbot running any of this systems...

Dropping support is fine with me, in the long term. If PEP 11 is truly
followed, we should deprecate support in one version, and drop it in the
next one. This would mean we add a easy-to-remove configure error in
3.2, and remove the support in 3.3.


From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 22:06:46 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:06:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <hr4l8k$tp6$>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr4rok$ots$>

On 4/26/2010 2:15 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

>> If this were the criterion then the answer would be simple: nobody seems to
>> knows dangerjim in the Python community.
> Except, of course, the person recommending him. And it seems from the
> discussion that nobody is particularly bothered about finding out about
> him,

Ahem. As I indicated in my first response to Sean, the first thing I did 
was to check the tracker for issues listing 'damgerjim' on the nosy 
list. (Simce people who post messages get auto-added to such and I do 
not see a message versus issue search page.) I found none and asked Sean 
for more info. When Sean provided more, I made more 
particular-to-the-situation responses. I separately posted, in a new 
thread, a suggestion that we change the tracker to eliminate busywork 
rather than recruit new people to do it for us. What a way to drive new 
recruits away.


Several people have asked "what danger?". The most delicate part of 
triage is closing issues that should never have been opened, either 
because they ask questions that belong on python-list or make foolish 
bug claims. These come from newbies who could be driven away from Python 
by less than polite responses from someone with 'official' status. So, 
again, I think someone should actively exhibit the ability to politely 
respond to strangers before being given 'official' power to close issues.

Terry Jan Reedy

From piotr at  Mon Apr 26 22:10:21 2010
From: piotr at (Piotr =?utf-8?Q?O=C5=BCarowski?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:10:21 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Tarek Ziad?, 2010-04-26]
> Great hints, I'll try to follow them... and they could make a good
> section in the Hitchhiker's guide to packaging ;)

How about these two:

> [...]
> > * ignore FHS (you're using Windows after all); use __file__ whenever
> > ?you can,
> You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe
> resource files properly,
> __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects to be portable..
> Notice that we have started to work on fixing this -

if there's no other way (--install-data is ignored right now, and I know
you're doing a great work to change that, thanks BTW), one could always
use it in *one* place and later import the result in other parts of
the code (instead of using __file__ again)
Piotr O?arowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer 
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From brett at  Mon Apr 26 22:17:32 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:17:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr2ngn$bhl$> 
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 01:19, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:

> On 26 April 2010 07:12, Sean Reifschneider <jafo at> wrote:
> > Two of the 3 easiest things I came up with for an outsider to help out
> > with, are things that his account couldn't do.
> Would in not therefore be reasonable to question whether the *default*
> privileges be changed to allow "outsiders" to do these things, rather
> than asking for escalated privileges for one individual? (Or more
> likely, as well as doing so, as changing the default is likely to be a
> longer discussion...)

No, the permission levels are purposefully where they are. I have personally
had back-and-forths with bug submitters over the priority of an issue
because they just happened to think it was more important than it really
was. It gets really annoying when you start to get constant bug updates
because someone chose to change the priority on their own. Besides the
fields under discussion are for developers, not the bug submitters.

Sean's friend can start off easily by simply commenting on an issue saying
"this issue should probably have a normal priority" and someone with
Developer privileges can then go in and either set it or disagree. As he
does that more and more he will get noticed and recommended for elevated
privileges or he can ask for them.


> Paul.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From brett at  Mon Apr 26 22:24:56 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:24:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 12:01, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:

> Terry Reedy <tjreedy <at>> writes:
> >
> > If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
> > there should be some sort of auto replacement.
> Makes sense to me too.

Same here. Unfortunately I think that requires a code change as I can't see
how to do it through the web API.


> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From ziade.tarek at  Mon Apr 26 22:30:29 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:30:29 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Piotr O?arowski <piotr at> wrote:
> [Tarek Ziad?, 2010-04-26]
>> Great hints, I'll try to follow them... and they could make a good
>> section in the Hitchhiker's guide to packaging ;)
> How about these two:

Will check these, thx
>> [...]
>> > * ignore FHS (you're using Windows after all); use __file__ whenever
>> > ?you can,
>> You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe
>> resource files properly,
>> __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects to be portable..
>> Notice that we have started to work on fixing this -
> if there's no other way (--install-data is ignored right now, and I know
> you're doing a great work to change that, thanks BTW), one could always
> use it in *one* place and later import the result in other parts of
> the code (instead of using __file__ again)

Sounds like a good advice to help packagers changing it, we'll add
something about that in the guide.
Also if you have some time to read it, your feedback as a packager
would be appreciated

From martin at  Mon Apr 26 22:39:39 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:39:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

>> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
>> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
> Makes sense to me.

I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.
Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
them currently unset?

I would do that "behind" roundup, so that it appears as if the issue was
already created with that priority. That way, those issues don't appear
as if they had recent activity.


From martin at  Mon Apr 26 22:41:56 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:41:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Same here. Unfortunately I think that requires a code change as I can't
> see how to do it through the web API.

You have to write an auditor, which I just did.


From eric at  Mon Apr 26 22:41:15 2010
From: eric at (Eric Smith)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:41:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
>>> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
>> Makes sense to me.
> I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.
> Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
> them currently unset?

I think the only risk is for issues that had a priority and were then 
deliberately changed to unset. Given how unlikely that is, I think you 
can go ahead and do this.


From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 22:48:38 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:48:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr4u74$2vr$>

On 4/26/2010 3:22 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> That depends on what you call unglamourous work. No, I don't triage
> bugs. I don't have commit privileges, so I can't.

Tracker 'privileges' (responsibilities, really) are different from 
commit privileses.

 > Does hand-holding
> newbies who don't know the difference between a list and a dict count
> as unglamourous work?

Whether on python-list or tracker issues (which possibly should not have 
been opened), yes.

 > I'm not looking for a medal, I'm just trying to
> give back whatever little I'm able.

I would not want you to drop hand-holding to do tracker admin.

> I don't understand is why there is so much resistance to the idea of
> accepting a personal recommendation from somebody who is trusted with
> commit privileges, even in principle.

Python tracker admins represent the core community to the larger Python 
world. There are two skills needed for such a responsibility. One is the 
ability to categorize in accord with vague norms. The other is social 
sensitivity in responding to strangers, especially tracker newbies. 
These are quite orthogonal to the ability to code or be someone's good 
buddy. Since one can do hard-to-repair damage, I think minimal evidence 
of these two needed skills is appropriate.

> Dangerjim doesn't know Python, he can't contribute by writing patches,
> but he could make a valuable contribution by reviewing them.

Which he can do now, without tracker admin privileges. If successful, 
that would be more helpful than busywork admin. Actually, I can imagine 
a C coder writing certain C patches, given a decent spec, without really 
knowing Python.

Terry Jan Reedy

From brett at  Mon Apr 26 22:49:31 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:49:31 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 13:39, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:

> >> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
> >> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
> >
> > Makes sense to me.
> I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.
> Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
> them currently unset?
> I would do that "behind" roundup, so that it appears as if the issue was
> already created with that priority. That way, those issues don't appear
> as if they had recent activity.

I say yes. Might as well just clean up that field now while we are thinking
about it.


> Regards,
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:
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From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 22:58:43 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:58:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr4uq0$5aa$>

On 4/26/2010 4:41 PM, Eric Smith wrote:
> Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>>> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
>>>> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
>>> Makes sense to me.
>> I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.

Just now, I still see '- no selection -' for a new new-issue, but
thank you for attending to this. This will fix a minor but long-standing 

>> Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
>> them currently unset?
> I think the only risk is for issues that had a priority and were then
> deliberately changed to unset. Given how unlikely that is, I think you
> can go ahead and do this.

To me, the priority should never be unset, so please go ahead.

Terry Jan Reedy

From martin at  Mon Apr 26 23:02:53 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 23:02:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Eric Smith wrote:
> Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>>> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
>>>> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
>>> Makes sense to me.
>> I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.
>> Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
>> them currently unset?
> I think the only risk is for issues that had a priority and were then
> deliberately changed to unset. Given how unlikely that is, I think you
> can go ahead and do this.

I can also filter them out:

roundup_tracker=> select distinct id from _issue, issue__journal where
id=nodeid and _priority is null and action='set' and params like

I will try to expand this to a proper update query, but only tomorrow.


P.S. Interestingly, it was tjreedy who unset the priority on issue 6453
where it was previously normal :-)

From tjreedy at  Mon Apr 26 23:39:37 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:39:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <hr516n$ej6$>

On 4/26/2010 5:02 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
> Eric Smith wrote:
>> Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>>>> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
>>>>> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
>>>> Makes sense to me.
>>> I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.
>>> Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
>>> them currently unset?
>> I think the only risk is for issues that had a priority and were then
>> deliberately changed to unset. Given how unlikely that is, I think you
>> can go ahead and do this.
> I can also filter them out:
> roundup_tracker=>  select distinct id from _issue, issue__journal where
> id=nodeid and _priority is null and action='set' and params like
> '%priority%';
>    id
> ------
>   1404
>   1601
>   3947
>   5249
>   5273
>   5334
>   6150
>   6453
>   7540
> I will try to expand this to a proper update query, but only tomorrow.
> Regards,
> Martin
> P.S. Interestingly, it was tjreedy who unset the priority on issue 6453
> where it was previously normal :-)

An accident. As I wrote in the next message: "Must have been random 
glitch. I certainly did not change state and priority." David Murray 
replies "I wonder if your browser is doing something weird with the form 
field settings.  Or it may have as you say been a random thing...I know 
that has happened to me once or twice where I refreshed the page in an 
odd order and reset some fields I wasn't intending to reset."

7540, 5334, 5273, 5249, 3947, 1404  are release blocker or other 
higher-than-normal priority issue whose high priorities were cleared 
when and as the issue was closed. Hirokazu Yamamoto (ocean-city), in 
particular, seems to think that higher-than-normal priorities should be 
cleared when issues are closed. I presume this is a mis-understanding. A 
critical open issue should just become a closed critical issue. If so, 
the clearings should be undone.

6150 had release-blocker set and cleared the day before closing.
Not sure on this one whether it is case of above or below. It hardly 
matters though.

1601 had priority set to high and reverted on same day by different 
people. It should have been set back to normal.

I am willing to fix all of the above by hand, if you want, but refrained 
for the moment because of the spurious message-to-nosy-list spew.

Is there anyway to make unsetting not possible?

Terry Jan Reedy

From barry at  Mon Apr 26 23:45:47 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:45:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100426174547.03ee0c86@heresy>

On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:19 PM, Piotr O?arowski wrote:

>Many Python module developers do not want their work to be distributed
>by Debian (and probably by other Linux distributions), here's a list of
>hints that will help you accomplish that goal:

Okay, it took me a few bullet items to realize you were being sarcastic. :) I
almost starting writing an email asking why anyone would seriously want that.

This is a great list.  Something I have been thinking about lately dovetails
with this, but from a different direction.  Let's ask why the problems you
enumerate occur, and what can we do about them?

For example, there's a nice tool called 'Quickly' that builds application
templates using best practices.  It is opinionated, but designed for the
opportunistic programmer.  I've been thinking about writing a Python
application and/or library template for this which would make it easy to start
a new project automating as much as possible, and doing things The Right Way.

It may also be worthwhile putting very obvious carrots (rather than sticks)
out there to encourage people to write packages using best practices.  For
example, once snakebite is operational, I could imagine some kind of automated
testing suite for PyPI packages.  IOW, if you play by rules A, B and C, we'll
automatically grab your new package, build it, run the test suite, and put a
gold star on your PyPI page.

Some things of course, we can't automate, but I think the HGtP should provide
clear examples of best practices, and tools to adhere to them where possible.
It is okay (in fact encouraged) to be opinionated and not provide a lot of
variation.  Advanced developers can figure out how to do complex things
correctly, but let's make it easy for the simpler 80% of packages out there.

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From barry at  Mon Apr 26 23:46:55 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:46:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100426174655.70685325@heresy>

On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:39 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:

>You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe resource
>files properly, __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects
>to be portable..

Until then, isn't pkg_resources the best practice for this?  (I'm pretty sure
we've talked about this before.)


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From robert.kern at  Mon Apr 26 23:56:06 2010
From: robert.kern at (Robert Kern)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:56:06 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <20100426174655.70685325@heresy>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <hr525n$hsu$>

On 4/26/10 4:46 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:39 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>> You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe resource
>> files properly, __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects
>> to be portable..
> Until then, isn't pkg_resources the best practice for this?  (I'm pretty sure
> we've talked about this before.)

I don't think the OP is really speaking against using __file__ per se, but 
rather putting data into the package however it is accessed. The Linux-packager 
preferred practice is to install into the appropriate /usr/shared/ subdirectory. 
Writing portable libraries (with portable files!) is difficult to do 
that way, though.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth."
   -- Umberto Eco

From ziade.tarek at  Tue Apr 27 00:03:50 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 00:03:50 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <20100426174547.03ee0c86@heresy>
References: <> <20100426174547.03ee0c86@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> For example, there's a nice tool called 'Quickly' that builds application
> templates using best practices. ?It is opinionated, but designed for the
> opportunistic programmer. ?I've been thinking about writing a Python
> application and/or library template for this which would make it easy to start
> a new project automating as much as possible, and doing things The Right Way.

Related things :

- Sean started "mkpkg" in distutils2, which asks you questions and
creates a file.
- Srid created a Paste-based script that creates a project skeleton


From ziade.tarek at  Tue Apr 27 00:09:30 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 00:09:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <20100426174655.70685325@heresy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:39 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>>You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe resource
>>files properly, __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects
>>to be portable..
> Until then, isn't pkg_resources the best practice for this? ?(I'm pretty sure
> we've talked about this before.)

For setuptools-based project I guess it is yes, so you can read them
in zipped eggs.

> -Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

Tarek Ziad? |

From barry at  Tue Apr 27 00:17:05 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 18:17:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <20100426174547.03ee0c86@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100426181705.2bc66d74@heresy>

On Apr 27, 2010, at 12:03 AM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:

>On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>> For example, there's a nice tool called 'Quickly' that builds application
>> templates using best practices. ?It is opinionated, but designed for the
>> opportunistic programmer. ?I've been thinking about writing a Python
>> application and/or library template for this which would make it easy to start
>> a new project automating as much as possible, and doing things The Right Way.
>Related things :
>- Sean started "mkpkg" in distutils2, which asks you questions and
>creates a file.
>- Srid created a Paste-based script that creates a project skeleton

I knew about Srid's but not Sean's.  Thanks, I'll take a look.

I don't want to stifle innovation here, but let's see if there are
commonalities we can share.


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From barry at  Tue Apr 27 00:21:10 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 18:21:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <hr525n$hsu$>
References: <>
	<20100426174655.70685325@heresy> <hr525n$hsu$>
Message-ID: <20100426182110.58538d12@heresy>

On Apr 26, 2010, at 04:56 PM, Robert Kern wrote:

>On 4/26/10 4:46 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:39 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>>> You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe resource
>>> files properly, __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects
>>> to be portable..
>> Until then, isn't pkg_resources the best practice for this?  (I'm pretty sure
>> we've talked about this before.)
>I don't think the OP is really speaking against using __file__ per se, but
>rather putting data into the package however it is accessed. The
>Linux-packager preferred practice is to install into the appropriate
>/usr/shared/ subdirectory.  Writing portable libraries (with portable
> files!) is difficult to do that way, though.

Tarek pointed to the rest page that captured some of the thinking on this
developed at Pycon.  There's really two sides to it - what does the programmer
write and how does that integrate with the system?  I really don't think the
developer should go through any contortions to make it work right for the
platform.  For one thing, there's no way they can do it for every platform
their code might end up on.  It's a lose to attempt it.  Tarek's design allows
for separation of concerns and indirection so the programmer can worry about
the parts they care about, and the platform packagers can worry about the
parts they care about.

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From ziade.tarek at  Tue Apr 27 00:22:30 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 00:22:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <hr525n$hsu$>
References: <>
	<20100426174655.70685325@heresy> <hr525n$hsu$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:56 PM, Robert Kern <robert.kern at> wrote:
> I don't think the OP is really speaking against using __file__ per se, but
> rather putting data into the package however it is accessed. The
> Linux-packager preferred practice is to install into the appropriate
> /usr/shared/ subdirectory. Writing portable libraries (with portable
> files!) is difficult to do that way, though.

Well, the only portable way to read a resource file these days in
Python is to put it in your
project source tree so you know for sure you can access it the same way
no matter what the platform is. Thus, using __file__.

The key to fix this is to have a registered list of paths for each
platform at Python level.

Roughly summarized : the work we are doing will consist of defining
variables that points to target paths for each platform (like
/usr/shared in linux) at Python level, and let the developers define
that a file is under a path
defined by a variable (like "shared").

For example, a project will be able to read/write the "foo.txt" file
using:'shared', 'foo.txt')

pkgutil will look in Python for the path corresponding to "shared" and
expand it. The result will vary depending
on the platform, and the os packagers will be able to change that path
globally in Python or locally in the project.

From dmalcolm at  Tue Apr 27 01:15:48 2010
From: dmalcolm at (David Malcolm)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:15:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1272323748.2834.15.camel@surprise>

On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 21:19 +0200, Piotr O?arowski wrote:
> Hi,
> Many Python module developers do not want their work to be distributed
> by Debian (and probably by other Linux distributions), here's a list of
Thanks!   Not just Debian: I can confirm, from bitter experience, that
your list is also highly applicable to Fedora and RHEL...

