[Python-Dev] bytes / unicode

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Jun 21 05:56:17 CEST 2010

On 6/20/2010 9:33 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
> At 07:33 PM 6/20/2010 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> Do you have in mind any tools that could and should operate on both,
>> but do not?
>  From http://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2009-September/004105.html :

Thank for the concrete examples in this and your other post.
I am cc-ing the author of the above.

> """The problem which arises is that unquoting of URLs in Python 3.X
> stdlib can only be done on unicode strings.

Actually, I believe this is an encoding rather than bytes versus unicode 

 > If though a string
> contains non UTF-8 encoded characters it can fail."""

Which is to say, I believe, if the ascii text in the (unicode) string 
has a % encoding of a byte that that is not a legal utf-8 encoding of 

The specific example is

 >>> urllib.parse.parse_qsl('a=b%e0')
[('a', 'b�')]

where the character after 'b' is white ? in dark diamond, indicating an 

parse_qsl() splits that input on '=' and sends each piece to 
unquote() attempts to "Replace %xx escapes by their single-character 
equivalent.". unquote has an encoding parameter that defaults to 'utf-8' 
in *its* call to .decode. parse_qsl does not have an encoding parameter. 
If it did, and it passed that to unquote, then
the above example would become (simulated interaction)

 >>> urllib.parse.parse_qsl('a=b%e0', encoding='latin-1')
[('a', 'bà')]

I got that output by copying the file and adding "encoding-'latin-1'" to 
the unquote call.

Does this solve this problem?
Has anything like this been added for 3.2?
Should it be?

> I don't have any direct experience with the specific issue demonstrated
> in that post, but in the context of the discussion as a whole, I
> understood the overall issue as "if you pass bytes to certain stdlib
> functions, you might get back unicode, an explicit error, or (at least
> in the case shown above) something that's just plain wrong."

As indicated above, I so far think that the problem is with the 
application of the new model, not the model itself.

Just for 'fun', I tried feeding bytes to the function.
 >>> p.parse_qsl(b'a=b%e0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
   File "C:\Programs\Python31\lib\urllib\parse.py", line 377, in parse_qsl
     pairs = [s2 for s1 in qs.split('&') for s2 in s1.split(';')]
TypeError: Type str doesn't support the buffer API

I do not know if that message is correct, but certainly trying to split 
bytes with unicode is (now, at least) a mistake. This could be 'fixed' 
by replacing the typed literals with expressions that match the type of 
the input. But I am not sure if that is sensible since the next step is 
to unquote and decode to unicode anyway. I just do not know the use case.

Terry Jan Reedy

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