[Python-Dev] red buildbots on 2.7

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Jun 21 23:23:23 CEST 2010

On 21/06/2010 22:12, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> If OS X is a supported and important platform for Python then fixing all
>> problems that it reveals (or being willing to) should definitely not be
>> a pre-requisite of providing a buildbot (which is already a service to
>> the Python developer community). Fixing bugs / failures revealed by
>> Bill's buildbot is not fixing them "for Bill" it is fixing them for 
>> Python.
> I wish people would stop using the word "supported" when they talk 
> about free software. *No* system is "supported" by Python - not even 
> in the sense "we strive to pass the test suite". "We" don't.

Well, for better or for worse I think "we" do. We certainly *strive* to 
support these platforms and having the buildbots is a big part of this.

> Now, one may argue whether failing buildbots should be an 
> unconditional reason to defer the release. I personally would say 
> "no", despite what some PEP may say. People proposing that a release 
> is postponed typically hope that somebody gets frustrated enough to 
> step up and fix the bug, just so that the software gets released.
> Instead, I would propose that the only way to delay a release is by 
> proposing to take some specific action to remedy the situation that 
> should cause the delay. Otherwise, releasing is at the discretion of 
> the release manager, who has the ultimate say to whether the problem 
> is important or not.

I would agree with leaving it to the discretion of the release manager 
and we should aim for rather than hard require all stable buildbots to 
be green. I would still *expect* that a release manager would look at 
the stable buildbots before cutting a release.

> As for OSX, it seems that the only test that is failing is the ctypes 
> test suite, and there only a single test. I don't think this is 
> sufficient reason to block the release.
Bill listed several other failures he saw on the buildbots and I see the 
same set, plus test_posix.

All the best,


> Regards,
> Martin


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