[Python-Dev] Are you ready for Mercurial migration?

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Fri Jul 2 17:42:41 CEST 2010

> Éric, you letter is discouraging.
That’s the right term. I wanted to discourage you from fruitless endeavors.

> This is not for coredevs, who already "decided" - it for the rest of
> the world.
I don’t think there is a discrepancy between the core devs that want to
keep the power and do what they please, and the community that is never
consulted and unable to express itself. I believe that the core devs are
the first circle of the community and that they strive to make open
technical dicussions and reach decisions for the good of everyone. I
find them open and kind, even if sometimes necessarily stern (e.g. when
answering the same question for the umpteenth time).

> I should clarify it in the first place, but I would like to avoid
> lengthy debates outside of the Wave.
And I would like to keep Python-related discussions on open official
fora that have been working for decades.

>> As a minor contributor, I’m eager for the migration,
> It is not the question about do you like it or not.
That paragraph was just me trying to be positive before expressing my
negative comments.

> It is the question 
>                     "Are You ready?"
> That means:
> Have you tried Mercurial?

> Do you understand how it works?

> Do you have a workflow ready and tested to start commiting right away?
Yes. I have a handful of workflows in my belt to address different needs
(one-shot typo fix, feature development, local editions, etc.)

> Do you plan to read ~100 page long hginit.com tutorial after *it happens?
Done. I have read the hg book, information on the wiki, made a lot of
tests, read the PEPs, read the short hginit tutorial, and am willing to
review Python-centered docs.


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