[Python-Dev] PEP 384 status

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 04:12:17 CEST 2010

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:54 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmm... that last point is a bit of any issue actually, since it also
> flows the other way (changes made via the locale module won't be
> visible to any extension modules using a different C runtime). So I
> suspect mixing C runtimes is still going to come with the caveat of
> potential locale related glitches.

As far as IO is concerned, FILE* is just a special case of a more
generic issue, though, so maybe this could be a bit reworded. For
example, file descriptor cannot be shared between runtimes either.



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