[Python-Dev] Python Library Support in 3.x (Was: email package status in 3.X)

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 14:44:15 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Stephen Thorne <stephen at thorne.id.au> wrote:
>> We are also attempting to enable tax-deductible fund raising to increase
>> the likelihood of David's finding support. Perhaps we need to think
>> about a broader campaign to increase the quality of the python 3
>> libraries. I find it very annoying that the #python IRC group still has
>> "Don't use Python 3" in it's topic.  They adamantly refuse to remove it
>> until there is better library support, and they are the guys who see the
>> issues day in day out so it is hard to argue with them (and I don't
>> think an autocratic decision-making process would be appropriate).
> Yes, #python keeps the text "It's too early to use Python 3.x" in its topic.
> Library support is the only reason.

I do not know what are you intending to do, but my opinion that fund
raising for patching library is a waste of money. PSF should
concentrate on enhancing tools to make lives of library supporters
easier. I do not want to become a maintainer, and I believe there was
a lot of spam about this topic from me. The latest thread was in
http://bugs.python.org/issue9008 in short:

`pydotorg` tools - theres is no:
1. separate commit notifications for the module with ability to reply
to dedicated group for review
2. separate bug tracker category for my module with giving users
ability to change every property of it
3. bug tracker timeline for the module that includes ticket changes,
wiki edits, commits and everything else. Filtered.
4. roadmap page with actual status, plans and coverage
5. dashboard page with links to all the above

`python development tools`:
1. no way to get all related code for the module
  1.1. source code location (repository, branches)
  1.2. source code components (source file, tests, documentation)
2. no code coverage (test/user story/rfc/pep)
3. no convenient way to run module-related tests
4. no code review management process
5. no way to notify interested parties

anatoly t.

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