[Python-Dev] bytes / unicode

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Jun 23 01:18:29 CEST 2010

On 22/06/2010 19:07, James Y Knight wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 1:03 PM, Ian Bicking wrote:
>> Similarly I'd expect (from experience) that a programmer using Python 
>> to want to take the same approach, sticking with unencoded data in 
>> nearly all situations.
> Yeah. This is a real issue I have with the direction Python3 went: it 
> pushes you into decoding everything to unicode early,

Well, both .NET and Java take this approach as well. I wonder how they 
cope with the particular issues that have been mentioned for web 
applications - both platforms are used extensively for web apps.

Having used IronPython, which has .NET unicode strings (although it does 
a lot of magic to *allow* you to store binary data in strings for 
compatibility with CPython),  I have to say that this approach makes a 
lot of programming *so* much more pleasant.

We did a lot of I/O (can you do useful programming without I/O?) 
including working with databases, but I didn't work *much* with wire 
protocols (fetching a fair bit of data from the web though now I think 
about it). I think wire protocols can present particular problems; 
sometimes having mixed encodings in the same data it seems. Where you 
don't have these problems keeping bytes data and all Unicode text data 
separate and encoding / decoding at the boundaries is really much more 
sane and pleasant.

It would be a real shame if we decided that the way forward for Python 3 
was to try and move closer to how bytes/text was handled in Python 2.

All the best,


> even when you don't care -- all you really wanted to do is pass it 
> from one API to another, with some well-defined transformations, which 
> don't actually depend on it having being decoded properly. (For 
> example, extracting the path from the URL and attempting to open it as 
> a file on the filesystem.)
> This means that Python3 programs can become *more* fragile in the face 
> of random data you encounter out in the real world, rather than less 
> fragile, which was the goal of the whole exercise.
> The surrogateescape method is a nice workaround for this, but I can't 
> help thinking that it might've been better to just treat stuff as 
> possibly-invalid-but-probably-utf8 byte-strings from input, through 
> processing, to output. It seems kinda too late for that, though: next 
> time someone designs a language, they can try that. :)
> James
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