[Python-Dev] Python equivalents in stdlib Was: Include datetime.py in stdlib or not?

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Jul 7 17:39:38 CEST 2010

On 07/07/2010 16:29, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> [snip...]
>> 4. Does not ctypes make it possible to replace a method of a Python-coded
>> class with a faster C version, with something like
>>   try:
>>     connect to methods.dll
>>     check that function xyx exists
>>     replace Someclass.xyy with ctypes wrapper
>>   except: pass
>> For instance, the SequenceMatcher heuristic was added to speedup the
>> matching process that I believe is encapsulated in one O(n**2) or so
>> bottleneck method. I believe most everything else is O(n) bookkeeping.
> The ctypes modules is very CPython centric as far as I know.   For the
> new modules, this may be a valid way to rapidly develop accelerated
> versions.   For modules that are already written in C, I don't see
> much benefit in replacing them with ctypes wrappers.

Nope, both IronPython and PyPy have ctypes implementations and Jython is 
in the process of "growing" one. Using ctypes for C extensions is the 
most portable way of providing C extensions for Python (other than 
providing a pure-Python implementation of course).



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