[Python-Dev] Automatic installer builds (was Re: Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X))

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Apr 14 18:01:19 CEST 2010

On Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at 04:47PM, "Nick Coghlan" <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>> Wasn't that problem fixed weeks ago?  The installer image has been 
>>> available there since several days after the release.  And the link 
>>> seems fine now.
>> The inherent problem remains. There is no binary for 2.7b1, for example.
>> The last binaries produced in the 2.7 testing process were for 2.7a2.

That's because I haven't had time yet to actually build the installer for OSX due to lack of free time because both my professional and private lives are fully filled at the moment (which is great, but leaves very little time to hack on Python or PyObjC).

>I seem to recall there was some issue 

> (aside from the current lack of a
>reliable OS X buildbot)

Speaking of which... I have a mac-mini that could be used for a buildbot. How much work is needed to kickstart a buildbot, taking into account that I'd prefer to have a buildbot with different configure-flags that the default unix build (that is, I want to test a framework build that is a universal binary).

 that prevented us from regularly grabbing the
>head of the tree and using it to automatically build the Windows and Mac
>installers (to check that the installers could actually be created,
>preventing a repeat of the Mac situation with 2.7b1).

Creating the Mac installer is easy: just run Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py on an OSX 10.5 system where a local version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 is installed in /Library/Frameworks. The system should also not have fink or darwinports and a clean /usr/local tree to avoid contaminating the build.


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