[Python-Dev] setUpClass and setUpModule in unittest

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Feb 13 02:04:51 CET 2010

On 12/02/2010 19:48, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [snip...]
>> Here's a current minimal example of using Test Resources. It could be
>> simplified further with helper functions and by some of the functionality
>> moving into unittest itself. OptimisingTestSuite here ensures that the
>> resource is created before first use (MyTempDir.make is called) and disposed
>> of when finished with (MyTempDir.clean is called).
>> import shutil
>> import tempfile
>> import testresources
>> def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
>> # this step could be built into the standard loader
>> return testresources.OptimisingTestSuite(tests)
>> class MyTempDir(testresources.TestResource):
>> def make(self, dependency_resources):
>> return tempfile.mkdtemp()
>> def clean(self, resource):
>> shutil.rmtree(resource)
>> class MyTest(testresources.ResourcedTestCase):
>> resources = [('workdir', MyTempDir())]
>> def test_foo(self):
>> print self.workdir
>> def test_bar(self):
>> print self.workdir
> This came out with all leading indentation removed, but I think I can
> guess what you meant to write.
For goodness sake. Sorry about that.

> However from this example I *cannot* guess whether those resources are
> set up and torn down per test or per test class.
This particular example is the equivalent of setUpClass - so by 
declaring the resource as a class attribute it will created before the 
first test for the class is run and disposed of after the last test for 
the class.

You could *also* create a single resource and share it between several 
test classes, or even across classes in several modules, and have it 
created and disposed of at the right point. I've copied Rob Collins in 
on this email in case I've misunderstood.
> Also the notation
>    resources = [('workdir', MyTempDir())]
> looks pretty ugly -- if 'workdir' ends up being an instance attribute,
> why not make it a dict instead of a list of tuples? Or even better, a
> could each resource become a class variable?
I guess we could introspect the class for every attribute that is a 
resource, but I prefer some way of explicitly declaring which resources 
a TestCase is using.

Michael Foord


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