> hints that will help you accomplish that goal:


From a.badger at  Tue Apr 27 01:24:38 2010
From: a.badger at (Toshio Kuratomi)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:24:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <20100426174655.70685325@heresy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100426232438.GR4350@unaka.lan>

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 05:46:55PM -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:39 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
> >You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe resource
> >files properly, __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects
> >to be portable..
> Until then, isn't pkg_resources the best practice for this?  (I'm pretty sure
> we've talked about this before.)
I would have to say no to this.  Best practice from the Linux packager POV
would be something like this


  # Global paths where resources are installed

  import foo.paths
  import os.path
  # connect to the db
  db = foo_connect(os.path.join(foo.paths.DBDIR, 'foodb.sqlite'))

Using this strategy, you, the developer, can set the default paths to
whatever makes the most sense for your target but the packager can go
through and patch new locations in a single file that are used throughout
your program.

Note that you can use pkg_resources.resource_filename() in the above
scenario for static resources (but not stateful ones like database files,
caches, and the like).  Unfortunately, pkg_resources.resource_stream() can't
be adapted to the same purpose.

A better version of resource_stream() based on the work that Tarek's been
doing in the backend would be possible for making a resource_stream() capable
of handling settable paths as it would pull the pathname determinaiton to
the level behind the resource_stream call.

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From prologic at  Tue Apr 27 01:26:12 2010
From: prologic at (James Mills)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:26:12 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <1272323748.2834.15.camel@surprise>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:15 AM, David Malcolm <dmalcolm at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 21:19 +0200, Piotr O?arowski wrote:
>> Many Python module developers do not want their work to be distributed
>> by Debian (and probably by other Linux distributions), here's a list of
> Thanks! ? Not just Debian: I can confirm, from bitter experience, that
> your list is also highly applicable to Fedora and RHEL...

Honestly, it's enough to publish your python application/library/module to pypi
(at least this is true for my work). Re-packing some xyz Linux distribution's
package mangement system just seems useless and a waste of time (with
exceptions ofc).


From fuzzyman at  Tue Apr 27 01:52:50 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 00:52:50 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<1272323748.2834.15.camel@surprise>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/04/2010 00:26, James Mills wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:15 AM, David Malcolm<dmalcolm at>  wrote:
>> On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 21:19 +0200, Piotr O?arowski wrote:
>>> Many Python module developers do not want their work to be distributed
>>> by Debian (and probably by other Linux distributions), here's a list of
>> Thanks!   Not just Debian: I can confirm, from bitter experience, that
>> your list is also highly applicable to Fedora and RHEL...
> Honestly, it's enough to publish your python application/library/module to pypi
> (at least this is true for my work). Re-packing some xyz Linux distribution's
> package mangement system just seems useless and a waste of time (with
> exceptions ofc).

The point of the discussion has been how you can structure your package 
so that Linux distribution maintainers can repackage it *for you* whilst 
still remaining portable to other platforms. Even if you never intend to 
repackage your project yourself following these "best practises" seems 
like a good idea. (Unless you *really* don't want them packaged for 
debian - in which case you now have a handy guide telling you how you 
can ensure this.)

All the best,


> --James
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
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From cournape at  Tue Apr 27 02:43:49 2010
From: cournape at (David Cournapeau)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:43:49 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Piotr O?arowski <piotr at> wrote:

> if there's no other way (--install-data is ignored right now, and I know
> you're doing a great work to change that, thanks BTW), one could always
> use it in *one* place and later import the result in other parts of
> the code (instead of using __file__ again)

May I ask why this is not actually the solution to resources location
? For example, let's say we have (hypothetic version of distutils
supporting autoconf paths):

python install --prefix=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/foo

Then the install step would generate a file such as:

PREFIX = "/usr"
DATADIR = "/var/lib/foo"
MANPATH = "/somfunkypath"

There remains then the problem of relocatable packages, but solving
this would be easy through a conditional in this generated file:

    PREFIX = "$prefix"

and define $prefix and co from __file__ if necessary. All this would
be an implementation detail, so that the package developer effectively

from mypkg.file_paths import PREFIX, DATADIR, etc...

This is both simple and flexible: it is not mandatory, it does not
make life more complicated for python developers who don't care about
platform X. FWIW, that's the scheme I intend to support in my own
packaging solution,



From steve at  Tue Apr 27 03:15:49 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:15:49 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 05:37:31 am Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano <steve <at>> writes:
> > That depends on what you call unglamourous work. No, I don't triage
> > bugs. I don't have commit privileges, so I can't.
> Is this the sole reason? You could try to review patches which are
> proposed, or give advice where you are competent.

No, of course not. There are always other reasons, the biggest is too 
many things to do and not enough time to do it. If I did review 
patches, would they be accepted on the strength on my untrusted 

But this isn't about my reasons for not being more active on the bug 
tracker. This is about how we decided whether or not to give tracker 
rights to a volunteer. I think that being vouched for by a trusted 
member of good standing who offers to act as mentor should be 
sufficient grounds for giving tracker rights to the volunteer. 
Apparently some disagree. How do we resolve this, since we're obviously 
not persuading each other. Put it to a vote? Ask the BDFL?

> By the way, it isn't about commit privileges, but tracker rights. I
> don't think we would consider giving commit rights to someone who
> hasn't ever participated in the community, and apparently isn't a
> Python user.

Correction noted, thank you.

Steven D'Aprano

From stephen at  Tue Apr 27 04:14:20 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:14:20 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for "dangerjim" to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <hr4lm1$vgh$>
References: <> <hr2ngn$bhl$>
	<> <hr4lm1$vgh$>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy writes:

 > As said above, the need to do this should be fixed. In the meantime, if 
 > people really care about having 'no selection' replaced by 'normal', I 
 > could do more. I have not bothered because I regard the two as synonyms 
 > and have not bothered.

Technically they're very close to synonymous (I find it hard to
imagine that people specify "priority: normal" in searches very
often), but it's not synonymous to the reporter in most cases.  I've
had users tell me that "unselected" looks untidy, so except for
assignee, where "not assigned" is very significant information, I
either provide a default (which is not hard to do), or require that
the user provide values in my tracker (where I've managed to reduce
those fields to two, the issue summary line and the component).

 > What a boring thing to give to a newcomer.  [...]
 > Issues are stalled by lack of review, not by blank priority fields.

Sure, some people would be massively turned off by such duty, but
others hardly mind it at all.  The newcomer can always just say no.
I don't think the point was to find a person to be Priority-Setter-
for-Life, but rather to familiarize dangerjim with the bug tracker,
the issues, and do something at least a little bit useful.

Agreed, I doubt that setting priority would increase the amount of
review done, since developers will generally disagree with the
reporter (and non-dev third parties) about priority anyway.  But
getting bugs assigned to people so that they would appear in "my bugs"
might help a little bit.

From meadori at  Tue Apr 27 04:50:24 2010
From: meadori at (Meador Inge)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 21:50:24 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> In other words, I think the goal is not just to add new developers to
> the community, but to continue to build a strong community of developers.

FWIW, from a Python community newbie that has submitted a few patches and
commented on the tracker for a few months, I agree with this statement and
the way things are now.  I was attracted to the Python community, in part,
because the development model seemed so mature and well specified.  I felt
that it was clear from the current documented policies on how I could
contribute -- do these things and get these privileges.  That simple.

Moreover, by having the different stages (do these things to get
tracker privileges, do these other things to get commit privileges, etc...)
it was more clear how I could set personal milestones for myself to become a
contributing member of the community.  I find these "stages" useful for the
current community to somewhat gauge an unknown person's ability, but also
for that unknown person to develop and learn about the community at a
reasonable pace.

Yes, I know that the issue in question involves not a _completely_ unknown
person, but someone who is known by an existing member of the community.
 However, this is about a community choice and not just one person's choice.

Not to mention the fact that most anyone could have already submitted the
amount of comments needed to get enhanced tracker privileges in the amount
of time that has been spent on this thread :-)

-- Meador
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From stephen at  Tue Apr 27 04:59:26 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:59:26 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <hr4l8k$tp6$>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Holden writes:

 > Yes, in the last year in particular there has been some excellent effort
 > of maintaining the issue tracker content. But the question still remains
 > - who are we worried about offending?

In this thread, we did worry about offending Sean and dangerjim.  Now
that Sean has commented, I don't think anybody is worrying about
offending anybody; there is an understanding that there's a process
issue to be resolved.  The question is how best to build the community.

There are two camps, the quantity camp ("low cost of contribution
means more contributors, and that's good"), and the quality camp
("more interaction within the community, especially of experienced
developers with newcomers, means more effective contributors and
that's good").

 > I didn't realize we had so much effort available that we can ignore
 > such offers.

Steve, calm down; nobody contributing to the thread is ignoring the
offer, and the status quo terms seem to be acceptable to both Sean
and dangerjim.  They correctly asked for more privilege so that the
proposed work can be done more efficiently.  Equally correctly, there
is a discussion of whether an exception to past practice should be
made here, and whether it's worth changing that past practice.

I find RDM's argument quite compelling, that the current policy does
impose some costs on the newcomer and the mentor, but that on the
other hand it does strongly encourage interactions which both build
community in the sense of interpersonal relationships and improve the
mentoring process for the actual work being done.  He concludes that
the small costs involved (including the possibility of discouraging
some potential contributors) are more than compensated for by the
quality of the product.  Where do you disagree with that logic?

 > To make it clear: this is not intended as a criticism of you
 > personally, rather of those who do not seem to feel that increasing
 > the developer community is important. Perhaps diversity is just
 > something you write in a statement.

*By definition*, a community is not diverse in the most fundamental
sense.  As long as Pythonicity is important to Python, there is danger
as well as opportunity in more rapid influx of newcomers.

From stephen at  Tue Apr 27 05:23:37 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:23:37 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] merit
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lennart Regebro writes:
 > On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 20:30, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:

 > > In an open source community, "merit" relates to that community.
 > > We don't give Linus Torvalds all rights on the project just
 > > because we know (or assume ;-)) he is tremendously competent.
 > Well, that's a blow against the merit-based position then. :)

Not at all.  Merit is determined not by "absolute" competence, but by
fitness for the range of tasks to be performed.

I don't really understand how someone who is not familiar with Python
internals or with the Python community can be expected to have any
*immediate* merit beyond "fast learner".  Until a newcomer does that
learning, what's the hurry in granting privileges?

Note that this discussion has brought up a number of fine points about
tracker work (cf Terry Reedy's posts) that Sean may not have been
aware of.  Had tracker privilege been granted without discussion, he
still would not know about them!  *Nor would I.*  The discussion has
had educational benefits beyond the newcomer.  This is RDM's thesis
about "growing the community" in action.

From stephen at  Tue Apr 27 05:46:02 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:46:02 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lennart Regebro writes:

 > > Sure, but that's still *work*, and it's work for *somebody else*.
 > Yes, but only when the checkin was wrong. For all other checkins, it's
 > *less* work. Hence, a committer needs to basically fudge up every
 > second checkin to cause more work than he relieves work. :)

Counting checkins is not the appropriate way to measure work here, and
there are externalities.  In my experience (in other projects, I
suspect it applies to Python, too), most patches produced by newcomers
scratch very personal itches that almost nobody else cares about.
Many of their bugs, however, affect a large number of users.

Similarly, but much less seriously, I suspect that issue triage by
newcomers will not result in very "Pythonic" decisions.  I won't say
that setting priority or assignee inappropriately "fucks things up",
but they do increase entropy of the project.  Terry Reedy disagreed
with Sean's judgment about setting priority and assignee, a useful
discussion that would *not* have happened with the policy you propose.

It might be preferable for that discussion to have happened on the
tracker-discuss list, of course, but IMHO it's good for such threads
to happen somewhere that tracker workers can see it.

From g.brandl at  Tue Apr 27 09:18:31 2010
From: g.brandl at (Georg Brandl)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:18:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
	<>	<>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr632e$7cc$>

Am 26.04.2010 15:34, schrieb Lennart Regebro:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 12:58, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
>> It is entirely *not* evident to me that it's too hard to get
>> privileges in the Python development community (Python's development
>> process works -- and it works really well by comparison to 99% of the
>> processes out there).
> Well, that's true, all to often a project is controlled by a few
> developers with no intent of sharing access ever.
>> Sure, but that's still *work*, and it's work for *somebody else*.
> Yes, but only when the checkin was wrong. For all other checkins, it's
> *less* work. Hence, a committer needs to basically fudge up every
> second checkin to cause more work than he relieves work. :)

Reviewing the checkins is not work, then?


From regebro at  Tue Apr 27 09:34:57 2010
From: regebro at (Lennart Regebro)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:34:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <hr632e$7cc$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 09:18, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at> wrote:
> Am 26.04.2010 15:34, schrieb Lennart Regebro:
>> Yes, but only when the checkin was wrong. For all other checkins, it's
>> *less* work. Hence, a committer needs to basically fudge up every
>> second checkin to cause more work than he relieves work. :)
> Reviewing the checkins is not work, then?

Well, yes, so OK, not half. But quite a lot of the checkins need to be
bad for the amount of work the established commiters need to do per
bug fixed to increase when you add a newbie. Yes, maybe the workload
in total increases in the beginning, but that's because the newbie is
actually fixing bugs, and as Stephen mentions, it's often itches no
one else (read the established committers) cares about, because they
didn't encounter that particular issue.

I have a problem seeing that as a bad thing.

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

From ziade.tarek at  Tue Apr 27 09:41:02 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:41:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <20100426232438.GR4350@unaka.lan>
References: <>
	<20100426174655.70685325@heresy> <20100426232438.GR4350@unaka.lan>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:24 AM, Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 05:46:55PM -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:39 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
>> >You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe resource
>> >files properly, __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects
>> >to be portable..
>> Until then, isn't pkg_resources the best practice for this? ?(I'm pretty sure
>> we've talked about this before.)
> I would have to say no to this. ?Best practice from the Linux packager POV
> would be something like this
> foo/
> foo/
> foo/
> ?# Global paths where resources are installed
> ?HELPDIR='/usr/share/foo/help'
> ?TEMPLATEDIR='/usr/share/foo/templates'
> ?CACHEDIR='/var/cache/foo'
> ?DBDIR='/var/lib/foo/db'
> ?PRIVATEMODDIR='/usr/share/foo/foolib'
> ?PLUGINDIR='/usr/lib/foo/plugins'
> ?LOCALEDIR='/usr/share/locale'
> foo/
> ?import foo.paths
> ?import os.path
> ?# connect to the db
> ?db = foo_connect(os.path.join(foo.paths.DBDIR, 'foodb.sqlite'))
> Using this strategy, you, the developer, can set the default paths to
> whatever makes the most sense for your target but the packager can go
> through and patch new locations in a single file that are used throughout
> your program.

You are making the assumption that the developers know what are the
global paths on each platform. I don't think people would do that unless we
provide these paths already, and that's basically the goal of the next PEP.

Maybe a step toward this goal would be to provide a document that explains
the role of each path, for each platform from the *python developer POV*

Until then, the only approach a developer has to make sure he can access to his
resource files, is to have them alongside the code.

Tarek Ziad? |

From ziade.tarek at  Tue Apr 27 09:49:01 2010
From: ziade.tarek at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Tarek_Ziad=E9?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:49:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 2:43 AM, David Cournapeau <cournape at> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Piotr O?arowski <piotr at> wrote:
>> if there's no other way (--install-data is ignored right now, and I know
>> you're doing a great work to change that, thanks BTW), one could always
>> use it in *one* place and later import the result in other parts of
>> the code (instead of using __file__ again)
> May I ask why this is not actually the solution to resources location
> ? For example, let's say we have (hypothetic version of distutils
> supporting autoconf paths):
> python install --prefix=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/foo
> --manpath=/somefunkypath
> Then the install step would generate a file such as:
> PREFIX = "/usr"
> DATADIR = "/var/lib/foo"
> MANPATH = "/somfunkypath"
> There remains then the problem of relocatable packages, but solving
> this would be easy through a conditional in this generated file:
> ? ?PREFIX = "$prefix"
> ? ?...
> else:
> and define $prefix and co from __file__ if necessary. All this would
> be an implementation detail, so that the package developer effectively
> do
> from mypkg.file_paths import PREFIX, DATADIR, etc...
> This is both simple and flexible: it is not mandatory, it does not
> make life more complicated for python developers who don't care about
> platform X. FWIW, that's the scheme I intend to support in my own
> packaging solution,

That resembles a lot to what we want to achieve in the next PEP:
at installation time, a file that contains all the prefix will be generated,
combined with a global list of variables found in Python.

Then, instead of importing these values (in our plans, the variables
are statically defined), developers will do:'MANPATH', 'foo'),  where foo.txt is a file under
/somefunkypath in your example

Since you are building your own tool, it would be great to have you
working with us in the upcoming PEP,
since it aims to provide an interoperability ground to install and
consume resource files.


