[Python-Dev] deprecated stuff in standard library

Florent Xicluna florent.xicluna at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 14:53:23 CET 2010

Eric Smith <eric <at> trueblade.com> writes:
> This is because no one has gotten around to it. Create a bug report for 
> it, and preferably attach a patch with tests.
> Eric.

Actually, it gives py3k warning about "mhlib" + 2 others warnings:

./python/release26-maint/ $ ./python -Wd -3 -c "import mhlib"

-c:1: DeprecationWarning: the mhlib module has been removed in Python 3.0; use
the mailbox module instead

./python/release26-maint/Lib/mhlib.py:82: DeprecationWarning: in 3.x, mimetools
has been removed in favor of the email package
  import mimetools

./python/release26-maint/Lib/mhlib.py:83: DeprecationWarning: the multifile
module has been deprecated since Python 2.5
  import multifile

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