[Python-Dev] more details of list comprehension in tutorial than in language reference

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Jul 16 18:46:36 CEST 2010

On 16/07/2010 17:32, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> Since this is related to the document, I think that I should send this
> to the dev mailing list. Please let me know if this is not
> appropriate.
> If I don't miss anything, I feel that there are much less descriptions
> of list comprehensions in the language reference
> (python_2.6.5_reference.pdf, glossary) than in the tutorial
> (python_2.6.5_tutorial.pdf). I think that it deserves at least a
> subsection in the language reference to make the reference complete.
> May I suggest the maintainer of the document add such a subsection?
If you would like to write an addition and post it to the Python bug 
tracker it would be (very) welcomed for consideration. The tutorial has 
no single "maintainer" but we are always looking to improve it.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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