[Python-Dev] Update xml.etree.ElementTree for Python 2.7 and 3.2

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Feb 20 22:47:21 CET 2010

> Maybe I am fully misunderstanding something here and I am also known for
> just bluntly stating things but:
> Isn't inclusion into the standard library under the assumption that
> maintenance will be performed on the code?

In general, that's the assumption, and Guido has stated that he dislikes
exceptions. However, Fredrik's code was included only under the
exception. ElementTree wouldn't be part of the standard library if an
exception had not been made.

> With all due respect to Frederik,
> but if you add such a module to the base distribution and then ignore it for
> 3-4 years I personally have a hard time feeling your 'outrage' being
> justified for someone who is trying to fix outstanding issues in
> ElementTree.

If users and co-developers think that these issues absolutely must be
resolved now (rather than waiting some more), I see only two options:
a) ElementTree is removed from the library
b) we declare that we fork ElementTree, and designate a maintainer.

Just fixing the bugs without designating a maintainer is *not* an
option, because we absolutely need somebody to pronounce on changes. It
will not be Guido, and if it is not Fredrik, somebody else must step
forward. I would then ask that person, as the first thing, to rename the
package when making incompatible changes.

> I also do not find your idea of dropping the module productive either
> Martin. Just dropping it for no other reason because someone cannot be
> bothered to act as a responsible maintainer just seems not useful for Python
> users at all. Especially since patches *are* available. 

Well, I promised that we will stick to the procedure when integrating
ElementTree. I'm not willing to break this promise.


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