[Python-Dev] Desired changes to Hg emails to python-checkins

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Thu Mar 4 21:43:06 CET 2010

Are the diffs gone for some deliberate reason?

I realize the link tells me the changes, but I'll review a lot more code 
if the diffs show up in my inbox than if I have to fire up a browser, 
especially from my phone.


Brett Cannon wrote:
> 1) I miss not having the affected files listed in the subject line.
> 2) The To field is set to hg at python.org <mailto:hg at python.org> which 
> gets rejected as an invalid email address if you reply. Would be better 
> to set it to python-checkins so that the habitual reply to a checkin 
> won't get rejected.
> At least I would like to see these changes happen.
> -Brett
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