[Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 376
P.J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Apr 2 01:36:53 CEST 2010
At 11:51 PM 4/1/2010 +0200, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
>On behalf of the distutils-SIG, I'd like to propose PEP 376 for
>inclusion. This PEP is about defining a standard for installed Python
Very nice; I have only a few questions/suggestions, and some minor corrections.
First, I notice the RECORD paths are listed as being relative to
sys.prefix; I was under the impression that these paths were supposed
to be relative to the base installation location of the library (i.e.
site-packages in the default case).
That is, that while paths not under sys.prefix were to be absolute,
the paths under sys.prefix were relative to the install
location. (Since one of the original motivating use cases for
relative paths in RECORD was to support relocatable installations,
and sharing installations across platforms, when the code is platform
independent code.) Also, the spec doesn't address installation to
paths that aren't under sys.prefix, or what happens if you use
"setup.py install --prefix".
I'm wondering if perhaps this should be restated as something like:
* Paths under the base installation location are relative to the base
* Paths not under the base installation location, but under the
installation prefix, are also stored relative to the base, IF the
base location is a subpath of the installation prefix
* All other paths are absolute.
Where "base location" is the effective --install-lib directory, and
prefix is the effective --prefix. (Which default of course to
site-package and sys.prefix respectively, but the spec shouldn't be
in terms of those defaults.)
Second, the RECORD spec is not clear on what happens to the hash
field on .pyc/.pyo files. Is it supposed to be an empty string, a
hash of an empty file, a hash value that's ignored, or...?
Third, what is a "local absolute path"? This term appears several
places but is not defined. It sounds like maybe you mean a path
using the local platform separator, as opposed to a '/'-separated
relative path. If that's the case, this should probably be spelled
out somewhere early on and then referenced in context.
Fourth, the PEP says the implementation will support zipfiles, but
the draft implementation doesn't appear to support zipimport
subdirectories. (Zipimport paths can be /path/to/some.zip/subdir,
and this base is then used for importing, just as if the zipfile were
a normal parent directory.) If this is an intentional omission, it
should probably be mentioned in the PEP.
Okay, on to the minor corrections. The following uses of "package"
should be replaced by "project" or "distribution":
"If a package that was already installed on the system as a dependency"
"in other words, whether the package was installed by user request"
"$ python -m distutils.uninstall packagename"
Anyway, that's my first pass through; I think the RECORD section may
need further fleshing out (e.g., specifying a particular csv-module
dialect) in order to ensure that the spec is sufficiently rigorous
for multiple tools to consume/produce compatible files.
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