[Python-Dev] 5 : 1
anatoly techtonik
techtonik at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 15:05:28 CEST 2010
I reviewed 5 issues and want to see http://bugs.python.org/issue7585
committed to Python 2.7
test.support.unlink issue on Windows platform
i race condition between os.unlink(), TortoiseSVN and os.open()
- reporter changed OS and can't confirm bug anymore,
need somebody with Windows and TortoiseSVN installed
cross platform failure and silly test in doctest
i non-crossplatform check for absolute path when 'module_relative' is True
- added patch
- need testcases
Tests needing network flag?
i skip tests that require network if network is not available
- added patch
- it is recommended to split issue to count skipped tests exactly and to
probe which tests marked as 'require network' are actually don't
_winreg.EnumValue fails when the registry data includes multibyte
unicode characters
i WindowsError: [Error 234] More data is available when working with _winreg
- original issue assumed that it is caused by multibyte string, however this
can not be confirmed anymore
- exception can be thrown when operating over long keys, this should be
tested with WinAPI over ctypes, I propose to open new bug for long keys
- another bug could be opened - it seems impossible to get values of Unicode
keys with _winreg
python uninstaller leave registry entries
- confirmed for 2.6.5
- need windows installer expert to create patch for cleaning empty
registry keys
anatoly t.
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