Tarek Ziad? |

From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 14:25:37 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 08:25:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <hr4l8k$tp6$>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:15:01 -0400, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > Steven D'Aprano <steve <at>> writes:
> >> Who are we worried about offending? The crowds on the Internet who never 
> >> volunteer for anything, who never submit patches, let alone offer to do 
> >> the unglamourous work?
> > 
> > Perhaps you should look more carefully. We do have contributors who submit
> > patches and advice on the tracker. There isn't just the committers and the
> > passive masses.
> > 
> Yes, in the last year in particular there has been some excellent effort
> of maintaining the issue tracker content. But the question still remains
> - who are we worried about offending?

The people who are potential new contributors but don't currently know
anyone in the Python community.

> > (oh, and following your logic, we should ignore your advice, unless you actually
> > contribute to the "unglamourous work" - do you?)
> > 
> >> In a meritocracy it isn't enough to be 
> >> good at what you do, you also have to be known to be good.
> > 
> > If this were the criterion then the answer would be simple: nobody seems to
> > knows dangerjim in the Python community.
> > 
> Except, of course, the person recommending him. And it seems from the
> discussion that nobody is particularly bothered about finding out about
> him, preferring to exercise their various prejudices in preference to
> taking a PSF member's word that he's a potentially valuable contributor
> along with an offer of supervision.
> I didn't realize we had so much effort available that we can ignore such
> offers.

This discussion has never been about dangerjim's qualifications, as far
as I can tell.  I believe we all fully expect him to be a valuable
contributor within a very short time, because Sean is recommending him,
and we welcome him to the community,

The discussion, in my view, is about the process in general, and how
to make sure that it continues to promote good, inclusive community,
by holding everyone to the same standards.  (And the discussion, then,
is should we change the current standard.)

> > (to make it clear: this is not a shot intended at him, rather at your own logic)
> > 
> > 
> To make it clear: this is not intended as a criticism of you personally,
> rather of those who do not seem to feel that increasing the developer
> community is important. Perhaps diversity is just something you write in
> a statement.
> Some of the comments in this thread have seemed positively unwelcoming,
> even though I doubt that was the authors' intention.

I have not read any of the comments as unwelcoming (although I could
be misremembering), so I'm not sure why you heard that.  We are talking
about process and what works best for community building (which includes
increasing the number of people in the developer community).  And I at
least am in the mode of *discussing* it, not speaking from a position set
in stone...if the consensus that develops is that the familiarization
period can be skipped in certain cases, I'm not going to block that
consensus or get mad about it...but I don't think we have a developing
consensus right now, and I'm not sure how to move forward on that.

For the record, note that both Antoine and I have been instrumental in
bringing more than one new person into both the triage and the committer
ranks.  We (along with others) *are* the ones doing the welcoming and
the mentoring and the growing of the developer community.

R. David Murray                            

From solipsis at  Tue Apr 27 14:31:52 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:31:52 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] spam on b.p.o
References: <>
	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy <tjreedy <at>> writes:
> On 4/26/2010 11:09 AM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> >
> > I also I don't remember ever seeing spam in the
> > comments which suggests that the subscription process weeds bots
> > reasonably well.
> And when it fails, spam is deleted just so no one does see it.

Speaking of which, what is the procedure to delete a spam message and remove a
spamming user?
We have an example here:



From steve at  Tue Apr 27 14:34:45 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 08:34:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:15:01 -0400, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> For the record, note that both Antoine and I have been instrumental in
> bringing more than one new person into both the triage and the committer
> ranks.  We (along with others) *are* the ones doing the welcoming and
> the mentoring and the growing of the developer community.
For which work I am truly grateful, as I am sure are many others. Please
forgive any prickliness I may have evinced in this conversation. It *is*
important to make people feel welcome, and I am happy to see the
development community growing.

As regards the procedural discussions, while I may have my opinions it's
clearly best if the procedures are maintained by those operating them. I
am usually fine with that happening, and this is no exception.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From solipsis at  Tue Apr 27 14:41:19 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:41:19 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] spam on b.p.o
References: <>
	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis <at>> writes:
> Speaking of which, what is the procedure to delete a spam message and remove a
> spamming user?

Well, for some reason I hadn't seen the "remove button" message...
As for deleting the user, I suppose an admin can do it.



From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 14:48:40 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 08:48:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Assigned To field usage (was: Enhanced tracker
In-Reply-To: <hr4lm1$vgh$>
References: <> <hr2ngn$bhl$>
	<> <hr4lm1$vgh$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:23:00 -0400, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> On 4/26/2010 2:12 AM, Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> >     Then we went on to issue 5575 and read through it.  In reading this one
> >     to determine the priority, it was clear that the ball was back in
> >     Collin's court, so I showed that I would look to see if Collin was a
> >     valid assignee (which he was) and assign it to him, with a comment about
> >     why.
> To my understanding, the 'asignee' is the person who will make a 
> decision on the issue, which usually is the maintainer of the component. 
> Who maintains the sqlite, hashlib and ssl modules? I do not know that 
> 'asignee' should change every time the ball moves to another's court. I 
> thought it stayed constant except when the assignee cannot deal with the 
> issue.
> Is my understanding obsolete?

Well, in my recent experience there are two things the assignee gets
used for.  The first is someone claiming an issue, saying, in effect,
I'm going to work this issue until it is closed.  The other is to do
exactly what Sean did, assign it to the next person whose decision or
input is needed in order to move the issue forward.  However, as you
say, I think the latter is done generally when the issue *can't* move
forward without that person's input (or at least not without giving them
a significant opportunity to provide input).  Usually this is done by
the person who previously had the issue assigned to them.

My perception is that making someone nosy on an issue is preferred to
assigning it to them (allowing them to assign it to themselves if they
think that is appropriate), unless the issue is of higher priority or
someone actively working on the issue really needs the other person's
input in order to move forward.  But these are my own rules of thumb,
and a discussion of how best to use this field may be appropriate.

R. David Murray                            

From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 15:03:05 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:03:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:39:39 +0200, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= <martin at> wrote:
> >> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
> >> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
> > 
> > Makes sense to me.
> I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.
> Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
> them currently unset?
> I would do that "behind" roundup, so that it appears as if the issue was
> already created with that priority. That way, those issues don't appear
> as if they had recent activity.


This will make the default grouping more useful, since now critical
issues will appear at the top, instead of several pages in!

R. David Murray                            

From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 27 15:34:48 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:34:48 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr4l8k$tp6$>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray wrote:
> And I at
> least am in the mode of *discussing* it, not speaking from a position set
> in stone...if the consensus that develops is that the familiarization
> period can be skipped in certain cases, I'm not going to block that
> consensus or get mad about it...but I don't think we have a developing
> consensus right now, and I'm not sure how to move forward on that.

Having a recommendation officially mean accelerating-but-not-skipping
the familiarisation period doesn't seem to have met with any significant

We basically do that anyway, this would just mean adding a note about it
to the "getting involved" documentation.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 15:38:14 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:38:14 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews (was: Enhanced tracker
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:15:49 +1000, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> No, of course not. There are always other reasons, the biggest is too 
> many things to do and not enough time to do it. If I did review 
> patches, would they be accepted on the strength on my untrusted 
> reviews?

It is very very helpful for *anyone* to review patches.   Let's see if
I can clarify the process a little.  (This is, of course, my take
on it, others can chime in if they think I got anything wrong.)

Someone submits a bug.  Someone submits a patch to fix that bug (or add
the enhancement).  Is that patch ready for commit?  No.  Is it ready
for *commit review* (ie: someone with commit privileges to look at it
with an eye toward committing it)?  Probably not.

What makes a patch ready for commit review?  The patch should:

    1) conform to pep 7/8
    2) have unit tests that fail before the patch and succeed after
    3) have documentation updates if needed
    4) have a py3k port *if and only if* the port is non-trivial
        (well, if someone wants to add one when it is trivial that's OK,
        but it probably won't get used)
    5) if it is at all likely to have system dependencies, be tested
        on at least linux and windows

Making sure that these items are true does not require any in-depth
expertise. In many cases it doesn't even require much time.  'Trusted'
or 'untrusted' doesn't really come in to it, though doing these sorts
of reviews will build trust.  If you can in addition look at the patch
content and critique it, so much the better.  Again, *any* critique is
useful, even if you can't review the whole patch in detail, because it
gets it that much closer to being commit ready.  And there are enough
uncommitted patches in the tracker that it ought to be possible for almost
anyone to find something they can usefully do a content critique on.

The goal is to make the commit review step as simple and fast for the
committer as possible.  The more eyes on the patch before hand, the
faster the commit review will be.  And those people who do a good job
making patches commit ready will be on the fast track to getting commit

R. David Murray                            

PS: note that I'm using 'commit review' above with a different sense than
that value is currently defined to have in the workflow.  I'm thinking
about advocating that the definition in the workflow be changed, and
indeed we (the informal triage crew) have already occasionally used that
setting with the meaning I give it above.

From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 27 15:38:30 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:38:30 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Assigned To field usage
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray wrote:
> Well, in my recent experience there are two things the assignee gets
> used for.  The first is someone claiming an issue, saying, in effect,
> I'm going to work this issue until it is closed.  The other is to do
> exactly what Sean did, assign it to the next person whose decision or
> input is needed in order to move the issue forward.  However, as you
> say, I think the latter is done generally when the issue *can't* move
> forward without that person's input (or at least not without giving them
> a significant opportunity to provide input).  Usually this is done by
> the person who previously had the issue assigned to them.
> My perception is that making someone nosy on an issue is preferred to
> assigning it to them (allowing them to assign it to themselves if they
> think that is appropriate), unless the issue is of higher priority or
> someone actively working on the issue really needs the other person's
> input in order to move forward.  But these are my own rules of thumb,
> and a discussion of how best to use this field may be appropriate.

That sounds like a fair description of the way I use it as well. The
most common case where I will assign a bug directly to someone is if I
want a yea or nay from the release manager in deciding whether or not
something is acceptable for inclusion in a beta or rc release.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 16:10:29 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:10:29 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:34:48 +1000, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> R. David Murray wrote:
> > And I at
> > least am in the mode of *discussing* it, not speaking from a position set
> > in stone...if the consensus that develops is that the familiarization
> > period can be skipped in certain cases, I'm not going to block that
> > consensus or get mad about it...but I don't think we have a developing
> > consensus right now, and I'm not sure how to move forward on that.
> Having a recommendation officially mean accelerating-but-not-skipping
> the familiarisation period doesn't seem to have met with any significant
> objections.
> We basically do that anyway, this would just mean adding a note about it
> to the "getting involved" documentation.

Sounds good to me.

R. David Murray                            

From daniel at  Tue Apr 27 16:22:07 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:22:07 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug tracker permissions request
Message-ID: <>

May I have enhanced permissions on the bug tracker, so that I can perform
the following tasks?

- Assign issues to myself that I plan to write a patch for
- Update the Stage to "patch review" after writing a patch
- Occasional bug triage

My login name on the tracker is "stutzbach".

I only find the time to produce patches once in awhile, but when I have the
time I usually produce more than one.  Assigning bugs to myself will
increase my motivation to write patches, as I will feel that I've made a
commitment to fixing them.
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
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From a.badger at  Tue Apr 27 16:35:43 2010
From: a.badger at (Toshio Kuratomi)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:35:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] what to do if you don't want your module in Debian
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20100426174655.70685325@heresy> <20100426232438.GR4350@unaka.lan>
Message-ID: <20100427143542.GS4350@unaka.lan>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 09:41:02AM +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:24 AM, Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at> wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 05:46:55PM -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> >> On Apr 26, 2010, at 09:39 PM, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
> >>
> >> >You should be permissive on that one. Until we know how to describe resource
> >> >files properly, __file__ is what developer use when they need their projects
> >> >to be portable..
> >>
> >> Until then, isn't pkg_resources the best practice for this? ?(I'm pretty sure
> >> we've talked about this before.)
> >>
> > I would have to say no to this. ?Best practice from the Linux packager POV
> > would be something like this
> >
> > foo/
> > foo/
> > foo/
> >
> > ?# Global paths where resources are installed
> > ?HELPDIR='/usr/share/foo/help'
> > ?TEMPLATEDIR='/usr/share/foo/templates'
> > ?CACHEDIR='/var/cache/foo'
> > ?DBDIR='/var/lib/foo/db'
> > ?PRIVATEMODDIR='/usr/share/foo/foolib'
> > ?PLUGINDIR='/usr/lib/foo/plugins'
> > ?LOCALEDIR='/usr/share/locale'
> >
> > foo/
> > ?import foo.paths
> > ?import os.path
> > ?# connect to the db
> > ?db = foo_connect(os.path.join(foo.paths.DBDIR, 'foodb.sqlite'))
> >
> > Using this strategy, you, the developer, can set the default paths to
> > whatever makes the most sense for your target but the packager can go
> > through and patch new locations in a single file that are used throughout
> > your program.
> >
> You are making the assumption that the developers know what are the
> global paths on each platform.
No, I'm not.  The developer needs to establish sane categories, but doesn't
need to worry about the exact paths.  For instance, this would be perfectly

  HELPDIR=os.path.join(os.dirname(__file__), 'help')
  TEMPLATEDIR=pkg_resources.resource_filename('foo', 'templates')
  CACHEDIR=os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', '/tmp'), 'foocache')

Then the individual platform packagers can patch the single file,
according to the neecds oftheir platform.

> I don't think people would do that unless we
> provide these paths already, and that's basically the goal of the next PEP.
s/paths/categories/ and I'll agree.   As I said, the PEP does a lot of
things right in this area.  We're able to push decisions about filesystem
paths out to a higher level using the PEP whereas the current state of the
art has us needing to figure it all out as individual developers :-(

> Until then, the only approach a developer has to make sure he can access to his
> resource files, is to have them alongside the code.
I don't think so -- but this scheme certainly allows that.  I think that
many developers who are targeting Linux will find it more natural to specify
FHS compliant paths for their files.  Someone who is developing an app to be
portable will likely find that placing files alongside code is more natural
(although even this isn't truly portable -- CACHEDIR and other stateful
files will break under the assumption that you can write to a file/directory
alongside the module).

And like I say, this is just about the best workaround available now.
Implementation of the PEP makes this area much better.

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From exarkun at  Tue Apr 27 16:40:19 2010
From: exarkun at (exarkun at
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:40:19 -0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews (was: Enhanced
	tracker	privileges...)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100427144019.2091.2017478396.divmod.xquotient.2@localhost.localdomain>

On 01:38 pm, rdmurray at wrote:
>On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:15:49 +1000, Steven D'Aprano 
><steve at> wrote:
>>No, of course not. There are always other reasons, the biggest is too
>>many things to do and not enough time to do it. If I did review
>>patches, would they be accepted on the strength on my untrusted
>It is very very helpful for *anyone* to review patches.   Let's see if
>I can clarify the process a little.  (This is, of course, my take
>on it, others can chime in if they think I got anything wrong.)
>Someone submits a bug.  Someone submits a patch to fix that bug (or add
>the enhancement).  Is that patch ready for commit?  No.  Is it ready
>for *commit review* (ie: someone with commit privileges to look at it
>with an eye toward committing it)?  Probably not.
>What makes a patch ready for commit review?  The patch should:
>    1) conform to pep 7/8
>    2) have unit tests that fail before the patch and succeed after
>    3) have documentation updates if needed
>    4) have a py3k port *if and only if* the port is non-trivial
>        (well, if someone wants to add one when it is trivial that's OK,
>        but it probably won't get used)
>    5) if it is at all likely to have system dependencies, be tested
>        on at least linux and windows

This list would make a good addition to one of the cpython development 
pages.  If potential contributors could find this information, then 
they'd be much more likely to participate by doing reviews.


From brian.curtin at  Tue Apr 27 16:56:09 2010
From: brian.curtin at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:56:09 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug tracker permissions request
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 09:22, Daniel Stutzbach <
daniel at> wrote:

> May I have enhanced permissions on the bug tracker, so that I can perform
> the following tasks?
> - Assign issues to myself that I plan to write a patch for
> - Update the Stage to "patch review" after writing a patch
> - Occasional bug triage
> My login name on the tracker is "stutzbach".
> I only find the time to produce patches once in awhile, but when I have the
> time I usually produce more than one.  Assigning bugs to myself will
> increase my motivation to write patches, as I will feel that I've made a
> commitment to fixing them.
> --
> Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
> President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
+1 from me. Daniel has had good input on many issues, has written quality
patches, and if this would help him do more, I'm for it.
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From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 17:14:47 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:14:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug tracker permissions request
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 09:22:07 -0500, Daniel Stutzbach <daniel at> wrote:
> May I have enhanced permissions on the bug tracker, so that I can perform
> the following tasks?

Done.  I agree with Brian, Daniel has been making valuable
contributions for quite some time now.  I/we will keep an eye on
his triage, of course.

R. David Murray                            

From barry at  Tue Apr 27 17:16:51 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:16:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews (was: Enhanced tracker
In-Reply-To: <20100427144019.2091.2017478396.divmod.xquotient.2@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100427111651.738d2381@heresy>

On Apr 27, 2010, at 02:40 PM, exarkun at wrote:

>On 01:38 pm, rdmurray at wrote:

>>    2) have unit tests that fail before the patch and succeed after
>This list would make a good addition to one of the cpython development 
>pages.  If potential contributors could find this information, then 
>they'd be much more likely to participate by doing reviews.

