[Python-Dev] Python and compilers
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Apr 6 14:02:47 CEST 2010
On 06/04/2010 12:44, willian at ufpa.br wrote:
> First, thank you for all opnion. Each one was considered.
> I think the better question would be:
> I have to develop a project that involves compilers, and being a fan of
> Python, I thought about making a compiler for it (most basic idea involving
> Pythin and compilers). But I saw that I can use what I learned from
> compilers not only to create a compiler. What is the area of developing the
> Python interpreter that I could build my project, and please give me
> interesting ideas for the project.
Well, you are now thoroughly off topic for the python-dev mailing list -
so I suggest you ask your question on comp.lang.python or some other
Python list.
*However*, a project that would be interesting - and that I have wanted
to do in order to program microcontrollers with *very* small memory
address spaces [1] - would be to compile a static subset of Python down
to C. You would need to do type inferencing and support only a basic
minimum of the built-in types (and in fact I would start with perhaps
functions only), but it could be fun. It would not be Python however,
merely Python inspired.
Alternatively a general type-inferencing algorithm for Python, such as
the one used by ShedSkin, could be interesting.
All the best,
[1] Smaller devices than those targetted by
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