[Python-Dev] PEP 3147 ready for pronouncement and merging

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Apr 16 18:02:20 CEST 2010

On Apr 15, 2010, at 08:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>Comments inline. Nothing showstopping, mostly just spewing obscure
>background information...
>Overall, congratulations! I'm fine with the implementation going in
>and the PEP being marked as accepted as long as you get to the
>clarifications I suggest below soon after.

Awesome, thanks Guido!  I will respond in detail and address your
clarifications before I commit to the py3k branch.  I wanted to address one
thing now though since Steve responded to it.

>> Implementation strategy
>> =======================
>> This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those
>> and all future versions.  It may be back-ported to Python 2.7.
>Is there time given that 2.7b1 was released?

I think this would be totally up to Benjamin as the RM for 2.7.  Although I
haven't tried yet, my sense of it is that most of the patch would port pretty
easily to trunk.  I could probably generate a patch for review by mid-next

Whether it should or not is a different matter.  Given that we're in beta, I'm
not sure *I* would approve it if I were the RM, but as the developer, sure,
I'd love to back port it. :)


>> Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as
>> they see fit.

...Steve asks if we're really going to do this.  For Debian and/or Ubuntu, we
haven't yet decided.  I plan to begin that discussion on the appropriate
distro-related mailing lists after the code lands on py3k.  It certainly won't
be enabled by default.

I don't think we've made any decisions about which versions of Python will
make it into the next release of Ubuntu about 6 months from now, but given the
Python release schedule, that could be 2.6, 2.7 and 3.1.  If we really do
include all three versions, I will push for backporting the feature (enabled
with -Xcachedir) in our releases so that we can gain the benefit of ditching
the symlink farms as soon as possible.

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