It would be kind of cool if there were some best practices for running said
unittest both with and without the patch enabled.  Kind of like using #ifdefs
in C but without all the commenting-out-commenting-in error proneness.  I
guess you could do something like

    if os.getenv('BUG1234'):
        # Patch the frobnicator to not bloviate.

Maybe more trouble than it's worth, and not always feasible of course, but I'm
wondering how (or maybe if) people do things this way.

With Bazaar, I often use a loom with two threads - a bottom one that contains
the test that fails, and a top one that contains the fix for the test.  It's a
great way to develop a patch, but you lose that once you flatten the code for

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From daniel at  Tue Apr 27 17:34:16 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:34:16 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug tracker permissions request
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:14 AM, R. David Murray <rdmurray at>wrote:

> Done.  I agree with Brian, Daniel has been making valuable
> contributions for quite some time now.  I/we will keep an eye on
> his triage, of course.

Thanks.  Is there a document that describes the meaning of all of the
different fields in the bug tracker?

I've read, but it doesn't cover
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
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From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 17:43:13 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:43:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews (was: Enhanced tracker
In-Reply-To: <20100427111651.738d2381@heresy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:16:51 -0400, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> It would be kind of cool if there were some best practices for running said
> unittest both with and without the patch enabled.  Kind of like using #ifdefs
> in C but without all the commenting-out-commenting-in error proneness.  I
> guess you could do something like
>     if os.getenv('BUG1234'):
>         # Patch the frobnicator to not bloviate.
> Maybe more trouble than it's worth, and not always feasible of course, but I'm
> wondering how (or maybe if) people do things this way.
> With Bazaar, I often use a loom with two threads - a bottom one that contains
> the test that fails, and a top one that contains the fix for the test.  It's a
> great way to develop a patch, but you lose that once you flatten the code for
> review.

Well, the way I do it for review is brute force: I download the patch,
delete everything except the unit test, apply that, run it, revert,
apply the original patch, run it.

For developing, I generally write the unit test first <grin>, but when
the fix is confined to one file I can just revert the file for testing
the tests while keeping the fixed copy in my edit buffer (or a save file
if I'm feeling paranoid, like when it is a substantial fix).  For more
complex fixes I generate separate patch files for the tests and the fix
as a whole, and do a revert-patch-revert-patch dance to test things.

I wonder if it would be better to encourage people to post the unit
tests and the fix as separate patch files.

R. David Murray                            

From ezio.melotti at  Tue Apr 27 17:57:57 2010
From: ezio.melotti at (Ezio Melotti)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 17:57:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews (was: Enhanced tracker
In-Reply-To: <20100427111651.738d2381@heresy>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:

> On Apr 27, 2010, at 02:40 PM, exarkun at wrote:
> >On 01:38 pm, rdmurray at wrote:
> >>    2) have unit tests that fail before the patch and succeed after
> >
> >This list would make a good addition to one of the cpython development
> >pages.  If potential contributors could find this information, then
> >they'd be much more likely to participate by doing reviews.
> It would be kind of cool if there were some best practices for running said
> unittest both with and without the patch enabled.  Kind of like using
> #ifdefs
> in C but without all the commenting-out-commenting-in error proneness.  I
> guess you could do something like
>    if os.getenv('BUG1234'):
>        # Patch the frobnicator to not bloviate.
When I'm writing the patch it's usually easy, I write the tests, see that
they fail, write the fix, see that they pass.
When I'm reviewing the patch, I apply the patch, see that the tests pass,
svn revert the fix, check that they fail.
Most of the patches affect just a couple of files, so applying the whole
patch and then revert is usually trivial and probably easier than having to
deal with two separate files for patch and tests.
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From rdmurray at  Tue Apr 27 18:16:34 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:16:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug tracker permissions request
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:34:16 -0500, Daniel Stutzbach <daniel at> wrote:
> Thanks.  Is there a document that describes the meaning of all of the
> different fields in the bug tracker?
> I've read, but it doesn't cover
> everything.

I think it is on Brett's list to update that doc, but maybe we should help
him out :).  Can you list what's missing?  We should fill in the gaps.

R. David Murray                            

From barry at  Tue Apr 27 19:46:18 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 13:46:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
Message-ID: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>

I have two somewhat unrelated thoughts about PEPs.

* Accepted: header

When PEP 3147 was accepted, I had a few folks ask that this be recorded in the
PEP by including a link to the BDFL pronouncement email.  I realized that
there's no formal way to express this in a PEP, and many PEPs in fact don't
record more than the fact that it was accepted.  I'd like to propose
officially adding an Accepted: header which should include a URL to the email
or other web resource where the PEP is accepted.  I've come as close as
possible to this (without modifying the supporting scripts or PEP 1) in PEP

I'd be willing to update things if there are no objections.

* EOL schedule for older releases.

We have semi-formal policies for the lifetimes of Python releases, though I'm
not sure this policy is written down in any of the existing informational
PEPs.  However, we have release schedule PEPs going back to Python 1.6.  It
seems reasonable to me that we include end-of-life information in those PEPs.
For example, we could state that Python 2.4 is no longer even being maintained
for security, and we could state the projected date that Python 2.6 will go
into security-only maintenance mode.

I would not mandate that we go back and update all previous PEPs for either of
these ideas.  We'd adopt them moving forward and allow anyone who's motivated
to backfill information opportunistically.

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From daniel at  Tue Apr 27 19:46:53 2010
From: daniel at (Daniel Stutzbach)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:46:53 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug tracker permissions request
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:16 AM, R. David Murray <rdmurray at>wrote:

> I think it is on Brett's list to update that doc, but maybe we should help
> him out :).  Can you list what's missing?  We should fill in the gaps.

Sure, here's what I've noticed:

The page doesn't document the Resolution or Status fields.

For the Keywords field, the page only documents the "easy" keyword.

Also, some of the headings in the page are enclosed in square brackets,
while others are not.  It's not clear to me what the brackets are intended
to designate.
Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <>
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From barry at  Tue Apr 27 19:50:56 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 13:50:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews (was: Enhanced tracker
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100427135056.5067bb54@heresy>

On Apr 27, 2010, at 11:43 AM, R. David Murray wrote:

>I wonder if it would be better to encourage people to post the unit
>tests and the fix as separate patch files.

I think this is not bad idea for larger fixes, where it's not trivial to
manually edit the diff.

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From brett at  Tue Apr 27 20:15:43 2010
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:15:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Sounds good to me (from my phone on my way to WWW2010).

On Apr 27, 2010 10:49 AM, "Barry Warsaw" <barry at> wrote:

I have two somewhat unrelated thoughts about PEPs.

* Accepted: header

When PEP 3147 was accepted, I had a few folks ask that this be recorded in
PEP by including a link to the BDFL pronouncement email.  I realized that
there's no formal way to express this in a PEP, and many PEPs in fact don't
record more than the fact that it was accepted.  I'd like to propose
officially adding an Accepted: header which should include a URL to the
or other web resource where the PEP is accepted.  I've come as close as
possible to this (without modifying the supporting scripts or PEP 1) in PEP

I'd be willing to update things if there are no objections.

* EOL schedule for older releases.

We have semi-formal policies for the lifetimes of Python releases, though
not sure this policy is written down in any of the existing informational
PEPs.  However, we have release schedule PEPs going back to Python 1.6.  It
seems reasonable to me that we include end-of-life information in those
For example, we could state that Python 2.4 is no longer even being
for security, and we could state the projected date that Python 2.6 will go
into security-only maintenance mode.

I would not mandate that we go back and update all previous PEPs for either
these ideas.  We'd adopt them moving forward and allow anyone who's
to backfill information opportunistically.


Python-Dev mailing list
Python-Dev at
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From tseaver at  Tue Apr 27 20:37:18 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:37:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr7asu$6ac$>

Hash: SHA1

R. David Murray wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:15:49 +1000, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>> No, of course not. There are always other reasons, the biggest is too 
>> many things to do and not enough time to do it. If I did review 
>> patches, would they be accepted on the strength on my untrusted 
>> reviews?
> It is very very helpful for *anyone* to review patches.   Let's see if
> I can clarify the process a little.  (This is, of course, my take
> on it, others can chime in if they think I got anything wrong.)
> Someone submits a bug.  Someone submits a patch to fix that bug (or add
> the enhancement).  Is that patch ready for commit?  No.  Is it ready
> for *commit review* (ie: someone with commit privileges to look at it
> with an eye toward committing it)?  Probably not.
> What makes a patch ready for commit review?  The patch should:
>     1) conform to pep 7/8
>     2) have unit tests that fail before the patch and succeed after
>     3) have documentation updates if needed
>     4) have a py3k port *if and only if* the port is non-trivial
>         (well, if someone wants to add one when it is trivial that's OK,
>         but it probably won't get used)
>     5) if it is at all likely to have system dependencies, be tested
>         on at least linux and windows

This is an excellent set of guidelines.  The only drawback I see here is
that the current VCS situation makes doing the review more tedious than
it should be, especially for non-committers.  Or maybe the Hg mirrors
are truly up-to-date and working?  Last I looked, they were lagging or

> Making sure that these items are true does not require any in-depth
> expertise. In many cases it doesn't even require much time.  'Trusted'
> or 'untrusted' doesn't really come in to it, though doing these sorts
> of reviews will build trust.  If you can in addition look at the patch
> content and critique it, so much the better.  Again, *any* critique is
> useful, even if you can't review the whole patch in detail, because it
> gets it that much closer to being commit ready.  And there are enough
> uncommitted patches in the tracker that it ought to be possible for almost
> anyone to find something they can usefully do a content critique on.
> The goal is to make the commit review step as simple and fast for the
> committer as possible.  The more eyes on the patch before hand, the
> faster the commit review will be.  And those people who do a good job
> making patches commit ready will be on the fast track to getting commit
> privileges.
> --
> R. David Murray                            
> PS: note that I'm using 'commit review' above with a different sense than
> that value is currently defined to have in the workflow.  I'm thinking
> about advocating that the definition in the workflow be changed, and
> indeed we (the informal triage crew) have already occasionally used that
> setting with the meaning I give it above.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From tseaver at  Tue Apr 27 20:37:23 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:37:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <20100427111651.738d2381@heresy>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<20100427144019.2091.2017478396.divmod.xquotient.2@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <hr7at3$6ac$>

Hash: SHA1

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2010, at 02:40 PM, exarkun at wrote:
>> On 01:38 pm, rdmurray at wrote:
>>>    2) have unit tests that fail before the patch and succeed after
>> This list would make a good addition to one of the cpython development 
>> pages.  If potential contributors could find this information, then 
>> they'd be much more likely to participate by doing reviews.
> It would be kind of cool if there were some best practices for running said
> unittest both with and without the patch enabled.  Kind of like using #ifdefs
> in C but without all the commenting-out-commenting-in error proneness.  I
> guess you could do something like
>     if os.getenv('BUG1234'):
>         # Patch the frobnicator to not bloviate.
> Maybe more trouble than it's worth, and not always feasible of course, but I'm
> wondering how (or maybe if) people do things this way.
> With Bazaar, I often use a loom with two threads - a bottom one that contains
> the test that fails, and a top one that contains the fix for the test.  It's a
> great way to develop a patch, but you lose that once you flatten the code for
> review.

You can always "shelve" the part of the patch which isn't the test:  I
do that pretty frequently in the Zope tree, where I am now doing most
development with bzr.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From solipsis at  Tue Apr 27 20:46:46 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 18:46:46 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Tres Seaver <tseaver <at>> writes:
> This is an excellent set of guidelines.  The only drawback I see here is
> that the current VCS situation makes doing the review more tedious than
> it should be, especially for non-committers.  Or maybe the Hg mirrors
> are truly up-to-date and working?  Last I looked, they were lagging or
> unavailable.

If you only a review a patch (rather than say maintain and evolve it), there's
no point in using hg rather than SVN.
However, the mirrors are most of the time alive and up-to-date (sync period is
around 5 minutes):

(perhaps you're thinking about, which is an experimental
conversion of the SVN repo, not really meant for daily use)



From guido at  Tue Apr 27 20:53:49 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:53:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> I have two somewhat unrelated thoughts about PEPs.
> * Accepted: header
> When PEP 3147 was accepted, I had a few folks ask that this be recorded in the
> PEP by including a link to the BDFL pronouncement email. ?I realized that
> there's no formal way to express this in a PEP, and many PEPs in fact don't
> record more than the fact that it was accepted. ?I'd like to propose
> officially adding an Accepted: header which should include a URL to the email
> or other web resource where the PEP is accepted. ?I've come as close as
> possible to this (without modifying the supporting scripts or PEP 1) in PEP
> 3147:
> ? ?
> I'd be willing to update things if there are no objections.

I'd rather not build a single point of failure into the process.
Instead of insisting on BDFL pronouncement, the community should
switch do something like "last call for objections." There should also
be a timeline so that unproductive discussion can't be dragged on

> * EOL schedule for older releases.
> We have semi-formal policies for the lifetimes of Python releases, though I'm
> not sure this policy is written down in any of the existing informational
> PEPs. ?However, we have release schedule PEPs going back to Python 1.6. ?It
> seems reasonable to me that we include end-of-life information in those PEPs.
> For example, we could state that Python 2.4 is no longer even being maintained
> for security, and we could state the projected date that Python 2.6 will go
> into security-only maintenance mode.
> I would not mandate that we go back and update all previous PEPs for either of
> these ideas. ?We'd adopt them moving forward and allow anyone who's motivated
> to backfill information opportunistically.


--Guido van Rossum (

From tseaver at  Tue Apr 27 21:23:19 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:23:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr7asu$6ac$>
Message-ID: <hr7dj8$i20$>

Hash: SHA1

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Tres Seaver <tseaver <at>> writes:
>> This is an excellent set of guidelines.  The only drawback I see here is
>> that the current VCS situation makes doing the review more tedious than
>> it should be, especially for non-committers.  Or maybe the Hg mirrors
>> are truly up-to-date and working?  Last I looked, they were lagging or
>> unavailable.
> If you only a review a patch (rather than say maintain and evolve it), there's
> no point in using hg rather than SVN.

Hmm, it feels exactly the other way around to me:  working with the DVCS
tools while reviewiing a patch allows me to be more productive (e.g.,
using 'bzr shelve' or the equivalent hg subcommand).

Making a local branch / clone for each issue also feels more natural
than working in a read-only SVN checkout.

> However, the mirrors are most of the time alive and up-to-date (sync period is
> around 5 minutes):

That was the URL I was trying to work with:  it has been a couple of
months since I last tried, however.

> (perhaps you're thinking about, which is an experimental
> conversion of the SVN repo, not really meant for daily use)

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From ctb at  Tue Apr 27 21:27:22 2010
From: ctb at (C. Titus Brown)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:27:22 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <hr7dj8$i20$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 03:23:19PM -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > Tres Seaver <tseaver <at>> writes:
> >> This is an excellent set of guidelines.  The only drawback I see here is
> >> that the current VCS situation makes doing the review more tedious than
> >> it should be, especially for non-committers.  Or maybe the Hg mirrors
> >> are truly up-to-date and working?  Last I looked, they were lagging or
> >> unavailable.
> > 
> > If you only a review a patch (rather than say maintain and evolve it), there's
> > no point in using hg rather than SVN.
> Hmm, it feels exactly the other way around to me:  working with the DVCS
> tools while reviewiing a patch allows me to be more productive (e.g.,
> using 'bzr shelve' or the equivalent hg subcommand).
> Making a local branch / clone for each issue also feels more natural
> than working in a read-only SVN checkout.

+1.  I find it to be an excellent way to muck around with patches and
make my own changes / diffs / etc. for a review process.  (Not that I
do any Python reviews, note.  But it's a great technique in general.)

It's also fantastically simple and esay to interact with patches that are
branches on someone's bitbucket or github repo; much better than uploading and
downloading patch files while in the middle of a discussion.

C. Titus Brown, ctb at

From barry at  Tue Apr 27 21:28:45 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:28:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <hr7at3$6ac$>
References: <>
	<20100427111651.738d2381@heresy> <hr7at3$6ac$>
Message-ID: <20100427152845.2c6d95cc@heresy>

On Apr 27, 2010, at 02:37 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:

>You can always "shelve" the part of the patch which isn't the test:  I
>do that pretty frequently in the Zope tree, where I am now doing most
>development with bzr.

Yes definitely.  bzr-loom just makes that much easier to manage.

-------------- next part --------------
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From martin at  Tue Apr 27 22:38:15 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 22:38:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:39:39 +0200, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= <martin at> wrote:
>>>> If possible, I think 'normal' should be the default in the hox or else
>>>> there should be some sort of auto replacement.
>>> Makes sense to me.
>> I have now changed to make 'normal' the default priority for new issues.
>> Shall I also set the priority on all past issues to normal which have
>> them currently unset?
>> I would do that "behind" roundup, so that it appears as if the issue was
>> already created with that priority. That way, those issues don't appear
>> as if they had recent activity.
> +1
> This will make the default grouping more useful, since now critical
> issues will appear at the top, instead of several pages in!



From fdrake at  Tue Apr 27 22:45:24 2010
From: fdrake at (Fred Drake)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 16:45:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:38 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" <martin at> wrote:
> Done!

