[Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do triage.

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Apr 26 01:24:08 CEST 2010

On 26/04/2010 00:18, Steve Holden wrote:
> Tres Seaver wrote:
>> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>> <skip<at>  pobox.com>  writes:
>>>>      Sean>  However, I will step up for him and say that I've known him a
>>>>      Sean>  decade, and he's very trustworthy.  He has been the president (we
>>>>      Sean>  call that position Maximum Leader) of our Linux Users Group here
>>>>      Sean>  for 5 years or so.
>>>> Given that Sean is vouching for him I'm fine with it.
>>> I'm not sure I agree. Of course it could be argued the risk is minimal, but I
>>> think it's better if all people go through the same path of proving their
>>> motivation and quality of work.
>>> And if there's something wrong with that process we'd better address it than
>>> give random privileges to people we like :)
>> I think there is a definite "unpriced externality" to keeping the
>> process barriers high here.  I don't belive from conversations at the
>> language summit / PyCon that the community is being overrun with hordes
>> of unworthies clamoring to triage Python bugs:  rather the opposite, in
>> fact.  It seems to me that backing from an established community member
>> ought to be enough to get a prospective triageur at least provisional
>> roles to do the work, with the caveat that it might be revoked it it
>> didn't turn out well.  If it does turn out well, then look to *expand*
>> that user's roles in the community, with a nice helping of public
>> acclaim to go with it.
>> I am not arguing for "making exceptions for friends" here;  rather that
>> the acknowledged issues with inclusiveness / espansion of the developer
>> community require making changes to the rules to encourage more
>> participation.
>> BTW, language like "prov[ing] their motivation" is itself demotivating,
>> and likely contributes to the status quo ante.
> With my PSF hat on I'd like to support Tres here (and, by extension,
> Sean's proposal). Lowering the barriers of entry is a desirable goal.
> If adding people created work for already-busy developers then I'd be
> against it*, but with Sean offering to mentor his new protege and ensure
> that he limits his role to triage initially that doesn't seem to be an
> issue.
> Maybe it's time to review the way people "prove their motivation and the
> quality of their work"?

Perhaps mentoring by an established committer could become a *standard* 
acceptable way to gain tracker privileges. It makes a lot of sense for 
the barriers to entry for bug triaging to be substantially lower than 
for commit privileges.

I agree that we should try and establish straightforward and consistent 
procedures, but also agree that those procedures should serve the 
community rather than vice-versa.

All the best,


> regards
>   Steve
> * I'd be against it, but I'd fight to change the development process so
> that adding new people *didn't* create work. We should, in my opinion,
> be looking for a continual influx of new worker bees.


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