[Python-Dev] Python Library Support in 3.x (Was: email package status in 3.X)

geremy condra debatem1 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 21:02:53 CEST 2010

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Arc Riley <arcriley at gmail.com> wrote:
> python-commandments.org is owned and hosted by the same person (Allen Short
> aka dash aka washort) as pound-python.org which is the "official" website
> for #Python and which links to it.
> #Python is co-managed by Stephen Thorne (aka Jerub) and Allen Short (aka
> dash aka washort).  According to Freenode services, the channel operators
> include more than half the active Twisted Matrix developers, including
> yourself.  Each of you has had the ability to change the topic at any time.
> I may have cast an overly broad net in including you, I don't have IRC logs
> to review.  I do remember that you have contributed a great deal of time to
> helping people in #Python and that you were fairly active as a channel
> operator in #Python when the anti-Py3 rhetoric got started.  Perhaps you can
> shine some light on who is actually responsible for promoting this?
> I'm sorry if we're in uncomfortable finger-pointing mode, but in the spirit
> of critical self-evaluation I think its time we take a long look at who is
> actually representing the Python community in operating our primary
> community help channel and whether that situation should continue.

Amen. I've heard about people being told not to use python3 on the
irc *way* too many times for it to be all make believe.

Geremy Condra

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