[Python-Dev] proto-pep: plugin proposal (for unittest)

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Jul 31 13:57:09 CEST 2010

On 31/07/2010 12:46, Michael Foord wrote:
> [snip...]
> If PEP 376 goes ahead then we could keep the user plugin 

I meant "keep the user config file".


> and use the PEP 376 metadata, in concert with a user config file, to 
> discover all plugins *available*. A plugins subcommand could then 
> activate / deactivate individual plugins by editing (or creating) the 
> config file for the user. This could be bolted *on top* of the config 
> file solution once PEP 376 is in place. It *doesn't* handle the 
> problem of configuring plugins. So long as metadata is available about 
> what configuration options plugins have (through a plugins API) then 
> the plugins subcommand could also handle configuration.
> Installation of plugins would still be done through the standard 
> distutils(2) machinery. (Using PEP 376 would depend on distutils2. I 
> would be fine with this.)
> Another possibility would be to have a zero-config plugin installation 
> solution *as well* as the config files. Create a plugins directory (in 
> the user home directory?) and automatically activate plugins in this 
> directory. This violates TOOWTDI though. As it happens adding a plugin 
> directory would be easy to implement  as a plugin...
> All the best,
> Michael
>> David


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