[Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Thu Apr 15 22:39:15 CEST 2010

>>> What's non-trivial about it? 
>> Building a DMG file, in a way that the output will actually work on most
>> other systems.
> As Ronald pointed out, the installer build script does all of the dirty 
> work of building the install disk image (the .dmg file), including 
> downloading and building necessary third-party libraries. 

Hmm. When I tried it last, it didn't do anything - it just crashed. I
then had to fix it, and also arrange to meet a certain number of
assumptions that it assumed but that had not been setup on my system.

This is some years ago, so I don't recall details.

> I think the single most important thing that 
> can be done to help right now is to get a robust system of OS X 
> buildbots going so that many of the critical problems can be detected up 
> front rather than when one of us gets around to building and install 
> testing the multi-arch and multi-version installers.

There is one build slave now up, contributed by David Bolen.


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