[Python-Dev] iso-2022 and issue 7472: question for the experts

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
Wed Apr 7 21:22:02 CEST 2010

R. David Murray writes:
 > A long time ago (in a galaxy far far...no, wrong show)
 > Er, as I was saying, a long time ago Barry applied a patch to
 > email that went more or less like this:
 > ndex: email/Encoders.py
 > ===================================================================
 > --- email/Encoders.py   (revision 35918)
 > +++ email/Encoders.py   (revision 35919)
 > @@ -84,7 +83,13 @@
 >      try:
 >          orig.encode('ascii')
 >      except UnicodeError:
 > -        msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit'
 > +        # iso-2022-* is non-ASCII but still 7-bit

This comment may be inaccurate.  The ISO 2022 family includes what are
normally "8bit" encodings such as the EUC family and ISO 8859.  I
don't know whether there are any IANA-registered 8bit charsets with
names that start with 'iso-2022-', and AFAIK there are none in Python.
(There is an 'iso-2022-8' encoding in Emacs, though.)  Still, I'd be
more comfortable with an explicit list than with the
.startswith('iso-2022-') idiom.

 > +        charset = msg.get_charset()
 > +        output_cset = charset and charset.output_charset
 > +        if output_cset and output_cset.lower().startswith('iso-2202-'):
 > +            msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '7bit'
 > +        else:
 > +            msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '8bit'
 >      else:
 >          msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '7bit'

 > Reading the standards, it looks to me like either the ISO-2022
 > input will be 7-bit, and the except will not trigger, or it will be
 > invalid, because 8bit, and so should be set to 8bit just like all
 > the other cases where there's invalid 8bit data.  So I think this
 > patch should just be reverted.

I have nothing to add to what Martin said about the basic analysis.

It would be possible to just unconditionally set the
Content-Transfer-Encoding to 8bit, although that may violate a SHOULD
in the MIME standard.

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