[Python-Dev] Are you ready for Mercurial migration?

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Fri Jul 2 16:52:57 CEST 2010

Hello Anatoly

I’m thankful that you give time and energy to the issues raised by the
migration. As a minor contributor, I’m eager for the migration, and I
also find healthy that there is discussion about these things. However,
I think that there is too much discussion right now. I offer some facts
and opinions.

1) The PEP is accepted. Python is migrating to Mercurial and closing the
Subversion repository after lengthy discussion and rounds of feedback.
This is beating a dead horse.

2) Python mailing lists are effective, open to anyone with an email
address, and work with all Web and email clients. Google Wave requires
an account, JavaScript, and learning a new thing. That doesn’t help a
situation where we already lack people and time.

2a) Old tools are not always bad. (Emails works.)

2b) New tools can be helpful, but do not magically solve issues. I can’t
see python-dev moving to Trac or Wave in the coming years, so fighting
for them is not productive.

In a community, it’s important to assume that people have reasons for
their choices, research before jumping to conclusions (e.g. hg uses the
parent changeset ID too to compute the ID of a changeset, so the current
mirror and the new, clean official repo will be incompatible), and say
that everything sucks.

To sum up my opinion: The Mercurial migration will proceed as explained
in the PEP, there are still some areas to discuss, the transition will
be delayed if there’s no committer willing to lead the effort. Debating
agreed issues does not help solving open issues.


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