[Python-Dev] relation between Python.asdl and Tools/compiler/ast.txt
Yoann Padioleau
yoann.padioleau at facebook.com
Thu Jan 7 22:07:55 CET 2010
On Jan 7, 2010, at 12:31 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>> I would like to use astgen.py to generate python classes corresponding to the
>> AST of something I have defined in a .asdl file, along the line of what is
>> apparently done for the python AST itself. I thought astgen.py would
>> take as an argument a .asdl file, but apparently it instead process a file
>> called ast.txt. Where does this file come from ? Is it generated from
>> Python.asdl ?
> astgen.py is not used to process asdl files; ast.txt lives right next to
> astgen.py. Instead, the asdl file is processed by Parser/asdl_c.py.
Yes, I know that. That's why I asked about the relation between ast.txt and Python.adsl.
If internally the parser uses the .adsl, but expose as a reflection mechanism things
that were generated from ast.txt, then there could be a mismatch. Where does ast.txt comes from ? Shouldn't it be generated itself from Python.adsl ?
So we would have
Python.adsl ----????----> ast.txt ---- astgen.py ---> ast.py containing all the UnarySub, Expression, classes that represents a Python AST.
> HTH,
> Martin
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