Thanks, Martin!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at>
"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written." --Henry Miller

From martin at  Tue Apr 27 23:03:12 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:03:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] spam on b.p.o
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr4ilk$hc0$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou <solipsis <at>> writes:
>> Speaking of which, what is the procedure to delete a spam message and remove a
>> spamming user?
> Well, for some reason I hadn't seen the "remove button" message...
> As for deleting the user, I suppose an admin can do it.

For true spam (off-topic links, porn, advertisements, etc), please don't
"remove". Instead, people in the "Coordinator" role also have a "mark as
spam" button, which causes SpamBayes training of the message, and also
makes the message unreadable for anonymous users (including search
engines). People posting spam for SEO thus get truly blocked.

A mere remove will just detach the message - the message URL in itself
remains accessible.

In the specific case (msg104314), "remove" was probably the right thing,
since it isn't real spam, but just non-sensical. I don't think the user
needs to be banned from the tracker.


From martin at  Tue Apr 27 23:06:28 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:06:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Assigned To field usage
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> My perception is that making someone nosy on an issue is preferred to
> assigning it to them (allowing them to assign it to themselves if they
> think that is appropriate), unless the issue is of higher priority or
> someone actively working on the issue really needs the other person's
> input in order to move forward.  But these are my own rules of thumb,
> and a discussion of how best to use this field may be appropriate.

I personally think issues should not get assigned unless the person it
is being assigned to is known to accept such assignments, e.g. by having
asked for them to happen.

For example, I would prefer not to be assigned any issues, because I'm
unlikely to act on them in the six months - unless, as David says, I'm
the *only* person who could move the issue forward in that time.


From martin at  Tue Apr 27 23:09:43 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:09:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <hr7dj8$i20$>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr7asu$6ac$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> Hmm, it feels exactly the other way around to me:  working with the DVCS
> tools while reviewiing a patch allows me to be more productive (e.g.,
> using 'bzr shelve' or the equivalent hg subcommand).

Just try using Subversion for some time again, and you'll see that it is
not difficult at all. Start with a clean sandbox, then apply the patch.
If you want to go back to the state without patch, revert the sandbox,
if you need it again, apply it again. It's really simple.


From martin at  Tue Apr 27 23:14:55 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:14:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] bug tracker permissions request
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> The page doesn't document the Resolution or Status fields.

The resolutions are the same as the ones on SourceForge. You only have
resolutions on closed issues, and they explain why an issue was closed.
If any specific one is unclear in that context, please be more specific.

On the status, I hope open/closed are clear, and these are the ones you
should be using. Pending is meant as "auto-close in two weeks unless
there is follow-up", and its unimplemented. For languishing, click
on the label "Status" left of the field.

> For the Keywords field, the page only documents the "easy" keyword.

So which ones you don't understand?

> Also, some of the headings in the page are enclosed in square brackets,
> while others are not.  It's not clear to me what the brackets are
> intended to designate.

Not sure what this is referring to - I don't see any square brackets.


From solipsis at  Tue Apr 27 23:14:41 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 21:14:41 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] spam on b.p.o
References: <>	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr4ilk$hc0$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis <martin <at>> writes:
> In the specific case (msg104314), "remove" was probably the right thing,
> since it isn't real spam, but just non-sensical. I don't think the user
> needs to be banned from the tracker.

The message was a copy of a previous message by someone else, with an additional
HTML link in the middle. The target of that link was clearly the kind that would
pay to increase its Google rank through whatever means (bogus diploma stuff, 



From tseaver at  Tue Apr 27 23:21:39 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 17:21:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr7asu$6ac$>	<>
	<hr7dj8$i20$> <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> Hmm, it feels exactly the other way around to me:  working with the DVCS
>> tools while reviewiing a patch allows me to be more productive (e.g.,
>> using 'bzr shelve' or the equivalent hg subcommand).
> Just try using Subversion for some time again, and you'll see that it is
> not difficult at all. Start with a clean sandbox, then apply the patch.
> If you want to go back to the state without patch, revert the sandbox,
> if you need it again, apply it again. It's really simple.

I use Subversion daily as a committer on multiple projects.  Keeping
multiple readon-only checkouts around to evaluate patches is much
clunkier than maintaining DVCS branches for the same purpose.

As a non-committer, what I would miss most is the ability to make local
commits.  Features like "shelve", "log -p", etc., are aslo extremely
useful when analyzing a patch.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From martin at  Tue Apr 27 23:26:20 2010
From: martin at (=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:26:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] spam on b.p.o
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<hr2ngn$bhl$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr4ilk$hc0$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> The message was a copy of a previous message by someone else, with an additional
> HTML link in the middle. The target of that link was clearly the kind that would
> pay to increase its Google rank through whatever means (bogus diploma stuff, 
> IIRC).

Ah, I missed that. I've marked it as spam now.


From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 27 23:47:52 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 07:47:52 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<20100427144019.2091.2017478396.divmod.xquotient.2@localhost.localdomain>	<20100427111651.738d2381@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Ezio Melotti wrote:
> When I'm writing the patch it's usually easy, I write the tests, see
> that they fail, write the fix, see that they pass.
> When I'm reviewing the patch, I apply the patch, see that the tests
> pass, svn revert the fix, check that they fail.
> Most of the patches affect just a couple of files, so applying the whole
> patch and then revert is usually trivial and probably easier than having
> to deal with two separate files for patch and tests.

This would be pretty close to my typical workflow as well (*looks at
list of assigned bugs that hasn't moved in weeks* well, it is the
workflow when I actually *do* some Python coding...)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Apr 27 23:55:32 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 07:55:32 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> When PEP 3147 was accepted, I had a few folks ask that this be recorded in the
>> PEP by including a link to the BDFL pronouncement email.  I realized that
>> there's no formal way to express this in a PEP, and many PEPs in fact don't
>> record more than the fact that it was accepted.  I'd like to propose
>> officially adding an Accepted: header which should include a URL to the email
>> or other web resource where the PEP is accepted.  I've come as close as
>> possible to this (without modifying the supporting scripts or PEP 1) in PEP
>> 3147:
>> I'd be willing to update things if there are no objections.
> I'd rather not build a single point of failure into the process.
> Instead of insisting on BDFL pronouncement, the community should
> switch do something like "last call for objections." There should also
> be a timeline so that unproductive discussion can't be dragged on
> forever.

I believe the more important part of Barry's suggested change here is
requiring a link to the archived message (usually from python-dev) where
the PEP was accepted (be it directly by you as BDFL, or by consensus
from a "sufficient" number of core developers). This will likely also
help with reminding people to announce on python-dev when PEPs are
accepted by consensus (or by you) somewhere like PyCon or a sprint.

>> I would not mandate that we go back and update all previous PEPs for either of
>> these ideas.  We'd adopt them moving forward and allow anyone who's motivated
>> to backfill information opportunistically.

+1 to both ideas from me, too.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From jcea at  Wed Apr 28 00:43:08 2010
From: jcea at (Jesus Cea)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 00:43:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews
In-Reply-To: <20100427111651.738d2381@heresy>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<20100427144019.2091.2017478396.divmod.xquotient.2@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

On 27/04/10 17:16, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> It would be kind of cool if there were some best practices for running said
> unittest both with and without the patch enabled.  Kind of like using #ifdefs
> in C but without all the commenting-out-commenting-in error proneness.  I
> guess you could do something like

Mercurial queues are very useful here. You apply/deapply patches with a
single command:


I am using python SVN mercurial mirror and MQ (Mercurial Queues) for
development, waiting for the "real thing" (Mercurial native working).

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From steve at  Wed Apr 28 02:46:37 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 10:46:37 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr4l8k$tp6$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:59:26 pm Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Steve Holden writes:
>  > Yes, in the last year in particular there has been some excellent
>  > effort of maintaining the issue tracker content. But the question
>  > still remains - who are we worried about offending?
> In this thread, we did worry about offending Sean and dangerjim.  Now
> that Sean has commented, I don't think anybody is worrying about
> offending anybody; there is an understanding that there's a process
> issue to be resolved.  The question is how best to build the
> community.
> There are two camps, the quantity camp ("low cost of contribution
> means more contributors, and that's good"), and the quality camp
> ("more interaction within the community, especially of experienced
> developers with newcomers, means more effective contributors and
> that's good").

I'm not sure that is a relevant division between the two camps. I think 
both sides recognise the need to increase the number of contributors 
without compromising on their quality. I haven't heard anyone say that 
we have enough people to do the work that needs doing, or that we 
should take any warm body who can spell PC.

As I see it, the two camps are divided purely on the question of how to 
get increased privileges. Both sides agree that merit is a requirement, 
but the disagreement is on how to prove you have such merit.

One side insists that the only way to prove merit is to go through a 
period of untrusted, unprivileged contributions, with no exceptions. 
One argument for this is that unless we treat everyone identically, 
some would-be contributors will see the process as nepotism, or 
otherwise be offended that they didn't get the "special treatment".

I believe this misses the point that we *don't* treat people 
identically, nor can we in a meritocracy. People are treated 
differently according to not just the quality of their patches, but 
also the speed at which they submit them, and even more importantly, 
their ability to gain recognition for their merit. It's not enough to 
be good at what you do, people have to know it. Ten high-quality 
patches for high-profile bugs in a week may get you enhanced 
privileges, while thirty high-quality patches for low-profile bugs in 
six years might not, simply because nobody notices you.

The other side says that a second way of proving merit is through 
reputation and having a trusted contributor vouch for you, and offer to 
mentor you. The major difference here is that it's not mandatory to 
prove your merit to the entire community, but sufficient to prove it to 
a single trusted member of the community who is willing to stake his 
own reputation on your ability to perform.

Suppose the PSF were to hire somebody specifically to work on patches in 
the tracker, chances are they would be somebody well-known to the 
community. But suppose they weren't -- suppose the hirer read dozens of 
CVs, performed interviews, and determined that the best person for the 
job was somebody utterly unknown to the community, somebody who had 
been working quietly away doing brilliant things in Python but with no 
public profile, and offered her the job of committing patches. Would 
she get elevated privileges immediately?

> *By definition*, a community is not diverse in the most fundamental
> sense.

I think you're using a definition of community that doesn't appear in 
any dictionary I'm aware of, nor do I understand what you mean by "most 
fundamental sense" of diverse. Talking about diversity within a single 
community is not an oxymoron.

> As long as Pythonicity is important to Python, there is 
> danger as well as opportunity in more rapid influx of newcomers.

This at least is true. I can't dispute that.

Steven D'Aprano

From tjreedy at  Wed Apr 28 02:53:49 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 20:53:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hr80up$in6$>

On 4/27/2010 4:38 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:

> Done!

When I open
priority is (still) set at no selection. Is this my local cache (which I 
do not know how to clear in FF) or is 'normal' filled in after submission?

I do verify that searching for any issue with priority 'not selected' 
returns an empty list.

Terry Jan Reedy

From martin at  Wed Apr 28 08:43:44 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 08:43:44 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <hr80up$in6$>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> When I open
> priority is (still) set at no selection. Is this my local cache (which I
> do not know how to clear in FF) or is 'normal' filled in after submission?

It is filled in after submission.


From dirkjan at  Wed Apr 28 09:22:01 2010
From: dirkjan at (Dirkjan Ochtman)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 09:22:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 23:55, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> I believe the more important part of Barry's suggested change here is
> requiring a link to the archived message (usually from python-dev) where
> the PEP was accepted (be it directly by you as BDFL, or by consensus
> from a "sufficient" number of core developers). This will likely also
> help with reminding people to announce on python-dev when PEPs are
> accepted by consensus (or by you) somewhere like PyCon or a sprint.

Though maybe it should be called Conclusion instead of Accepted and
used for Rejected PEPs, as well?



From stephen at  Wed Apr 28 10:16:48 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:16:48 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dange	rjim to
	do	triage.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr4l8k$tp6$>
Message-ID: <>

Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > As I see it, the two camps are divided purely on the question of how to 
 > get increased privileges.

As I see it, the division is over what constitutes merit, and how it
is created or improved.

 > Both sides agree that merit is a requirement, but the disagreement
 > is on how to prove you have such merit.

I disagree vehemently with that characterization of my position (and
I strongly suspect David would, too).  The primary argument of the
"quality" camp as I see it is that the familiarization period
*creates* value, both in terms of training ("merit" for the job) and
interpersonal relationships ("building community").  Thus it is a *net
benefit*, not a *net cost*.  AFAICS, the "quantity" camp sees it as a
nearly pure loss, simply slowing down inflow of preexisting "merit"
(and perhaps discouraging it entirely).

 > > *By definition*, a community is not diverse in the most fundamental
 > > sense.
 > I think you're using a definition of community that doesn't appear in 
 > any dictionary I'm aware of, nor do I understand what you mean by "most 
 > fundamental sense" of diverse. Talking about diversity within a single 
 > community is not an oxymoron.

Where did I write "oxymoron"?  The grammar was a bit awkward, but my
point is simple: the root of the word "community" is *common*.
Therefore it makes sense to bring in newcomers via a process which
accustoms them to the commonality, of whatever degree, the community
is based on.

From stephen at  Wed Apr 28 11:22:02 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:22:02 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
	<> <hr80up$in6$>
Message-ID: <>

"Martin v. L?wis" writes:
 > > When I open
 > > priority is (still) set at no selection. Is this my local cache (which I
 > > do not know how to clear in FF) or is 'normal' filled in after submission?
 > It is filled in after submission.

You still want the auditor to make sure, but it is possible to set the
default in the page template.  Would you like a patch for that for
consideration?  If so, are there other elements it might be useful to
have defaults for?  (I would submit each as a separate patch.)

From steve at  Wed Apr 28 13:01:23 2010
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 21:01:23 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 06:16:48 pm Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano writes:
>  > As I see it, the two camps are divided purely on the question of
>  > how to get increased privileges.
> As I see it, the division is over what constitutes merit, and how it
> is created or improved.
>  > Both sides agree that merit is a requirement, but the disagreement
>  > is on how to prove you have such merit.
> I disagree vehemently with that characterization of my position (and
> I strongly suspect David would, too).  The primary argument of the
> "quality" camp as I see it is that the familiarization period
> *creates* value, both in terms of training ("merit" for the job) and
> interpersonal relationships ("building community").  Thus it is a
> *net benefit*, not a *net cost*.  AFAICS, the "quantity" camp sees it
> as a nearly pure loss, simply slowing down inflow of preexisting
> "merit" (and perhaps discouraging it entirely).

Thank you for clarifying your position.

I disagree with it, but at least now I understand it better.

Steven D'Aprano

From rdmurray at  Wed Apr 28 13:26:47 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 07:26:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr4l8k$tp6$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:16:48 +0900, "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano writes:
>  > As I see it, the two camps are divided purely on the question of how to 
>  > get increased privileges.
> As I see it, the division is over what constitutes merit, and how it
> is created or improved.
>  > Both sides agree that merit is a requirement, but the disagreement
>  > is on how to prove you have such merit.
> I disagree vehemently with that characterization of my position (and
> I strongly suspect David would, too).  The primary argument of the
> "quality" camp as I see it is that the familiarization period
> *creates* value, both in terms of training ("merit" for the job) and
> interpersonal relationships ("building community").  Thus it is a *net
> benefit*, not a *net cost*.  AFAICS, the "quantity" camp sees it as a
> nearly pure loss, simply slowing down inflow of preexisting "merit"
> (and perhaps discouraging it entirely).

Except for the "vehemently" part, I think that's an accurate summary
of my position.

R. David Murray                            

From rdmurray at  Wed Apr 28 13:29:41 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 07:29:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>
	<> <hr80up$in6$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:22:02 +0900, "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> wrote:
> You still want the auditor to make sure, but it is possible to set the
> default in the page template.  Would you like a patch for that for
> consideration?  If so, are there other elements it might be useful to
> have defaults for?  (I would submit each as a separate patch.)

As far as I can see none of the other fields should have a default

R. David Murray                            

From amk at  Wed Apr 28 14:05:48 2010
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 08:05:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr4l8k$tp6$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:46:37AM +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> their ability to gain recognition for their merit. It's not enough to 
> be good at what you do, people have to know it. Ten high-quality 
> patches for high-profile bugs in a week may get you enhanced 
> privileges, while thirty high-quality patches for low-profile bugs in 
> six years might not, simply because nobody notices you.

True.  This makes me wonder if we should be data-mining the tracker
information to look for significant contributors that no one has


From solipsis at  Wed Apr 28 14:18:04 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:18:04 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
References: <> <hr4l8k$tp6$>
Message-ID: <>

A.M. Kuchling <amk <at>> writes:
> True.  This makes me wonder if we should be data-mining the tracker
> information to look for significant contributors that no one has
> noticed.

I'd say that we usually notice them, since we process their patches or read
their reviews and comments. Unless perhaps they're called "John Smith" or "Jean
Dupont" (if French).



From stephen at  Wed Apr 28 16:11:15 2010
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 23:11:15 +0900
Subject: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hr4l8k$tp6$>
Message-ID: <>

A.M. Kuchling writes:

 > True.  This makes me wonder if we should be data-mining the tracker
 > information to look for significant contributors that no one has
 > noticed.

It's an interesting idea.  But I've done something similar to this, ad
hoc[1], a few times in XEmacs, and it has never worked out.  That's
not to say it never will, but I found that people with a long-term
low-level interest generally have a reason for being that way.

