[Python-Dev] proto-pep: plugin proposal (for unittest)

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Jul 30 17:04:27 CEST 2010

On 30/07/2010 15:41, Marty Alchin wrote:
> This is my first post to python-dev, so for those who might not know
> me, I'm the author of Pro Django and more recently, Pro Python.
> I haven't looked at the plugin landscape in a while, but I was very
> disappointed the last time I looked at how complex typical systems
> were in this regard. There seems to be entirely too much time spend
> worrying about type checking, interface requirements and the like.
> Python is based on simple ideas providing simple solutions, and I
> would argue that duck typing is a perfectly acceptable route to take.

There is no type checking or interface requirements in my plugin 
proposal for unittest. It is essentially an event based system.

> I'd suggest that any plugin system proposal start off simple and work
> up as needs arise, rather than trying to cover as many bases as
> possible at the outset. I know it doesn't cover all the bases yet
> (particularly with regard to discoverability), so I'm not throwing it
> in as a proper suggestion, but I'll point out that I wrote up a
> dead-simple plugin system a while back[1] that may provide a useful
> starting point for discussion.

Tarek and I will look at what common ground there is between our plugin 
needs and see if *that* can be usefully abstracted out. FWIW I think PEP 
376 (as amended - needs updating I *believe*) for plugin installation 
and discovery probably covers most of the common ground anyway.

For the actual plugins our two systems are very different.

> I haven't read the existing proposals yet,

If you want to help us this may be a good place to start... ;-)


> but I just wanted to
> breathe a word of caution into this before it gets too far into
> interfaces and whatnot. I'll be glad to help with any discussion that
> takes place on this, though. It'll be a good way to ease into the
> mailing list, since it's an area where I've already spent a good deal
> of thought.
> -Marty
> [1] http://martyalchin.com/2008/jan/10/simple-plugin-framework/
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