[Python-Dev] Thoughts fresh after EuroPython

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 10:22:57 CEST 2010

2010/7/27 "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de>:
>> I would classify the changes in three kinds:
>> - minor: a new feature, a UI bugfix etc
>> - important: a new feature that changes a lot the end-user experience
>> (like the rating system)
>> - major: a change to the APIs (HTTP/XML-RPC)
>> I think you should briefly present your plans for important or major
>> changes in catalog-SIG
>> prior to starting them, so we can discuss them.
> So would you consider the addition of JSON a major feature (as it
> introduces a new API)? I doubt Richard would have been willing to wait
> for the end of some discussion before implementing it.

That's "minor" since it's a new feature that does not interfere with existing
features -- I hope it doesn't :)

"major" is a change to existing APIs  that could potentially break
existing software.

PyPI is not different from other software in that respect, e.g. we
need to be careful
with the changes we make and push in production.

But, if Richard sprints again and change the JSON output --let's say
it use to return a mapping,
but now it returns a list with a timestamp as the first member and the
original mapping as the
second member--, he should first explain that change to the ML so
people that potentially
uses the JSON version can be aware of that. In case of doubt, a change
to an existing piece
should be mentioned.

Ideally, as I said in a previous mail, we should document in a single
place (a PEP I guess)
the PyPI specification, and maybe version it.


Tarek Ziadé | http://ziade.org

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