[Python-Dev] ssl

Kristján Valur Jónsson kristjan at ccpgames.com
Sat Jun 5 10:34:19 CEST 2010

Hello there.
I wanted to do some work on the ssl module, but I was a bit daunted at the prerequisites.  Is there anywhere that I can get at precompiled libs for the openssl that we use?
In general, gettin all those "external" projects seem to be complex to build.  Is there a fast way?

What I want to do, is to implement a separate BIO for OpenSSL, one that calls back into python for writes and reads.  This is so that I can use my own sockets implementation for the actual IO, in particular, I want to funnel the encrypted data through our IOCompletion-based stackless sockets.

If successful, I think this would be a useful addition to ssl.
You would do something like:

class BIO():
  def write(): pass
  def read(): pass

from ssl.import
bio = BIO()
ssl_socket = ssl.wrap_bio(bio, ca_certs=...)

I am new to OpenSSL, I haven't even looked at what a BIO looks like, but I read this:  http://marc.info/?l=openssl-users&m=99909952822335&w=2
which indicates that this ought to be possible.  And before I start experimenting, I need to get my OpenSSL external ready.

Any thoughts?

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