[1]  In looking through logs, I see a person whose name I recognize
from other commits associated with a currently problematic area, and
get in touch.  They've been happy to give what advice they can on the
current issue, but then gracefully decline more regular involvement.

From martin at  Wed Apr 28 19:18:13 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 19:18:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Make 'normal' the default tracker priority level
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <hr4mq5$4fe$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hr80up$in6$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> You still want the auditor to make sure, but it is possible to set the
> default in the page template.  Would you like a patch for that for
> consideration?  If so, are there other elements it might be useful to
> have defaults for?  (I would submit each as a separate patch.)

Feel free to submit patches. I don't want to spend more time on this
soon, though.


From amk at  Thu Apr 29 01:54:34 2010
From: amk at (A.M. Kuchling)
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 19:54:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Anyone can do patch reviews (was: Enhanced	tracker
In-Reply-To: <20100427144019.2091.2017478396.divmod.xquotient.2@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20100428235434.GA25602@andrew-kuchlings-macbook.local>

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 02:40:19PM -0000, exarkun at wrote:
> This list would make a good addition to one of the cpython development  
> pages.  If potential contributors could find this information, then  
> they'd be much more likely to participate by doing reviews.

If anyone wants to write the updated text, the following command will
make an anonymous read-only checkout of the /dev/ pages:

  svn ls

I can apply a patch.


From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 29 12:16:14 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 20:16:14 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Frequency of the dev docs autobuild
Message-ID: <>

Does the online dev version of the docs build in response to docs
checkins, or just once a day?

(And is that written down somewhere and I've just forgotten where to


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rdmurray at  Thu Apr 29 13:40:47 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 07:40:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Frequency of the dev docs autobuild
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 20:16:14 +1000, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Does the online dev version of the docs build in response to docs
> checkins, or just once a day?

I believe it does it once a day.  Georg recently changed how this is done,
so we should get official word from him.

> (And is that written down somewhere and I've just forgotten where to
> look...)

I don't think so, but it should be.

R. David Murray                            

From janssen at  Thu Apr 29 16:39:22 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 07:39:22 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Ned Deily <nad at> wrote:

> In article <19399.11323.946604.992452 at>,
>  skip at wrote:
> >     Ned> Any idea what type of machine it is and where it is currently
> >     Ned> located?
> > 
> > I seem to recall it is/was a G4 XServe.  My guess as to location would be at
> >
> If it were working that could be of use.  It would not be able to run OS 
> X 10.6 but having a 10.5 system PPC system as a buildbot would certainly 
> be useful; it should be fine for the default installer configuration 
> builds.  (Alas, I don't expect to be anywhere in the vicinity in the 
> foreseeable future.)

I've identified 4 G4/G5 machines at PARC I can set up as build slaves
on either Tiger or Leopard, and the first one of those is up (G4/Tiger)
and running.  Can someone (Ned?) take a look at the output and see if
the errors are currently expected, or if I need to do more
config/install work?  I'm using Xcode 2.5.  If it's good, I'll go to
work on more.

The build slave name is "parc-tiger-1".



From solipsis at  Thu Apr 29 17:05:34 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 15:05:34 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tiger buildbots
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <hrc77u$o0i$>

Le Thu, 29 Apr 2010 07:39:22 -0700, Bill Janssen a ?crit?:
> I've identified 4 G4/G5 machines at PARC I can set up as build slaves on
> either Tiger or Leopard, and the first one of those is up (G4/Tiger) and
> running.  Can someone (Ned?) take a look at the output and see if the
> errors are currently expected, or if I need to do more config/install
> work?  I'm using Xcode 2.5.  If it's good, I'll go to work on more.

No failures are currently expected, but the other Tiger buildbot is 
seeing the same ones as yours.
In any case, somebody needs to investigate why these tests fail under 
Tiger, and I suppose the buildbot owners are in the best position to do 



From ronaldoussoren at  Thu Apr 29 17:13:39 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 17:13:39 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was:
	Broken	link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 Apr, 2010, at 16:39, Bill Janssen wrote:

> Ned Deily <nad at> wrote:
>> In article <19399.11323.946604.992452 at>,
>> skip at wrote:
>>>    Ned> Any idea what type of machine it is and where it is currently
>>>    Ned> located?
>>> I seem to recall it is/was a G4 XServe.  My guess as to location would be at
>> If it were working that could be of use.  It would not be able to run OS 
>> X 10.6 but having a 10.5 system PPC system as a buildbot would certainly 
>> be useful; it should be fine for the default installer configuration 
>> builds.  (Alas, I don't expect to be anywhere in the vicinity in the 
>> foreseeable future.)
> I've identified 4 G4/G5 machines at PARC I can set up as build slaves
> on either Tiger or Leopard, and the first one of those is up (G4/Tiger)
> and running.  Can someone (Ned?) take a look at the output and see if
> the errors are currently expected, or if I need to do more
> config/install work?  I'm using Xcode 2.5.  If it's good, I'll go to
> work on more.
> The build slave name is "parc-tiger-1".

As Antoine noted the test failures are unexpected, could you check if the tests pass if you do the build and testrun manually?

IMHO it would be better to do a framework build for at least some of the OSX buildbots because that's what is in the binary installer for OSX.

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From janssen at  Thu Apr 29 18:40:48 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 09:40:48 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at> wrote:

> As Antoine noted the test failures are unexpected, could you check if
> the tests pass if you do the build and testrun manually?

I'll have to fiddle with where it "is" on our network to do that.  I'll
take it down and move it to different subnet.

What about this error?

/bin/sh: line 1: pybuildbot.identify: command not found

It looks like a configuration issue, or maybe a bug in pybuildbot.

What about readline?  Darwin doesn't have it (or rather, it has a
different one).  Why is that 'skip' unexpected?

> IMHO it would be better to do a framework build for at least some of
> the OSX buildbots because that's what is in the binary installer for
> OSX.

Yes, that sounds good to me, too.  But how do we make that a standard
test so that appropriately enabled buildbot slaves will do it
automatically?  Something that gets configured in the build master?


From fuzzyman at  Thu Apr 29 19:35:16 2010
From: fuzzyman at (Michael Foord)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:35:16 +0100
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was:	Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<hq3e52$8oj$>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 29/04/2010 16:13, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> On 29 Apr, 2010, at 16:39, Bill Janssen wrote:
>> Ned Deily<nad at>  wrote:
>>> In article<19399.11323.946604.992452 at>,
>>> skip at wrote:
>>>>     Ned>  Any idea what type of machine it is and where it is currently
>>>>     Ned>  located?
>>>> I seem to recall it is/was a G4 XServe.  My guess as to location would be at
>>> If it were working that could be of use.  It would not be able to run OS
>>> X 10.6 but having a 10.5 system PPC system as a buildbot would certainly
>>> be useful; it should be fine for the default installer configuration
>>> builds.  (Alas, I don't expect to be anywhere in the vicinity in the
>>> foreseeable future.)
>> I've identified 4 G4/G5 machines at PARC I can set up as build slaves
>> on either Tiger or Leopard, and the first one of those is up (G4/Tiger)
>> and running.  Can someone (Ned?) take a look at the output and see if
>> the errors are currently expected, or if I need to do more
>> config/install work?  I'm using Xcode 2.5.  If it's good, I'll go to
>> work on more.
>> The build slave name is "parc-tiger-1".
> As Antoine noted the test failures are unexpected, could you check if the tests pass if you do the build and testrun manually?

Well - I have nine failing tests on trunk for Mac OS X with Snow Leopard.

9 tests failed:
     test_cmd_line test_imp test_import test_posix test_pydoc
     test_runpy test_urllib2 test_urllib2_localnet test_warnings

I believe that Victor has ensured that the buildbot failures have open 
issues against, I'm just going to check that the failures I see are the 


> IMHO it would be better to do a framework build for at least some of the OSX buildbots because that's what is in the binary installer for OSX.
> Ronald
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From tjreedy at  Thu Apr 29 20:11:57 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:11:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] The Meaning of Resolotion (Re: bug tracker permissions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <hrci58$6kt$>

On 4/27/2010 5:14 PM, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
>> The page doesn't document the Resolution or Status fields.
> The resolutions are the same as the ones on SourceForge.

They no longer have to be (see below). In any case, the meanings should 
be independently documented here for people not currently using SF.

> You only have resolutions on closed issues,

Only for 'closed' or also for 'pending' and 'languishing'?
If pending were implemented to mean 'auto close in x days', then 
Resolution would need to be set when Status is set to 'pending'.

'Languishing' is new (its first use was two months ago). Is it a form of 
'open' or of 'closed'?

 > and they explain why an issue was closed.

This needs to be explicitly stated in the doc if you want it followed.

In response to my repeating this on the tracker,
R. David Murray said (in part)
"Some committers have been using 'resolution: accepted' as a way to mark 
issues that are definitely going to be fixed/enhancement added."

This is a different and therefore confusing use of the field and strikes 
me as mostly redundant with the newer Stage field with a value of Needs 
patch or later.

> If any specific one is unclear in that context, please be more specific.

Tarek responded to David's full message "Yes I used 'accepted' to mark 
this issue as something I am working on."

This usage overlaps with 'assigned to'. And he continued

"I am confused about the resolution flag, I think it is a bit 
overlapping with the status flag, and overcomplex."

This *is* overlap Resolution set means Status not open. I agree with the 
over-complex part. There was a discussion here some time ago on the fine 
distinctions, but I am again fuzzy on 'accepted' versus 'fixed', 'later' 
versus 'postponed', and 'invalid' versus 'works for me'. I have no idea 
when 'remind' would be used (it has only been used 8 times).

> For languishing, click on the label "Status" left of the field.

I never noticed this. there are also pop-up boxed for Stage, Priority, 
and Keywords. There should also be a pop-up for Resolution.

And the pop-up tables should also be in the doc.

>> For the Keywords field, the page only documents the "easy" keyword.

There are all documented in the pop-up box, which should be duplicated 
in the doc.

Terry Jan Reedy

From janssen at  Thu Apr 29 20:28:47 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 11:28:47 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:

> Well - I have nine failing tests on trunk for Mac OS X with Snow Leopard.
> 9 tests failed:
>     test_cmd_line test_imp test_import test_posix test_pydoc
>     test_runpy test_urllib2 test_urllib2_localnet test_warnings
> I believe that Victor has ensured that the buildbot failures have open
> issues against, I'm just going to check that the failures I see are
> the same.

Just built on Intel/Leopard with the trunk (almost vanilla, except for
_ssl.c) and tested.  Here's what I configured:

./configure --prefix=/local/python/trunk --disable-universalsdk --disable-framework --disable-toolbox-glue --with-pydebug

And here's the results with "make test":

342 tests OK.
6 tests failed:
    test_argparse test_grp test_posix test_pwd test_socket_ssl
37 tests skipped:
    test_aepack test_al test_applesingle test_bsddb test_bsddb3
    test_cd test_cl test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk
    test_codecmaps_jp test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses
    test_epoll test_gdb test_gdbm test_gl test_imgfile test_largefile
    test_linuxaudiodev test_macos test_macostools test_ossaudiodev
    test_readline test_scriptpackages test_smtpnet test_socketserver
    test_startfile test_sunaudiodev test_timeout test_tk
    test_ttk_guionly test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winreg
    test_winsound test_zipfile64
8 skips unexpected on darwin:
    test_aepack test_applesingle test_gdb test_macos test_macostools
    test_readline test_scriptpackages test_ttk_guionly

Why is the skip of "test_readline" unexpected on darwin?  The readline
on Darwin isn't what Python wants.


From rdmurray at  Thu Apr 29 20:47:33 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:47:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was: Broken
	link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 11:28:47 -0700, Bill Janssen wrote:
> 8 skips unexpected on darwin:
>     test_aepack test_applesingle test_gdb test_macos test_macostools
>     test_readline test_scriptpackages test_ttk_guionly
> Why is the skip of "test_readline" unexpected on darwin?  The readline
> on Darwin isn't what Python wants.

I think someone fixed readline to work with Darwin's readline, at
least in theory.

R. David Murray                            

From billjordan121 at  Thu Apr 29 19:58:15 2010
From: billjordan121 at (Bill Jordan)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 10:58:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] array matching
Message-ID: <>

Hey guys,

I am?sorry if this is not the right list to post some questions. I have a simple question please and would appreciate some answers as I am new to Python.

I have 2 D array: test = [[A,1],[B,2],[A,3][B,4]]
I want to arrang this array in different arrays so each one will have what is attached to. For example I want the output:

A =[1,3] and B=[2,4]


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From phd at  Thu Apr 29 21:22:38 2010
From: phd at (Oleg Broytman)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 23:22:38 +0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] array matching
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


   We'are sorry but we cannot help you. This mailing list is to work on
developing Python (fixing bugs and adding new features to Python itself); if
you're having problems using Python, please find another forum. Probably
python-list (comp.lang.python) news group/mailing list is the best place.
See for other lists/news groups/fora.
Thank you for understanding.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:58:15AM -0700, Bill Jordan wrote:
> I am?sorry if this is not the right list to post some questions. I have a simple question please and would appreciate some answers as I am new to Python.
> I have 2 D array: test = [[A,1],[B,2],[A,3][B,4]]
> I want to arrang this array in different arrays so each one will have what is attached to. For example I want the output:
> A =[1,3] and B=[2,4]
> Thanks,
> Bill

     Oleg Broytman              phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

From tjreedy at  Thu Apr 29 21:24:15 2010
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 15:24:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] array matching
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/29/2010 1:58 PM, Bill Jordan wrote:
> I am sorry if this is not the right list to post some questions.

You cross-posted to 4. Not good as answers will go to all 4 if 
responders are not careful. Gmane.comp.python.devel is only for the 
development of the next versions of CPython and mainly for developers. 
Please to not send general questions here.

Terry Jan Reedy

From rdmurray at  Thu Apr 29 22:05:33 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 16:05:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] The Meaning of Resolotion (Re: bug tracker
	permissions request)
In-Reply-To: <hrci58$6kt$>
References: <>
	<> <hrci58$6kt$>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:11:57 -0400, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> On 4/27/2010 5:14 PM, "Martin v. Loewis" wrote:
> > You only have resolutions on closed issues,
> Only for 'closed' or also for 'pending' and 'languishing'?
> If pending were implemented to mean 'auto close in x days', then
> Resolution would need to be set when Status is set to 'pending'.

Definitely.  Resolution should always be set for Pending, IMO.

> 'Languishing' is new (its first use was two months ago). Is it a form of
> 'open' or of 'closed'?


>  > and they explain why an issue was closed.
> This needs to be explicitly stated in the doc if you want it followed.
> In response to my repeating this on the tracker,
> R. David Murray said (in part)
> "Some committers have been using 'resolution: accepted' as a way to mark
> issues that are definitely going to be fixed/enhancement added."
> This is a different and therefore confusing use of the field and strikes
> me as mostly redundant with the newer Stage field with a value of Needs
> patch or later.

Well, where it gets ambiguous is that the stage can get set to unit
test or patch needed because that's what stage the bug report is in,
without anyone having made a decision as to whether or not the patch will
actually get applied if the patch is completed.  So some way of indicating
that the bug/enhancement is 'accepted' and will be applied as soon as it
passes muster seems like a good idea, as opposed to issues where the
evolution of the patch is part of the decision making process as to
whether to accept it or not.  I agree that having that be the
'resolution' field is logically and pedagogically incorrect ;)

I've made a proposal (discussed with some of the other triage people)
that would clarify this (and perhaps ultimately lead to the elimination
of the stage field, although I don't mention that idea on the wiki), at:

I believe Ezio will be looking at this this summer.

> > If any specific one is unclear in that context, please be more specific.

> over-complex part. There was a discussion here some time ago on the fine
> distinctions, but I am again fuzzy on 'accepted' versus 'fixed', 'later'
> versus 'postponed', and 'invalid' versus 'works for me'. I have no idea
> when 'remind' would be used (it has only been used 8 times).

In my mind some of these are clear (at least when using the field as
it is labeled: for 'resolution'), but clearly the docs need help.
'accepted' would be for an enhancement (committing an enhancement
doesn't 'fix' anything), while 'fixed' means the bug no longer exists.
'invalid' means that the bug report is just wrong, it's not a bug,
while 'works for me' usually means that we can't reproduce the problem.
I agree that some bugs that get closed 'works for me' really should be
closed using another resolution.  I doubt the reverse is true.  I suspect
'works for me' gets used sometimes instead of invalid because the closer
isn't sure that everyone on the dev teams shares their opinion that
the bug is invalid or; more often, in cases where "won't fix" would be
more appropriate.

'Accepted' and 'fixed' could be replaced by the single resolution
'committed'.  That will eliminate the ambiguity of using 'accepted'
as something other than a resolution.  'Works for me' should probably
be dropped and replaced by "can't reproduce".

'later', 'remind', and 'postponed' all seem too close to be useful
distinctions, and all seem pretty much equivalent to 'languishing'.
IMO only one of the four should be kept.  I prefer 'languishing' because
it shows up as an issue count in the weekly summary, and it seems to me to
me that this marking for an issue is more of a status than a resolution.
(That is, 'later', 'remind', and 'postponed' are *not* resolutions,
they are procrastinations, which 'languishing' makes explicit.)

