[Python-Dev] Fwd: Download Page - AMD64
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Jan 13 01:50:39 CET 2010
On 12/01/2010 23:41, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Michael Foord wrote:
>> I presume the email below is about the Windows binary. Does the AMD64
>> release work on intel 64bit and can we make the wording clearer on the
>> download page?
>> The current description is " Windows AMD64 binary".
> The installer works on all AMD64 compatible Intel CPUs. *scnr*
> As you most likely know all modern Intel 64bit CPUs are based on AMD's
> x86-64 design. Only the Itanium family is based on the other Intel 64bit
> design: IA-64. The name AMD64 was chosen because most Linux and BSD
> distributions call it so. The name 'AMD64' has caused confusion in the
> past because users thought that the installer works only on AMD CPUs.
> How about:
> * Python 2.6.4 Windows X86-64 installer (Windows AMD64 / Intel 64 /
> X86-64 binary -- does not include source)
> instead of:
> * Python 2.6.4 Windows AMD64 installer (Windows AMD64 binary -- does
> not include source)
Right - I've made that change for the Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1
download pages with a footnote. Prior to that we were offering ia64
*and* amd64 releases so I've left those unchanged.
> ?
> Christia
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