[Python-Dev] Taking over the Mercurial Migration

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Wed Jun 30 10:41:51 CEST 2010

Am 30.06.2010 07:37, schrieb "Martin v. Löwis":
> It seems that both Dirkjan and Brett are very caught up
> with real life for the coming months. So I suggest that
> some other committer who favors the Mercurial transition
> steps forward and takes over this project.
> If nobody volunteers, I propose that we release 3.2
> from Subversion, and reconsider Mercurial migration
> next year.

IIUC, Dirkjan is only caught up for another month.  I have
no problems with releasing a first 3.2 alpha from SVN and
then switching, so I propose that we target the migration
for August -- I can help in the second half of August if


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