> > For languishing, click on the label "Status" left of the field.
> and Keywords. There should also be a pop-up for Resolution.
> And the pop-up tables should also be in the doc.

It would be great if you would open an issue for these suggestions in
the meta-tracker, so that they don't get lost.

If there is no objection to the resolution changes I suggest above, I
can do those.  I believe issues closed with those resolutions would keep
them, and that there is a way for someone to mine for them if they ever
wanted to go through and reevaluate them.   I could optionally change
all 'accepted' and 'fixed' into 'committed' since that change is pretty
unambiguous, but the others I think should just be left unchanged on
the existing issues unless someone feels moved to change a given issue
by hand.

This would leave us with the following list of resolutions:

    out of date
    can't reproduce
    won't fix

The only remaining redundancy is "won't fix" versus "rejected", but I
can't think of single word that would cover both cases (we refuse to
fix a bug for various reasons, but we reject an enhancement request).

R. David Murray                            

From solipsis at  Thu Apr 29 22:08:44 2010
From: solipsis at (Antoine Pitrou)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 20:08:44 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Python-Dev]
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>> writes:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 11:28:47 -0700, Bill Janssen wrote:
> > 8 skips unexpected on darwin:
> >     test_aepack test_applesingle test_gdb test_macos test_macostools
> >     test_readline test_scriptpackages test_ttk_guionly
> > 
> > Why is the skip of "test_readline" unexpected on darwin?  The readline
> > on Darwin isn't what Python wants.
> I think someone fixed readline to work with Darwin's readline, at
> least in theory.

The machine is likely lacking the readline development headers.
In any case, please don't focus on the skipped tests. What's important is the
failed tests.
Bill, Michael, it would be nice if you could investigate a bit more on these



From at  Thu Apr 29 22:50:27 2010
From: at (David Bolen)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 16:50:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Janssen <janssen at> writes:

>Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at> wrote:

>> As Antoine noted the test failures are unexpected, could you check if
>> the tests pass if you do the build and testrun manually?

> What about readline?  Darwin doesn't have it (or rather, it has a
> different one).  Why is that 'skip' unexpected?

For what it's worth, for the libraries, I used the build-installer
script to build the same versions of libraries that it uses for the
binary installer, and installed them in /usr/local for my buildbot to
use, until there's enough time to have the buildbot build such local
libraries within its own tree.  That at least matches up the external
dependencies for buildbot builds with that used by the eventual binary

For my buildbot, generally the only unexpected skips are for
test_bsddb185 (which feels right to me - I don't have that version of
the library, nor do I think has the binary installer) and test_ioctl
(which I have no idea on yet).

>> IMHO it would be better to do a framework build for at least some of
>> the OSX buildbots because that's what is in the binary installer for
>> OSX.
> Yes, that sounds good to me, too.  But how do we make that a standard
> test so that appropriately enabled buildbot slaves will do it
> automatically?  Something that gets configured in the build master?

This came up in the earlier discussion, and while I do still think
that's a better long term approach, I suspect that with respect to
test coverage and code generation the non-framework build for the
interpreter is a fair representation for testing.

I suspect much of this is just a builder change on the master (to use
the right Makefile targets for generating the framework build), but
just given experience to date getting the binary installer building
under buildbot, there may be some unexpected environmental stuff.

Ideally we'd work up a way to do a universal framework build (though
I'm not sure what if any extra support may be needed to have the
system use the framework if not installed in a standard location), and
then for full testing, maybe even use the makefile target that tests
both the Intel and PPC path (the latter via Rosetta on an Intel

What I'm not sure about at the moment is how much different in terms
of testing such a setup might be (if, for example, any extra work is
needed to be able to test a framework build while still local in the
buildbot tree and not in a normal framework location), so how much
energy is worth putting into it, especially if that might use resource
among those able to resolve some of the open code issues.

For my part, if there's free cycles I'd personally rather address the
external library issue first, as opposed to the framework build stuff,
since that feels more fragile to me (in terms of the buildbot
environment for the Mac) at the moment.  Over the past few weeks I'm
also fairly sure that I'm finding stranded python test processes (not
too dissimilar as on the Windows buildbots) that are bogging down the
buildbot and thus more detrimental to ongoing buildbot operation than
the lack of framework builds, so there may be other unknown issues more
valuable to hit as we get more experience.

-- David

From ncoghlan at  Thu Apr 29 23:17:02 2010
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 07:17:02 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] The Meaning of Resolotion (Re: bug
 tracker	permissions request)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

R. David Murray wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:11:57 -0400, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
>> On 4/27/2010 5:14 PM, "Martin v. Loewis" wrote:
>>> You only have resolutions on closed issues,
>> Only for 'closed' or also for 'pending' and 'languishing'?
>> If pending were implemented to mean 'auto close in x days', then
>> Resolution would need to be set when Status is set to 'pending'.
> Definitely.  Resolution should always be set for Pending, IMO.

Note that I'll occasionally use "pending" to mean "committed to at least
one branch, still need to port/block remaining branches". (e.g. I did it
this week, since 2.7b2 was higher priority than the other branches which
don't have near term binary releases coming up).

I've seen others use it that way as well.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From martin at  Thu Apr 29 23:20:56 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 23:20:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] The Meaning of Resolotion (Re: bug tracker
 permissions request)
In-Reply-To: <hrci58$6kt$>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

>> You only have resolutions on closed issues,
> Only for 'closed' or also for 'pending' and 'languishing'?

Probably for all of them. I don't understand languishing, though
(neither as an English word, nor as a status).

> 'Languishing' is new (its first use was two months ago). Is it a form of
> 'open' or of 'closed'?

I have no idea.

> This needs to be explicitly stated in the doc if you want it followed.

I personally don't - I don't think it matters that much to have a
resolution field if you also post a message explaining why the issue was
closed. I'm just reporting what it was meant for originally.

> I never noticed this. there are also pop-up boxed for Stage, Priority,
> and Keywords. There should also be a pop-up for Resolution.
> And the pop-up tables should also be in the doc.

Contributions welcome.


From tseaver at  Fri Apr 30 00:07:24 2010
From: tseaver at (Tres Seaver)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:07:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] The Meaning of Resolotion (Re: bug tracker
	permissions request)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<hrci58$6kt$>
Message-ID: <hrcvus$qjg$>

Hash: SHA1

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> You only have resolutions on closed issues,
>> Only for 'closed' or also for 'pending' and 'languishing'?
> Probably for all of them. I don't understand languishing, though
> (neither as an English word, nor as a status).
>> 'Languishing' is new (its first use was two months ago). Is it a form of
>> 'open' or of 'closed'?
> I have no idea.

Open, definitely:  it implies "suffering due to neglect", combining
senses 2 and 5 from this page:

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


From janssen at  Fri Apr 30 02:27:44 2010
From: janssen at (Bill Janssen)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 17:27:44 PDT
Subject: [Python-Dev]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:

> R. David Murray <rdmurray <at>> writes:
> > 
> > On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 11:28:47 -0700, Bill Janssen wrote:
> > > 8 skips unexpected on darwin:
> > >     test_aepack test_applesingle test_gdb test_macos test_macostools
> > >     test_readline test_scriptpackages test_ttk_guionly
> > > 
> > > Why is the skip of "test_readline" unexpected on darwin?  The readline
> > > on Darwin isn't what Python wants.
> > 
> > I think someone fixed readline to work with Darwin's readline, at
> > least in theory.
> The machine is likely lacking the readline development headers.
> In any case, please don't focus on the skipped tests. What's important is the
> failed tests.
> Bill, Michael, it would be nice if you could investigate a bit more on these
> failures.

Well, test_grp test is failing because it assumes that group IDs are
unique, which is not guaranteed by getgrent().  And apparently not true
at PARC.

test_posix fails on some group-related thing, too: the use of
initgroups(), which is supposed to fail, succeeds.

test_pwd fails because the fake uid chosen for one test is a real UID
for a PARC user.

So these are really problems with the test being based on an
insufficiently general model of the real world.


From filipz at  Fri Apr 30 03:11:59 2010
From: filipz at (Filip)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 11:11:59 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] [melbourne-pug] array matching
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <98A0E3F45E944347B711EEB64C76FC94@spoon>

You could use dictionary of lists


test = {

            A: [1, 3],

            B: [2, 4]



print test[A]

[1, 3]




print test[A]

[1, 3, 5]






From: at
[ at] On Behalf Of
Bill Jordan
Sent: Friday, 30 April 2010 3:58 AM
To: python-dev at; python-list at; bangpypers at;
melbourne-pug at; portland at
Subject: [melbourne-pug] array matching


Hey guys,


I am sorry if this is not the right list to post some questions. I have a
simple question please and would appreciate some answers as I am new to


I have 2 D array: test = [[A,1],[B,2],[A,3][B,4]]

I want to arrang this array in different arrays so each one will have what
is attached to. For example I want the output:


A =[1,3] and B=[2,4]





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From rdmurray at  Fri Apr 30 04:48:18 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 22:48:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] The Meaning of Resolotion (Re: bug tracker
	permissions request)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <hrci58$6kt$>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 07:17:02 +1000, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> R. David Murray wrote:
> > On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:11:57 -0400, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> >> On 4/27/2010 5:14 PM, "Martin v. Loewis" wrote:
> >>> You only have resolutions on closed issues,
> >> Only for 'closed' or also for 'pending' and 'languishing'?
> >> If pending were implemented to mean 'auto close in x days', then
> >> Resolution would need to be set when Status is set to 'pending'.
> > 
> > Definitely.  Resolution should always be set for Pending, IMO.
> Note that I'll occasionally use "pending" to mean "committed to at least
> one branch, still need to port/block remaining branches". (e.g. I did it
> this week, since 2.7b2 was higher priority than the other branches which
> don't have near term binary releases coming up).
> I've seen others use it that way as well.

Yes, I have noticed that several people do this.  This will stop working
if we implement autoclose.  Other people just leave the issue open and
change the targeted versions instead.

R. David Murray                            

From rdmurray at  Fri Apr 30 04:52:03 2010
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 22:52:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 17:27:44 -0700, Bill Janssen <janssen at> wrote:
> Well, test_grp test is failing because it assumes that group IDs are
> unique, which is not guaranteed by getgrent().  And apparently not true
> at PARC.
> test_posix fails on some group-related thing, too: the use of
> initgroups(), which is supposed to fail, succeeds.
> test_pwd fails because the fake uid chosen for one test is a real UID
> for a PARC user.
> So these are really problems with the test being based on an
> insufficiently general model of the real world.

Could you file bugs for these, please?  The first and last others should
be able to replicate easily; the middle one will probably require your
help on the machine in question to debug.

R. David Murray                            

From ronaldoussoren at  Fri Apr 30 07:28:53 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 07:28:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 Apr, 2010, at 20:47, R. David Murray wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 11:28:47 -0700, Bill Janssen wrote:
>> 8 skips unexpected on darwin:
>>    test_aepack test_applesingle test_gdb test_macos test_macostools
>>    test_readline test_scriptpackages test_ttk_guionly
>> Why is the skip of "test_readline" unexpected on darwin?  The readline
>> on Darwin isn't what Python wants.
> I think someone fixed readline to work with Darwin's readline, at
> least in theory.

The readline extension works with Darwin's readline emulation, but only when the deployment target is 10.5 or later. 


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From ronaldoussoren at  Fri Apr 30 17:32:01 2010
From: ronaldoussoren at (Ronald Oussoren)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:32:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] please take a look at buildbot result [was: Broken
 link to download (Mac OS X)]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <hq3e52$8oj$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 Apr, 2010, at 20:28, Bill Janssen wrote:

> Michael Foord <fuzzyman at> wrote:
>> Well - I have nine failing tests on trunk for Mac OS X with Snow Leopard.
>> 9 tests failed:
>>    test_cmd_line test_imp test_import test_posix test_pydoc
>>    test_runpy test_urllib2 test_urllib2_localnet test_warnings
>> I believe that Victor has ensured that the buildbot failures have open
>> issues against, I'm just going to check that the failures I see are
>> the same.
> Just built on Intel/Leopard with the trunk (almost vanilla, except for
> _ssl.c) and tested.  Here's what I configured:
> ./configure --prefix=/local/python/trunk --disable-universalsdk --disable-framework --disable-toolbox-glue --with-pydebug

> 8 skips unexpected on darwin:
>    test_aepack test_applesingle test_gdb test_macos test_macostools
>    test_readline test_scriptpackages test_ttk_guionly
> Why is the skip of "test_readline" unexpected on darwin?  The readline
> on Darwin isn't what Python wants.

The skip of test_readline is unexpected because readline should have been build with the options above and tests should have worked.


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From status at  Fri Apr 30 18:08:52 2010
From: status at (Python tracker)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 18:08:52 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues
Message-ID: <>

ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2010-04-23 - 2010-04-30)
Python tracker at

To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue 
number.  Do NOT respond to this message.

 2638 open (+41) / 17759 closed (+27) / 20397 total (+68)

Open issues with patches:  1081

Average duration of open issues: 724 days.
Median duration of open issues: 494 days.

Open Issues Breakdown
       open  2620 (+41)
languishing    10 ( +0)
    pending     7 ( +0)

Issues Created Or Reopened (71)

"Report bug" links                                             2010-04-24
CLOSED    reopened techtonik                            

Silence DeprecationWarning by default                          2010-04-25    reopened benjamin.peterson                    

Small mistake in tutorial web page                             2010-04-23
CLOSED    created  mdcowles                             

os.execv*e(): fix formatting of the environment variables (Pyt 2010-04-23
CLOSED    created  haypo                                

subprocess: support bytes program name                         2010-04-23    created  haypo                                

Create fsencode() and fsdecode() functions in os.path          2010-04-23    created  haypo                                

idle "Run Module" (F5) does not set __file__ variable          2010-04-24    created  dangyogi                             

Speed difference between Python 2.5 and 2.6 during filling bsd 2010-04-24    created  PeterL                               

Apple Style Guide link is broken in the "Documenting Python" c 2010-04-24
CLOSED    created  brandon-rhodes                       

small typo in      2010-04-24
CLOSED    created  Adri??n.Deccico                      

[patch] doc: termios and ioctl reference links                 2010-04-24    created  techtonik                            

test doc issue                                                 2010-04-24
CLOSED    created  georg.brandl                         

Allow some winreg functions to accept keyword arguments        2010-04-24    created  brian.curtin                         

enhacement proposal in howto/doanddont                         2010-04-24
CLOSED    created  Adri??n.Deccico                      

shutil.rmtree and os.listdir cannot recover on error condition 2010-04-24    created  rubenlm                              

SSL sockets do not retain the parent socket's attributes       2010-04-24    created  pitrou                               

Small enhancement to help()                                    2010-04-24    created  robcliffe                            

msilib doesn't support multiple CAB instances in same installe 2010-04-25    created  janssen                              

[PEP 3147] compileall.compile_dir() called multiple times crea 2010-04-25
CLOSED    created  Arfrever                             

typo in argparse documentation                                 2010-04-25
CLOSED    created  akira                                

subclassing builtin class (str, unicode, list...) needs to ove 2010-04-25
CLOSED    created  flox                                 

Stringlib fastsearch can read beyond the front of an array     2010-04-25    created  alex                                 

test_ascii_formatd fails if ctypes module is missing           2010-04-25
CLOSED    created  haypo                                

Refinements to Python 3 New GIL                                2010-04-26
CLOSED    created  dabeaz                               

regrtest: use backslashreplace error handler for stdout        2010-04-26    created  haypo                                

multiprocessing not working from egg                           2010-04-26    created  simonsteiner                         

passing optimization flags to the linker required for	builds w 2010-04-26    created  doko                                 
       patch, needs review                                                     

Support new features of ZLIB 1.2.4                             2010-04-26    created  jcea                                 

Add ConfigureAction to argparse                                2010-04-26
CLOSED    created  eric.smith                           

Add ConfigureAction to argparse                                2010-04-26    created  eric.smith                           

Add ConfigureAction to argparse                                2010-04-26
CLOSED    created  eric.smith                           

Make Context._clamp public in decimal module                   2010-04-26    created  mark.dickinson                       

Test issue                                                     2010-04-26
CLOSED    created  loewis                               

Another test issue                                             2010-04-26
CLOSED    created  loewis                               

asynchat documentation issues                                  2010-04-27
CLOSED    created  giampaolo.rodola                     

i didn't get rqrd output for programme in python?(plz... help) 2010-04-27
CLOSED    created  krishnalolla                         

i didn't get rqrd output for programme in python?(plz... help) 2010-04-27
CLOSED    created  krishnalolla                         

The parameter buffering in doesn't work the same as 2010-04-27
CLOSED    created  pyfex                                

unittest test discovery can fail when package under test is al 2010-04-27    created  michael.foord                        

Building on CygWin 1.7: PATH_MAX redefined                     2010-04-27    created  jbinder                              

Modules/_ssl.c: extra comma breaks build on AIX                2010-04-27
CLOSED    created  srid                                 

Expose SSL contexts                                            2010-04-27    created  pitrou                               

Start argument for str.rfind used incorrectly                  2010-04-27
CLOSED    created  dtorp                                

msilib can't create large CAB files                            2010-04-27    created  janssen                              

