[Python-Dev] Fwd: Download Page - AMD64
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Jan 14 01:20:21 CET 2010
On 13/01/2010 19:13, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>>>> * Python 2.6.4 Windows X86-64 installer (Windows AMD64 / Intel 64 /
>>>> X86-64 binary -- does not include source)
>>>> instead of:
>>>> * Python 2.6.4 Windows AMD64 installer (Windows AMD64 binary -- does
>>>> not include source)
>>> -1. AMD doesn't want us to use the term x86-64 anymore, but wants us
>>> to use AMD64 instead. I think we should comply - they invented the
>>> architecture, so they have the right to give it a name. Neither
>>> Microsoft nor Intel have such a right.
>> I think we should use whatever is most informative and least confusing
>> to our users - we owe our allegiance to them and not to a processor vendor.
> And why do you think this is x86-64?
Well anecdotal everyone I have *every* talked to about 64bit processors
has referred to having a 64bit processor (x86 is a given) and not an
AMD64 architecture processor.
Linus Torvalds addressed this specific issue for Linux and came down on
the side of "x86-64": http://kerneltrap.org/node/2466
Look up AMD64 on Wikipedia and it redirects you to the X86-64 page.
Information website setup by AMD and partners about the AMD64
architecture: http://www.x86-64.org/about.html
In the AMD website they refer to "x86-64 Assembly":
Microsoft seem to draw a distinction between x64 (which would also be
acceptable) and Itanium based systems. Very rarely do they refer to AMD64:
* http://www.microsoft.com/servers/64bit/compare.mspx
* http://www.microsoft.com/servers/64bit/x64/overview.mspx
* http://www.microsoft.com/servers/64bit/overview.mspx
Using a vendor specific name automatically begs the question as to
whether the installer works on processors from other vendors, as we saw
in the specific enquiry from the user that triggered this debate.
Referring to the AMD 64 build as x86-64, with a footnote explaining
which architectures this specifically means is unlikely to confuse
people. It is *definitely* better than just saying AMD64.
All the best,
> Regards,
> Martin
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