[Python-Dev] some notes from the first part of the lang summit

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 13:45:07 CET 2010

Brett Cannon wrote:
> Could, but the code will go away some day and not everyone will read the
> docs to realize that they might want to upgrade their code if they care
> to use the shiniest thing in the standard library.

I agree with Brett here - PendingDeprecationWarning for "there's a
better option available, this approach is probably going to go away some
day, but you're in no imminent danger of that happening any time soon".
DeprecationWarning is significantly stronger, saying "this will go away
some time within the next few years".

The softest version (documentation warnings only) doesn't really apply
in this case - optparse will almost certainly become a PyPI external
package some day, even if that day is a decade or more from now.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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