2to3 breaks relative imports                                   2010-04-28
CLOSED    created  jyasskin                             
       patch, patch                                                            

suspicious comment in                    2010-04-28    created  janssen                              

tkinter doesn't see _tkinter                                   2010-04-28
CLOSED    created  py.user                              

Confusing string formatting examples                           2010-04-28    created  mcjeff                               

subprocess PATH semantics and portability                      2010-04-28    created  dabrahams                            

StringIO().truncate causes zero-bytes in getvalue()            2010-04-28
CLOSED    created  hpk                                  

test_gdb: test_strings() fails with ASCII locale               2010-04-28    created  haypo                                

regrtest: add a minimal "progress bar"                         2010-04-28    created  haypo                                

Install .exes generated with distutils to not do a CRC check   2010-04-28    created  nateman1352                          

hasattr(open,'newlines') example gives incorrect results from  2010-04-28    created  adamnelson                           

[PEP 3147] compileall.compile_file() creates empty __pycache__ 2010-04-28
CLOSED    created  Arfrever                             

Update documentation on doctest/unittest2 integration          2010-04-28    created  pfein                                

Always run with -bb                                2010-04-28    created  haypo                                

2to3 should run under python 2.5                               2010-04-28    created  jyasskin                             
       patch, patch, needs review                                              

decimal module doesn't respect precedence rules for exceptiona 2010-04-29    created  mark.dickinson                       

Test issue                                                     2010-04-29
CLOSED    created  mark.dickinson                       

Upgrade OpenSSL in Windows builds                              2010-04-29    created  pitrou                               

2to3 crashes with "AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribu 2010-04-29
CLOSED    created  rom16384                             

zlib causes a SystemError when decompressing a chunk >1GB      2010-04-29    created  ddmitriev                            

httplib getheader() throws error instead of default            2010-04-29    created  Walter.Woods                         

Buggy _strerror in asyncore                                    2010-04-29    created  q94IjzUfnNoyv4c75mMw                 

transient_internet() (test_support): use socket.setdefaulttime 2010-04-29    created  haypo                                

Update/reorganize _winreg documentation                        2010-04-30    created  brian.curtin                         
       patch, patch, needs review                                              

test_support.find_unused_port can cause socket conflicts on Wi 2010-04-30    created  pmoore                               

test_distutils fails if srcdir != builddir                     2010-04-30    created  ronaldoussoren                       

PyWeakref_GetObject                                            2010-04-30    created  arigo                                

URI parsing library                                            2010-04-29 reopened orsenthil                            

Issues Now Closed (112)

uudecoding ( does not supprt base64, patch attached       977 days    tjreedy                              

Carbon.CF memory management problem                             960 days    tjreedy                              

ssl module doesn't support non-blocking handshakes              931 days    pitrou                               

warnings module bug: BytesWarning: str() on a bytes instance    901 days    loewis                               

IDLE not working correctly on Windows (Py30a2/IDLE30a1)         867 days    loewis                               

Execfile unable to take arguments beyond 255!                   864 days    loewis                               

Uses of SocketServer.BaseServer.shutdown have a race            770 days    pitrou                               
       patch, patch                                                            

Backport parameter annotations                                  771 days    benjamin.peterson                    

Backport PEP 3132 (extended iterable unpacking)                 771 days    benjamin.peterson                    

SO_REUSEADDR doesn't have the same semantics on Windows as on   753 days    pitrou                               
       patch, 26backport                                                always uses raw_input, even when another stdin is speci  752 days    tjreedy                              

Remove carbon-specific code from binhex                         731 days    mark.dickinson                       

"Report bug" links                                                0 days    georg.brandl                         

ssl module - should test for a wrong cert                       670 days    pitrou                               

When PyObject_CallMethod fails, refcount is incorrect           659 days    tjreedy                              

"Suggest a change" link                                          96 days    georg.brandl                         

Mac, 3.0 framework install error with fink cp                   645 days    tjreedy                              

case conversion problems in Turkish                             627 days    tjreedy                              

Provide a way to disable SSLv2 (or better yet, disable by defa  617 days    pitrou                               

MacOS X framework install to non-standard directory fails       616 days    ronaldoussoren                       

os.mknod missing on Solaris                                     583 days    jcea                                 
       patch, needs review                                                     

configure --with-threads on cygwin => crash on thread related   581 days    loewis                               

[contextlib] Reverse order of locking                           582 days    tjreedy                              

C99 comments in Python 2.6 break build on AIX 6.1               573 days    r.david.murray                       

Do not embed manifest files in *.pyd when compiling with	MSVC   559 days    loewis                               

SSL handshake fails after TCP connection in getpeername()       551 days    pitrou                               

type() doesn't accept bases and dict keyword arguments          553 days    r.david.murray                       

import and compile() do not treat trailing whitespace the same  540 days    tjreedy                              

closing stdout in a child process on cygwin means that process  533 days    stutzbach                            

ssl.SSLSocket timeout not working correctly when remote end is  450 days    pitrou                               

ssl makefile never closes socket                                435 days    pitrou                               

Fix strftime on windows.                                        438 days    loewis                               

3.0.1 crashes in unicode path                                   436 days    loewis                               

array.fromfile() fails to insert values when EOFError is raise  431 days    loewis                               

Broken Py3.1 release build in Visual Studio 2005                423 days    tjreedy                              

Failure in test_httpservers on Linux                            410 days    tjreedy                              

Optional extensions in                                 393 days    tarek                                

Create alternative CObject API that is safe and clean           389 days    jcea                                 

_winreg.OpenKey() is documented with keyword arguments, but do  375 days    merwok                               
       patch, needs review                                                     

test_unicode fails in wide unicode build                        332 days    loewis                               

filecmp.cmp can not compare two files from different OS with t  315 days    tjreedy                              

httplib fails with HEAD requests to pages with "transfer-encod  313 days    orsenthil                            

Improve bool TypeError message                                  292 days    loewis                               
       easy                                                             on Win32 does not force binary mode                 246 days    tjreedy                              

OptionParser.allow_interspersed_args is undocumented            230 days    r.david.murray                       

Socket error when launching IDLE                                223 days    tjreedy                              
                                                                        codecs.IncrementalDecoder is sometimes None         209 days    haypo                                

Missing uninstallation instructions for mac                     201 days    ronaldoussoren                       

Detect improper leading whitespace in C files for Vim           168 days    brett.cannon                         

A number tests "crash" if python is compiled --without-threads  143 days    haypo                                
       patch, easy, needs review                                               

pipes.quote does not correctly escape !                         130 days    georg.brandl                         

urllib2 request does not update content length after new add_d   54 days    loewis                               

socket.connect() no longer works with AF_BLUETOOTH L2CAP socke   86 days    pitrou                               
       patch, easy                                                             

Undocumented subprocess functions on Windows                     81 days    brian.curtin                         
       patch, easy, needs review                                               

[PATCH] Drop "Computer" from "Apple Computer" in plistlib         9 days    ronaldoussoren                       

urlparse.urlsplit mishandles novel schemes                       75 days    tseaver                              

Memory leak due to circular references in ssl.SSLSocket          66 days    pitrou                               

Backport capsule object                                          61 days    jcea                                 
       patch, buildbot                                                         

ssl.get_server_certificate new line missing                      51 days    pitrou                               
       patch, easy                                                             

test_ftplib fails with OpenSSL 0.9.8m                            44 days    pitrou                               
       patch, buildbot                                                         

String interpolation with unicode subclass fails to call __str   45 days    eric.smith                           

Incoherent error with  keyword argument follow by unpacking ar   36 days    benjamin.peterson                    

add unpack_archive to shutil                                     26 days    tarek                                

HTMLparser does not handle call to handle_data when a tag cont   19 days    orsenthil                            

improve regrtest command line help                               20 days    r.david.murray                       
       patch, easy, needs review                                               

os.execvpe() doesn't support surrogates in env                   12 days    haypo                                

dict constructor allows invalid identifiers in **kwargs           8 days    benjamin.peterson                    

syslog.syslog('msg') logs message with ident "python".            5 days    r.david.murray                       
       patch, easy, needs review                                               

tarfile creates tarballs with execute permissions set            10 days    lars.gustaebel                       

subprocess: surrogates of the error message (Python implementa    3 days    haypo                                

build-installer fix for setIcon when no script path specified    10 days    ronaldoussoren                       

socket's send can raise errno 35 under OS X, which causes prob    6 days    mdcowles                             

test_gdb: use utf8+surrogateescape charset?                       2 days    haypo                                

bsddb databases in python 2.6 are not compatible with python 2    0 days    loewis                               

2to3 removes __future__ imports, but should it?     1 days    barry                                

Small mistake in tutorial web page                                0 days    ezio.melotti                         

os.execv*e(): fix formatting of the environment variables (Pyt    2 days    haypo                                

Apple Style Guide link is broken in the "Documenting Python" c    0 days    georg.brandl                         

small typo in         0 days    georg.brandl                         

test doc issue                                                    0 days    georg.brandl                         

enhacement proposal in howto/doanddont                            1 days    georg.brandl                         

[PEP 3147] compileall.compile_dir() called multiple times crea    2 days    barry                                

typo in argparse documentation                                    0 days    georg.brandl                         

subclassing builtin class (str, unicode, list...) needs to ove    0 days    flox                                 

test_ascii_formatd fails if ctypes module is missing              0 days    haypo                                

Refinements to Python 3 New GIL                                   0 days    pitrou                               

Add ConfigureAction to argparse                                   0 days    eric.smith                           

Add ConfigureAction to argparse                                   0 days    eric.smith                           

Test issue                                                        0 days    loewis                               

Another test issue                                                0 days    loewis                               

asynchat documentation issues                                     3 days    giampaolo.rodola                     

i didn't get rqrd output for programme in python?(plz... help)    0 days    orsenthil                            

i didn't get rqrd output for programme in python?(plz... help)    0 days    georg.brandl                         

The parameter buffering in doesn't work the same as    1 days    benjamin.peterson                    

Modules/_ssl.c: extra comma breaks build on AIX                   0 days    pitrou                               

Start argument for str.rfind used incorrectly                     0 days    r.david.murray                       

2to3 breaks relative imports                                      0 days    jyasskin                             
       patch, patch                                                            

tkinter doesn't see _tkinter                                      0 days    py.user                              

StringIO().truncate causes zero-bytes in getvalue()               0 days    pitrou                               

[PEP 3147] compileall.compile_file() creates empty __pycache__    1 days    Arfrever                             

Test issue                                                        0 days    mark.dickinson                       

2to3 crashes with "AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribu    0 days    benjamin.peterson                    

cPickle does relative import                                   2681 days  tjreedy                              

ftplib.retrbinary fails when called from retrlines callback    2510 days  giampaolo.rodola                     

PyMarshal_ReadLastObjectFromFile                               2483 days  mark.dickinson                       

MacPython installer fails on UFS filesystem                    2457 days  tjreedy                              

Carbon.File fails if server vol is mounted after launch        2092 days tjreedy                              

bdist_deb - Debian packager                                     436 days barry                                

configure: refuses setgroups                                   1848 days tjreedy                              

use PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer in non-interractive input     1614 days tjreedy                              

test test_capi crashed -- thread.error: can't allocate lock    1470 days tjreedy                              

Python 2.5.1 fails to build on AIX                             1016 days tjreedy                              

Top Issues Most Discussed (10)

 28 Convoy effect with I/O bound threads and New GIL                  73 days

 17 bdist_deb - Debian packager                                      436 days

 15 socket's send can raise errno 35 under OS X, which causes probl    6 days

 14 Create fsencode() and fsdecode() functions in os.path              7 days

 11 test_distutils fails if srcdir != builddir                         0 days

 11 httplib getheader() throws error instead of default                1 days

  9 [PEP 3147] compileall.compile_file() creates empty __pycache__     1 days

  9 shutil.rmtree and os.listdir cannot recover on error conditions    6 days

  9 update to autoconf2.65                                             7 days

  9 datetime's comparison methods do not return NotImplemented when   66 days

From barry at  Fri Apr 30 21:09:18 2010
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 15:09:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
Message-ID: <20100430150918.308984aa@heresy>

On Apr 28, 2010, at 09:22 AM, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:

>On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 23:55, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> I believe the more important part of Barry's suggested change here is
>> requiring a link to the archived message (usually from python-dev) where
>> the PEP was accepted (be it directly by you as BDFL, or by consensus
>> from a "sufficient" number of core developers). This will likely also
>> help with reminding people to announce on python-dev when PEPs are
>> accepted by consensus (or by you) somewhere like PyCon or a sprint.
>Though maybe it should be called Conclusion instead of Accepted and
>used for Rejected PEPs, as well?

Good point.  What do you think about 'Resolution'?

As to Guido's point about the decision making process, Nick's right.  I just
want to make sure we can capture the resolution in the PEP, be it by BDFL
pronouncement or "hey, silence is acceptance" email.

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From martin at  Fri Apr 30 21:51:42 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 21:51:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <20100430150918.308984aa@heresy>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

> As to Guido's point about the decision making process, Nick's right.  I just
> want to make sure we can capture the resolution in the PEP, be it by BDFL
> pronouncement or "hey, silence is acceptance" email.

I don't think "silence is acceptance" will work out in practice. For
issues where a PEP was written in the first place, somebody will
*always* object, and forever so, hoping that what he considers a mistake
will not be done. The advantage of Guido acting as BDFL was that
somebody would make an decision ultimately, one which both proponents
and opponents of the PEP would accept.

Without a BDFL, I think we need a committee to make decisions, e.g. by
majority vote amongst committers.


From steve at  Fri Apr 30 22:28:28 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:28:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>	<>	<>	<>	<20100430150918.308984aa@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> As to Guido's point about the decision making process, Nick's right.  I just
>> want to make sure we can capture the resolution in the PEP, be it by BDFL
>> pronouncement or "hey, silence is acceptance" email.
> I don't think "silence is acceptance" will work out in practice. For
> issues where a PEP was written in the first place, somebody will
> *always* object, and forever so, hoping that what he considers a mistake
> will not be done. The advantage of Guido acting as BDFL was that
> somebody would make an decision ultimately, one which both proponents
> and opponents of the PEP would accept.
> Without a BDFL, I think we need a committee to make decisions, e.g. by
> majority vote amongst committers.

Couldn't we just go with the FLUFL?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From steve at  Fri Apr 30 22:28:28 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:28:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>	<>	<>	<>	<20100430150918.308984aa@heresy>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>> As to Guido's point about the decision making process, Nick's right.  I just
>> want to make sure we can capture the resolution in the PEP, be it by BDFL
>> pronouncement or "hey, silence is acceptance" email.
> I don't think "silence is acceptance" will work out in practice. For
> issues where a PEP was written in the first place, somebody will
> *always* object, and forever so, hoping that what he considers a mistake
> will not be done. The advantage of Guido acting as BDFL was that
> somebody would make an decision ultimately, one which both proponents
> and opponents of the PEP would accept.
> Without a BDFL, I think we need a committee to make decisions, e.g. by
> majority vote amongst committers.

Couldn't we just go with the FLUFL?

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

From guido at  Fri Apr 30 23:25:02 2010
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 14:25:02 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>
	<20100430150918.308984aa@heresy> <> 
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
> Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> As to Guido's point about the decision making process, Nick's right. ?I just
>>> want to make sure we can capture the resolution in the PEP, be it by BDFL
>>> pronouncement or "hey, silence is acceptance" email.
>> I don't think "silence is acceptance" will work out in practice. For
>> issues where a PEP was written in the first place, somebody will
>> *always* object, and forever so, hoping that what he considers a mistake
>> will not be done. The advantage of Guido acting as BDFL was that
>> somebody would make an decision ultimately, one which both proponents
>> and opponents of the PEP would accept.
>> Without a BDFL, I think we need a committee to make decisions, e.g. by
>> majority vote amongst committers.
> Couldn't we just go with the FLUFL?

IIRC in the IETF this is done by the committee chair. I think it's a
good idea to have this be a single person to avoid endless indecision.

> regards
> ?Steve
> --
> Steve Holden ? ? ? ? ? +1 571 484 6266 ? +1 800 494 3119
> See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010 ?
> Holden Web LLC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Python-Dev at
> Unsubscribe:

--Guido van Rossum (

From martin at  Fri Apr 30 23:35:34 2010
From: martin at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?=)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 23:35:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>	<>	<>	<>	<20100430150918.308984aa@heresy>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>> Without a BDFL, I think we need a committee to make decisions, e.g. by
>> majority vote amongst committers.
> Couldn't we just go with the FLUFL?

Not sure whether that's a serious proposal (April 1 is already some days
back now). As a starting point, Barry would have to indicate whether he
is interested in that role.


From steve at  Fri Apr 30 23:51:04 2010
From: steve at (Steve Holden)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:51:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Two small PEP ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20100427134618.564e3e3b@heresy>	<>	<>	<>	<20100430150918.308984aa@heresy>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin v. L?wis wrote:
>>> Without a BDFL, I think we need a committee to make decisions, e.g. by
>>> majority vote amongst committers.
>> Couldn't we just go with the FLUFL?
> Not sure whether that's a serious proposal (April 1 is already some days
> back now). As a starting point, Barry would have to indicate whether he
> is interested in that role.
If he isn't then we can depose him and replace him with a puppet.


PS: Barry: sorry I can't make the gig tonight. Hope it went well ...
Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC