[Python-Dev] setUpClass and setUpModule in unittest

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Feb 11 17:08:54 CET 2010

On 11/02/2010 15:56, R. David Murray wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:41:37 +0000, Michael Foord<fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>  wrote:
>> On 11/02/2010 12:30, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>> The test framework might promise to do the following for each test:
>>>     with get_module_cm(test_instance): # However identified
>>>       with get_class_cm(test_instance): # However identified
>>>         with test_instance: # **
>>>           test_instance.test_method()
>> Well that is *effectively* how they would work (the semantics) but I
>> don't see how that would fit with the design of unittest to make them
>> work *specifically* like that - especially not if we are to remain
>> compatible with existing unittest extensions.
>> If you can come up with a concrete proposal of how to do this then I'm
>> happy to listen. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it isn't
>> immediately obvious. I don't see any advantage of just using context
>> managers for the sake of it and definitely not at the cost of backwards
>> incompatibility.
> I suspect that Nick is saying that it is worth doing for the sake of it,
> as being more "Pythonic" in some sense.
> That is, it seems to me that in a modern Python writing something like:
> @contextlib.contextmanager
> def foo_cm(testcase):
>      testcase.bar = some_costly_setup_function()
>      yield
>      testcase.bar.close()
> @contextlib.contextmanager
> def foo_test_cm(testcase):
>      testcase.baz = Mock(testcase.bar)
>      yield
> @unittest.case_context(foo_cm)
> @unittest.test_context(foo_test_cm)
> class TestFoo(unittest.TestCase):
>      def test_bar:
>          foo = Foo(self.baz, testing=True)
>          self.assertTrue("Context managers are cool")
> would be easier to write, be more maintainable, and be easier to
> understand when reading the code than the equivalent setUp and tearDown
> methods would be.
> I'm not saying it would be easy to implement, and as you say backward
> compatibility is a key concern.

This is quite different to what Nick *specifically* suggested. It also 
doesn't suggest a general approach that would easily allow for 
setUpModule as well.

*However*, I am *hoping* to be able to incorporate some or all of Test 
Resources as a general solution (with simple recipes for the setUpClass 
and setUpModule cases) - at which point this particular discussion will 
become moot.

All the best,

Michael Foord

> --
> R. David Murray                                      www.bitdance.com


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