[Python-Dev] 3.1.2 / 2.6.5 maintenance releases?

Ned Deily nad at acm.org
Sun Jan 17 19:01:37 CET 2010

In article <4B53135A.7060104 at gmail.com>,
 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > Ned Deily <nad <at> acm.org> writes:
> >> I've recently seen a couple of references to 3.1.2 go by in
> >> checkins which made me wonder whether dates have been proposed yet
> >> for updates to either 3.1 or 2.6.  I don't recall seeing any and I
> >> didn't see any references in the PEPs.  Some advance warning would
> >> be nice.
> > There are a couple of release blockers right now. Once they are fixed
> > or deferred, I think it would be nice to have a 3.1.2. Why do you
> > need "some advance warning" though?
> Advance warning does allow interested users that would consider
> upgrading to schedule time for testing before the maintenance release
> comes out. This is particularly useful in helping to make a 1-week RC
> period effective in picking up issues that might otherwise lead to a
> brown paper bag release to fix major issues that slipped through our own
> automated test coverage.

That. and resource contention: there are always potential fixes in the 
pipeline that could or should be bumped in priority if one knows there 
is a code cutoff approaching.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at acm.org

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