[Python-Dev] Removing IDLE from the standard library

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Sun Jul 11 19:35:16 CEST 2010

Tal Einat <taleinat at gmail.com> wrote:

> Although several people say that they think having IDLE in the stdlib
> is important, the fact is that IDLE is considered quite unimportant by
> most of the Python community. Having IDLE in the stdlib may be
> convenient for a few people, but most never use it and don't care
> about it. I think that in its current state, IDLE may still be helpful
> for learning Python, but it is more likely to drive away users who run
> into its various quirks and problems. And for experienced Python
> developers, very few actually use IDLE, and those who do could easily
> install it if it weren't part of the stdlib.

I agree with you on this, Tal.  On OS X, this is particularly
aggravating, as the Apple-supplied Python doesn't seem to include a
working version, and installing MacPython leads to other problems (see,
for instance, the thread at

For David and other teachers, there are plenty of alternative IDEs,
outlined at


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