[Python-Dev] Looking after the buildbots (in general)

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Aug 4 11:16:13 CEST 2010

On Tue, 03 Aug 2010 21:08:31 -0400
Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com> wrote:
> It's a little disappointing to discover that despite the relatively
> large number of developers who have received MSDN licenses from
> Microsoft, none if us have the time to make sure that the buildbots are
> green for the 2.6.6 release.

I think the issue is that many core developers don't have the reflex
to check buildbot state after they commit some changes (or at least
on a regular, say weekly, basis), and so gradually the buildbots have
a tendency to turn from green to red, one after another.

From time to time, a couple of "motivated" core developers (David, Ezio,
Mark, Florent...) try to fix the situation by diagnosing all pending
buildbot issues. It's a time-consuming task (because it's harder to
diagnose problems when you aren't the one who introduced them), and it's
somehow thankless and unmotivating (you'd rather work on your own
issues rather than fix bugs introduced by others).

Windows only exacerbates the problem because the aforementioned
"motivated" core developers aren't necessary knowledgeable enough to
write a fix, or even understand the problem.

I would advocate a system were people are encouraged to take
responsibility of the problems they introduce when committing changes.
Of course, there are sometimes situations where it's not possible
(triggering platform-specific oddities, for example).



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