[Python-Dev] email package status in 3.X

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Jun 18 19:27:46 CEST 2010

On 18/06/2010 18:22, lutz at rmi.net wrote:
>> Python 3.0 was *declared* to be an experimental release, and by most
>> standards 3.1 (in terms of the core language and functionality) was a
>> solid release.
>> Any reasonable expectation about Python 3 adoption predicted that it
>> would take years, and would include going through a phase of difficulty
>> and disappointment...
> Declaring something to be a turd doesn't change the fact that
> it's a turd.

Right - but *you're* the one calling it a turd, which is not a helpful 
approach or likely to achieve *anything* useful. I still have no idea 
what you are actually suggesting.

> I have a feeling that most people outside this
> list would have much rather avoided the difficulty and
> disappointment altogether.
> Let's be honest here; 3.X was released to the community in part
> as an extended beta.

Correction - 3.0 was an experimental release. That is not true of 3.1 
and future releases.

All the best,

> That's not a problem, unless you drop the
> word "beta".  And if you're still not buying that, imagine the sort
> of response you'd get if you tried to sell software that billed
> itself as "experimental", and promised a phase of "disappointment".
> Why would you expect the Python world to react any differently?
>> Whilst I agree that there are plenty of issues to workon, and I don't
>> underestimate the difficulty of some of them, I think "half-baked" is
>> very much overblown. Whilst you have a lot to say about how much of a
>> problem this is I don't understand what you are suggesting be *done*?
> I agree that 3.X isn't all bad, and I very much hope it succeeds.  And
> no, I have no answers; I'm just reporting the perception from downwind.
> So here it is: The prevailing view is that 3.X developers hoisted things
> on users that they did not fully work through themselves.  Unicode is
> prime among these: for all the talk here about how 2.X was broken in
> this regard, the implications of the 3.X string solution remain to be
> fully resolved in the 3.X standard library to this day.  What is a
> common Python user to make of that?
> --Mark Lutz  (http://learning-python.com, http://rmi.net/~lutz)


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