[Python-Dev] Removing IDLE from the standard library

Stephen Hansen apt.shansen at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 08:01:16 CEST 2010

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Guilherme Polo <ggpolo at gmail.com> wrote:

> By "never had a problem" do you mean using some of the latest versions
> ? Here, running "idle" from a mac terminal and trying to type: print
> "hi" crashes when entering the quotation mark.

Huh? Works fine for me. Python 2.6.1, OSX 10.6.3, intel.

>From the lurking crowd-- Please don't consider removing IDLE until there is
a compelling replacement ready. It's better to have a limited IDE that works
everywhere (even if in a limited fashion-- people are free to try out one of
the many excellent full-featured Python IDE's out there after they advance
to that point) then not.

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